That looks like a very nice organiser. The website just seems to go through to a log on page! The pen loop looks like it is for the pen to be inserts from the bottom, as it looks like it is tapered? Tri-Folds have some advantages, but don't seem to be popular with makers! Van der Spek have made some custom tri-folds in various sizes. It looks like it is fitted with Krause rings.
Hmmmm, website under maintenance ... or something more permanent? The tapering of the pen loop is just a trick of the light - it's the same width all the way down.
Thank you Graham. It’s a Beauty. Sounds like it weighs less than a leather Franklin Classic Binder. Enjoy!
That looks like a very nice organiser. The website just seems to go through to a log on page! The pen loop looks like it is for the pen to be inserts from the bottom, as it looks like it is tapered?
Tri-Folds have some advantages, but don't seem to be popular with makers! Van der Spek have made some custom tri-folds in various sizes.
It looks like it is fitted with Krause rings.
Hmmmm, website under maintenance ... or something more permanent? The tapering of the pen loop is just a trick of the light - it's the same width all the way down.
Vintage Giudi fantastic
Made in Italy, leather tuscany vegetable.