The part about service in germany is actually about respecting your privacy. The level of service you normally get in the US is somewhat alienating to germans. For example i want to choose my own table and not be seated. Also i don't want a waiter to come every five minutes to ask if i need something or want a refill - i'm there to relax and enjoy time with my friends, so i don't want to be interrupted all the time. So in germany it is the other way around: the waiter comes if you call them and does things if you ask them. it's meant to be a feature to give you your own space and respect your privacy.
Yeah american service would feel intrusive and occasionally condescending to me. Like i am able to call you if I need something and I'm perfectly capable of finding an empty table all by my lonesome self. And if I wasn't I'd have help independent of the restaurant. It's funny how ones experiences shapes ones outlook.
@@sophienugre4161 agreed. just like at the drive through and getting asked 'so, what are your plans this afternoon?' conversation is no problem, but if i'm having a conversation in the car, i dont like answering questions neither of us care about.
But it is not only that. It is also what they say it is very “matter-of-factly”, plain and direct, and the way they say it does not sound as friendly as in the US. In Germany, they treat you as a stranger; in the US, they treat you like a friend.
@@TheSimmpleTruth the matter of factliness is seen as honesty in Germany and a kind thing to do. We don't belive in saying nice things that are not meant that way, because to us that would be deceiving. For example if a German invites you to their home or dinner that's meant that way.
+Nicolajovic I totally agree. Since it has gotten so weird on the TV, I don't want to watch it anymore... So I watch only american and british weird stuff :D
As a german, what was really shocking when going to the UK was the customer service. People where so friendly that it actually made me feel bad. Makes you realise what your own country must be like to others.
well on the other side everybody is so nice and kind to everyone. so you really don't know if they really like you or not. and it's very hard to make new friends..
well i really don't like that fake american over the top friendlieness... they are smiling at you and saying nice things but i bet most of them in customer service think "f u" :D
Not sure if it's common but the thing that shocked me when I visited Germany was the restaurants would serve beer like it was water, just serving it to everyone of us without even asking, like it was a standard.
Cologne specification…if you dont put your „Bierdeckel“ on your Bierglas this a sign for the Water (Köbes) That your „Glas is not Full“ and keeps servings
I'm from Germany and the most shocking thing about this video is why you or the americans find the mentioned topics so shocking at all. I'm sure I have as many wrong ideas about the typical american but I stil find it strange that you have to do a video to tell people how wrong they are about Germany. And why would you make jokes about nazis? What is so funny about a history of killing millions of people. Even if the americans didn't cause the 2nd WW I don't unterstand why they think nazi jokes are funny at all. Do you make jokes about slavery or the civil war in america as well?
+Tiny Karina Jokes are jokes peoples make them about everything including nazi. Fanny about the nazies was their delusional narcissistic idea of being the leathers of the world. Sick bastards and their offspring.
+Tiny Karina Ja, vorallem die sagen immer "Man macht über sowas keine Witze ist solange her" (also die Amis) sobald man sie mit dem Vietnamkrieg oder dem Irak konfrontiert.
Kenny it's considered pretty rude to not leave a tip. Especially when you were satisfied with the service. I did refuse to pay once or twice my whole life because the toilets were dirty..
+8thHorcrux And this nazi joke thing is a little bit complicated. We do nazi jokes too...but just in small groups (with friends) 'cause in public there are some idiots... and they don't understand sarcasm so they think you're a nazi. Also I think we dont like nazi jokes about germany when americans doing them.
+8thHorcrux I think it's funny how Americans are shocked to find out that most people do not like Nazi jokes very much but DONT YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT 9/11 OH NO YOU'LL BE STONED TO DEATH!!!
8thHorcrux I wasn't suggesting that. I was just pointing out how Americans are surprised about the majority of Germans not finding Nazi jokes funny but they themselves are immediately SO offended if anyone says ANYTHING about 9/11.
as a german myself, we dont "hate" nazi jokes, we actually bring up many ourselves and are able to make jokes with that. WHAT we hate is this clischee of "Every german is a nazi"... That really is a problem.. so.. doing jokes about nazis is ok and well probably laugh about them, but never call a german a nazi, we hate nazis and its not unusual that you walk along a street and see that there's a sticker or painting on wall or sth saying "Fuck Nazis!" or "Hate nazis"
I'm partly German and would agree. I also dislike it somewhat. One can say that's just associating Germany with WW2. I reckon invariably it's for instance being arrogant, immature, living in the past, and being typical of human nature to focus on negative things. History is also always written by the victors.
As a German I have to correct you on the socks in sandals thing. To look like a true German you can't just wear any type of socks. The socks have to be high tennis socks, and most importantly they have to be white and worn along with short trousers.
Actually the people in front of train stations are homeless. I am surprised , that this is shocking you, because I thought there are homeless people in every country.
+thePacman175 I think there are a lot more homeless people in the US than in Germany. But maybe it's a german thing that they all seem to gather at the train stations.
+thePacman175 Not homeless ppl only, he said "assis", antisocial ppl i assume he meant, especially if i think of mainstation hannover, or Berlin , just a bunch of punks who drink beer together or all kind of subculture tend to do this.
+thePacman175 actualy not everyone of them is homless. Some yes but the most not. Im german an live in Trier and whe have some lets call them "hotspots" for jobless people who dont have anything better to do than drinking alcohol with their friends at this spots. One of this "hotspots" is directly infront of the train station. They are mostly harmless espeacialy the older ones. Perhaps they will ask you for an ciggaret but they are mostly friendly and polite with that. At least the ones I encountered.
Well, you can just ignore the toiletwoman, but it would be considered rude. It is simply a tip for the one keeping the toilet clean. At the Autobahn paying is mandatory however - but who complains about THAT never went to a toilet in the pre-2000-era or at our neighbours in France...geez, you'll appreciate a clean toilet then, and hygiene costs money to sustain ^^ And germans being a bit annoyed if you "mention the war"? What a shock...I mean, just imagine I'd come over to the US and make jokes like "Oh, you silly Native-Indian-Killers!" or "Haha, you enslaved all these blacks for centuries!" etc - wouldn't come across as good manners and funny either ... though we eased a bit on the Nazi-stuff in recent years, making fun of that as well, and even laughing at the Panzer-Jokes from the British... Oh, and expecting all germans to wear Lederhosen and Dirndl is like expecting all US-Americans running around in Cowboy-Outfits - Bavaria might be the equivalent to Texas in that regard. And yeah, you usually don't go to restaurants as a german to eat german food/pork-variations. You go to your mom for that ^^ She does the best Schweinebraten anyway...with Knödel and Rotkraut...
The cowboy outfit comparison is actually quite a good one. Since it's a lot more common in the U.S. to walk around in what we here in Germany would consider typical cowboy clothing, with snake leather boots or crocodile which no-one in Germany would dare walk around in outside the carnival season etc (at least in a lot of areas throughout the country), I can actually understand why some U.S. citizens might expect Germans to do it similarly with lederhosen and dirndls.
That shit with the whole Nazi area is so true. But you forgot the mass slaughtering of innocent Vietnamese citizens in a war that was started because a country would eventually become communist (how extremely... Unimportant. Just... Leave them alone for fucks sake). And also the war crimes called "Little boy" and "big boy", the two nuclear bombs launched only with hitting two cities full of innocent people in mind. And what about Kuba ? We still could go on. So please Americans out there: Stop bothering us with that Nazi shit. We are over it. We don't remind you of your countless crimes and brutal wars ect. in history either. Also: WE at least TRIED to do something to say sorry to the countries we'd attack in WWII. What did you ever do to roll up your crimes ? Think about it.
I think the Nazi-thing is simliar to the afro-Americans and the N-Word. If we Germans make the joke, it's okay because we sitting in the same boat. PS: You totally right with the food ;)
I am german and I absolutely loved your video! A lot of times I feel a bit offended by these types of videos but you talk about us in such a positive and lovely way! I just love the video and everything you said was so true- made me smile! We really don't like jokes about Nazis though and a lot of people don't understand that so I really truly appreciate your seriousness when you talked about that. Love having you in my country!
I'm german and if you drop a good Nazi joke I'd give you a high five. Most of these social things probably only apply on older people, everyone < 30 in Germany is basically American :D
ich glaube eher dass das daher kommt dass man nazi von einem ausländer als ernst auffassen könnte, ich mache auch ständing naziwitze oder lache über diverse minderheiten aber iwürde ich ins ausland gehen würde ich nicht erwarten dass leute es cool finden Schlitzauge oder Savanenläufer oder Hürdenspringer (mexikaner (überqueren die grenze(hürde))) genannt zu werden auch wenn sie selbst drüber lachen könnten es macht auch nen unterschied über nazis zu lachen oder einen deutschen stumpf nen nazi zu nennen ist zwar auch sehr vorurteilhaft aber amerikaner sind ziemlich taktlos (welche ich kennen lernte)
The toilet, really? Germany is the only goddamn country that does it right when it comes to hygenic crapping. Ever heard of france? That is going to scar you for life.
Gotta set some things right here before it gets weird: - In restrooms in restaurants or bars you are never forced to pay to go to the toilet, it's just considered good manners to leave a tip for the "toilet woman". On the other hand you can always expect the toilets to be very clean. I've been to Italy once and I've been shocked how dirty most toilets are there. However, some public restrooms (especially those on the Autobahn) force you to pay. But again, they are pretty clean considering how many people use them. - The shelf on the toilet is basically there so that when you poop the water doesn't splash on your butt. Though most modern toilets don't have this shelf anymore, it's just personal preference. - The swastika flag is illegal, though owning "Mein Kampf" is not. It's considered a historical document and thus can't be considered sedition. However it is forbidden to print it in Germany because the owner of the copyright is Bavaria and they don't want it to be printed and didn't give the rights to print it to any publisher. - Regarding Nazi jokes: We don't find it funny because it's not only annoying and boring after 70 years, it's also onedimensional. Germany has a very long history and brought the world a lot of technical and cultural advancement just to be wiped out by a period of time that didn't even last 30 years. Just imagine everyone in the world would only make slave jokes when talking about the USA. It's a part of our history we're not proud of but we accept it but you also have to consider that antisemitism, facism and genocide weren't a German invention alone. The rest is surprisingly pretty much on point :D Didn't think too much about that crack in the bed but you're right. Guess it's because we really like our standard sizes, that goes for mattresses aswell.
I moved to a German-medium high school in Australia after being bullied at my "mainstream" high school... I couldn't understand all the stereotypes I heard afterwards about how unwelcoming Germans were, because they were so welcoming and friendly to me at school! I fitted in quickly and made friends despite barely speaking any German when I started there... I still don't understand German stereotypes. Haven't been to Germany or Austria since I was 8 but definitely want to go back at some point.
Oh, and the "Germans don't have a sense of humour" stereotype? I always responded to that with, "Germans do have a sense of humour, you're just not smart enough to understand the jokes." German humour is closer to British humour than to, say, American or French humour, but a lot of the jokes are lost in translation... which is a stereotype, but true.
etzt auf Deutsch. Ich finde, dass man KEINE Witze über das reißen sollte, was die Nazis an Verbrechen getan haben. Das sollte man nicht beschönigen oder sogar für lustig halten. Ebenso finde ich es abartig, wenn man in Witzen oder in anderen verbalen Kommunikationen uns Deutsche als Nazis oder als nationalsozialistisch stigmatisiert. Jedoch kann man, meiner Meinung nach, Witze über Hitler als Person machen. Abgesehen davon, dass es solche Menschen verdient haben, sollte man Witze machen und vor allem sarkastisch sein. Dadurch wird doch erst an das gedacht was damals passiert ist, vor allem in der jüngeren Generation. Kein kleines Kind interessiert sich für Dokus oder andere Infoquellen in denen es darum geht. Wenn aber Bezugspersonen Witze reißen und lachen bekommen sie es mit und irgendwann wird es hinterfragt. --"Wer ist den dieser Hitler?"--. Für den ausschlaggebenden Punkt halte ich vor allem, dass niemand jemamden folgt oder nacheifert, über den man lacht und den man für dumm verkaufen tut. Aber man MUSS immer darauf achten wo die Grenzen sind→ Siehe Jan Böhmermann. Wo diese sind ist wieder ein andere Thema.
Blubb mitBlobb Ich finde es nur scheiße, dass alle immer an Nazis denken, wenn sie deutsch hören. Klar, das war schlimm aber mal ehrlich: anders als die anderen Länder haben wir wenigstens halbwegs versucht, das wieder gut zu machen. Oder jetzt die Flüchtlingskrise, wer war da am tolerantesten? Ja.. aufjedenfall nicht die Engländer
Faragan you do know that If you do Nazi related stuff in Public its a crime? Like If you Just say youre a German=Nazi thats Just rude but if you do the Hitler Pose or have a Hakenkreuz somewhere on you its a heavy crime.
One thing that shocked me about Germany was their inability to run trains on time. We had more punctual trains in Italy. Perhaps we were unlucky, but from the four trains we took from Heerlen (the Netherlands) via Aachen to Cologne (Köln) and back, only the first one left on time. Driven by a Dutch driver, I should add. Also, at the time (but this is like 10 years ago) you needed a Ph.D. to understand the ticketing machines at a railway station. Since all Germans have a Ph.D., it's not a problem for them, I suppose.
u're absoutely right its horrible. The train grid is to much frequented for its size. An cargo trains and trains for persons are using the same trails, so its no wonder.
+Sapplejuice I found some discussion on reddit a while back.. There are two groups of people: The ones that wipe and flush while sitting and the ones that wipe and flush after standing up, and both groups don't know about each other. Seems to be true.
I loooooved Germany! What shocked me as an American was just how beautiful the country was, how cool everyone was, and how many castles there were - like everywhere. I don't recall paying for toilets unless they were the modern ones that self-cleaned...I don't remember really having to pay anywhere else? And I don't think I ever saw any homeless? I was there like 17 years ago now so maybe some things have changed but it was great...would love to return. :-)
Hey, the bums and street punks here (or Assis, they don't mind mostly) are almost universally nice and cool people; they simply fell through the cracks of our social system (which is mostly functional, but far from perfect.)
+Chester Rico Yes, but they beg outside train stations? While your government welcomes a million immigrants a year and sets them all up with free houses and free money, with no requirement for them to work. That sounds like a fair society!!
myastroflight Those street kids and hobos get welfare too (everybody gets it), and most of them might have had homes once. *But* the older people among them might've lost those homes due to alcoholism, mental health issues, abuse and violence, failure to adapt/play nice with the jobcenter, etc. The younger ones might be having family problems (same list of issues as above, basically) and the state won't give you a home if you're below a certain age. The reasons can be many; and believe you me, once you're homeless, you fucking stay homeless. Nobody is gonna rent an apartment to you if you live on the street, even if you could easily afford one due to basic welfare. There are shelters and community homes for younger people, but those places are violent, hellish and depressing most of the time. Shelters for older homeless folks are apparently so bad, most bums I've talked to flat-out say that they'd rather sleep on a nice bench or in a park whenever the weather allows. EDIT: before you ask, the basic welfare isn't enough to live on the street comfortably (the very notion is ridiculous anyway), since everything is insanely expensive on the streets. Want to drink water? You don't have a tap; gotta buy bottled. Want to shower? You can pay 5-10 euros for a public shower facility or bathhouse (although almost no bathhouse will let you even step in the door if you even remotely *look* homeless.) I could go on.
+Jazzy As a matter of fact they do wear Diesel jeans, Jordan running shoes and Addidas caps. They are also young but would never care joint their army to defend their country. BTW I have relatives living in Calais who were told by the police and the municipality to leave their 30-y-o house for so-called refugees so Yeah we are here to exist in Europe to kiss muslim asses to the brink of extinction
Actually, plastic money is accepted in a great many of places, just not regular credit cards like VISA or Mastercard. The European flavour is called EC (eurocheque) card, which is a debit card issued mainly by banks, and you can pay nearly everywhere with that, upwards of the baker and newsagent. The reason being that the credit card companies charge the shops a HELL of a lot of money, but the EC card system does not, and everybody who has a checking account at a bank automatically gets an EC card and PIN.
DerKleineToad yeah, though especially in Hannover many of the waiters are just students from the university who need some extra cash, hence they aint trained that good and may seem rude. But I totally agree, it's interesting to hear what he thinks about us germans xD
Please don't call the homeless people 'Assis' because that's an insult. Furthermore it's bad slang. Kids or inmature people may use this expression but it's not suitable for a serious conversation. The term 'Obdachlose' would be fine without negative connotation. Other than that: good video. I'm sure foreign travellers will get some helpfull advice.
So many memories of riding the train. I started taking it at 15 going to Frankfurt shopping. When I didn't have money to buy a ticket I rode in the bathroom. It was only for 20 minutes. Lol. I rode it to work at 97th as I got older. I lived there from 72 to 96 and then visited every year after until my mother passed away.
warum schreibst du dann sowas? ich meine politisch betrachtet ist bayern der letzte ort in deutschland in dem ich leben wollen würde. aber bitte fühle dich jetzt nicht sei denn du bist politiker xD
I live in Germany and These Thinges schock Germany too... Except the Pork fact... Give me my Steak and my Chips/Pommes with Ketchup!!!! ;D And those ugly Tourist Outfits are just those 70+ Year Old people ;) (i think)
Felix Laukötter haha ja achso ich dachte du meinst, dass das alles unbekannte Fakten wären, weil naja also mir waren die schpn alle klar. Aber Socken in Sandalen sind wirklich nicht das heißeste da hast du recht :D
You are so right. I moved to Germany in 2000. I have experienced all those things except the Nazi jokes which I feel are totally tasteless in a country where the generation that experienced the war were probably not more than 10 years old and hate what happened with the 3rd Reich. It took time to learn German (not an easy language grammatically) and to get to know my neighbours. They were wonderful. They welcomed me with open arms, helped me to learn their language and are still close friends 15 year later. I made so many mistakes with the language and they laughed with me , never at me. I really didn't expect to love Germany as much as I do today. I now live in Bavaria and all the traditions that go with the Bavarin culture. It is a lot of fun and I would recommend anyone who wants a holiday where one feels secure, cared for and 'well-fed' to come to Germany.
That's what you are supposed to think, and thus pay. But most of the time, some company does the cleaning and are payed eg by shopowners, the city, etc. and then some retired woman is placed there at minimum wage to collect some additional money. The advantage is only that most people behave more civilized when there is someone watching the place, and who maybe restocks paper. For real restaurants (not including small "take-away" shops) there are laws to offer free toilets to customers.
das gleiche dachte ich auch. als ich in den USA war sah ich WEITAUS mehr obdachlose als hier in deutschland. und in den USA ist man als obdachloser wirklich arm dran, hier wird einem an allen Ecken noch geholfen wenn man denn die Hilfe annehmen möchte als Obdachloser. Grade als Ami dachte ich er müsste doch am ehesten wissen, wie es ist mit Obdachlosen auf der Straße, aber er scheint so als wäre er wirklich geschockt :D
***** i live in germany and like the original commenter said, i never have to pay for public toilets except sometimes on roadtrips but never in the city
Im german and its funny to watch this because I felt complimented when you said Germans can be friendly :D Its actually funny that you mentioned so many things that I thought were normal and didn't even notice... but okay haha I know more about my own country now 😂
I was born in Austria and have often visited Germany. This guy is the real thing. What he says is very very true, with a great sense of humor, but more importantly insight full. He makes me want me to go back tomorrow. Thank you and Bravo.
This "typical German tourist " as you described it is normally 60+. Wearing a vest a sandals with socks is definitely not a "normal " tourist thing here.
Marc steppi what are you talking about? No one gets offended by mocking trump, even trump supporters laugh along with any joke about him that isn’t crap. If your joke is “ha trump is racist” yeah it won’t get as many laughs but that’s because it’s just not a good joke.
slavery guilt jokes only works if you actually know ex slave owner family/plantation. also, black ppl were the victim so it wouldnt be the same. atleast the germans are a shame of their nazi past.
+Phan Bandgirl Das dachte ich früher auch immer ;) Auch die 'Ritze' im Doppelbett war für sie neu. Absolut geflasht war sie, als wir in der Hofeinfahrt mit ihr und den Nachbarn gegrillt und Gitarre gespielt haben. Diese lockere und 'coole' Art hatte sie in England noch NIE erlebt. Das war für mich ein Riesenkompliment :)
Gorden Ziemlicher Schwachsinn wird in dem Video behauptet. Am meisten regt mich das mit den Pennern am Bf auf. In Amerika ist das viel schlimmer. Da kann man noch nichtmal ruhe in einem Park sitzen ohne von einem Penner oder Crack junkee angesprochen zu werden.
Also ich kenne nen paar Russen die immer dachten dass wir mit Lederhosen Rum laufen und dass wir Sauerkraut VEREHREN 😂😂😂 Illuminati Confirmed? Mein Dritter Vorname ist Kolja 😝
From a german perspective this video is so funny. All things are true (little exaggerated), but as the video stated you will not find everything everywhere. Germany is a very heterogenous country. From a US perspective Germany might seem like a small country (about the size of Montana, less than California), but you will find more regional differences than in between west coast / east coast / Florida or Texas. One very important point (maybe the most important thing to know) is totally missing. Most germans are very direct. We say out loud what we think and let you deal with it. You might feel offended, but its the most honest and most effective form of communication. No lies, no useless pretended sympathy, no exaggerated kindness. You will always know how we feel about you - no need to guess. But also be aware that irony and sarcasm is widespread amongst younger people (< 40 year old). It seemes to me that the quantity of "Sheldon Coopers" is considerably higher in the US than in Germany. ... and be aware that we have more humor than you can imagine. I don't think of me as a most notably funny guy, but whenever I am in contact with people from other countries (even within europe), that have not been to germany, one of the first things I hear is: "You are nothing like a typical german." Think about it. The stereotype may exist, but its really hard to find. :D
I lived in Germany for 2 years and I loved it. Your videos are great! And the crack in the bed was completely annoying. Totally agree. I would say some of the things that shocked me, besides what you mentioned, was the fact that many Germans wore the crap out of their clothes- until they had holes. I found this pretty interesting. They are much less superficial than us as far as clothes and makeup are concerned...well, understated, lets say. Also they would cycle in the snow and ice.... And renting a place 'kalt", ridiculous water bills....!
+woltersworld Hmm, not sure about that, though. I have NEVER heard of anybody renting a flat or anything "kalt". Sure they tell you about the price differences. How much you pay for the "Nebenkosten" I guess. But I never even heard of the possibility of renting a place "kalt"?!
+fluffynamedkimba My God where were you in Germany ....... ....... superficially holes in the clothes ........ ??????? Are you totally stupid ... ?????? The biggest proletarians are here, for example, in Caifornia ... !!!!!! ...... America has the predicate ... to be superficially .... and a taste with clothes or the women with their make-up or here in California with their purchased s breasts - OH,,,,,,,,, shame..............AMERIKA........
Well, I live in Germany and I've never heard of these "Shelf-Toilettes" you've talked about :D Also, the Crack in the Middle of the bed is only sometimes there ;)
Sandalen+Socken inkl. Weste trägt hier doch nur noch der alt eingesessene Renter. Wie man auf dem Bild auch wunderbar sieht, ne klassische Kaffeefahrt...
Cune Ja, aber ich glaube er meinte eher, dass die Obdachlosen und mystische Gestalten bei uns eben am Bahnhof sitzen. In anderen Ländern halten die sich vielleicht wo anders auf. (Bin mir nicht sicher, ist ne Vermutung)
LongPlays da hast du teilweise recht, aber in deutschland gibt es die wenigsten obdachlosen. im vergleich zu americanern ist das sehr gut. ich sehe hier täglich viel mehr obdachlose als in deutschland damals und nicht nur weil usa mehr einwohner hat
tandeanna Ich kenn' mich leider nicht so gut mit Toiletten aus, weswegen ich leider nicht weiß was du mit 'Hoch-/Tieflader' meinst. Ich weiß nur, dass ich mich drauf setzte und mein Geschäft darauf verrichte .-.
mention next time that we also loooove wild (deer) served with knödel and Sauerkraut :D especiall in the Spessart and rhön Highlands of northern Bavaria and southern hessia XD
like seriously xD this is so awkward, those toilets have been designed like 50 years ago ... thats why the toilet grannie is sitting there ;D im pretty sure there are normal toilets too ^^
definitely should here in northern bavaria / spessart regions :) and btw: beef sausage is really well liked too!!! called Rindswurst ;D Currywurst they mostly ask if you want beef (red sausage) or pork (white sausage) :D
im from germany and live here. you should know that the germans like to eat Döner. thats a turkish- german snack with vegetables yogurtsauce and a lots of lamb meat. there are a lots of variations of it but the source of it is a turkish food called kebap and the toilettes are normaly normal 😂😂 dont panic
actually, not only Americans think about Germany based on Bavarian stereotypes. Maybe that's Germany's cultural export, that is why so many people confuse Bavarian customs with Germany as a whole. Only when I came to Svabia (Federal State of Mercedes and Porsche), for example, I realized, how different regional food can be. Käsespätzle became for instance one of my favourite foods. One more thing that has to be mentioned, are the dialects. People might be shocked to know that Germans in the South have serious problems with understanding people from the north when they both speak their dialects.
germany needs to stop being so ashamed of there past damnit americans never feel guilt about dropping a nuke on japan so they need to chill out a little
+LordKaiser Rhus I'm not quite sure whether the Germans should stop being ashamed of their past or whether the Americans should actually start being ashamed of theirs.....
+LordKaiser Rhus Because American history is not all glory either. There were Indians that were kicked out of their reservations because white settlers wanted to move into the territory (government ordered or supported). Then there was slavery in the South. Segregation of black people (Dr. Martin Luther King). Vietnam war rather controversial, Hiroshima, KKK. That record is what immediately comes to my mind and I'm German and don't know American history that well. These days we can be proud of all the shootings, racism, inner city gangs.... I think most countries have their share of dark history.
I also thought so, honestly, till I went to Germany as an exchange student from Turkey. I was surprised to see how friendly and welcoming you guys can be! Honest, reliable, friendly...Lovely overall :)
+An account Thank you, it is really cheering me up to read this. I hope in the future more people will not judge, until they see it for themselves. I'm sure, you yourself are a wonderful person, with all those positive character traits, you mentioned. Unfortunately I've never been to Turkey, but I'm sure, I will some day. :D
I don't really understand why you are so surprised about the toilet fee. Are public toilets in restaurants, department stores, etc. in the USA really free of charge? But that isn't typical German but everywhere in Europe. If somebody is interested in that: the toilet charge is usually 50ct in a department store or a bar and €1 in train stations. However, it is always free at airports and "better" restaurants.
I live in Germany and I never had to pay for toilets except on highway restrooms. Maybe its a local thing but if you go to a store you can just ask to use a toilet and in a restaurant you dont even need to ask
Ok. It might work that you just enter the toilet without paying the lady in front of it. But in some situations there are barriers so that you really need to pay, e.g. autobahn restrooms, at railway stations, public toilets in the cities, etc. And if you refuse to pay at a McDonald's, sometimes they don't say anything, but sometimes they won't let you in. Das könnte aber auch daran liegen, dass du Schwabe bist, denn als besonders großzügig ist diese Bevölkerungsgruppe ja nun nicht gerade bekannt :-)
+Chris Duane No health insurance for everyone and payable medicine sounds kinda more backwards for me.. i would rather pay 20€ in my life, than paying 8000$ for the birth of my child.
You basically explained the difference in service yourself^^ It's not that easy to make an acquaintance and no one expects the waiter/waitress to become an acquaintance. People who go out to eat want to sit with their friends and have a nice conversation with their friends - no be interrupted every 2-5 minutes by an overly friendly waiter. That just gets annoying very fast.
Yep and I am an Ex-German now South African :-) . I haven't been in Germany for 36 years. The reason why ones shits on a flat platform is because Germans are health paranoid and, as you can see on Google street few, as well "Datenschutz" paranoid.
+TheErdnussMarmelade of corse and why not. its interesting 4 me to know how people of other countrys are see us. plus its a sighn of culture and openess if you reflect urselve .... something the americans almost completly lost or forgett im afraid.
I'm German and I just wanted to tell you guys, that the beds are separated because if you would like to share a room with a friend or someone else, who's not your partner, you can most of the time separate the beds. It's more easy for the hotel management, because they can put all those double-bedrooms together and you don't have to pay more for a partner-bed or separated beds
Love Germany! Wasn’t shocked but totally different than U.S.. Restaurants are quiet, everyone talks at reduced volume, no loud music playing. And after dinner some restaurants provide a small glass of Schnapps. Love this!
As an Italian I always feel heavily stereotyped whenever i go abroad, but i honestly didn't realized how much stereotyped is really Germany outside Europe. Nonetheless you'll just read nice comments, tips and compliments under here. Gotta love the very underrated German people ❤
i am coming from south of germany (Freiburg - visit it!) and its funny to watch this kind of videos about "my" country from US prospectiv :) But today... I moved to Switzerland, visit us here! cheers
I am not from Germany but Austria and I just can say we were shocked by the service in the US because in our country everything in gastronomy has to be as perfect as it can get, everything has to be fast (the guest should not notice that they are waiting for anything)...I don't know if it is everywhere in the US like this but when we waited for the first couple of times it was really strange for us...maybe we just have another timing... :)
You can buy "Mein Kampf" since a few months, but it is comendet and a bit censored a bit. And it is out of store cause to much people wanted to buy it...
hey, im from germany and i saw some unfriendly comments but i think ur video is funny! and also interesting to see how someone else sees germany. And jeah! its true! the toilet think! I think our toilet shape is a good idea but the money thing... jeah. I think the 'toilet woman' i not as common as those automats you have to give money to even enter the toiletroom. its EVERYWHERE (in other european countrys i've been to, its not and the toilets are still clean so jeah thats not impossible) but the toilet woman/man... puuh. its true u don't HAVE to give them money but.. idk... i think im really afraid of those people, guarding the toilets. they really give you THE look so you just give them some money... just in case.... but whats absolutly wrong is the first fact! we have a very small amount of homeless people and all of them (at least all of those i spoke too) are really friendly, espacially the punks :) we have a good social system which is working (at least most of the times). and i cant believe there are no homeless people in the usa Oo
The toilets scare me :) and I don't see them as much as I used to. That is for sure. Glad you saw the humor in the video. It's meant to be a fun tourist friendly video. And just wait for the US shock video :) you will enjoy it.
+AyanoHitomi It may be only a small portion of homeless people in Germany but it is very common to see some of them around bigger train stations and the bigger cities. If you are not used to it it can be quite shoking and scare people. So I think its a good thing that people know that homeless people over here will just leave you alone ^^ @woltersworld I really enjoyed the video. Its always fun if someone is making fun about stereotypes. Especially if there is some truth in them :)
daemon7777 so this is diffrent to other countrys? I actually never realized that :O but i haven't been to the usa so... but jeah if people are not used to it they should know they are super friendly :)
You mentioned the sausages, but Germany is also the home of bread. They have every kind of bread and pretzel, and if you wait too late in the morning to visit your local bakery, they could all be sold. Along with the bed cracks goes the absence of a cover sheet. In Germany it's all about the duvet! No AC can be a shocker in the southern cities during the summer. They also don't have fans or screens on the windows. Of course the bugs aren't as bad here as in the States, but we still get SOME flies, bees & moths. They're just way more comfortable with it in Germany than we are.
imagine urself brwosing rnd vids on youtube and then just seeing a photo that can only be taken directly out of ur house just for seconds ...darn creeped the hell of me O:o
Being a correct German I have to mention that it´s the magnetic stripe on the EC card which is used for most of the payments. The chip is optional and for kind of loading money from your account directly on this chip. so to say. By using the magnetic strip (= EC Karte) it is debited from your account. Well it is funny that still Americans think Germany = traditional Bavaria and all Germans are correct and in time.
+Happy Maker That's not correct. The chip is not only used for loading money on the card it is also used mainly for electonric cash where you enter a pin in an electronic device and debit payments. The chip is used much more than the magnetic strip. The magnetic strip is outdated because of security issues, it's only used for backwards compatibility. But the chip is the number one usage.
Happy Maker Every EC card has a chip today. The cards without chip are very old or you are a in a special bank. As i said before, the magnetic strip is there for backwards compatibly. Not every shop owner has a card reader that works with the chip. This also applies especially to shops in Europe but outside of Germany. For more informations you can read here (in German): www n-tv de/ratgeber/Girokarte-mit-Chip-kommt-article10086831.html
+Happy Maker, auf Deutsch: Der Chip enthält nur die Kontodaten. Auf den Magnetstreifen lässt sich Geld direkt draufladen, also dezentral. So war das, meine ich.
I as a German have no idea why this exists either. You almost exclusively find it with old toilets though. My grandparents still have toilets like that but they are literally the only ones I can think of. In other parts of Germany they might still be more prevalent though.
Emil Müller Nordrhein Westfalen. I've lived here for all my life and I can't remember ever seeing one of those toilets with a shelf in a bathroom build after 1980.
We don't have that in our toilets here in the U.S., at least not that I've seen. But there's an easy low tech way to accomplish the same thing. Before you sit down to do your business, drop a couple squares of toilet paper in to the water, flat on top of the water. Then just do your business like normal, no sound, no splash. We also have the 'courtesy flush'. Right after you go, immediately after, before you've even cleaned yourself up, you flush, then you do your wiping, then flush again when done - this prevents any smell from what you filled the toilet up with from having time to permeate the room. Personally, i'm much less concerned about sounds, more concerned about avoiding the smell or the splash.
Maybe that shelf is there so if you drunkenly drop something in the toilet that's not supposed to be there, you have a better chance to find it and retrieve it.
Americans and their prejudices ... Could it be true, that the americans didn`t much learn about the NS-Time in Europe? Nothing about this time and this topic is funny. That should be also clear in the US.. If Americans make jokes about the Nazis they haven`t any knowledge about it.... ...Greetings from Germany... (Könnte es sein, dass die Amerikaner nicht viel über die NS-Zeit in Europa lernen? Nichts von dieser Zeit oder von diesem Thema ist witzig. Das sollte auch in den USA klar sein!... Wenn Amerikaner Witze über Nazis machen haben sie keine Ahnung davon...)
Der Kommentar war recht hastig und mit ein wenig Wut verfasst. Da muss ich das wohl übersehen haben. Es ging aber natürlich eher um diesen behinderten Fakt mit den Naziwitzen.
The part about service in germany is actually about respecting your privacy. The level of service you normally get in the US is somewhat alienating to germans. For example i want to choose my own table and not be seated. Also i don't want a waiter to come every five minutes to ask if i need something or want a refill - i'm there to relax and enjoy time with my friends, so i don't want to be interrupted all the time. So in germany it is the other way around: the waiter comes if you call them and does things if you ask them. it's meant to be a feature to give you your own space and respect your privacy.
Yeah american service would feel intrusive and occasionally condescending to me. Like i am able to call you if I need something and I'm perfectly capable of finding an empty table all by my lonesome self. And if I wasn't I'd have help independent of the restaurant. It's funny how ones experiences shapes ones outlook.
@@sophienugre4161 agreed. just like at the drive through and getting asked 'so, what are your plans this afternoon?' conversation is no problem, but if i'm having a conversation in the car, i dont like answering questions neither of us care about.
Same in the UK. We are SO much closer culturally to Germany and Scandinavia than we are to America.
But it is not only that. It is also what they say it is very “matter-of-factly”, plain and direct, and the way they say it does not sound as friendly as in the US. In Germany, they treat you as a stranger; in the US, they treat you like a friend.
@@TheSimmpleTruth the matter of factliness is seen as honesty in Germany and a kind thing to do. We don't belive in saying nice things that are not meant that way, because to us that would be deceiving. For example if a German invites you to their home or dinner that's meant that way.
The most shocking thing in Germany is RTL.
Haha !!
Oh no
and RTL 2😂😂
+Nicolajovic I totally agree. Since it has gotten so weird on the TV, I don't want to watch it anymore... So I watch only american and british weird stuff :D
+Nicolajovic your right im from germany
As a german, what was really shocking when going to the UK was the customer service. People where so friendly that it actually made me feel bad. Makes you realise what your own country must be like to others.
Yeah, when I was in London I asked a cashier at Tesco for stamps to send letters to germany. She literally closed the checkout and brought stamps.
well on the other side everybody is so nice and kind to everyone. so you really don't know if they really like you or not. and it's very hard to make new friends..
neneko kami
True. We germans are very upfront and honest which might be seen as rude to some but it definitely has a lot of practical advantages.
well i really don't like that fake american over the top friendlieness... they are smiling at you and saying nice things but i bet most of them in customer service think "f u" :D
+rng81 yeah just because they don't get a lot of salary besides the tip. Hate that fake friendliness
Not sure if it's common but the thing that shocked me when I visited Germany was the restaurants would serve beer like it was water, just serving it to everyone of us without even asking, like it was a standard.
Because it is standard
not common, maybe a bavaria or "classic" german restaurant thing
Cologne specification…if you dont put your „Bierdeckel“ on your Bierglas this a sign for the Water (Köbes) That your „Glas is not Full“ and keeps servings
@MacieJay you where served beer without ordering it, wow. It never happened to me in 60 years in bavaria
I'm from Germany and the most shocking thing about this video is why you or the americans find the mentioned topics so shocking at all. I'm sure I have as many wrong ideas about the typical american but I stil find it strange that you have to do a video to tell people how wrong they are about Germany.
And why would you make jokes about nazis? What is so funny about a history of killing millions of people. Even if the americans didn't cause the 2nd WW I don't unterstand why they think nazi jokes are funny at all.
Do you make jokes about slavery or the civil war in america as well?
+Tiny Karina Ich denk mal wir haben genauso viel Vorurteile
+Tiny Karina Jokes are jokes peoples make them about everything including nazi. Fanny about the nazies was their delusional narcissistic idea of being the leathers of the world. Sick bastards and their offspring.
+Tiny Karina Ja, vorallem die sagen immer "Man macht über sowas keine Witze ist solange her" (also die Amis) sobald man sie mit dem Vietnamkrieg oder dem Irak konfrontiert.
Ich mags Witze über Hitler zu machen lässt ihn lächerlich wirken und nimmt dem ganzen so ein wenig das "böse"
+Markus A. was ist Hitlers lieblingsblume :narzisse
You dont have to pay for the toilett, its kinda like a tip for keeping the toulet clean 🤗
Kenny it's considered pretty rude to not leave a tip. Especially when you were satisfied with the service. I did refuse to pay once or twice my whole life because the toilets were dirty..
the thing is that, everytime when there is a coinholder or something the toilets just were gross. (my experience in germany) otherwise i would too
Kenny In the malls In "Baden Württemberg" you have to pay :/ I got money for Shopping and 2€ for Peeing 😂😂
ok, thats expensive lol
Actually no one wears socks in sandals. Only the old people. We think thats really ugly too.
+8thHorcrux And this nazi joke thing is a little bit complicated. We do nazi jokes too...but just in small groups (with friends) 'cause in public there are some idiots... and they don't understand sarcasm so they think you're a nazi. Also I think we dont like nazi jokes about germany when americans doing them.
+8thHorcrux I think it's funny how Americans are shocked to find out that most people do not like Nazi jokes very much but DONT YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT 9/11 OH NO YOU'LL BE STONED TO DEATH!!!
+subwayvesubscriber I would never do 9/11 jokes. Never.
8thHorcrux I wasn't suggesting that. I was just pointing out how Americans are surprised about the majority of Germans not finding Nazi jokes funny but they themselves are immediately SO offended if anyone says ANYTHING about 9/11.
+subwayvesubscriber oh okay ^^
as a german myself, we dont "hate" nazi jokes, we actually bring up many ourselves and are able to make jokes with that.
WHAT we hate is this clischee of "Every german is a nazi"... That really is a problem.. so..
doing jokes about nazis is ok and well probably laugh about them, but never call a german a nazi, we hate nazis and its not unusual that you walk along a street and see that there's a sticker or painting on wall or sth saying "Fuck Nazis!" or "Hate nazis"
RapidFireChannel exactly! jetzt reichsadler!
I'm partly German and would agree. I also dislike it somewhat. One can say that's just associating Germany with WW2. I reckon invariably it's for instance being arrogant, immature, living in the past, and being typical of human nature to focus on negative things. History is also always written by the victors.
RapidFireChannel So Nazi jokes okay just don't call anyone a Nazi?
When I went to Germany and Czech Republic, I remember seeing a sticker with a swaztika and with 🚫over it.
Nice to see our country through other eyes. =)
We really love germany. We go every year.
+RaLPhis Xamida exactly what I thought.
+Tightanus And me too. Thank you for the video.
+RaLPhis Xamida Yes - just 1 thing is wrong, I think. We have beer houses all over the country - at least in Cologne.
+RaLPhis Xamida they almoust talk english
12th: they still love their traitor
Even germans make fun of People with sandals and socks 😂
Of course how the fuck is this even possible
JP081997 thats a prejudice:(
JP081997 Yes last Time i wered laught out😭
***** realy?
As a German I have to correct you on the socks in sandals thing. To look like a true German you can't just wear any type of socks. The socks have to be high tennis socks, and most importantly they have to be white and worn along with short trousers.
PornobrillenAli recht hast du xD
PornobrillenAli checkt wahrscheinlich keiner, deutsche haben ja sowieso keinen humor
PsychBotLP bei dir reichts ja offensichtlich nicht für nen amüsanten kommentar ;)
Nailed it ....
Don't forget the combination of white tennis socks in sandals and the little belly bag
I also lost my father to crack, although it wasn't one in a bed.
Bob Mob lmfaaaaaoooo
Ist schon witzig, sich das Video als Deutscher anzuschauen. Wir Deutschen sind eigentlich ganz normal.
Silber Bitburgs ,,normal ''
David Alaba Page yeah. Exactly. I think people in foreign countries have a weird opinion about germans.
Silber Bitburgs
naja das ist nur normal für deutsche
Silber Bitburgs jaa ich denk mir so bei fast allen dingen ich mein man kennt diese dinge aber sie kommen nicht als zu oft vor. Z.B. das mit den Asis
Silber Bitburgs stimmt :)
Actually the people in front of train stations are homeless. I am surprised , that this is shocking you, because I thought there are homeless people in every country.
+thePacman175 I think there are a lot more homeless people in the US than in Germany. But maybe it's a german thing that they all seem to gather at the train stations.
+Katie indeed there are a lot more in the US
At least they have the chance to get social help here in Germany
+Marcus Schulz Good question :). Maybe Car free zone? ;) no, says pedestrian zone.
+thePacman175 Not homeless ppl only, he said "assis", antisocial ppl i assume he meant, especially if i think of mainstation hannover, or Berlin , just a bunch of punks who drink beer together or all kind of subculture tend to do this.
+thePacman175 actualy not everyone of them is homless. Some yes but the most not.
Im german an live in Trier and whe have some lets call them "hotspots" for jobless people who dont have anything better to do than drinking alcohol with their friends at this spots. One of this "hotspots" is directly infront of the train station.
They are mostly harmless espeacialy the older ones. Perhaps they will ask you for an ciggaret but they are mostly friendly and polite with that. At least the ones I encountered.
How you can be surprised in Germany:
Step 1: step out of Alexanderplatz S-bahn station
Step 2: look up
What's wrong with Alexanderplatz's sky?
Arm Aza
You'll be almost right in front of the fernsehturm and for such a relatively small base that thing is very tall
***** poop on your eyes :D
frisianmouve wow, I didn't know it ... thanks for suggestion ... when I'll ever be in Berlin, Alexanderplatz, I will do it
Der Fernsehturm is so uninteressant^^
Well, you can just ignore the toiletwoman, but it would be considered rude. It is simply a tip for the one keeping the toilet clean. At the Autobahn paying is mandatory however - but who complains about THAT never went to a toilet in the pre-2000-era or at our neighbours in France...geez, you'll appreciate a clean toilet then, and hygiene costs money to sustain ^^
And germans being a bit annoyed if you "mention the war"? What a shock...I mean, just imagine I'd come over to the US and make jokes like "Oh, you silly Native-Indian-Killers!" or "Haha, you enslaved all these blacks for centuries!" etc - wouldn't come across as good manners and funny either ... though we eased a bit on the Nazi-stuff in recent years, making fun of that as well, and even laughing at the Panzer-Jokes from the British...
Oh, and expecting all germans to wear Lederhosen and Dirndl is like expecting all US-Americans running around in Cowboy-Outfits - Bavaria might be the equivalent to Texas in that regard.
And yeah, you usually don't go to restaurants as a german to eat german food/pork-variations. You go to your mom for that ^^ She does the best Schweinebraten anyway...with Knödel and Rotkraut...
The cowboy outfit comparison is actually quite a good one. Since it's a lot more common in the U.S. to walk around in what we here in Germany would consider typical cowboy clothing, with snake leather boots or crocodile which no-one in Germany would dare walk around in outside the carnival season etc (at least in a lot of areas throughout the country), I can actually understand why some U.S. citizens might expect Germans to do it similarly with lederhosen and dirndls.
Yeah that's the deal: we don't talk about slavery and red indians, and US visitors don't talk about 1939-1945.
+Frank Fahrenheit 1939-1945? That's just the war. The real history starts 1936 and ends in 1989! And this is the history they are laughing about.....
That shit with the whole Nazi area is so true.
But you forgot the mass slaughtering of innocent Vietnamese citizens in a war that was started because a country would eventually become communist (how extremely... Unimportant. Just... Leave them alone for fucks sake).
And also the war crimes called "Little boy" and "big boy", the two nuclear bombs launched only with hitting two cities full of innocent people in mind.
And what about Kuba ?
We still could go on.
So please Americans out there: Stop bothering us with that Nazi shit. We are over it.
We don't remind you of your countless crimes and brutal wars ect. in history either.
Also: WE at least TRIED to do something to say sorry to the countries we'd attack in WWII.
What did you ever do to roll up your crimes ?
Think about it.
I think the Nazi-thing is simliar to the afro-Americans and the N-Word. If we Germans make the joke, it's okay because we sitting in the same boat.
PS: You totally right with the food ;)
I am german and I absolutely loved your video! A lot of times I feel a bit offended by these types of videos but you talk about us in such a positive and lovely way! I just love the video and everything you said was so true- made me smile! We really don't like jokes about Nazis though and a lot of people don't understand that so I really truly appreciate your seriousness when you talked about that. Love having you in my country!
I'm german and if you drop a good Nazi joke I'd give you a high five.
Most of these social things probably only apply on older people, everyone < 30 in Germany is basically American :D
+Corrupted Ich kenn dich ...
ich glaube eher dass das daher kommt dass man nazi von einem ausländer als ernst auffassen könnte, ich mache auch ständing naziwitze oder lache über diverse minderheiten aber iwürde ich ins ausland gehen würde ich nicht erwarten dass leute es cool finden Schlitzauge oder Savanenläufer oder Hürdenspringer (mexikaner (überqueren die grenze(hürde))) genannt zu werden auch wenn sie selbst drüber lachen könnten
es macht auch nen unterschied über nazis zu lachen oder einen deutschen stumpf nen nazi zu nennen
ist zwar auch sehr vorurteilhaft aber amerikaner sind ziemlich taktlos (welche ich kennen lernte)
DeltaBoy Sollte es ernst gemeint sein, jau dann ist es echt unpassend, aber es ging ja hier in dem Fall um Witze :x
Tja vllt bist du auch einfach nur ein idiot
Vanessa Cina Weil ich Humor habe und nicht verkrampft bin? :D
The shelf is not for observing, it's so that the water doesn't splash when you're doing your business.
+AntsanParcher :)
The toilet, really? Germany is the only goddamn country that does it right when it comes to hygenic crapping. Ever heard of france? That is going to scar you for life.
The shelf is actually for observing. It was telled me by a lot of Germans:) (i live in Germany 3 months a year)
Germans are an interesting people.
it is for both --> no splash and observing
Gotta set some things right here before it gets weird:
- In restrooms in restaurants or bars you are never forced to pay to go to the toilet, it's just considered good manners to leave a tip for the "toilet woman". On the other hand you can always expect the toilets to be very clean. I've been to Italy once and I've been shocked how dirty most toilets are there. However, some public restrooms (especially those on the Autobahn) force you to pay. But again, they are pretty clean considering how many people use them.
- The shelf on the toilet is basically there so that when you poop the water doesn't splash on your butt. Though most modern toilets don't have this shelf anymore, it's just personal preference.
- The swastika flag is illegal, though owning "Mein Kampf" is not. It's considered a historical document and thus can't be considered sedition. However it is forbidden to print it in Germany because the owner of the copyright is Bavaria and they don't want it to be printed and didn't give the rights to print it to any publisher.
- Regarding Nazi jokes: We don't find it funny because it's not only annoying and boring after 70 years, it's also onedimensional. Germany has a very long history and brought the world a lot of technical and cultural advancement just to be wiped out by a period of time that didn't even last 30 years. Just imagine everyone in the world would only make slave jokes when talking about the USA. It's a part of our history we're not proud of but we accept it but you also have to consider that antisemitism, facism and genocide weren't a German invention alone.
The rest is surprisingly pretty much on point :D
Didn't think too much about that crack in the bed but you're right. Guess it's because we really like our standard sizes, that goes for mattresses aswell.
I moved to a German-medium high school in Australia after being bullied at my "mainstream" high school... I couldn't understand all the stereotypes I heard afterwards about how unwelcoming Germans were, because they were so welcoming and friendly to me at school! I fitted in quickly and made friends despite barely speaking any German when I started there... I still don't understand German stereotypes. Haven't been to Germany or Austria since I was 8 but definitely want to go back at some point.
Oh, and the "Germans don't have a sense of humour" stereotype? I always responded to that with, "Germans do have a sense of humour, you're just not smart enough to understand the jokes." German humour is closer to British humour than to, say, American or French humour, but a lot of the jokes are lost in translation... which is a stereotype, but true.
You can do jokes about Hitler but it's Not nice to make Nazi jokes about the people in Germany.
Blubb mitBlobb Simply because it's not our fault xD
Blubb mitBlobb No, it's not okay to make jokes about Hitler in germany.
etzt auf Deutsch.
Ich finde, dass man KEINE Witze über das reißen sollte, was die Nazis an Verbrechen getan haben. Das sollte man nicht beschönigen oder sogar für lustig halten. Ebenso finde ich es abartig, wenn man in Witzen oder in anderen verbalen Kommunikationen uns Deutsche als Nazis oder als nationalsozialistisch stigmatisiert.
Jedoch kann man, meiner Meinung nach, Witze über Hitler als Person machen. Abgesehen davon, dass es solche Menschen verdient haben, sollte man Witze machen und vor allem sarkastisch sein. Dadurch wird doch erst an das gedacht was damals passiert ist, vor allem in der jüngeren Generation.
Kein kleines Kind interessiert sich für Dokus oder andere Infoquellen in denen es darum geht. Wenn aber Bezugspersonen Witze reißen und lachen bekommen sie es mit und irgendwann wird es hinterfragt. --"Wer ist den dieser Hitler?"--.
Für den ausschlaggebenden Punkt halte ich vor allem, dass niemand jemamden folgt oder nacheifert, über den man lacht und den man für dumm verkaufen tut.
Aber man MUSS immer darauf achten wo die Grenzen sind→ Siehe Jan Böhmermann. Wo diese sind ist wieder ein andere Thema.
Blubb mitBlobb Ich finde es nur scheiße, dass alle immer an Nazis denken, wenn sie deutsch hören. Klar, das war schlimm aber mal ehrlich: anders als die anderen Länder haben wir wenigstens halbwegs versucht, das wieder gut zu machen. Oder jetzt die Flüchtlingskrise, wer war da am tolerantesten? Ja.. aufjedenfall nicht die Engländer
Faragan you do know that If you do Nazi related stuff in Public its a crime? Like If you Just say youre a German=Nazi thats Just rude but if you do the Hitler Pose or have a Hakenkreuz somewhere on you its a heavy crime.
Yes, we have to pay in Germany to use public toilets, but we dont have to pay for education ;)
peter lustik shots fired
peter lustik DAMN RIGHT
Someone is paying for that education. As free as it seems, there is a price on it. Peace.
Until now* , we used to pay for toilet too not to long ago
Well here the tax payers pay for the education, as well as for the "Rente" and the "Krankenversicherung".
I just watched 3min and LOVE that you bring up the difference that Germany is not only Bavaria! THANK YOU! That`s a like from me! ;D
Thanks Jess! Appreciate it!
This Isn't true... It isn't only Bavaria... Also Baden Württemberg is like all these festivals like the Oktoberfest oder the Frühlingsfest
+Derpcraft0114 Is legendary was? What? ?D
One thing that shocked me about Germany was their inability to run trains on time. We had more punctual trains in Italy. Perhaps we were unlucky, but from the four trains we took from Heerlen (the Netherlands) via Aachen to Cologne (Köln) and back, only the first one left on time. Driven by a Dutch driver, I should add.
Also, at the time (but this is like 10 years ago) you needed a Ph.D. to understand the ticketing machines at a railway station. Since all Germans have a Ph.D., it's not a problem for them, I suppose.
What is a Ph.D. ? :)
u're absoutely right its horrible. The train grid is to much frequented for its size. An cargo trains and trains for persons are using the same trails, so its no wonder.
Ur absolutely right. And germans complain about that, too 😉
The Dutch have a more heavily used rail network, so perhaps you should check with them. ;)
who the f flush the toilet while sitting on there???
+Sapplejuice lol my thought exactly! And how did he managed to push the button behind him while sitting?
+Abend stern I am flexible ;) and its called a curtesy flush for the people after you ;)
+Sapplejuice hahahaha ı was wondering too. You made my day :D
+woltersworld Go to Oldenburg and eat Grünkohl that's great food ! :D
+Sapplejuice I found some discussion on reddit a while back.. There are two groups of people: The ones that wipe and flush while sitting and the ones that wipe and flush after standing up, and both groups don't know about each other. Seems to be true.
I loooooved Germany! What shocked me as an American was just how beautiful the country was, how cool everyone was, and how many castles there were - like everywhere. I don't recall paying for toilets unless they were the modern ones that self-cleaned...I don't remember really having to pay anywhere else? And I don't think I ever saw any homeless? I was there like 17 years ago now so maybe some things have changed but it was great...would love to return. :-)
Hey, the bums and street punks here (or Assis, they don't mind mostly) are almost universally nice and cool people; they simply fell through the cracks of our social system (which is mostly functional, but far from perfect.)
+Chester Rico True that! Finally someone said it.
+Chester Rico Yes, but they beg outside train stations? While your government welcomes a million immigrants a year and sets them all up with free houses and free money, with no requirement for them to work.
That sounds like a fair society!!
+myastroflight Sure, our immigrants get diamonds and live in palaces. Most of them even wear Coco Chanel, you know / sarcasm off.
Those street kids and hobos get welfare too (everybody gets it), and most of them might have had homes once.
*But* the older people among them might've lost those homes due to alcoholism, mental health issues, abuse and violence, failure to adapt/play nice with the jobcenter, etc.
The younger ones might be having family problems (same list of issues as above, basically) and the state won't give you a home if you're below a certain age.
The reasons can be many; and believe you me, once you're homeless, you fucking stay homeless.
Nobody is gonna rent an apartment to you if you live on the street, even if you could easily afford one due to basic welfare.
There are shelters and community homes for younger people, but those places are violent, hellish and depressing most of the time.
Shelters for older homeless folks are apparently so bad, most bums I've talked to flat-out say that they'd rather sleep on a nice bench or in a park whenever the weather allows.
EDIT: before you ask, the basic welfare isn't enough to live on the street comfortably (the very notion is ridiculous anyway), since everything is insanely expensive on the streets. Want to drink water? You don't have a tap; gotta buy bottled. Want to shower? You can pay 5-10 euros for a public shower facility or bathhouse (although almost no bathhouse will let you even step in the door if you even remotely *look* homeless.) I could go on.
+Jazzy As a matter of fact they do wear Diesel jeans, Jordan running shoes and Addidas caps. They are also young but would never care joint their army to defend their country. BTW I have relatives living in Calais who were told by the police and the municipality to leave their 30-y-o house for so-called refugees so Yeah we are here to exist in Europe to kiss muslim asses to the brink of extinction
Actually, plastic money is accepted in a great many of places, just not regular credit cards like VISA or Mastercard. The European flavour is called EC (eurocheque) card, which is a debit card issued mainly by banks, and you can pay nearly everywhere with that, upwards of the baker and newsagent.
The reason being that the credit card companies charge the shops a HELL of a lot of money, but the EC card system does not, and everybody who has a checking account at a bank automatically gets an EC card and PIN.
EC stands for electronic cash, not eurocheque. That was decades ago.
Common im from bavaria and nobody walks ther with a Lederhosen!!! Only on Oktoberfest!!!!!!!!
exactly what he NOT expect German to see them wearing that, bu tI don't think many tourists do.
or other rural festivals ("Kirchweih")
David Gamelord i am German and I don't know that Event! 😂😂😂😂😂
David Gamelord or do you mean Kirchweihe? idk m8
Diamond Dog wie alt bist du denn?😂
Its actually very interesting to watch this as a german. And its so true! A lot of us could be more friendly. Thats just... true.
DerKleineToad yeah, though especially in Hannover many of the waiters are just students from the university who need some extra cash, hence they aint trained that good and may seem rude. But I totally agree, it's interesting to hear what he thinks about us germans xD
i see the German selfhate here...mimimi
Well, that service lady in Hannover was probably making fun of you.
Doubtful... ;)
kffr shows ass Ah ja? Warn Stückchen dabei?
+kffr shows ass Nee du, das war dein Gehirn.
Du bist echt gut im furzen!
kffr shows ass
Das hast du fein gemacht!
*gibt kffr eine Schüssel dicke weiße Bohnen*
Die hast du dir verdient. Damit kannst du noch besser furzen.
Please don't call the homeless people 'Assis' because that's an insult. Furthermore it's bad slang. Kids or inmature people may use this expression but it's not suitable for a serious conversation. The term 'Obdachlose' would be fine without negative connotation.
Other than that: good video. I'm sure foreign travellers will get some helpfull advice.
+theloki72 Yeah, I was kinda shocked when he called them "Assis"...
+TucoChannel That's not what I said.
Do you have problems with reading or with understanding?
*****"Assis" doesn't mean homeless people. You can call anyone an "Assi". It's just an insult.
Oh, I see. A problem with understanding.
+theloki72 Assi si just an abbreviation for associal.
I once fell through such a gap in a hotel bed.
I don't know where I was but I'm their king now.
Nice :)
So many memories of riding the train. I started taking it at 15 going to Frankfurt shopping. When I didn't have money to buy a ticket I rode in the bathroom. It was only for 20 minutes. Lol. I rode it to work at 97th as I got older. I lived there from 72 to 96 and then visited every year after until my mother passed away.
that was funny. I am german and never knew a Toilettenfrau or the two beds pushed together are not the standard 😄
+Jasimini Rimini maybe toilets are selfcleaning in the US.
+JSmellerM there are also self-cleaning toilets in germany^^
I have never had a "two beds pushed together" bed at home or in a hotel and I am from Germany. I think it depends on where you are staying.
I don't know about the US but in some countries it's standard that public toilets e.g. in shopping malls are part of the service offered to customers.
Wart ihr noch nie bei Mc Donalds auf dem Klo oder sonst wo? Da sitzt doch immer eine...
Bavarian White Sausage is made of calf, not pork ;)
+Lars Kraus I thought I said that? well in the sausages video at least it was right there.
I life in Munich ... we have the Germany that it's supposed to be ;)
+Lars Kraus hahaha nicht im ernst!
nein natürlich nich du nase :D
warum schreibst du dann sowas?
ich meine politisch betrachtet ist bayern der letzte ort in deutschland in dem ich leben wollen würde. aber bitte fühle dich jetzt nicht sei denn du bist politiker xD
Nice that you like our country ^-^
like? I LOVE GERMANY!!! :) serioiusly love it love it love it :)
Wolters World
Me too :D unfortunately I have never been to the U.S. !
But seems that you like bavaria the most :)
It's quite funny watching this as a German.
I have this feeling that most of the people who are watching this are Germans 😂
Senela Migron
Alle, alter, alle. Was lustig ist aber andererseits auch schade :-/
Senela Migron nein!!! I am an polish and Danish and Blackfoot Native American Indian.
Yes !
celine Berger Ja 😂 Der will Ausländer helfen aber 99% sind Deutsche
I live in Germany and These Thinges schock Germany too... Except the Pork fact... Give me my Steak and my Chips/Pommes with Ketchup!!!! ;D And those ugly Tourist Outfits are just those 70+ Year Old people ;) (i think)
Mystic ich glaub Pommes heißen in der USA fries oder so
Mystic was bitte daran schockt dich? Ich finde das alles komplett richtig..
janaalaska naja Socken in Sandalen sind schon nicht so fresh xD
Felix Laukötter haha ja achso ich dachte du meinst, dass das alles unbekannte Fakten wären, weil naja also mir waren die schpn alle klar. Aber Socken in Sandalen sind wirklich nicht das heißeste da hast du recht :D
Schocken tut mich das jetzt nicht wirklich, was ist so falsch an Toilettenfrauen, Leuten die am Bahnhof sitzen, Kulturvermischung, etc.?😅
Why do you say "Sauerkraut" and then show a picture of "Blaukraut"? :D
+_who_cares_ Ist ernsthaft so xD
"who cares" 😂😂😂😂😂
he talked about TOILETS and there is a picture of a Soup with a "Knedel"
+Tanzi Yo
You are so right. I moved to Germany in 2000. I have experienced all those things except the Nazi jokes which I feel are totally tasteless in a country where the generation that experienced the war were probably not more than 10 years old and hate what happened with the 3rd Reich. It took time to learn German (not an easy language grammatically) and to get to know my neighbours. They were wonderful. They welcomed me with open arms, helped me to learn their language and are still close friends 15 year later. I made so many mistakes with the language and they laughed with me , never at me. I really didn't expect to love Germany as much as I do today. I now live in Bavaria and all the traditions that go with the Bavarin culture. It is a lot of fun and I would recommend anyone who wants a holiday where one feels secure, cared for and 'well-fed' to come to Germany.
I love Germany. I would honestly love to live there.
Come over to munich. Ill show you around. Its actually that awesome
@@Maxtherealone I would go to Munich in an absolute HEARTBEAT! LOL
My fiancée is getting deployed to Germany next year so we’re moving to Germany for about 3 years 😁
@@1000HolyPlaces unfortunately pretty complicated currently, during the pandemic. Where are you from?
@@NoName-1239 nice, in which area?
You dont have to pay the Toilette woman its just nice because they keep everything clean
Zamou Sieben good joke
That's what you are supposed to think, and thus pay. But most of the time, some company does the cleaning and are payed eg by shopowners, the city, etc. and then some retired woman is placed there at minimum wage to collect some additional money. The advantage is only that most people behave more civilized when there is someone watching the place, and who maybe restocks paper.
For real restaurants (not including small "take-away" shops) there are laws to offer free toilets to customers.
Great video! You've summarized our country very good! Great pictures by the way :D
+cocosapps danke schön! I loved loving in germany. I really miss it
woltersworld How long did you live here?
***** Danke! :)
Okay habe was über Amerika gelernt da gibt es anscheinend keine Obdachlosen.
das gleiche dachte ich auch. als ich in den USA war sah ich WEITAUS mehr obdachlose als hier in deutschland. und in den USA ist man als obdachloser wirklich arm dran, hier wird einem an allen Ecken noch geholfen wenn man denn die Hilfe annehmen möchte als Obdachloser. Grade als Ami dachte ich er müsste doch am ehesten wissen, wie es ist mit Obdachlosen auf der Straße, aber er scheint so als wäre er wirklich geschockt :D
Zutiefst verwirrend in der tat. Wer hat das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt dass es hier keine obdachlosen gibt??
Ohne Spaß der Typ ist so anders er labert gefühlt nur scheiße 😂
Lol I've never been in a train where you have to pay for the toilets and I'm German
K3n5hin yes but that money goes to keeping the toilets clean
K3n5hin there is many public free toilets... Or you go to the next McDonalds with free toilets
+K3n5hin McDonalds is still open 😂
***** i live in germany and like the original commenter said, i never have to pay for public toilets except sometimes on roadtrips but never in the city
Bei uns nicht xD Aber andere Sach du bimst Kpop fan 🌚🌚
Witzig wenn man das als Deutsche/r guckt haha
+tuhle Gurke jo aber stimmt schon hab ich nur noch nie drüber nach gedacht
jo echt nice
ja das mit den Toiletten dachte das wär normal ;)
+Anton Berlin si ein idiot
+tuhle Gurke Aber es ist doch insgesamt eine ganz gute Beschreibung unseres Landes ;)
Im german and its funny to watch this because I felt complimented when you said Germans can be friendly :D Its actually funny that you mentioned so many things that I thought were normal and didn't even notice... but okay haha I know more about my own country now 😂
Ich fand es am witzigsten, als er das mit den Toilettenfrauen erzählt hat :D
+Hermine Granger Das mit der Kartenzahlung nerft mich auch immer
+Hermine Granger Aber den Blick kennt jeder!
+Thorsten Wolters Auf jeden Fall :D da kommen gleich Erinnerungen hoch xD Kartenzahlung? Also dass man oft bar bezahlen muss?
Wo ist Harry?
Nicht nur Würstchen mögen wir auch Döner ist sehr beliebt
+Eva Honerkamp Haha, ja :D
+Eva Honerkamp Naja, wenns um Fastfood geht dann sind Burger und Pizza viel beliebter ;)
+Eva Honerkamp AHAHHA ja man #Hauptnahrungsmittel xD
+Graf Vladumir Nein döner ist das beliebteste Fastfood in Deutschland
I was born in Austria and have often visited Germany. This guy is the real thing. What he says is very very true, with a great sense of humor, but more importantly insight full. He makes me want me to go back tomorrow. Thank you and Bravo.
This "typical German tourist " as you described it is normally 60+. Wearing a vest a sandals with socks is definitely not a "normal " tourist thing here.
Making Nazi jokes in germany is similiar to making jokes about slavery and racism in the US in Front of Black People --> Not good :)
should have won the war then
Well actually it’d be more like mocking white people or trying to poke them with the guilt of slavery in America.
I can make a lot of jokes about Trump ....Trump jokes are more worse than Nazi jokes for Americans
Marc steppi what are you talking about? No one gets offended by mocking trump, even trump supporters laugh along with any joke about him that isn’t crap. If your joke is “ha trump is racist” yeah it won’t get as many laughs but that’s because it’s just not a good joke.
slavery guilt jokes only works if you actually know ex slave owner family/plantation. also, black ppl were the victim so it wouldnt be the same. atleast the germans are a shame of their nazi past.
As a German I find it shocking that it's shocking for people that Germany is a modern country tbh
+Phan Bandgirl Ich hatte neulich Besuch aus England, der war schockiert, dass bei uns sogar schon englische Lieder im Radio gespielt werden.
+Jazzy Waaas? Ich dachte Engländer wissen ein bisschen mehr über Deutschland, als Amerikaner :D
+Phan Bandgirl Das dachte ich früher auch immer ;) Auch die 'Ritze' im Doppelbett war für sie neu. Absolut geflasht war sie, als wir in der Hofeinfahrt mit ihr und den Nachbarn gegrillt und Gitarre gespielt haben. Diese lockere und 'coole' Art hatte sie in England noch NIE erlebt. Das war für mich ein Riesenkompliment :)
+Phan Bandgirl ,...
oooo, no !
wir sind - exotisch !... wie die Bangladesh ... ;-)
Never say Penner its not the best when you say it, its better when you say Obdachlose
Was die anderen von uns denken 😂😂 hart 👻
Gorden vor allem dass der erste fakt von unseren toiletten ist O.o
Gorden Ziemlicher Schwachsinn wird in dem Video behauptet. Am meisten regt mich das mit den Pennern am Bf auf. In Amerika ist das viel schlimmer. Da kann man noch nichtmal ruhe in einem Park sitzen ohne von einem Penner oder Crack junkee angesprochen zu werden.
Gibt's denn ein Land, das nicht übertreibt?
+Gorden russland ;D
Also ich kenne nen paar Russen die immer dachten dass wir mit Lederhosen Rum laufen und dass wir Sauerkraut VEREHREN
Illuminati Confirmed? Mein Dritter Vorname ist Kolja 😝
normaly the crack isn't in the middle of the bed
Wastel yes!
must have been a cheap hotel then... i never had a crack of the middle of my bed
Egal was ich hatte noch nie ein crack im bett 😂
Yumijin has no Jams Crack im Bett ist eh eher so ein LA Ding 😄
yes, most goes up the noses !
From a german perspective this video is so funny. All things are true (little exaggerated), but as the video stated you will not find everything everywhere. Germany is a very heterogenous country. From a US perspective Germany might seem like a small country (about the size of Montana, less than California), but you will find more regional differences than in between west coast / east coast / Florida or Texas.
One very important point (maybe the most important thing to know) is totally missing. Most germans are very direct. We say out loud what we think and let you deal with it. You might feel offended, but its the most honest and most effective form of communication. No lies, no useless pretended sympathy, no exaggerated kindness.
You will always know how we feel about you - no need to guess.
But also be aware that irony and sarcasm is widespread amongst younger people (< 40 year old). It seemes to me that the quantity of "Sheldon Coopers" is considerably higher in the US than in Germany.
... and be aware that we have more humor than you can imagine. I don't think of me as a most notably funny guy, but whenever I am in contact with people from other countries (even within europe), that have not been to germany, one of the first things I hear is: "You are nothing like a typical german." Think about it. The stereotype may exist, but its really hard to find. :D
So the opposite of Japanese attitude.
I've never seen a shelf toilet...luckily
(I'm German)
Xy-Xy Gacha me neither
I have. I didn't think them that rare but it's true they aren't installed in contemporarily built places. I kind of like them tho.
I lived in Germany for 2 years and I loved it. Your videos are great! And the crack in the bed was completely annoying. Totally agree. I would say some of the things that shocked me, besides what you mentioned, was the fact that many Germans wore the crap out of their clothes- until they had holes. I found this pretty interesting. They are much less superficial than us as far as clothes and makeup are concerned...well, understated, lets say. Also they would cycle in the snow and ice.... And renting a place 'kalt", ridiculous water bills....!
Oh man. I remember renting warm and kalt and was amazed with having to build everything. It was nuts
+woltersworld Hmm, not sure about that, though. I have NEVER heard of anybody renting a flat or anything "kalt". Sure they tell you about the price differences. How much you pay for the "Nebenkosten" I guess. But I never even heard of the possibility of renting a place "kalt"?!
+Mai Mai it's possible
+fluffynamedkimba My God where were you in Germany ....... ....... superficially holes in the clothes ........ ??????? Are you totally stupid ... ?????? The biggest proletarians are here, for example, in Caifornia ... !!!!!! ......
America has the predicate ... to be superficially .... and a taste with clothes or the women with their make-up or here in California with their purchased s breasts - OH,,,,,,,,, shame..............AMERIKA........
Rufdesign1 ...what?
Well, I live in Germany and I've never heard of these "Shelf-Toilettes" you've talked about :D
Also, the Crack in the Middle of the bed is only sometimes there ;)
+Altair Das ist an den Tankstellen bei den Autobahnen so ^^ (Wenn er das meint, von dem ich denke, dass er es meint)
Madame Lucy ***** Ok, habe ich nur noch nie gesehen :D
+Altair Google Flachspüler
+Flyer2005 ach die Teile. Die sind so ecklich.
+Altair ganz normale Toilette eigentlich. Wie alt bist du?
Sandalen+Socken inkl. Weste trägt hier doch nur noch der alt eingesessene Renter.
Wie man auf dem Bild auch wunderbar sieht, ne klassische Kaffeefahrt...
+m ch so... die Renter sind nicht Deutsche?
+woltersworld nein. :D
+woltersworld Hab ich doch nie behauptet :-)
+m ch
Um ehrlich zu sein, das Meiste auf dieser Liste ist ausgemachter unsinn.
Er meint, das ist nicht unbedingt die normale Mode in Deutschland. Mit Abstand die meisten Deutschen würden so nie rumlaufen.
You are talking about our millions of homeless people? I thought every country has them?
Cune Ja, aber ich glaube er meinte eher, dass die Obdachlosen und mystische Gestalten bei uns eben am Bahnhof sitzen.
In anderen Ländern halten die sich vielleicht wo anders auf. (Bin mir nicht sicher, ist ne Vermutung)
Cune exactly!!
LongPlays da hast du teilweise recht, aber in deutschland gibt es die wenigsten obdachlosen. im vergleich zu americanern ist das sehr gut. ich sehe hier täglich viel mehr obdachlose als in deutschland damals und nicht nur weil usa mehr einwohner hat
ich denke er meint die Assis
nicht die Obdachlosen, die gibts in Deutschland ja kaum, aber Assis ham wir für ganz Europa genug
viele bahnhofsasseln sind ja auch in einigen städten gar nicht wirklich obdachlos. viele verbringen halt einfach den tag in bahnhofsnähe.
Toiletshelfs? Never heard of them and I'm german 0_o
+Lukito Na, es gibt Hochlader und Tieflader bei den Klos. Er meint Hochlader.
tandeanna Ich kenn' mich leider nicht so gut mit Toiletten aus, weswegen ich leider nicht weiß was du mit 'Hoch-/Tieflader' meinst. Ich weiß nur, dass ich mich drauf setzte und mein Geschäft darauf verrichte .-.
+tandeanna FlachSPÜLER und HochSPÜLER. Aber -lader klingt witziger ;-)
GoldeneBremm Ach so, jetzt hab ich's =D
Auch genannt Germantoilett ;)
mention next time that we also loooove wild (deer) served with knödel and Sauerkraut :D especiall in the Spessart and rhön Highlands of northern Bavaria and southern hessia XD
sounds like I need to get eating some more food in Germany :)
lool on which toilets have you been xDD seriously
like seriously xD this is so awkward, those toilets have been designed like 50 years ago ... thats why the toilet grannie is sitting there ;D im pretty sure there are normal toilets too ^^
definitely should here in northern bavaria / spessart regions :)
and btw: beef sausage is really well liked too!!! called Rindswurst ;D Currywurst they mostly ask if you want beef (red sausage) or pork (white sausage) :D
im from germany and live here. you should know that the germans like to eat Döner. thats a turkish- german snack with vegetables yogurtsauce and a lots of lamb meat. there are a lots of variations of it but the source of it is a turkish food called kebap
and the toilettes are normaly normal 😂😂 dont panic
The only thing worse than wearing sandals with socks are the television programms in germany and the rise of hipsters.
The TV program here is horrible. That should be on your list as well.
Americans always wear socks in sandals and really bad jeans...
so true
Hi Wolter, I am from Germany and we are travelling in the US very often. It is very interesting, to see what people from the outside think of us.
actually, not only Americans think about Germany based on Bavarian stereotypes. Maybe that's Germany's cultural export, that is why so many people confuse Bavarian customs with Germany as a whole. Only when I came to Svabia (Federal State of Mercedes and Porsche), for example, I realized, how different regional food can be. Käsespätzle became for instance one of my favourite foods. One more thing that has to be mentioned, are the dialects. People might be shocked to know that Germans in the South have serious problems with understanding people from the north when they both speak their dialects.
Svabia isn't a federal state though :-)
I understand almost every German dialect
@@armorgeddon He means Baden-Wuerttemberg.
@@iduntyra7566 Aba need ween i echt oidboarisch mid meim Spezi reed. Need amoi maine Basln in Frankn kena uns ganz vastaeng.
@@margaritaregler2859 doch
I'm a German and I must say: Very good Video You are right in every Term
germany needs to stop being so ashamed of there past damnit americans never feel guilt about dropping a nuke on japan so they need to chill out a little
Japan used WMD on China.
+LordKaiser Rhus I'm not quite sure whether the Germans should stop being ashamed of their past or whether the Americans should actually start being ashamed of theirs.....
Lars R why do you think americans should be ashamed? you should never be ashamed AT ALL about race or ancestors
+LordKaiser Rhus but you shouldn't be proud of it too. not only USA, but China and Russia too.
+LordKaiser Rhus Because American history is not all glory either. There were Indians that were kicked out of their reservations because white settlers wanted to move into the territory (government ordered or supported). Then there was slavery in the South. Segregation of black people (Dr. Martin Luther King). Vietnam war rather controversial, Hiroshima, KKK. That record is what immediately comes to my mind and I'm German and don't know American history that well. These days we can be proud of all the shootings, racism, inner city gangs.... I think most countries have their share of dark history.
Just old people wear the "tourist outfit", no young guy voluntary wear something like that, it just looks awkward
Deutschland - schönstes Land 💁🏻 Ich bin so froh hier geboren zu sein und hier zu leben ❤️ Und stolz darauf eine deutsche zu sein 🎀
+So phie :) Ich liebe Deutschland auch. Ich habe mein Diplom in D-land gemacht und es war so eine schone zeit.
Nazi xD
+Vaney O'Connor Sagt die Unterbelichtete.
Naja , darauf stolz zu sein irgendwo zufällig geboren zu werden macht kein Sinn , aber ja Deutschland ist schon toll :)
+MastaODisaster Naja, Nationalstolz ist nicht gerade ein Zeichen für Intelligenz.
it is quite hurtful to think the whole world believes us to be cold-hearted.. but ok
I also thought so, honestly, till I went to Germany as an exchange student from Turkey. I was surprised to see how friendly and welcoming you guys can be! Honest, reliable, friendly...Lovely overall :)
MKAY Mkay When exactly did I or any of my friends or living family members do that? You're being unfair.
+An account
Thank you, it is really cheering me up to read this. I hope in the
future more people will not judge, until they see it for themselves. I'm
sure, you yourself are a wonderful person, with all those positive
character traits, you mentioned. Unfortunately I've never been to
Turkey, but I'm sure, I will some day. :D
giulez kokorokuro
I understand what you mean, it hurts a bit to hear that, Germans are very friendly and funny and these things, we're not cold-hearted :(
I don't really understand why you are so surprised about the toilet fee. Are public toilets in restaurants, department stores, etc. in the USA really free of charge? But that isn't typical German but everywhere in Europe. If somebody is interested in that: the toilet charge is usually 50ct in a department store or a bar and €1 in train stations. However, it is always free at airports and "better" restaurants.
I live in Germany and I never had to pay for toilets except on highway restrooms. Maybe its a local thing but if you go to a store you can just ask to use a toilet and in a
restaurant you dont even need to ask
Ok. It might work that you just enter the toilet without paying the lady in front of it. But in some situations there are barriers so that you really need to pay, e.g. autobahn restrooms, at railway stations, public toilets in the cities, etc. And if you refuse to pay at a McDonald's, sometimes they don't say anything, but sometimes they won't let you in. Das könnte aber auch daran liegen, dass du Schwabe bist, denn als besonders großzügig ist diese Bevölkerungsgruppe ja nun nicht gerade bekannt :-)
In Mexico, we also pay for the toilet, but only in Bus Stations (mandatory), and sometimes, gas stations.
+Chris Duane No health insurance for everyone and payable medicine sounds kinda more backwards for me.. i would rather pay 20€ in my life, than paying 8000$ for the birth of my child.
+Paddy for toilets*
You basically explained the difference in service yourself^^ It's not that easy to make an acquaintance and no one expects the waiter/waitress to become an acquaintance. People who go out to eat want to sit with their friends and have a nice conversation with their friends - no be interrupted every 2-5 minutes by an overly friendly waiter. That just gets annoying very fast.
only germans in the comments. I can imagine people watch this are 99% german :D
Wrong. I am an Aussie.
Yep and I am an Ex-German now South African :-) . I haven't been in Germany for 36 years.
The reason why ones shits on a flat platform is because Germans are health paranoid and, as you can see on Google street few, as well "Datenschutz" paranoid.
+Juergen Wolf Ist doch ganz praktisch den stuhl nach Parasiten abzusuchen. So kann man die wurst auch am besten rausholen um sie zu sezieren.
True, I believe that all these videos about us Germans are watched by Germans.
+TheErdnussMarmelade of corse and why not.
its interesting 4 me to know how people of other countrys are see us. plus its a sighn of culture and openess if you reflect urselve .... something the americans almost completly lost or forgett im afraid.
Nur Bares ist Wahres.
interesting points. :D
cash is king almost everywhere in the world. :D
+@brotschuh - DIY Experte
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahhah hahahahahahahahahhah hahahahahahahahahhah hahahahahahahahahhah
Wer nicht flüssig ist, ist überflüssig ;)
Wer nicht flüssig ist, ist überflüssig ;)
+bail6220 wer zu flüssig ist,ist überflüssig
I'm German and I just wanted to tell you guys, that the beds are separated because if you would like to share a room with a friend or someone else, who's not your partner, you can most of the time separate the beds. It's more easy for the hotel management, because they can put all those double-bedrooms together and you don't have to pay more for a partner-bed or separated beds
Love Germany! Wasn’t shocked but totally different than U.S.. Restaurants are quiet, everyone talks at reduced volume, no loud music playing. And after dinner some restaurants provide a small glass of Schnapps. Love this!
ok and we think all Americans sit on a horse and swing a lasso round
so true
actually, loads of germans think there are lots of gun violence in america. and to that i'd say, there is
Americans swim in swimming pools filled with hamburgers we all have pancakes with the KKK.
Fuck you. 90% of Texas' population is in cities. Grow the fuck up.
As an Italian I always feel heavily stereotyped whenever i go abroad, but i honestly didn't realized how much stereotyped is really Germany outside Europe. Nonetheless you'll just read nice comments, tips and compliments under here. Gotta love the very underrated German people ❤
i am coming from south of germany (Freiburg - visit it!) and its funny to watch this kind of videos about "my" country from US prospectiv :) But today... I moved to Switzerland, visit us here! cheers
Sahnebutter Schupfnudel i live in Freiburg too
yeah freiburg! gruß aus gundelfingen ;)
Freiburg beschde
Bayern besteee😂😂❤😂😂
I am not from Germany but Austria and I just can say we were shocked by the service in the US because in our country everything in gastronomy has to be as perfect as it can get, everything has to be fast (the guest should not notice that they are waiting for anything)...I don't know if it is everywhere in the US like this but when we waited for the first couple of times it was really strange for us...maybe we just have another timing... :)
nice video! i am going to Germany this year,this is really helpful:D
+李李雅克 cool. Have a great trip!
+woltersworld Very sympathetic Men :)
Viel Spaß
Have fun! You have to visit the 'mauerpark' when you're in berlin^^
Hey Mark do a 10 things that will shock about England.
Will film it next summer when we are back in England
woltersworld Kool that is going to be awesome.
jutubaeh What do you mean by that I would love to here 10 shocking things about England.
+Naim Hussan Food...Food...Food...Food...bad Teeth....Food...Food...Food...Food...the worst Food ever but still better than your wifes cooking. ';.;'
Rabijeel Not all people in England have bad teeth and the food isn't all that bad get more information before you criticise you dumb piece of crap.
You can buy "Mein Kampf" since a few months, but it is comendet and a bit censored a bit.
And it is out of store cause to much people wanted to buy it...
It was especially sold out in Saxony (Sachsen) :D ...
haha how funny -_-
Traurig dass er in mehr deutschen Städten als ich war
Na, dann ändere das doch. Popo hoch und los gehts. ;-)
on the beds, move the mattresses 90 degrees. no more cracks. hangs over a bit but it all works out.
A perfect list! Me as a German I only can say great job mate :)
Testee naja
Danke schoen!
im from germany and I just wanted to say THANKS
great Video
Thank you for it
Armin Barootian yeah thanks from me as well
thanks Armin!
hey, im from germany and i saw some unfriendly comments but i think ur video is funny! and also interesting to see how someone else sees germany. And jeah! its true! the toilet think! I think our toilet shape is a good idea but the money thing... jeah. I think the 'toilet woman' i not as common as those automats you have to give money to even enter the toiletroom. its EVERYWHERE (in other european countrys i've been to, its not and the toilets are still clean so jeah thats not impossible) but the toilet woman/man... puuh. its true u don't HAVE to give them money but.. idk... i think im really afraid of those people, guarding the toilets. they really give you THE look so you just give them some money... just in case....
but whats absolutly wrong is the first fact! we have a very small amount of homeless people and all of them (at least all of those i spoke too) are really friendly, espacially the punks :) we have a good social system which is working (at least most of the times). and i cant believe there are no homeless people in the usa Oo
The toilets scare me :) and I don't see them as much as I used to. That is for sure. Glad you saw the humor in the video. It's meant to be a fun tourist friendly video. And just wait for the US shock video :) you will enjoy it.
Öffentliche Toiletten in Deutschland sind wirklich schrecklich ,
unsere Geheimwaffe gegen Touristen :-)
+woltersworld Please only pay if it is clean. And feel free to pay, and not forced to pay.
+AyanoHitomi It may be only a small portion of homeless people in Germany but it is very common to see some of them around bigger train stations and the bigger cities. If you are not used to it it can be quite shoking and scare people. So I think its a good thing that people know that homeless people over here will just leave you alone ^^
@woltersworld I really enjoyed the video. Its always fun if someone is making fun about stereotypes. Especially if there is some truth in them :)
daemon7777 so this is diffrent to other countrys? I actually never realized that :O but i haven't been to the usa so... but jeah if people are not used to it they should know they are super friendly :)
You mentioned the sausages, but Germany is also the home of bread. They have every kind of bread and pretzel, and if you wait too late in the morning to visit your local bakery, they could all be sold.
Along with the bed cracks goes the absence of a cover sheet. In Germany it's all about the duvet!
No AC can be a shocker in the southern cities during the summer. They also don't have fans or screens on the windows. Of course the bugs aren't as bad here as in the States, but we still get SOME flies, bees & moths. They're just way more comfortable with it in Germany than we are.
imagine urself brwosing rnd vids on youtube and then just seeing a photo that can only be taken directly out of ur house just for seconds ...darn creeped the hell of me O:o
From bamberg?
+woltersworld actually thats Lüneburg or Lueneburg,its near Hamburg
Being a correct German I have to mention that it´s the magnetic stripe on the EC card which is used for most of the payments. The chip is optional and for kind of loading money from your account directly on this chip. so to say. By using the magnetic strip (= EC Karte) it is debited from your account.
Well it is funny that still Americans think Germany = traditional Bavaria and all Germans are correct and in time.
+Happy Maker
That's not correct. The chip is not only used for loading money on the card it is also used mainly for electonric cash where you enter a pin in an electronic device and debit payments. The chip is used much more than the magnetic strip. The magnetic strip is outdated because of security issues, it's only used for backwards compatibility. But the chip is the number one usage.
OpenGL4ever But not every EC card has a chip. Then why is there the magnetic stripe there at all?
Happy Maker
Every EC card has a chip today. The cards without chip are very old or you are a in a special bank. As i said before, the magnetic strip is there for backwards compatibly. Not every shop owner has a card reader that works with the chip. This also applies especially to shops in Europe but outside of Germany.
For more informations you can read here (in German):
www n-tv de/ratgeber/Girokarte-mit-Chip-kommt-article10086831.html
I´m still skeptic but ok i will read this.
+Happy Maker, auf Deutsch: Der Chip enthält nur die Kontodaten. Auf den Magnetstreifen lässt sich Geld direkt draufladen, also dezentral. So war das, meine ich.
The shelf is there so the poop doesnt make that disgustig sound.
and you dont get a splash to your bottom
I as a German have no idea why this exists either. You almost exclusively find it with old toilets though. My grandparents still have toilets like that but they are literally the only ones I can think of. In other parts of Germany they might still be more prevalent though.
That has nothing to do with how old toilets are.
About which part of germany are you talking?
Emil Müller
Nordrhein Westfalen. I've lived here for all my life and I can't remember ever seeing one of those toilets with a shelf in a bathroom build after 1980.
We don't have that in our toilets here in the U.S., at least not that I've seen. But there's an easy low tech way to accomplish the same thing. Before you sit down to do your business, drop a couple squares of toilet paper in to the water, flat on top of the water. Then just do your business like normal, no sound, no splash. We also have the 'courtesy flush'. Right after you go, immediately after, before you've even cleaned yourself up, you flush, then you do your wiping, then flush again when done - this prevents any smell from what you filled the toilet up with from having time to permeate the room. Personally, i'm much less concerned about sounds, more concerned about avoiding the smell or the splash.
Maybe that shelf is there so if you drunkenly drop something in the toilet that's not supposed to be there, you have a better chance to find it and retrieve it.
The tenth fact is just so true :D
+CouchPotatii ;)
Americans and their prejudices ...
Could it be true, that the americans didn`t much learn about the NS-Time in Europe? Nothing about this time and this topic is funny. That should be also clear in the US.. If Americans make jokes about the Nazis they haven`t any knowledge about it....
...Greetings from Germany...
(Könnte es sein, dass die Amerikaner nicht viel über die NS-Zeit in Europa lernen? Nichts von dieser Zeit oder von diesem Thema ist witzig. Das sollte auch in den USA klar sein!... Wenn Amerikaner Witze über Nazis machen haben sie keine Ahnung davon...)
Der Kommentar war recht hastig und mit ein wenig Wut verfasst. Da muss ich das wohl übersehen haben. Es ging aber natürlich eher um diesen behinderten Fakt mit den Naziwitzen.
Trotzdem danke für den Hinweis. Als Deutscher neigt man echt dazu diesen Fehler zu machen :D.
wow im german and sad that people believe the stuff in this video ...
which ones did he said made you sad?
toilet thing ;-;
German too and most things are true xD
germany too
yes, the most is true. It's a good video.
I am German and I live in Germany and the 10 things are true!
but the clothing I just see on older people...
i'm german and it's nice to know how other people think about us. sometimes i disaree but i like your video :)