As if you could never take in the moment fully; you wish to stay there forever and be immersed by the moment completely, but you just can't, and as magical as it feels, it is also terribly nostalgic
Reflection is both key and lock. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (series)
End the me with all the pleasures , pain,suffering,thinking,anger,resistance,conditions,beliefs,hope,or waiting something? Is that what you mean in your comment, the tottal destruction@@Novastar.SaberCombat
I've seen this light many times in my youth. When the world seemed bigger and more magical, almost like a dream. I would see this during the middle of elementary school in late spring /early fall and during Halloween when the sun started getting lower in the sky and it made the trees and buildings turn bright orange. For some reason, I only seem to experience it under certain circumstances and it feel like time stands still during those momentary bursts of color. I can't explain it, but something feels liminal or ethereal about it. Like I'm being called back to the 80s and 90s where my family is waiting for me there.
This reminds me of when I was depressed when I was in middle and high school. I wasn't allowed to leave the house while my parents were at work or let alone after dark so I was just around the house all the time. Ever since I was little, I would go walking to clear my mind. At school I'd tell my friends I'm just gonna go walk on my own around the track or the field, and I think only my best friend understood that. So when I was at home and I needed to clear my mind and I couldn't get outside, I would sit on the kitchen floor, back against the wall or the fridge, and watch out the window. From that angle I couldn't see the houses or the power lines, only the trees and the birds and the sky. It helped me to feel less boxed in, less caged. And that would clear my mind. I would just sit there in silence, or listening to music, and work out all of the things running through my head one by one. I'd do this when the day was getting low or when it was storming. Low light, wide sky, and just, breathe. Sometimes I would just breathe. It was some of the best peace I have ever known.
Wow reading this actually made me feel calm. I do recall having a similar memory. When I’d wake up to an empty living room and golden hour shining through the window, I’d just stare out the glass. Couldn’t see anything but the sky and I’d just lay there and watch.
Hi there! God really, really loves you. "Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.""-Matthew 11:28 May God bless you!
Isn’t it weird how deep and introspective a lot of were when we were kids? I used to do the same thing looking out my bedroom window during the summer time at dusk. It’s such a weird and lonely feeling. I still try to carve out time to do it these days in my 30s just to get that weird feeling again.
When you've had a long, difficult and lonely day and have been reduced to sitting in silence on the couch lost in thought The golden light of the dying sun reminds you how much time has past
Time is the only resource. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (series)
Man, I'll tell you that: I really enjoy being alone, I think it is really great. I don't know….people can be so exhausting sometimes! I do crave times like these.
Loneliness is a uncontrolled status. Solitude is a choice. *Your hours are finite.* Don't waste them on any task or any individual who doesn't treasure you as a meaningful soul. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (series)
i enjoy loneliness but sometimes it feels like a punishment, like damn wtf did i do to deserve this? i used to show alot of love to people even strangers, cuz as a kid my parents told me treat others the way u want to be treated, but as i got older i realized that was bullsh!t. so id rather stay alone and miserable than deal with people who dont even love themselves let alone me.
The best I've seen of this lighting is at my local church. During a certain time of the year on a clear afternoon, the light seeping through the stained glass makes the place look magical.
I remember right before my Junior year of high school started I was driving home one day and I realized just how lonely I felt. I had never previously bothered with curating or retaining relationships, the only friends I had were online, I never spoke to people or tried to stand out because I was convinced it was because I just wasn’t a people person and I didn’t need relationships. When I finally felt it it was like I got sucker punched. It ate away at me constantly. That one moment changed my life instantly when I realized that the reason I never went out or did anything new or spoke to people was because I was scared of being disliked. It’s ok to feel lonely, it’s better than not being aware your lonely, but when you feel it it means it’s time to make a change. Do something that scares you, run from what’s comfortable. Complement people you see walking by, talk to a barista, a random kid at school sitting alone. The reward from doing something out of your comfort zone far outweighs the initial fear of doing so.
When I realized that the reason I was feeling sad was because I was lonely it felt the same way you described it. I got anxiety from fear of judgement which turned me into a more quiet person, but I'm working on it. Nothing changes if nothing changes, I hope the best for you
Unfortunately, I've been here way too many times... I treasure these moments now. I'm older and love myself harder.❤ all fade away...but you must continue your journey. ❤
I've been sitting here staring at my christmas tree in the dark for a while. this is a great playlist for that sort of thing, I miss the past like an ex-lover sometimes.
Someone here wrote that this is what vacations as a kid feel like. That's because when we grow up, we no longer have time to pay attention... The adult existence deprives us of our most sacred, intimate moments...
Unclear music, i can't remember.. You are good at catching sounds.. I heard that the women deliberately changed ugly continued to create artificial and uninteresting human memory videos and still images so that others would not be able to recognize my existence correctly. Please do not forget that the motivation of the murderers who wanted to destroy people's memories extended to motive to kill my family who remembered me properly. The suspects who instilled false memories have a motive that could even commit murder. Don't overlook them stage of threats or plans.. What's more astonished than being infected with AiDS while asleep is someone creating an alter-ego using my past brainwaves and living a life that's completely different from the one I originally had. Prevention crime's one of target problems is above. Below's people commited above falsification and HIV virus blood syringe injection infection crime on 2022/12/25-27, 2023, 2024, they are mostly virus negative but so competitive and wanted to degeat me at all costs. This was a group-planned crime, and it is said that Erika Toda used a syringe to carry out the crime. Some of the perpetrators had a history of AiDS infection, and it has been reported that they have been cured thanks to me. They wasted even curing opportunities by Superstitious miracle tablets..未解決急性HIV感染事件の容疑者は半田貴子(39歳、1月29日生まれ, 女性、開進第二中学校•富士高校の同級生、元劇団員、元アクセサリー販売員、元飲食店、長期ストーカー、私のクローン人間、ピウスバチェビシスの長期的ハレム構成員、自身の認識を押し通すために畳み掛けと刷り込み売込みに懸命、思い込みが激しい、自然の摂理に疎かった、子持ち、物質的貢ぎ物で人心掌握、有害性照射事件エイズ事件の水先案内人)、ピウス•バチェビシス(42歳、4月19日産まれ、白人長身男性、ヤクザ)、久保田圭介(長身なで肩男性、AiDS感染者、事件感染源を東京武蔵野病院に提出したように聞く、宮崎市瀬頭町のインタープロ株式会社2011年時に勤務 :以下同様)、吉川(女性)、大前(男性)、木村(男性)、松本孝之(男性)、松原(女性、2012年時にインタープロ勤務)、山道(男性、以前黒ずくめ、AiDS感染者、久保田圭介同様事件の感染源提出者と聞く、清澄白河•門前仲町のタナカ印刷2014年勤務 :以下同様)、伊藤(女性)、池田(女性)、保母(男性)、小板橋(女性)、渡邉(女性)、伊東あすみ、長澤麗奈、佐野、望月(女性)、金田(女性)、佐々木茉(女性)、室澤(女性、日本橋最寄りのソフトブレーン株式会社2018年時社員 :以下同様)、豊田浩文、富田(男性)、大さわ周平、柿崎(男性)、野崎(男性)、木田(男性)、長田(男性)、渡辺(男性)、川上(男性)、村田(女性)、トダエリナ(未知のストーカー、別名で女優業の経験者、蓮舫の娘と噂されている)、まつのあかね(未知のストーカー)、東京武蔵野病院、SUGIZO(LUNASEA)、上戸彩、蓮舫、吉高由里子、吉岡里帆、大野智、松本潤、二宮和成、橋下徹、戸田恵梨香、満島ひかり、剛力彩芽、宇多田ヒカル、小池百合子、設楽統、北川景子、土屋太鳳、広瀬すず、石原さとみ、芳根京子、松岡茉優、フランス警察、佐野友美(ネットドリーマーズ株式会社2020年勤務)、入山(女性)、秋子(20年前の明治大学の音楽サークル音楽研究室の女性ボーカリストでニックネームが恋太郎)、小島南(23年前の富士高校のソフトボール部の女性クラブメート、学習院大学テニス部卒業生)、大鹿由(10月25日産まれ、妹の名前は真紀、以下同様:練馬区向山小学校•開進第二中学校同級生)、木村麻美(血液型A型、9月8日産まれ、姉の名前は恵)、エマニュエル•マクロン、安倍晋三、麻生太郎、山本夢見(2024年AIDS血液注射事件再犯、有害照射事件多数犯す、我が遺伝子製タブレットで2代目クローン人間になったと噂されている、明治大学経済学部卒業、同音楽研究室での20年前の呼び名はエム、友美と改名したと噂された、素人ギタリスト)、東野圭吾。 When a person's individuality is about to be destroyed or when their emotions are about to be controlled by bad people, it is better to immediately stop their duties as a crime inspector or crime defender and chiose more adoptable persons to keep secure please. 仁義無く何度も重犯しているで刑務所をご活用ください。容疑者達らがヴィールス陰性であろうが逮捕しない理由になりません。個性が壊れそうな時や、感情が悪人に支配を受けそうな時は、速やかに犯罪監査や犯行抑制人の任務を交代した方が良いと思われます。
Wow, I once saw something like that as a child I think because I was moving from a house down to an apt because my dad was arrested and sent to prison… after that all my life was just work during the summer to help myself for highschool and to help my mom out… but im at peace with it now, it has turned me into a man I am today with 2 wonderful baby girls both their bdays is today and Im greatful for what I have now, miss ya dad and merry xmas to all ❤💚
Right on. Your comment reminds me of being out at a nature reserve with my boys recently. The winter dusk caught me off guard, with its warm pinks and soft golden lined clouds. Completely took my breath away.
Gosh… as long as I can remember I’ve always sought these lonely, ephemeral instances. The light hitting the wall just enough to look like a portal or a message, or a lone tree under the park light on a rainy night. The bubble that got away. The way a room changes when the laughter is gone, and the lights are turned down. Sounds weird af but these kinds of quiet moments have such a hold on me every time. I will get visions and memories that don’t exist just bc the way the sun is hitting, or fading. Didn’t even hesitate to click on this video and so glad I have.
It reminds me of this time in Vegas . My friend and I were staying at the Venetian. After spending the day out and about we were unwinding in the evening before we went out again . We had the lights off, just chilling watching the beautiful desert sunset over the mountains . So peaceful , beautiful , nostalgic, and sad all at the same time .
Why do these images cause me to feel so melancholy? I have known for a while that late afternoon sun through a window feels sad to me. When i moved i purposely picked an apartment with morning sun and no afternoon sun. It brings me down and I don't know why. Especially in the winter.🥺😞🤔
I see lighting like this everyday when I come home from school, now that it’s the winter time. The sky is so beautiful, and the soft orange glow like this against every building, road, cars, trees… is just surreal✨. I once saw this in downtown before, with every glass and concrete building reflecting the sunset’s beautiful golden orange glow. Every time I see something like this, it feels like time slows down. It’s like a warm embrace when you’re lonely; it has a sort of… comforting effect. This is truly one of the best feelings ever❤
I love feeling this way actually, when the lighting is just right it puts me in deep in reflection of eternal bliss and memories of a forgotten life once lived or is yet to be.
I always see these types of days on sunny days. It’s always been the summer when they appear. But, they’ve also appeared when I’ve been at my lowest. The light shines through your window, you feel that pain in your chest as you watch the sun, and suddenly you’re a kid all over. Whether it’s been a good or bad day, I always feel that aching, unbearable pain. It’s like the light shows up to remind you of nostalgic memories. Something about it is so intentional. Whoever does it, it catches me off guard. It’ll catch me in the kitchen while I’m eating watermelon, or when I’m in my room, the place I’ve probably been alone and isolated in for hours. At some point, I may be grateful for this light. For now, it’s so bittersweet. In these short moments, I reflect on my life and the people I’ve met, the memories I’ve made, the places I’ve gone, and just everything. It makes me feel so sad, and like I’m running out of time. But at the same time, I’ve been seeing this light since forever. So maybe it’s there to be like “hey, I’m here and you’re here and I know you miss being a kid, and I miss watching you be a kid.” I’m just rambling. Something about this light gives me hope, but it also makes me feel like a little kid running around while being all sweaty and laughing. I hope this is the light that shines through my window when I am on my death bed.
even though i’m only 14, i’ve been craving some time alone cause it just helps me in some sort of way. i sometimes catch myself waiting for the moon or sun to shine through my window, as they’re sometimes the best times on days when i’m alone. i’m currently staying in my grandmother’s place because the weather’s nicer here for winter, but we’re going back in 2 months. it’s only been 2 weeks since we came here and i already miss my room and the comfort of our house. also, my gallery’s filled with photos of the sun and the moon, whether they’re setting or rising. i have no right saying this as a teenager, but i missed spending time alone in my room or outside in the yard just wandering around.
You have every right. You don't need anyone's approval to be attracted towards the things that give you joy or peace. But in my opinion, thats a tremendous thing to admire, the moon or the sun. I would just say, keep looking up. Definitely beats looking down
It’s hard not to get sad thinking back, it was simple time. The days were long, the nights never seemed to end and there was magic and wonder in everything we did, adventure around every corner. I remember the bright glow that came off the candelabra my parents would put up during Christmas or the orange hue of the setting Sun like shown here and I realize I have the memories of feeling like this, peaceful, hopeful, content, and most of all no thoughts or cares of the future, no endless internal dialogue assuring me I’m falling short somehow or letting someone down. However while that memory of child like enthusiasm and joy endures, I don’t ever actually feel it anymore.
This reminds me of all of a sudden being in a dream like this when i experienced this as a kid in the early 2000s. I felt like i was in a dream and longed for some time and place in life where i can be in the dream forever. Ill experience it.. someday... ❤
This feels like being an adult coming back home from your job and make dinner or clean the house and then one moment you sit down and just watch the sunset from your window. no more colorful childhood. time moves fast.
when it's been a long day and your mind is in that post long day haze and the light of the falling sun glints on your eyes so you raise your head and momentarily rise above the haze, and you're bathed in pink light, and it's beautiful, but you are too tired to think much of it, but in the back of your mind you cherish the small moment as everything before you put your head back down
Welp, I just listened to that in one sitting. So here's what I think. Bliss. Brings me back to every spring evening in my life when the sun gets to that point (you must know the one).
It reminds me of the time we spent together. Laughing, cuddling, staying up, driving. Sharing moments together. Healing and growing together. Things I'll never get back. Things I'll never have again. I miss you so much. I'll see you soon.
Whenever it's sunset I feel like there's something I want and wish I could be doing that in that moment. Walking and laughing with friends, holding hands with a girl. Maybe it sounds cringe or desperate but I don't know. Hope you all get the best in life
I used to work as a janitor for a huge welding factory. This feels like walking alone through the massive factory floor, surrounded by machines covered in soot and caution tape.
It's the moments before the great and brilliant star in our sky hides its face from our view, leaving us in darkness for many hours. Maybe there's some symbolism there that instinctively makes us feel sad about our source of light being in it's final stages of the day.
This is what it looked like in the apartment during inbetween the morning and midday and I only ever saw it as a kid whenever I had to stay home from school sick. I'm 29 years old now and still haven't seen anything like this in rl since.
When I read that, I knew exactly what you meant and experienced the same emotional heartache when I watch that scene from Gladiator.. nothing makes me tear up like Maximus gently brushing his hands on top the blades of wheat slowly walking to his wife and son in that golden hour sunlight.
I do love this kind of light… Golden hour is like a pure bubble of introspection and a bridge to connect our inner emotions to the outside world for such a brief moment.
I know this feeling… Might go back to when I was a kid and my mom would make me go to bed when it was still light out. It made me terribly sad and I’d cry and cry.
i feel something lookin at these picture idk how to explain .... golden hour are the best itz makes me want to stay alive....,the feel of the warm sunlight hitting my skin the soft breeze shaking the leaves of the tree and it gives a feeling of derealization...its a bliss
Now I look at this with a sentimental feeling and started making myself realize to do that in the moment. I still find myself longing for times gone past though. Still feel this at some vacations
This is what people see because it's the end of the day, you just got out of school, or work. You've done your tasks for today as society dictates. Now you can relax but your mind is troubled so the sun is setting. You go home, and ponder about life and longing. And you feel lonely and lost but the scene is peaceful because the house is peaceful. The twilight casts a light that isn't too bright, and isn't too dark that you can't see anything anymore. It's just the perfect amount of photons for visibility and relaxation. Physically you're relaxed but mentally you're not. You repeat the same process tomorrow cause you still haven't figured out what you're searching for. This is the chapter I'm at right now in my life. I don't know how this book will end. If I ever find my answer, I'll come back and leave an edit to this comment.
this made me feel so nostalgic. im only 27 but i felt like i was sent back to being 7. I really like the scenery both at 6am and 5pm every single time. no matter the place ofc. It makes me feel relaxed.
What an incredible tribute to this moment in the day we all experience. How thoughtful and introspective of this content creator. The moment right before it becomes the "gloaming". Such a brief window in time, it's like holding your breath until the very last second, yet so precious a lovely video gets dedicated to it.
Makes me feel even less connected to this time and the feeling of beeing here because i must. I will gather the strength again to try and leave 2015 i was so so close But a wannabe saviour ruined it for me. I am not glad nor happy about it to this day. But a day wich will give me the strength to loosen my grip will come again ❤️
I used to hang out with a buddy from highschool a lot after we graduated. We would walk around town, seeing the parks, schools, trails... etc. There was one moment we were up on a hill near a CVS and you could see across the whole town from there facing west. I looked at the sunset, and looked at him and said; "I know this is goofy to hear and say, but I'm going to remember this moment for the rest of my life." That was in 2010. He looked at me and just smiled and punched me in the arm and told me we should grab some food before going home. That was one of the last times we hung out before life took us in very different directions. He's doing well, and so am I. What surprised me was, this past new years he messaged me and just said; "Hey. Remember the sunset near the CVS?" Made my day. He texted me a picture of that sunset that I didn't notice he took that day. I could see half of my 19 year old face looking that way as well... I looked so young... (For context, we live 200 miles apart and he's a very busy man now, so it's difficult to see or talk to him more than once every few months.)
Well I feel kinda weird cause looking and listening for this things. Sometimes life isnt that great, you're asking yourself for sm things for happening in your life. Well guys its happening for reason, Im sad about things about my situation and I feel calmly to share it w ya'll cause nobody knows me. I can only tell God how I feel thats it. Im gonna tell you some things, I know how you feel, I know how much hard you try it, how much love you put in all that, but it will be worth it. Sometimes in life you have to wait so sooo much so you can be loved, successful. Life is not hard, we are these who make it hateted. You're loved. #lovefrompilotfromthesky❤️✨
happy marry Christmas to y'all, if you all believer or non believe but God bless you through the year. Not many has come this far so, feel good and realize, we all are the same boat with heavy storm or not. and if you feel loses, talk to god. he doesnt bite nor forsake you or anything else, such talk to god. he will understand it, even you dont seem or feel it. God bless my brothers and sister, i know we are going through next year a lot worse or a lot better. or both.
this time of the day when sun light is orange is the best time. I get a strange feeling of longing and nostalgia
I miss this feeling too...😢
It makes me anxious,as if I have been yearning for something for so long
As if you could never take in the moment fully; you wish to stay there forever and be immersed by the moment completely, but you just can't, and as magical as it feels, it is also terribly nostalgic
Isn't it amazing that different people from different corners of the world feel the same thing from the same natural phenomenon?
I swear this is what vacations as a kid feel like.
Couldn't say better)
I'm 15 yo and already it starts to feel different...
What a strange world we live in...
Yesss this….I seen these photos in instagram the other day and said this to myself! You are spot on 😌
The feeling of waiting for something but don’t know what
Reflection is both key and lock.
"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
--Diamond Dragons (series)
End the me with all the pleasures , pain,suffering,thinking,anger,resistance,conditions,beliefs,hope,or waiting something? Is that what you mean in your comment, the tottal destruction@@Novastar.SaberCombat
Waiting for life
as a child, i was waiting to grow up. now that im grown up, i feel like im waiting to die.
Ah the golden hour. If I could, I'd live in that evening glow forever.
my god yes, please take me with you , best time of our memories!!!
Idę z wami
“You don’t know it yet, kid. But someday in the future, THIS is what you’re going to miss most. Not just the colors……but how they made you feel”.
Where is this quote from it’s beautiful
@@shirine8672 I just came up with it after I discovered the video last week. Just what I felt like I would say to someone in that moment.
@@roc5291 oh wow well that is really beautiful
I've seen this light many times in my youth. When the world seemed bigger and more magical, almost like a dream. I would see this during the middle of elementary school in late spring /early fall and during Halloween when the sun started getting lower in the sky and it made the trees and buildings turn bright orange. For some reason, I only seem to experience it under certain circumstances and it feel like time stands still during those momentary bursts of color. I can't explain it, but something feels liminal or ethereal about it. Like I'm being called back to the 80s and 90s where my family is waiting for me there.
@SomewhereGoneyou goes in the present time where god resides your mind suddenly attach with high consciousness
You're perfect at explaining feelings and thoughts
Beautiful- thank you
I resonate with this so much wow. Especially the Halloween mention, im not ashamed to say I’m still here mentally many times, it brings me a peace.
@@hno6159 bro because it is real peace
This reminds me of when I was depressed when I was in middle and high school. I wasn't allowed to leave the house while my parents were at work or let alone after dark so I was just around the house all the time. Ever since I was little, I would go walking to clear my mind. At school I'd tell my friends I'm just gonna go walk on my own around the track or the field, and I think only my best friend understood that. So when I was at home and I needed to clear my mind and I couldn't get outside, I would sit on the kitchen floor, back against the wall or the fridge, and watch out the window. From that angle I couldn't see the houses or the power lines, only the trees and the birds and the sky. It helped me to feel less boxed in, less caged. And that would clear my mind. I would just sit there in silence, or listening to music, and work out all of the things running through my head one by one. I'd do this when the day was getting low or when it was storming. Low light, wide sky, and just, breathe. Sometimes I would just breathe.
It was some of the best peace I have ever known.
Wow reading this actually made me feel calm. I do recall having a similar memory. When I’d wake up to an empty living room and golden hour shining through the window, I’d just stare out the glass. Couldn’t see anything but the sky and I’d just lay there and watch.
Hi there! God really, really loves you.
"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.""-Matthew 11:28
May God bless you!
Isn’t it weird how deep and introspective a lot of were when we were kids? I used to do the same thing looking out my bedroom window during the summer time at dusk. It’s such a weird and lonely feeling. I still try to carve out time to do it these days in my 30s just to get that weird feeling again.
Especially when you wake up at sunset and there's this empty kinda feeling in your gut...🤧
like you missed out on something
Pink and golden hour are the best times of day
This feels like when you’d wake up early for a field trip, that level of excitement, sitting on that bus… good times.
When you've had a long, difficult and lonely day and have been reduced to sitting in silence on the couch lost in thought
The golden light of the dying sun reminds you how much time has past
Time is the only resource.
"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
--Diamond Dragons (series)
Love your profile aesthetic, Samuel! Great music taste too.
Man, I'll tell you that: I really enjoy being alone, I think it is really great. I don't know….people can be so exhausting sometimes! I do crave times like these.
me tooo
Loneliness is a uncontrolled status. Solitude is a choice.
*Your hours are finite.* Don't waste them on any task or any individual who doesn't treasure you as a meaningful soul.
"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
--Diamond Dragons (series)
i enjoy loneliness but sometimes it feels like a punishment, like damn wtf did i do to deserve this? i used to show alot of love to people even strangers, cuz as a kid my parents told me treat others the way u want to be treated, but as i got older i realized that was bullsh!t. so id rather stay alone and miserable than deal with people who dont even love themselves let alone me.
@@Novastar.SaberCombat Beautifully said
@@honestlygood7967 *Reflection is both key and lock.*
"Reflect, sentient ones.
Recite the hex of final vows." --Suusstoro (DD4)
Memories of the inside of my dad's small toyota pickup, radio station commercials in the background and not a worry in the world.. God bless ✌️
This is what a sunset at the beach when you're a kid feels like. Miss those days.
The best I've seen of this lighting is at my local church. During a certain time of the year on a clear afternoon, the light seeping through the stained glass makes the place look magical.
I remember right before my Junior year of high school started I was driving home one day and I realized just how lonely I felt. I had never previously bothered with curating or retaining relationships, the only friends I had were online, I never spoke to people or tried to stand out because I was convinced it was because I just wasn’t a people person and I didn’t need relationships. When I finally felt it it was like I got sucker punched. It ate away at me constantly. That one moment changed my life instantly when I realized that the reason I never went out or did anything new or spoke to people was because I was scared of being disliked.
It’s ok to feel lonely, it’s better than not being aware your lonely, but when you feel it it means it’s time to make a change. Do something that scares you, run from what’s comfortable. Complement people you see walking by, talk to a barista, a random kid at school sitting alone. The reward from doing something out of your comfort zone far outweighs the initial fear of doing so.
When I realized that the reason I was feeling sad was because I was lonely it felt the same way you described it. I got anxiety from fear of judgement which turned me into a more quiet person, but I'm working on it. Nothing changes if nothing changes, I hope the best for you
I'm in high school right now (a senior though), and I'm exactly like this.
I’ve become comfortable with my loneliness, maybe because I haven’t much of a choice. It’s so warm in my solitude 🌅
How the late afternoon sun lit the walls of my childhood home. I miss that place
Unfortunately, I've been here way too many times... I treasure these moments now. I'm older and love myself harder.❤
all fade away...but you must continue your journey. ❤
I've been sitting here staring at my christmas tree in the dark for a while. this is a great playlist for that sort of thing, I miss the past like an ex-lover sometimes.
Such Beautiful Color, and the feeling it gives when you’re in the light. You just feel safe, warm and it makes you smile.
Someone here wrote that this is what vacations as a kid feel like. That's because when we grow up, we no longer have time to pay attention... The adult existence deprives us of our most sacred, intimate moments...
Aging hurts at times
I never grew up
Boy, did you ever capture a feeling and visual that has brought me peace since I was a kid. It’s the most lonely and lovely feeling ever.
odd behaviour is the sane path in a mad world
yes this feeling, ive felt it in the train, bus, airpports, bus stops, especially during the quiet afternoon time.
Unclear music, i can't remember..
You are good at catching sounds..
I heard that the women deliberately changed ugly continued to create artificial and uninteresting human memory videos and still images so that others would not be able to recognize my existence correctly.
Please do not forget that the motivation of the murderers who wanted to destroy people's memories extended to motive to kill my family who remembered me properly. The suspects who instilled false memories have a motive that could even commit murder.
Don't overlook them stage of threats or plans..
What's more astonished than being infected with AiDS while asleep is someone creating an alter-ego using my past brainwaves and living a life that's completely different from the one I originally had.
Prevention crime's one of target problems is above.
Below's people commited above falsification and HIV virus blood syringe injection infection crime on 2022/12/25-27, 2023, 2024, they are mostly virus negative but so competitive and wanted to degeat me at all costs.
This was a group-planned crime, and it is said that Erika Toda used a syringe to carry out the crime. Some of the perpetrators had a history of AiDS infection, and it has been reported that they have been cured thanks to me. They wasted even curing opportunities by Superstitious miracle tablets..未解決急性HIV感染事件の容疑者は半田貴子(39歳、1月29日生まれ, 女性、開進第二中学校•富士高校の同級生、元劇団員、元アクセサリー販売員、元飲食店、長期ストーカー、私のクローン人間、ピウスバチェビシスの長期的ハレム構成員、自身の認識を押し通すために畳み掛けと刷り込み売込みに懸命、思い込みが激しい、自然の摂理に疎かった、子持ち、物質的貢ぎ物で人心掌握、有害性照射事件エイズ事件の水先案内人)、ピウス•バチェビシス(42歳、4月19日産まれ、白人長身男性、ヤクザ)、久保田圭介(長身なで肩男性、AiDS感染者、事件感染源を東京武蔵野病院に提出したように聞く、宮崎市瀬頭町のインタープロ株式会社2011年時に勤務 :以下同様)、吉川(女性)、大前(男性)、木村(男性)、松本孝之(男性)、松原(女性、2012年時にインタープロ勤務)、山道(男性、以前黒ずくめ、AiDS感染者、久保田圭介同様事件の感染源提出者と聞く、清澄白河•門前仲町のタナカ印刷2014年勤務 :以下同様)、伊藤(女性)、池田(女性)、保母(男性)、小板橋(女性)、渡邉(女性)、伊東あすみ、長澤麗奈、佐野、望月(女性)、金田(女性)、佐々木茉(女性)、室澤(女性、日本橋最寄りのソフトブレーン株式会社2018年時社員 :以下同様)、豊田浩文、富田(男性)、大さわ周平、柿崎(男性)、野崎(男性)、木田(男性)、長田(男性)、渡辺(男性)、川上(男性)、村田(女性)、トダエリナ(未知のストーカー、別名で女優業の経験者、蓮舫の娘と噂されている)、まつのあかね(未知のストーカー)、東京武蔵野病院、SUGIZO(LUNASEA)、上戸彩、蓮舫、吉高由里子、吉岡里帆、大野智、松本潤、二宮和成、橋下徹、戸田恵梨香、満島ひかり、剛力彩芽、宇多田ヒカル、小池百合子、設楽統、北川景子、土屋太鳳、広瀬すず、石原さとみ、芳根京子、松岡茉優、フランス警察、佐野友美(ネットドリーマーズ株式会社2020年勤務)、入山(女性)、秋子(20年前の明治大学の音楽サークル音楽研究室の女性ボーカリストでニックネームが恋太郎)、小島南(23年前の富士高校のソフトボール部の女性クラブメート、学習院大学テニス部卒業生)、大鹿由(10月25日産まれ、妹の名前は真紀、以下同様:練馬区向山小学校•開進第二中学校同級生)、木村麻美(血液型A型、9月8日産まれ、姉の名前は恵)、エマニュエル•マクロン、安倍晋三、麻生太郎、山本夢見(2024年AIDS血液注射事件再犯、有害照射事件多数犯す、我が遺伝子製タブレットで2代目クローン人間になったと噂されている、明治大学経済学部卒業、同音楽研究室での20年前の呼び名はエム、友美と改名したと噂された、素人ギタリスト)、東野圭吾。
When a person's individuality is about to be destroyed or when their emotions are about to be controlled by bad people, it is better to immediately stop their duties as a crime inspector or crime defender and chiose more adoptable persons to keep secure please. 仁義無く何度も重犯しているで刑務所をご活用ください。容疑者達らがヴィールス陰性であろうが逮捕しない理由になりません。個性が壊れそうな時や、感情が悪人に支配を受けそうな時は、速やかに犯罪監査や犯行抑制人の任務を交代した方が良いと思われます。
Wow, I once saw something like that as a child I think because I was moving from a house down to an apt because my dad was arrested and sent to prison… after that all my life was just work during the summer to help myself for highschool and to help my mom out… but im at peace with it now, it has turned me into a man I am today with 2 wonderful baby girls both their bdays is today and Im greatful for what I have now, miss ya dad and merry xmas to all ❤💚
My favorite part of the day is dusk
Right on. Your comment reminds me of being out at a nature reserve with my boys recently. The winter dusk caught me off guard, with its warm pinks and soft golden lined clouds. Completely took my breath away.
How do you wake up so early😭😭😭
I can never
@@johnwilliam4042 it's kind of up to the baby right now 😅 I don't have much of a choice these days
Gosh… as long as I can remember I’ve always sought these lonely, ephemeral instances. The light hitting the wall just enough to look like a portal or a message, or a lone tree under the park light on a rainy night. The bubble that got away. The way a room changes when the laughter is gone, and the lights are turned down. Sounds weird af but these kinds of quiet moments have such a hold on me every time. I will get visions and memories that don’t exist just bc the way the sun is hitting, or fading. Didn’t even hesitate to click on this video and so glad I have.
It's like this sound is always playing when I remember the past
It reminds me of this time in Vegas . My friend and I were staying at the Venetian. After spending the day out and about we were unwinding in the evening before we went out again . We had the lights off, just chilling watching the beautiful desert sunset over the mountains . So peaceful , beautiful , nostalgic, and sad all at the same time .
Why do these images cause me to feel so melancholy? I have known for a while that late afternoon sun through a window feels sad to me. When i moved i purposely picked an apartment with morning sun and no afternoon sun. It brings me down and I don't know why. Especially in the winter.🥺😞🤔
this is what a breath of fresh air feels like
I see lighting like this everyday when I come home from school, now that it’s the winter time. The sky is so beautiful, and the soft orange glow like this against every building, road, cars, trees… is just surreal✨. I once saw this in downtown before, with every glass and concrete building reflecting the sunset’s beautiful golden orange glow. Every time I see something like this, it feels like time slows down. It’s like a warm embrace when you’re lonely; it has a sort of… comforting effect. This is truly one of the best feelings ever❤
I love feeling this way actually, when the lighting is just right it puts me in deep in reflection of eternal bliss and memories of a forgotten life once lived or is yet to be.
I always see these types of days on sunny days. It’s always been the summer when they appear. But, they’ve also appeared when I’ve been at my lowest. The light shines through your window, you feel that pain in your chest as you watch the sun, and suddenly you’re a kid all over. Whether it’s been a good or bad day, I always feel that aching, unbearable pain. It’s like the light shows up to remind you of nostalgic memories. Something about it is so intentional. Whoever does it, it catches me off guard. It’ll catch me in the kitchen while I’m eating watermelon, or when I’m in my room, the place I’ve probably been alone and isolated in for hours. At some point, I may be grateful for this light. For now, it’s so bittersweet. In these short moments, I reflect on my life and the people I’ve met, the memories I’ve made, the places I’ve gone, and just everything. It makes me feel so sad, and like I’m running out of time. But at the same time, I’ve been seeing this light since forever. So maybe it’s there to be like “hey, I’m here and you’re here and I know you miss being a kid, and I miss watching you be a kid.” I’m just rambling. Something about this light gives me hope, but it also makes me feel like a little kid running around while being all sweaty and laughing. I hope this is the light that shines through my window when I am on my death bed.
even though i’m only 14, i’ve been craving some time alone cause it just helps me in some sort of way. i sometimes catch myself waiting for the moon or sun to shine through my window, as they’re sometimes the best times on days when i’m alone. i’m currently staying in my grandmother’s place because the weather’s nicer here for winter, but we’re going back in 2 months. it’s only been 2 weeks since we came here and i already miss my room and the comfort of our house. also, my gallery’s filled with photos of the sun and the moon, whether they’re setting or rising. i have no right saying this as a teenager, but i missed spending time alone in my room or outside in the yard just wandering around.
You have every right. You don't need anyone's approval to be attracted towards the things that give you joy or peace. But in my opinion, thats a tremendous thing to admire, the moon or the sun. I would just say, keep looking up. Definitely beats looking down
It’s hard not to get sad thinking back, it was simple time. The days were long, the nights never seemed to end and there was magic and wonder in everything we did, adventure around every corner. I remember the bright glow that came off the candelabra my parents would put up during Christmas or the orange hue of the setting Sun like shown here and I realize I have the memories of feeling like this, peaceful, hopeful, content, and most of all no thoughts or cares of the future, no endless internal dialogue assuring me I’m falling short somehow or letting someone down. However while that memory of child like enthusiasm and joy endures, I don’t ever actually feel it anymore.
I just love those 10-20 minutes at the end of the day where the sunlight comes in at just the right angle
This reminds me of all of a sudden being in a dream like this when i experienced this as a kid in the early 2000s. I felt like i was in a dream and longed for some time and place in life where i can be in the dream forever. Ill experience it.. someday... ❤
That same light used to come through my curtains and onto the wall during my darkest moments laying alone in bed.
This feels like being an adult coming back home from your job and make dinner or clean the house and then one moment you sit down and just watch the sunset from your window. no more colorful childhood. time moves fast.
Golden hour feels different always
step into a memory & feel it forever
when it's been a long day and your mind is in that post long day haze and the light of the falling sun glints on your eyes so you raise your head and momentarily rise above the haze, and you're bathed in pink light, and it's beautiful, but you are too tired to think much of it, but in the back of your mind you cherish the small moment as everything before you put your head back down
Welp, I just listened to that in one sitting. So here's what I think. Bliss. Brings me back to every spring evening in my life when the sun gets to that point (you must know the one).
The small things in life turn out to be big things once they are gone later on. 😔
I’m hoping for a day when I can feel like this again
It reminds me of the time we spent together. Laughing, cuddling, staying up, driving. Sharing moments together.
Healing and growing together.
Things I'll never get back. Things I'll never have again.
I miss you so much.
I'll see you soon.
Whenever it's sunset I feel like there's something I want and wish I could be doing that in that moment. Walking and laughing with friends, holding hands with a girl. Maybe it sounds cringe or desperate but I don't know. Hope you all get the best in life
The last one hurts. I know this place...
10:05 reminds me of clementines kitchen from the telltale walking dead game
Oooooo, yeah that's true
I'm getting 28 days later vibe
I used to work as a janitor for a huge welding factory. This feels like walking alone through the massive factory floor, surrounded by machines covered in soot and caution tape.
It's the moments before the great and brilliant star in our sky hides its face from our view, leaving us in darkness for many hours. Maybe there's some symbolism there that instinctively makes us feel sad about our source of light being in it's final stages of the day.
the time when everyone else is asleep except you and you think this time will be over soon
This is what it looked like in the apartment during inbetween the morning and midday and I only ever saw it as a kid whenever I had to stay home from school sick. I'm 29 years old now and still haven't seen anything like this in rl since.
Same feeling when you see Maximus Aurelius in the field, brushing his hand over the blades of wheat in the movie Gladiator.
When I read that, I knew exactly what you meant and experienced the same emotional heartache when I watch that scene from Gladiator.. nothing makes me tear up like Maximus gently brushing his hands on top the blades of wheat slowly walking to his wife and son in that golden hour sunlight.
Golden/grey/blue hour is relaxing and peaceful 🤍❤️💛☁️
I do love this kind of light… Golden hour is like a pure bubble of introspection and a bridge to connect our inner emotions to the outside world for such a brief moment.
This is what my life sounded like from ages 14-16 now at 24 I am full of anxiety and constant pressure. Gosh, I was such a dreamer back then....
I know this feeling…
Might go back to when I was a kid and my mom would make me go to bed when it was still light out. It made me terribly sad and I’d cry and cry.
i feel something lookin at these picture idk how to explain .... golden hour are the best itz makes me want to stay alive....,the feel of the warm sunlight hitting my skin the soft breeze shaking the leaves of the tree and it gives a feeling of derealization...its a bliss
Love your stuff. We really appreciate you! For real. Keep it up
This is what it feels like to be alive
Don't ever stop uploading such content
Thanks for making us all feel comfortable with this
I remember lighting like this in the house I grew up in. Always gave me a weird feeling.
одно чудесное лето где то в параллельной вселенной с хорошими воспоминаниями.
Now I look at this with a sentimental feeling and started making myself realize to do that in the moment. I still find myself longing for times gone past though. Still feel this at some vacations
This is what people see because it's the end of the day, you just got out of school, or work. You've done your tasks for today as society dictates. Now you can relax but your mind is troubled so the sun is setting. You go home, and ponder about life and longing. And you feel lonely and lost but the scene is peaceful because the house is peaceful. The twilight casts a light that isn't too bright, and isn't too dark that you can't see anything anymore. It's just the perfect amount of photons for visibility and relaxation. Physically you're relaxed but mentally you're not. You repeat the same process tomorrow cause you still haven't figured out what you're searching for.
This is the chapter I'm at right now in my life. I don't know how this book will end. If I ever find my answer, I'll come back and leave an edit to this comment.
this made me feel so nostalgic. im only 27 but i felt like i was sent back to being 7. I really like the scenery both at 6am and 5pm every single time. no matter the place ofc. It makes me feel relaxed.
Nostalgia is undoubtedly the most beautiful and cruel of feelings...
Bro this atmosphere is everything. 😭👌🏾
Хорошего дня и отличного настроения 👍
Magnificent playlist and imagery! Just what I needed to listen during this lonely but cozy night of insomnia
Autmn sunsets. Can't help but appreciate them.
100% gonna ascend myself out of bed and get on my morning routine with this
Oh my gosh... it makes so calm, peaceful and empty (in a good way) atmosphere.. =]
What an incredible tribute to this moment in the day we all experience. How thoughtful and introspective of this content creator. The moment right before it becomes the "gloaming". Such a brief window in time, it's like holding your breath until the very last second, yet so precious a lovely video gets dedicated to it.
you know it's going to be real when the title is oddly specific
Vibrant and full of hype of whats to come, its beautiful
Kind of vibe that makes me feel inside de movie "Her", I love it
You've put into words and art a very obscure feeling
I just wanna go home.
But home doesn't exist anymore 😥💔
Your music is so good, I keep coming back to your channel
A new playlist thats like the other one with sunset halls, nice
Makes me feel even less connected to this time and the feeling of beeing here because i must.
I will gather the strength again to try and leave
2015 i was so so close
But a wannabe saviour ruined it for me.
I am not glad nor happy about it to this day.
But a day wich will give me the strength to loosen my grip will come again ❤️
...dont mind me. I'm putting this on loop.
love this thank you
30:01 Open airways is ethereal
I used to hang out with a buddy from highschool a lot after we graduated. We would walk around town, seeing the parks, schools, trails... etc. There was one moment we were up on a hill near a CVS and you could see across the whole town from there facing west.
I looked at the sunset, and looked at him and said; "I know this is goofy to hear and say, but I'm going to remember this moment for the rest of my life." That was in 2010. He looked at me and just smiled and punched me in the arm and told me we should grab some food before going home.
That was one of the last times we hung out before life took us in very different directions. He's doing well, and so am I. What surprised me was, this past new years he messaged me and just said; "Hey. Remember the sunset near the CVS?" Made my day. He texted me a picture of that sunset that I didn't notice he took that day. I could see half of my 19 year old face looking that way as well... I looked so young... (For context, we live 200 miles apart and he's a very busy man now, so it's difficult to see or talk to him more than once every few months.)
my love language
У нас просто серое серое серое небо. И так будет еще почти полгода. Я забыла, что солнце может быть таким ярким.
Well I feel kinda weird cause looking and listening for this things. Sometimes life isnt that great, you're asking yourself for sm things for happening in your life. Well guys its happening for reason, Im sad about things about my situation and I feel calmly to share it w ya'll cause nobody knows me. I can only tell God how I feel thats it. Im gonna tell you some things, I know how you feel, I know how much hard you try it, how much love you put in all that, but it will be worth it. Sometimes in life you have to wait so sooo much so you can be loved, successful. Life is not hard, we are these who make it hateted. You're loved. #lovefrompilotfromthesky❤️✨
this is heavenly peaceful.
happy marry Christmas to y'all, if you all believer or non believe but God bless you through the year. Not many has come this far so, feel good and realize, we all are the same boat with heavy storm or not. and if you feel loses, talk to god. he doesnt bite nor forsake you or anything else, such talk to god. he will understand it, even you dont seem or feel it. God bless my brothers and sister, i know we are going through next year a lot worse or a lot better. or both.
God bless you, gardyz. See you in heaven one day.
Don't know how you did it, but you took the feelings right out of my heart...
Oh, this is bliss 😌
Какая прелесть ❤
I am extremely lucky to have it experience right now.
what a dream. It goes to my heart thank you
Lovely composition