Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon (The Lucky 15) Chapter 1: Marth Embarks

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2025
  • Playlist (Has a description of what The Lucky 15 is): • Fire Emblem Shadow Dra...
    Decided at least for the first chapter at least to not kill off anyone who didn't make the cut because foreshadow alert; there might be some units in the current party who won't be surviving past the 6x split (and I did save a screenshot this time for when it comes time to reveal the list).
    Feels like a typical thing to say but at least on H4 the difficulty of this map feels pretty free comparatively to how it is on H5 and there was only really maybe one or two eerie moments that occurred as I played the map.
    On more minor notes as well I think this is the first time I have ever realized that Norne starts with a whole 1 skill in spite of me using her in other playthroughs of this game in the past so lmao.
    Still also trying to get of the hang of the character layout of who is currently alive on the bottom as well and that will be a lot more of a pain to do so on the next map when we recruit a lot more characters coming up.

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