The first bible (or rather the first book that even remotely compares to the bible) was first assembled from many much older texts and myths in the 4th century. Some were kept as such, some were rewritten and some discarded altogether.
No one really knows for sure, only dates but not really " the real person " who wrote it, besides there are much more text writen than the ones included in " the final book" which was already a product of an organiced religiuos institution. And there are no real proven sources either.
If Mary Magdalene in France cave is true, DaVinci code becomes more and more accurrant. Yet, I believe, that worshipping Mary in the catholic church is mixed memory or myth between Jesus' mother and Mary Magdalene.
I really didn't like the distain expressed in Lynn Pinknett's voice, especially in her earlier comments, ready designed to put people off. I am not a believer, but jysg interested in history.
The other Mary she was Jesus's mother why people don't search for her???I don't understand she is more important ❤❤❤
That tomb isn't old enough science and archeologist s have sais this beginning of doc.
problem is that they are looking for something that may of been just a fictional character as many of them in bible. there are no proves of her at all
There is even doubt that Jesus even existed because Christianity is based on about 15 religions that came before.
She was half sister of Jesus, Cleopatra Selene II
who wrote the bible? and what was his source?
The first bible (or rather the first book that even remotely compares to the bible) was first assembled from many much older texts and myths in the 4th century. Some were kept as such, some were rewritten and some discarded altogether.
Multiple authors alike in New Testament and Quran. Did Jews learn to write and read on exile in Babylon or was seeds of knowlwdge seed in Egypt?
No one really knows for sure, only dates but not really " the real person " who wrote it, besides there are much more text writen than the ones included in " the final book" which was already a product of an organiced religiuos institution.
And there are no real proven sources either.
If Mary Magdalene in France cave is true, DaVinci code becomes more and more accurrant. Yet, I believe, that worshipping Mary in the catholic church is mixed memory or myth between Jesus' mother and Mary Magdalene.
I really didn't like the distain expressed in Lynn Pinknett's voice, especially in her earlier comments, ready designed to put people off. I am not a believer, but jysg interested in history.
There IS no such thing as 'biblical archeology'. There is only archeology.
'Koranian archeology' would be a strange thing. Never heard of it.