jesus christ this guy is rough on that poor little thing, not only is it hard on the drivers and flanges but it stresses out the whole chassis in ways it shouldn't, on well at least he runs it
I'm green with envy, Glenn. It's so good to see how the "layout" has settled in, everything has smoothed out and blended in beautifully! Now for some studded tires....I read Chaski every day. Pete
DUDE!!!! IT'S SLIPPINGGGGG!!!! Jesus Tapdancing Christ I know those tires have a groove worn in them now, and the rails probably have scorch marks! More throttle makes things worse not better! It beats the hell out of the machine and it does no good for hauling the train. It's called Sand!!! Sprinkle some at the foot of the grade and up to the crest. Later Ottaways actually had working sanding gear. It does not help that Ottaways were built with absolutely no suspension system so low spots in the track make the problem worse, but still.
jesus christ this guy is rough on that poor little thing, not only is it hard on the drivers and flanges but it stresses out the whole chassis in ways it shouldn't, on well at least he runs it
I love these locomotives.
I'm in favour of backyard railways! Thanks for posting this, mate!
Nice Video!
I'm green with envy, Glenn. It's so good to see how the "layout" has settled in, everything has smoothed out and blended in beautifully! Now for some studded tires....I read Chaski every day. Pete
DUDE!!!! IT'S SLIPPINGGGGG!!!! Jesus Tapdancing Christ I know those tires have a groove worn in them now, and the rails probably have scorch marks! More throttle makes things worse not better! It beats the hell out of the machine and it does no good for hauling the train. It's called Sand!!! Sprinkle some at the foot of the grade and up to the crest. Later Ottaways actually had working sanding gear. It does not help that Ottaways were built with absolutely no suspension system so low spots in the track make the problem worse, but still.
No sander on this engine, no sand to be had. It was quite rainy, everything was very wet. There was less slipping after the first lap.
Definitely too much load! 4-4-0 configuration doesn't lend itself well for traction...🤔