Love the history of "Death of God" from the 1960's and his mention of the 1966 TIME magazine cover! It helps me understand anew my personal faith walk. Graduating high school in 1969, I had dismissed God as irrelevant for the truly intelligent. Only gullible people believed in Him or in the Bible. This belief stayed with me for nearly 30 years. I so dearly regret the loss of these years for intellectual inquiry that requires an open mind.
Well said Eric Metaxas! - Who could be better at collating the whole picture of the truth and putting it all in an understandable form for all people to read!
Talk starts around 7:10. Book gets going around part 2. This guy presents some amazing information to chew on, but could use an editor. Much love and respect.
" Today's culture is dominated by the philosophy of mysticism ( irrationalism )--altruism--collectivism, the base from which only statism can be derived ". -Ayn Rand-
@@simstar6557 do you actually spend much time in nature? Where do you go that you hear so much screaming? Nature is largely peaceful, and imparts peace to those who go out in it. This is what we would expect from a God of love and peace. Maybe you are projecting your own tortured mind onto nature.
Love, love, love Eric Metaxas I started going to church after reading his editorial/article, "Science Increasingly Makes a Case for God" by Eric Metaxas
I started listening to it a few weeks ago as Audible made it free to listen to if you subscribe. It's mind-blowing, and it covers a great breadth of information. I'm sure you'll know some things already, but there's bound to be something new for you in there. I bought a copy of the book on the back of listening to it.
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church the great Church Pastored once by the Phenomenal D.James Kennedy we lost a great general in this world but that is also Heavens gain. I really miss Dr D.James Kennedy His insight and wisdom of the Scriptures he was a Pastor that could teach you both the milk of the word as well for mature believers the meat. Thank G-D for Dr.D.James Kennedy.
You say Jupiter is as large as it is, because it blocks all kinds of asteroids and meteors from colliding with our planet. If jupiter wasn't there, life would likely not exist. So let me get this straight... you do believe god created everything including all those asteroids, meteors and whatever other space projectiles, right? So what you're saying is god had to use Jupiter to fix a problem that he created in the first place. He seems to have to do that a lot. He has to fix a lot of his own mistakes.
Thing is, those things are also necessary in certain situations, or we may not know the function of something. So it would be stupid to lazily assume it's a mistake, as if you engineered a better universe already.
@@marieindia8116 [ if you engineered a better universe already] Well, I would have gone with the original Biblical one flat land extending in all directions, and no "wandering stars"...
If you look further into the scientific theories, all the movements of the astronomical bodies within our solar system, within our galaxy and beyond are necessary to providing us on earth with the materials we require for life to develop, these things are not corrections of former mistakes, we needed the bombardment of asteroids, comets and meteors to give us water and other chemicals. Thea had to hit us to make the moon, we need the moon to stabilise our axis, we need our axis to be slightly tilted to create the seasons. All the movements of these astronomical bodies have created the perfect planet for life to exist. God did not create a problem, that he had to fix, He is that amazing He can make a world that requires extremely complicated and myriad different events to all work in unison so that our world can be as it is.
The ignorance here … You guys - God made all the asteroids and pointed them at earth like a gun to its head. After man was made, they ate an apple from a tree, which released the asteroids. God put Jupiter there to stop or slow the asteroids from hitting earth so man could rejoice at the mercy of God. Don’t you guys know anything?
I have recently listened to James Tours testimony of his conversion to Christianity. It’s wonderfully encouraging. Thank you for your message. God bless you and your family.
The Fine Tune Universe should not be most compelling argument for God. The Birth and Ministry and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most compelling argument for God.
''Intellectually dishonest'' like for example as in why did it take almost 100 years to add to the Hubble law the name of the Belgian Jesuit priest who working on Einstein's formulas postulated the ''Big Bang'' theory...? Now it is finally called ''The Hubble-LeMaitre law''. And Galileo expanded on Copernicus' work. And Copernicus was also a Catholic priest. The truth is that LeMaitre, Galileo and Copernicus lived and died as Christian believers... Shema!!!
You said: If Jupiter was not there, we would not be here. Which is correct. But since Jupiter was not always there, we were not always here. The spaces and galaxies and sola systems were created and then God placed man and other life forms here.
Meh, I am an atheist and Hitchens rarely had a worthy opponent. That doesn’t mean he was a bully. Anyway, don’t shoot me, I’m here trying to find a way back to faith. But tbh these are old apologetics arguments and I haven’t heard anything profound.
The laws of Physics, Chemistry, Math, Relativity can Fine Tune the Universe, sufficient to provide space, for God to place man and other life forms to live.
Most atheists' thinking never evolves... This too is irony at it's best. We are a creation, ergo we have a Creator. Thank you for sharing this information. Blessings from Belfast.
-"We are a creation, ergo we have a Creator." I mean, that's just begging the question. Obviously, creation implies a creator, but why should I accept that I am a "creation" in whatever sense that you are referring to?
@@therick363 intelligence, evident in the libraries of information in your DNA is pretty good proof. Unravel the information in one and it is 6 feet long! You have that much encoded info in each and every cell! Knowing this, Darwinists still say the same tired half truths they have been vomiting for 150 years.
13:00 at this time, if he’s talking about healings and tongue speaking and the charismatic stuff. Yes, that’s not possible by men anymore and God doesn’t work like that through men anymore. Those people are theologically wrong. Nobody can summon God at an instant and heal someone else and tongues are just a language, not jibberish.
If Capernicus was wise he wouldn't have continually poked the bear. But he did too many times and found himself in a bad spot. Doing science isnt the sin of the scientist but pride, that can sink any one of us at any moment.
So it was pride that for him in trouble? No it was the science that the church didn’t like. Copernicus said something the church didn’t like. They wanted to kill him for that. So if anyone had too much pride it was the church .
John Thom It appears you may not have listened to the talk because the points he brings out are scientifically and intellectually compelling and significant beyond his book. Which of course, like any atheist - he wants to sell well. Personally i find Vedic history more compelling in that it shows evidence of Vedic civilization extending more than 17,000 back. This is based upon archeological, riparian, oceanic, astrological and other sciences. Like much Biblical lore, the Hindu city of Dwaraka was consigned to myth - but it turns out that when the last ice age ended and the oceans rose significantly for over 4,000 years (and have risen at the same rate for the last 4,000 - global warming bullshit notwithstanding.) the ocean covered the city. Mohenjo Daro? City on the plains? Could it be near the site of the Battlefield of Kurukshetra as mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita? In that epic tale, the armies use the "Sudars'ana Chakra". This is a weapon of vast power, controlled by mantra (voice commands and code clearance?) which sounds exactly like an atomic bomb. Well, Mohenjo Daro is a huge vacant ruin which emits low level radiation throughout - but is WAY old to have weakened the radiation levels for over 10,000 years. There is part of the Ramayana - an epic tale of good vs evil during the life of Lord Rama - in which the waters between Sri Lanka and the subcontinent are filled in to allow Rama's army passage to the fortress of the evil man who kidnapped his wife so that he can take her (Sita) back. Not only have the oceans risen since this appears to have happened, but a couple hundred feet under the ocean surface there is a causeway between the two places mentioned in the story. At the very least, some portions were artificially constructed. Hmmm. In that epic, and from the southern subcontinent in preparation for crossing, there are detailed celestial observation's made.These include views of the stars which were last visible from that point at least 17,,000 years ago. Now don't assume that this was an ignorant society without knowledge of the sciences. These people knew of the equatorial circumference of the Earth within a mile. They knew heliocentric reality. They talked about sub-atomic particles and wrote of them over 5,000 years ago. They had the zero - taught to Arabic traders who then introduced it to Europeans who lacked the zero. They knew the Pythagoran Theorem millenia before Pythagorus. Their civilization actually went into Vietnam and SE Asia there are still ruins of Vedic temples there - beyond Angkor Wat and many much older...
Also John Thom - I think that in a similar manner to Peter's observation that we all have this societally induced baseline assumption that science and religion are always in conflict, we have similar pre - programmed beliefs in Western Society that God and spirituality is only valid in a simplistic Judeo - Christian context. This is observably not true but doesn't invalidate Christianity. Personally, i find that any religion is wrong in that it reduces an infinite concept (If you've ever had direct mystical contact with the DIVINE then you know what i'm talking about) and trying to reduce that to sound bytes flavored with the cultural biases of the society and the time in which the religion is being practiced.
When we talk about science there Western Science then there ancient science from the Indian sub continent. In the ancient libraries of India are discoveries that precede Western Science. Hopefully Eric will began investigating that source also. This will help to create a more balanced Biblical view of God's influence within humanity. All of humanity intellectual property belongs to our God.
Massive abundant creation is massive abundant evidence of God the Creator. Applied science: Creation did not create itself. Atheism is a religion of living to ensure of having a trashed eternity.
One need not hypothesize who built a car in order to deconstruct it, reverse engineer it. Any hypothesis of who designed it or why is antithetical to or meaningless to its reverse engineering. However the appearance of design is nearly always design. The more complex the design the more unlikely the probability of accidental or design without a designer. It is a false claim that one cannot be a scientist and also believe in God. // The following symbolic representation of belief systems has the flavor that atheism leans toward belief in the status quo of “trusting the science “ as a faith without God. However it also means there is an unlikely outcome of “truth” because they ignore, or cannot comprehend an intelligently designed universe. A symbolic representation of philosophical perspective (belief) 0(0)=0, atheist reality is an illusion nihilist position (Everything)0=0, atheist relativist position (Lim_ 0->1)0=0 single universe atheist nihilist position (Lim_0->♾)0=0 multiverse atheist nihilist position (Everything)1= everything, Buddhist position Everything (everything)= everything, pan psychics Z_(n+1)=z^2 +c where c is start, deism evolution Z_(n+1)=z^2 +c where z iterates from 0, theistic creation
The atheist authors are goners, nothing can save them: “If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." The Judge also says, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are." These people are not restorable, simply because they feel the doom coming over them as they near end of their lives. The damage is done on their account, and there is no forgiveness for leading a child of God in destruction. "But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. Disregard them! They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." This author should not reference their conversion as significant.
There was numerous facts brought out but Mr. Metaxas' interpretation of those facts is questionable. His interpretation is understandable considering his position. What hurts his message more that anything is his deliberate, childish, and boderline slanderous, mischaracterization of the so-called 'new-atheist'.
He is lacking accuracy right from the beginning. He says no life if earth were just a tiny bit smaller, like Mars. But Mars is only half the size of earth, hardly a “tiny” difference. Compares size of Earth to Jupiter as the podium in front of him is to the entire room. In reality Jupiter is no where near that relative magnitude greater, actually about 11 times larger. Not sure how much of what he says I can trust so stopped watching.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you on the Earth/Mars and Earth/Jupiter comparison. And that's comparing radius or diameter; if you compare volume, Mars is about 15% the size of earth. Maybe he got Mars and Venus confused? But that doesn't explain Jupiter. I also have some issues with some of the other things he said, and yet he's correct that there is a lot of information pointing to God, and we don't get to hear it from mainstream sources.
Metaxas says he believes in evolution ("guided" of course) and cosmology (again with God making the "pool shots")....okay. So why did God allow dinosaurs to roam the Earth for 150 million years, then all of a sudden, after millions of years, decide to "nudge" the K-T comet into the Yucatan?
I'm so GRATEFUL to be alive at the same time- as our modern day THOTH - the CUSTODIAN and AMBASSADOR of THE LORD OUR GOD. THANK YOU ERIK - YOU have STRENGTHENED my FAITH
Yea, TIME was stupid in 1966 too! Little off topic but related I think: I've always thought it humorous that conscience is actually spelled CON-SCIENCE. Any credible scientist must admit that something cannot come from nothing! That, in and of itself, validates Creationism.
Jesus Christ came to show what God looks like. God is physical, spiritual and eternal. God was once like we are. God made man in his own image. God is human but has advanced through progression, to become God.
Imagine devoting your life to find the mysteries of space and being adored worldwide for it, even after your death. And then some random idiot on the internet thinks he knows better. funny
The details are in his book. He has only a short time to speak on a subject that requires study and time to ponder to find out thru your own research if it is True. Then go to the lord and ask for yourself if it is true and have faith that you will receive an answer. That thru your studies and asking in faith to the Lord you will receive an answer from the Holy Ghost. When that happens the answer will be so profound, that there will be no way to deny it. It will fill your whole soul and every fiber of your being and joy, peace and etc. Just be patient and endure in your search. The Lord is dependable and he is reliable and he is always with you if you seek him. But the Lord always answers your prayers, maybe not on your timetable, but when it does happen, it is when he knows you are ready to receive the answer and when it will impact you at that given time. When this happens to me, look back on when I did rec'd the answer to my prayers, it has always been revealed at the best time at the given moment in my life and it will be the same for you. Just be patient and keep searching in the Lord and you will find him.
@@mjb27ish Are you a Mormon? They tell people the same exact thing, to ask the lord if it is true and you'll feel it in your heart. Apparently their God is real too because obviously tons and tons of them feel something when they do that!
Peter. Aka Saint Peter. Aka the first Pope. Aka, Catholicism. Started by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Convert to Catholicism. It’s the one true faith, the only one started by Jesus Christ Himself.
Listening to Eric Metaxas is like having a friend you didn't know you had, but glad you do.
Any brother and sister in Christ I don’t yet know is just a friend I haven’t met.
This encapsulates a whole lot of needed to know info.
My video froze near end but am very Blessed to hear most of his talk. Thank you for coming Eric and God Bless you and your family. Peace to all.🙏
LOVED to listen to Mr Metaxis
Just started the book, it compiles so many disciplines and areas of inquiry, a few chapters in but very much recommend the book.
Love the history of "Death of God" from the 1960's and his mention of the 1966 TIME magazine cover! It helps me understand anew my personal faith walk. Graduating high school in 1969, I had dismissed God as irrelevant for the truly intelligent. Only gullible people believed in Him or in the Bible. This belief stayed with me for nearly 30 years. I so dearly regret the loss of these years for intellectual inquiry that requires an open mind.
Oh been praying you would put this online for us, bless CRPC.😀👍🙏❤️
Well said Eric Metaxas! - Who could be better at collating the whole picture of the truth and putting it all in an understandable form for all people to read!
Please Share this out please. 🙏❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏Bless you for being here eric.
Talk starts around 7:10. Book gets going around part 2. This guy presents some amazing information to chew on, but could use an editor. Much love and respect.
I was thinking the same thing.
It’s so much easier to claim atheism is dead than to actually engage with atheists though, isn’t it?
Louie Giglio has been talking about this type of stuff for years. I love it!
Catholic church has been talking about it for centuries. Only recently (past 70 years) the clergy have stopped
They made us have smallpox and other shots when i was a kid in the 60s. They worked.
" Today's culture is dominated by the philosophy of mysticism ( irrationalism )--altruism--collectivism, the base from which only statism can be derived ".
-Ayn Rand-
Just started reading the book - it is excellent - another winner. (Also learned SO MUCH from Eric's book on Bonhoeffer.)
I believe that the evidence for God is replete in His creation.
People are blind and dazed to not know it.
Nature is a cruel fight for survival. It screams evolution by natural selection. People have to be blind not to see it.
@@simstar6557 do you actually spend much time in nature? Where do you go that you hear so much screaming? Nature is largely peaceful, and imparts peace to those who go out in it. This is what we would expect from a God of love and peace. Maybe you are projecting your own tortured mind onto nature.
Love, love, love Eric Metaxas
I started going to church after reading his editorial/article,
"Science Increasingly Makes a Case for God" by Eric Metaxas
That was pretty good stuff made me want to read the book
I started listening to it a few weeks ago as Audible made it free to listen to if you subscribe. It's mind-blowing, and it covers a great breadth of information. I'm sure you'll know some things already, but there's bound to be something new for you in there.
I bought a copy of the book on the back of listening to it.
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church the great Church Pastored once by the Phenomenal D.James Kennedy we lost a great general in this world but that is also Heavens gain. I really miss Dr D.James Kennedy His insight and wisdom of the Scriptures he was a Pastor that could teach you both the milk of the word as well for mature believers the meat. Thank G-D for Dr.D.James Kennedy.
You say Jupiter is as large as it is, because it blocks all kinds of asteroids and meteors from colliding with our planet. If jupiter wasn't there, life would likely not exist.
So let me get this straight... you do believe god created everything including all those asteroids, meteors and whatever other space projectiles, right? So what you're saying is god had to use Jupiter to fix a problem that he created in the first place. He seems to have to do that a lot. He has to fix a lot of his own mistakes.
Exactly. Same thing for Earth's magnetic field protecting us from God's creation of radiation.
Thing is, those things are also necessary in certain situations, or we may not know the function of something. So it would be stupid to lazily assume it's a mistake, as if you engineered a better universe already.
@@marieindia8116 [ if you engineered a better universe already]
Well, I would have gone with the original Biblical one flat land extending in all directions, and no "wandering stars"...
If you look further into the scientific theories, all the movements of the astronomical bodies within our solar system, within our galaxy and beyond are necessary to providing us on earth with the materials we require for life to develop, these things are not corrections of former mistakes, we needed the bombardment of asteroids, comets and meteors to give us water and other chemicals. Thea had to hit us to make the moon, we need the moon to stabilise our axis, we need our axis to be slightly tilted to create the seasons. All the movements of these astronomical bodies have created the perfect planet for life to exist. God did not create a problem, that he had to fix, He is that amazing He can make a world that requires extremely complicated and myriad different events to all work in unison so that our world can be as it is.
The ignorance here …
You guys - God made all the asteroids and pointed them at earth like a gun to its head. After man was made, they ate an apple from a tree, which released the asteroids. God put Jupiter there to stop or slow the asteroids from hitting earth so man could rejoice at the mercy of God.
Don’t you guys know anything?
Merry Jesus's Birthday Celebration!
He is so beautiful!
All those subjects that he says "we don't talk about" are talked about all the time. I'm not sure who Mr. Metaxas is talking to.
I thought the same thing. Talk about intellectual dishonesty!
Love Matexas , brother in Christ .
GOD,s not dead, not even poorly and He loves us!
Much love eric.
Can anything good come out of Albuquerque? I guess so after the 34:00 Minute mark
I have recently listened to James Tours testimony of his conversion to Christianity. It’s wonderfully encouraging. Thank you for your message. God bless you and your family.
Bold statement
Eric, The Lord bless and keep you.
Brilliant again!
The Fine Tune Universe should not be most compelling argument for God.
The Birth and Ministry and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most compelling argument for God.
It shouldn't, because it collapses immediately. Lots of extinctions.
''Intellectually dishonest'' like for example as in why did it take almost 100 years to add to the Hubble law the name of the Belgian Jesuit priest who working on Einstein's formulas postulated the ''Big Bang'' theory...? Now it is finally called ''The Hubble-LeMaitre law''.
And Galileo expanded on Copernicus' work. And Copernicus was also a Catholic priest. The truth is that LeMaitre, Galileo and Copernicus lived and died as Christian believers... Shema!!!
You said: If Jupiter was not there, we would not be here. Which is correct.
But since Jupiter was not always there, we were not always here.
The spaces and galaxies and sola systems were created and then God placed man and other life forms here.
No man. Day 3, plants. Day 4, stars, sun and moon. Totally legit.
Liberate yes convention.
Meh, I am an atheist and Hitchens rarely had a worthy opponent. That doesn’t mean he was a bully. Anyway, don’t shoot me, I’m here trying to find a way back to faith. But tbh these are old apologetics arguments and I haven’t heard anything profound.
No, the age of reason is not dead. The age of superstition is dying.
Christianity embraced and embraces reason. Atheism embraces naturalistic miracles.
Is not the second commandment a more subtle sin that atheism?
The laws of Physics, Chemistry, Math, Relativity can Fine Tune the Universe, sufficient to provide space, for God to place man and other life forms to live.
The reason that the fine-tuning is astonishing (to an atheist) is that the laws of physics _can't_ explain it.
@@PJRayment You've heard the analogy about the puddle?
Most atheists' thinking never evolves... This too is irony at it's best. We are a creation, ergo we have a Creator. Thank you for sharing this information. Blessings from Belfast.
-"We are a creation, ergo we have a Creator."
I mean, that's just begging the question. Obviously, creation implies a creator, but why should I accept that I am a "creation" in whatever sense that you are referring to?
So insist and disrespect from you huh?
Saying we are a creation ergo we have a creator is your interpretation of things. That isn’t a proven fact.
Humans evolved recently. Ergo, we are not a creation. Creationists never get it 😄.
@@samuelstephens6904 you don't need to accept anything. You can keep your brain as empty as you please.
@@therick363 intelligence, evident in the libraries of information in your DNA is pretty good proof. Unravel the information in one and it is 6 feet long! You have that much encoded info in each and every cell! Knowing this, Darwinists still say the same tired half truths they have been vomiting for 150 years.
13:00 at this time, if he’s talking about healings and tongue speaking and the charismatic stuff. Yes, that’s not possible by men anymore and God doesn’t work like that through men anymore. Those people are theologically wrong. Nobody can summon God at an instant and heal someone else and tongues are just a language, not jibberish.
so good
Man, that intro was sooooooooooooo loooooooooong, I thought Metaxas was gonna start speaking tomorrow.
All the "smart" people know he's probably dead - or NOT FEELING WELL! ERIC is SO BRILLIANT!
If Capernicus was wise he wouldn't have continually poked the bear. But he did too many times and found himself in a bad spot. Doing science isnt the sin of the scientist but pride, that can sink any one of us at any moment.
So it was pride that for him in trouble? No it was the science that the church didn’t like. Copernicus said something the church didn’t like. They wanted to kill him for that. So if anyone had too much pride it was the church .
John Thom
It appears you may not have listened to the talk because the points he brings out are scientifically and intellectually compelling and significant beyond his book. Which of course, like any atheist - he wants to sell well.
Personally i find Vedic history more compelling in that it shows evidence of Vedic civilization extending more than 17,000 back. This is based upon archeological, riparian, oceanic, astrological and other sciences. Like much Biblical lore, the Hindu city of Dwaraka was consigned to myth - but it turns out that when the last ice age ended and the oceans rose significantly for over 4,000 years (and have risen at the same rate for the last 4,000 - global warming bullshit notwithstanding.) the ocean covered the city. Mohenjo Daro? City on the plains? Could it be near the site of the Battlefield of Kurukshetra as mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita? In that epic tale, the armies use the "Sudars'ana Chakra". This is a weapon of vast power, controlled by mantra (voice commands and code clearance?) which sounds exactly like an atomic bomb. Well, Mohenjo Daro is a huge vacant ruin which emits low level radiation throughout - but is WAY old to have weakened the radiation levels for over 10,000 years. There is part of the Ramayana - an epic tale of good vs evil during the life of Lord Rama - in which the waters between Sri Lanka and the subcontinent are filled in to allow Rama's army passage to the fortress of the evil man who kidnapped his wife so that he can take her (Sita) back. Not only have the oceans risen since this appears to have happened, but a couple hundred feet under the ocean surface there is a causeway between the two places mentioned in the story. At the very least, some portions were artificially constructed. Hmmm.
In that epic, and from the southern subcontinent in preparation for crossing, there are detailed celestial observation's made.These include views of the stars which were last visible from that point at least 17,,000 years ago. Now don't assume that this was an ignorant society without knowledge of the sciences. These people knew of the equatorial circumference of the Earth within a mile. They knew heliocentric reality. They talked about sub-atomic particles and wrote of them over 5,000 years ago. They had the zero - taught to Arabic traders who then introduced it to Europeans who lacked the zero. They knew the Pythagoran Theorem millenia before Pythagorus. Their civilization actually went into Vietnam and SE Asia there are still ruins of Vedic temples there - beyond Angkor Wat and many much older...
Also John Thom - I think that in a similar manner to Peter's observation that we all have this societally induced baseline assumption that science and religion are always in conflict, we have similar pre - programmed beliefs in Western Society that God and spirituality is only valid in a simplistic Judeo - Christian context. This is observably not true but doesn't invalidate Christianity.
Personally, i find that any religion is wrong in that it reduces an infinite concept (If you've ever had direct mystical contact with the DIVINE then you know what i'm talking about) and trying to reduce that to sound bytes flavored with the cultural biases of the society and the time in which the religion is being practiced.
If you want to go to more heavy-duty arguments for God based on either modern science or metaphysics, check out Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.
It’s sad that he relies on straw men of his opposition in order to sell the sense of superiority to this audience.
Perhaps Earth is just the winning lottery ticket. No-one would say this ticket is fine tuned to have the correct numbers.
Half-baked theologian is a non-threat to honest ontological inquiry.
When we talk about science there Western Science then there ancient science from the Indian sub continent. In the ancient libraries of India are discoveries that precede Western Science. Hopefully Eric will began investigating that source also. This will help to create a more balanced Biblical view of God's influence within humanity. All of humanity intellectual property belongs to our God.
The only thing wackier than biblical young earth creationists are ancient hindus knew everything supremacists 😂. You win.
But a boom from a god and life happened.......grow up.
Not dead in the church ,,,, is that what you mean ?
Christian In Name Only ,,,,
Main promoters ,,,,,
Massive abundant creation is massive abundant evidence of God the Creator.
Applied science: Creation did not create itself.
Atheism is a religion of living to ensure of having a trashed eternity.
The sand was probably struck by lightening. Happens all the time. 4000 years worth.
It was pottery, not sand.
Ask Jesus into Your Heart 💓
Hear God's voice and Obey so it will be well with You .
Is Atheism Dead? No🤥
One need not hypothesize who built a car in order to deconstruct it, reverse engineer it. Any hypothesis of who designed it or why is antithetical to or meaningless to its reverse engineering.
However the appearance of design is nearly always design. The more complex the design the more unlikely the probability of accidental or design without a designer.
It is a false claim that one cannot be a scientist and also believe in God.
The following symbolic representation of belief systems has the flavor that atheism leans toward belief in the status quo of “trusting the science “ as a faith without God. However it also means there is an unlikely outcome of “truth” because they ignore, or cannot comprehend an intelligently designed universe.
A symbolic representation of philosophical perspective (belief)
0(0)=0, atheist reality is an illusion nihilist position
(Everything)0=0, atheist relativist position
(Lim_ 0->1)0=0 single universe atheist nihilist position
(Lim_0->♾)0=0 multiverse atheist nihilist position
(Everything)1= everything, Buddhist position
Everything (everything)= everything, pan psychics
Z_(n+1)=z^2 +c where c is start, deism evolution
Z_(n+1)=z^2 +c where z iterates from 0, theistic creation
Those Greeks
The atheist authors are goners, nothing can save them: “If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." The Judge also says, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are." These people are not restorable, simply because they feel the doom coming over them as they near end of their lives. The damage is done on their account, and there is no forgiveness for leading a child of God in destruction. "But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. Disregard them! They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." This author should not reference their conversion as significant.
There is no truth in this video. Obfuscation and assertion is enough for some people I guess.
There was numerous facts brought out but Mr. Metaxas' interpretation of those facts is questionable. His interpretation is understandable considering his position.
What hurts his message more that anything is his deliberate, childish, and boderline slanderous, mischaracterization of the so-called 'new-atheist'.
@@mdhj67 Amen! (Wait are atheists allowed to say that?)
He is lacking accuracy right from the beginning. He says no life if earth were just a tiny bit smaller, like Mars. But Mars is only half the size of earth, hardly a “tiny” difference. Compares size of Earth to Jupiter as the podium in front of him is to the entire room. In reality Jupiter is no where near that relative magnitude greater, actually about 11 times larger. Not sure how much of what he says I can trust so stopped watching.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you on the Earth/Mars and Earth/Jupiter comparison. And that's comparing radius or diameter; if you compare volume, Mars is about 15% the size of earth.
Maybe he got Mars and Venus confused? But that doesn't explain Jupiter.
I also have some issues with some of the other things he said, and yet he's correct that there is a lot of information pointing to God, and we don't get to hear it from mainstream sources.
Eric was the REAL Meta before Facebook becoming Meta. :D
Metaxas says he believes in evolution ("guided" of course) and cosmology (again with God making the "pool shots")....okay. So why did God allow dinosaurs to roam the Earth for 150 million years, then all of a sudden, after millions of years, decide to "nudge" the K-T comet into the Yucatan?
I'm so GRATEFUL to be alive at the same time- as our modern day THOTH - the CUSTODIAN and AMBASSADOR of
Yea, TIME was stupid in 1966 too! Little off topic but related I think: I've always thought it humorous that conscience is actually spelled CON-SCIENCE. Any credible scientist must admit that something cannot come from nothing! That, in and of itself, validates Creationism.
What scientist has asserted that something came from nothing?
Jesus Christ came to show what God looks like.
God is physical, spiritual and eternal.
God was once like we are.
God made man in his own image.
God is human but has advanced through progression, to become God.
That's not how God is described in the Bible. God is not physical (except for Jesus coming in physical form).
Basically, “I can wax poetically about god, therefore god is real!”
Ah, a non-scientist talking science.......this is embarrassing.
Let's see him, debate scientists. Or the simple puddle analogy.
Galileo was wrong. The earth is the center.
Earth is the centre of what? God's attention? Yes. The solar system? No.
Prove it then
Imagine devoting your life to find the mysteries of space and being adored worldwide for it, even after your death. And then some random idiot on the internet thinks he knows better. funny
And then Metaxas goes round, and round, and round, and round, and round....and never gets to the meat of the matter. So frustrating.
The details are in his book. He has only a short time to speak on a subject that requires study and time to ponder to find out thru your own research if it is True. Then go to the lord and ask for yourself if it is true and have faith that you will receive an answer. That thru your studies and asking in faith to the Lord you will receive an answer from the Holy Ghost. When that happens the answer will be so profound, that there will be no way to deny it. It will fill your whole soul and every fiber of your being and joy, peace and etc. Just be patient and endure in your search. The Lord is dependable and he is reliable and he is always with you if you seek him. But the Lord always answers your prayers, maybe not on your timetable, but when it does happen, it is when he knows you are ready to receive the answer and when it will impact you at that given time. When this happens to me, look back on when I did rec'd the answer to my prayers, it has always been revealed at the best time at the given moment in my life and it will be the same for you. Just be patient and keep searching in the Lord and you will find him.
@@mjb27ish Are you a Mormon? They tell people the same exact thing, to ask the lord if it is true and you'll feel it in your heart. Apparently their God is real too because obviously tons and tons of them feel something when they do that!
I lost patience with this. It is just a bloke trying to sell his book to a bunch of god botherers.
Peter. Aka Saint Peter. Aka the first Pope. Aka, Catholicism. Started by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Convert to Catholicism. It’s the one true faith, the only one started by Jesus Christ Himself.
Jesus started the Church, part of which is now known as Catholic. But it's not the only part.