A huge thing during the alpha was also that barely anybody knew about the most important defensive mechanics in the game. Since they were not mentioned in the Tutorial. Even you didn't even mention them. Retreating Guard, parry and in particular pushblock are great ways of defending a complex mix and risking landing in a cutscene combo
I feel like long combos are fine so long as they're hard to do, not if they're the characters' BnB combos. For instance, Ed's Dream combo in Street Fighter 6 blatantly breaks the combo rule of SF6, as it allows him to regenerate his drive gauge while doing the combo, which most other characters cannot do. The thing is, the combo is extremely hard to pull off consistently, which was why Capcom didn't patch out the combo despite it clearly breaking the rules of how combos usually work in SF6. Basically, egregious combos/setups with massive rewards should be okay so long as they're hard to pull off and aren't a character's go-to option every time.
@@d0k0night Even the project name was better than 2XKO The card game is called Legends of Runeterra, so I assumed the fighting game would have been called Fighters of Runeterra.
I think the game felt pretty good overall but when a character gets knocked down they kind of float a bit before landing and it looks and feels awkward. I think they need to increase the fall speed. That would probably also make juggles more difficult but from what I’ve seen that might be a good thing.
Removing stick inputs and focusing on decision making and the fundamentals is a genius business move. Their core LoL fanbase can easily pick up the game and get onboarded quickly. They just have to focus on building skills like spacing. Meanwhile more experienced fighting game players still have something to chew on. PS: Yasuo's Akuma skin is a nice touch
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (another 2v2 tag fighter) rounds goes in a flash. Some rounds can end in 30 seconds It also helps the game doesnt stop to put the last character in, the game just punt them in instantly
@@KenBladehart and that shit works cuz it's Best of 5 in tournaments, like Marvel VS Capcom 2. It visually makes sense. And what if it doesn't end in 30 seconds? It's not as entertaining
@@phillyjones3028 Even then, it wont because its a BlazBlue game which doesnt have any cinematic stuff (no nonsense yapping when doing supers), so the game goes blazing fast and the game imported characters from various other anime fighters Air dashing everywhere, sending full screen attacks, doing wacky gimmicks, etc. The game even has a mechanic where you can control your both of your characters, so you can get mega birthday (2 of your character attacking both of opponent's characters)
@@KenBladehart oh man I love BBTAG, despite a lot of the major cast had their imported movesets gutted its still a really fun experience with everyone being arguably OP one way or another.
Random thought/idea for long combos from someone who doesn't play fighting games; what if after a certain number of hits, or a certain duration during an ongoing combo (20+ hits or whatever), the victim could "break out" of the combo but at the cost of a bit of health/whatever resource? So it'd be like if the player got off the whole combo and the victim gets to move on from the mini-cutscene? Probably not that great of an idea tbh, but it's a thought. What do fighting games usually try to mitigate long combos, if at all?
Lol they do exactly that. Fighting games that don't like long combos or 0 to 100 have combo breakers. Where either you can break out or you can't hit the enemy anymore (like skullgirls)
@@milanesadearsenico ah, I was under the impression it's usually a one time resource to break out of combos, and usually breaking out of it doesn't incur penalties outside of that.
Killer instinct is the game that comes to mind. You can attempt to break a combo whenever you want but if you misinput/get to predictable with your combo breaker you can get heavily punished for it. It actively encourages decision making on offense and defense since the attacker has to choose between going for a long, damaging, but extremely easy to break combo or a shorter, lower damage combo that's much harder to break to keep your offence going and the defender has to choose to attempt to break but if you try to break and it doesn't work you die or you could just not break at all and the threat of still being able to break and your opponent losing all pressure might make them just end their combo early or go for something short to stop you from breaking easily
so you mean like skullgirls and Killer instinct? its been done it works good. No need for health/resource drain just having it normal is good enough you just need to balance how characters reach that limit and handle it.
This game is still at the peak of its honey moon phase rn. I'm very curious to see how people will be feeling about this game 6 months or so after its official release, that will be the real test.
Im curious how 2xko will stand against SF6 and Tekken 8 in evo entrants. Idk if it could take a 1st or 2nd slot of most entries but its possible to take 3 or 4. The Casuals need to show up and get the numbers up for sure
I’m very new to these types of fighters I only play platform fighters. My biggest reason I never play these games is the combo list move. I have no idea what S1 S2 L M H are on my controller. I wish these games would also have the correct button input needed for those moves in the move list as well would be much more beginner friendly
Combos are skill expression but 15s long combos are extremely boring. Even a lot of Anime fighters don't have combos that long. It's one of the main reasosn I can't get into tag fighters like Skullgirls and DBFZ - watching combos go on forever isn't fun. Also, your premise seems to be that it's not rewarding to practice if your opponent has different ways of getting out of a combo, which just doesn't add up to me at all. Are you playing a game or taking a quiz? If your opponent has defensive options then the skill expresison is about how you respond to those - ultimately you're rewarded for your game knowledge against real opponents, not just time spent going through motions in a training mode. Again, Tag fighters are boring to me because they are so much about memorizing those routes rather than actually learning match ups and outplays.
MvC3 had this problem but the biggest difference is that combos in Marvel 3 are at the highest skill and just impossible to maintain at a low to middle competitive level, your team composition and mixups will be the biggest difference until it gets high levels where touch of deaths are common.
Skullgirls is different tho, in the sense that the IPS system is so harsh, you're encouraged to go for a lot more resets, which means even if you are getting comboed for a long time, you're being forced to pay attention in order to escape
I'm hoping it does well, but I think Riot is dramatically overestimating the fighting game market if they're looking for profits. The top dogs in the genre have been around for literal decades and new arrive on the market and die/only attract a small number of long term players. If they're coming into this market expecting the same level of engagement that League or Valorant get, they're going to be sorely dissapointed. Personally, I kinda gave up on the game after finding out it was a tag fighter. I've always hated tag fighters and how long and drawn out they make fights, its a big reason why I never got into MVC or DBZ Fighters.
Well we've seen other games they make not turn a profit but still continue (Runeterra) and fun side projects turn into full experiences (tft) or completely new things (although heavily inspired/copied so 'new' to them) become hits (Valorant). Riot seems pretty consistent in keeping their projects. At the very least you can say that about the company: they release something, and put their foot down with it whether it's a hit or not. I wont play this cause I hate 2d fighters but i'm still huffing that MMO copium.
@@skylerfreeman1173 Runeterra is in development hell where the card game itself isn't getting any new content and only the new content being made are very small content updates to the PVE mode. By all accounts it is dead. TFT is largely carried by the Asian market, namely China, as western players continue to dwindle and leave the game. While it's successful, dominating the Chinese market is not something Tencent bought Riot for. Finally, Valorant has been extremely successful, but it's important to note that it is its own standalone IP. It does take stuff from the lol world. Riot announced 2XKO (god that's a stupid name) with the idea that the league brand was strong enough to carry in other genres. They announced all of their projects like that. Valorant was the exception. After Riot Forge failed to perform and Runeterra failed, I think it's safe to say that logic was wrong and the league brand could just as easily be a turn off for some people. At the end of the day, the game has an uphill battle ahead of it. I truly believe Riot has misjudged the market space available for a fighter and I definitely believe they've misjudged how many players would be interested in a tag fighter. There is a very big reason why a lot of the biggest tournaments don't play tag fighters.
I think it is a problem if the longer combos are the characters BNB, which would make both watching and dealing with it become more common and boring rather fast.
I'm glad to hear a beginners experience but don't speak on the genre as a whole cuz he has no idea what most FGs play like. It makes it sound like what has made FGs hard to get into is just misconceptions. Many FGs have addressed what he said are issues about the genre.
“We want to make a fighting game that’s accessible for people who don’t play fighting games, so we removed motion inputs and added auto combos but made it a tag fighter with 30 hit combos, surely new players will not be intimidated.” Brother I’m an FGC veteran and I’m intimidated and uninterested. Also awful awful awful name. I will not be calling it that, it’s The League Fighter.
@@Half_Bl00d_H3R0 Way too miss all of the nuance of what I said and only gravitate towards two words completely devoid of the context I said them in, buddy.
9:23 I think long combos are fine cause in other genres like shooters or mobas when u die your not playing for longer plus the time it takes to walk to a fight And when it comes to the lack of defensive options thats the tutorials fault cause there is plenty of great ones, u can blockcancel into a backdash for free, u can push block for 1 meter and parry flr 1 meter, the parry is a little to necesary for some attacks that daruis had so I wish it didnt cost meter, other than that defence was fun to use and play against its just most people didnt know about it
Im not that interested in playing this game, the characters while very detailed i don't like a lot. I don't know anything about League characters but hopefully they add someone that makes me want to try it. Many of my friends who i told about this game back when it was anounced completely forgot about it. I think they really need to release and promote a beta for all players not just the hardcore audience that registers. All the feedback they must be getting is probably from fighting game enthusiasts and the average joe dosent really care about "frame data" or "balance", is it actually a fun game for them?
all i need is another alpha lab on Asian region this time. lemme test out this..... Server based rollback netcode pls. Game title is still shit though ngl
@@sweetshoez every tag fighting game has long combos, it's just how it is, this is not as grounded as street fighter, virtua fighter, or king of fighters
No, long combos are not bad for the newcomers. They are bad for anyone interested in play a game against another player. I say this as an 45 years old dude that has been playing Tekken, Street Fighter, Samurai Shodown and many other fighting games since 1995: long combos remove agency from one of the players and focus the game in raw muscle memory, which is the wrong side of a competitive experience that will resolve in less than 3 minutes. Killer Instinct features the combobreaker system that keeps both players engaged, so the very long combos work well. In any other instance they don't. Combos are not pure reward for a well placed starter, combos must also include choices for the use of space and resources, along setups for oki and defense, and not bore anyone. In other words, combos must be strategic and purposeful, and never stop the flow of the game. Too long combos lose these characteristics and become a guitar hero solo, very flashy but not interactive at all.
Maybe he turns the music off so it's less of a distraction. The real monsters are the people who turn all sound off in their games, and then complain later that they were smoked by something which had an audio telegraph.
You can't create reset opportunities, diversity or movement-based conversions with short combos. It would also be terrible for team coordination if you only had a couple seconds to tag the other person in mid-combo. 10~15 seconds is usually fine.
9:00 "Are long combos bad. ", "I don't think so." Yeah, just wait until you see all the casuals start leaving. It doesn't matter whether a casual is taking a long combo from a pro or another casual. Because they don't know who is playing on the other side. So they're just going to assume that if the other guy is capable of doing all these long combos then they must be a Pro. And suddenly it's "The lower ranks are filled with Smurfs. I quit!" Long combos are never fun. It's not fun for the players taking it and it's not fun for the audience watching it. Arguably it's not even fun for the person doing it. It's not much of a game when you spend the majority of your time "watching" the game rather than playing the game.
@@Yutappy99 that's how fighting games have been for ages. An in depth combo system means you can capitalize on opportunities against your opponent and feel good about it by dealing hits against them. How would a fighting game be without long combos? It would be too simplified; with limited a limited combo system; there's literally no point to almost all of the types of the fuze mechanic which will define playstyles in this game. No point in diminishing the experience just to satisfy players who want easy mode gameplay
@@gamerkev30 "How would a fighting game be without long combos?" Look at Street Fighter 2. You don't need long combos to make a fighting game. I'm not saying you shouldn't have combos but I'm talking about the long combos that takes 75% of life in one sequence or just outright win in some instances. You can make a fighting game that focus on the fundamentals, parries, reversals, blocks and still have combos in that game. In fact, combo is a fundamental mechanic in every fighting game. It just wouldn't be the focus of the game. And it doesn't need to be in order for it to be fun. instead, it's the skill of the player that determines who wins. Not, who can get there combo out first.
Kind of upset it’s heavily anime styled, wasn’t Rising Thunder more realistic? I should note that I want the game to succeed, these are my own sentiments. Finding a main game is so tough
What's wrong is that it's from Riot Games. A company notorious for milking it's player base while not caring about it's player base. Which is why the eSports scene for them in the west has massively dropped off. This game will have the most toxic community of any fighting game if it picks up. It will make Smash Bros look like well behaved folk.
Yeah but you guys don't give them money so they listen more to the people in SEA they give money they have better votes than you if they complain they listen coz they know if they fuck up SEA they lose money
Naw. It's fine to call out the Smash scene. I assure you that the more controversial..."things" that have happened in the Smash scene have a far, far less likelihood of happening with this one. Give it a chance. I am happy to see a F2P fighting that looks pretty good, hit the market and give Street Fighter 6 and Tekken some competition. IMO SF6 should have been F2P from the start.
@@hydra_drizz2164 players with a macroscopic view of the world that aren't autistic with and limited to a narrow microscopic view based purely on their desires?
Take an anime fighter and combine with a tag game and u have the most shitshow of visuals someone can endure. U cant see anything but vfx everywhere. It's annoying af
If it has a very easy to use combo breaking system that i can do ANY TIME without any special requirements.. so that if i'm good, i should be able to stop every single combo, over and over and over. Without that, it's just more trash, because i'm tired of fighting games that only reward aggressiveness.
The game would benefit from incorporating more League of Legends mechanics. I would suggest adding elements such as the mana bar, ability cooldowns, and champion abilities (Q, W, E, R) as special moves. Additionally, preset skills like D and F could be used for actions like flashing or increasing speed. These features would create an exciting fighting game, enhanced by the unique elements that make League of Legends so popular. At the moment it looks a lot like dragon ball fighter z, like same kind of mechanics and visuals.
I dont even like or play League, but forgettable is like the dumbest thing to say about their characters. They wouldnt have a trillion dollars in revenue for their champion skins if they were forgettable
What do you think is the worst mistake Riot Games can make with 2XKO?
Delaying it even more
Region locking it
Settle with that name
The damn name
listen to the fans that still cry about the name 🙏 jk uhhh idk I guess making a bad matchmaking system or smt
The wrong thing they did was that weird ass name.
Lethal Tempo was RIGHT THERE
It's written 2XKO but pronounced Double K.O.
@@sergewind2208 That's not how I saw it. Myself like many, just see the numbers and letters and literally just read them as displayed. Two X K O.
Surely I cant be the only person who thinks its a sick name
@@sergewind2208if everyone is calling your game the wrong name it’s probably a bad name
Blazblue cross tag Riot edition
Can't escape from crossing fate!
The game doesn't play anything like tag
The Wheel of Fate is turning!
Rebel 1!
A huge thing during the alpha was also that barely anybody knew about the most important defensive mechanics in the game. Since they were not mentioned in the Tutorial. Even you didn't even mention them. Retreating Guard, parry and in particular pushblock are great ways of defending a complex mix and risking landing in a cutscene combo
Wait is this a face reveal?! Channel is growing ehhhhh love to see it :)
I feel like long combos are fine so long as they're hard to do, not if they're the characters' BnB combos. For instance, Ed's Dream combo in Street Fighter 6 blatantly breaks the combo rule of SF6, as it allows him to regenerate his drive gauge while doing the combo, which most other characters cannot do. The thing is, the combo is extremely hard to pull off consistently, which was why Capcom didn't patch out the combo despite it clearly breaking the rules of how combos usually work in SF6. Basically, egregious combos/setups with massive rewards should be okay so long as they're hard to pull off and aren't a character's go-to option every time.
What the fkk are u rambling about
Well... its name is still wrong.
Why not just League of Legends Fighter or something like that?
@@d0k0night Even the project name was better than 2XKO
The card game is called Legends of Runeterra, so I assumed the fighting game would have been called Fighters of Runeterra.
@@Mad77max77that would be lame tho
@@Mad77max77Should have been called Lethal Tempo
Still not getting used to the name!
Should've been called league of fighters
Call it "double kill"
@@O_RLY Sadly, can't use the words kill/murder etc I suggest calling it "Double Unalive"
I think the game felt pretty good overall but when a character gets knocked down they kind of float a bit before landing and it looks and feels awkward. I think they need to increase the fall speed. That would probably also make juggles more difficult but from what I’ve seen that might be a good thing.
honestly for combo trials, they should add them like guilty gear where u can post ur combos with coresponding trials for people to use and learn
As a fan of Rising Thunder back in the day, I am so hyped for this and it looks pretty fun. Cant wait.
super excited for this game!!
Thanks for the vid
Removing stick inputs and focusing on decision making and the fundamentals is a genius business move. Their core LoL fanbase can easily pick up the game and get onboarded quickly. They just have to focus on building skills like spacing. Meanwhile more experienced fighting game players still have something to chew on.
PS: Yasuo's Akuma skin is a nice touch
Will Riot add Zato-2? The original is long gone
This game has potential to be revolutionary looking forward to this a lot.
2 rounds and killing EVERYONE in the team feels like a DRAG
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (another 2v2 tag fighter) rounds goes in a flash. Some rounds can end in 30 seconds
It also helps the game doesnt stop to put the last character in, the game just punt them in instantly
@@KenBladehart and that shit works cuz it's Best of 5 in tournaments, like Marvel VS Capcom 2.
It visually makes sense.
And what if it doesn't end in 30 seconds? It's not as entertaining
@@phillyjones3028 Even then, it wont because its a BlazBlue game which doesnt have any cinematic stuff (no nonsense yapping when doing supers), so the game goes blazing fast and the game imported characters from various other anime fighters
Air dashing everywhere, sending full screen attacks, doing wacky gimmicks, etc. The game even has a mechanic where you can control your both of your characters, so you can get mega birthday (2 of your character attacking both of opponent's characters)
@@KenBladehart oh man I love BBTAG, despite a lot of the major cast had their imported movesets gutted its still a really fun experience with everyone being arguably OP one way or another.
Random thought/idea for long combos from someone who doesn't play fighting games; what if after a certain number of hits, or a certain duration during an ongoing combo (20+ hits or whatever), the victim could "break out" of the combo but at the cost of a bit of health/whatever resource? So it'd be like if the player got off the whole combo and the victim gets to move on from the mini-cutscene?
Probably not that great of an idea tbh, but it's a thought. What do fighting games usually try to mitigate long combos, if at all?
Lol they do exactly that. Fighting games that don't like long combos or 0 to 100 have combo breakers. Where either you can break out or you can't hit the enemy anymore (like skullgirls)
@@milanesadearsenico ah, I was under the impression it's usually a one time resource to break out of combos, and usually breaking out of it doesn't incur penalties outside of that.
Killer instinct is the game that comes to mind. You can attempt to break a combo whenever you want but if you misinput/get to predictable with your combo breaker you can get heavily punished for it. It actively encourages decision making on offense and defense since the attacker has to choose between going for a long, damaging, but extremely easy to break combo or a shorter, lower damage combo that's much harder to break to keep your offence going and the defender has to choose to attempt to break but if you try to break and it doesn't work you die or you could just not break at all and the threat of still being able to break and your opponent losing all pressure might make them just end their combo early or go for something short to stop you from breaking easily
This is a general combo system design in anime fgs. Tag fighters are usually an exception to allow more nuanced combos utilising the assist system.
so you mean like skullgirls and Killer instinct? its been done it works good. No need for health/resource drain just having it normal is good enough you just need to balance how characters reach that limit and handle it.
The buttons have too much hitstop imo, making every hit feel ‘sticky’ or a little clunky
This game is still at the peak of its honey moon phase rn. I'm very curious to see how people will be feeling about this game 6 months or so after its official release, that will be the real test.
Cant wait for 2xko!! Hopefully we get a 3rd person pvp of League of Legends exactly like how overwatch is. thats what i want for LOL
Im curious how 2xko will stand against SF6 and Tekken 8 in evo entrants. Idk if it could take a 1st or 2nd slot of most entries but its possible to take 3 or 4. The Casuals need to show up and get the numbers up for sure
Dude, mortal combat have less entrance, it will be fine
If S1button is pressed with medium button, what comes out? If dash macro (light + medium buttons) is pressed with light button, what comes out?
Can we keep calling it Project L ?
I’m very new to these types of fighters I only play platform fighters. My biggest reason I never play these games is the combo list move. I have no idea what S1 S2 L M H are on my controller. I wish these games would also have the correct button input needed for those moves in the move list as well would be much more beginner friendly
god this game looks so good
0:13 I never realized that you look like that
Combos are skill expression but 15s long combos are extremely boring. Even a lot of Anime fighters don't have combos that long. It's one of the main reasosn I can't get into tag fighters like Skullgirls and DBFZ - watching combos go on forever isn't fun.
Also, your premise seems to be that it's not rewarding to practice if your opponent has different ways of getting out of a combo, which just doesn't add up to me at all. Are you playing a game or taking a quiz? If your opponent has defensive options then the skill expresison is about how you respond to those - ultimately you're rewarded for your game knowledge against real opponents, not just time spent going through motions in a training mode. Again, Tag fighters are boring to me because they are so much about memorizing those routes rather than actually learning match ups and outplays.
Yeah, I was reasonably excited for this game for a while, but everything I see lately is 'COMBOS!'
That’s why I love 3rd strike and KI
MvC3 had this problem but the biggest difference is that combos in Marvel 3 are at the highest skill and just impossible to maintain at a low to middle competitive level, your team composition and mixups will be the biggest difference until it gets high levels where touch of deaths are common.
Skullgirls is different tho, in the sense that the IPS system is so harsh, you're encouraged to go for a lot more resets, which means even if you are getting comboed for a long time, you're being forced to pay attention in order to escape
I think this is the first time I've ever seen your face, Jonah
00:26 nop, thats totally not an anime asthetic, a look at Ahri's face is a dead giveaway that they went with a comic/Wester/cartoony style.
Lol shut up
I can't wait to be mad annoying and little for a little with Temo
2xko has a lot to improve on i played a lot but I feel like i'd need it to change much more
My most wanted characters are Riven, Briar, Sylas, Udyr, Dr.Mundo and Zeri
Long combos are a problem if they are BNBs rather than combos that you have to lab hard on, such as in SF4.
Did anybody ever get a survey?
I'm hoping it does well, but I think Riot is dramatically overestimating the fighting game market if they're looking for profits. The top dogs in the genre have been around for literal decades and new arrive on the market and die/only attract a small number of long term players. If they're coming into this market expecting the same level of engagement that League or Valorant get, they're going to be sorely dissapointed.
Personally, I kinda gave up on the game after finding out it was a tag fighter. I've always hated tag fighters and how long and drawn out they make fights, its a big reason why I never got into MVC or DBZ Fighters.
Well we've seen other games they make not turn a profit but still continue (Runeterra) and fun side projects turn into full experiences (tft) or completely new things (although heavily inspired/copied so 'new' to them) become hits (Valorant). Riot seems pretty consistent in keeping their projects. At the very least you can say that about the company: they release something, and put their foot down with it whether it's a hit or not.
I wont play this cause I hate 2d fighters but i'm still huffing that MMO copium.
@@skylerfreeman1173 Runeterra is in development hell where the card game itself isn't getting any new content and only the new content being made are very small content updates to the PVE mode. By all accounts it is dead.
TFT is largely carried by the Asian market, namely China, as western players continue to dwindle and leave the game. While it's successful, dominating the Chinese market is not something Tencent bought Riot for.
Finally, Valorant has been extremely successful, but it's important to note that it is its own standalone IP. It does take stuff from the lol world.
Riot announced 2XKO (god that's a stupid name) with the idea that the league brand was strong enough to carry in other genres. They announced all of their projects like that. Valorant was the exception. After Riot Forge failed to perform and Runeterra failed, I think it's safe to say that logic was wrong and the league brand could just as easily be a turn off for some people.
At the end of the day, the game has an uphill battle ahead of it. I truly believe Riot has misjudged the market space available for a fighter and I definitely believe they've misjudged how many players would be interested in a tag fighter. There is a very big reason why a lot of the biggest tournaments don't play tag fighters.
Ppl are mad there’s no release date but complain when a game comes out invomplete
it's name is the wrong-est part of the game, even Shaq-Fu is a better name than 2XKO
Welcome back Power Rangers Battle for the Grid!
Without console versions this game wont sell as many copies that it could! I hope it comes to consoles!
The people complaining about long combos have not seen the Guile 100 hit American combo
I think it is a problem if the longer combos are the characters BNB, which would make both watching and dealing with it become more common and boring rather fast.
people complaining about the lack of defensive options for new players not use them lol
Never realised how you were supose to pronounce akshon
The controls are a deal breaker.
I want Briar and Senna hehe
Riot needs to not make Vanguard mandatory for this game and I will play it, simple as that
I share the same sentiment, but it's not gonna happen
Yeahhh gl on that lil bro
me when i dont know how anticheat works
Without it we will see a bot farm seeing how simple combos in this game look
Microsoft is gonna kill kernel level anitcheat so vanguard is gonna die soon. Gonna need to find another way for deal with hackers
Plays like battle for the grid
I'm glad to hear a beginners experience but don't speak on the genre as a whole cuz he has no idea what most FGs play like. It makes it sound like what has made FGs hard to get into is just misconceptions. Many FGs have addressed what he said are issues about the genre.
Not releasing it yet is what they did wrong.
“We want to make a fighting game that’s accessible for people who don’t play fighting games, so we removed motion inputs and added auto combos but made it a tag fighter with 30 hit combos, surely new players will not be intimidated.”
Brother I’m an FGC veteran and I’m intimidated and uninterested. Also awful awful awful name. I will not be calling it that, it’s The League Fighter.
Good thing we got 1000 fighting games now.
I don't think this is the best game, but my noob friends liked it, so it's a good midpoint
From what I hear people don’t really agree with the first sentiment
Motion inputs does not make you a better player
@@Half_Bl00d_H3R0 Way too miss all of the nuance of what I said and only gravitate towards two words completely devoid of the context I said them in, buddy.
No motion inputs killed the game for me personally.
9:23 I think long combos are fine cause in other genres like shooters or mobas when u die your not playing for longer plus the time it takes to walk to a fight
And when it comes to the lack of defensive options thats the tutorials fault cause there is plenty of great ones, u can blockcancel into a backdash for free, u can push block for 1 meter and parry flr 1 meter, the parry is a little to necesary for some attacks that daruis had so I wish it didnt cost meter, other than that defence was fun to use and play against its just most people didnt know about it
Im not that interested in playing this game, the characters while very detailed i don't like a lot.
I don't know anything about League characters but hopefully they add someone that makes me want to try it.
Many of my friends who i told about this game back when it was anounced completely forgot about it. I think they really need to release and promote a beta for all players not just the hardcore audience that registers.
All the feedback they must be getting is probably from fighting game enthusiasts and the average joe dosent really care about "frame data" or "balance", is it actually a fun game for them?
I can't wait for this game to truly drop!
Still praying we get Fizz or Rengar soon!
More Creatures!
3:40 Universal Buttons have been a thing long before 2XKO
Do you not know what "most" means?
Imma be real with you, I need to have motion inputs, it feels weird having one button specials
Doing motions doesn’t automatically make you better
sneeze mag!!!
all i need is another alpha lab on Asian region this time. lemme test out this..... Server based rollback netcode pls. Game title is still shit though ngl
I still hope there's a motion input fuse maybe with more damage or the moves go a little faster
Combos don’t need to be long to be rewarding, see: every non tag fighter & non anime fighting game ever made
Most Anime fighters don't have combos that are THAT long, even Blazblue combos will only last 5s at most...
@@sweetshoez every tag fighting game has long combos, it's just how it is, this is not as grounded as street fighter, virtua fighter, or king of fighters
Make a tag game and trying to be "newbie friendly" is a joke by themself
It's not newbie friendly it's easily accessible
@@markjack9772i kinda hate that special moves are their own button, i prefer the classic move ur joystick in a certain way to modify a move
@@Artawii ya i agree
@@Artawii they are copying smash basically
major lack of characters, but game looking decent atm
It’s not even out yet…
No, long combos are not bad for the newcomers. They are bad for anyone interested in play a game against another player.
I say this as an 45 years old dude that has been playing Tekken, Street Fighter, Samurai Shodown and many other fighting games since 1995: long combos remove agency from one of the players and focus the game in raw muscle memory, which is the wrong side of a competitive experience that will resolve in less than 3 minutes. Killer Instinct features the combobreaker system that keeps both players engaged, so the very long combos work well. In any other instance they don't. Combos are not pure reward for a well placed starter, combos must also include choices for the use of space and resources, along setups for oki and defense, and not bore anyone. In other words, combos must be strategic and purposeful, and never stop the flow of the game. Too long combos lose these characteristics and become a guitar hero solo, very flashy but not interactive at all.
Fuses shouldn't exist and all of them should be in the base game
Toplane be like:
Why is Bandai Namco / Harada keeping an eye on this?
"I don't play with music on"
Please don't tell us anymore about your personal life or we'll unsub.
why so toxic? wtf
Maybe he turns the music off so it's less of a distraction. The real monsters are the people who turn all sound off in their games, and then complain later that they were smoked by something which had an audio telegraph.
Long combos are bad.
Long combo ≠ hard combo.
You can't create reset opportunities, diversity or movement-based conversions with short combos. It would also be terrible for team coordination if you only had a couple seconds to tag the other person in mid-combo. 10~15 seconds is usually fine.
9:00 "Are long combos bad. ", "I don't think so."
Yeah, just wait until you see all the casuals start leaving.
It doesn't matter whether a casual is taking a long combo from a pro or another casual. Because they don't know who is playing on the other side. So they're just going to assume that if the other guy is capable of doing all these long combos then they must be a Pro. And suddenly it's "The lower ranks are filled with Smurfs. I quit!"
Long combos are never fun. It's not fun for the players taking it and it's not fun for the audience watching it. Arguably it's not even fun for the person doing it. It's not much of a game when you spend the majority of your time "watching" the game rather than playing the game.
That's just not true
i put my money on this game being dead around 1-2 months after release. Going to be around 500 players at peak time.
@@Yutappy99 bet
@@Yutappy99 that's how fighting games have been for ages. An in depth combo system means you can capitalize on opportunities against your opponent and feel good about it by dealing hits against them. How would a fighting game be without long combos? It would be too simplified; with limited a limited combo system; there's literally no point to almost all of the types of the fuze mechanic which will define playstyles in this game. No point in diminishing the experience just to satisfy players who want easy mode gameplay
@@gamerkev30 "How would a fighting game be without long combos?" Look at Street Fighter 2. You don't need long combos to make a fighting game. I'm not saying you shouldn't have combos but I'm talking about the long combos that takes 75% of life in one sequence or just outright win in some instances.
You can make a fighting game that focus on the fundamentals, parries, reversals, blocks and still have combos in that game. In fact, combo is a fundamental mechanic in every fighting game. It just wouldn't be the focus of the game. And it doesn't need to be in order for it to be fun. instead, it's the skill of the player that determines who wins. Not, who can get there combo out first.
Kind of upset it’s heavily anime styled, wasn’t Rising Thunder more realistic?
I should note that I want the game to succeed, these are my own sentiments. Finding a main game is so tough
At this point, actual LOL is the worst part of LOL
What's wrong is that it's from Riot Games. A company notorious for milking it's player base while not caring about it's player base. Which is why the eSports scene for them in the west has massively dropped off. This game will have the most toxic community of any fighting game if it picks up. It will make Smash Bros look like well behaved folk.
Yeah but you guys don't give them money so they listen more to the people in SEA
they give money they have better votes than you if they complain they listen coz they know if they fuck up SEA they lose money
Who cares if a 1vs1 game is toxic? Unlike team games you are not even speaking with your team or anyone, so it dont matter.
Naw. It's fine to call out the Smash scene. I assure you that the more controversial..."things" that have happened in the Smash scene have a far, far less likelihood of happening with this one. Give it a chance. I am happy to see a F2P fighting that looks pretty good, hit the market and give Street Fighter 6 and Tekken some competition. IMO SF6 should have been F2P from the start.
Respectfully who really cares
@@hydra_drizz2164 players with a macroscopic view of the world that aren't autistic with and limited to a narrow microscopic view based purely on their desires?
This game has good music? Ehh, Project L is competing with Granblue Versus Rising with its Nobuo Uematsu style music
Casey edwards is the main composer for it from what I heard
9:55 not true ;)
This is what video games should be fun to learn and rewarding to learn instead of making the game just a game
ugly health bars and names and other bars
Justin bieber?
Requires Vanguard so unplayable. I refuse to and am legally required not to compromise my work (only) computer for any game.
Right like they would listen to westerners
if it has no 'riot' name under it, it would be a pretty mid fighter no one is talking about
Take an anime fighter and combine with a tag game and u have the most shitshow of visuals someone can endure. U cant see anything but vfx everywhere. It's annoying af
That mad marvel vs capcon boom
And also dbz
Marvel vs Capcom 2 remains among the best fighters, though sure it's no anime title.
There's so many big games in the market. I rather play dragon ball sparking zero than this
Name sucks
If it has a very easy to use combo breaking system that i can do ANY TIME without any special requirements.. so that if i'm good, i should be able to stop every single combo, over and over and over. Without that, it's just more trash, because i'm tired of fighting games that only reward aggressiveness.
This game is gona get canceled for sure
Eh if they do mobile legends will claim that void
The game would benefit from incorporating more League of Legends mechanics. I would suggest adding elements such as the mana bar, ability cooldowns, and champion abilities (Q, W, E, R) as special moves. Additionally, preset skills like D and F could be used for actions like flashing or increasing speed. These features would create an exciting fighting game, enhanced by the unique elements that make League of Legends so popular. At the moment it looks a lot like dragon ball fighter z, like same kind of mechanics and visuals.
getting rid of motion inputs is a massive issue for me. seriously, fighting games are going backwards.
They don’t make you better
Wrong: flashy animation, long combo or juggle
Making a 1v1 mode. I feel like most people will be intimidated by the whole tag assist system
no motion input = brain dead, so sad fighting game taking this direction
All of the characters look like they are from league. So forgettable.
"Look like they're from League."
Dude, they are League characters.
@@grz782 oh no wonder. Go figure they should stick to moba.
I dont even like or play League, but forgettable is like the dumbest thing to say about their characters. They wouldnt have a trillion dollars in revenue for their champion skins if they were forgettable
what an opinion from a person with an Unturned pfp!
Let's see how "Forgettable" this game is when it comes out next year
Making a 1v1 mode. I feel like most people will be intimidated by the whole tag assist system
You can play 1v1 but most people say that the 2v2 mode id the most fun