America is a first world country it just needs a investment in infrastructure also only 1 in 10 American families don’t have clean drinkable water so you are being foolish and over exaggerating
The common saying is 10 percent of homes in America still have pipes in the middle of the waterpump stations with lead. So 1 in 10 americans still have lead water and need a water filter system, or buy water already filtered from grocery for 20 to 50 cents per gal.
Let’s not forget about nestle and all those big companies making billions from bottle water which comes from towns which have been sold out by these own governor’s
And?, That doesn't make it inaccurate. There's a lot of places in Africa without clean water nor water at all. Johannesburg not too long ago was having a massive shortage of water. There were protest and massive files to get water.
And looks like they still don’t lol same with those Mexicans. At least our water will kill you in 100 years, as opposed to giving you dysentery and dying in a week. Idiot.
@@ricflair5956 are you freaking seriuous? Americans need to travel a little more and see themselves those so called third world countries they call many of them are way better then America in so many aspects. example americans used to call east europe and south europe also third world countries just because they didnt have that westren agenda and were communists meanwhile in south europe food is bio, water is 24.7 and clean we dont even have such problems, the only better thing america has is that is more richer as a country but i prefer to live in a country which has lower income and eat clean bio food badass country with ancient history since roman and illyrian or ancient greek times do not have that multicultural BS etc etc. and even with the income nowadays with the internet you can become a billionaire even if u in africa if you have wfi connection. anyway what am saying is that Americans need to travel more Africa isnt that poor as they think even those countries that are look into the history westerns Europeans have used steal and still stealing their gold dimaond for thousands of years. When you say Africa you need to realize Egypt, Algeria, Morocco etc are part of it also...anyway nothing against america i actually love america and true americans my country my people and americans get along quite well...
Imagine if Americans taught world history and actually learnt about other civilisations. Maybe they would have learnt how Rome's usage of lead to line aquaducts poisoned entire populations
Lead was used on purpose to create neurological issues in the pacified masses. Just look at the bumbling idiot at @3:02 saying lead in the water is ok, and while she says her and her kids 'use' it, she doesn't say that they drink it
@Fck Utube dude I can smell the salt from you, she’s talking about pressure to say that, the interviewed could be involved in a context where she couldn’t show her opinion or like many interviews she could be on a script, it’s been done before though I doubt it in this context. Did you realize that you’re rude or does that not occur to you? Also… she’s talked about you using her name at all, because it is weird dude don’t do that lol
Florida has a problem of suburban sprawl. When the houses were built, they had the money and cheap labour to install them. Now, we cannot renovate them because theres too much pipes and whatnot.
It just sucks that the older generations are just gonna keep putting off our infrastructure problem until it all falls apart for my generation once we are their age.
The older generation built it & left it for others to maintain & replace as needed. Thereby creating a perpetual pot of gold for your generation since y'all will be the ones who will be able to get those well paying jobs. Maybe by not having to have a college degree it will help employ more of your generation 😎 #brightside
@@talesfromtheleashexpatdogl1426 Who’s funding it though? When the older generation is putting us in trillions of dollars in debt every year, there’s gonna be no money unless someone has the stomach to finally tax the wealthy and broadly increase taxes.
@@talesfromtheleashexpatdogl1426 do you think there's only one older generation? The generation that built isn't the generation that's ignored it for the last 50-60 years
“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.” ― Cree Indian Prophecy
We can live off polluted land they do it in Africa or South America bottled water is proven to have improper pH levels which can cause health issues I also agree the government will leave us drinking horrible water as long as it's not them
@@ChildOfGodTH-cam The Space Force will protect us from the imaginary threats China poses in low orbit! Remember, China is to blame for all of our problems, even our own 50+ year old lead pipes.
Good journalism, good length for attention spans Suggestion: add links for further info (if you have them) and mention briefly at end of video This should be seen by millions. Thanks
@Green Fog Indian mountains and soil have lot of water, Monsoons also bring lot of water with it, but surely water storage & management have lot of problems with it as country being diverse needs different solutions for different areas.Beurocratic Corruption is also a big hindrance.
@@jimmiferfreddette8583 Yeah i love how her only real response if you could even call it that was "No its not violent but its beautiful" Okay no one debated that ? Were talking about how safe an area is or isnt and its potential for violence lmao ? Sounds like she has an easier time manipulating her reality than accepting it and for that same person to be the representative of this piece is slightly worrying if they cant even accept the basic reality of the area regardless how subjective beauty may be.
@@nickmagrick7702 Because she is lying and probably embaressed about the place she calls home, Stats dont lie but people sure do and they do it for the weirdest wackiest reasons
The League of Nations attempted to ban its use in the 1920s. Even Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a close friend about how lead affects the populace in cities. Most countries banned the use of lead pipes and paint decades before America, Another example of Americas capitalist society caring for its people.
It works. After boiling point, The water becomes vapor and the lead stays. But yeah, homeowners shouldn't have to install lab equipments just to get clean water. Good luck drinking water vapor👌
@@r-7498 And then you will have to reintroduce the mineral into the condensed water coupling with the cost of boiling it in the first place and the water might cost as much as gasoline. They have better chance piling up money and build their own water treatment plant. Oh wait, it's called tax.
@@r-7498 Except people don't boil water to catch and drink the water vapor. They boil it for a few minutes, turn the stove off, and drink that water that is still in the pot. Thus still drinking the lead.
Sourcing your water by purchasing it in plastic bottles, can't really blame them, I'd do the same in their situation, but, it's creating more problems for the future. If only we could recycle plastic to make new pipes to replace the lead ones.
@@PG-3462 yup. Thats because they have big homes and pipes have to go far and are hard to digup. Suburban sprawl is a big reason why many cities around Chicago or in the US have lead poisening.
@@sm3675 In Montreal, it's actually because wealthy people live in the oldest parts of the city, where homes and apartment blocks are in average more than 60 year old (and some are over 100 year old). A 2 bedroom apartment in an old stone or brick building on the Plateau can be worth between 1 and 2 million $
@@atgimm2090 lol. Yea. I remember hearing that we, the United States spends more money on Israel, than in our climate change responce program. Its sad really 😪
Americans should learn to buy water filters for a couple bucks a month instead of $100/mo on their garbage iphones which they'll replace every 3 months.
@@degnur3442 rusting is a type of chemical reaction specific to metals, where oxygen bonds to the metal atoms on the surface of and basically turns the surface of a metal into rock, aka rust. Corrosion refers to any type of chemical breakdown of a material, whether its metal, rock, plastic, or whatever.
@@Skoomz lead is a metal and does oxidise, rust is specific to the oxidation of steel. Corrosion is the term used to describe oxidation of other materials.
Notice how Andrea closed her eyes and looked away while saying the water was safe and that her and her 5 kids don’t use a filter and use the tap water ? I highly doubt she’s telling the truth or else it wouldn’t be that hard for her to make eye contact while saying that 😑🙄
I just don’t know how a mother can lie about something like this knowing other mothers may believe her and let their own kids do the same and it most likely having negative health impacts on KIDS. She really should feel such shame and guilt for that. 😐
We are literally the modern-day Rome we can't pull out of those areas because they provide us natural resources that we can't get it home remember all those oil Taps out in Texas that are all tapped dry the areas that we've drilled out in the ocean those places are dangerous we have to keep our soldiers out in the Middle East to get that oil but while we're doing that we're draining the taxpayer so it's a catch-22 damned if you leave damned if you stay reason why I reference the Roman Empire was they were outstretched when they were still trying push into Germany they would drain themselves soldiers and money yet they couldn't leave those areas because they had Forest filled with lovely Timber they had plenty of resources that plenty of land meant for farming so they couldn't leave but they couldn't stay
1:37 boiling water does not remove the lead from it. That's so sad, people boiling water with lead and thinking that's making it safe...the children are most vulnerable.
@@dinsel9691 Boiling reduces the volume of water, thus INCREASING the content of lead. If you have one gallon of water with 1 part per million lead. Boil it down 50%. You now have 1\2 gallon with 2 parts per million lead.
You got 50 states to choose from. If you're poor - there's section 8 housing literally everywhere. MOVE! I left Chicago forty years ago and thrived elsewhere
Yea, it's a problem pretty much anyone can will face. No political opinion. Clean water. Just that. Hopefully all Americans realize this and help to their possible extent. So that infrastructure of the US works again and is sustainable for the future or at least not dangerous today.
Same with everything in department stores, china, plates, decorative pieces and imposing heavy metal free certification on overseas companies want to mail packages here.
Hey the US consider socialist a terrorist treat for being socialist it like something form China or Soviet Russia it ridiculous and it happening to a country that a supporter of a free world and we open up gauntanamo bay which is a freaking death camp
BS lol, the poorest Americans still have much better qualities of life in people in less developed countries. Water from lead pipes is still much cleaner then the water people drink from in Bangladesh or sub-Saharan Africa, and unlike people in those countries they can afford bottled/filtered water, or publicly available water from fountains (sounds bad but its a huge luxury in the 3rd world). The poorest Americans have electricity, and unlike the global impoverished living in shanty towns, poor Americans aside from the homeless have permanent insulated residencies or at the very least ventilated trailers. Poor Americans also generally have paved or gravel roads and automobiles. They also have much better and easier access to healthcare, even if it isnt free it usually is for the poor via Medicare and even without Medicare, its better to be alive with debt (as hospitals have to treat someone regardless of if they can pay) then dead. Plus the US poverty line is on par with the average income in global middle income nations like China or Mexico, even after adjusting for cost of living. I lived in the poorest part of East Oakland as a kid, and theres been months of my life where I survived off nothing but ramen, raisins, school lunches, and public park water since our water was shut off cuz we couldnt afford the bill. But even then, Id say I was living more comfortably then the poor in developing nations
It really isn't. You don't have to go that far. Just head down to the US/Mexico border to Tijuana, Mexico. That place is a mess. The US really is much better... but as someone else said, Americans are just spoiled.
I always remember hearing somewhere that lead and autism have some correlation. Not trying to come off ignorant, just the first thing that pops into my head when hearing about kids developing brains drinking water from lead pipes...
When the community organizer interviewed is asked if she had tested her own drinking water she replied "No".... the logic of a true activist. Vice is always interviewing the best and the brightest
It's shameful to see how some of our communities are treated. This cannot be happining in our backyard. A comment won't do anything for clean water, but bringing it up to people who can do something about it is much needed.
They will privatise the effort. The government will grant contracts to private companies depending on which company makes the biggest campaign contributions, and then the companies will just skim the money. Just like what happened with Puerto Rico after it was devastated by a hurricane and most of the island was left without electricity.
@@dkkuhn87 LOL. You’re one of those huh? 5G is proven dangerous (just like 4G) for our brain & body. And chemtrails lol that’s old news, people know they’re real & causing issues. You sheep will destroy yourself.
*Lead pipes around the country* Woman: It's environmental racism. Reporter: Have you tested your water? Woman: Nope. I just rent this place, the owner should do it.
From a human decency standpoint and the fact that some people don't have the financial stability to not rent, yeah, it makes sense to require the replacement.
If we can't depend on slumlords to fix the pipes of the properties they own, maybe we don't need landlords then? I think Mao might have been on to something.
Not really in the first world,re European countries actually give a crap about their domestic infrastructure. In regards to public health safety the EU is miles head of the US. To add insult to injury a massive building just recently collapsed in Florida. $800 billion a year on the military, virtually nothing spent on infrastructure. If the US put its focus on domestic infrastructure, it would surpass every country and would be a far more advanced society.
Yup, that's why this society is going crazier and crazier... It's the lead causing neural degeneration.... Rome fell from their lead contaminated drinking water... everyone went crazy... from the politicians to the working class.
For most of American history lead pipes were the standard way to bring water to everyone's home. That's why plumbing is not called coppering or ironing. So yes, I'm sure 95% of black and Hispanic homes would have had lead lines. The narrator never gave such an exact figure for European neighborhoods. So I feel the issue is being presented by the reporter in a divisive, tendentious way that may not be accurate. I am pretty sure there are many white neighborhoods who have the same problems with lead plumbing. I have the sense the issue is more about class than ethnicity. I think the issue could have been presented in a more winning fashion.
Gutted and renovated our home a few years ago. We wanted a certain style of kitchen sink fixtures but couldn't import anything from the USA because they're still made with lead. Exceptional in not a good way.
It is called "free turning brass" or "machine brass" its the base metal in couplers and hardware. Lead is added to aluminum for the same reason but less.
Plumbing fixtures and fittings went to completely lead free a few years back. And I seriously doubt that the minute amount of lead that was mixed in with the brass was ever a problem.
That is what was communicated to me by the project manager of our renovation. The faucets we preferred were prohibited for importation by the Canadian Government as to the determination the lead content was to high. Cuz, regulations and safety standards, something parts of the Amuricon diaspora seem to be irrationally opposed to, as evidenced by the apparant widespread lead problems in your oh so exceptional country.
@@mrnobody3161 I was merely stating that was just a few years ago so you could probably get them now. At any rate the tiny amount of lead that was in the brass fittings was not an issue. And yes this is an exceptional country.
I mean, if you are able to capture the evaporated water and then condense it you would make most of it disappear. What these people are doing is only exasperating the issue. Boiling the water means that there will be a higher concentration of lead. If you have a gallon of water with lead and then boil half of it you would actually double the amount in the water since the lead is too heavy to rise.
putting industrual waste producing factories in neighborhoods of poc in the case of this video . it's not directly harming them but it is negatively affecting the environment they are living in , and often can't leave from , thus affecting them .
environmental class war would be more accurate. the poor people live downwind of the factory and the rich live upwind, most cities are divided E/W and/or N/S. same way with school funding done by property taxes. the rich get better schools, less air pollution, and get their pipes replaced first.
9:15 "The liability will be on the owner to **want** to fix it" How is it a choice to provide safe drinking water to your renters? In Germany, homeowners have to replace lead pipes - because of course they do.
I also live in Germany. I'm baffled that they used this until 1987😑 Archaeologists found a lot of lead poisoning in Roman populations, because they used lead alloys in tableware.
1st; “lead free” plumbing brass isn’t completely free of lead. 2nd; where’s the plumbers?.. There’s a massive shortage of skilled trades people. Solution: A tuition free school for plumbing if completed to all persons who want to learn and practice a trade… That could lead to new innovations that could find a better product better then lead laced products.
Plumbing is tough, nasty, and demanding work. A whole generation of kids were told to go to college to not have to do that sort of work. If your in the right sector, plumbing is a 6 figure job.
In my state, they put out notices for apprentices, you just had to show up and pass a simple math test. Nobody passed the simple "how many inches in a foot, how to measure diameter" type questions so nobody got the slots. We let the schools go to hell and now we're paying the price.
Which is 1 out of every 10 houses in the country, even worse worldwide. Imagine how many millions of people just sipped lead in tiny amounts, and can't think fully 100 because so
@@PHlophe regardless, a lot of people still purchase homes without an inspection and find out later. As a homeowner/landlord it's your own responsibility to fix it or not.
You have a very simplistic understanding of how the US works. We have a National, State, County, City govt system. Each one makes their own rules in 50 states with numerous counties and cities with 300 million people. It's up to them to decide. If you chose to live in Flint or Detroit you aren't the brightest bulb already. Also the leaded plumbing isn't just part of the local homes, the majority of it is under the ground run by the city and county (municipality) built over 100 years ago. So no, landlords that own a house can't fix it, but people who live in all these homes can. You go to Walmart and spend $5 on an NSF certified water filter and problem fixed. Instead these morons spend $100/mo on a new iphone subscription every 3-6 months and $10-$20/day on Starbucks. Don't feel sorry for them.
It’s a real thing. Historically black Americans have been purposely placed into industrial areas where they get adverse health issues. You know redlining was a thing right?
They’re not responsible for pipes in your house so don’t get it twisted. You will have to replace pipes from the meter to and throughout your house. County will stop at their service meter.
the city should be responsible for any pipes put in and not kept in proper condition in their cities boundaries, that's part of the issue. Hell its factual you own a deed to your land but that it can be taken back by government action at any point, so if the government wants that much control they can upkeep all their infrastructure.
@@klayman2 oh no doubt but that stops at the meter. You are responsible for everything on your own property. Don’t think the city will repipe your house because you installed or you bought a 60 year old house it’s yours and the responsibility that comes with it. Save your money because where you live up north it’ll will cost 10x as much because of your union workers that stand around watching each other work. Good luck
I think lead pipes are a major reason the 90s crime wave never really ended in some cities. Crime has dropped in many areas after leaded gas was banned. But in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, St. Louis, Baltimore, and a bunch of other places, the crime rate didn't go down that much. Kids are still getting poisoned with lead from pipes and paint.
But the city will fine you for getting a paint chip on the ground that 100% of the time never has lead paint in it. But it’s cool for your water to be ran thru lead pipes. Beyond insane
Why would she not test her water for lead? Given that she’s a renter, the landlord would be on the hook, and she is already buying bottled water- a positive test would give her $ breathing room. Seems like she is leaning into the victim mentality and not wanting to do anything to better her situation.
At least we now have an excuse for why our children score so low in every subject, when compared to the intelligence of children in Asia. It's the lead pipes! Not our crappy education system.
You can't trust the water out in Westside (which includes Little Village), Eastside and Southside. Those are where many of the heavy industrial factories are located. Northside's water is probably the only safe drinkable water. Surrounding Suburbs are fairly safe. Most of the Chicago officials have generally been too occupied with lining their pockets. The appearances of the neighborhoods speak for itself. Props to those that are doing what they can to make a difference 💕 Stay safe everyone and have a great night 💕
Well, chances are, he was frothing at the mouth about it, just a few gasping breaths removed from some craziness. So whatever things he’s right about get lost in the sea of insanity that sputters from his lips.
@@TreeSymphony52 They made most arizona cities with a huge lack of water, literal oasis towns that are bound to dry up. Not a smart place to live, common sense!
@@TreeSymphony52 air conditioning. But Arizona is going to waste all it's water in the next 10 years and you are going to see one of the worst environmental disasters the country has ever seen.
@@Derty_the_grower Phoenix actually had quite a bit of water when they first built the city but used up pretty much all of it and now rely on transporting water from other locations. Just look at how many golf courses there are and other places that use so much water.
I remember driving through Flint months after their water crisis started, we stopped at a restaurant and the waitress noticed our hesitation when she put a few glasses of water down and reassured us they weren't using tap water. 😔 I'm from easily one of the most polluted cities in Ontario, but it's an uncomfortable feeling to not even be able to trust your water source. You need is for survival ffs. It's a human right. It's beyond me that the US and Canada still have issues giving their citizens clean, safe drinking water.
I appreciate that Biden's administration wants to tackle this (and other such problems which affect people) anyone who still clings to the idea that there's no difference between Dems and Repubs has their head firmly up their azz, and this issue is one of a thousand similar. VOTE, ffs
@@maryfrushon5702 No, he won’t fix everything, and he won’t even fix most things - because there are selfish and crazy Trump cultists clinging to a lie, obstructing everything good and positive. Facts.
Got a relative in Philadelphia. I always bring gallons, or water from our well when I go over for a few days. Her water makes me want to puke it’s such an atrocity.
"Honey, dont waste water. Children in US doesn't even have clean and drinkable water."
America is a first world country it just needs a investment in infrastructure also only 1 in 10 American families don’t have clean drinkable water so you are being foolish and over exaggerating
@@Student0Toucher America is the only one with that statistic. UK France Australia etc have clean water. The US is third world with a Gucci belt
@@B0ganBeast ur so funny and original
@@moneebkhan3744 and you are not...
It’s all good the US will fix it, all on our own. With no help from.. the US.
There's cities worse than Flint, Michigan. It was just the fact that the city knowingly denied it until they couldn't deny anymore.
The common saying is 10 percent of homes in America still have pipes in the middle of the waterpump stations with lead. So 1 in 10 americans still have lead water and need a water filter system, or buy water already filtered from grocery for 20 to 50 cents per gal.
@@Derty_the_grower I have well-water but I still buy a particular brand of bottled water which I believe is much better... Despite being in plastic.
@@Steve_1999 depending on where you are, your well water is probably better.
@@aka_pierre I had it tested and it's necessary to run a water softener, I live quite a ways from any city, out in the cornfields. I like Core© Water.
Let’s not forget about nestle and all those big companies making billions from bottle water which comes from towns which have been sold out by these own governor’s
Ironic I’ve heard Americans make jokes about Africans not having clean drinking water
And?, That doesn't make it inaccurate. There's a lot of places in Africa without clean water nor water at all. Johannesburg not too long ago was having a massive shortage of water. There were protest and massive files to get water.
And looks like they still don’t lol same with those Mexicans. At least our water will kill you in 100 years, as opposed to giving you dysentery and dying in a week. Idiot.
@@ricflair5956 has a mangina!
@@ricflair5956 are you freaking seriuous? Americans need to travel a little more and see themselves those so called third world countries they call many of them are way better then America in so many aspects. example americans used to call east europe and south europe also third world countries just because they didnt have that westren agenda and were communists meanwhile in south europe food is bio, water is 24.7 and clean we dont even have such problems, the only better thing america has is that is more richer as a country but i prefer to live in a country which has lower income and eat clean bio food badass country with ancient history since roman and illyrian or ancient greek times do not have that multicultural BS etc etc. and even with the income nowadays with the internet you can become a billionaire even if u in africa if you have wfi connection. anyway what am saying is that Americans need to travel more Africa isnt that poor as they think even those countries that are look into the history westerns Europeans have used steal and still stealing their gold dimaond for thousands of years. When you say Africa you need to realize Egypt, Algeria, Morocco etc are part of it also...anyway nothing against america i actually love america and true americans my country my people and americans get along quite well...
@@ricflair5956 eh Mexican tap water won’t kill you it’d just hurt your stomach until your body became used to it
Imagine if Americans taught world history and actually learnt about other civilisations. Maybe they would have learnt how Rome's usage of lead to line aquaducts poisoned entire populations
Lead was used on purpose to create neurological issues in the pacified masses. Just look at the bumbling idiot at @3:02 saying lead in the water is ok, and while she says her and her kids 'use' it, she doesn't say that they drink it
@@millenniumzeek exactly she is just gaslighting people that is what she is paid to say
@Fck Utube you clearly did not watch the video and do not understand my comment it’s not that deep but go off weirdly saying my name
@Fck Utube dude I can smell the salt from you, she’s talking about pressure to say that, the interviewed could be involved in a context where she couldn’t show her opinion or like many interviews she could be on a script, it’s been done before though I doubt it in this context.
Did you realize that you’re rude or does that not occur to you?
Also… she’s talked about you using her name at all, because it is weird dude don’t do that lol
@Fck Utube type of dude that asks girls “where’s my hug?”, go call your mom and spend time with your family instead of being really weird online
Fun fact, the word “plumbing” comes from lead’s official elemental name plumbum
Awesome fact
Thanks. Learnt something new today
I thought the element was called leadass
and plumbing pertains to gravity.
Check the water of the cities in the state of florida asap.
Cool Vibes American engineers have for YEARS said that the water is bad in America. I remember that they gave America a D-rating for the water.
Florida has a problem of suburban sprawl.
When the houses were built, they had the money and cheap labour to install them. Now, we cannot renovate them because theres too much pipes and whatnot.
Too expensive. We have made our cities bankrupt
@@sm3675 incremental densification of suburbs is the answer mate. Look up missing middle housing. Our cities can still be saved
There’s crack in the water of Florida
It just sucks that the older generations are just gonna keep putting off our infrastructure problem until it all falls apart for my generation once we are their age.
Lmao okay clown 🤡
then chanche it dont complain about "older generation" its in your power , in our power
The older generation built it & left it for others to maintain & replace as needed. Thereby creating a perpetual pot of gold for your generation since y'all will be the ones who will be able to get those well paying jobs. Maybe by not having to have a college degree it will help employ more of your generation 😎 #brightside
@@talesfromtheleashexpatdogl1426 Who’s funding it though? When the older generation is putting us in trillions of dollars in debt every year, there’s gonna be no money unless someone has the stomach to finally tax the wealthy and broadly increase taxes.
@@talesfromtheleashexpatdogl1426 do you think there's only one older generation? The generation that built isn't the generation that's ignored it for the last 50-60 years
“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”
― Cree Indian Prophecy
We can live off polluted land they do it in Africa or South America bottled water is proven to have improper pH levels which can cause health issues I also agree the government will leave us drinking horrible water as long as it's not them
@@matortiz2322 Dasani is a great example
And yet we spend trillions on the war on terror lmao
Not to mention fake space fantasies! 🌍 🚀 🛰 We could go on and on...
We give Israel 3.8 billion / year (10 million/day) for military equipment so they can continue their apartheid on Palestinians.
@@ChildOfGodTH-cam The Space Force will protect us from the imaginary threats China poses in low orbit! Remember, China is to blame for all of our problems, even our own 50+ year old lead pipes.
🤦♂️ Space Force? Hahaha.
@@ChildOfGodTH-cam like youre fake religious fantasies? 😂😂
Good journalism, good length for attention spans
Suggestion: add links for further info (if you have them) and mention briefly at end of video
This should be seen by millions. Thanks
@Green Fog Indian mountains and soil have lot of water, Monsoons also bring lot of water with it, but surely water storage & management have lot of problems with it as country being diverse needs different solutions for different areas.Beurocratic Corruption is also a big hindrance.
Also, include in the links organization helping the cause.
@Alejandro Brunner
Soon enough we'll be talking the same way about plastic.
The Nazis invented it so you can start now.
Plastic pipe.
Ok. See where that attitude gets you.
Probably not. Plastics so far haven't been shown to cause injuries as several as lead/metals.
Big facts, it wrecks our hormones.
As a Mexican American who’s lived in Chicago. Little village is in fact a very dangerous place
Or course it it’s. Statistics show it. It’s not up for debate. Lol it can have beautiful parts while also being dangerous
@@jimmiferfreddette8583 yeah but the person being interviewed said it wasn't dangerous
@@jimmiferfreddette8583 Yeah i love how her only real response if you could even call it that was "No its not violent but its beautiful" Okay no one debated that ? Were talking about how safe an area is or isnt and its potential for violence lmao ? Sounds like she has an easier time manipulating her reality than accepting it and for that same person to be the representative of this piece is slightly worrying if they cant even accept the basic reality of the area regardless how subjective beauty may be.
@@nickmagrick7702 Because she is lying and probably embaressed about the place she calls home, Stats dont lie but people sure do and they do it for the weirdest wackiest reasons
@@1997calum everyone knows how ghetto Chicago is . Top rated crime an gang violence
The League of Nations attempted to ban its use in the 1920s. Even Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a close friend about how lead affects the populace in cities. Most countries banned the use of lead pipes and paint decades before America, Another example of Americas capitalist society caring for its people.
Ah yes boiling lead. That's scientifically proven to definitely get rid of heavy metals in water..
That’s how u make heavy water 💧
It works. After boiling point, The water becomes vapor and the lead stays.
But yeah, homeowners shouldn't have to install lab equipments just to get clean water.
Good luck drinking water vapor👌
@@r-7498 And then you will have to reintroduce the mineral into the condensed water coupling with the cost of boiling it in the first place and the water might cost as much as gasoline. They have better chance piling up money and build their own water treatment plant. Oh wait, it's called tax.
@@r-7498 Except people don't boil water to catch and drink the water vapor. They boil it for a few minutes, turn the stove off, and drink that water that is still in the pot. Thus still drinking the lead.
Maybe that explains why so many people are nuts now.
Sandra The mind control by the gov coupled with sin.
@@BudandBloomWithBlossom shut up lol !! Sin ? Hahah
@@357-swagnumultramagax9 What is so funny about sin?
@@357-swagnumultramagax9 🤔
@@BudandBloomWithBlossom religion itself is a form of mind control, and uses "sin" as a means of control. The irony of your comment is funny.
Sourcing your water by purchasing it in plastic bottles, can't really blame them, I'd do the same in their situation, but, it's creating more problems for the future. If only we could recycle plastic to make new pipes to replace the lead ones.
Individual costumers aren't causing environmental problems, giant corporations are.
@Crashie-J Hell by that time I bet we'll go full-on Lorax and start breathing air from bottles
But let’s keep admiring the children of the wickedly wealthy and ignore our problems.
In my city (Montreal, Canada), lead problems are mostly located in wealthy neighbourhoods (like the Plateau Mont Royal or Westmount)
@@PG-3462 I m from Montreal, I didn't know that. Just checked out a map.
@@PG-3462 yup. Thats because they have big homes and pipes have to go far and are hard to digup. Suburban sprawl is a big reason why many cities around Chicago or in the US have lead poisening.
@@sm3675 In Montreal, it's actually because wealthy people live in the oldest parts of the city, where homes and apartment blocks are in average more than 60 year old (and some are over 100 year old). A 2 bedroom apartment in an old stone or brick building on the Plateau can be worth between 1 and 2 million $
lol right
America should stop spending billions in the military and actually care for their people
They don't care because their rulers are in israel
@@atgimm2090 lol. Yea.
I remember hearing that we, the United States spends more money on Israel, than in our climate change responce program. Its sad really 😪
Minimum wage for politicians and police! No more tax loopholes for the wealthy!
Americans should learn to buy water filters for a couple bucks a month instead of $100/mo on their garbage iphones which they'll replace every 3 months.
you trusted the govt to care for you and this is what happened, now you want more govt, lol. you just described the very definition of madness.
Imagine when we were kids and didn’t think metal pipes could rust anytime under 1000 years…. Those older folks sure did trick us good for 140 years 😂
Lead doesn't rust, it corrodes.
@@W-H-O whats the difference im not informed on the matter - thank you in advance
@@degnur3442 rusting is a type of chemical reaction specific to metals, where oxygen bonds to the metal atoms on the surface of and basically turns the surface of a metal into rock, aka rust. Corrosion refers to any type of chemical breakdown of a material, whether its metal, rock, plastic, or whatever.
@@Skoomz lead is a metal and does oxidise, rust is specific to the oxidation of steel. Corrosion is the term used to describe oxidation of other materials.
Notice how Andrea closed her eyes and looked away while saying the water was safe and that her and her 5 kids don’t use a filter and use the tap water ? I highly doubt she’s telling the truth or else it wouldn’t be that hard for her to make eye contact while saying that 😑🙄
I had same thoughts too about that! Sad when they try to deceive people but it's obvious when they are..
She wasn't just looking away; she was looking up and to the left. She's lying, concealing critical information, or both.
Wow. Thank you for pointing this out. I still struggle to tell when someone is lying.
I had the same thought. Yeah, I think she's lying. Probably reverse osmosis system under the kitchen sink.
I just don’t know how a mother can lie about something like this knowing other mothers may believe her and let their own kids do the same and it most likely having negative health impacts on KIDS. She really should feel such shame and guilt for that. 😐
Well if American didn’t spend all the funds on the army the wouldn’t have this problem 🤷🏼♂️
No more wars for Israel!
We are literally the modern-day Rome we can't pull out of those areas because they provide us natural resources that we can't get it home remember all those oil Taps out in Texas that are all tapped dry the areas that we've drilled out in the ocean those places are dangerous we have to keep our soldiers out in the Middle East to get that oil but while we're doing that we're draining the taxpayer so it's a catch-22 damned if you leave damned if you stay reason why I reference the Roman Empire was they were outstretched when they were still trying push into Germany they would drain themselves soldiers and money yet they couldn't leave those areas because they had Forest filled with lovely Timber they had plenty of resources that plenty of land meant for farming so they couldn't leave but they couldn't stay
@TH-cam Netizen
And “NASA”
@@thegreatestmantoevrwlkthep9986 The NASA budget is already pitifully small.
1:37 boiling water does not remove the lead from it. That's so sad, people boiling water with lead and thinking that's making it safe...the children are most vulnerable.
Actually makes it worse
boiling- journalist overlooks such a crucial error
@@tripsenderz2181 I didnt know boiling makes it worse.
@@MaLiArtworks186 it doesn't..
@@dinsel9691 Boiling reduces the volume of water, thus INCREASING the content of lead. If you have one gallon of water with 1 part per million lead. Boil it down 50%. You now have 1\2 gallon with 2 parts per million lead.
You got 50 states to choose from. If you're poor - there's section 8 housing literally everywhere. MOVE! I left Chicago forty years ago and thrived elsewhere
“It’s a beautiful place” she obviously doesn’t travel much, little village it not a beautiful place😂
There are better places in Chicago then Little Village!!
One of the few issues I think everyone in the country can get behind. We can’t be drinking poison, this issue needs to get fixed yesterday
Yea, it's a problem pretty much anyone can will face. No political opinion. Clean water. Just that. Hopefully all Americans realize this and help to their possible extent. So that infrastructure of the US works again and is sustainable for the future or at least not dangerous today.
Same with everything in department stores, china, plates, decorative pieces and imposing heavy metal free certification on overseas companies want to mail packages here.
What are you talking about? Clean drinking water is communism. Everybody knows that. 'Merica, fvck yeah!
The more I hear about the US the less I want to move there
Hey the US consider socialist a terrorist treat for being socialist it like something form China or Soviet Russia it ridiculous and it happening to a country that a supporter of a free world and we open up gauntanamo bay which is a freaking death camp
@@USSAnimeNCC- You need some education in your life.
@@USSAnimeNCC- free speech is no more in the us
Listen to Kamala... stay, dont come!
Now she changed her mind with the border with her not visiting because she is scared.
Just don't move to a shitty neighborhood and you'll be fine.
Environmental racism I laughed my ass off at that comment, The US in a way is like a 3rd world country with a gucci belt strapped on it.
BS lol, the poorest Americans still have much better qualities of life in people in less developed countries. Water from lead pipes is still much cleaner then the water people drink from in Bangladesh or sub-Saharan Africa, and unlike people in those countries they can afford bottled/filtered water, or publicly available water from fountains (sounds bad but its a huge luxury in the 3rd world). The poorest Americans have electricity, and unlike the global impoverished living in shanty towns, poor Americans aside from the homeless have permanent insulated residencies or at the very least ventilated trailers. Poor Americans also generally have paved or gravel roads and automobiles. They also have much better and easier access to healthcare, even if it isnt free it usually is for the poor via Medicare and even without Medicare, its better to be alive with debt (as hospitals have to treat someone regardless of if they can pay) then dead. Plus the US poverty line is on par with the average income in global middle income nations like China or Mexico, even after adjusting for cost of living. I lived in the poorest part of East Oakland as a kid, and theres been months of my life where I survived off nothing but ramen, raisins, school lunches, and public park water since our water was shut off cuz we couldnt afford the bill. But even then, Id say I was living more comfortably then the poor in developing nations
It really isn't. You don't have to go that far. Just head down to the US/Mexico border to Tijuana, Mexico. That place is a mess. The US really is much better... but as someone else said, Americans are just spoiled.
Nice bootstrap story there buddy. I'm sure you're the type to discourage improving our country because "others have it worse".
America is more worried about putting billionaires in space than giving people clean water
In the UK I can remember them replacing all the lead pipes in and around London back in the 80's!
Garet oh you are not getting younger
The UK is the size of one average US state...
@@CGoffgrid and London is bigger than Chicago by population. Your point?
@@joenuts5167 My point is the size of nation makes the task more difficult.
Well the UK is much smarter than the US so of course they did.
I always remember hearing somewhere that lead and autism have some correlation. Not trying to come off ignorant, just the first thing that pops into my head when hearing about kids developing brains drinking water from lead pipes...
Chicago new mayor administration won’t fix anything because Lori wants to focus on changing the name on Lake Shore Drive
When the community organizer interviewed is asked if she had tested her own drinking water she replied "No".... the logic of a true activist. Vice is always interviewing the best and the brightest
She probably knows it's contaminated already
Cant wait to see them just put the money in their bank accounts and forget about the people
It's shameful to see how some of our communities are treated. This cannot be happining in our backyard.
A comment won't do anything for clean water, but bringing it up to people who can do something about it is much needed.
They will privatise the effort. The government will grant contracts to private companies depending on which company makes the biggest campaign contributions, and then the companies will just skim the money. Just like what happened with Puerto Rico after it was devastated by a hurricane and most of the island was left without electricity.
One of the MANY ways we are being poisoned.
Please don't say chemtrails/ 5G
@@dkkuhn87 cheap food and blue collar jobs account for plenty.... hopefully op ain't going that direction lol
@@dkkuhn87 PFAS. Look it up. 100% of US breastmilk samples contaminated. ALL water contaminated. Don't believe me? Look it up.
@@dkkuhn87 Chemtrails / 5G.
@@dkkuhn87 LOL. You’re one of those huh?
5G is proven dangerous (just like 4G) for our brain & body. And chemtrails lol that’s old news, people know they’re real & causing issues. You sheep will destroy yourself.
It all starts at the local level. Its all about the money. Chicago is a sketchy and corrupt place
*Lead pipes around the country*
Woman: It's environmental racism.
Reporter: Have you tested your water?
Woman: Nope. I just rent this place, the owner should do it.
From a human decency standpoint and the fact that some people don't have the financial stability to not rent, yeah, it makes sense to require the replacement.
Environmental racism is a term that I have never heard before watching this video yet I somewhat cringe and understand
If we can't depend on slumlords to fix the pipes of the properties they own, maybe we don't need landlords then? I think Mao might have been on to something.
This problem is all over the world, just more worse in certain areas and horrible in native land.
Not really in the first world,re European countries actually give a crap about their domestic infrastructure. In regards to public health safety the EU is miles head of the US. To add insult to injury a massive building just recently collapsed in Florida. $800 billion a year on the military, virtually nothing spent on infrastructure. If the US put its focus on domestic infrastructure, it would surpass every country and would be a far more advanced society.
are you comparing to third world countries? I'm from Singapore and we don't poison our people
@@AcolyteOfLucifer That probably won't happen, the powers that be vote in legislation and profit from it through the military industrial complex.
This country is all glitter on the inside and gold from the out. Years of no "keep up" work is caughting up
you said "caughting up" you should be ashamed
The suburbs are somewhat to blame because they are spread out, and labour nownis expensive. But still, the United States is not broke, fix the water.
Catching up?
The sheer amount of mf’s that can’t make a proper sentence is astounding, no hate, but god damn bro
I like the way this joutnalist brings the story to the table and how it came across. I would like to see more stories from this journalist.
U have a crush, admit it 🤣
@@caustic625 perhaps
@@georgec2898 At least you are honest
@@awhahoo as most people should. I admit there could be some type of attraction there but my original comment is also very much true.
Damn, we really are becoming like Rome . . .
yes this is just surface of it
It’s been that way.
Capitoline Hill = Capitol Hill
Yup, that's why this society is going crazier and crazier... It's the lead causing neural degeneration....
Rome fell from their lead contaminated drinking water... everyone went crazy... from the politicians to the working class.
You wish
"There's nothing more important than the physical health and well-being of the people of our nation."
That last dude was a good guy. NRDC
For most of American history lead pipes were the standard way to bring water to everyone's home. That's why plumbing is not called coppering or ironing. So yes, I'm sure 95% of black and Hispanic homes would have had lead lines. The narrator never gave such an exact figure for European neighborhoods. So I feel the issue is being presented by the reporter in a divisive, tendentious way that may not be accurate. I am pretty sure there are many white neighborhoods who have the same problems with lead plumbing. I have the sense the issue is more about class than ethnicity. I think the issue could have been presented in a more winning fashion.
Newark literally has this problem thru the entire city but supposedly they're fixing it
Those politicians won't do anything. Get out while you can.
As part of rutgers newark, students went door to door asking residents if they would consent to the change. So progress is occurring.
My lead line was just changed. Good luck.
Pretty much EVERY American city has this problem is the point of this video.
The fact lead was mandated into new homes until late 80s is scary.
Just imagine how much water bottles they go through, this is just crazy
My town gives out a new warning 4 times a year, and the water runs brown without warning -_-
Gutted and renovated our home a few years ago. We wanted a certain style of kitchen sink fixtures but couldn't import anything from the USA because they're still made with lead. Exceptional in not a good way.
It is called "free turning brass" or "machine brass" its the base metal in couplers and hardware. Lead is added to aluminum for the same reason but less.
Plumbing fixtures and fittings went to completely lead free a few years back. And I seriously doubt that the minute amount of lead that was mixed in with the brass was ever a problem.
That is what was communicated to me by the project manager of our renovation. The faucets we preferred were prohibited for importation by the Canadian Government as to the determination the lead content was to high. Cuz, regulations and safety standards, something parts of the Amuricon diaspora seem to be irrationally opposed to, as evidenced by the apparant widespread lead problems in your oh so exceptional country.
@@mrnobody3161 I was merely stating that was just a few years ago so you could probably get them now. At any rate the tiny amount of lead that was in the brass fittings was not an issue.
And yes this is an exceptional country.
You are, like your country; exceptional.
Fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, etc don’t even get me started with tap water.
1:37 They said that they boil their water because of the lead
Boiling water won't make lead magically disappear
Hah true 😂😂😂
@@harukrentz435 that’s the kinda thinking you get from a population of lead poisoned individuals
@@Will-bz6cx 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I mean, if you are able to capture the evaporated water and then condense it you would make most of it disappear.
What these people are doing is only exasperating the issue. Boiling the water means that there will be a higher concentration of lead. If you have a gallon of water with lead and then boil half of it you would actually double the amount in the water since the lead is too heavy to rise.
@@Jon-jd2vc yep. What I said. Except you took a paragraph to say so.
"Environmental racism", may someone please explain.
think she meant companies/government purposely doing damaging activities in poorer areas
Shitty fixes for shitty areas i guess
putting industrual waste producing factories in neighborhoods of poc in the case of this video . it's not directly harming them but it is negatively affecting the environment they are living in , and often can't leave from , thus affecting them .
environmental class war would be more accurate. the poor people live downwind of the factory and the rich live upwind, most cities are divided E/W and/or N/S. same way with school funding done by property taxes. the rich get better schools, less air pollution, and get their pipes replaced first.
@@yearight6294 sure the factories were there and land designated for them way before p.o.c. all lived there numbnuts
9:15 "The liability will be on the owner to **want** to fix it"
How is it a choice to provide safe drinking water to your renters? In Germany, homeowners have to replace lead pipes - because of course they do.
I also live in Germany. I'm baffled that they used this until 1987😑 Archaeologists found a lot of lead poisoning in Roman populations, because they used lead alloys in tableware.
This should be a separate bill ! This has to be fixed ! All party's should fix this ! STOP PLAYING POLITICLE GAMES !!
i can't imagine living in a place where you can't safely drink the tap water
I live in Wilmington NC and we have what's called Gen X in out water. No one here drinks the tap water.
1st; “lead free” plumbing brass isn’t completely free of lead.
2nd; where’s the plumbers?.. There’s a massive shortage of skilled trades people.
Solution: A tuition free school for plumbing if completed to all persons who want to learn and practice a trade… That could lead to new innovations that could find a better product better then lead laced products.
Plumbing is tough, nasty, and demanding work. A whole generation of kids were told to go to college to not have to do that sort of work. If your in the right sector, plumbing is a 6 figure job.
In my state, they put out notices for apprentices, you just had to show up and pass a simple math test. Nobody passed the simple "how many inches in a foot, how to measure diameter" type questions so nobody got the slots. We let the schools go to hell and now we're paying the price.
That sounds like communism
Who's paying to replace the pipes??
@Vla Lua The UK doesn't get -40c in the winter
That explains why so many people voted for Trump.
Literally, lead lowers intellectual capacity, so we should be worried if we care about, you know, civilization and democracy.
Lmfao it explains why chicago has been run by democrats for decade's and its the most corrupt city and state because of the city. 🤣🤣
Run Fact the Chicago Mayor Campaigned on replacing 360 Lead Lines in a particular year. She got 6 done 😂
The Lead pipes are mainly to houses built between 1900 and 1940. That's the start!
Which is 1 out of every 10 houses in the country, even worse worldwide.
Imagine how many millions of people just sipped lead in tiny amounts, and can't think fully 100 because so
@@Derty_the_grower It's part of the type of thing that leads to the fall of a civilization.
Oh, this must be the infrastructure that cost trillions, right?
Always pay for your own home inspection before purchasing a home! The way older homes are advertised as historic to sell quickly.
Chica, in the video it says most people are renting. Pay attention
@@PHlophe regardless, a lot of people still purchase homes without an inspection and find out later. As a homeowner/landlord it's your own responsibility to fix it or not.
Build new.
@Mike Gainer China man bad !
I don't understand, are the landlords not legally required to pay to have the lead plumbing removed? Are the standards really that lax in the US?
You have a very simplistic understanding of how the US works. We have a National, State, County, City govt system. Each one makes their own rules in 50 states with numerous counties and cities with 300 million people. It's up to them to decide. If you chose to live in Flint or Detroit you aren't the brightest bulb already. Also the leaded plumbing isn't just part of the local homes, the majority of it is under the ground run by the city and county (municipality) built over 100 years ago. So no, landlords that own a house can't fix it, but people who live in all these homes can. You go to Walmart and spend $5 on an NSF certified water filter and problem fixed. Instead these morons spend $100/mo on a new iphone subscription every 3-6 months and $10-$20/day on Starbucks. Don't feel sorry for them.
0:55 did she just say environmental racism?
It’s a real thing. Historically black Americans have been purposely placed into industrial areas where they get adverse health issues. You know redlining was a thing right?
@@joenuts5167 “placed” the government is placing people now lmao. Y’all are crazy.
Despite the economic crisis, this is still a good time to invest in Gold and Crypto
The rich spend less and invest more
Investing in these economic crisis will be one of the best thing to do
You're right I think Gold and Crypto are the best to invest right now☺️
Gold's are good but crypto is better
I wanted to trade crypto but got confused by the fluctuation in price
That's why America needs to focus more on there people than outside problems
@Heavy Metal God why not?
Heavy metal god yes troll why not?
@Heavy Metal God Those interests more often then not conflict with that of the locals.
@Heavy Metal God america's intrests are irrelevent to the world, you don't have the right to destroy other countries in order to secure your intrests
@Heavy Metal God look you dont need to send so many emojies
That’s what wrong with people, “if you know, what do you do then.” Fix it so you don’t get stupid and hurt your kids!!!
Thats your governments job. How can one single person fix something like that lmao
she cant fix it! she rents! her landlord has the freedom of decision, she cannot do anything except move out and be homeless
They’re not responsible for pipes in your house so don’t get it twisted. You will have to replace pipes from the meter to and throughout your house. County will stop at their service meter.
the city should be responsible for any pipes put in and not kept in proper condition in their cities boundaries, that's part of the issue. Hell its factual you own a deed to your land but that it can be taken back by government action at any point, so if the government wants that much control they can upkeep all their infrastructure.
@@klayman2 oh no doubt but that stops at the meter. You are responsible for everything on your own property. Don’t think the city will repipe your house because you installed or you bought a 60 year old house it’s yours and the responsibility that comes with it. Save your money because where you live up north it’ll will cost 10x as much because of your union workers that stand around watching each other work. Good luck
I think lead pipes are a major reason the 90s crime wave never really ended in some cities. Crime has dropped in many areas after leaded gas was banned. But in Chicago, Detroit, Flint, St. Louis, Baltimore, and a bunch of other places, the crime rate didn't go down that much. Kids are still getting poisoned with lead from pipes and paint.
But the city will fine you for getting a paint chip on the ground that 100% of the time never has lead paint in it. But it’s cool for your water to be ran thru lead pipes. Beyond insane
Yeah like wtf
Why would she not test her water for lead? Given that she’s a renter, the landlord would be on the hook, and she is already buying bottled water- a positive test would give her $ breathing room. Seems like she is leaning into the victim mentality and not wanting to do anything to better her situation.
Growing up in little village, I didn’t know our water was running through lead pipes 😳
The mayor of Chicago looks half frog half human.
The empire is collapsing slowly but steadily. 20 years from now the empire won’t be recognizable if the empire is still united by then.
the west and the US will collapse to usher in a new system is what I heard
This is stupid. Leave the lead underground and Thrust new pipes.
Thrusting can do most of the work without digging up the world and removing
Look everybody a genius in the TH-cam comments section, real original
At least we now have an excuse for why our children score so low in every subject, when compared to the intelligence of children in Asia. It's the lead pipes! Not our crappy education system.
no it’s probably both lol
It's both
Can confirm it's both. I never forgot how I got 1st grade level worksheets in junior year of high school.
Just buy a water dispender for goodness sake,tap water isn’t the same as drinkig water.It’s used for cleaning not drinking.
It’s way deeper than that
You can't trust the water out in Westside (which includes Little Village), Eastside and Southside. Those are where many of the heavy industrial factories are located.
Northside's water is probably the only safe drinkable water. Surrounding Suburbs are fairly safe.
Most of the Chicago officials have generally been too occupied with lining their pockets. The appearances of the neighborhoods speak for itself.
Props to those that are doing what they can to make a difference 💕
Stay safe everyone and have a great night 💕
Pipes, streets, bridges, buildings, tell me something I don't know
No one drinks tap water anymore anyways... we too smart!
Nah son you be surprise on how many people depend on that tap water
Just get a filter and drink water.
@@kingnuke168 I know. I was just saying, survival is survival, but I do not trust any tap water. I done traveled enough and know how dysentery feels.
Been drinking tap water for as long as i can remember, I live in scotland though
@@MrEditsCinema Try living in flint Michigan and see how it works for you lol.
Hows the water in Flint?
Still poison
"environmental racism" btw
Why is there always a problem 😫😫🤣And we never hear solutions
Environmental racism…that’s it, everything’s officially racist
Yep lol
It's the Oppression Olympics 🤣
Another socio economic problem blamed on race
the internet was invented by white people so everyone should just log off
I heard a stat saying for every $1 we spend on replacing lead we would get $10.
It's probley why I have trouble with remembering things and learning things I get brain fog alot
Well, chances are, he was frothing at the mouth about it, just a few gasping breaths removed from some craziness. So whatever things he’s right about get lost in the sea of insanity that sputters from his lips.
it's why they vote for democrats so often
You guys have great videos. Top quality. Keep it up guys!
We run lead and copper test annually in Arizona. Sad
@@TreeSymphony52 They made most arizona cities with a huge lack of water, literal oasis towns that are bound to dry up. Not a smart place to live, common sense!
@@TreeSymphony52 air conditioning. But Arizona is going to waste all it's water in the next 10 years and you are going to see one of the worst environmental disasters the country has ever seen.
@@Derty_the_grower Phoenix actually had quite a bit of water when they first built the city but used up pretty much all of it and now rely on transporting water from other locations. Just look at how many golf courses there are and other places that use so much water.
I remember driving through Flint months after their water crisis started, we stopped at a restaurant and the waitress noticed our hesitation when she put a few glasses of water down and reassured us they weren't using tap water. 😔 I'm from easily one of the most polluted cities in Ontario, but it's an uncomfortable feeling to not even be able to trust your water source. You need is for survival ffs. It's a human right. It's beyond me that the US and Canada still have issues giving their citizens clean, safe drinking water.
Pay attention to the mayors body language and use of unnecessary details when she claims the water is safe to drink.
Absolute liar
Illinois is well known for its corruption.
How does the "Greatest County in the World" not even have clean drinking water?
We don’t need all of these dangerous lead pipes especially with the situation in flint
@@TreeSymphony52 bro in the first place the pipes shouldn’t have been installed
Well then you need to live somewhere civilized.
@@MrMlbfan6 that’s how Rome fell
They had irrigation ditches and manmade canals.
@@TreeSymphony52 zero water
@@probablyabouttoargue3264 pipes don't have to be made with lead -_-
Yeah, that's whats poisoning us... oh, and the food, the media, the air, the plastics, the building materials...
America the greatest country in the “ fart sound “
Thank you for this reporting - I didn't realize the steps and complications involved.
I appreciate that Biden's administration wants to tackle this (and other such problems which affect people)
anyone who still clings to the idea that there's no difference between Dems and Repubs has their head firmly up their azz, and this issue is one of a thousand similar. VOTE, ffs
Oh I’m sure joe Biden will fix it.
Right!! Sleepy Joe is going to fix everything just like he is taking care of the immigrants problem 😂
@@maryfrushon5702 No, he won’t fix everything, and he won’t even fix most things - because there are selfish and crazy Trump cultists clinging to a lie, obstructing everything good and positive. Facts.
Got a relative in Philadelphia. I always bring gallons, or water from our well when I go over for a few days. Her water makes me want to puke it’s such an atrocity.
big city water is horrific, you should get them an NSF rated water filter like Pur. they've been around for a long time
Did she say environmental racism? 🤭
How the right for clean drinking water isn't an amendment in the US Constitution is sad.
Maybe the cause of having Karens, Anti-maskers and Climate change deniers.
Another banger love this channel
The worry about what they drink vs what they eat ratio here is pretty disproportionate ....jussst saying
Drinking lead … just like in Roman times … end of empire indeed …