YOU WILL NEVER HAVE BAD LUCK AFTER THIS | Zen story on judgement | Buddhist story

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • YOU WILL NEVER HAVE BAD LUCK AFTER THIS | Zen story on judgement | Buddhist story #buddiststory #zenstory #buddha #unitedstates
    In a quiet, secluded monastery nestled in the Japanese mountains, there lived a wise Zen master named Hakuin. Renowned for his profound teachings and serene demeanor, he was a beacon of enlightenment for his students and the villagers alike. His wisdom was often imparted not through direct instruction, but through the subtle art of storytelling.
    One crisp autumn morning, a troubled young man approached Hakuin. The young man, plagued by anxiety and the ceaseless turmoil of his mind, sought peace and clarity. Bowing deeply, he asked, "Master, how can I find peace in the midst of this chaotic world?"
    Hakuin smiled gently and gestured for the young man to follow him. They walked silently through the monastery gardens, their steps crunching softly on the fallen leaves. Eventually, they reached a small, tranquil pond. The surface of the pond was as smooth as glass, reflecting the vibrant colors of the autumn foliage.
    Hakuin picked up a stone and handed it to the young man. "Throw this stone into the pond," he instructed.
    The young man did as he was told, and the stone created ripples that spread out across the pond's surface, disturbing its calm reflection. Hakuin then asked, "What do you see?"
    "I see the ripples, Master," replied the young man. "The water is disturbed and the reflection is broken."
    Hakuin nodded. "Now, wait and observe."
    They stood in silence for a few moments. Slowly, the ripples began to fade, and the pond returned to its tranquil state, once again reflecting the clear sky and the colorful trees.
    "What do you see now?" asked Hakuin.
    "The water is calm again, and the reflection is clear," the young man responded, a hint of realization in his voice.
    Hakuin smiled. "You see, the stone is like your thoughts and worries. When you allow them to disturb your mind, they create ripples, breaking your inner peace. But if you let them pass without attachment, your mind will naturally return to its calm state, reflecting the true nature of things clearly."
    The young man bowed deeply, understanding that peace was not found by controlling the external world, but by embracing and letting go of the internal turmoil.
    This simple yet profound story encapsulates the essence of Zen: finding clarity and tranquility within, despite the external chaos. Hakuin's teaching, through the symbolism of the pond and the stone, illustrates the path to inner peace and the importance of detachment and mindfulness. Zen stories like this one serve as gentle reminders that enlightenment and serenity are within our grasp, waiting to be discovered in the quiet moments of our daily lives.

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