@@AdhamCShaju my Cochin Bantams don’t start laying until later in life (6-8 months). Yours may be very young, having reproductive issues, are stressed out, or various other reasons they aren’t laying. They may lay but not very often, because the structure of the bird. If you have a top quality Cochin Bantam, it won’t lay as much as a breeder or pet quality Cochin Bantam. And, of course, there’s always the issue that you have roosters and none of them ever laid because they are boys.
Hail! Nepal !!!
Hy i like hen
Do they lay eggs or get broody?
yes they do
I have this type but they are not laying egg..
@@AdhamCShaju my Cochin Bantams don’t start laying until later in life (6-8 months). Yours may be very young, having reproductive issues, are stressed out, or various other reasons they aren’t laying. They may lay but not very often, because the structure of the bird. If you have a top quality Cochin Bantam, it won’t lay as much as a breeder or pet quality Cochin Bantam. And, of course, there’s always the issue that you have roosters and none of them ever laid because they are boys.