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This dude completed it all. High School star, Heisman winner. NCAA champion. 1st round,4th pick, rookie of the year, defensive player of the year, Super Bowl champion, played 18 years, hall of fame inductee, sports analyst…… That’s a charmed athlete,s life.
I remember watching the raiders steelers in his last year, and antonio brown made a catch and had open field to the touchdown. And out of no where, charles caught up and tackled him... at 38 years old . Amazing.
This is by far the most remarkable “A FOOTBALL LIFE” episode. Definitely most respected player IMO. Charles, you are a great man in and off the field. Thank you for being a part of the Green Bay Packers.
I have been working my way through all of these and I was just going to say the same thing. The format of going through his tattoos, his stories and the ending showing the shoes was just brilliant. He projects an attitude but at the same time, humility. Great individual on and off the field.
I mean if he really cared for more than just looking good I don't think there would have been a set up interaction between them that looked both awkward and forced. Don't get me wrong, C wood was my favorite player besides Randy Moss but that shit was wack.
@Lotti Dotti I'm a Michigan fan. I knew what I was watching his freshman year. If you doubt me, ask Terry Glenn. Charles caught two OSU passes his freshman year, Glenn caught three, and he was a junior about to go pro.
One of the best shut-down DB's to every play. Seriously....there have been plenty of games where elite QB's would throw the ball maybe once or twice in his direction? And then never again after he would take it to the house for a pick 6. Incredible what he has accomplished...from club feet to a Heisman to a SB ring and he did it all til he was nearly 40. I can see why God blessed this man with his talents and longevity, because he really does seem like a genuine person who cares. He was such a ferocious beast on the field, it's cool to see how real he is when he's off it.
@@BBBYpsiI agree I think he was a more complete defensive back and overall just more tenacity to make big tackles, sacks, cause fumbles etc not just interceptions.
My daughter is special needs and spends a lot of time at C.S. Mott children’s hospital. It is beyond words how generous they are and what Charles has done for everyone there is completely amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Who in the hell could dislike this video? The guy is an amazing person!!!!! Forget his talent as a football player!!! This truly makes me wonder what kind of people are walking among us? I would love to poll just one person who did not like this video because I want to know what on Earth there could be to dislike.
I love sports documentaries. And these Football Life docs are the best. I can't decide if it's the dramatic, do or die nature of the game, or just quality production values, but they really are the best.
You don’t be named Ohio’s Mr Football and play for Michigan..... I did! Lol I love that part!!! Being a Michigan fan im glad he went to Michigan and we’ll be forever grateful for all the good memories he left us with. And thankful for all his hard work. Dude was a BEAST!!!
I watched Charles Woodson because of THE university of Michigan. It was Epic when He won the Heisman Trophy as a Defensive Player over Payton Manning and if you watched him play that year, You knew he deserved it.
A truly extraordinary athlete if not man! No Charles! I don't believe you will be forgotten anytime soon. Charles Woodson has my vote as one of best football players if not one of our Nation's greatest athletes of all-time. A major difference maker on the field and off of it.
Absolutely love the stuff he does off the field with the kids suffering. All the great things he did on the field and there's alot of great but DAMN the lives he touched and saved will end up being 100s of thousands through the generations of kids who might not had a chance of even being a teenager will have kids of their own and they will have kids and maybe just maybe 1 of them will find cure for all kids diseases. Special man. So glad football gave him the platform to do this. NFL players get so much heat when do bad, and so many do things great like Mr woodson does off the field doesn't get the attention it deserves. Kids being sick is the worst thing in life to me. To be so young and not giving the simple thing of being a kid kills me and if this story don't touch u u have a hole in your soul. Bless you and your family Mr Charles woodson. Much love from Philly
If Charles Woodson isn't the greatest player to ever play the game then I'd like to know who is? This guy did it all, won it all. Period and end of story and this is coming from a Buckeye fan. A truly remarkable player and man. A huge difference maker on the field and off of it.
It'd be very hard not to put Woodson over Primetime as the CB GOAT. I never realized how ridiculously talented and accomplished Woodson was. Insane that he beat out Manning & Moss as the only defensive player ever to win the Heisman.
Until my dying day, I will claim Charles Woodson is the greatest football player I have ever seen. Of course, that's just my opinion. As just a man, he's a hero and someone we need in a time of decisiveness.
as an ohio state fan, id shake this mans hand with so much respect... what a player, person, and role model. People like you with integrity are what I strive to be like in life.
I am huge Raiders fan and my closest football friend is actually a packers fan.We talk football every month for the last 15 years. As of now with Rodgers being injured and the Raiders appearing they will miss the playoffs things suck. As for Woodson in his prime though for both was just great. All those first round picks we fucked up and this was one of the best ones. HOF no doubt in my eyes.
Both teams have big problems with defense. I would fire your gm my packers friend still loves TT but to me he pissed away rodgers prime not making the overall roster better like he did when they got woodson actually.
DAN we both share the same exact story my boy is Packers fan also. Told me C-Wood would have his best days as a packer. Made me sick to my stomach but happy for my Dawg
Thanks for sharing. Lions cant be Taimed a great slogan. I say Charles Woodson should become Head Coach of the Detroit Lions. Charles is a absolute Winner when it comes to Football... I'll have to try some of that Woodson Wine...Cheers.
I'm a die-hard Raider fan I love Charles Woods the end of this video was so inspiring so heartwarming Charles Woodson and the relationship he has that little girl is beautiful
When coach comes to you and says we want you to player both ways at major D1 your special. When you tell the coach what position your gonna play in the scheme, your one of a kind.
THE GOAT I AM SORRY ... HIS VERSALITY HIS PASSION HIS INTENSITY NOT TO MENTION INSTINCTS PLUS A GREAT TEAMMATE MAN ... i hate the raiders but this dude is a once in a lifetime player
Charles Woodson made old man Willie Brown proud when he wore 24. I wish he could have win a SB with The #Raiders, but imglad he got it with the pack, and came back home to finish his career.
Thank you so much for posting this one. He truly is an amazing individual. You have to respect the hell out of someone who came from where he did to where he is now. Charles Woodson is a true man.
Zach been watching NFL and AFL since 1966 thank you so much for these downloads for this 62 yr fan not just of football but more important the men behind the masks .Also played tried one last time 1984 for the USFL Birmingham Stallions .
Charles woodson had some good moments in Oakland, but he was in his prime in green bay. It's like Warren moon being good in Houston but having his best years in Minnesota
Being named Mr. Football for the state of Ohio is quite an accomplishment. Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana etc. Thats the root of american football. Much respect!
You Sir an inspiration, I wore shoes like that when I was a little rug crawler too. I really enjoyed this video about sharing your Football Life Sir. You truly a stand guy. Thank You Sir.
To the individual who took the time out and designed this documentary? Thank you. This is class A work and I appreciated every moment of it. And to Charles Woodson 🤝🏻 your one of the greats! Congratulations.
Charles Woodson was a beast! I loved watching that guy play! He did all you can do as a college football player. I remember he had the dopest poster. I had that thing on my wall and looked at it all the time, lol!
Roger the rule was if he was throwing it, he wasn't he pumped, at the time of being tackled both of his hands were on the ball. Watch it again. It was a pump fake that wasn't even in the middle of a pump when he was hit. That's a fumble all day. And I'm no where close to a Raiders fan but that was a bad call.
An amazing player and human being...He did beat my beloved Steelers in the SB but this guy is a first ballot HOFer and one of the greatest DBs to ever play the game. I will be surprised if he doesnt make ito to Canton next year...
His work on the field made him a legend and his work off the field made him a hero. He will be missed in the nfl. To bad he didnt get to play with Gruden again.
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Don't forget Philip Rivers bro H.O.F also
@@pamelindixson3234 ya but Philip rivers isn’t a top 5 player at his position lmao
@@mylesjoseph4758 I’m
That heisman class was insane. Woodson, Manning, and Randy Moss. Three hall of famers. Wild
Yep and the fact he won Heisman as a defensive player ! Unreal especially at that time. That doesn't happen unless your by far the best !
And the great Ryan leaf
@@spritedan6672 he wasn't a defender tho dude lol
@@tedgallemore6538 I’m talking about the heisman race
That NBA and NFL Draft class was even crazier.
You sir, are now TH-cam royalty for posting these. I think I can speak for all football fans when I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I second that
Daniel Maxfield yerp
AGREED. Thought they were gone forever.
Daniel Maxfield 🖕🏿
Wonder how long before he’s forced to take them down lol
the great charles woodson first ballot hall of famer
@Hector Rodriguez Man that's gonna be SPECIAL.
Peyton Manning, Charles Woodson, Calvin Johnson and hopefully Drew Pearson, among others i haven’t mentioned
Yep!! Greatest Raider in history IMO
@@raidersacdc4892 really
I constantly argue with my friends how extremely underrated this dude is.
Underrated ? His name comes up all the time with Champ Bailey and Deion Sanders 😂😂
Well you're friends are right and you're the dumb one cuz he is nowhere close to underrated..
He has the greatest trophy case of any player ever
@@Rsbraun126dude you must’ve forgot about Brady….LT AND REGGIE WHITE…Charles Haley
Charles Woodson was one of the greatest ever to play the game!!
This dude completed it all. High School star, Heisman winner. NCAA champion. 1st round,4th pick, rookie of the year, defensive player of the year, Super Bowl champion, played 18 years, hall of fame inductee, sports analyst…… That’s a charmed athlete,s life.
I remember watching the raiders steelers in his last year, and antonio brown made a catch and had open field to the touchdown. And out of no where, charles caught up and tackled him... at 38 years old . Amazing.
Reminds me of Darrell Green
@@ak47groupAKM Darrell Green one of the best all time , Woodson also
and that was basically Prime AB and Big Ben one of the best WR and QB combos ever
Yeah but I think David Amerson gave up 280 yards to him that game haha
Almost like dk Metcalf catching up to baker for that TD saving tackle lol unreal
“Da president don’t wanna come to the Super Bowl... well go see him”
- Woods
Facts 💯
I would not to fight that bitch.
@@edwardnobles6418 shut up
18 years in the NFL and no long term injuries. Wow , he’s a true warrior.
Good genetics ,hard work and some luck
The most honest interview ever. My favorite top 5 player
This was the best produced football life by far
Sean Taylor
Yea right
Oh yes , this is the first time that I cried and laughed in one video 😢🤣
Steve Smith was a good one
As much as I love Charles Woodson, Barry Sanders' is better.
How he worked through club feet is such an inspiration.
OJ Simpson (nevermind what he did later in life) had Rickets.
@@noname-ue7lb decent
Anything is possible I saw a man with no legs and feet then I realized I could do anything at all .
Just like Me but I'm not Charles
@@kevinramsey417OJ was a killer on the field, absolute slasher of a RB 😂😂
Heisman, CFB Champ, Defensive rookie of the year, Defensive player of the year, Superbowl Champ, and HOFer. What a fucking career.
Faith's story has me crying. What an amazing human being he is. Thank you, Mr. Woodson.
How could anyone dislike this video! Charles Woodson a Great Guy/Football player!
Maybe cause he was a raider.
Like Marcus Allen; he should NEVER have been allowed to leave the Raiders even to go to the bathroom :-)
Those are Ohio State Fans😂
People who don't want this type of video in their recommended.
Peyton Manning, he's mad that woodson was able to intercept one of his passes
This is by far the most remarkable “A FOOTBALL LIFE” episode. Definitely most respected player IMO. Charles, you are a great man in and off the field. Thank you for being a part of the Green Bay Packers.
This one and Troy Aikman's were great.
I have been working my way through all of these and I was just going to say the same thing. The format of going through his tattoos, his stories and the ending showing the shoes was just brilliant. He projects an attitude but at the same time, humility. Great individual on and off the field.
I knew he was great but this ‘A Football Life’ really put it in perspective. He’s an all time great.
Top 20
HOF 😂😂
damn he won the hesiman over moss and peyton lol holy shit
He was a gamechanger at Michigan.
It Tell's you Raiders see what they thought what they seen SUPER STAR.
R.A.I.D.E.R.S #1. #24 🏈
Best cb ever
That was a stacked draft class
@@therealdc6098 definitely top 10 all time
I cried when I saw him and the little girl faith interact. #Legend
Me too
Your not the only one shed tears!
I mean if he really cared for more than just looking good I don't think there would have been a set up interaction between them that looked both awkward and forced. Don't get me wrong, C wood was my favorite player besides Randy Moss but that shit was wack.
Charles Woodson is one of my all time favorite players
Best Football Life episode I’ve seen. Got a grown man over here close to tears during that scene with Faith. What an amazing human being Charles is
Wow the hospital part had me wiping tears. God continue to bless this man and hid family.
never saw deion play at fsu, but to me Charles woodson at Michigan was the greatest CB in college football history!
K. dot deion was the truth while he attended fsu
Deion and Woodson are very very comparable but as a Raider fan im biased. C Dub all day everyday
AIR T comparable in coverage skills for sure but Deion didn’t tackle like C-Wood..I’d take Woodson 7 days a week & twice on Sunday’s over Sanders
CWood wasnt scared to hit like Deion was.
@@raidersacdc4892 Prime Time didn't have to tackle. He just shut down hus half of the field.
Randy moss Woodson and Peyton. Lord lol
And beat out 2 H.O.F for the Heisman says it all
@Lotti Dotti I'm a Michigan fan. I knew what I was watching his freshman year. If you doubt me, ask Terry Glenn. Charles caught two OSU passes his freshman year, Glenn caught three, and he was a junior about to go pro.
dj williams best class ever, maybe
Don’t forget Ryan leaf as well lol
@@gkdunch 1996 class can debate them
WOW!!!! Just when you think NFL Films' A Football Life can't get any better, BAM!! Another beauty right here!! Love it!!
The Vince Lombardi is my favorite documentary. But I'm also biased
Charles Woodson is truly an inspiration.
One of the best shut-down DB's to every play. Seriously....there have been plenty of games where elite QB's would throw the ball maybe once or twice in his direction? And then never again after he would take it to the house for a pick 6. Incredible what he has accomplished...from club feet to a Heisman to a SB ring and he did it all til he was nearly 40. I can see why God blessed this man with his talents and longevity, because he really does seem like a genuine person who cares. He was such a ferocious beast on the field, it's cool to see how real he is when he's off it.
Sam K Of course he's ferocious he's a Wolverine! They're supposed to be! 😜
I really believe he was better then Deione Sanders because he could actually tackle & blitz.
BBBYpsi Deion had the speed and maybe pure 1 on 1 coverage. But to be honest his resume doesn’t compare to Woodson’s
@@BBBYpsiI agree I think he was a more complete defensive back and overall just more tenacity to make big tackles, sacks, cause fumbles etc not just interceptions.
My daughter is special needs and spends a lot of time at C.S. Mott children’s hospital. It is beyond words how generous they are and what Charles has done for everyone there is completely amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Who in the hell could dislike this video? The guy is an amazing person!!!!! Forget his talent as a football player!!! This truly makes me wonder what kind of people are walking among us? I would love to poll just one person who did not like this video because I want to know what on Earth there could be to dislike.
I love sports documentaries. And these Football Life docs are the best. I can't decide if it's the dramatic, do or die nature of the game, or just quality production values, but they really are the best.
I couldn’t help but cry when the little girl said “Charles”!
There will never be another Charles Woodson. He made the Raiders and Packers and then the Raiders again fun to watch lol.
You don’t be named Ohio’s Mr Football and play for Michigan..... I did! Lol I love that part!!! Being a Michigan fan im glad he went to Michigan and we’ll be forever grateful for all the good memories he left us with. And thankful for all his hard work. Dude was a BEAST!!!
Why they give him a C in gym class 😂😂😂😂😂
Lifelong Packers fan, Chuck is my favorite defender of all time. We appreciate your contributions those 7 years and most importantly the SB.
C.Wood the legend we'll NEVER forget
Damn if everyone just had some Charles Woodson love and heart in them the world would be amazing
Taylor Wilson u have the same name as my dad
@humboldtalvarez707 lol shut up kid you're 10 no one says that or maybe you just don't appreciate helping dying kids?
I feel like yall in the comments didn't watch the whole thing, dude literally saved a little girl's life, I guess that's funny and gay now?
@@taylorwilson4909 when I was watching for the first time, I was crying tears joy at that part, incredible person ❤ 👏🙌
I remember watching this man in college. The best college player I’ve ever seen in my life and it’s not even close.
The next NFL "Hall of Famer". Had a great NFL career. Charles you deserve it. Awesome player.
Charles Woodson has to be one of the most stand-up, genuine people to have played in the NFL. Glad I watched this.
Woodson the goat man. Hands down the best DB I have been blessed to watch in my 20 year lifespan 🙌🏽
I watched Charles Woodson because of THE university of Michigan. It was Epic when He won the Heisman Trophy as a Defensive Player over Payton Manning and if you watched him play that year, You knew he deserved it.
And he played on offense too
His personality is so great and his work ethic to play well into his older years it's amazing
Charles Woodson is a total package as a man a winner a champion a Christian I'm so grateful and thankful to GOD for Charles Woodson! 🙏❤🏈
A truly extraordinary athlete if not man! No Charles! I don't believe you will be forgotten anytime soon. Charles Woodson has my vote as one of best football players if not one of our Nation's greatest athletes of all-time. A major difference maker on the field and off of it.
My favorite player of all time. My opinion the best Defensive player all time. He can play CB, DE, LB, S and ss. He is truly a legand
FakeN3ws69 he never played DE but ok lol
Lawrence Taylor is the greatest defensive player of all time
At least one of the best of 2000’s
He is the best defensive player ever 🐐🐐🐐🐐
Defensive G.O.A.T!!
C Wood was the Barry Sanders of Defense! Every time he stepped on the field you knew he would disrupt the game 💪🏼 Thank you Charles🏈
Absolutely love the stuff he does off the field with the kids suffering. All the great things he did on the field and there's alot of great but DAMN the lives he touched and saved will end up being 100s of thousands through the generations of kids who might not had a chance of even being a teenager will have kids of their own and they will have kids and maybe just maybe 1 of them will find cure for all kids diseases. Special man. So glad football gave him the platform to do this. NFL players get so much heat when do bad, and so many do things great like Mr woodson does off the field doesn't get the attention it deserves. Kids being sick is the worst thing in life to me. To be so young and not giving the simple thing of being a kid kills me and if this story don't touch u u have a hole in your soul. Bless you and your family Mr Charles woodson. Much love from Philly
I never had more fun watching the Packers than I did when he was here
If Charles Woodson isn't the greatest player to ever play the game then I'd like to know who is? This guy did it all, won it all. Period and end of story and this is coming from a Buckeye fan. A truly remarkable player and man. A huge difference maker on the field and off of it.
Not the best player ever very good tho..not even the best db ever that would be deion prime sanders
@@kenlanagan1825 You got a point! Like Charles, Prime is definitely electrifying. It's very tough to compare such two legendary players like them.
Lawrence Taylor is the greatest. Anyone that thinks otherwise knows less than nothing
It'd be very hard not to put Woodson over Primetime as the CB GOAT. I never realized how ridiculously talented and accomplished Woodson was. Insane that he beat out Manning & Moss as the only defensive player ever to win the Heisman.
Those golden cleats are dope! Glad Charles went out on top.
That shit was funny af when A Rod called him Chuck
great value bleach maybe he was thinking Charles Barkley 🤔
great value bleach Rodgers is a bum in the post season since 2011
do you just copy and paste the same shit..
Rodgers probably did it on purpose to be an ass. Seems the type.
@@cortezmauricio8099 Made it to another NFC championship game this year. That's more than you can say for the Raiders.
Until my dying day, I will claim Charles Woodson is the greatest football player I have ever seen.
Of course, that's just my opinion.
As just a man, he's a hero and someone we need in a time of decisiveness.
as an ohio state fan, id shake this mans hand with so much respect... what a player, person, and role model. People like you with integrity are what I strive to be like in life.
I am huge Raiders fan and my closest football friend is actually a packers fan.We talk football every month for the last 15 years.
As of now with Rodgers being injured and the Raiders appearing they will miss the playoffs things suck.
As for Woodson in his prime though for both was just great.
All those first round picks we fucked up and this was one of the best ones.
HOF no doubt in my eyes.
A future first ballot Hall of Famer. No question about it. In my opinion, hands down, the greatest defensive back of his generation!
Dan Nolan Rodgers is a bum in the post season since 2011
Dan Nolan Rodgers isn't the problem, it's there defense
Both teams have big problems with defense.
I would fire your gm my packers friend still loves TT but to me he pissed away rodgers prime not making the overall roster better like he did when they got woodson actually.
DAN we both share the same exact story my boy is Packers fan also. Told me C-Wood would have his best days as a packer. Made me sick to my stomach but happy for my Dawg
What a great player, and most of all.......a great human. Once a RAIDER, ALWAYS a RAIDER
And packer
And a Wolverine
I remember his first practice in GB. It was in our newspaper. I was like how the heck did he end up here. I think i was more confused than he was!
One of the greatest Packers of all time
Alan Leon so fucking true we could use him rn even though he’s over 40 lol
Alan Leon hes a raider at heart tho
Grant Wozniak he a raider at heart tho
Not only is Charles Woodson one of the greatest Raiders ever, but He's also one of the greatest Green Bay Packers Ever!
They need to do a doc on Champ Bailey
Matt Chow I remember Woodson just ticked he was making 8mil (a truck load of money as he said it) and champ 10mil.
I was thinking tht too
He just went into the HOF so you know it's coming.
Did you see champ baileys hall of fame speech
You sir, are now TH-cam royalty for posting these. I think I can speak for all football fans when I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Definitely one of the top 20 of NFL football Hall of Fame
I love Charles Woodson. He's been my favorite cornerback since his Michigan days. Legend indeed. Peace to Charles Woodson
Best cornerback ever in my book too ten
Charles Woodson might be the best football player I've ever seen in my life, especially among non-quarterbacks.
Charles Woodson was not merely a great defensive back, he was a great football player.
Woodson is one of the best defensive players in NFL history but Woodson is the greatest college player ever, in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing. Lions cant be Taimed a great slogan. I say Charles Woodson should become Head Coach of the Detroit Lions. Charles is a absolute Winner when it comes to Football... I'll have to try some of that Woodson Wine...Cheers.
I'm a die-hard Raider fan I love Charles Woods the end of this video was so inspiring so heartwarming Charles Woodson and the relationship he has that little girl is beautiful
Y’all taking Tae from the Packers is revenge for them taking Wood isn’t it.
When coach comes to you and says we want you to player both ways at major D1 your special. When you tell the coach what position your gonna play in the scheme, your one of a kind.
Such an honor to watch Woodson play. Awesome player & amazing human being. True Legend
Coming from a Redskins fan, I can honestly say that ive always respected and loved this dude.... Much respect to Charles!!!
THE GOAT I AM SORRY ... HIS VERSALITY HIS PASSION HIS INTENSITY NOT TO MENTION INSTINCTS PLUS A GREAT TEAMMATE MAN ... i hate the raiders but this dude is a once in a lifetime player
Charles Woodson made old man Willie Brown proud when he wore 24. I wish he could have win a SB with The #Raiders, but imglad he got it with the pack, and came back home to finish his career.
Thank you so much for posting this one. He truly is an amazing individual. You have to respect the hell out of someone who came from where he did to where he is now. Charles Woodson is a true man.
Zach been watching NFL and AFL since 1966 thank you so much for these downloads for this 62 yr fan not just of football but more important the men behind the masks .Also played tried one last time 1984 for the USFL Birmingham Stallions .
one of my favorite players of all time
We finally got to see Tom and Charles have that conversation and it's hilarious 😂
Charles Woodson is my favorite football player. #24 like my favorite basketball player 🏆
Charles woodson had some good moments in Oakland, but he was in his prime in green bay. It's like Warren moon being good in Houston but having his best years in Minnesota
33:43 - Greatness from out of nowhere, he's got straight up ESP to the highest degree!
37:47 - Big heart in this guy.
That intro takes the cake. Woodson is the GOAT of defensive players at U OF M.
Die hard Philly fan but I have much respect for Woodsons level of play and always will. Without a doubt one of the best to play the position
All we can say is WOW -Charles Woodson-A TRIUMPHANT MIRACLE ☦️
Being named Mr. Football for the state of Ohio is quite an accomplishment. Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana etc. Thats the root of american football. Much respect!
Always thought he was a great football player and that is true but he is an even greater human and man, thanks
You Sir an inspiration, I wore shoes like that when I was a little rug crawler too. I really enjoyed this video about sharing your Football Life Sir. You truly a stand guy. Thank You Sir.
One of the greatest defensive backs in NFL history
To the individual who took the time out and designed this documentary? Thank you. This is class A work and I appreciated every moment of it. And to Charles Woodson 🤝🏻 your one of the greats! Congratulations.
great guy and epic player
After watching this , it's Either him or Deion as the best ever cornerback and he's one of the best I've ever seen period
I was happy when he left he deserved a run at a super bowl best cb ever
Charles Woodson was a beast! I loved watching that guy play! He did all you can do as a college football player. I remember he had the dopest poster. I had that thing on my wall and looked at it all the time, lol!
Im not a raiders fan but they got robbed by the refs
kif g yup
It’s been over a decade!!!
No they didnt. They enforced a rule on the books. Rule has since been changed
No they didnt. That was the rule. Ref called it right. The rule was changed
Roger the rule was if he was throwing it, he wasn't he pumped, at the time of being tackled both of his hands were on the ball. Watch it again. It was a pump fake that wasn't even in the middle of a pump when he was hit. That's a fumble all day. And I'm no where close to a Raiders fan but that was a bad call.
strait up GOAT, so much props to his mom for doing what she had to do to raise a family. god bless her
An amazing player and human being...He did beat my beloved Steelers in the SB but this guy is a first ballot HOFer and one of the greatest DBs to ever play the game. I will be surprised if he doesnt make ito to Canton next year...
Awesome story Mr Woodson, thank you for all the memories. Buccaneer fan here.
Cried buckets @ him and Faith
His work on the field made him a legend and his work off the field made him a hero. He will be missed in the nfl. To bad he didnt get to play with Gruden again.
What a legend I’m not going to lie I was tearing up all he did for that little girl what an amazing person