Money.. Just like.. you can't do drugs as a grown adult but you can cut off the private parts of a child or even have sex with it. Along with all the other crap. only going to get worse
UNITED STATES MARINE: (From Boy to Man/Husband/Father, to Grandfather) 50 years ago was my (3rd) third Non-Violent/Victimless DUI ... (Simple pullover arrests!) All offenses were VOID OF VICTIM, INCIDENT, ACCIDENT, and DAMAGED PARTY. After serving (6) years as a front-line Marine during the Iranian crisis (1979), (Before having a wife, children, and grandchildren) the return to civilian life (Honorable Discharge) was difficult... Can the Bruen decision help this 67-year-old United States Marine regain his gun right for family and home protection after 50 defenseless, prohibited years based on nexus with 18USC(g)(1) (g) It shall be unlawful for any person- (1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; When DUI arrests have NO victim, NO incident, NO accident, and NO damaged party, the 2nd Amendment "Right/Privilege" should never rightfully be "eternally abrogated", ever! - USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
67-YEAR-OLD U.S.M.C. VETERAN (Title18 922(g)(1) failure!) 50 YEARS AGO I was arrested for my DUI 3rd victimless offense after being Honorably discharged from the United States Marines in (1979). DUI offenses that are non-violent, victimless, without incident, accident, or damaged party should not be an ETERNAL LIFETIME 2-A BAN! (Plenty of police officers and judges have 2 DUI's) Title 18 922(g)(1) Requires revision because VICTIMLESS/ NON-VIOLENT felons have no 2-A rights. - USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
Sick of everyone talking about what THEY are gonna decide about OUR rights in this country did any of you consent to your rights being removed from you? I doubt it. It’s time THE PEOPLE lay down the law. If you go to jail and serve a sentence and pay your fines you are square with the house and under no circumstances should anyone sit back and accept a life sentence of disabilities AFTER you paid the costs THEY don’t get to debate whether you consent to it and THEY are out of line. Violent or not a felony shouldn’t be able to have a lifetime ban on ANY of your rights.
Totally agree. The problem is the term “Law abiding citizen” has been weaponized from the day it was instituted as a “standard”. Then so many people jumped on the bandwagon and still do that the phrase can be used to discriminate who has the right to bear arms and who doesn’t. The truth is the line is fuzzy & very nuanced. One person’s “freedom” is the next person’s license to kill. To make it worse the punishment or lack thereof varies from state to state. Instituting a national standard one way or the other would be “socialism”.
Worn out Subject... Your not an Ex Felon Period... You had a Prior conviction thats it. You paid your Penalty, If you Repented to God, Turned your life over to him, Then You are not Condemed in Gods Court of Law Either. Jesus stepped forward and paid your fine, Penalty. In Mans Court of Law, you paid the Price and should be just as Free , unlabeled and Guiltless.
People don't understand the world and mentality that existed when these documents were written... if you look up Charles Sumner, you'll get a glimpse into that mentality... Preston Brooks, a representative from South Carolina beat Sumner, a senator from Massachusetts within an inch of his life with a metal topped cane in front of everyone... Brooks was charged and fined $300..less than $11,000 in today's money. No prison; no rights restricted; just fined and sent about his way.. that was the American way.
beware of the govs definition of violent. 2A says "shall not be infringed" PERIOD not a single word about felonies,violence, or anything else. the simple truth is....rightly or wrongly,like it or not,absent some amending of the constitution.....every single gun control law in every state is an infringement and blatantly unconstitutional. the supreme courts job of interpreting the constitution is actually about the easiest job on the planet because the constitution was intentionally written in very simple language so that the common citizen could easily understand its meaning.
100% correct. If someone committed a crime that was so horrible they shouldn't own weapons again, then they should be executed or imprisoned for life. Anyone that can't learn from their actions and ends up a repeat criminal should also be imprisoned for life, that would stop the need for any gun law. If someone committed a crime and learns from it, and it wasn't serious, they should have every right restored upon release. It's called a right for a reason...
@@freedomringer23what’s Learn FROM it 👀Some PeOple That LiVe in Certain Environments HaVe NO OtheR ChoiCe it’s NOT Always ABout A Violent Cause So You Shouldn’t Say PeOple Should Die if the Reoffend Cause YOU LiVe a Straight Life PeOple are Still PeOple an Lots a Laws are Abused an Unfair To KnO is To Be AWARE-BigSplash 👁️💦🌎
67-YEAR-OLD U.S.M.C. VETERAN (Title18 922(g)(1) failure!) 50 YEARS AGO I was arrested for my DUI 3rd victimless offense after being Honorably discharged from the United States Marines in (1979). DUI offenses that are non-violent, victimless, without incident, accident, or damaged party should not be an ETERNAL LIFETIME 2-A BAN! (Plenty of police officers and judges have 2 DUI's) Title 18 922(g)(1) Requires revision because VICTIMLESS/ NON-VIOLENT felons have no 2-A rights. - USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
I became a violent felon by protecting myself from a guy who punched me in the face while I was telling him and another man to quit fighting. I snatched him up in a headlock and the guy he had just been fighting went and got in a truck and ran the two of us over. I somehow came out with a aggravated battery and they dropped it to regular battery after they received camera footage showing I was literally the victim and the other 2 guys were aggressors against each other and myself. So all because I didn’t let the guy beat me up for nothing now I am not allowed to protect my family, because I protected myself, the system is broken.
Once you have completely served your sentence all of your rights should be fully restored in their entirety. If you can’t restore them then their sentence was not adequate.
JUST TO BE CLEAR, some felonies are of a violent nature,but there are absolutely no exceptions in the second amendment. It was written advocating violence if needed.
First time felon n a nonviolent felon ive done everything that needs to be done do need to go get the application from the supreme court to have my gun right restored this happened 24 yrs ago been a good citizen since pls help 68 yr old veteran
5:50 THIS issue is the most important of all gun rights issues! Because as it stands there are tons of trivial felony crimes they can charge any one of us with arbitrarily. Take all of the other stuff like you said with bumpstocks or any of the stuff like that where the ATF changes their stance on it after they gave the go ahead before, making all those people retroactive "felons". Well if we have a safety valve that would take the teeth out of scuzzy behavior like that
What if the nonviolent is over 20 years from a different state. And has been expunged ? Does that still apply to Louisiana ? It was felony child support. It's been paid in full and expunged in Kentucky. But I now live in Louisiana since 2008. No violence in my history.
Didnt Clarence Thomas say in Bruinn that basically if a law,rule etc.was not in force at the time of the 2nd amendment,(which there were none)that theyre unconstitutional? I was convicted of robbery when I was 19.I completed my sentence and should get my gun rights back! Wether violent or not! A violation of the 2A is a violation!It says "Shall not be infringed" not Shall not be infringed "Unless your a felon"!
Commenting in July now that SCOTUS is taking Rahimi: Someone with money should find a defendant ready to take all of 922 up the chain, even the whole GCA or the God-damned NFA.
A judge in Chicago just ruled a felon with a gun charge is unconstitutional. We need to get these cases to the Supreme Court. People's constitutional rights should no longer be violated
This is the first time ive saw this channel but I hit the sub button. Ive been following the Range case since last year because i thibk its a bs law. But you are the first channel ive saw talk about it, or talk about anything other than pistol braces. Great video
I'm in the same boat I've been convicted on a misdemeanor non-violent crime 28 years ago and got my gun rights taken away. Please, if someone help me, please reach out.
What’s going to happen now? Are they going to appeal? is the US Supreme Court going to hear this case and how long will this take until the government stops oppression people who made mistakes 20 and 30 years ago and who are non-violent I’ve been oppressed for 35 years, everybody who God letting in to heaven has been given a second chance every single man and woman who ever lived needs mercy and forgiveness but the government has none They only want to be forgiven by God, but they don’t want to forgive their brother
@@whitetiger39619 There only the United States Supreme Court left. This was the third circuit full review they used everybody they have on the third circuit. There’s nothing left but the supreme court, so I guess that’s next.
the primary goal of most gov officials [especially prosecutors and judges] is to make themselves look good to further their careers and egos. most care little about actual justice and dont mind ruining other peoples lives and future one bit. these are some of the worst of humanity;far worse than many of the people they send off to prison. many legislators happen to be former prosecutors.
In my personal case. It's a non-violent traffic issue out of IL. But as things stand now. There is no amount or money or time i could spend to resolve the matter. I have not lived in that state in decade's. Yet im still not allowed to hunt or teach my own children to use a firearm. In my own persoal life experience, American is land of the enslaved, home of the hopeless. 922g is an abomination.
I live in the state of Ohio I am a three-time convicted felon I have served two terms in prison. One of my prison sentences was nine months. The other prison sentence was nine months…. Should I be a prohibited person?
The constitutiin is clear, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Every law or hinderence to that is invalid. It started in I believe 1934 with the enactment of a law limiting firearms.
Question I am in california had a felony but now it’s a misdemeanor I lost my gun rights for a crime I did not do so I was granted 851.86 pc factual innocent I should have never been arrested and convicted did 180 days The pc allows me to buy a gun now I do believe
Can you talk about if it is true the form you submit to atf explaining that you can legally possess a firearm in your state therefore you should be allowed to buy one also
have a felon friend he had his record expunged with attorney PAID thousands $$$ bought an ar15 year ago and 2 months ago ATF came knocking and stole his ar15 gave him a receipt yeah fukthat give him a receipt for stealing his gun thing is he DID NOT GET A CHARGE but he got robbed an $$$$gun i am in same felon boat for a crime 45 years ago and would like a REAL way to be legal again for real where ATF can not come and steal any gun i buy especially after i paid $$$ to attorney for
I came here for important information. What I expected was to have to filter out right leaning gun nut BS. What I got was one of the most comprehensive informative and PROGRESSIVE gun rights conversations I’ve ever heard!
Right leaning gun nut bullshit aye.? I’d love to hear or see some examples of this. It would seem to me the nut would be the person that hears the words shall not be infringed and somehow turn that into 1,000 pages of gun laws and regulations and creates whole new agencies just to administer and enforce these non infringing infringements. A nut to me is someone who thinks it’s totally ok to use nonsensical mental gymnastics to make a thing say whatever he thinks it should say rather than what it actually says. That sounds like a true fucking nut job to me. Right leaning.? Are you serious dude? So that means you the left leaning person is the sane one in this discussion? Can you use brainwashed and angry transgender in the same sentence? I bet you can.
67-YEAR-OLD U.S.M.C. VETERAN (Title18 922(g)(1) failure!) 50 YEARS AGO I was arrested for my DUI 3rd victimless offense after being Honorably discharged from the United States Marines in (1979). DUI offenses that are non-violent, victimless, without incident, accident, or damaged party should not be an ETERNAL LIFETIME 2-A BAN! (Plenty of police officers and judges have 2 DUI's) Title 18 922(g)(1) Requires revision because VICTIMLESS/ NON-VIOLENT felons have no 2-A rights. - USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
This has nothing to do with your charges. It says that you must consider the history of interpretation of the 2nd amendment. The history shows that a felon losing their rights is a relatively new law only put in place in the 1930's. Before the 30's it didn't exist. You were even issued a gun and a silver dollar when you were released from prison in the past. So their ruling says that by using the rule of following what was applied and interpreted throughout the history of the Constitution is more important than current feelings, beliefs, interpretations, or laws. So the supreme Court finally followed the rules set forth in the beginning for using the past as an example of how the 2nd amendment should be applied today. After you serve your time your debt to society has been paid and you are no less of a human being than anyone else. The Constitution is meant to make sure NO ONE is treated as lesser or held in less regard than another. We are all equal, history shows this has always been the belief. Making a law won't stop someone from using a gun illegally. And if a person uses one that way they have to pay for it. Furthermore, if a gun wasn't used in the commission of a felony that should mean that they were smart enough not to do so. Why lose a right to protect yourself with a gun if you never used one irresponsibly to begin with?? We have the God given right to be safe and secure. No one can take away a God given right. That was the belief for over 150 years until laws were passed that were clearly unconditional. It's about time we stop letting government make decisions about what we can or cannot do. We, as a people, are the ones that are suppose to determine taxation and laws were deem fit and appropriate. Somewhere along the line we have allowed law enforcement and government to believe they are and have all the power which our forefathers made sure they put protections in place to prevent this crap from happening to people again. It's a shame, they would be ashamed, where we have gotten.
Why hasn't anyone used the jungles oath against them as a definition of rights. And I would like to see an individual in NY get their rights back. Because NY is the worst state for rights of the 2nd ammendment. And if there's any attorney out of NY that wants to do a civil case I have someone who wants to get their rights back.
UNITED STATES MARINE: (From Boy to Man/Husband/Father, to Grandfather) 50 years ago was my (3rd) third Non-Violent/Victimless DUI ... (Simple pullover arrests!) All offenses were VOID OF VICTIM, INCIDENT, ACCIDENT, and DAMAGED PARTY. After serving (6) years as a front-line Marine during the Iranian crisis (1979), (Before having a wife, children, and grandchildren) the return to civilian life (Honorable Discharge) was difficult... Can the Bruen decision help this 67-year-old United States Marine regain his gun right for family and home protection after 50 defenseless, prohibited years based on nexus with 18USC(g)(1) (g) It shall be unlawful for any person- (1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year; When DUI arrests have NO victim, NO incident, NO accident, and NO damaged party, the 2nd Amendment "Right/Privilege" should never rightfully be "eternally abrogated", ever! - USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
Plus it’s entrapment. The kids see adds n shows showing drinking is cool. Then they go to bars to meet chicks n have drinks. Then they leave n get a felony
What about past misdiminor assault charges? Because we still have the right to defend ourselves wether it was considered assialt or not. Satans world lies every day either way it goes. JS
If amy coney barrett says that violent felons shouldn't have then such should not have them ! Theres rights then theres right ! I don't think violent felons should have one but at the same time perhaps them haveing is what kept them thinned out ! Plus you would atleast know if they bought any legally anyhow you will not find any better than amy's decision
My comment is this Tell me something that I need to know and about how to go and finding out because I'm a federal convicted felon of a drug charge non-violent no weapons whatsoever first time ever able to drug charge and it was in 2024-2025 now granite I was facing 20 years behind bars I was basically done a year waiting to be sentenced by the federal although the state of Arizona which I was not a resident of I drove over the road to the truck driver we're struggling with chapter 13 and was just trying to make a better Christmas and start off the next year hopefully a little bit above than drowning for my family and my own self My other parts of my family didn't have no idea what I was doing it was nobody's business but mine and I actually didn't get caught with anything but two $20 bills that serial numbers have been wrote down with on by the feds in a sting operation they never found any kind of paraphernalia of any drugs they never found no kind of drugs on me they never tested me positive for any kind of drugs but still I had to cop out to a possession charge with intent to resell and trafficking because it was commercial vehicle but everything they found belong to the lead driver which I was a secondary I was not responsible for anything to do with the truck I was just hired to drive as a cold driver The lead driver was was the one that had the paraphernalia and everything that they found in the truck and he was the only one in the sleeper at the point in time when we were stopped and what they found on the truck was in the sleeper I was driving but still at my public pretender from the feds lied because of the way the laws was back then and tricked me into shining some shit that I didn't even get a chance to read but they tried the 20-year prison sentence just over the set of a 16th so they say they tried to get me charged with a hand-to-hand sale then they basically threatened me that if I try to appeal it that they could lock me up over that due to the way the laws was on things like that back in 2004 2005 which has changed tremendously and times is hard the world's coming to an end I want to be able to defend myself and my family I've done had one man come to my house pulled a gun on me which was a convicted felon in possession of a gun and DUI at the time he showed up here and pulled a trigger 5 in from my face and pointed it at my son and his mother and his girlfriend while he was pointing a gun at me and beat the shit out of his old lady that was standing in between me and him trying to keep him from doing the stupid thing that he did to begin with until this day the man still walking free because our deal sweet sheriff of Walker county Georgia which sorry shit piece of Steve Wilson can't never even make his offers be held officers be held accountable for tainting the evidence that took two years and 6 months they tried to treat me as a victim and a state key witness as I was the person that was on trial through his court system and his attorney they had the wrong gun in court we was under gag order me my son and his mother why I don't know when we're all the victims and lived in the same house was kind of was weird and off-duty different county over police officer across the street was a witness which testified on my behalf but because this boy that pulled this ignorance done his mother used to work work for the tax area purposes of Walker county I guess you got on her knees and made some debts and promises to people to get her piece of crap son out of jail from going to jail for a long time for doing what he did spotting that Harry son pointed a gun at me and pulled a trigger 5 in from my face but because I'm a felon and a man and a dad I'm standing there in my cowboy boots and my blue jeans nothing else but my hands and the will the good Lord live and to protect and I thought this man to the law showed up couldn't get the gun out of his hand and was hit from the flame from the barrel as I move my head after it was fired 5 in from my face which basically burnt my face and this son of a bitch is still walking free today and the DA and the cops and his mama and a sorry ass sheriff of Walker county still ain't been held accountable in a court of law for allowing the evidence to be tainted when I request for the trial to be moved to that state of Tennessee in the Superior supreme Court out of their jurisdiction and out of their hands to be handled because I was tired of being violated as a citizens rights being violated The family's citizen rights being violated and my constitutional and family constitutional rights being violated while they allowed his mother to ride by my house and take pictures of car tags his wife and his sister showed up in court screwed up on meth that was never an issue there was never nothing brought up she was supposed to testify on my behalf or she was going to be sentenced as a accessory to the crime like I told her so I gave her the benefit of doubt and his mother and his brother his brother threatened me outside the courtroom piece of crap and his mama was which I never had met or stays I mean I learned the guy for a long time as growing up but I never met his mother of course he was older than I was she was staged out into the lobby of the courtroom and went in and told to bailiff a lie My son and his mother was talking about a set of drums and she told to Baylor that they was talking about the court case or something and I don't even think they had been sworn in under oath yet so therefore it wouldn't have really mattered and with the fact that we were all the same victims and victims of the same household what the hell did it matter that we couldn't talk one another anyway but how can you take a 40 caliber black polyurethane frame with rip bullets in it 15 round clip that was fired at me The cops picked it up right beside his body whenever he pitched it away and they finally arrived they had the shell casing cuz they wouldn't leave until they had it that was fired from the gun but we go to court the case was switched off from the catoosa county or from the Lafayette Georgia DA cuz of shingles to the catoosa county DA Mr Allen which is the only one that actually investigated anything at the point in time but he literally only had less than 24 hours to study the case over before we was in court Friday morning and his attorney tried to make it out like I was the one on trial try to use my criminal history against me when I was not the one on trial fighting for my freedom and innocence and I was not convicted of no kind of crime I was a victim and a witness in this son of a bitch is still walking free along with his mother and the cops which I have to say officer head is one of the Walker county cops it was there in the courtroom and it just seemed to have a kind of a weird looking awfully professionally persuiring sweat quite heavily when he realized I noticed that the gun in the courtroom was not the gun that was fired at me I want the cop the crooked ass sheriff the DA the judge and the woman that she his mother and the cops that pulled these favors held accountable and have to go through the same shit I've went through since 2004 over the word felony I want it removed and I want them to be held accountable for the crime that they did against me when he came to my house drunk and pulled a gun on me because him and my uncle had got into a kind of a verbal conflict down the road at a clubhouse and when he goes to drinking liquor he thinks he's 10 ft tall and bulletproof and his shit don't stink but it's still a low life non child support paying woman beating meth headed piece of shit forgive me Lord and that's the way I feel about the damn Walker county Police department as well because Steve Wilson which was re-elected as a sorry ass sheriff once again ain't never been held accountable for an allowing his a deputies to tank the evidence that almost took my life
We know exactly who, “The People” were not only in the 1700’s but also in Athens, Greece: white, male, property owning, VOTING citizens. Shaping the governance of the colonies after the democracy of Athenian fame was crystal clear and the want to have a government and governmental system of white men, by white men and for white men. This is not a statement on race, but rather on intent and stare decisis. To see legislative intent remain consistent and suddenly shift under nefarious agenda to criminalize increasing numbers of individuals, does not make the origins or trajectory less clear.
If someone has a felony they don't need to have a gun just because the felony that sent them to prison was non violent doesn't mean the next one won't be a violent felony , losing their gun rights and other rights is a deterrent to committing a felony.
Maybe a disregard for the law might be a reason to decline gun ownership? I'm not against lifting it....but I see a good reason to decline most...even without a felony conviction. If you get a speeding ticket, your insurance goes up...cuz they know it's a sample of your daily habits. No?
what about for something you did as a minor 45 years ago,,,, do you want to be held for life for something you did as a kid most kids dont know any better
@@dustinblack-g6p ...And WHY don't they know any better?...(Dare I ask...) likely because they were never taught any better, no? a result THEY DON"T KNOW ANY BETTER? ...So don't give them guns. If you want to argue about 45 years ago.....go ahead....but I doubt most 70 year olds suddenly need guns to get by. Where were the guns in the last 45 years that would make/break their existence?
If someone with a felony conviction is not part of "the people" why in God's name should they pay taxes?
Because they are SLAVES. the constitution is an illusion and patriotism is a delusional mindset
Money.. Just like.. you can't do drugs as a grown adult but you can cut off the private parts of a child or even have sex with it. Along with all the other crap. only going to get worse
UNITED STATES MARINE: (From Boy to Man/Husband/Father, to Grandfather)
50 years ago was my (3rd) third Non-Violent/Victimless DUI ... (Simple pullover arrests!)
After serving (6) years as a front-line Marine during the Iranian crisis (1979), (Before having a wife, children, and grandchildren) the return to civilian life (Honorable Discharge) was difficult...
Can the Bruen decision help this 67-year-old United States Marine regain his gun right for family and home protection after 50 defenseless, prohibited years based on nexus with 18USC(g)(1)
(g) It shall be unlawful for any person-
(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
When DUI arrests have NO victim, NO incident, NO accident, and NO damaged party, the 2nd Amendment "Right/Privilege" should never rightfully be "eternally abrogated", ever!
- USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
67-YEAR-OLD U.S.M.C. VETERAN (Title18 922(g)(1) failure!)
50 YEARS AGO I was arrested for my DUI 3rd victimless offense after being Honorably discharged from the United States Marines in (1979).
DUI offenses that are non-violent, victimless, without incident, accident, or damaged party should not be an ETERNAL LIFETIME 2-A BAN! (Plenty of police officers and judges have 2 DUI's)
Title 18 922(g)(1) Requires revision because VICTIMLESS/ NON-VIOLENT felons have no 2-A rights.
- USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
How come felon released from prison during the 1800 s were given their firearms back upon release? Because it was their property.
Sick of everyone talking about what THEY are gonna decide about OUR rights in this country did any of you consent to your rights being removed from you? I doubt it. It’s time THE PEOPLE lay down the law. If you go to jail and serve a sentence and pay your fines you are square with the house and under no circumstances should anyone sit back and accept a life sentence of disabilities AFTER you paid the costs THEY don’t get to debate whether you consent to it and THEY are out of line. Violent or not a felony shouldn’t be able to have a lifetime ban on ANY of your rights.
I totally agree with you if you catch a felony in this country you pay for the rest of your life
Totally agree. The problem is the term “Law abiding citizen” has been weaponized from the day it was instituted as a “standard”. Then so many people jumped on the bandwagon and still do that the phrase can be used to discriminate who has the right to bear arms and who doesn’t. The truth is the line is fuzzy & very nuanced. One person’s “freedom” is the next person’s license to kill. To make it worse the punishment or lack thereof varies from state to state. Instituting a national standard one way or the other would be “socialism”.
Amen to that buddy 🙏
Worn out Subject... Your not an Ex Felon Period... You had a Prior conviction thats it. You paid your Penalty, If you Repented to God, Turned your life over to him, Then You are not Condemed in Gods Court of Law Either. Jesus stepped forward and paid your fine, Penalty. In Mans Court of Law, you paid the Price and should be just as Free , unlabeled and Guiltless.
People don't understand the world and mentality that existed when these documents were written... if you look up Charles Sumner, you'll get a glimpse into that mentality... Preston Brooks, a representative from South Carolina beat Sumner, a senator from Massachusetts within an inch of his life with a metal topped cane in front of everyone... Brooks was charged and fined $300..less than $11,000 in today's money. No prison; no rights restricted; just fined and sent about his way.. that was the American way.
I'm a 54 year old grandfather and I have non violent felonies from 30 years ago. Am I not one of the people?
beware of the govs definition of violent. 2A says "shall not be infringed" PERIOD not a single word about felonies,violence, or anything else. the simple truth is....rightly or wrongly,like it or not,absent some amending of the constitution.....every single gun control law in every state is an infringement and blatantly unconstitutional. the supreme courts job of interpreting the constitution is actually about the easiest job on the planet because the constitution was intentionally written in very simple language so that the common citizen could easily understand its meaning.
100% correct. If someone committed a crime that was so horrible they shouldn't own weapons again, then they should be executed or imprisoned for life. Anyone that can't learn from their actions and ends up a repeat criminal should also be imprisoned for life, that would stop the need for any gun law. If someone committed a crime and learns from it, and it wasn't serious, they should have every right restored upon release. It's called a right for a reason...
@@freedomringer23what’s Learn FROM it 👀Some PeOple That LiVe in Certain Environments HaVe NO OtheR ChoiCe it’s NOT Always ABout A Violent Cause So You Shouldn’t Say PeOple Should Die if the Reoffend Cause YOU LiVe a Straight Life PeOple are Still PeOple an Lots a Laws are Abused an Unfair To KnO is To Be AWARE-BigSplash 👁️💦🌎
67-YEAR-OLD U.S.M.C. VETERAN (Title18 922(g)(1) failure!)
50 YEARS AGO I was arrested for my DUI 3rd victimless offense after being Honorably discharged from the United States Marines in (1979).
DUI offenses that are non-violent, victimless, without incident, accident, or damaged party should not be an ETERNAL LIFETIME 2-A BAN! (Plenty of police officers and judges have 2 DUI's)
Title 18 922(g)(1) Requires revision because VICTIMLESS/ NON-VIOLENT felons have no 2-A rights.
- USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
I became a violent felon by protecting myself from a guy who punched me in the face while I was telling him and another man to quit fighting. I snatched him up in a headlock and the guy he had just been fighting went and got in a truck and ran the two of us over. I somehow came out with a aggravated battery and they dropped it to regular battery after they received camera footage showing I was literally the victim and the other 2 guys were aggressors against each other and myself. So all because I didn’t let the guy beat me up for nothing now I am not allowed to protect my family, because I protected myself, the system is broken.
Once you have completely served your sentence all of your rights should be fully restored in their entirety. If you can’t restore them then their sentence was not adequate.
When we evacuated out of Afghanistan how many convicted felons did we put fully automatic military-grade weapons and that's not fair
JUST TO BE CLEAR, some felonies are of a violent nature,but there are absolutely no exceptions in the second amendment. It was written advocating violence if needed.
First time felon n a nonviolent felon ive done everything that needs to be done do need to go get the application from the supreme court to have my gun right restored this happened 24 yrs ago been a good citizen since pls help 68 yr old veteran
Thank you for covering this!! Other channels touch on it a bit but one is needed to do it full time!
Problem is, states don't necessarily have to abide and can still prosecute, leaving you only an appeal as an option, which is way to costly.
Baby steps
EVERYONE thats a felon needs to stand up NOW
Typical lawyer double speak
No real answer
Shall not infringe do your time and you should be treated like every other American.
5:50 THIS issue is the most important of all gun rights issues! Because as it stands there are tons of trivial felony crimes they can charge any one of us with arbitrarily. Take all of the other stuff like you said with bumpstocks or any of the stuff like that where the ATF changes their stance on it after they gave the go ahead before, making all those people retroactive "felons". Well if we have a safety valve that would take the teeth out of scuzzy behavior like that
I think that anyone who didn't use a firearm to commit there crime should be able to carry
In Louisiana 10yrs from the completion of sentence/parole you can legally possess a firearm 10 for violent 5 for non violent
In Ohio you can write a petition to get you gun rights Back as soon as your off of parole. The right restored process in Ohio is really simple.
in Texas you are fkd for life, theres no such thing as a pardon in Texas
yeah, but you cant BUY one.
What if the nonviolent is over 20 years from a different state. And has been expunged ? Does that still apply to Louisiana ? It was felony child support. It's been paid in full and expunged in Kentucky. But I now live in Louisiana since 2008. No violence in my history.
@@jimjersey2345 go down to the police chief and ask.
Didnt Clarence Thomas say in Bruinn that basically if a law,rule etc.was not in force at the time of the 2nd amendment,(which there were none)that theyre unconstitutional? I was convicted of robbery when I was 19.I completed my sentence and should get my gun rights back! Wether violent or not! A violation of the 2A is a violation!It says "Shall not be infringed" not Shall not be infringed "Unless your a felon"!
Commenting in July now that SCOTUS is taking Rahimi: Someone with money should find a defendant ready to take all of 922 up the chain, even the whole GCA or the God-damned NFA.
A judge in Chicago just ruled a felon with a gun charge is unconstitutional. We need to get these cases to the Supreme Court. People's constitutional rights should no longer be violated
It's says nothing about criminals not having guns in the constitution. So pound sand.
This is the first time ive saw this channel but I hit the sub button. Ive been following the Range case since last year because i thibk its a bs law. But you are the first channel ive saw talk about it, or talk about anything other than pistol braces. Great video
Thank you! We're glad to have you here with us!
I'm in the same boat I've been convicted on a misdemeanor non-violent crime 28 years ago and got my gun rights taken away. Please, if someone help me, please reach out.
What’s going to happen now? Are they going to appeal? is the US Supreme Court going to hear this case and how long will this take until the government stops oppression people who made mistakes 20 and 30 years ago and who are non-violent I’ve been oppressed for 35 years, everybody who God letting in to heaven has been given a second chance every single man and woman who ever lived needs mercy and forgiveness but the government has none They only want to be forgiven by God, but they don’t want to forgive their brother
It's probably going to get appealed again and again all the way to the highest court.
@@whitetiger39619 There only the United States Supreme Court left. This was the third circuit full review they used everybody they have on the third circuit. There’s nothing left but the supreme court, so I guess that’s next.
@@MMAGUY13 Ah thanks for informing me of that, pray this goes through for freedom of all oppressed citizens in america
@@whitetiger39619 We will be restored God Bless you brother
the primary goal of most gov officials [especially prosecutors and judges] is to make themselves look good to further their careers and egos. most care little about actual justice and dont mind ruining other peoples lives and future one bit. these are some of the worst of humanity;far worse than many of the people they send off to prison. many legislators happen to be former prosecutors.
In my personal case. It's a non-violent traffic issue out of IL. But as things stand now. There is no amount or money or time i could spend to resolve the matter. I have not lived in that state in decade's. Yet im still not allowed to hunt or teach my own children to use a firearm. In my own persoal life experience, American is land of the enslaved, home of the hopeless. 922g is an abomination.
I live in the state of Ohio I am a three-time convicted felon I have served two terms in prison. One of my prison sentences was nine months. The other prison sentence was nine months…. Should I be a prohibited person?
A felon cant get a license to carry
The constitutiin is clear, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Every law or hinderence to that is invalid. It started in I believe 1934 with the enactment of a law limiting firearms.
I don't know the exact wording but I believe it outlaws automatic weapons like the Thompson submachine gun.
Law is FTA. Forgot the words.
When will this move or see the supreme court
I’m looking at trying to get my gun rights back in Colorado. Anyone have any ideas how this is done?
#RepealGCA, #RepealNFA, #DisbandATF!!!!
Have you heard about Morin V Lyver ? It’s a similar case, involving a gun charge, it got vacated and remanded to the lower court.
This is a no brainer, read the 2nd amendment, it dont say except felons.
Question I am in california had a felony but now it’s a misdemeanor I lost my gun rights for a crime I did not do so I was granted 851.86 pc factual innocent I should have never been arrested and convicted did 180 days
The pc allows me to buy a gun now I do believe
Can you talk about if it is true the form you submit to atf explaining that you can legally possess a firearm in your state therefore you should be allowed to buy one also
Cant pick and choose either all the felons or non
I Have A Felony From 1995 For Possession Of Narcotics And I Hired An Attorney To Get A Pardon :)
Did it work?
have a felon friend he had his record expunged with attorney PAID thousands $$$ bought an ar15 year ago and 2 months ago ATF came knocking and stole his ar15 gave him a receipt yeah fukthat give him a receipt for stealing his gun thing is he DID NOT GET A CHARGE but he got robbed an $$$$gun i am in same felon boat for a crime 45 years ago and would like a REAL way to be legal again for real where ATF can not come and steal any gun i buy especially after i paid $$$ to attorney for
What Loreal was it that he used to beat his case
Politicians that lie when trying to get public office shouldn't be allowed to have guns nor their bodyguards
I came here for important information. What I expected was to have to filter out right leaning gun nut BS. What I got was one of the most comprehensive informative and PROGRESSIVE gun rights conversations I’ve ever heard!
Right leaning gun nut bullshit aye.? I’d love to hear or see some examples of this. It would seem to me the nut would be the person that hears the words shall not be infringed and somehow turn that into 1,000 pages of gun laws and regulations and creates whole new agencies just to administer and enforce these non infringing infringements. A nut to me is someone who thinks it’s totally ok to use nonsensical mental gymnastics to make a thing say whatever he thinks it should say rather than what it actually says. That sounds like a true fucking nut job to me. Right leaning.? Are you serious dude? So that means you the left leaning person is the sane one in this discussion? Can you use brainwashed and angry transgender in the same sentence? I bet you can.
What about if you never been to prison
Is this for state or federal felons ??
DD 214 & Mortgage
= Constitutional Carry
= Castle Doctrine
= Voter ID
the people are weak!!!!!!! They will not stand up
Just here to let you know that even violent felon can legally own guns, I just got my gun rights restored video of the process is up on my page.
Was your case a Federal case?
So if I don't have no violent felony's And I haven't been in trouble in The pass 12 years can I legally purchase a firearm???
Unfortunately the Supreme Court does
The only reason for this is to many cops are getting felony convictions.
They have to maintain the gestapo force😢
They just turn in there guns are the end of the day. Most of them have domestic charges on them.
Not true. Any domestic violence charge bars you from government employment. That is a fact.
The other video talks about atimpted murder not lying on food-stamp form, who has the full story
The amendment doesn't say anything about crimes.It doesn't say anything about not allowing people that committed any crime to have a weapon
Dam he got a worse sentence then I did for forgery
I'm quite suspect that the ruling made in an individual case,has an effect upon the rest of us.
Can you do a linton v bonta video
The people have the right to keep in bare arms.That's all of says has nothing to do with any crime
I did a year 7/21 for pot & pills & want gun rights
Take it further even a person with a violent felony after being clean for 50 years should have there 2nd amendment rights.
Is your case a state law
I believe we should be able to own 2-3 guns in every genre. Hand shot rifles
67-YEAR-OLD U.S.M.C. VETERAN (Title18 922(g)(1) failure!)
50 YEARS AGO I was arrested for my DUI 3rd victimless offense after being Honorably discharged from the United States Marines in (1979).
DUI offenses that are non-violent, victimless, without incident, accident, or damaged party should not be an ETERNAL LIFETIME 2-A BAN! (Plenty of police officers and judges have 2 DUI's)
Title 18 922(g)(1) Requires revision because VICTIMLESS/ NON-VIOLENT felons have no 2-A rights.
- USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
This has nothing to do with your charges. It says that you must consider the history of interpretation of the 2nd amendment. The history shows that a felon losing their rights is a relatively new law only put in place in the 1930's. Before the 30's it didn't exist. You were even issued a gun and a silver dollar when you were released from prison in the past. So their ruling says that by using the rule of following what was applied and interpreted throughout the history of the Constitution is more important than current feelings, beliefs, interpretations, or laws. So the supreme Court finally followed the rules set forth in the beginning for using the past as an example of how the 2nd amendment should be applied today.
After you serve your time your debt to society has been paid and you are no less of a human being than anyone else. The Constitution is meant to make sure NO ONE is treated as lesser or held in less regard than another. We are all equal, history shows this has always been the belief. Making a law won't stop someone from using a gun illegally. And if a person uses one that way they have to pay for it. Furthermore, if a gun wasn't used in the commission of a felony that should mean that they were smart enough not to do so. Why lose a right to protect yourself with a gun if you never used one irresponsibly to begin with??
We have the God given right to be safe and secure. No one can take away a God given right. That was the belief for over 150 years until laws were passed that were clearly unconditional. It's about time we stop letting government make decisions about what we can or cannot do. We, as a people, are the ones that are suppose to determine taxation and laws were deem fit and appropriate. Somewhere along the line we have allowed law enforcement and government to believe they are and have all the power which our forefathers made sure they put protections in place to prevent this crap from happening to people again. It's a shame, they would be ashamed, where we have gotten.
Woah this is big!
What happens to law abiding felons they are sitting ducks and defenseless against violent predators 2nd Amendment violations at its best 😮😢
Arent "the people" ust the citizens?
Good question, if you're mot the people are you not a citizen too
Why hasn't anyone used the jungles oath against them as a definition of rights. And I would like to see an individual in NY get their rights back. Because NY is the worst state for rights of the 2nd ammendment. And if there's any attorney out of NY that wants to do a civil case I have someone who wants to get their rights back.
Dang right and veterans second choice
He qualified for the federal gun control act.
UNITED STATES MARINE: (From Boy to Man/Husband/Father, to Grandfather)
50 years ago was my (3rd) third Non-Violent/Victimless DUI ... (Simple pullover arrests!)
After serving (6) years as a front-line Marine during the Iranian crisis (1979), (Before having a wife, children, and grandchildren) the return to civilian life (Honorable Discharge) was difficult...
Can the Bruen decision help this 67-year-old United States Marine regain his gun right for family and home protection after 50 defenseless, prohibited years based on nexus with 18USC(g)(1)
(g) It shall be unlawful for any person-
(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
When DUI arrests have NO victim, NO incident, NO accident, and NO damaged party, the 2nd Amendment "Right/Privilege" should never rightfully be "eternally abrogated", ever!
- USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
People that has tattoos that means their in a gang should not own one
If people did not use a gun in a felony when they were young shouldn’t affect their entire life
Forever? Really?? Then they rule out repentance for sure
When you’re young you make soooooo many bad decisions
Plus it’s entrapment. The kids see adds n shows showing drinking is cool. Then they go to bars to meet chicks n have drinks. Then they leave n get a felony
Yet their intention wasn’t to hurt harm or mess with anyone
Then they loose other rights over something that has nothing to do with that sad don’t make any mistake they will ruin your life obviously
It’s sad it took this long to realize you’re creating a class of people that are becoming “store brand” Americans.
What about past misdiminor assault charges? Because we still have the right to defend ourselves wether it was considered assialt or not. Satans world lies every day either way it goes. JS
If amy coney barrett says that violent felons shouldn't have then such should not have them ! Theres rights then theres right ! I don't think violent felons should have one but at the same time perhaps them haveing is what kept them thinned out ! Plus you would atleast know if they bought any legally anyhow you will not find any better than amy's decision
My comment is this Tell me something that I need to know and about how to go and finding out because I'm a federal convicted felon of a drug charge non-violent no weapons whatsoever first time ever able to drug charge and it was in 2024-2025 now granite I was facing 20 years behind bars I was basically done a year waiting to be sentenced by the federal although the state of Arizona which I was not a resident of I drove over the road to the truck driver we're struggling with chapter 13 and was just trying to make a better Christmas and start off the next year hopefully a little bit above than drowning for my family and my own self My other parts of my family didn't have no idea what I was doing it was nobody's business but mine and I actually didn't get caught with anything but two $20 bills that serial numbers have been wrote down with on by the feds in a sting operation they never found any kind of paraphernalia of any drugs they never found no kind of drugs on me they never tested me positive for any kind of drugs but still I had to cop out to a possession charge with intent to resell and trafficking because it was commercial vehicle but everything they found belong to the lead driver which I was a secondary I was not responsible for anything to do with the truck I was just hired to drive as a cold driver The lead driver was was the one that had the paraphernalia and everything that they found in the truck and he was the only one in the sleeper at the point in time when we were stopped and what they found on the truck was in the sleeper I was driving but still at my public pretender from the feds lied because of the way the laws was back then and tricked me into shining some shit that I didn't even get a chance to read but they tried the 20-year prison sentence just over the set of a 16th so they say they tried to get me charged with a hand-to-hand sale then they basically threatened me that if I try to appeal it that they could lock me up over that due to the way the laws was on things like that back in 2004 2005 which has changed tremendously and times is hard the world's coming to an end I want to be able to defend myself and my family I've done had one man come to my house pulled a gun on me which was a convicted felon in possession of a gun and DUI at the time he showed up here and pulled a trigger 5 in from my face and pointed it at my son and his mother and his girlfriend while he was pointing a gun at me and beat the shit out of his old lady that was standing in between me and him trying to keep him from doing the stupid thing that he did to begin with until this day the man still walking free because our deal sweet sheriff of Walker county Georgia which sorry shit piece of Steve Wilson can't never even make his offers be held officers be held accountable for tainting the evidence that took two years and 6 months they tried to treat me as a victim and a state key witness as I was the person that was on trial through his court system and his attorney they had the wrong gun in court we was under gag order me my son and his mother why I don't know when we're all the victims and lived in the same house was kind of was weird and off-duty different county over police officer across the street was a witness which testified on my behalf but because this boy that pulled this ignorance done his mother used to work work for the tax area purposes of Walker county I guess you got on her knees and made some debts and promises to people to get her piece of crap son out of jail from going to jail for a long time for doing what he did spotting that Harry son pointed a gun at me and pulled a trigger 5 in from my face but because I'm a felon and a man and a dad I'm standing there in my cowboy boots and my blue jeans nothing else but my hands and the will the good Lord live and to protect and I thought this man to the law showed up couldn't get the gun out of his hand and was hit from the flame from the barrel as I move my head after it was fired 5 in from my face which basically burnt my face and this son of a bitch is still walking free today and the DA and the cops and his mama and a sorry ass sheriff of Walker county still ain't been held accountable in a court of law for allowing the evidence to be tainted when I request for the trial to be moved to that state of Tennessee in the Superior supreme Court out of their jurisdiction and out of their hands to be handled because I was tired of being violated as a citizens rights being violated The family's citizen rights being violated and my constitutional and family constitutional rights being violated while they allowed his mother to ride by my house and take pictures of car tags his wife and his sister showed up in court screwed up on meth that was never an issue there was never nothing brought up she was supposed to testify on my behalf or she was going to be sentenced as a accessory to the crime like I told her so I gave her the benefit of doubt and his mother and his brother his brother threatened me outside the courtroom piece of crap and his mama was which I never had met or stays I mean I learned the guy for a long time as growing up but I never met his mother of course he was older than I was she was staged out into the lobby of the courtroom and went in and told to bailiff a lie My son and his mother was talking about a set of drums and she told to Baylor that they was talking about the court case or something and I don't even think they had been sworn in under oath yet so therefore it wouldn't have really mattered and with the fact that we were all the same victims and victims of the same household what the hell did it matter that we couldn't talk one another anyway but how can you take a 40 caliber black polyurethane frame with rip bullets in it 15 round clip that was fired at me The cops picked it up right beside his body whenever he pitched it away and they finally arrived they had the shell casing cuz they wouldn't leave until they had it that was fired from the gun but we go to court the case was switched off from the catoosa county or from the Lafayette Georgia DA cuz of shingles to the catoosa county DA Mr Allen which is the only one that actually investigated anything at the point in time but he literally only had less than 24 hours to study the case over before we was in court Friday morning and his attorney tried to make it out like I was the one on trial try to use my criminal history against me when I was not the one on trial fighting for my freedom and innocence and I was not convicted of no kind of crime I was a victim and a witness in this son of a bitch is still walking free along with his mother and the cops which I have to say officer head is one of the Walker county cops it was there in the courtroom and it just seemed to have a kind of a weird looking awfully professionally persuiring sweat quite heavily when he realized I noticed that the gun in the courtroom was not the gun that was fired at me I want the cop the crooked ass sheriff the DA the judge and the woman that she his mother and the cops that pulled these favors held accountable and have to go through the same shit I've went through since 2004 over the word felony I want it removed and I want them to be held accountable for the crime that they did against me when he came to my house drunk and pulled a gun on me because him and my uncle had got into a kind of a verbal conflict down the road at a clubhouse and when he goes to drinking liquor he thinks he's 10 ft tall and bulletproof and his shit don't stink but it's still a low life non child support paying woman beating meth headed piece of shit forgive me Lord and that's the way I feel about the damn Walker county Police department as well because Steve Wilson which was re-elected as a sorry ass sheriff once again ain't never been held accountable for an allowing his a deputies to tank the evidence that almost took my life
We know exactly who, “The People” were not only in the 1700’s but also in Athens, Greece: white, male, property owning, VOTING citizens. Shaping the governance of the colonies after the democracy of Athenian fame was crystal clear and the want to have a government and governmental system of white men, by white men and for white men. This is not a statement on race, but rather on intent and stare decisis. To see legislative intent remain consistent and suddenly shift under nefarious agenda to criminalize increasing numbers of individuals, does not make the origins or trajectory less clear.
This is painful to watch. Get your materal ready before you start recording
If someone has a felony they don't need to have a gun just because the felony that sent them to prison was non violent doesn't mean the next one won't be a violent felony , losing their gun rights and other rights is a deterrent to committing a felony.
Maybe a disregard for the law might be a reason to decline gun ownership? I'm not against lifting it....but I see a good reason to decline most...even without a felony conviction. If you get a speeding ticket, your insurance goes up...cuz they know it's a sample of your daily habits. No?
Thats pretty presumptive of you, if you told a lie once in your life that makes you a liar for life?
what about for something you did as a minor 45 years ago,,,, do you want to be held for life for something you did as a kid most kids dont know any better
@@dustinblack-g6p ...And WHY don't they know any better?...(Dare I ask...) likely because they were never taught any better, no? a result THEY DON"T KNOW ANY BETTER? ...So don't give them guns. If you want to argue about 45 years ago.....go ahead....but I doubt most 70 year olds suddenly need guns to get by. Where were the guns in the last 45 years that would make/break their existence?
What about nonviolent felon for child support ?