We would strongly suggest having your local sweep take a look as they have products that can dry out the creosote so it can be brushed off. The products involve many chemicals so it's best to let the professionals do it. If you don't have a local sweep, contact the National Chimney Sweep Guild or the Chimney Sweep Institue of America and they can help you find a 'homeowner' friendly product.
Tom- Crazy Man- totally crazy creosote making machine!! Nice Video! Tnx!
Thank you
If this is inside of a wood burning stove what is safest way to get rid of it?
A shitload of cardboard will dry it up and it'll flake off right quick
We would strongly suggest having your local sweep take a look as they have products that can dry out the creosote so it can be brushed off. The products involve many chemicals so it's best to let the professionals do it. If you don't have a local sweep, contact the National Chimney Sweep Guild or the Chimney Sweep Institue of America and they can help you find a 'homeowner' friendly product.