La Stanza Delle Rondini (1999) - Alberto Cima Film Maker

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 พ.ย. 2011
  • Uomini, donne, giovani, vecchi, parlano di sé nella varietà di opinioni, della loro storia, della loro terra: la Valle Imagna, conca bergamasca ai piedi del Resegone. E ci svelano un mondo imprevisto, forte, autentico, ricco di memorie. Emigravano stagionalmente, come le rondini. Lasciavano a Pasqua la loro terra, e sognavano per Natale il ritorno in valle, la stanza tiepida degli affetti sinceri. La freschezza, la semplicità, il coraggio di essere se stessi e la voglia di comunicarlo.
    The Swallow's Room, with ad hoc scores by Walter Frazzi, is no consolatory and dewy film and does not present the romantic-rustic halo of "The Horse Whisperer" even if it doesn't make a mystery of the "call of nature" whose yearning echo is perceived between the flowing of the river and the rustling of the trees. It is more a problematic, faceted film, which offers various keys of interpretation.
    La stanza delle rondini celebrates nature and freedom. Alberto Cima is no tourist nor elegiac-sentimental director. In his film, as in his previous Erba d'Imagna, which stirred up vivid polemic for its realism and its truth, there is the hardship of living in discomfort, neglect, poverty, privation. These are films which ought to be seen. They should be screened in schools to offer young people a mirror of life to look at which isn't -- as happens, alas -- deformed by the inanity of a wealth which is only made up of giddiness, selfishness and illusions.
    (Franco Colombo)
    Anno: 1999
    Durata: 45 min
    Copyright: Alberto Cima
    Regia: Alberto Cima
    Aiuto regia: Paola Ratti
    Soggetto, fotografia, montaggio: Alberto Cima
    Consulenza editing digitale: Matteo Cima
    Musica originale: Walter Frazzi
    Suono: Presa diretta
    Costantino Locatelli, Fulvio Manzoni, Teresa Capelli, Giovanna Locatelli, Fiorino Personeni, Ines Invernizzi, Angelo Rota, Giuseppe Invernizzi, Luciano Invernizzi.
    G.A.L. con il contributo dell'Unione Europea

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