十八手(セーパイ) 沖縄剛柔流 型 Seipai Okinawa Goju Ryu Kata

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ธ.ค. 2022
  • Seipai Okinawa Goju Ryu Kata
    Date: Monday, November 14, 2022
    Shooting equipment: iphone 5s
    Reference video about roughly like this
    In this kata, there are many techniques that interweave the slow and the fast.
    The first kata is like a dance posture, where the dancer stands sideways in a four-legged stance with hands crossed in front of the chest, but the hand joints are twisted forcefully while slowly building up strength, and the dancer instantly enters an attack position.
    The decisive move of entering the opponent's bosom and clamping the arm to the side has a large hand movement and a clear performance line, allowing the audience to follow the technique in practice with their imagination.
    In Goju-ryu, there are techniques that are performed from the "backbending posture," which can only be seen in this kata, and because of the flexibility of the demonstration and the variety of techniques, many people seem to like performing it.
    Among the techniques performed are the following.
    Then, he bends backward from the yoko-uke in sunchin-stand and downward from the chuken-tsuki to the ura-ken, twists his waist further to yoko-uke, and then starts to kick.
    The highlight of this move is that the kicking leg is pulled back and the chin strike is performed in a single movement.
    Mabuni Kenwa published his book "A Study of the Eighteen Attacks and Defense Free Karate Kempo" in October 1934, and as the title indicates, he wrote "18" and waved the reading kana "sepai" (セーパイ).
    Kanjun Higashionna noted in the Taisho era that most kata in Okinawan karate have Chinese names.
    The kata of Okinawan karate have continued to change over time, taking into account the changes that have occurred since the modern era with the creation and reorganization of new types, and the fact that they have been handed down as separate kata according to the interpretations of their instructors.
    This transformation is supported by the work of many predecessors who struggled to reach the technique promptly if they repeated the kata.
    Okinawan karate is undoubtedly derived from the Nanquan style of the Fujian region, but it was Ryukyuanized by the Ryukyu Islands as their own martial art, Tang Te.
    In the 1930s, Gichin Funakoshi and Kenwa Mabuni, who were instrumental in promoting karate on the mainland after its establishment, promoted the renaming of kata to establish karate, which was also done in Okinawa.
    Today, karate is recognized as a Japanese martial art derived from karate.
    In the literature, "sepai" is described as "十八歩" in "Karate no Kenkyu" by Morinobu Itoman, which was published three months before Kenwa Mabuni.
    Miyagi Chojun, who succeeded Higashionna Kanryo, intentionally added "te" to the end of the word "seppai" (十八手), and many Goju-ryu styles use "seppai" or "eighteen moves" in their names.
    The name "十三歩" or "五十四歩" as Itoman Morinobu describes it, is probably the name of the old school.
    沖縄空手のは、福建地方の南拳にあるのは間違いないが、 琉球によって独自の武術 「唐手」として琉球化した。
    「セーバイ」は、文献では、摩文仁賢和より3カ月早く刊行された糸満盛信の『唐手術の研究』 に 「十八歩」とある。
    東恩納寛量を受け継いだ宮城長順は、「手」を意図的に語尾に付け 「十八手 (セーパイ)」としたので、多くの剛柔流で「セーパイ」もしくは「十八手」と記している。
    参考文献:週刊沖縄空手 型を探る29 セーパイ
    沖縄剛柔流 空手の型 伝統的な型とその意味 榕樹書林 (2002/09/01)佐久川春範 (著) 外間哲弘 (監修)
    十八手(セーパイ) 沖縄剛柔流 型

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