The majestic Montserrat Mountain and Montserrat Monastery with Black Madonna, the nature and spirituality. This journey takes you through the breathtaking landscapes of Catalonia, hiking to the top and you can see amazing views. Don't miss this unique cultural and spiritual experience in Spain. If you enjoy this video please LIKE it and write your COMMENTS ⬇️ ► SUBSCRIBE to Vaishali TVS - ------------------------- FOLLOW ME: Instagram:
Impressionants imatges de la muntanya santa on viu la Moreneta , la patrona de Catalunya !! Un lloc únic i irrepetible , confeccionat per la natura durant segles . Si teniu ocasió no us ho perdeu , visiteu-ho
The majestic Montserrat Mountain and Montserrat Monastery with Black Madonna, the nature and spirituality. This journey takes you through the breathtaking landscapes of Catalonia, hiking to the top and you can see amazing views. Don't miss this unique cultural and spiritual experience in Spain.
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It's a so beautiful place
Impressionants imatges de la muntanya santa on viu la Moreneta , la patrona de Catalunya !! Un lloc únic i irrepetible , confeccionat per la natura durant segles . Si teniu ocasió no us ho perdeu , visiteu-ho
Sí, un lloc molt bonic. Tant la natura com el monestir