If you do not plan to use HKSAR passport to travel then I think there is no need. It is because the nationalities of BNO and HKSAR are different and in the end you need to send your HKSAR to the Home Office (for the purpose of 'changing nationality')
@@順勢而行擁抱豐盛 No, you do not need to use it. Just came back from HK recently, at the airport you just need to use HKID and face scanning, no passport needed
HKSAR 特區護照不能加入,因為BNO nationality 是BNO overseas,而特區護照是China,所以出現not match 的狀况而不能繼續,希望遲些能改變
不能加入香港特區護照入UKVI,因為Nationality not match,原因是UKVI內BNO Visa的Nationality 是British National Oversea,但特區護照的Nationality 是Chinese
英國鐵路主力劏商務客和臨時客, 早鳥票價格肯定比歐洲票便宜. Eurostar的票價應該與瑞士上山的旅遊火車票價比較, 建造成本告訴一切.
但英國鐵路的先進程度肯定是最掉臉, 德, 法, 意, 西都有高速鐵路(>300km/h), 而且車箱又新又大, 設備一流.
在UKVI Account內已有 BNO passport, 再加HKSAR Passport可以嗎?唔加, 近怎樣可以由 HK 回UK, 因Account內沒有HKSAR passport 資料
之前返HK都係用特區護照入去英航資料上機,因為HK唔睇bno, 回英國時才用Bno 入境,現在是否出英國,同入境只能用Bno
我昨天亦收到email, 但只係話要make sure 個UKVI account 要link evisa 咋喎,我收唔到你尼個⋯⋯
幫小朋友轉咗eVisa取代BRP, 但UKVI account 內冇‘Personal Details’ page,變咗冇option加護照資料。大家有冇試過呢個問題? 唔知係咪 IT system glitch
我問題係可以用passport login,但無顯示passports,加passport 佢話已經有資料
我最先想用bno passport 去create UKVI account, 但最後改用 BRP,成功左,加passport details 時佢話已經有資料,打去Home Office, 他們說一個人不可以開 2 個accounts, 所以他們delete 左我用passport 開的account 才可以update my passport details
請問我申請來英國5+1用特區護照! 而最近收到evisa 確認電郵,現上網checking 用特區護照登入到,例如平時看到share code 係咪即是已是有資料?
而仔仔depend 我,他是否要create update e visa 資料?
@@chiyuksim9270 你去 update identity document 才知你evisa 有冇你passport details
請問可否以helper身份幫子女將passport 資料入返去UKVI? 因之前以helper身份不能更新資料啊!
If you do not plan to use HKSAR passport to travel then I think there is no need. It is because the nationalities of BNO and HKSAR are different and in the end you need to send your HKSAR to the Home Office (for the purpose of 'changing nationality')
請問你update 了passport 到eVisa 後, 現在eVisa 裡是passport 和 BRP 都有,還是由BRP變了passport呢
in my case, passport 和 BRP 都有
Hi,入去只見自己BNO Passport資料,並沒有特區護照資料,是否都要加上去?
我都係咁 想知洗唔洗加 因為香港飛英國係用特區護照
No. If you do not plan to travel using your HKSAR passport then there is no need to do so
@@順勢而行擁抱豐盛 No, you do not need to use it. Just came back from HK recently, at the airport you just need to use HKID and face scanning, no passport needed
@@順勢而行擁抱豐盛 so just enter UK with BNO which is registered in evisa
嘗試加HKSAR passport 亦不會成功,因為國籍不同⋯BNO passport 是 British National (Overseas), 但HKSAR passport 是 Chinese.
我用BNO申請BRP,Mk UKVI visa accout 沒有BNO資料,祇有BRP資料,我應否將BNO link to evisa
係吖,我情況同你一樣,已經upload返個BNO passport上去,5分鐘已經收到回覆搞掂
我也在UKVI report error 找不到更改國籍地方,所特區護照國籍仍是香港。如有資料,請分享🙏🙏
不應該「更改」 揀 no, my personal details have not changed