Because some applicants use HK passport to apply BNO visa, some countries need to have BRP, and China is one of these countries, HK is belongs to China
Normally when you come back to the UK , at the border , immigration officer should just scan your passport, and your evisa status will show . Since you did not add the SAR pp to the ukvi account yet you might have to explain to the officer and show the immigration status on phone and also show the BRP even if it's expired. And if you're coming back after 8Jan2025 , airline will want to check visa or eta , just by scanning your pp . Since your pp is not linked to your evisa or bno visa yet . You might need to get the uk eta for return .
BNO passport唔一定可以加到入去,如果 BRP上面係HKG,我就係咁,兩個passport都加唔到,結果都要寄。
Thanks for reminding us. I have just done it, it takes less than 15 mins to link the passport to evisa system, v easy to do jt
關於upload passport number home office有新攪作,睇定啲先決定點做。
You can continue to use your residence card until it expires
home office on9
I had a problem to link my new passport to my evisa account and now the problem has been resolved by the technical department of the Home Office
BRP 系香港的話,如果upload BNO 都會被reject。
唔系個個會收番寄回既passport 時會enclosed a letter 講under process 需時處理 ,我上次見佢退回護照又唔見個account 有 update 咪打電話去問,佢查咗系統話正處理先安心等佢幾星期。
好奇怪喎,我有四個小朋友,兩個係到期更新左特區,兩個係未到期,甘理論上未過期個兩位應該網頁會顯示到特區護照個資料,已過期更新個兩位正常去gov update 個到我明白
想 confirm 本身已經有BNO visa 洗唔洗再寄特區護照加落去?🙏 thanks
如果用brp申請e-visa,會國籍問題過唔到,之後要寄返去Home Office處理,但係如果用護照申請,一開始全部都選HKG,到scan完護照嘅時候,佢會話你護照係CHN,要唔要跟返護照資料,之後答yes,之後再答完其他問題,就搞掂,唔洗寄本護照俾佢
It is because u used your HKSAR passport to make the application. My wife used BNO and her nationality is GBN
請問如小兒己用BRP 開在account, 發現無護照資料在acoount. 那麼是否可以改用passport 來開account 就無問題 ? 是否正確?謝謝
我用 bno passport, nationality是 GBN, 冇問題,一生不做 CHN, This is an insult
封email就係講evisa upload 特區護照問題@@yantam1693
奇怪係可以用passport 登入,但裡面無passport
如果剛剛要因18歲更換特區護照的人會否更困難呢,可能要新舊特區護照均需寄出,主要原因是新舊特區護照的證件號碼是不同的啊! 不知又有冇網友試過或碰上如此情況?
但改國籍,Life in UK result 會唔會有影響?
想問,要寄出護照到PO Box2077, Liverpool, L69 3YP
我知道要寄掛號sing & check 比較安全。但現在寄去PO Box, 咁可以點做。請指教🙏
我是 bno passport holder, 但 當我 upload my scanned passport, 但 它回應 我的 passport 已在 係統內, 但 又無 顯示出來, 我應該 怎麼做?
我sign-in 入去,見到BNO passport no. 喎
用passport number 登入,只見到passport no , 但完全冇BRP 資料喎, 現在add 返BRP 資料中,等消息中
再add埋BRP 資料,個system 超快7 min 後evisa 已有埋BRP 資料👏👏
去 added new identity document 已可
@@kayanlo-6743 試過入境,無問題.passport可以login, 就係裏面無資料
如成功轉了e visa, 咁張brp是否即時作廢?thx
想問小朋友嘅UKVI a/c 祇有BRP 資料,但根據你提供的網址進入,版面完全不同,不知道原因,因此想問需提交嗰份Form叫咩名?謝謝。
我2021年申請bno visa係用當時候本bno護照申請嘅,之後2023年過左期,但續返本新嘅。我試過搞evisa嗰陣scan埋本舊bno護照係scan唔到,話已經expired左。但問題係唔知道將來申請IRL嗰陣home office會唔會搵唔到我5年內舊護照嘅出入境紀錄。
申請ILR 和入籍時, 申請程序有要求申請人要向內政部提交佢喺移民英國期間擁有嘅所有passport, 以作為核實符合留英日子之用(在任何一年期間離境唔超過180日, 。 等等。。。。。) 任何國家簽發嘅passport, 有用過嘅passport, 冇用過嘅passport, 和喺移民期間過咗期嘅passport 都要全部提交,
你做好你自己嗰份, 交曬啲passport 比內政部, 內政部就自然會做到佢應該要做嘅嘢啦, 唔需要太擔心內政部嘅內部運作
@@sysopr 你呢個回覆回答左我過去三年所有嘅疑問,多謝你。
@@kenken8458 舉手之勞, 唔使客氣
搞Evisa整到我頭都大埋, 咁以你所講,我持有BNO裏面嘅簽證,即係持有永居permits 是否會注銷永居簽證?呀? 改為攞E Visa。簽證呀?😮 頭都大埋。
有BNO 唔等於有永居permit , 你唔好搞錯。
BNO Visa 都只系在某個時段內居住權。
Why need brp for bno holder? I don't think it's a must
Because some applicants use HK passport to apply BNO visa, some countries need to have BRP, and China is one of these countries, HK is belongs to China
你先上網查一下你個evisa 系唔系已經有特區護照資料,系既話入境英國時用特區護照就冇問題, 如果無特區護照資料就跟條片講既去做啦
Me too,只係地址最底下嘅國家一欄寫住invalid,不過無所謂,認到BNO passport number 已經可以,話知佢係咪invalid😅
@@jimmychan19 me 2
你講所有嘅嘢,前題主要係BRP持有者;而用手機app捽你個特區護照去申請BNO. V 就唔會有影響,對嗎?
到今日我都未係好明乜嘢人需要申請evisa, 我喺網上申請bno visa, 冇去北角打指紋,冇一張實體證明,只收到一個email, 我仲洗唔洗特登上home office 申請evisa?
唔駛,因為當日全程網上搞掂,所以張BNO visa本身已經係電子簽證(eVisa)
唔駛,而家係內政部要全面電子化,所以冇 e-visa 都要申請 e-visa,其實唔止BNO visa 要,我啲大陸中東同學有BRP,他們都要申請 e-visa
我網上申請BNO visa, 沒有打指紋冇BRP card. 我阿女14歲時用特區護照申請, 有去北角打指紋,但冇收過實體卡. (因為之前攞住封信去郵局行咗前後約10次三五個月都冇收到張卡), 現在上網申請唔到eVisa, 請問我現在可以點辦?
@christyfung692 其實响97年前申請BNO passport時已經採集晒指紋,所以由經App網上申請eVisa到入境英國全程都無需再打指紋及攞BRP。
@ 多謝你的回覆,我再check吓,感謝🥹
想問下, 如我有HKSAR及BNO, 係咪都要加晒兩本入去?
Hi 你好。我有家人是用BRP. 现在“identity document”上面只显示BRP。 如果现在寄特区护照去 Home Office 已来不及。因为他好下星期就要出国。一月份才回来。请问不加特区护照就不能出国吗?
Normally when you come back to the UK , at the border , immigration officer should just scan your passport, and your evisa status will show . Since you did not add the SAR pp to the ukvi account yet you might have to explain to the officer and show the immigration status on phone and also show the BRP even if it's expired.
And if you're coming back after 8Jan2025 , airline will want to check visa or eta , just by scanning your pp . Since your pp is not linked to your evisa or bno visa yet . You might need to get the uk eta for return .
想請教下,係咪一定要登記申請bno visa既護照?因本人特衰同bno都有,但用特衰申請bno visa 🙏🏻
用特衰可申請bno visa😅