The pass rate for these exams are shockingly poor, I sat this exam 3 times and failed it, and actually put alot of effort into my classroom based work but I eventually gave up after the 3rd attempt as it became clear that the examinations are nothing like what you learn in class!, I know someone who has sat multiple exams and failed and they even had private tutoring, they are supposed to be maths functional skills exams or to put it simply maths you would use in real life but watching these videos shows just how complicated the examinations really are! It makes you wonder if the examination boards actually want the candidate to pass the exams!
The pass rate for these exams are shockingly poor, I sat this exam 3 times and failed it, and actually put alot of effort into my classroom based work but I eventually gave up after the 3rd attempt as it became clear that the examinations are nothing like what you learn in class!, I know someone who has sat multiple exams and failed and they even had private tutoring, they are supposed to be maths functional skills exams or to put it simply maths you would use in real life but watching these videos shows just how complicated the examinations really are! It makes you wonder if the examination boards actually want the candidate to pass the exams!
you dont explain you just go ahead and do it. i need to know method and why you are doing it
Thank you