Excellent welding, very good job. The customer is very lucky to have you for repairs and this bucket is an example of a repair for educational institutions.
As an ex toolmaker who spent 50 years making aerospace parts, and building laminated molds and electronic connector dies, I can appreciate precision work!
Damned skill workmanship there. A torch, welder and portable line bore and his repair is top notch in my opinion. He is very skilled cutting with an oxy torch too.
@@tvviewer4500changing out the pins and bushings on the machine. They are there for a reason. There is a brass bushing that fits in the steel and when it gets worn out you don’t replace it and get a new pin, it will start wearing the steel away.
@@tvviewer4500 Adding on to Eddie, this could also have been avoided if they applied grease like we do with many other moving parts in engineering (in other cases, oil if dealing with high heat and friction, like in the crank case of an internal combustion engine) would reduce friction and protect against corrosion of the parts, like that corroded pin they knocked out.
@@tvviewer4500 have you ever heard of grease?? That's what preventive maintenance is, grease. It lubricates the moving parts & reduces wear on parts. It's an amazing concept they just came out with about a 150 years ago at least!
the only thing i would say to make that job a lil easier is to freeze the pins a couple days prior to putting them in..freezing them makes them shrink a little and you wont have to pound with a sledge hammer as much..when they warm up, they swell up tight..same as replacing cyclinder sleeves in a diesel enginge
Has he ever certified with AWS or ASME. I don't think he's ever "bend or xray tested." I could be wrong but I've been welding since 1972. It would require me to write a book including my vast metals fabrication experience. I am AWS D1.1/5.20 unlimited thickness all structural positions. I was ASME code certified as a boiler maker building oil & gas refinery "heat exchangers" back in 1994.
I think they did a good job. I've got really small Kubota's that I've had to do similar, or slightly similar, repairs to my machines and these giys did a better job than I'd do.
Im very positively suprised that this Adian fella is doing some reall good excellent specialty work like this, i hope thats his own business and makes excellent currency doing so for himself &his family and not making somebody else rich
que bonito este trabajo, lastima que apersonas como mi calibre no los quieren dar la oportunidad de aprender un trabajo como este, los ven de meno,y ante los hojos de Dios todos tenemos la mis capacidad, solo porque somos campesinos,somos campesinos y con mucha onra...
I mean the accuracy must be off when he’s measuring off a bent bucket and the other boom pins are also worn, too. But then again how accurate does it need to be on a 20 up machine?!
@@A1ex5438 Суть моего поста в том,что смазка подобных узлов - без уплотнений - только усугубит ситуацию. А эти экономисты,как и успешные менеджеры,они по моему все заслуживают тазика с цементом - на ноги. С продолжением...
Why didn't he run stringer beads? Technically, your weave width shouldn't be more than 150% the welding rod diameter otherwise you risk the presence of slavery inclusion. Extra wide weaves are sometimes acceptable on cap pass only.
The guy with the oxy-fuelgas was heating the wrong side of the bend. You heat the side that needs stretching. But overall their gas cutting was very skilled and the weld weaves were questionably large . Hopefully it holds up.
The Bucket is fine. The Pins and Bushings were worn as bad as I’ve ever seen. This fella and his team did a fantastic job considering his limited resources.
I would use stick welding for that. Just cause it burns hotter than a feeder. I’ve had things break on me when using the feeding welder but not with stick.
Parabéns, vc tem uma mão muito firme, tanto pra fazer o corte com o maçarico, bem como pra soldar, além de dar atenção aos detalhes de endireitar as bases de sustentação, muito bom seu trabalho.
Imagine a welder doing all that layout and measuring, and then the welding technique being that strange, I don’t know about you, but I would wager that that guy is not a welder by trade. Not a bad repair, just odd
The crane even looks happy. Humanity is capable of so much we really need to put more effort towards tapping into our potential, we haven't even scratched the surface yet
Any idea where the soundtrack came from? That's some seriously sweet, mellow guitar. Made the video way better for me, jamming along with some fine work 👍🎸🎼💨
Bro I hope you capped over those huge "wide glide" welds with smaller stacked stringers. You're gonna get someone killed, welding that bucket yoke on like that. My goodness thats terrible 😮😮
Honestly I was expecting terrible work but this dude killed it.
No, it was horrible and almost unbearable to watch.
Taking into account the resources, they have done a good job. 👏
Excellent welding, very good job. The customer is very lucky to have you for repairs and this bucket is an example of a repair for educational institutions.
As an ex toolmaker who spent 50 years making aerospace parts, and building laminated molds and electronic connector dies, I can appreciate precision work!
Точность с помощью кувалды))
@@alevtinasurgut ,
Let's us know when you see some.
Muito bom. Parabéns pelo trabalho
That would have taken 3 weeks in the uk.
Excellent work. No frills, no fuss, just get the job done.
Yup. He didn't rush anything either. Took the time to measure everything and to make sure everything lined up properly.
Now that looked like a very long day. Great job again good sir!
For real. How much does the welder make on a job like this?
@@ranchroberts5976 in China? 2 ramen noodles and 1 MagiCarp. In America 75$ and hour, or more.
Отличная работа!👍👍👍👍👍
Что значит хороший инструмен и конечно золотые руки. Респект коллеге. Молодец
Один человек сделал все , все таки кадры решают все и не совсем правильно что говорят что незаменимых людей нет
I’ve never seen yoke bosses that thin on a bucket. Not a heavy duty bucket at any rate but some grease every now and then wouldn’t hurt.
Because Sany is a Chinese company.
Это от смазки так изнасились 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Cómo se ve que nunca trabajastes de mantenimiento...es fácil.bl bla bls
grease it will make it last much longer 😂 they make automatic greaser for them too
Непонятно варит полуавтоматом, а шов и шлак как от дуговой сварки
Damned skill workmanship there. A torch, welder and portable line bore and his repair is top notch in my opinion. He is very skilled cutting with an oxy torch too.
A bit of preventive maintenance by the owner would have saved him the downtime. On the other hand then we would've missed this repair video 😂
De zsírt továbbra se tegyenek bele...😂😂
What preventative maintenance would have stopped this
@@tvviewer4500changing out the pins and bushings on the machine. They are there for a reason. There is a brass bushing that fits in the steel and when it gets worn out you don’t replace it and get a new pin, it will start wearing the steel away.
@@tvviewer4500 Adding on to Eddie, this could also have been avoided if they applied grease like we do with many other moving parts in engineering (in other cases, oil if dealing with high heat and friction, like in the crank case of an internal combustion engine) would reduce friction and protect against corrosion of the parts, like that corroded pin they knocked out.
@@tvviewer4500 have you ever heard of grease?? That's what preventive maintenance is, grease. It lubricates the moving parts & reduces wear on parts. It's an amazing concept they just came out with about a 150 years ago at least!
Хорошая работа, интересно как всё это будет держаться и на сколько хватит ремонта!!!
Excellent work young man, too bad some fools don’t do their servicing properly
Grease is cheap
Мужик красава респект таким столько труда 👍👍👍👍👍
Нормально, аккуратно сделал.
the only thing i would say to make that job a lil easier is to freeze the pins a couple days prior to putting them in..freezing them makes them shrink a little and you wont have to pound with a sledge hammer as much..when they warm up, they swell up tight..same as replacing cyclinder sleeves in a diesel enginge
Or press in wheel bearings. Works like a charm
Liquid nitrogen
Great craftsmanship!! In the field work, is not the easiest, you made it look easy! Good job, Bro!!!💯👊👍
Вот это я понимаю мастер огненного шва 👍
Great Job, keep going🎉🎉
You've done amazing work, only thing I would change is mig welding, instead good old stick welding first 6010 after that 7018, but anyway nice.
It was flux core
Хорошая работа . Руки у парня ровные .
Has he ever certified with AWS or ASME. I don't think he's ever "bend or xray tested." I could be wrong but I've been welding since 1972. It would require me to write a book including my vast metals fabrication experience. I am AWS D1.1/5.20 unlimited thickness all structural positions. I was ASME code certified as a boiler maker building oil & gas refinery "heat exchangers" back in 1994.
I think they did a good job.
I've got really small Kubota's that I've had to do similar, or slightly similar, repairs to my machines and these giys did a better job than I'd do.
Nice to see a job done properly
Im very positively suprised that this Adian fella is doing some reall good excellent specialty work like this, i hope thats his own business and makes excellent currency doing so for himself &his family and not making somebody else rich
Хорошая работа. Молодец сварной.
Not a bit of grease 🤔Preventative maitanance goes a long way. Thank goodness for quick hitch, 😄😄Execellent work by the fitter 👍👍
Savage methods thad will outlast the machines remaining life. Two thumbs up! and one smashed finger😂
This guy knows what he s doing I wish I lived close to him I'd pay him to rebuild mine
que bonito este trabajo, lastima que apersonas como mi calibre no los quieren dar la oportunidad de aprender un trabajo como este, los ven de meno,y ante los hojos de Dios todos tenemos la mis capacidad, solo porque somos campesinos,somos campesinos y con mucha onra...
Приятно смотреть на руки, растущие из плечей!
Hi Guy, how are you today? Very interesting! Skilled he is ! Did with what he had very well. Becareful thanks vince 🙏
На таких людях держатся все. Браво мастеру. Спасибо за видео😊
Красавчик!!! Супер! 👍
Хорошая работа👍🏼Чан😉👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I mean the accuracy must be off when he’s measuring off a bent bucket and the other boom pins are also worn, too. But then again how accurate does it need to be on a 20 up machine?!
Раньше такими задумывались советские люди, теперь ими стали китайцы
Nice job !!! Congratulations
Grease it more often. Morning, after dinner,if that's what it takes.
Песок сгновенно набивается. А со смазкой это вообще пбразив получается. Так что без уплотнений от смазки только вред.
@@Sever2005 Всрали уплотнения.
Маслёнок там вообще нет.
Сразу видно работу механика-экономиста.
@@A1ex5438 Суть моего поста в том,что смазка подобных узлов - без уплотнений - только усугубит ситуацию.
А эти экономисты,как и успешные менеджеры,они по моему все заслуживают тазика с цементом - на ноги. С продолжением...
@@Sever2005 Но уплотнения изначально были.
Как и система смазки, и твердосплавные втулки.
@@A1ex5438 ставили то тут явно не твердосплавные..(правильно - износостойкие,это не твердосплав).
А что были .... Увы...
Nice welds not many welder know that trick
Trabalho muito bom, admirável, também mexo com esse tipo de manutenção, meus parabéns. Abraços Danilo #Brasil 🇧🇷
It’s a great feeling being able to fix things. Not enough people know how to weld, cut and fabricate parts as needed.
Bon travail 👍
Super vidéo,rapide efficace,
on voit l'essentiel
La facon de souder est vraiment spécial 🧑🏭
Merci pour le partage 🇫🇷🤗
Besides the huge weaves I was pretty impressed. Really suprised they had line boring equipment too.
Functional repair. Welds are sound enough but look houndy as hell. 7/10
Гарно зробили, респект майстрам!
Красивая работа профессионала!!!
Красиво, но говорят отвалится
Excellent work. Love the plasma (probably a hypertherm) and the FCAW 💰
Why didn't he run stringer beads? Technically, your weave width shouldn't be more than 150% the welding rod diameter otherwise you risk the presence of slavery inclusion. Extra wide weaves are sometimes acceptable on cap pass only.
Приятно смотреть на работу профессионала 😊
The guy with the oxy-fuelgas was heating the wrong side of the bend. You heat the side that needs stretching. But overall their gas cutting was very skilled and the weld weaves were questionably large . Hopefully it holds up.
Why is he not using a stick welder on heavy equipment. That mig will not penetrate well on that thick of metal. That "fix" will not last.
@hazeentertainmenthiphopthat’s not stick welding i think you need glasses
@@bjrnpindstrup2867I think you need to read again because that is exactly what he said. It is NOT stick welding when it should be (after his opinion).
@@bjrnpindstrup2867I think you need to learn how to read
It is fluxcored.
That’s incredible. Good job.
Senhores , esse profissional e foda, mesmo sem recursos desenvolve um ótimo trabalho , parabéns
Very impressive! Wish video was longer. 👍
The Bucket is fine.
The Pins and Bushings were worn as bad as I’ve ever seen.
This fella and his team did a fantastic job considering his limited resources.
Excelente trabalho feito com muito carinho grande profissional, mestres do metal
멋지네요 👍 😊
Good old times. I miss working on these machines. But now I have a business to run.
As he knocked the bolt out, dry as the desert. First thing I would do, is a nice slap for the user.. 😂
Lack of grease causes it to bore out like your moms hole from lots of pounding but not eyelet stretching
Agreed so, you owe your dad, uncle, neighbor, mailman, probably your whole town a nice slap.
I would use stick welding for that. Just cause it burns hotter than a feeder. I’ve had things break on me when using the feeding welder but not with stick.
I was wondering why he didn’t just use stick
J'ai souvenir d'avoir réparer des choses semblables bon travail du jeune homme.
Отличная работа, парни!
Parabéns, vc tem uma mão muito firme, tanto pra fazer o corte com o maçarico, bem como pra soldar, além de dar atenção aos detalhes de endireitar as bases de sustentação, muito bom seu trabalho.
Imagine a welder doing all that layout and measuring, and then the welding technique being that strange, I don’t know about you, but I would wager that that guy is not a welder by trade. Not a bad repair, just odd
Yes, very wrong on so many lvls
Bro I'm a professional certified Tig mag welder, calling this perfect welding Left me speechless.
It's ARC welding not TIG. Completely different use cases
Muito bom belo trabalho 🇧🇷
The crane even looks happy.
Humanity is capable of so much we really need to put more effort towards tapping into our potential, we haven't even scratched the surface yet
Nice work!
Now that is mad skill on display! Very impressive work.😮
😂 ridiculous
Don't skimp on it with grease, my friend
Love the escalation from the sledge to the machine to straighten out that bucket.
Those weld passes look questionable though.
Isıl işlem parçaları mekanik kısımda çok sağlam.... Üretici daha sağlam çelik yapmalı... Usta👍
Красавчик умница мастер!
Было интересно. И долго)))
Знакомая картина , ; втулки - эллипс , палец - коленвал !
Но ничего , лечится.
Fabricators are Gods! Very impressive!
His wife will mad when he get home late for dinner .
Great work 👍 .
Those welds hurt my tummy.
Great job.. 👍👍👍
Beautiful work for artist work big
Reparaciones de campo, todo un reto , improvisación , capacidad y creatividad
У мастера руки растут с правильного места. Молодец.
А вот у тебя походу нет ) "с" правильного...
Учитель русского языка что-ли, меня поправляешь?
The man knows his stuff!!
Any idea where the soundtrack came from? That's some seriously sweet, mellow guitar. Made the video way better for me, jamming along with some fine work 👍🎸🎼💨
New friend welcome very nice video
Guy did great work. While wearing wingtip dress shoes....
Расскажите уже им про смазку.
Mega! Das ist absolute Profi-Arbeit! Well done 😊
Good job and practices safety
Excellent job ❤
Very good job 👍
Felicidades eres un chingon we, chulada de trabajó
Bro I hope you capped over those huge "wide glide" welds with smaller stacked stringers. You're gonna get someone killed, welding that bucket yoke on like that. My goodness thats terrible 😮😮
My exact thought. Absolute horrible welding and prep work.
Damn good Work 👽👍🚲💥💨💨💨
Impressive ingenuity in a field repair
Bravo majstore👏👏
Gud job 🎉