Not really, geeks and nerds are usually the "gifted kids" when dorks are average in school. That's the main difference. I'm obviously a "cares very deeply about the difference", but not a dork, so there is a difference between the 2.
Tide Pod Pad Thai a dork would be classified as an unintelligent or annoying person, and a dweeb would be an unattractive person in a stereotypical nerdy way, such as with glasses, braces and buck teeth.
Fangirls are those annoying beings who just like something soo much that they become nearly obsessed and, most of the time, they write or draw stupid fanfiction of them marrying one male character of the show/videogame etc. Undertale is sadly full of them
@@yasininn76 And fanboys literally go around making straight porn of lesbian characters. What is your fucking point? Women tend towards fan literature while men tend towards visual fan works. This is especially notable in fan porn. Once again, the casual sexism of anything “women” and “girls” like not being as valid as stuff men are into. You are proving the video right.
@@percyross7612 porn is porn. There is porn out of literally anything made by both boys and girls. FANboys tho, are the one who will defend a shitty thing like, dunno, CoD till the end of the world, even if it's last game was bad. And no, women tends more towards visual fan works more than man, especially the young ones, while no one tends toward literature. And yeah, talking about statistics, there ARE thing where men are generally more valid than women, like manual jobs or nerding over sci-fi novels/films. Stereotypes are always based over (mostly old) statistics
@@yasininn76 Sci fi wouldn't exist if it wasnt for frankenstein , a book written by a female . Not to mention, thriller and sci fi are mostly followed by women . stop invalidating female stuff , you are proving the video right lmaoo
The way she says "SCAAAAANDAL IN THE DREAMHOUSE" made me howl in laughter. Because I've seen every episode of Barbie's Dreamhouse 13 times. Someone shoot me please.
@@romxxii LOOOL I love how "nerdiness" has shifted so far that to associate it with being "sad" or "pathetic" are for some reason antonymous? A fixation on anything to a useless level because of a personal obsession is to be nerdy. This video taking shots at some hypothetical men is just divisive bullshit trying to make men and women argue in the comments.
@@ajnode It's weird that you agree with the message of the video and yet doubt there are people who are like the men in the video. Look at this comment section, sadly there are plenty of people who use an old and exclusionary idea of what is nerdy just like described here.
@@joelformica8344 generally I've seen the narrow definition of nerd used for somebody who has a plethora of knowledge with niche real world application. These can be razor thin however and often be in a gray area. For example: A popular theory about Metal Gear Solid 3 is that it's in reality a VR simulation. Some of the arguments are that Roy Campbell will be heard on the game over screen if you cause a game over by method of creating a time paradox, snake mishearing "virtuous mission" as "virtual mission", the fact that calorie mates exist in the game, and references the JFK Special Operations Center. This whole thing is a theory that is within geek culture but the issue with calorie mates and the JFK SOC are issues that derived from the fact that neither should have existed at the time. Knowing when calorie mates and the JFK SOC were created is an obscure piece of knowledge that would fall under the scope of a nerd. At least this is my understanding of the differences.
Well, depending who you ask lord of the rings is nerdy, as it’s heavily inspired by much older legends and stories, that themselves come from tails of knights etc but I see a very clear argument for why it’s geeky. I will stand by the fact d&d is nerdy though, as you actually get the skill of playing it. Just my opinion though.
Action figure are not dolls. The point of dolls is to dress them up in different clothing. While with action figures you don't really focus on the clothing.
And then when your interest is a male-dominated media (i.e. Batman) men love to test your knowledge constantly and claim you’re not “nerdy” enough if you get anything slightly wrong.
@@slashbash1347 not as much as they do it to women to invalidate their nerdiness. if a man makes a mistake, it's like "oh i'm sorry i made a mistake." but if a woman makes a mistake, she's a fake fan and isn't nerdy at all and just so mocked for it.
@@pascaleand0r That's a lie. Bet you've never seen guys truly argue about the most useless geeky stuff. If they don't do it in front of you its because they probably don't trust you. But man have i seen guys geek out trying to prove who the biggest fan is and prove that the other is just being fake. Please don't speak on what guys do and don't do if you aren't one.
@@sergioalvarez1919 i don't tend to argue with nerdy guys bc they constantly invalidate my nerdiness, my knowledge. And that's always shitty. But i do know that men are acting like them making a mistake isn't nearly as bad as women making mistakes. The video was on point.
@@pascaleand0r Sorry to hear that but that is the unfortunate aspect of life. Because geek culture tends to be male dominated so their will always be those insecure people. Its no different if someone were to question my parental abilities or abilities to decorate a house because somehow people think women are always better at that. I don't take it personal and just prove them wrong not necessarily on what i mentioned but you get the point. And like i said, you can't really talk about the male perspective because we are also called not real fans if we get one thing wrong.
Um, actually there is no agreed distinction between geek and nerd. I've always heard nerd used for obsession over a fandom and geek for academic knowledge. Everyone seems to swap them around depending on what they've heard each used for first.
@@ugaboj Watch epic rap battle of nerdiness they get the distinction right theirs some overlap even as it shows but they are distinct things. A good line from it is when the nerd says "I was the cool version of uncool before uncool became a thing'
Um actually, you aren't playing um actually right now, and also, popular usage defines words, which would not only make both usages correct, but let the word "nerd" pull ahead when it comes to the cultural phenomenon of showing appreciation for stuff.
The sjw button hits too close to home lmao Me: I love comic books Some dude: pretty sure you just want guys to like you Me: My comic book collection is bigger than yours though it isn't fair to just say all my interests revolve around men Dude: w-wel MAYBE YOU'RE JUST AN SJW
Disbeetaa it’s a way men found to label women who point out sexist and prejudicial things in the world. It’s a very demeaning term to justify acting the way they do with the ideia that people shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable for being sexist.
@@vitoriawithanaccent you are wrong there, the sexist geeks actually use the term wrongly, sjw is used to describe people who uses feminism to intentionally act out situations to make non-sjw's look bad
@@gaming-machine4692 It means Social Justice Warriors. Basically, it's a group of people who, as nerds believe, want to replace all the white males in media with women or people of color or both. The excuse they make for this kind of thinking is that they're not racists or misogynists but simply want to maintain the artistic integrity of the franchises they love which coincidentally means that all protagonists should be white males and everything else is SJW propagnda. Nerds who have a bit of common sense try very hard not to associate themselves with those racists
Peter A you know what else is sad? That a fake fantasy series bent on lame ass wizards and school uniforms is loved more than you will ever be, and unlike you, will be remembered in 10 years
Yeah, no, this is absolutely still relevant. My female friends still have to put up with this idiotic gatekeeping all the time. And don’t even get me started on the SJW button.
The most hilarious part is that this video portrays the male 'gatekeepers' as the antagonists, and the female 'nerd' as the hero. Bitch is trying to get into a club full of losers, then bitching when she can't get in. They're all pathetic; men and women.
@@eoincampbell1584 Excuse me? The video is presenting a scenario and I'm critiquing it. What's the problem? The premise is stupid for two different reasons: it targets these spiteful nerdy men who don't want to include women in nerd culture; and it praises a woman for wanting to be part of that same group. But based on the way it is presented, why would she want to be part of that group? Both of these parties are stupid, and neither should be seen positively.
In defense of Um Actually, a show like Sex and the City wouldn’t qualify on account of being a modern day drama. Obviously one can be a nerd over a drama, but male-centric modern day dramas (at least AFAIK) are also excluded. I don’t think they’ve done questions about the Sopranos or Breaking Bad, for example. If I’m wrong about that, then there’s no excuse for the exclusion. That said, Barbie and Beanie Babies should totally qualify.
F. I. R. E. Fair question. I was thinking more in terms of it being a toy and being equivalent to Transformers or GI Joe. Also, the franchise has grown to include video games and animated films.
And even then, I know every word (EVERY. WORD.) in every line in every single song of the Death of a Bachelor album (and about a third of Pray for the Wicked), and people, after _years,_ are still quicker to call me an emo than a nerd. 'Cause I guess my extensive Star Wars fiction (fan or otherwise) database and the giant periodic table poster on my wall are _so_ edgy...
kate hodges I would say being a nerd got a new meaning. Its more computer, sci-fi and fantasy related. Nothing to be pissed about. This word was ment as an insult after all.
@@f.i.r.e.5119 I still have my emo streak in me and I definitely wouldn't call Panic at the Disco emo anymore. Nowadays they pander to the mainstream. Which I don't mind but I definitely miss edgy emo bands like get scared and stuff
@@yuo3670 Thank you for that. Anyone who still calls Panic! emo proves automatically that they don't actually listen to their music. Nowadays, it's just mainstream enough. Which makes it all the more criminal that they have, what, two songs on the radio?
i was hanging out at a party where my friends and i were talking about marvel heroes and just the regular back and forth that happens there. one of the guys that was by us laughed about how nerdy it all was (but not in a mean way) and said he didn't understand the interest in it. later i heard him talking to one of his buddies about some gun he bought and all the different variations to it and how some models have different calibers (some such details i don't know much about) and then talked about the history of it and how it evolved from different guns and i laughed and explained to him how the stuff he was talking about was just as nerdy as our stuff. after some back and forth he realized how in the end its just useless information about something that doesn't really matter but we just happen to be interested in. good times.
Honestly I think the beauty of being a nerd is sharing the experience with fellow nerds, sharing experiences and learning about new things. To be nerdy is to be passionate about what you love, not gatekeeping Sci-Fi and Fantasy
most nerds i know would agree, i have yet to meet someone who doesn't define a nerd in this way, yet i hear about many people talking about how nerds wont let women into their nerd-spaces. look at gamer gate for example, can you find anyone who was saying they wanted women out of their gaming, excluding the counter-movement, of course. (fine young capitalists) nerds are one of the most tolerant groups around, rather, they care the least about these kinds of things until they start losing, at which point they say anything to try to get the other person mad.
I appreciate the sentiment but technically everything discussed here is Geek culture. Now my wife citing her expansive knowledge of biology and the strange qualities creatures have due to evolution then that is nerdy
Jesus... Who cares about your stupid argument.... Its not cool to be a nerd and never was... Id rather talk to someone who actually did something with their life then someone who spouts off pointless facts that goes nowhere in life. If she actually exercised shed probably live longer....
Psera That can’t be the rule. Popularity ebbs and flows. Doctor Who can be be considered nerdy, and the one of the UK’s most popular and long running shows.
Well obviously manic pixie dream girls are not part of the writers paradigm realities so they have to ask th!squestion? When the obvious answer should be yes.
My Little Pony, the 1986 movie, was produced by the same people who brought you the animated 1985 G.I. Joe TV series and 1986 animated Transformers film ... which can be considered nerdy boy things. Oh, and the toys were all created by the same company to. So, I think we can consider My Little Pony nerdy at least by proxy.
@@arrivalathumanity3481 We don't need to lawyer it, MLP is nerdy because it is. It's kind of like defining what's "spiritual". Fantasy shows with mythology are nerdy.
I've met more nerds who were women and gatekeepers than I have nerds who were men and gatekeepers against women. In fact, I have yet to meet one nerd who gatekeeps against women (aside from other women who are nerds who don't think things like Twilight or Rainbow Bright are nerdy enough).
Reminds me of the guy who tried to convince me my interest in Pokemon wasn't nerdy like his because I play the games but don't metagame them, don't have type matchups competitively memorized, watched the anime (too mainstream), and had a Pikachu themed room as a kid ("a REAL fan would know Pikachu sucks"). Yeah okay boo boo
@@tychowozniaki9269 They said competitively memorised, which I assume means they know them well enough to play the games, but would lose in tournament play to competitors who have the meta memorised to a point where they know exactly which pokemon is best against any other specific pokemon. Could be wrong.
@@RumblesLikeDumblebee but meta isn't type advantages. I would say I know all type advantages. That doesn't mean I would win any battles, but I do know which attacks would be super effective or not very effective.
@@tychowozniaki9269 All I'm saying is they used the word "competitively" when discussing it, which I'm sure is the most important word in that part of the comment.
A Wizards Kiss if you consider that “woke”, than you most have been in a near death comma for the (checks history book) ...the last 9 thousand years
I’m also into conventional nerdy things like D&D lord of the rings and magic gathering and I can confirm even fitting the stereotype being a girl still gets you frozen out a fair amount
Way to get get wrong. Nerds are practitioners. They aim to achieve things related to their particular subject. Booksmart doesnt translate into actual practical/tangible achievments. If anyone, the geek is booksmart.
@@roqulere No. No, no, no. People not knowing words well enough to differentiate them doesn't make them the same word. Jealousy and envy are still different. Less and fewer still have proper contexts which are mutually exclusive. It is still that way, and it always will be, no matter how consistently and for how long people get them mixed up.
Okay to be fair I used to follow the whole MLP thing and it definitely qualifies as nerdy. Ever seen the extended universe with the IDW comics? That shit goes wild
Let me be clear I do not think that nerds are a misogynistic group I was speaking in terms of what she thinks of us she seemly whole heartedly believes nerds are bad people if she believes so strongly to make a whole video about it why does she want to be one
@@zacharyjones6729 I know a lot of guy nerds who are super awesome and supportive and amazing people! But I've also met a frickin ton of guys who essentially act like the two dinglebats in this video. Probably a lot of girl/women or female presenting nerds have, I know personally every gal in my social circle has at least one story of a guy (usually at a Con) who was rude, dismissive, or tried to gate keep. If you've never had that experience, I can understand your concern, but I assure you the writer is addressing something well known and experienced among many of us.
Gotta love this. I’m a girl and a huge superhero and video game nerd. I can relate to this sketch. Especially how people think girls can’t like certain stuff
Nerds lean towards academic pursuits and knowledge, and are studious and intelligent in a chosen field. Geeks are fans or enthusiasts of something, focusing on trivia and memorabilia.
I don't think any of this stuff is nerdy. It's geeky. Geeks are consumers of media and pop culture. Nerds are academics who indulge in intellectual pursuits. One day the internet will understand.
This sketch actually helped me realize that I do this, too. It’s so easy to dismiss something nerdy by a woman especially if it’s tailored *to* women but everyone is a nerd about *something* and it doesn’t have to be everything that *I* find interesting because *I* am a nerd.
Yeah, see, it also seems to have been different depending on where you live. I always learned a nerd was really into stuff and being a geek was about academic interest. But I've seen tons of people that say it's the opposite. It might also be that I'm from The Netherlands, where the English term "nerd" was commonly used, but "geek" was not. So they would just use nerd interchangeably for either.
I’m nerdy for something that mostly only get recognized as “oh yeah that one scary kids film from the 80’s” or “oh yeah that one scary kids show on Netflix” and that is the dark crystal. I can recite each clan’s territory, capital, totem animals (with only one exception), patron tree and the maudra they had during age of resistance
Descendants is nerdy enough, it has magic, extensive backstory including some that fans are still speculating on, it even has an entire movie franchise, TV show, AND it ties a whole universe of characters together. Check mate, I can be a Descendants nerd
I'm so glad they made this video. Once Jess mentioned it in the CH podcast I have been chewing it over. My husband and I religiously watch um actually and his fandoms are way more represented than mine. Hopefully future episodes will help highlight female centered fandoms.
Imogen Snowden those are popular but being obsessed with them isn’t I knew a kid who regularly got beat up because he knew every droid name that being said I think the stuff said in this show could be considered nerdy I mean and adult being obsessed with beanie babies is super weird and nerdy
@@evilgemiosman,as long as they don't harm anyone it's ok. Bullying,gossiping and getting mad over silly things is childish,but people don't focus on them
This is brilliant. Just perfect. I couldn’t love it more. Holy shit. I’ve been trying to articulate this observation for like, the last 15 years. Brava!!!
Add Bow If Girl it's a shitty articulation tbh. How are fantasy and sci fi shows male centered? high key anyone could watch and enjoy them and be considered geeky. barbie is mainstream culture though, it's completely different.
Life was simpler when Nerd was a pejorative. The Gatekeeping is silly, but I am sympathetic to those who feel that now the term is rehabilitated that it can appear that everyone who derided you now wants a share of the identity you suffered under. Even if this isn't the reality.
@@eoincampbell1584 They are basically the same thing, but action figures come from previous canons. Also, the fact that Action Figures are a femine thing masquerading as a masculine one makes them more nerdy imo
Same with being a woman in gaming. Doesn't matter if you're a gamer or a game developer, you're always going to get death threats and told you're not good enough.
*Geeky. Nerdy is when you're really smart. Geeky is knowing a whole lot of shit about a particular topic. That's why you can be a science geek without being smart (you just know a lot of science)
The only kind of girl that can be a nerd is the main protagonist in a romance Disney film where they take off their glasses at the end and are all the sudden beautiful.
@@zacharyjones6729 I mean any gender can be controlled when it comes to sex appeal. Then again not every girl likes six packs,and not every guy likes huge tiddies.
The meaning of being a nerd died the moment this word became a pop-culture label instead of an insult. Noone's a nerd any more- especially those who want to be.
coming up next: Are you sjw enough? every person who considers themselves to be a part of a group draws the line of what makes someone a part of that group somewhere below them. And I have stong opinions on barbies, fight me.
geek and nerd are synonymous also taking into account that the language is dynamic, today both words encompass in their daily use even more activities or behaviors than we could have described a few years ago, including mainstream ones, as long as they are identified with certain intellectuality or field of knowledge in "nerdy fashion". Whether it's science, pop culture, or different art forms. Several subgroups have tried to appropriate the terms to indicate for example in nerd = science or geek = technology / hobbies / pop culture. But in reality they are not technical words but socially marked slangs by social use, even if some do not wish to, they are currently synonymous used to cover a large number of behaviors and expressions on many different types of knowledge, not necessarily scientific ones.
I thought we agreed to dissolve the Council of Nerds. Literally. In vats of acid. ...What? That wasn't the Council? Then which nerds did we dissolve in acid for their close-mindedness?!
Being a nerd is just about knowing many esoteric facts about something and being really into it (like there are "road nerds" who are obsessed with the details about the different types of roads in the world.)
@@Xeretov From how I understood it, being a nerd was about both being really into something AND knowing a lot about it, while being a geek was just about being really into something
@@SurprisinglyDeep Being a nerd is commonly seen as being a huge fan of fantascientific shows or videogame. Or even just fantasy. But NOT kid-related things
"I can recite the entire Lord of the Rings series in Sindarin"
Prove it coward
You shouldn't accuse someone of cowardice if you have no cause.
Sindarin isn't even that big of a deal. Most of those elves aren't even Eldar! You recite it in Quenya and maybe I'll be impressed.
Yeah, I would like this comment, but I can’t do something like that to my lord and savior...
pfft I can recite the silmarrillion in High Valyrian and Man'darin.
wow, 1k likes
You are either a nerd, a geek, or a person that cares very deeply about the difference.
I.E a dork.
Not really, geeks and nerds are usually the "gifted kids" when dorks are average in school. That's the main difference. I'm obviously a "cares very deeply about the difference", but not a dork, so there is a difference between the 2.
@@catherinemoul9160 you just belong on r\iamverysmart
Tide Pod Pad Thai a dork would be classified as an unintelligent or annoying person, and a dweeb would be an unattractive person in a stereotypical nerdy way, such as with glasses, braces and buck teeth.
@@nithqueen Sorry if I was being rude
Truth is, there is nothing more nerdy than arguing passionately about stuff we love.
No, that is obsessiveness.
*religion enters the chat*
Albert Brammer Socially, it’s only obsessive if it harms you or your community.
MrAwesomeAwesomness for no real reason
Yeah like pineapple pizzas
...this is actually what being a fangirl of anything is like. Good job.
i think fangirl is a newer concept than being a nerd
Fangirls are those annoying beings who just like something soo much that they become nearly obsessed and, most of the time, they write or draw stupid fanfiction of them marrying one male character of the show/videogame etc. Undertale is sadly full of them
@@yasininn76 And fanboys literally go around making straight porn of lesbian characters. What is your fucking point?
Women tend towards fan literature while men tend towards visual fan works. This is especially notable in fan porn.
Once again, the casual sexism of anything “women” and “girls” like not being as valid as stuff men are into.
You are proving the video right.
@@percyross7612 porn is porn. There is porn out of literally anything made by both boys and girls. FANboys tho, are the one who will defend a shitty thing like, dunno, CoD till the end of the world, even if it's last game was bad. And no, women tends more towards visual fan works more than man, especially the young ones, while no one tends toward literature.
And yeah, talking about statistics, there ARE thing where men are generally more valid than women, like manual jobs or nerding over sci-fi novels/films.
Stereotypes are always based over (mostly old) statistics
@@yasininn76 Sci fi wouldn't exist if it wasnt for frankenstein , a book written by a female . Not to mention, thriller and sci fi are mostly followed by women . stop invalidating female stuff , you are proving the video right lmaoo
The way she says "SCAAAAANDAL IN THE DREAMHOUSE" made me howl in laughter. Because I've seen every episode of Barbie's Dreamhouse 13 times.
Someone shoot me please.
don't worry I'mma commin'
Yo, these Barbie movies where dope.
With pleasure
The reason I like ur comment is coz u said shoot me!
This is why need therapists
“Maybe if you were 45 and a man, but if you’re 12 and a girl.. NOOOOO!”
That's actually true. Somehow.
@@vrcxdc3623 I'm in my 60's and a man. I challenge you to an MLP nerd off.
@@vrcxdc3623 THat's not true, that's sad. Fixating on fiction meant for little girls shouldn't make you nerdy.
LOOOL I love how "nerdiness" has shifted so far that to associate it with being "sad" or "pathetic" are for some reason antonymous? A fixation on anything to a useless level because of a personal obsession is to be nerdy. This video taking shots at some hypothetical men is just divisive bullshit trying to make men and women argue in the comments.
@@ajnode It's weird that you agree with the message of the video and yet doubt there are people who are like the men in the video. Look at this comment section, sadly there are plenty of people who use an old and exclusionary idea of what is nerdy just like described here.
Real nerds would know that this video was really about geeks.
OMG. I don't know whether to feel ashamed or proud of the fact that I was thinking the same thing.
What’s a nerd then?
@@joelformica8344 generally I've seen the narrow definition of nerd used for somebody who has a plethora of knowledge with niche real world application. These can be razor thin however and often be in a gray area. For example: A popular theory about Metal Gear Solid 3 is that it's in reality a VR simulation. Some of the arguments are that Roy Campbell will be heard on the game over screen if you cause a game over by method of creating a time paradox, snake mishearing "virtuous mission" as "virtual mission", the fact that calorie mates exist in the game, and references the JFK Special Operations Center. This whole thing is a theory that is within geek culture but the issue with calorie mates and the JFK SOC are issues that derived from the fact that neither should have existed at the time. Knowing when calorie mates and the JFK SOC were created is an obscure piece of knowledge that would fall under the scope of a nerd. At least this is my understanding of the differences.
I’m both!
Well, depending who you ask lord of the rings is nerdy, as it’s heavily inspired by much older legends and stories, that themselves come from tails of knights etc but I see a very clear argument for why it’s geeky. I will stand by the fact d&d is nerdy though, as you actually get the skill of playing it. Just my opinion though.
1:54 Fun fact: the term ”action figure” was invented by Hasbro in the 60s to market GI Joe dolls to boys
That's because GI Joe, the film I mean, is kinda so adults, it has a lot of blood and violence
Action figure are not dolls. The point of dolls is to dress them up in different clothing. While with action figures you don't really focus on the clothing.
@@user-uy1rg8td1v NOT ALL DOLLS
@@user-uy1rg8td1v Its literally a made up distinction. Pieces of plastic.
@@user-uy1rg8td1v found the 45 year old man with a basement full of action figures
And then when your interest is a male-dominated media (i.e. Batman) men love to test your knowledge constantly and claim you’re not “nerdy” enough if you get anything slightly wrong.
Men do it to each other all the time.
@@slashbash1347 not as much as they do it to women to invalidate their nerdiness. if a man makes a mistake, it's like "oh i'm sorry i made a mistake." but if a woman makes a mistake, she's a fake fan and isn't nerdy at all and just so mocked for it.
@@pascaleand0r That's a lie. Bet you've never seen guys truly argue about the most useless geeky stuff. If they don't do it in front of you its because they probably don't trust you. But man have i seen guys geek out trying to prove who the biggest fan is and prove that the other is just being fake. Please don't speak on what guys do and don't do if you aren't one.
@@sergioalvarez1919 i don't tend to argue with nerdy guys bc they constantly invalidate my nerdiness, my knowledge. And that's always shitty. But i do know that men are acting like them making a mistake isn't nearly as bad as women making mistakes. The video was on point.
@@pascaleand0r Sorry to hear that but that is the unfortunate aspect of life. Because geek culture tends to be male dominated so their will always be those insecure people. Its no different if someone were to question my parental abilities or abilities to decorate a house because somehow people think women are always better at that. I don't take it personal and just prove them wrong not necessarily on what i mentioned but you get the point. And like i said, you can't really talk about the male perspective because we are also called not real fans if we get one thing wrong.
“Now we must adjourn so the Weeb Council can make their decision”
“I have the word Kawaii in my username”
“You’re a weeb”
“I made a halfassed attempt to learn Japanese”
@@IAteYourLastCake you're a weeb *adjourned*
“I watched a nanosecond of a non mainstream anime”
"I listen to vocaloid music, and not that mainstream Hatsune Miku stuff."
@@romxxii no utauloid? Disgusting.
Oh you’re a nerd? Name three of their albums.
Ha ha! I see what you did there. N.E.R.D.
Well done, I've got no bloody clue what you're talking about.
In Search Of...
No One Ever Really Dies
White and nerdy, I will derive, and the anaconda (ch version)
Stuffed animals are not nerdy.
- The guy who strokes his stuffed Aragorn while watching Hentai.
Nerdy does not equal weeaboo??
McNuggets Jugger Aragorn isn’t weeaboo
@@hrishiv27 hentai is :0
Haha, so true.
-the girl who strokes a stuffed Soushi Miketsukami in yokai form while watching yaoi.
Where might one find a stuffed Viggo Mortensen... for science purposes?
Um actually… nerd refers to academic knowledge, this is a Council Of Geekiness
Um, actually there is no agreed distinction between geek and nerd. I've always heard nerd used for obsession over a fandom and geek for academic knowledge. Everyone seems to swap them around depending on what they've heard each used for first.
@@ugaboj umm actually....nerd are a Creature made by Dr. Seuss.
@@ugaboj Watch epic rap battle of nerdiness they get the distinction right theirs some overlap even as it shows but they are distinct things. A good line from it is when the nerd says "I was the cool version of uncool before uncool became a thing'
Uga Engelhart Um actually, we should really get a standard for these terms
Um actually, you aren't playing um actually right now, and also, popular usage defines words, which would not only make both usages correct, but let the word "nerd" pull ahead when it comes to the cultural phenomenon of showing appreciation for stuff.
The sjw button hits too close to home lmao
Me: I love comic books
Some dude: pretty sure you just want guys to like you
Me: My comic book collection is bigger than yours though it isn't fair to just say all my interests revolve around men
what is sjw?
@@richtigmann1 social justice warrior
Disbeetaa it’s a way men found to label women who point out sexist and prejudicial things in the world. It’s a very demeaning term to justify acting the way they do with the ideia that people shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable for being sexist.
@@vitoriawithanaccent you are wrong there, the sexist geeks actually use the term wrongly, sjw is used to describe people who uses feminism to intentionally act out situations to make non-sjw's look bad
@@CharmedReally7 you're the one who's wrong, bud.
*"Prove that you are a nerd."*
*"I'm asian."*
LOL true.
But were they approved Asian by the Asian council?
Asians can't be nerds, they call Otaku !
At my school there is a whole lunch table and discord chat made up of Asian nerds with some non Asian nerds such as myself
@@sorban5352 That's Japanese, and China is NOT Japan.
Wait is this a sequel to "Are you asian enough?"
Edit: anndddd my most liked comment is about an obscure ch video
Edit 2: "You're black!"
And the majority of the viewers watching this video don't know that
I do
Yes sir
I di
Knowing what that is sounds nerdy af
That high five was weaker than my mayonnaise- and water-based salsa.
Spoiler: it's just mayonnaise and water.
With a hint of air.
That hint of air really brings together all the flavours
Oh yeah, we use that dip for our wonder bread. So much flavor!!!
That will taste yummy in my chicken broth potato soup with some grinded pepper to REALLY give it a good kick! 😋
ReptileMan 0912 ground pepper?! You absolute madman!
My Texan heart just gave out
Very clever using Thor's Hammer for this. "You are NOT worthy...of being a NERD!" Begone!
It'S cAlLeD mJoLnIr
@The Launch Crew
It wasn’t. this video is actually referring to geeks, not nerds lmaoo
Is anyone surprised that he can lift it.
It’s just Bella then why does the title literally have the word nerdy in it, and why do they only mentions nerds (not geeks, mind you) in the video
Wait are they under the impression that Game of Thrones was a series first? Those guys need to get out of the chairs.
Well, "Game of Thrones" is the series, "A Song of Ice and Fire" is the books.
@@snufkin-w7n Um, Actually "Game of Thrones" is the title of the first book, which was out 15 years before the show.
@@DiannikaAlyse, it's-"A Game Of Thrones",so yeah,they are correct
I was on the side of the judges but she honestly made me realize my own bias
character development
Still don't believe beanie babies are nerdy. Just lame
I’m still on the side of the judges
That's called character development honey and you're doing grwat
@@camostrike4395 Stay sexist then
The SJW button made me physically combust with laughter
Same! I busted out laughing and had to re-watch it
what does it mean
@@gaming-machine4692 stands for "social justice warrior ".
@@gaming-machine4692 It means Social Justice Warriors. Basically, it's a group of people who, as nerds believe, want to replace all the white males in media with women or people of color or both. The excuse they make for this kind of thinking is that they're not racists or misogynists but simply want to maintain the artistic integrity of the franchises they love which coincidentally means that all protagonists should be white males and everything else is SJW propagnda. Nerds who have a bit of common sense try very hard not to associate themselves with those racists
Nir Stern omg you kind of snapped this is a good definition
Tbh I know more hp female fans than males
No one is disputing that. HP is not inherently "girly" though and therefore listed as one of the "acceptable" nerd interests
@@Dunnowhocares if Harry was Hariette though...
Which is god damned sad because its a fake fantasy series bent on lameass wizards and school outfits.
Peter A you know what else is sad? That a fake fantasy series bent on lame ass wizards and school uniforms is loved more than you will ever be, and unlike you, will be remembered in 10 years
Peter A sorry, had to do it
This video was made about 5 years too late, but I enjoyed it.
Yea this feel relevant like to 3-4 years ago.
@@keremcantarhan unfortunately it's still kind of relevant tbh
Lol this video has not stopped being relevant, nor will it for a long time.
I know this even as a white guy from Canada.
Yeah, no, this is absolutely still relevant. My female friends still have to put up with this idiotic gatekeeping all the time. And don’t even get me started on the SJW button.
maybe 5 years ago was too soon from the black widow nerd video?
*thor comes in*
Council:Ahh youre a classic marvel nerd
Thor:actually no, im here looking for my hammer
Wouldn't that suggest that these guys were worthy of weilding it if they were using it as a gavel?
Plus Thor doesn't even have to "look" for Mjolnir when he can just call it back to himself.
the council is worthy in the eye of odin
Gatekeeping nerdiness is a new low for humanity, but it’s also kinda funny
The most hilarious part is that this video portrays the male 'gatekeepers' as the antagonists, and the female 'nerd' as the hero. Bitch is trying to get into a club full of losers, then bitching when she can't get in. They're all pathetic; men and women.
@@ajnode Wow dude, who hurt you?
Really? That's the new low? It beat out the Holocaust and casual rape and slavery?
Damn gatekeeping must be pretty hardcore
Excuse me? The video is presenting a scenario and I'm critiquing it. What's the problem? The premise is stupid for two different reasons: it targets these spiteful nerdy men who don't want to include women in nerd culture; and it praises a woman for wanting to be part of that same group. But based on the way it is presented, why would she want to be part of that group? Both of these parties are stupid, and neither should be seen positively.
@@ajnode There are female nerds who like fucking action figures like GI joe. You can like GI joe and still have a vagina. You just can't like barbies.
This is Rekha's appeal to Um, Actually
It's a spiritual sequel to "Are you Asian enough" which was one of the funniest sketches. You should check it out!
In defense of Um Actually, a show like Sex and the City wouldn’t qualify on account of being a modern day drama. Obviously one can be a nerd over a drama, but male-centric modern day dramas (at least AFAIK) are also excluded. I don’t think they’ve done questions about the Sopranos or Breaking Bad, for example. If I’m wrong about that, then there’s no excuse for the exclusion.
That said, Barbie and Beanie Babies should totally qualify.
Um, Actually is the same thing, except more like in a 'the cobert report' kind of way. They're both punching 'up' at nerds.
Wait, is Barbie not a modern drama?
F. I. R. E. Fair question. I was thinking more in terms of it being a toy and being equivalent to Transformers or GI Joe. Also, the franchise has grown to include video games and animated films.
I also hate that you can't be a nerd and are seen as a fake fan if you can't recite a Wikipedia page worth of information about it
And even then, I know every word (EVERY. WORD.) in every line in every single song of the Death of a Bachelor album (and about a third of Pray for the Wicked), and people, after _years,_ are still quicker to call me an emo than a nerd. 'Cause I guess my extensive Star Wars fiction (fan or otherwise) database and the giant periodic table poster on my wall are _so_ edgy...
kate hodges I would say being a nerd got a new meaning. Its more computer, sci-fi and fantasy related. Nothing to be pissed about. This word was ment as an insult after all.
@@f.i.r.e.5119 I still have my emo streak in me and I definitely wouldn't call Panic at the Disco emo anymore. Nowadays they pander to the mainstream. Which I don't mind but I definitely miss edgy emo bands like get scared and stuff
Thank you for that.
Anyone who still calls Panic! emo proves automatically that they don't actually listen to their music.
Nowadays, it's just mainstream enough. Which makes it all the more criminal that they have, what, two songs on the radio?
You can’t be a nerd but you can be a fan. What’s wrong with that?
So on point. I've had guys be disappointed I had even a mixture of male and female interest. I can like sci fi and also watch Crazy Ex Girlfriend?
less of male and female interests,, more of shows men do and don't feel emasculated by enjoying
The answer to your question is yes, yes you can.
*cough* Princess Principal anime.
Crazy Ex Girlfriend is so good though!!! I'm definitely a CXG nerd lol
i was hanging out at a party where my friends and i were talking about marvel heroes and just the regular back and forth that happens there. one of the guys that was by us laughed about how nerdy it all was (but not in a mean way) and said he didn't understand the interest in it. later i heard him talking to one of his buddies about some gun he bought and all the different variations to it and how some models have different calibers (some such details i don't know much about) and then talked about the history of it and how it evolved from different guns and i laughed and explained to him how the stuff he was talking about was just as nerdy as our stuff. after some back and forth he realized how in the end its just useless information about something that doesn't really matter but we just happen to be interested in. good times.
Honestly I think the beauty of being a nerd is sharing the experience with fellow nerds, sharing experiences and learning about new things. To be nerdy is to be passionate about what you love, not gatekeeping Sci-Fi and Fantasy
“Gremlins are stuffed animals, right?”
No, Mogwii are stuffed animals. Gremlins are weird green things.
I think gremlins would close to lizards
Gremlins is a movie. That’s what made me mad.
Gremlins are the things that scared william shatner at 20000 feet
I was waiting for somebody to say:
"i'M NOt liKe oThER giRLs"
i'M QuiRkY
I eat ChIcKeN nuGgeTs and LiKe To GeT a LiTtlE dIrty, unLiKe tHoSe WhOrEs whO Go tO nIghTcLubS
Gacha Kitty Hm, I feel like you missed the point of this sketch.
@@AddBowIfGirl It was a joke.....
There's a name for them now: pick me bitches
I like this, because a person can be a nerd about anything.
most nerds i know would agree, i have yet to meet someone who doesn't define a nerd in this way, yet i hear about many people talking about how nerds wont let women into their nerd-spaces. look at gamer gate for example, can you find anyone who was saying they wanted women out of their gaming, excluding the counter-movement, of course. (fine young capitalists) nerds are one of the most tolerant groups around, rather, they care the least about these kinds of things until they start losing, at which point they say anything to try to get the other person mad.
It’s true!
Yes but like, being a "nerd" for mlp is just being a brony, I feel this episode muddles the word "nerd" too much
@@dropout were you replying to Daryl Jack or David Lewis?
"Muddling" of nerdiness... Gatekeeping who a 'nerd' is the problem. You are the problem.
"If you don't think Steve is a magical creature..." Lmao
I appreciate the sentiment but technically everything discussed here is Geek culture. Now my wife citing her expansive knowledge of biology and the strange qualities creatures have due to evolution then that is nerdy
Sorry, you didn't start with Um, Actually so we can't give you the point.
just let them build their straw man
Jesus... Who cares about your stupid argument.... Its not cool to be a nerd and never was... Id rather talk to someone who actually did something with their life then someone who spouts off pointless facts that goes nowhere in life. If she actually exercised shed probably live longer....
Peter A what?
@@petera2788 what?
Lore nerds of HBO's Game of Thrones are not nerdy, they're mainstream pop culture junkies who refuse to read the actual source material.
OrangeOnTop That was my thought too. If it’s mainstream, it’s not nerdy.
I feel attacked
@@Psera Not necessarily. Although it is true that you can't really be considered a Planetos lore nerd if you only go by the show.
Nerd culture has become much more mainstream in the past years
Psera That can’t be the rule. Popularity ebbs and flows. Doctor Who can be be considered nerdy, and the one of the UK’s most popular and long running shows.
Well obviously manic pixie dream girls are not part of the writers paradigm realities so they have to ask th!squestion? When the obvious answer should be yes.
I would kill to listen to Lily's Sex and the City inaccuracies list
I never realized how true this is until now
Jess is a HUGE nerd!
She is. I have strong belief.
And her acting is wonderfully beautifully done.
Yes, My little pony, Star vs TFOE, Gravity Falls and similar shows are nerdy.
My Little Pony, the 1986 movie, was produced by the same people who brought you the animated 1985 G.I. Joe TV series and 1986 animated Transformers film ... which can be considered nerdy boy things. Oh, and the toys were all created by the same company to. So, I think we can consider My Little Pony nerdy at least by proxy.
Nobody is saying that it isn't
@@arrivalathumanity3481 We don't need to lawyer it, MLP is nerdy because it is. It's kind of like defining what's "spiritual". Fantasy shows with mythology are nerdy.
I agree with this all except minus SvTFOE
no they are normal!!!
Damn, great commentary about nerd gatekeeping!
I've met more nerds who were women and gatekeepers than I have nerds who were men and gatekeepers against women. In fact, I have yet to meet one nerd who gatekeeps against women (aside from other women who are nerds who don't think things like Twilight or Rainbow Bright are nerdy enough).
Tim Brown okay? What do we do with this information?
Justin Y 2.0
'i think this'
'i don't think this because of this'
'it doesn't matter that you disagree'
Justin Y 2.0 make a chart?
zorro lmao true
Reminds me of the guy who tried to convince me my interest in Pokemon wasn't nerdy like his because I play the games but don't metagame them, don't have type matchups competitively memorized, watched the anime (too mainstream), and had a Pikachu themed room as a kid ("a REAL fan would know Pikachu sucks").
Yeah okay boo boo
You don't have the type matchups memorized?
Don't you do that kind of automatically when playing the games?
I enjoy jogging but I wouldn't say i'm an athlete for the same reason.
@@tychowozniaki9269 They said competitively memorised, which I assume means they know them well enough to play the games, but would lose in tournament play to competitors who have the meta memorised to a point where they know exactly which pokemon is best against any other specific pokemon. Could be wrong.
@@RumblesLikeDumblebee but meta isn't type advantages. I would say I know all type advantages. That doesn't mean I would win any battles, but I do know which attacks would be super effective or not very effective.
@@tychowozniaki9269 All I'm saying is they used the word "competitively" when discussing it, which I'm sure is the most important word in that part of the comment.
I love how Um Actually takes the advice of this sketch pretty well and would absolutely have Barbie and My Little Pony type questions
A sequel to the "Am I Asian Enough?", indeed...
Me looking at the thumbnail: Well duh they can.
How very woke of you.
A Wizards Kiss if you consider that “woke”, than you most have been in a near death comma for the (checks history book)
...the last 9 thousand years
@@shiningstar737 I think he or she was joking or being sarcastic.
maybe, maybe not. But in this case it would be *ironic* , not sarcasm
@@shiningstar737 alright
I’m also into conventional nerdy things like D&D lord of the rings and magic gathering and I can confirm even fitting the stereotype being a girl still gets you frozen out a fair amount
ok but the SJW button made me laugh that was ICONIC
Way to confuse nerd and geek, collegehumor.
Nerd = Booksmart
Geek = Lore Obsessed
It used to be that way, but they've merged in the last thirty years.
@@roqulere News to me. My geeky friends get pissed when you call them a nerd. They would say, "I hate school. Stop calling me that."
Way to get get wrong. Nerds are practitioners. They aim to achieve things related to their particular subject. Booksmart doesnt translate into actual practical/tangible achievments. If anyone, the geek is booksmart.
@@roqulere No. No, no, no. People not knowing words well enough to differentiate them doesn't make them the same word. Jealousy and envy are still different. Less and fewer still have proper contexts which are mutually exclusive. It is still that way, and it always will be, no matter how consistently and for how long people get them mixed up.
spazz = me
Okay to be fair I used to follow the whole MLP thing and it definitely qualifies as nerdy.
Ever seen the extended universe with the IDW comics? That shit goes wild
No! And if i saw you in the street and you looked and/or acted like any of these people id punch you.
This made me want to rage quit my TH-cam app.
Well done CH. Well done.
Lmao right?
If she thinks all nerds are misogynists why does she want to me called one
zachary jones because nerdism *shouldnt* be misogynistic* , duh
Let me be clear I do not think that nerds are a misogynistic group I was speaking in terms of what she thinks of us she seemly whole heartedly believes nerds are bad people if she believes so strongly to make a whole video about it why does she want to be one
@@zacharyjones6729 I know a lot of guy nerds who are super awesome and supportive and amazing people! But I've also met a frickin ton of guys who essentially act like the two dinglebats in this video. Probably a lot of girl/women or female presenting nerds have, I know personally every gal in my social circle has at least one story of a guy (usually at a Con) who was rude, dismissive, or tried to gate keep.
If you've never had that experience, I can understand your concern, but I assure you the writer is addressing something well known and experienced among many of us.
Gotta love this. I’m a girl and a huge superhero and video game nerd. I can relate to this sketch. Especially how people think girls can’t like certain stuff
The callout on the sexism in the brony fandom is on point.
Dustin with The My Little Pony Theory: I’m about to end these men’s whole career.
Nerds lean towards academic pursuits and knowledge, and are studious and intelligent in a chosen field. Geeks are fans or enthusiasts of something, focusing on trivia and memorabilia.
I like my definition of nerdy. It pop culture related and you got beaten in school for it, your in my nerd club. Welcome :D
“Welcome to the club, we have jackets.”
I don't think any of this stuff is nerdy. It's geeky.
Geeks are consumers of media and pop culture.
Nerds are academics who indulge in intellectual pursuits.
One day the internet will understand.
The difference is vague and they can be used interchangeably you don't need to be picky about it
I love how Lily is basically in character from the Game of Thrones Therapy where she is still into Sex and the City
She just can't let it go. That's why she's in therapy.
This sketch actually helped me realize that I do this, too. It’s so easy to dismiss something nerdy by a woman especially if it’s tailored *to* women but everyone is a nerd about *something* and it doesn’t have to be everything that *I* find interesting because *I* am a nerd.
I was just teaching my yr 12 Media class about gatekeeping. I'll have to share this to them. Great sketch.
I feel like the word “nerd” and “geek” are getting mixed up here
They are.
THANK YOU. Y'all people have lost your dayum minds
Yeah, see, it also seems to have been different depending on where you live. I always learned a nerd was really into stuff and being a geek was about academic interest. But I've seen tons of people that say it's the opposite. It might also be that I'm from The Netherlands, where the English term "nerd" was commonly used, but "geek" was not. So they would just use nerd interchangeably for either.
@@japster7217 Geek comes from a circus term meaning a person who acts in a bizarre way. Nerd comes from Dr. Seuss and was adapted into college slang.
I will never be a nerdy enough for nerds literally this is every conversation I have
This was so frustrating to watch
She's not a nerd tho, she's a geek
@@godlikejr.3683 exactly
@@godlikejr.3683 Geeks are for scientific knowlege, Nerds for fandom knowlege.
She is a Nerd.
Monte Cristo actually it’s the other way around
@@mananexus I just checked up and wow, I was wrong. It is even more confusing considering those terms are used interchangeably.
i love this. just accept your own brand of 'too much information' and enjoy it.
I’m nerdy for something that mostly only get recognized as “oh yeah that one scary kids film from the 80’s” or “oh yeah that one scary kids show on Netflix” and that is the dark crystal.
I can recite each clan’s territory, capital, totem animals (with only one exception), patron tree and the maudra they had during age of resistance
Descendants is nerdy enough, it has magic, extensive backstory including some that fans are still speculating on, it even has an entire movie franchise, TV show, AND it ties a whole universe of characters together.
Check mate, I can be a Descendants nerd
I'm so glad they made this video. Once Jess mentioned it in the CH podcast I have been chewing it over. My husband and I religiously watch um actually and his fandoms are way more represented than mine. Hopefully future episodes will help highlight female centered fandoms.
I always thought nerd stuff was stuff that being obsessed with made you an out cast
Eyon Palmer lmao like what? star wars? game of thrones? those are so wildly popular being obsessed with those things dont make you an outcast
Imogen Snowden those are popular but being obsessed with them isn’t I knew a kid who regularly got beat up because he knew every droid name that being said I think the stuff said in this show could be considered nerdy I mean and adult being obsessed with beanie babies is super weird and nerdy
@@evilgemiosman,as long as they don't harm anyone it's ok. Bullying,gossiping and getting mad over silly things is childish,but people don't focus on them
0:31 The first thing I noticed was MLP shirt, anyone else? :DDDDD
This is brilliant. Just perfect. I couldn’t love it more. Holy shit. I’ve been trying to articulate this observation for like, the last 15 years. Brava!!!
Add Bow If Girl it's a shitty articulation tbh. How are fantasy and sci fi shows male centered? high key anyone could watch and enjoy them and be considered geeky. barbie is mainstream culture though, it's completely different.
Damn that emergency SJW button was hilarious 😂
Marguns21 3:20
Marguns21 on the table
This should be titled "Are you geek enough?" lol
Just wait a couple of decades and all the "girly" things will be a guy thing like star trek and the beatles
😭😭😭I appreciate this video so much I wanna keep it in my pocket for when I'm in this situation
I wish things like this existed outside of buzzfeed
I feel attacked for all the right reasons...
Sarimasu same way you can be a Firefly nerd, but with more source material.
@@hk0444 You can be a nerd of anything by definition(the correct word is geek but whatever),just pick a topic and learn a lot of shit about it.
Sarimasu You seem like an incel. I’m not calling you an incel, just saying you seem like one.
What if I'm a nerd for college humor? Would they let me in?
If you are 45 and a male yes, if you are 12 and a girl no.
@@RB-in7fl What if I'm 29 in January and trans?
Glad to see you guys hired the old Big Bang Theory writers.
I’m fairly certain that the shift to “nerds” being cool was driven by the Big Bang Theory, Glee, and Marvel movies.
I recognize this set from "Are you Asian enough?" Love both of these sketches!
Life was simpler when Nerd was a pejorative. The Gatekeeping is silly, but I am sympathetic to those who feel that now the term is rehabilitated that it can appear that everyone who derided you now wants a share of the identity you suffered under. Even if this isn't the reality.
I don't think you understand the difference between a nerd and a geek.
The difference is regional.
Action Figures actually ARE way more nerdy than Barbies tho
How tho? They're basically the same thing.
@@eoincampbell1584 They are basically the same thing, but action figures come from previous canons. Also, the fact that Action Figures are a femine thing masquerading as a masculine one makes them more nerdy imo
I study Medicine so i guess I’m nerdy enough lmao 😂
How do you know someone's a doctor or studying medicine?
They tell you! hahahaha
no not a nerd the knowledge has to be useless
Lewis' Poon-Jutsu Sensei lmao 😂 yeah or with the scary labcoats 🥼
Marwan Sakas tons of books 📚 makes us Nerds 🤓, but why they are connected?! 😅
Do you wear glasses with tape?
That limp wristed high five at the end...immaculate.
Same with being a woman in gaming. Doesn't matter if you're a gamer or a game developer, you're always going to get death threats and told you're not good enough.
🎶 Are you nerdy, are you nerdy enough? Yes I am, oh yeah! 🎶 (Melody of "Are you ready for love")
*Geeky. Nerdy is when you're really smart. Geeky is knowing a whole lot of shit about a particular topic. That's why you can be a science geek without being smart (you just know a lot of science)
The only kind of girl that can be a nerd is the main protagonist in a romance Disney film where they take off their glasses at the end and are all the sudden beautiful.
This one was the best one I've seen in a while! U go CH!n
why are these CollegeHumor sketches so friggin' addictive to watch?
I mean what they going to do if she came in wearing cosplay🤔
If it was something like princess Leah or Chun-li, they'd agree she was nerdy, just because she'd be hot. Guys are easy to control sometimes haha.
@@ravenstorm2849 haha sexism
Haha if I had a 6pack and never wore a shirt the girls would let me join them at the club Haha girls are so basic
See we can do it to
That would be a mic drop for her, don't you think?
@@zacharyjones6729 I mean any gender can be controlled when it comes to sex appeal. Then again not every girl likes six packs,and not every guy likes huge tiddies.
The meaning of being a nerd died the moment this word became a pop-culture label instead of an insult. Noone's a nerd any more- especially those who want to be.
coming up next:
Are you sjw enough?
every person who considers themselves to be a part of a group draws the line of what makes someone a part of that group somewhere below them.
And I have stong opinions on barbies, fight me.
Even knowing the name of at least one of Barbie’s sisters and can name three Barbie movies is *DEFINITELY NERDY*
geek and nerd are synonymous also taking into account that the language is dynamic, today both words encompass in their daily use even more activities or behaviors than we could have described a few years ago, including mainstream ones, as long as they are identified with certain intellectuality or field of knowledge in "nerdy fashion". Whether it's science, pop culture, or different art forms. Several subgroups have tried to appropriate the terms to indicate for example in nerd = science or geek = technology / hobbies / pop culture. But in reality they are not technical words but socially marked slangs by social use, even if some do not wish to, they are currently synonymous used to cover a large number of behaviors and expressions on many different types of knowledge, not necessarily scientific ones.
I thought we agreed to dissolve the Council of Nerds. Literally. In vats of acid.
...What? That wasn't the Council? Then which nerds did we dissolve in acid for their close-mindedness?!
The ones responsible for maintaining the American eduction system.
Oh yeah, sorry guys, those where just fans of Robot Chicken. My bad! I'll pay for the next fat of acid
Tommy was Ken's brother, not Barbie's. She already forfeited the game.
Did she? Or did you?
When did being nerd become mugging stuff on crappy entertainment show.
Being a nerd is just about knowing many esoteric facts about something and being really into it (like there are "road nerds" who are obsessed with the details about the different types of roads in the world.)
@@Xeretov From how I understood it, being a nerd was about both being really into something AND knowing a lot about it, while being a geek was just about being really into something
@@SurprisinglyDeep Being a nerd is commonly seen as being a huge fan of fantascientific shows or videogame. Or even just fantasy. But NOT kid-related things
I think you have to first set up a framework of objective qualifications for nerdiness, then quantify everything into that framework.
Unattractive = nerd. Attractive + nerdy = enthusiast