Spoiler warning There's nothing at the end, sadly. That hole doesn't lead anywhere. I used a BLJ Anywhere cheat code to skip past that teleport trigger to discover that.
The only legitimate way I can think of to cross would be to use a very large first-frame wallkick chain, assuming the game didn't mod it out of the physics. Using a gameshark, any code that significantly increases mario's velocity should allow you to reach the end, as you will be moving so fast that you bypass the game's attempts to warp you backwards
If this is true then some places in this game you can only reach if you know how to speed run as I thought. Example the final warp for legit bowser at the top of the castle being locked by a gate, i'm sure using BLJ will glitch you through it for a warp zone. Or how another person used BLJ in their video and found themselves in some forest area.
Backwards long-jumping maybe? Only thing i could think of since functionally it looks similar to the trick the vanilla game endless staircase uses, just with less effort put in to hide the looping. I wouldn't be surprised if they accounted for that though
maybe you could BLJ against the wall in front of the entrance to build up speed? idk if it’ll work, but iirc speedrunners have done that in normal Mario 64 to glitch through stuff, though it may have only worked in corners, or perhaps I’m thinking of pressing against a wall for extended time or something idk.
There's multiple exits in the castle that will drop you somewhere while deducting a life from the counter, and won't cause a gameover if you go below 0 lives. I know one is in Bowser's throne room in the corner.
Spoiler warning
There's nothing at the end, sadly. That hole doesn't lead anywhere. I used a BLJ Anywhere cheat code to skip past that teleport trigger to discover that.
thanks for telling me, i was wondering if i was missing something.
Ah yes, the endless stairs' long lost brother, the endless hallway.
The place with the “endless hallway” is called Familiar Floor
The only legitimate way I can think of to cross would be to use a very large first-frame wallkick chain, assuming the game didn't mod it out of the physics. Using a gameshark, any code that significantly increases mario's velocity should allow you to reach the end, as you will be moving so fast that you bypass the game's attempts to warp you backwards
If this is true then some places in this game you can only reach if you know how to speed run as I thought. Example the final warp for legit bowser at the top of the castle being locked by a gate, i'm sure using BLJ will glitch you through it for a warp zone. Or how another person used BLJ in their video and found themselves in some forest area.
There’s fucking nothing
*Sisyphus music starts playing*
My brother: just smack the cumputer it will work!
Backwards long-jumping maybe? Only thing i could think of since functionally it looks similar to the trick the vanilla game endless staircase uses, just with less effort put in to hide the looping. I wouldn't be surprised if they accounted for that though
You can't BLJ here because it's a hallway, not stairs. The reason why BLJ even works in the first place is because of Mario 64's wonky stair physics
@@AlexSpherebob you can do it under a ceiling too
@@AlexSpherebob hi alex bob
@@Gray555 hello
maybe you could BLJ against the wall in front of the entrance to build up speed? idk if it’ll work, but iirc speedrunners have done that in normal Mario 64 to glitch through stuff, though it may have only worked in corners, or perhaps I’m thinking of pressing against a wall for extended time or something idk.
What could be beyond this?
I actually used cheats to get to the end, it crashes ur game so, dissapointing
I don't think there's a definitive way to get at the end of the hallway (at least for now)
U can but with cheats, however you will be dissapointed by whats at the end tho
how did you get negative lives?
There's multiple exits in the castle that will drop you somewhere while deducting a life from the counter, and won't cause a gameover if you go below 0 lives. I know one is in Bowser's throne room in the corner.
@@HereticYoshi makes sense
Can you BLJ?