What's going on has this world flip or what this would never happened 30 or 40 years ago its bad now what going to be like in 10years time its also happing in Ireland to its just unreal
She's absolutely ridiculous. Social housing should go to British people first, and what's left over should then go to foreigners. How she can think otherwise is beyond me.
I am an immigrant paying 40% tax as a doctor. Completely agree that people without working a single day are enjoying and top of it complaining. It is not about speaking English but being a HUGE/ MASSIVE burden on me and others. Why should not Brit complain??? They have all the right to do so.
The speaking English is a massive issue and I come from refugee parents who learnt English in 6 months BY THEMSELVES because it’s rude, arrogant and disgusting to be welcomed into a country and not bother learning English.. I married a man whose parents were here the same time as my parents and they didn’t speak a word of English.. and didn’t associate with any locals because they were racist. Even my husband had a terrible attitude towards the locals and ITS 100% proof when people don’t speak English or the language of their adopted country.. they are sending a message they DOTN WANT TO ASSIMILATE OR KNOW THE PEOPLE..
The council house next door to my daughter and the one across the road as been empty for over 12 months. Makes you wonder who they are saving them for.
As a disabled War Veteran we used to be on priority 1 now we are priority 3. I have terminal cancer and still can not get a bungalow or ground floor flat.
@bkhan791 How about you Habibi? Did you serve your country? Wear the uniform of your adopted country? Would you put your life on the line like thousand of veterans have done and who deserve our eternal gratitude?
@@bkhan791 I left the RN after 16 years, in 1994, I have tried working 1st Call Bailiff I left shity job, chauffeur for a year until brain haemorrhage, after that I have slowly gone down hill with my back injury (1987) Combat PTSD, burnt oesophagus & stomach lining, Gulf War illness, Spondylosis of my spine, numerous other illnesses etc due to service Falklands War and 1st Gulf War, and now cancer.
meanwhile ; here I am at 31 years old, dedicated my adult life to learning and working... have a career in Engineering and can't afford to run car and put a deposit down on a 2 bed apartment.
Its wrong dean their time will come and i will enjoy every second as i doubt any of them twats realise what will come their way. England wont let this be forgotten 🏴🏴 keep strong lad
@@MAZ732 well im a bit limited mini stroke seizure intensive care last 3 years from figjtimg fit to struggle to walk - YET THESE IMMIGRANTS ARE BETTER OFF AND IVE WORKED ALL MY LIFE HOW DOES THAT WORK ?
Aint many of them. Most come here illegally, lie about their circumstances and rob the Tax Payers money. This is Britain and regardless British people in OUR home country should get treat 1st priority over migrants. Country is to packed as it is, barely can get a bus or train these days. @konstantino72
It’s understandable to feel frustrated with the current system, but supporting Reform UK can be a bit tricky. While they promise change and speak out against the establishment, their ties to capitalist elites often mean their policies might end up benefiting the wealthy more than ordinary people. Populist parties like this can exploit cultural and economic anxieties, but sometimes their solutions overlook the risks to democracy and social stability. It's important to consider not just what they say, but who backs them and what they stand to gain.
NINA WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE HAVE BRITISH HOMELESS ON OUR STREETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silly women are the reason the west is dying, they got the right to vote and have been destroying us from within! All those women holding refugees welcome signs are responsible!
she has an immigrant background her loyalty is not towards English just like Sadiq Khan and Kemi Badernoch did live here until she was 16 years old have you heard her talk about black on black murders?
She isn't. It's a game her group like to play. She may have been born here but she wasn't raised to see herself as English. Always separate, always hostile to their hosts, always playing the victim.
She is arrogant like most british middle class people. That stuck the elderly in work houses and children up chimney while painting pictures of happy farming british people smiling with enjoyment when in reality they live in misery. The british middle class have always been blind, arrogant and full of hypocrisy...
@@dorislee4694 I need to pay £2700 from my pocket every single month . I can't believe they pay £677 ,so as I see some immigrants are more favourites in this country
She belongs to the same group that are behind all of this. & it's going on the United States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand as well as the entirety of Europe with only two or three exceptions.
@@sakhter4044PA isn’t a party. Heritage run by a black, you’re right but very wrong. Vote for the NRP or homeland. Also research what you’re actually saying? Maybe…
I was homeless for 6 years & lived in a multi story carpark with 8 other homeless people that were white & English. My whole time living on the streets I never came across a foreigner living the way we had to.
@@navboi12 That was a great rest event in of itself. Many of those migrants pushed on into society and became well integrated. Many of those migrants will be walking around today under the white native status. A good 15% of today's white native population WERE the migrants from British commonwealth countries many times removed. Don't they teach people about the Medieval tradition of Anglicising surnames? It will have still been a thing in the 1940s and 50s for sure
@@navboi12In 1961,immigration had still only made up 5% of the population,so although many thanks,of course,is due them,and the work they did,they were not being accused of being lazy,thus triggering this woman’s comment!
Britain is bursting at the seams with illegal immigrants while our old retired people after working all their lives are being denied winter fuel is Disgraceful.
@Imperial_Boltgun, a shariah court apply justice better than British courts?? What planet are you living on?? You clearly have no idea about Islam whatsoever, and it's barbaric practices, which involve discrimination against women, in marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance and the fact that a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man. And all that before we even get started on the hudd punishments and child marriage and sex slavery, death penalties for apostasy and blasphemy, and the chopping off of hands for theft, and flogging and stoning people for adultery, all of which is totally allowed that their shariah permits them to do, but thankfully is not allowed in the uk. And thats british justice for you. At least for now...
@@ernestwakefieldI am especially fed up of MASS LEGAL IMMIGRATION, it makes up over 96% of all immigration, and in my area I hardly see any British people 😢😢 it is also rough as badgers a... here
Correction, it was said that there is no taxpayers money available for the WASPI women, women who have been forced to keep working beyond 65 , many of who are exhausted , unwell, disabled & generally burned out from being unpaid caregivers , mothers , wives as well as having to work their guts out to make ends meet all their working lives. It’s such a massive attack on the most vulnerable of this country . The cruelty & injustice towards the British people is unforgivable
Id rather my income tax paid waspi women what stalin starmer promised them to get their votes and paid pensioners the heating allowance and have put homeless incl exservicemen who FOUGHT for this country and are sleeping on streets and dying on the streets than have my taxes used to pay MILLIONS every day for illegal immigrants to stay in fancy hotels food provided clothing phones bikes and cash ALL provided by courtesy of us MUGS the British taxpsyers and I'm sure majority of them will agree with me after all NOBODY asked the BRITISH TAXPAYERS if they'd be happy to see their hard earned cash pay for cushy life for illegal immigrants and how many of them are actually working illegally and earning 100s as delivery drivers for companies like UBEREATS and Just eat to name but a few and immigrants don't care that they park their bikes outside their cosy hotels with their UBEREATS bags attached to rear of bike all cash in hand and us mugs picking up the tabs for their hotel and everything else they get I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with civil war thanks to Stalin Starmer and LIEBOUR party as they're blatantly anti British unfortunately I won't be alive to witness LIEBOUR downfall as I have terminal cancer thanks to waiting MONTHS for tests and then even more MONTHS to actually SEE a CONSULTANT who told me ID left it too long and there's nothing they can do for me now I asked off the record if I'd been seen when I first complained about symptoms would it have been different and his reply wSs off the record if you had been seen a lot earlier we may have been able to treat you BEFORE it spread to liver and lungs but your too far gone now but if an illegal immigrant arrives and needs a doctor in a number of hotels government has provided PRIVATE HEALTH CARE for them and they are treated right away despite FACT I have worked hard my whole life and paid into the system and they have paid nothing but are given priority they wouldn't have been forced to wait months for tests and scans and would have been given treatment immediately in case they accused us of being racist there's NOTHING Great about Great Britain anymore if your a British citizen as we're rapidly becoming second class citizens in OUR OWN COUNTRY my dad fought in WW11 believing he was helping make Britain a better and SAFER place for future generations must be turning in his grave seeing way were treated all his young pals who died during the war must be turning in their graves as well they made the ultimate sacrifice for Britain and for WHAT EXACTLY they died for nothing as illegal immigrants are treated better than us and other immigrants want us to go back in time and bring back BLASPHEMY LAWS and we're not allowed opinions our freedom of speech has been denied to us stating an opinion will get you jailed government is blatantly ANTI BRITISH and a disgrace to the memory of the men who formed the REAL LABOUR PSRTY unlike this bunch of freeloaders only interested in getting as many donations and FREEBIES as they can get freeze pensioners while they who are receiving 10 times what an OAP gets are claiming thousands for THEIR heating allowance I suppose I should actually be glad I'm dying before liebour actually kill me off along with the 4000 oaps stalin starmer said WOULD DIE if winter heating allowance was stopped but I'dovr to live long enough to see LIEBOUR party get exactly what they deserve just to see the MIGHTY FALL id die happy I'm ashamed to say that I used to be a staunch labour voter but didn't trust Starmer after he set labour up to LOSE an election to get rid of Corbyn so he could be leader of the party stabbed Corbyn in the back after he'd outlived his usefulness to starmer so I voted reform 9if I was fortunate enough to live to another election id vote reform again as after every lie LIEBOUR told in their manifesto id not trust one LIEBOUR MPs to put a penny in my meter they'd rob it and empty the meter to hand cash to the ILLEGALs or to line pockets of all these people and businesses giving them the freebies BRIBERY is what I believe they received and final straw was Stalin Starmer kicked off about Tory leaders freebies and we then discover HE received MORE FREEBIES than ANY MP in recent history slagged off Nigel for going to USA asked if he needed a visa to return yet he's NEVER HERE KIER always jetting off Every WEEK and said he supports climate change what with all those private flights either he's totally THICK or he genuinely thinks British people are telling us if we don't like it leave HE is WHO SHOULD LEAVE before he finishes what he's started the ANNIHILATION of British people in Britain god help us all as the lunatic have definitely taken over the asylum 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
So right! I lived my Dad during that time and had NO money between the age of 60 till 66 - I was lucky because my Father paid all the house bills but many Waspis did not have the luck that I did. Yet oaps are fighting for £300 heating allowance. Imagine losing THOUSANDS OF POUNDS = SIX years of pension money, not just a couple of hundred! Absolutely disgraceful that no-one will compensate the WASPI Women who have had such a tough time over the years. The Government say they can’t afford the bill BUT are paying a darn sight more keeping the boat people who arrive daily on our shores, PLUS the fact they show no sign of wanting to stop them coming in.
Nina is a very naive woman. England is supposed to look English in my opinion. I will be visiting England and consequently London from Australia at great expense. I don’t expect to see a 3rd world city which I would not want to visit. I am from London and it looks unrecognisable to me now.
London is so disappointing! I used to host foreign students who said they didn’t hear any English voices in our capital which was the point of their visit! Try to visit some picturesque villages and towns and enjoy a Cream Tea whilst you’re here and enjoy 😊
I'm a forener living here for more than 20 years. Never claimed a penny , I'm working and paying taxes and adapted to the culture. I feel the change and I'm sad to see this nation so welcoming trashed out. I've not claimed to have anything from my culture and didn't require any of that, as I am aware that England is my home and I love it bits❤
@juliamaddern That witch Nina must be protecting Starmer for a reason,cannot wait to see her face when she finds out that Starmer was removed and replaced long ago, there's is not going to be anymore elections or corrupt MPs,Nina and her scum buddies are toast already.
Because the State and its woke actors fear being labelled a 'phobe' and/or something beginning with R. EVEN THOUGH those being pandered to could not care less about those who are not part of the ummah.
This woman is trying so damn hard to stay RELEVANT!!!!!! Otherwise; if she ACTUALLY stood up for The British people then she would be labelled far right and she doesn’t want to be called an old karen……
The goverment gives them documentation and identification based on whatever name and age they claim they are. The identification they give them is what is used for benefits.
Simple different rules to those who come on a boat to a man or woman born here . This is your corrupt government giving in to those who don't belong here for what for what they know how to rub us British up the wrong way.😡😡
@@martynblackburn9632 We are in the worst housing crisis in living memory. The competition for housing in London is so fierce that landlords can pick and choose their tenants. Millions of new people are coming here at a time when over 30% of landlords have sold up. Rents have gone through the roof because demand far outstrips supply, and landlords in the private rented sector aren't even interested in showing me their properties as a pensioner.
@@martynblackburn9632 We are in the worst housing crisis in living memory. The competition for housing in London is so fierce that landlords can pick and choose their tenants. Millions of new people are coming here at a time when over 30% of landlords have sold up. Rents have gone through the roof because demand far outstrips supply, and landlords in the private rented sector aren't even interested in showing me their properties as a pensioner.
Turn the telly off ? Actually, the problem is that people have been kept quite comfortable and are scared to lose what they have. People revolted in the past because they truly had nothing. It may come to pass in the future when the financial jiggery pokery that has driven the false illusion of wealth with ever increasing house prices can no longer be sustained.
As a person who's been teaching English for over 25 years, most non-English speakers want to learn to speak English above all other languages. If the English already speak English, exactly which languages does this woman think the English SHOULD learn, given there are literally hundreds of languages besides English to learn? Can you imagine if Istanbul was a mere 36% indigenous indigenous Turkish? What would people have to say about that? This woman is deeply insulting to the indigenous British people.
This is becoming a problem with integration in the UK - mostly we don't know what language is being spoken by the person standing next to us - so how do we purport to become proficient in some/what other language in order to communicate? Meanwhile most taxpayers are too busy working to pay for all this welfare nonsense and don't have the luxury of time to embrace a second language.
Keir has chosen to ignore the fact that the British tax payer pays his wages and works for us. I thought the Tories was completely out of touch but then you get keir.
Truth is the government don't give a dam about the British folk, and the tax payers are nothing more than a cash cow to keep the imagrants in the life of luxury
@@mjones4083 I wouldn't put it pass them. Why on earth can't they see what they are doing to Britain! People are upset, but there voices can't be heard because you will be arrested for speaking out. Your expected to shut up and do as your told. My question is how are we to vote in the future? If we can't give our opinions, after all the vote means the voice of the people. Well the people have had enough of dictatorship.
What’s actually going on ? , I’m from California and came here as a spouse of a British citizen and on my initial visa it clearly stated I could not receive any public funds within the first 2 years of living in the uk . Also I thought if you could not take care of yourself without help from the government you would not be allowed a visa to come here in the first place .Since entering the country I have worked continuously and put into the system every week out of my pay packet, what is happening, why are people being allowed to come here and just take take take ???
Not out of touch, deliberately trying, (& very much succeeding), to cause as much anger as possible to the good people who can see what's going on & are justifiably outraged.
@@DSDJ1986 I agree. Why shouldn't we expect people to speak English in England, seems the right thing to do if you want to live here. She loves winds people up by calling them racist, its the easy trump card, so why is she saying this to someone who loves his country. Is it so wrong to want your country back to way it use to be, living with people with the same values and way of life that we treasure. Many Brit's go to Spain to live and learn Spanish or move to France and learn to speak French, its the right thing to do. We welcome people with open arms and now there taking over and yes it does not look or feel like London anymore, speaking other languages other then English, takes away the identity of the country.
@@Moni-hb5ze I think the there is a clear population replacement happening, but in a soft and subtle way, compared to what brits did few centuries ago in places like US,CANADA,AUSTRALIA,NEW ZEALAND. Nature is punishing brits for what they have done in the past, Now I think brits can slowly understand the feelings of natives in these countries.
@@Moni-hb5ze "Many Brit's go to Spain to live and learn Spanish or move to France and learn to speak French," Many spanish and french would disagee, brits are one of the most non assimilation people in the EU, Many brits feel, since english is global language and have the sense of superiority complex which leads to non assimilating in other EU nations
@snoopy63ify I am going through this right now. I am studying to achieve level C1 German, it's not even a debate. I also know enough German already to communicate with the indigenous people of this land. To get citizenship here you also need to study German to level B1, not a requirement in the UK to study English to level B1 I guess?
Nine Myskow think that's right talked rubbish in the 1980s still doing it now what is England supposed to look like answer is England that's not being racist stop making cheap digs at a fellow who made perfectly innocent statement
My mother had an Italian friend who had a property in Italy,yet lived here and got a council flat,yet her English boyfriend had to live with his parents,I always wondered if I could go to Rome and they’d give me a flat,and we wonder why people come here?
@@Bella-fz9fy I think the there is a clear population replacement happening, but in a soft and subtle way, compared to what brits did few centuries ago in places like US,CANADA,AUSTRALIA,NEW ZEALAND. Nature is punishing brits for what they have done in the past, Now I think brits can slowly understand the feelings of natives in these countries.
I am a foreign worker here in England, Ive realised that this country is too kind to immigrants, not that they shouldn’t be because its illegal in your country to discriminate people, but muslim/arab countries are so strict in their laws, they even sentence death penalty/ do capital punishment to foreigners there. They even treat foreign workers as a lower class than arabs or their nationals i.e. job positions and benefits are given priority to their own whereas when they come here to England they are being treated fairly. My point is, you should have stricter standards on accepting people in your country..
As soon as the grifters appeared spouting gibberish, I had to stop watching out of absolute anger. If this doesn't stop soon, there will be civil unrest.
She gets it right enough. She just does it to sound pious. How she has managed to have a career in journalism with her opinionated views for so long is mind boggling. I have to mute her when she appears on GB News or switch channels. Adam deserves a medal for bravery and patience.
House these veterans first, please. They have served our country and paid in to the system.m too. They should go to the top of the list, automatically.
This is disgusting. I have to pay 25 per cent of my rent out of my pension plus 10 per cent of my C.C. When I buy food, I'm actually diagnosed with malnutrition, I have to sit with a quilt because my homes too cold. My private pension is tiny but I paid into one. Why I bothered I don't know.
I hope you've asked CAB for an assessment to make sure you're getting every penny you're entitled to now you're retired. There's also the website Turn2Us that's very comprehensive. Can your surgery do something to help highlight your malnutrition to authorities? x
Im a black english born here and i agree. The town i was born in has nothing to do with my culture. I worked in public service all my life. My children are born here and has been on council list for 15 years. My parents are from the british west indies. How is this fair to my children and many other children born here.
Well said she is one idiot .i couldn’t believe what she said on a talk show she actually said she has got a senior citizens rail card to get cheap rail fare I thought oh my god would you be bothered for godsake she has got millions of pounds she is one pathetic Scrooge
A lot of English people who only speak English live in England if you move to another country it is expected for you to learn the language in Order to assimilate into that country and culture
I live on a new Build estate owned by Simplelife homes. The estate has 48 2 to 5 bedroom houses. I am one of only three English people on this entire estate and im one of very few who pays my own rent
Unbelievable shall I let you in on a secret , that home is registered as theirs forever, their expenses are paid by the government they don’t have to pay a penny or arrange anything , they can be arrested , go to jail , commit crime and they still keep the house, if they go to jail for ten years they come out and the house is still theirs. Guess what happens when they pass away, the same house goes to their children as it is the “family home” on and guess what , if they want to buy it with a 70% discount they can.
This is what annoys us people they give these people housing first .dont want to interact.i was in tescos and prople watching there money .theres this family trolley full of grouse whiskey red bull .i said thats some party .oh its a birthday party for 2 year old .so was sitting outside come with another big trolley full .i thought was taxi .nope top bmw wtf .they come here next brand new car .if u miss a payment ur blacklisted .now the young boys r driving top range electric bikes i asked oh how much that 1000 pounds wtf
Careful Patrick Christy! You Don't want to be 'Permanently relieved' of Your Position for having an Opinion and Speaking the Truth like Mark Dolan 🤫 I actually get a Physical reaction to hearing all this news about Our Country... My Heart Sinks to my Stomach and it Hurts... It Feels like i am Bereaved.... I think deep down inside, my body acknowledges that My Country is Gone 😓
Sorry Susan I’ll explain what happens, they don’t claim for social rent, the councils and housing associations provide the house / flat, provide the bills and council tax it doesn’t pass through the persons bank it is all arranged for them. If the rent for that house is 3-4K it is paid for by the government, they the claim all the normal benefits uc, pip and mobility car. Bringing their monthly income to like £5000 all without ever working or paying tax
It's a crime against the British people
But they do nothing
Making foreigners “Brits” is a crime.
The British people have never had it so good.
Farage riots was a crime
I don’t think British people are running the government anymore.
72% of Somalis living in the UK live in social housing… why on earth are hardworking British taxpayers having to pay for that?! 😤
Same in Australia 💯💯
Looks like they really are the captains.
Yorkshire Rose helping our homeless while taxpayers paying for illegals in hotels.
Cause you love everyone.
In the US, taxpayers funding posh hotels all across the country
Thanks Patrick for being truthful, which is more than we get from Starmer and the government.
These immigrants must laugh themselves to sleep every night !
In the warm having been well fed...at our expense.
The immigrants know what they’re doing. And the British are being too accommodating.
No must about it...... they do in front of us.
I live in a muslim country, i pay for everything , health care, house, car , petrol, and if i don't work, ior get residence, i would be thrown out
What's going on has this world flip or what this would never happened 30 or 40 years ago its bad now what going to be like in 10years time its also happing in Ireland to its just unreal
British homes for British people
You are talking the bloody truth and it's disgusting to let our service men and women have to live on the street
I don't like this lady 😢
You're in a big club
Oh, missus, we don't have to speak foreign languages because English is the world's language, so foreigners should speak it!
People like her are a huge part of the problem .
She's absolutely ridiculous. Social housing should go to British people first, and what's left over should then go to foreigners. How she can think otherwise is beyond me.
I am an immigrant paying 40% tax as a doctor. Completely agree that people without working a single day are enjoying and top of it complaining.
It is not about speaking English but being a HUGE/ MASSIVE burden on me and others.
Why should not Brit complain??? They have all the right to do so.
🙏 🤲 Thank you
@@uzmahaq1358 problem is they complain but with a sprinkle of racism
@@bkhan791 facts aren't racist
@@bkhan791Always your way of shutting down an argument. The race card.
The speaking English is a massive issue and I come from refugee parents who learnt English in 6 months BY THEMSELVES because it’s rude, arrogant and disgusting to be welcomed into a country and not bother learning English.. I married a man whose parents were here the same time as my parents and they didn’t speak a word of English.. and didn’t associate with any locals because they were racist. Even my husband had a terrible attitude towards the locals and ITS 100% proof when people don’t speak English or the language of their adopted country.. they are sending a message they DOTN WANT TO ASSIMILATE OR KNOW THE PEOPLE..
That woman is definitely wrong Brits must be prioritize before any immigrants.
Always the bleeding hearts. Like in America where they brought into a rich man's area, the rich men shipped em right back at.
Why doesn’t Nina pay for these migrants from her own pockets if she is so concerned about them.
As her family were migrants, that's why she is so defensive of migrants. 🙄🙄
Take some into her own posh pad even.
Yep , exactly ! We have ex service men who are homeless, they should be housed , not the migrants !!
She obviously won't
Or just get them out the country and re - remind the gov that those are not the UKs problem
British people do deserve the Council houses first
No profit in that
💯 x 💯 x 💯 %
English, Scottish and Welsh should be before foreigners with British passporrts.
@@I-ww7hhwhat profit does the government get when putting in migrants rather than British citizens
The council house next door to my daughter and the one across the road as been empty for over 12 months. Makes you wonder who they are saving them for.
As a disabled War Veteran we used to be on priority 1 now we are priority 3. I have terminal cancer and still can not get a bungalow or ground floor flat.
I'm so sorry to hear that 😢. You should be top priority for a suitable home. It infuriates me that any veteran is being treated so badly.
@VeteranRN need more info. When did u retire from service and what you been doing since then?
@bkhan791 How about you Habibi? Did you serve your country? Wear the uniform of your adopted country? Would you put your life on the line like thousand of veterans have done and who deserve our eternal gratitude?
@@bkhan791 I left the RN after 16 years, in 1994, I have tried working 1st Call Bailiff I left shity job, chauffeur for a year until brain haemorrhage, after that I have slowly gone down hill with my back injury (1987) Combat PTSD, burnt oesophagus & stomach lining, Gulf War illness, Spondylosis of my spine, numerous other illnesses etc due to service Falklands War and 1st Gulf War, and now cancer.
Bloody disgrace hope you get help x
meanwhile ; here I am at 31 years old, dedicated my adult life to learning and working... have a career in Engineering and can't afford to run car and put a deposit down on a 2 bed apartment.
Your fault
Its wrong dean their time will come and i will enjoy every second as i doubt any of them twats realise what will come their way. England wont let this be forgotten 🏴🏴 keep strong lad
So fight for your country or leave it.
It’s your choice but moaning about it will fall on deaf ears.
@@MAZ732 well im a bit limited mini stroke seizure intensive care last 3 years from figjtimg fit to struggle to walk - YET THESE IMMIGRANTS ARE BETTER OFF AND IVE WORKED ALL MY LIFE HOW DOES THAT WORK ?
@@brianpotter3807❄️❄️❄️ lefty melt
The British taxpayers are sick of being a charity for the world 🌎
What about the foreigners taxpayers?
Aint many of them. Most come here illegally, lie about their circumstances and rob the Tax Payers money. This is Britain and regardless British people in OUR home country should get treat 1st priority over migrants. Country is to packed as it is, barely can get a bus or train these days. @konstantino72
Everyone who pays taxes fair enough, but half of them dont, just think they are entitled. You come in this country and pay taxes or get gone.
and being told we owe them. BS we owe them nothing
The US is a charity for the world lol
It’s understandable to feel frustrated with the current system, but supporting Reform UK can be a bit tricky. While they promise change and speak out against the establishment, their ties to capitalist elites often mean their policies might end up benefiting the wealthy more than ordinary people. Populist parties like this can exploit cultural and economic anxieties, but sometimes their solutions overlook the risks to democracy and social stability. It's important to consider not just what they say, but who backs them and what they stand to gain.
@@johnhopkins4012 isn't refoooorm. A Limited company??? Lol
Yes now soon
NINA WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE HAVE BRITISH HOMELESS ON OUR STREETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She doesn't care.
@@Richard-Cashisking 100% Richard, everytime she annoys the hell out of us all
She is deliberately controversial
@@Richard-Cashisking sick of them removing my comments
Wish she would go elsewhere to live !
Does anyone feel sold out?
*pimp3d out more like.
Absolutely 🎯
Absolutely what a disgrace
Yes and depressed.
In the Netherlands, immigrants have to learn the language within a time period.
Over 30 years ago my brother offered English lessons to the Pakistani women of Bradford and no one bothered to learn the language.
Poss., man/men of house denied permission. ❤
What an absolute disgrace!!!!!!
Do you work?
@@brianpotter3807 I've worked in factories for years and you? what do you do?
@@brianpotter3807 I've worked in factories for years and you with your new channel what do you do?
He trolls.@@juliemaddern
@@Richard-Cashisking And another new channel, we can guess who they are ...
This woman is what is entirely wrong with Great Britain
Silly women are the reason the west is dying, they got the right to vote and have been destroying us from within! All those women holding refugees welcome signs are responsible!
*I can all but guarantee you she is or has done something awful in her past and she's playing white knight to compensate for it.*
Yes. Too much college and Glastonbury festival in the 80s in my opinion.. Still tripping.
Shes completely naive and does not live in a rough area, obviously had a sheltered and easy life.
Ye where does she live, and if she's on some kind of colonialism guilt trip why does everyone else have to follow her on the road to wokedom
All people do is talk about this issue but nothing ever changes 🤬
This interview was going so well , before Nina started talking .
She doesn't talk. She interrupts, points her finger, overrides, talks over, butts in and the most rude and obnoxious leftie known to mankind.
Nina and her corrupt buddies are toast,when 2024 is over they will never be seen on tv again.
She’s been a tool her entire career, sadly I’m old enough to remember! Done well for a millionaire socialist.
Nina is the main problem...
How is Nina that ignorant?
she has an immigrant background her loyalty is not towards English just like Sadiq Khan and Kemi Badernoch did live here until she was 16 years old have you heard her talk about black on black murders?
She isn't. It's a game her group like to play. She may have been born here but she wasn't raised to see herself as English.
Always separate, always hostile to their hosts, always playing the victim.
She is arrogant like most british middle class people. That stuck the elderly in work houses and children up chimney while painting pictures of happy farming british people smiling with enjoyment when in reality they live in misery. The british middle class have always been blind, arrogant and full of hypocrisy...
@@DSDJ1986and always accusing others of being racist because that’s her only argument…
She is ‘white immigrant privileged’
She’s clutching at straws. She’s the hypocrite.
Nina is infuriating!
She's absolutely batty! She should be put in a home.
You can guarantee she lives in a posh area of London and isn't affected by the diversity she claims to love.
She's built a career on being obnoxious.
She was the pantomime baddie on TV shows decades ago.
That's putting it politely 😡
Plus watching her neck wattle is unpleasant.
Nina Miskow has always spoke out her arse.
@@SparkyJohn111 she spoke out of ...coz her father was Eastern European officer
677pound a month and on benefit we are paying for it WHY ?ITS DISGUSTING I DID NOT WORK FOR 50 YEARS FOR THIS 😢
It is absolutely disgusting the way she plays the race card because she has no other defence, gets on my nerves
@@dorislee4694 I need to pay £2700 from my pocket every single month . I can't believe they pay £677 ,so as I see some immigrants are more favourites in this country
@@Antiwar80who gives af?
British people are more kind and soft hearted then the average normal people around the world why so many keep coming here
Shria courts should be banned in the UK. We have our own legal system.
Sharia police next.
there can only be one law, and its NOT Sharia law. It must be stopped.
where are the shria courts?
Not good enough for them
@@robnewell2303 it’s well documented in London …there’s a shocker huh
Wake up nina and leave your lefty bubble
I'd rather she went to sleep.
No let her leave altogether
She's paid to agitate! 😏
Is this lady serious?
Vote for Reform ❤ Nigel Farage ❤
This country is making me a racist. I wonder why 😂😂😂😂
@@BertramG-oz4nu it's not racism, it's patriotism.......
Our only hope
"Vote"... Lol, do you know what Einstein said the definition of insanity was/is?
Nina, if natives cannot live in their own country, which country can they live in?
That's a bit too deep for Nina...
She belongs to the same group that are behind all of this.
& it's going on the United States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand as well as the entirety of Europe with only two or three exceptions.
Natives need to speak up and vote for the many national parties homeland, pa,hertige and ukip.
@@sakhter4044PA isn’t a party. Heritage run by a black, you’re right but very wrong. Vote for the NRP or homeland.
Also research what you’re actually saying? Maybe…
😂😂😂 Australia cough cough usa cough cough what hapoend to their natives?
That woman had no idea. Uk people cannot go to Spain and get social housing.
I was homeless for 6 years & lived in a multi story carpark with 8 other homeless people that were white & English. My whole time living on the streets I never came across a foreigner living the way we had to.
They are a protected species
I’m sorry you had to go through such a terrible time….i hope that things are better for you now 🙏
@beccastephaniethornqvist ❤
@@beccastephaniethornqvist ❤
You never will ither !!!!
We are not lazy we built this country 😠😠
I mean, technically migrants from British commonwealth countries helped re-build Britain post war. Where's their thanks or acknowledgment?
@@navboi12 That was a great rest event in of itself. Many of those migrants pushed on into society and became well integrated. Many of those migrants will be walking around today under the white native status. A good 15% of today's white native population WERE the migrants from British commonwealth countries many times removed. Don't they teach people about the Medieval tradition of Anglicising surnames? It will have still been a thing in the 1940s and 50s for sure
@@navboi12In 1961,immigration had still only made up 5% of the population,so although many thanks,of course,is due them,and the work they did,they were not being accused of being lazy,thus triggering this woman’s comment!
@@navboi12 Sure thing, pal.
What a load of bull
Britain is bursting at the seams with illegal immigrants while our old retired people after working all their lives are being denied winter fuel is Disgraceful.
Wait what, how on earth do we have sharia courts in the uk? This is insane.
They probably serve justice better than the British courts tbh.
3 tier justice ⚖️ system
@@Imperial_Boltgun now that is a weak cowardly incel thing to say. We are not becoming Iran ok, that is Sharia law its no joke.
been going on since at least the early nineties, just more of them now.
@Imperial_Boltgun, a shariah court apply justice better than British courts?? What planet are you living on?? You clearly have no idea about Islam whatsoever, and it's barbaric practices, which involve discrimination against women, in marriage, divorce, child custody, inheritance and the fact that a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man. And all that before we even get started on the hudd punishments and child marriage and sex slavery, death penalties for apostasy and blasphemy, and the chopping off of hands for theft, and flogging and stoning people for adultery, all of which is totally allowed that their shariah permits them to do, but thankfully is not allowed in the uk. And thats british justice for you. At least for now...
If you come over on a boat And get a house before someone who’s been on housing waiting list for 6 years that’s is wrong !
Standard practice these days ain’t it
Doing more for them then their own
What a bloody shambles we the British public are totally fed up of all this
Totally fed up? I’m fully furious
@@ernestwakefieldI am especially fed up of MASS LEGAL IMMIGRATION, it makes up over 96% of all immigration, and in my area I hardly see any British people 😢😢 it is also rough as badgers a... here
We should all have a say, voting means nothing these days. Politicians these days only look out for themselves anyway.
Your groceries now going up. Some new kick in the teeth for the British taxpayers every day!
Some people just don't get it.
Vote Reform.
Thanks Patrick. You are fantastic 👏👏🖐😃🇭🇲🖐👏👏👏
Correction, it was said that there is no taxpayers money available for the WASPI women, women who have been forced to keep working beyond 65 , many of who are exhausted , unwell, disabled & generally burned out from being unpaid caregivers , mothers , wives as well as having to work their guts out to make ends meet all their working lives. It’s such a massive attack on the most vulnerable of this country . The cruelty & injustice towards the British people is unforgivable
The money is theirs already , they paid NI contributions automatically. Our glorious leader is spinning sh1te again .
Plenty of tax payers money for foreigners.
@@letsdoitnow121 and for politicians heating for their 2nd homes.
Id rather my income tax paid waspi women what stalin starmer promised them to get their votes and paid pensioners the heating allowance and have put homeless incl exservicemen who FOUGHT for this country and are sleeping on streets and dying on the streets than have my taxes used to pay MILLIONS every day for illegal immigrants to stay in fancy hotels food provided clothing phones bikes and cash ALL provided by courtesy of us MUGS the British taxpsyers and I'm sure majority of them will agree with me after all NOBODY asked the BRITISH TAXPAYERS if they'd be happy to see their hard earned cash pay for cushy life for illegal immigrants and how many of them are actually working illegally and earning 100s as delivery drivers for companies like UBEREATS and Just eat to name but a few and immigrants don't care that they park their bikes outside their cosy hotels with their UBEREATS bags attached to rear of bike all cash in hand and us mugs picking up the tabs for their hotel and everything else they get I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with civil war thanks to Stalin Starmer and LIEBOUR party as they're blatantly anti British unfortunately I won't be alive to witness LIEBOUR downfall as I have terminal cancer thanks to waiting MONTHS for tests and then even more MONTHS to actually SEE a CONSULTANT who told me ID left it too long and there's nothing they can do for me now I asked off the record if I'd been seen when I first complained about symptoms would it have been different and his reply wSs off the record if you had been seen a lot earlier we may have been able to treat you BEFORE it spread to liver and lungs but your too far gone now but if an illegal immigrant arrives and needs a doctor in a number of hotels government has provided PRIVATE HEALTH CARE for them and they are treated right away despite FACT I have worked hard my whole life and paid into the system and they have paid nothing but are given priority they wouldn't have been forced to wait months for tests and scans and would have been given treatment immediately in case they accused us of being racist there's NOTHING Great about Great Britain anymore if your a British citizen as we're rapidly becoming second class citizens in OUR OWN COUNTRY my dad fought in WW11 believing he was helping make Britain a better and SAFER place for future generations must be turning in his grave seeing way were treated all his young pals who died during the war must be turning in their graves as well they made the ultimate sacrifice for Britain and for WHAT EXACTLY they died for nothing as illegal immigrants are treated better than us and other immigrants want us to go back in time and bring back BLASPHEMY LAWS and we're not allowed opinions our freedom of speech has been denied to us stating an opinion will get you jailed government is blatantly ANTI BRITISH and a disgrace to the memory of the men who formed the REAL LABOUR PSRTY unlike this bunch of freeloaders only interested in getting as many donations and FREEBIES as they can get freeze pensioners while they who are receiving 10 times what an OAP gets are claiming thousands for THEIR heating allowance I suppose I should actually be glad I'm dying before liebour actually kill me off along with the 4000 oaps stalin starmer said WOULD DIE if winter heating allowance was stopped but I'dovr to live long enough to see LIEBOUR party get exactly what they deserve just to see the MIGHTY FALL id die happy I'm ashamed to say that I used to be a staunch labour voter but didn't trust Starmer after he set labour up to LOSE an election to get rid of Corbyn so he could be leader of the party stabbed Corbyn in the back after he'd outlived his usefulness to starmer so I voted reform 9if I was fortunate enough to live to another election id vote reform again as after every lie LIEBOUR told in their manifesto id not trust one LIEBOUR MPs to put a penny in my meter they'd rob it and empty the meter to hand cash to the ILLEGALs or to line pockets of all these people and businesses giving them the freebies BRIBERY is what I believe they received and final straw was Stalin Starmer kicked off about Tory leaders freebies and we then discover HE received MORE FREEBIES than ANY MP in recent history slagged off Nigel for going to USA asked if he needed a visa to return yet he's NEVER HERE KIER always jetting off Every WEEK and said he supports climate change what with all those private flights either he's totally THICK or he genuinely thinks British people are telling us if we don't like it leave HE is WHO SHOULD LEAVE before he finishes what he's started the ANNIHILATION of British people in Britain god help us all as the lunatic have definitely taken over the asylum 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
So right! I lived my Dad during that time and had NO money between the age of 60 till 66 - I was lucky because my Father paid all the house bills but many Waspis did not have the luck that I did. Yet oaps are fighting for £300 heating allowance. Imagine losing THOUSANDS OF POUNDS = SIX years of pension money, not just a couple of hundred! Absolutely disgraceful that no-one will compensate the WASPI Women who have had such a tough time over the years. The Government say they can’t afford the bill BUT are paying a darn sight more keeping the boat people who arrive daily on our shores, PLUS the fact they show no sign of wanting to stop them coming in.
Nina is a very naive woman. England is supposed to look English in my opinion. I will be visiting England and consequently London from Australia at great expense. I don’t expect to see a 3rd world city which I would not want to visit. I am from London and it looks unrecognisable to me now.
Naive!? What a joke. Those TRAITORS are paid well to LIE😂
If you don't want to waste your money visiting a third world city, don't come to London.
Australia, I'll have you know belongs to the Aborigenees.... How do you think they feel that you have taken over???
Thanks to Khan, its all a bigger plot.
London is so disappointing!
I used to host foreign students who said they didn’t hear any English voices in our capital which was the point of their visit! Try to visit some picturesque villages and towns and enjoy a Cream Tea whilst you’re here and enjoy 😊
I'm a forener living here for more than 20 years. Never claimed a penny , I'm working and paying taxes and adapted to the culture. I feel the change and I'm sad to see this nation so welcoming trashed out. I've not claimed to have anything from my culture and didn't require any of that, as I am aware that England is my home and I love it bits❤
it does matter who lives in our homes NINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@juliamaddern That witch Nina must be protecting Starmer for a reason,cannot wait to see her face when she finds out that Starmer was removed and replaced long ago, there's is not going to be anymore elections or corrupt MPs,Nina and her scum buddies are toast already.
Shouldn't Patroclus butter off to his ancient native land on the West coast of Turkey? Don't give him a pass just cause he is of Greek complexion.
How is sharia courts allowed in Britain?
Been allowed for years just that every now and then say they are clamping down to make them look good, then don't!😢😢
@@susansimpson6049 Absolutely shocking Susan
Because the State and its woke actors fear being labelled a 'phobe' and/or something beginning with R. EVEN THOUGH those being pandered to could not care less about those who are not part of the ummah.
British men allow it.
Because politicians are terrified of the very people they imported for literally no reason.
This woman is trying so damn hard to stay RELEVANT!!!!!! Otherwise; if she ACTUALLY stood up for The British people then she would be labelled far right and she doesn’t want to be called an old karen……
They're helped
The goverment gives them documentation and identification based on whatever name and age they claim they are. The identification they give them is what is used for benefits.
Simple different rules to those who come on a boat to a man or woman born here .
This is your corrupt government giving in to those who don't belong here for what for what they know how to rub us British up the wrong way.😡😡
@user-sc4jy2hk5e lol come on are you lot really this stupid
I didn't provide a passport I don't have one.
born and bred in the UK but just don't have a passport
I'm a 66 year old pensioner going through a 'no fault' section 21 eviction. The council haven't found me anywhere to move to. I wonder why.
Plenty of properties you can rent.
martynthesicko with his usual comments.
@@letsdoitnow121 Always expecting the government to bail the pensioners out. It's time young people got a look-in.
@@martynblackburn9632 We are in the worst housing crisis in living memory. The competition for housing in London is so fierce that landlords can pick and choose their tenants. Millions of new people are coming here at a time when over 30% of landlords have sold up. Rents have gone through the roof because demand far outstrips supply, and landlords in the private rented sector aren't even interested in showing me their properties as a pensioner.
@@martynblackburn9632 We are in the worst housing crisis in living memory. The competition for housing in London is so fierce that landlords can pick and choose their tenants. Millions of new people are coming here at a time when over 30% of landlords have sold up. Rents have gone through the roof because demand far outstrips supply, and landlords in the private rented sector aren't even interested in showing me their properties as a pensioner.
It gets worse and worse 😠
As soon as Nina speaks, I'm outta here.
Can’t stand her… can’t believe GB news are paying her for sitting there and spitting verbal diarrhoea….and they got rid of Dan….what a joke!!!!!!!!!
No hardship in her life to relate to the ordinary public.
Is that woman being paid for by Lord Ali..??
Why the hell they have her on is beyond me 🙄
What is it gonna take for millions to get out on our streets and make a stand!! 🤬
yes that what it would take but im afraid it will never happen .
@@GTC-o8d when enough people are directly affected and offended.
Turn the telly off ?
Actually, the problem is that people have been kept quite comfortable and are scared to lose what they have.
People revolted in the past because they truly had nothing. It may come to pass in the future when the financial jiggery pokery that has driven the false illusion of wealth with ever increasing house prices can no longer be sustained.
That's what we need , millions to take a stand, millions to stop paying council tax, we all need to take a stand and stop this
People took to the streets and got slung in prison, face it, we're fucked.
Why are we putting up with this. I worry for my grandchildren.
As a person who's been teaching English for over 25 years, most non-English speakers want to learn to speak English above all other languages. If the English already speak English, exactly which languages does this woman think the English SHOULD learn, given there are literally hundreds of languages besides English to learn? Can you imagine if Istanbul was a mere 36% indigenous indigenous Turkish? What would people have to say about that? This woman is deeply insulting to the indigenous British people.
Ask her to put a refugee up and watch her stutter!!!
This is becoming a problem with integration in the UK - mostly we don't know what language is being spoken by the person standing next to us - so how do we purport to become proficient in some/what other language in order to communicate? Meanwhile most taxpayers are too busy working to pay for all this welfare nonsense and don't have the luxury of time to embrace a second language.
It’s criminal and disgusting!!
@@lookingforthewhy6447 Dubai is 85% English speaking, the local Arabs haven't said a word???
I was put on the council house register at 16 due to abuse, im 37 now and have never heard anything about it since
Same here..
Keir has chosen to ignore the fact that the British tax payer pays his wages and works for us. I thought the Tories was completely out of touch but then you get keir.
God job Nina isn't a judge we would all be racist and set to jail she's happy with her life she needs to walk the streets see the real world
Wonder what her address is?
Absolutely disgusted at this betrayal by our politicians.
Keep going guys, x
Today a British homeless man was found dead in his tent ⛺️!!! Priorities British people first or we are going to see more of these headlines!!!
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😢
Sickening and appalling to hear.
Truth is the government don't give a dam about the British folk, and the tax payers are nothing more than a cash cow to keep the imagrants in the life of luxury
This women is deluded surely she cant be that thick and gullible
Enoch Powel was correct about a lot of things but even he didn`t predict the gullability and stupidity of our "Leaders"
They actually planned this to happen .
People thought him mad then, no now though.
@@mjones4083 I wouldn't put it pass them. Why on earth can't they see what they are doing to Britain! People are upset, but there voices can't be heard because you will be arrested for speaking out. Your expected to shut up and do as your told. My question is how are we to vote in the future? If we can't give our opinions, after all the vote means the voice of the people. Well the people have had enough of dictatorship.
What’s actually going on ? , I’m from California and came here as a spouse of a British citizen and on my initial visa it clearly stated I could not receive any public funds within the first 2 years of living in the uk . Also I thought if you could not take care of yourself without help from the government you would not be allowed a visa to come here in the first place .Since entering the country I have worked continuously and put into the system every week out of my pay packet, what is happening, why are people being allowed to come here and just take take take ???
She should not be able to be given air time, she is out of touch. I do not want my tax paying for expensive so called social housing.
Not out of touch, deliberately trying, (& very much succeeding), to cause as much anger as possible to the good people who can see what's going on & are justifiably outraged.
@@DSDJ1986 I agree. Why shouldn't we expect people to speak English in England, seems the right thing to do if you want to live here. She loves winds people up by calling them racist, its the easy trump card, so why is she saying this to someone who loves his country. Is it so wrong to want your country back to way it use to be, living with people with the same values and way of life that we treasure. Many Brit's go to Spain to live and learn Spanish or move to France and learn to speak French, its the right thing to do. We welcome people with open arms and now there taking over and yes it does not look or feel like London anymore, speaking other languages other then English, takes away the identity of the country.
@@Moni-hb5ze I think the there is a clear population replacement happening, but in a soft and subtle way, compared to what brits did few centuries ago in places like US,CANADA,AUSTRALIA,NEW ZEALAND. Nature is punishing brits for what they have done in the past, Now I think brits can slowly understand the feelings of natives in these countries.
@@Moni-hb5ze "Many Brit's go to Spain to live and learn Spanish or move to France and learn to speak French," Many spanish and french would disagee, brits are one of the most non assimilation people in the EU, Many brits feel, since english is global language and have the sense of superiority complex which leads to non assimilating in other EU nations
I worked in Germany in hotel industry and I was informed I had to attend German language classes.
I give up we have no chance
Meanwhile homeless people dying in tents 🤬
Treason, treachery hypocrisy, what about the human rights of the people of this country Starmer.
we have the right to be prosecuted. That's it
Here, here we are in very bad times . I honestly can't believe what is happening to the British people pure cruelty ..
This country is a dump.
Lotuseatters podcast on Its career motivation + you'll understand what we are in for!!!!!🤯🕳️
Why do people like her hate her own people?
She is not British
She hasn't got a clue
Oh, but she does.
She's deliberately causing as much anger as she can.
Her loyalty is to another nation.
They always have to have a lefty woke spokesperson on the panel to make it interesting
@@DSDJ1986 Most lefties are not loyal to the country they live in.
It's obvious
I’m British but had to learn German when I lived and worked abroad. I was refused employment unless I could speak German
@snoopy63ify I am going through this right now. I am studying to achieve level C1 German, it's not even a debate. I also know enough German already to communicate with the indigenous people of this land. To get citizenship here you also need to study German to level B1, not a requirement in the UK to study English to level B1 I guess?
To get French citizenship you now need fluent French so why does the uk not propose similar laws?
But These type of immigrants aren't looking for employment!
I went germany I saw them interviewing someone in English explain that bs
English should be spoken in England
It’s not easy learning a new language
@@Mary-dk7mcthen why come here
To that lady in sofa:
Nine Myskow think that's right talked rubbish in the 1980s still doing it now what is England supposed to look like answer is England that's not being racist stop making cheap digs at a fellow who made perfectly innocent statement
Nina, can you name one other country where british people can get social housing and benefits?
My mother had an Italian friend who had a property in Italy,yet lived here and got a council flat,yet her English boyfriend had to live with his parents,I always wondered if I could go to Rome and they’d give me a flat,and we wonder why people come here?
@@Bella-fz9fy I think the there is a clear population replacement happening, but in a soft and subtle way, compared to what brits did few centuries ago in places like US,CANADA,AUSTRALIA,NEW ZEALAND. Nature is punishing brits for what they have done in the past, Now I think brits can slowly understand the feelings of natives in these countries.
I am a foreign worker here in England, Ive realised that this country is too kind to immigrants, not that they shouldn’t be because its illegal in your country to discriminate people, but muslim/arab countries are so strict in their laws, they even sentence death penalty/ do capital punishment to foreigners there. They even treat foreign workers as a lower class than arabs or their nationals i.e. job positions and benefits are given priority to their own whereas when they come here to England they are being treated fairly. My point is, you should have stricter standards on accepting people in your country..
As soon as the grifters appeared spouting gibberish, I had to stop watching out of absolute anger. If this doesn't stop soon, there will be civil unrest.
Freezing This Christmas - Single for No1
Let's all download it and make it the Christmas No. 1
There were some other songs on the list, much worse. Did you see them?
I wish it was. But the Beeb won't ever play it on radio 1
Absolutely unfair and so many veterans are homeless shame on govt
That woman is rediculous and jsut doesn't get it
She gets it right enough. She just does it to sound pious. How she has managed to have a career in journalism with her opinionated views for so long is mind boggling. I have to mute her when she appears on GB News or switch channels. Adam deserves a medal for bravery and patience.
Who will build them we do not expect British men and women to build homes for immigrants .mad
Our polite compliance is our own undoing
I tell you what though the companies who got building contracts for these homes and flats must be making a fortune
House these veterans first, please.
They have served our country and paid in to the system.m too.
They should go to the top of the list, automatically.
Keep on Patrick 🧑🎄 spot on as always 👌
This is disgusting. I have to pay 25 per cent of my rent out of my pension plus 10 per cent of my C.C.
When I buy food, I'm actually diagnosed with malnutrition, I have to sit with a quilt because my homes too cold.
My private pension is tiny but I paid into one. Why I bothered I don't know.
I hope you've asked CAB for an assessment to make sure you're getting every penny you're entitled to now you're retired. There's also the website Turn2Us that's very comprehensive. Can your surgery do something to help highlight your malnutrition to authorities? x
@@jwsuicides8095thank you for helping this person ❤
Foreign civil servants , explains it all.
England is white and English dear lady. Look at history.
Hahahaha Karma coming back for yous sneaky mate
Let me laugh 1 more time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Im a black english born here and i agree. The town i was born in has nothing to do with my culture. I worked in public service all my life. My children are born here and has been on council list for 15 years. My parents are from the british west indies. How is this fair to my children and many other children born here.
WHY do you keep getting Nina on! She isn’t interested in Britain or our culture! We have lost our culture and country.
I can't bear to watch her neck any more. That wattle she has hanging down make me feel sick.
Myskow was born in St Andrews in Fife Scotland to a Polish officer father and a Scottish school teacher mother.[
Jjustcannot stand Myskow
Well said she is one idiot .i couldn’t believe what she said on a talk show she actually said she has got a senior citizens rail card to get cheap rail fare I thought oh my god would you be bothered for godsake she has got millions of pounds she is one pathetic Scrooge
A lot of English people who only speak English live in England if you move to another country it is expected for you to learn the language in
Order to assimilate into that country and culture
I live on a new Build estate owned by Simplelife homes. The estate has 48 2 to 5 bedroom houses. I am one of only three English people on this entire estate and im one of very few who pays my own rent
Unbelievable shall I let you in on a secret , that home is registered as theirs forever, their expenses are paid by the government they don’t have to pay a penny or arrange anything , they can be arrested , go to jail , commit crime and they still keep the house, if they go to jail for ten years they come out and the house is still theirs. Guess what happens when they pass away, the same house goes to their children as it is the “family home” on and guess what , if they want to buy it with a 70% discount they can.
New estates in Birmingham the same. We really are the bottom of the heap
@ million pount penthouses in Colindale nw9 housing fake asylum seekers and refugees
That's very very unfair on you. It's socially excluding you.
This is what annoys us people they give these people housing first .dont want to interact.i was in tescos and prople watching there money .theres this family trolley full of grouse whiskey red bull .i said thats some party .oh its a birthday party for 2 year old .so was sitting outside come with another big trolley full .i thought was taxi .nope top bmw wtf .they come here next brand new car .if u miss a payment ur blacklisted .now the young boys r driving top range electric bikes i asked oh how much that 1000 pounds wtf
5 years away from becoming a Islamic country
We are already there
Careful Patrick Christy! You Don't want to be 'Permanently relieved' of Your Position for having an Opinion and Speaking the Truth like Mark Dolan 🤫 I actually get a Physical reaction to hearing all this news about Our Country... My Heart Sinks to my Stomach and it Hurts... It Feels like i am Bereaved.... I think deep down inside, my body acknowledges that My Country is Gone 😓
I feel immense anger...
Welcome guys, you finally made it! Much love.
Starmer Knows these Muslims will be the only people that will vote for him in the Future.
That's why he's endlessly helping them and not Brits.
Lotuseatters podcast on that evil 🐁..a must watch!!😞🕳️🤯
It's called changing the Demographic so Labour party are in power forever. IE cancelled ELECTIONS
He is playing with fire, just because he is a useful idiot to them that doesn't mean they don't see him as an infidel just like the rest of us.
Thank you for your hard work. Dont give up GBN.
Rayner said on tv in an interview recently that 5 out of 7 new builds were being given to immigrants..!!!
This country is an absolute joke what on earth is happening starting to feel uncomfortable in my own country
It’s not our country no more it’s more a Islamic country and it’s only getting worse day by day
I felt safer in Jakarta when I was working and living there.
@@neilmitchinson2680 lol idiots who attacked you you mugs
How are they getting all that rent paid there’s a cap of £600 on social rent claims
So why are they even getting £600 if that's true? No ones paying my rent!
£600 way too rich for me. sorry to say i work, that's next level earnings for plush living like that! 😮
Sorry Susan I’ll explain what happens, they don’t claim for social rent, the councils and housing associations provide the house / flat, provide the bills and council tax it doesn’t pass through the persons bank it is all arranged for them.
If the rent for that house is 3-4K it is paid for by the government, they the claim all the normal benefits uc, pip and mobility car. Bringing their monthly income to like £5000 all without ever working or paying tax
@@q3music248 Thanks for explaining. They obviously don't get much help, maybe they deserve wayyyy much more? 🤔
The cap on rent only applies to us indigenous folk
Everyone else turning up here?
The sky is the the limit , no cap at all