0:55 Windows 1000 BC 0:56 Windows First 1976 Release 1:00 Windows Release 1 1:02 Windows Release 2 1:04 Windows Version 0.0 1:06 Windows Pluto 0.0 1:09 Windows Pluto 0.01 1:11 Windows Version 0.01 1:13 Windows Version 0.11 1:15 Windows Alpha Review 1 1:18 Windows 81 1:20 Windows Alpha Review 2 1:22 Windows Version 0.21 1:25 Windows Alpha Release 1:27 Windows Interface Manager Version 1.00 1:29 Windows Intrerface Manager Version 2.00 1:31 Windows Version 1.01 1:33 Windows NT 1.01 1:36 Windows 85 1:38 Windows Version 2.03 1:40 Windows Version 1.01 SE - Second Edition 1:42 Windows 88 1:45 Windows SN 1987 A 1:47 Windows NT 2.03 1:49 Windows Version 3.00 Beta 1:52 Windows Version 3.0 1:54 Windows Version 3.01 1:57 Windows Version 90 2:00 Windows Version 91 Alpha 2:02 Windows Version 3.02 2:05 Windows Version 3.03 2:08 Windows Version 91 Beta 2:11 Windows Version 3.05 2:13 Windows Interface Manager Version 3.10 2:16 Windows Version 3.1 2:18 Windows Version 91 2:21 Windows NT Version 3.11 2:23 Windows NT Version 3 1/2 2:26 Windows Version 4.0 Beta 2:29 Windows Version 4.0 2:31 Windows Version 4.1 2:33 Windows For Workgroups Version 4.11 2:36 Windows 93 2:39 Windows Interface Manager Version 94 2:41 Windows 94 2:44 Windows Interface Manager Version 95 2:48 Windows 95 2:55 Windows 95 SE - Second Edition 3:02 Windows 95 The Shutdown Update 3:14 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 With Microsoft Internet Explorer 3:34 Windows 95 TE - Third Edition 3:47 Windows Interface Manager Version 96 3:50 Windows 96 4:02 Windows 97 Beta 1 4:15 Windows 97 Beta 2 4:28 Windows 97 4:44 Windows Interface Manager Version 98 4:46 Windows 98 4:58 Windows Interface Manager Version 99 5:00 Windows 99 5:11 Windows NT Workstation 5.0 5:30 Windows Interface Manager Version 2000 5:32 Windows 98 TE - Third Edition 5:44 Windows 2000 Professional Built On NT Technology 5:54 Windows ME - Millenium Edition 6:04 Windows 2000 Server Family Built On NT Technology 6:13 Windows Millenium Server Family 6:21 Windows 2001 6:36 Windows 5 6:47 Windows 2001 Server Family 7:00 Windows 2000 Terminal Built On NT Techology 7:10 Windows Shorthorn 7:19 Windows Whistler 7:34 Windows Neptune 7:44 Windows XP 2000 7:58 Windows 99 SE - Second Edition 8:10 Windows Whistler Beta 1 Release 8:24 Windows Server 2001 8:36 Windows Whistler Beta 2 Release 8:50 Windows Interface Manager Whistler 8:52 Windows Whistler Datacenter Server Edition For 64-Bit Digital Alpha Processor 9:02 Windows Whistler Beta 2 Milestone 4 9:21 Windows Whistler Beta 3 9:30 Windows Whistler Beta 4 9:40 Windows Whistler Beta 5 9:49 Windows Whistler Beta 6 9:59 Windows XP Demo 10:10 Windows Whistler Beta 7 10:18 Windows Whistler Beta 8 10:26 Windows XP 10:34 Windows 5.1 10:44 Windows XP Service Pack 1 10:53 Windows 2000 Ultimate 11:03 Windows XP Ultimate 11:11 Windows XP Whistler 11:20 Windows Codename 2001 11:30 Windows Interface Manager XP 11:32 Windows XP Workstation 11:40 Windows 2002 11:49 Windows Server 2003 12:00 Windows 2003 12:09 Windows NT 6.0 12:31 Windows Longhorn 12:43 Windows Saturn 13:02 Windows Longhorn (again?) 13:08 Windows 6 13:20 Windows XP Service Pack 4 13:29 Windows Codename Longhorn (why so many Longhorns?) 13:44 Windows Codename Rift 14:00 Windows Server 2004 14:14 Windows 2004 14:24 Windows Emerald 14:32 Windows Codename Diamond 14:41 Windows Vista Beta 2 14:51 Windows Codename Alaska (lol) 15:03 Windows Codename Longhorn Vista Beta 3 15:13 Windows XP Codename Eiger 15:21 Windows Vista 15:28 Windows 2005 15:34 Windows ME SE - Millenium Edition Second Edition 15:44 Windows Interface Manager Vista 15:45 Windows NT 6.0 Workstation Microsoft Internet Explorer 15:53 Windows 6.1 16:05 Windows 2007 16:11 Windows 2008 16:18 Windows 7 Build 6801 16:24 Windows 2009 16:30 Windows 7 16:39 Windows Server 2009 16:42 Windows Florida 16:49 Windows NT 7.0 16:55 Windows 2010 17:02 Windows 7.1 17:08 Windows 7 1/4 17:14 Windows Interface 7 17:18 Windows Developer Preview 17:24 Windows 8 Beta 2 M1 17:32 Windows 7 1/2 17:35 Windows 8 Beta 2 17:43 Windows 7 3/4 17:47 Windows Interface Manager Version 8.0 17:50 Windows Interface 8 17:54 Windows 8 17:59 Windows Interface Manager Version 8.10 18:02 Windows NT 8.0 18:08 Windows 8.1 18:14 Windows Codename Aqua 18:20 Windows 8.2 18:25 Windows 9 18:29 Windows Metro 18:32 Windows XP Service Pack 5 18:40 Windows 10 18:46 Windows 10.1 18:52 Windows 10.2 18:55 Windows 11 18:58 Windows 11.1 19:02 Windows VY Canis Majoris 19:06 Windows 2016 Build On NT Technolohy 19:11 Windows 2020 19:15 Windows Minecraft 19:17 Windows 12 19:20 Xbox OS (i think this is not Windows OS) 19:27 Windows Server 2109 19:31 Windows Version 100.09 Soon add a production year of every windows here
This is not WINDOWS NEVER RELEASED VERSIONS History, but it is Windows History WITH Never Released Versisons so real versions and never released are both there
+mrdavidatify These sounds have you heard from ["Windows 3.00 Beta", "Windows 3.0", "Windows 3.01", "Windows 90", "Windows 91 Alpha", "Windows 3.02", "Windows 3.03", "Windows 91 Beta", "Windows 3.05", "Windows 3.10 Interface Manager", "Windows 94 Interface Manager", "Windows 95 Interface Manager", "Windows 96 Interface Manager" & "Windows 97 Interface Manager" Windows 3.0 Note. They are not released startup and shutdown sounds for Windows 3.0. Windows 91 Alpha Note. The logo from Windows XP, Vista & 7 must be seen in future was in 1990 Windows 3.02 Note. The logo from Windows 8, 8.1 & 10 must be seen in future was in 1989 Windows 3.03 Note. Same as 91 Alpha, The logo from Windows XP, Vista & 7 must be seen in future was in 1990 The sound have yet used, Well maybe an 8-bit version of Windows 3.1 Startup & Shutdown
These are all the versions featured in this video: Windows 1000 BC. Windows First 1976 Release. Windows Release 1. Windows Release 2. Windows 0.0. Windows Pluto 0.0. Windows Pluto 0.01. Windows 0.01. Windows 0.11. Windows Alpha Review 1. Windows 81. Windows Alpha Review 2. Windows 0.21. Windows Alpha Release. Windows Interface Manager 1.00. Windows Interface Manager 2.00. Windows 1.01. Windows NT 1.01. Windows 85. Windows 2.03. Windows 1.01 Second Edition. Windows 88. Windows SN 1987 A. Windows NT 2.03. Windows 3.00 Beta. Windows 3.0. Windows 3.01. Windows 90. Windows 91 Alpha. Windows 3.02. Windows 3.03. Windows 91 Beta. Windows 3.05. Windows Interface Manager 3.10. Windows 3.1. Windows 91. Windows NT 3.11. Windows NT 3 in a half. Windows 4.0 Beta. Windows 4.0. Windows 4.1. Windows for workgroups 4.11. Windows 93. Windows Interface Manager 94. Windows 94. Windows Interface Manager 95. Windows 95. Windows 95 Second edition. Windows 95 The Shutdown Update. Windows NT 4.0. Windows 95 Third Edition. Windows Interface Manager 96. Windows 96. Windows 97 Beta 1. Windows 97 Beta 2. Windows 97. Windows Interface Manager 98. Windows 98. Windows Interface Manager 99. Windows 99. Windows NT 5.0. Windows Interface Manager 2000. Windows 98 Third Edition. Windows 2000 Professional. Windows Millennium Edition. Windows 2000 Server Family. Windows Millennium Server Family. Windows 2001. Windows 5. Windows 2001 Server Family. Windows 2000 Terminal. Windows Shorthorn. Windows Whistler. Windows Neptune. Windows XP 2000. Windows 99 Second Edition. Windows Whistler Beta 1 Release. Windows Server 2001. Windows Whistler Beta 2 Release. Windows Interface Manager Whistler. Windows Whistler Datacenter Server Edition for 64-bit digital Alpha Processor. Windows Whistler Beta 2 Milestone 4. Windows Whistler Beta 3. Windows Whistler Beta 4. Windows Whistler Beta 5. Windows Whistler Beta 6. Windows XP Demo. Windows Whistler Beta 7. Windows Whistler Beta 8. Windows XP. Windows 5.1. Windows XP Service Pack 1. Windows 2000 Ultimate. Windows XP Ultimate. Windows XP Whistler. Windows Codename 2001. Windows Interface Manager XP. Windows XP Workstation. Windows 2002. Windows Server 2003. Windows 2003. Windows NT 6.0. Microsoft Longhorn. Windows Saturn. Windows Longhorn. Windows 6. Windows XP Service Pack 4. Windows Codename Longhorn. Windows Codename Rift. Windows Server 2004. Windows 2004. Microsoft Emerald. Microsoft Codename Diamond. Windows Vista Beta 2. Windows Codename Alaska. Windows Codename Longhorn Vista Beta 3. Windows XP Codename Eiger. Windows Vista. Windows 2005. Windows Millennium Edition Second Edition. Windows Interface Manager Vista. Windows NT 6.0 Workstation. Windows 6.1. Windows 2007. Windows 2008. Windows 7 Build 6801. Windows 2009. Windows 7. Windows Server 2009. Windows Florida. Windows NT 7.O. Windows 2010. Windows 7.1. Windows 7 in a quarter. Windows Interface 7. Windows Developer Preview. Windows 8 Beta 2 Milestone 1. Windows 7 in a half. Windows 8 Beta 2. Windows 7 and 3 quarters. Windows Interface Manager 8.00. Windows Interface 8. Windows 8. Windows Interface Manager 8.10. Windows NT 8.0. Windows 8.1. Windows Codename Aqua. Windows 8.2. Windows 8 in a half. Windows Metro. Windows XP service pack 5. Windows 10. Windows 10.1. Windows 10.2. Windows 11.1. Windows 11. Windows VY Canis Majoris. Windows 2016. Windows 2020. Windows Minecraft. Windows 12. XBOX OS. Windows Server 2109. Windows 100.9.
How many are there? I keep counting and i just lose count because of many fake operating systems, so then i just go like 50, 52, 53 so can anybody help me how many there are?
+Zimmer Roberts For Windows Florida {I made it by myself} And for Windows 8 Beta 2 {Windows NT 6.0 Workstation with MIE is the Never Released Shutdown Sound. No Link Available but at May 25, 2016}
+Zimmer Roberts The Operating System Startup and Shutdown Sounds are {Windows 8 Startup Sound} and {Windows 98 PLUS! (Inside your Computer) Shutdown Sound}
Old Windows 2020 uses Inside your Computer at 19:14 That is the Old Windows 11 (2019) at 19:00 That said 1985-2020 on the Old Windows 11.1 (2020) at 18:55
press 1 to square press 3 to shutdown windows me press 4 to startup windows 99 se press 5 to statup windows xp 6 and 7 are the same press 9 to shutdown your computer
MinderiaTH-camr // Musebrat2 Oh, I know. I was just asking, about all the other fake sounds. Server 2k3 was real, but Whistler sounds were fake, Longhorn sounds were fake, and there are a whole lot of OSes that are fake
Whistler Startup & Shutdown Sounds are real, if the whistler startup sound is on reverse, that calls it fake, Longhorn Sounds are Real, and All Windows OS are real by Microsoft
1:24 I don't know where you got that startup sound but it is just weird and windows 1.0 doesn't have a startup sound not even windows 2.0 , 2.1, and 3.0
+Zimmer Roberts The Never Released Versions in Windows Whistler There are 8 Whistler Versions that Only Contains with Never Released Versions [2000-2001] And There are 3 Whistler Versions which is real versions exited in XP Beta Versions [1999-2001] Solution: [3V+8V=11V] {V=Windows Whistler Versions} It's only 3 Whistler Versions at Default, Not 11, Because there is 8 of the Whistler Never Released Versions
imagine how different modern osm would be if this didnt exist
The video is tomorrow and it past weeks ago! then a new video!
+Klein Marquez The schedule of WNR1 is May 29th, Not the 25th or tomorrow, today is May 22, 2016
ok but what even is this mean
Nice try, the first os system start up sound is actually a Macintosh startup sound
Are you sure about dat?
Stephannie Danner well the 2nd one
0:14 SpaceEngine music?
Credits to Aero for music
Name: Orion by Aero
that NT6.0 sounded AMAZING
Bar Goldstein jamming he hbhbhbhbhubhu h hi bhubybujhhjnjgkiykgiy,gjglhkhgktjghyhyjghb gb Novgorod bob vbvvcnbvgnjvvbn
Bar Goldstein My favourite sound until it got ruined.
Bar Goldstein yes it's probably ORCHESTRATIC A BIT
@@AlephNullSlash I know
@burning factor-WNR I know who did it, I hope it's royalty free so I can sample it in my music.
I wrote that comment before I started making music lol
0:55 Windows 1000 BC
0:56 Windows First 1976 Release
1:00 Windows Release 1
1:02 Windows Release 2
1:04 Windows Version 0.0
1:06 Windows Pluto 0.0
1:09 Windows Pluto 0.01
1:11 Windows Version 0.01
1:13 Windows Version 0.11
1:15 Windows Alpha Review 1
1:18 Windows 81
1:20 Windows Alpha Review 2
1:22 Windows Version 0.21
1:25 Windows Alpha Release
1:27 Windows Interface Manager Version 1.00
1:29 Windows Intrerface Manager Version 2.00
1:31 Windows Version 1.01
1:33 Windows NT 1.01
1:36 Windows 85
1:38 Windows Version 2.03
1:40 Windows Version 1.01 SE - Second Edition
1:42 Windows 88
1:45 Windows SN 1987 A
1:47 Windows NT 2.03
1:49 Windows Version 3.00 Beta
1:52 Windows Version 3.0
1:54 Windows Version 3.01
1:57 Windows Version 90
2:00 Windows Version 91 Alpha
2:02 Windows Version 3.02
2:05 Windows Version 3.03
2:08 Windows Version 91 Beta
2:11 Windows Version 3.05
2:13 Windows Interface Manager Version 3.10
2:16 Windows Version 3.1
2:18 Windows Version 91
2:21 Windows NT Version 3.11
2:23 Windows NT Version 3 1/2
2:26 Windows Version 4.0 Beta
2:29 Windows Version 4.0
2:31 Windows Version 4.1
2:33 Windows For Workgroups Version 4.11
2:36 Windows 93
2:39 Windows Interface Manager Version 94
2:41 Windows 94
2:44 Windows Interface Manager Version 95
2:48 Windows 95
2:55 Windows 95 SE - Second Edition
3:02 Windows 95 The Shutdown Update
3:14 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 With Microsoft Internet Explorer
3:34 Windows 95 TE - Third Edition
3:47 Windows Interface Manager Version 96
3:50 Windows 96
4:02 Windows 97 Beta 1
4:15 Windows 97 Beta 2
4:28 Windows 97
4:44 Windows Interface Manager Version 98
4:46 Windows 98
4:58 Windows Interface Manager Version 99
5:00 Windows 99
5:11 Windows NT Workstation 5.0
5:30 Windows Interface Manager Version 2000
5:32 Windows 98 TE - Third Edition
5:44 Windows 2000 Professional Built On NT Technology
5:54 Windows ME - Millenium Edition
6:04 Windows 2000 Server Family Built On NT Technology
6:13 Windows Millenium Server Family
6:21 Windows 2001
6:36 Windows 5
6:47 Windows 2001 Server Family
7:00 Windows 2000 Terminal Built On NT Techology
7:10 Windows Shorthorn
7:19 Windows Whistler
7:34 Windows Neptune
7:44 Windows XP 2000
7:58 Windows 99 SE - Second Edition
8:10 Windows Whistler Beta 1 Release
8:24 Windows Server 2001
8:36 Windows Whistler Beta 2 Release
8:50 Windows Interface Manager Whistler
8:52 Windows Whistler Datacenter Server Edition For 64-Bit Digital Alpha Processor
9:02 Windows Whistler Beta 2 Milestone 4
9:21 Windows Whistler Beta 3
9:30 Windows Whistler Beta 4
9:40 Windows Whistler Beta 5
9:49 Windows Whistler Beta 6
9:59 Windows XP Demo
10:10 Windows Whistler Beta 7
10:18 Windows Whistler Beta 8
10:26 Windows XP
10:34 Windows 5.1
10:44 Windows XP Service Pack 1
10:53 Windows 2000 Ultimate
11:03 Windows XP Ultimate
11:11 Windows XP Whistler
11:20 Windows Codename 2001
11:30 Windows Interface Manager XP
11:32 Windows XP Workstation
11:40 Windows 2002
11:49 Windows Server 2003
12:00 Windows 2003
12:09 Windows NT 6.0
12:31 Windows Longhorn
12:43 Windows Saturn
13:02 Windows Longhorn (again?)
13:08 Windows 6
13:20 Windows XP Service Pack 4
13:29 Windows Codename Longhorn (why so many Longhorns?)
13:44 Windows Codename Rift
14:00 Windows Server 2004
14:14 Windows 2004
14:24 Windows Emerald
14:32 Windows Codename Diamond
14:41 Windows Vista Beta 2
14:51 Windows Codename Alaska (lol)
15:03 Windows Codename Longhorn Vista Beta 3
15:13 Windows XP Codename Eiger
15:21 Windows Vista
15:28 Windows 2005
15:34 Windows ME SE - Millenium Edition Second Edition
15:44 Windows Interface Manager Vista
15:45 Windows NT 6.0 Workstation Microsoft Internet Explorer
15:53 Windows 6.1
16:05 Windows 2007
16:11 Windows 2008
16:18 Windows 7 Build 6801
16:24 Windows 2009
16:30 Windows 7
16:39 Windows Server 2009
16:42 Windows Florida
16:49 Windows NT 7.0
16:55 Windows 2010
17:02 Windows 7.1
17:08 Windows 7 1/4
17:14 Windows Interface 7
17:18 Windows Developer Preview
17:24 Windows 8 Beta 2 M1
17:32 Windows 7 1/2
17:35 Windows 8 Beta 2
17:43 Windows 7 3/4
17:47 Windows Interface Manager Version 8.0
17:50 Windows Interface 8
17:54 Windows 8
17:59 Windows Interface Manager Version 8.10
18:02 Windows NT 8.0
18:08 Windows 8.1
18:14 Windows Codename Aqua
18:20 Windows 8.2
18:25 Windows 9
18:29 Windows Metro
18:32 Windows XP Service Pack 5
18:40 Windows 10
18:46 Windows 10.1
18:52 Windows 10.2
18:55 Windows 11
18:58 Windows 11.1
19:02 Windows VY Canis Majoris
19:06 Windows 2016 Build On NT Technolohy
19:11 Windows 2020
19:15 Windows Minecraft
19:17 Windows 12
19:20 Xbox OS (i think this is not Windows OS)
19:27 Windows Server 2109
19:31 Windows Version 100.09
Soon add a production year of every windows here
Модняковые Обзоры и прохождение игр :) I like that fake “Windows 9” sound.
Модняковые Обзоры и прохождение игр :) legend. true legend.
I liked the Windows 2000/Neptune/Whistler ones. :D All of these look very realistic!
+Nermal Cat IGUA What operating system codenamed Whistler?
XP's beta.
Windows DIAMOND 😳😳😳😅😅😅😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
+RealDiamondPlays RealEmeraldPlays and EMERALD
Remember me from the POE.
19:31 Windows 5.60 (2212)
12:09 I love this one!
Adjective Noun me too! Best startup ever!
Love it three sb988 2018
DogmanOS Intesifys
Everybody, listen up!! MinderiaTH-camr is not dead, he's still working on Windows Never Released and Other Stuff
+The World Colliders ye
MinderiaTH-camr yee
MinderiaTH-camr yee
The World Colliders oh no, more fake shit is coming our way
He's still not dead, he's working on WHwNRV U5R2
4:46 dude, Windows 98 was already realesed
Wait it's not just unused stuff oops
lol this is Windows History XD
This is not WINDOWS NEVER RELEASED VERSIONS History, but it is Windows History WITH Never Released Versisons so real versions and never released are both there
Where did you get the 8-bit Windows 3.1 // NT 3.1 // 3.11 // 3.51 startup and shutdown sounds?
+mrdavidatify These sounds have you heard from ["Windows 3.00 Beta", "Windows 3.0", "Windows 3.01", "Windows 90", "Windows 91 Alpha", "Windows 3.02", "Windows 3.03", "Windows 91 Beta", "Windows 3.05", "Windows 3.10 Interface Manager", "Windows 94 Interface Manager", "Windows 95 Interface Manager", "Windows 96 Interface Manager" & "Windows 97 Interface Manager"
Windows 3.0 Note. They are not released startup and shutdown sounds for Windows 3.0.
Windows 91 Alpha Note. The logo from Windows XP, Vista & 7 must be seen in future was in 1990
Windows 3.02 Note. The logo from Windows 8, 8.1 & 10 must be seen in future was in 1989
Windows 3.03 Note. Same as 91 Alpha, The logo from Windows XP, Vista & 7 must be seen in future was in 1990
The sound have yet used, Well maybe an 8-bit version of Windows 3.1 Startup & Shutdown
1:49 Sounds like a video game.
Your Mean 1:59
Zaim 2013 no 1:52
Where did the sound come from? 1:49
MC x YURI fan windows 95 slowed
SuperWindows78 oh
Windows Vista beta 2 startup sound
14:51 from windows2000 end of life
1:25 where did get THAT sound?
+Zimmer Roberts Not only sound was Windows 1.0 Startup Sound but Not Available
1:31 First sound of windows 1.01
These are all the versions featured in this video: Windows 1000 BC. Windows First 1976 Release. Windows Release 1. Windows Release 2. Windows 0.0. Windows Pluto 0.0. Windows Pluto 0.01. Windows 0.01. Windows 0.11. Windows Alpha Review 1. Windows 81. Windows Alpha Review 2. Windows 0.21. Windows Alpha Release. Windows Interface Manager 1.00. Windows Interface Manager 2.00. Windows 1.01. Windows NT 1.01. Windows 85. Windows 2.03. Windows 1.01 Second Edition. Windows 88. Windows SN 1987 A. Windows NT 2.03. Windows 3.00 Beta. Windows 3.0. Windows 3.01. Windows 90. Windows 91 Alpha. Windows 3.02. Windows 3.03. Windows 91 Beta. Windows 3.05. Windows Interface Manager 3.10. Windows 3.1. Windows 91. Windows NT 3.11. Windows NT 3 in a half. Windows 4.0 Beta. Windows 4.0. Windows 4.1. Windows for workgroups 4.11. Windows 93. Windows Interface Manager 94. Windows 94. Windows Interface Manager 95. Windows 95. Windows 95 Second edition. Windows 95 The Shutdown Update. Windows NT 4.0. Windows 95 Third Edition. Windows Interface Manager 96. Windows 96. Windows 97 Beta 1. Windows 97 Beta 2. Windows 97. Windows Interface Manager 98. Windows 98. Windows Interface Manager 99. Windows 99. Windows NT 5.0. Windows Interface Manager 2000. Windows 98 Third Edition. Windows 2000 Professional. Windows Millennium Edition. Windows 2000 Server Family. Windows Millennium Server Family. Windows 2001. Windows 5. Windows 2001 Server Family. Windows 2000 Terminal. Windows Shorthorn. Windows Whistler. Windows Neptune. Windows XP 2000. Windows 99 Second Edition. Windows Whistler Beta 1 Release. Windows Server 2001. Windows Whistler Beta 2 Release. Windows Interface Manager Whistler. Windows Whistler Datacenter Server Edition for 64-bit digital Alpha Processor. Windows Whistler Beta 2 Milestone 4. Windows Whistler Beta 3. Windows Whistler Beta 4. Windows Whistler Beta 5. Windows Whistler Beta 6. Windows XP Demo. Windows Whistler Beta 7. Windows Whistler Beta 8. Windows XP. Windows 5.1. Windows XP Service Pack 1. Windows 2000 Ultimate. Windows XP Ultimate. Windows XP Whistler. Windows Codename 2001. Windows Interface Manager XP. Windows XP Workstation. Windows 2002. Windows Server 2003. Windows 2003. Windows NT 6.0. Microsoft Longhorn. Windows Saturn. Windows Longhorn. Windows 6. Windows XP Service Pack 4. Windows Codename Longhorn. Windows Codename Rift. Windows Server 2004. Windows 2004. Microsoft Emerald. Microsoft Codename Diamond. Windows Vista Beta 2. Windows Codename Alaska. Windows Codename Longhorn Vista Beta 3. Windows XP Codename Eiger. Windows Vista. Windows 2005. Windows Millennium Edition Second Edition. Windows Interface Manager Vista. Windows NT 6.0 Workstation. Windows 6.1. Windows 2007. Windows 2008. Windows 7 Build 6801. Windows 2009. Windows 7. Windows Server 2009. Windows Florida. Windows NT 7.O. Windows 2010. Windows 7.1. Windows 7 in a quarter. Windows Interface 7. Windows Developer Preview. Windows 8 Beta 2 Milestone 1. Windows 7 in a half. Windows 8 Beta 2. Windows 7 and 3 quarters. Windows Interface Manager 8.00. Windows Interface 8. Windows 8. Windows Interface Manager 8.10. Windows NT 8.0. Windows 8.1. Windows Codename Aqua. Windows 8.2. Windows 8 in a half. Windows Metro. Windows XP service pack 5. Windows 10. Windows 10.1. Windows 10.2. Windows 11.1. Windows 11. Windows VY Canis Majoris. Windows 2016. Windows 2020. Windows Minecraft. Windows 12. XBOX OS. Windows Server 2109. Windows 100.9.
All These Logos And Startup Sounds Are Fake But for the original are real
Hmmm... Microsoft Windows 3½?
MasterCraft 217 ya think?
@@michatom Windows NT 3.5
How many are there? I keep counting and i just lose count because of many fake operating systems, so then i just go like 50, 52, 53 so can anybody help me how many there are?
Hmm... A bit too excited there... Anyone know SpaceEngine?
+Andrew Kovnat It's just A.e.r.o. - Orion.. It's also my favorite SpaceEngine song too.
Anyone at all?
@@MinderiaOSM You play the spaceengine? I have
It’s out now on Steam if you guys are interested
(Fabulous game btw)
Do you have the sound files? I used to have them but I lost them
I hate the Whistler sound sooo much. the shutdown sound sounds 150% fake
bar goldstein I hate win 95 and win 96, starting is too long
Bar Goldstein But Never Release
+Coyotesmagick79-Roblox & more. are you robloxian too? :3
Djentleman Goldbar no need to be angry but ok
17:14 I want to download that sound. Give me a download link
Here your download
I use Windows 10 (2015)
And that's why you searched for the PET Me Y2 fonts for the Windows 1.01-2.03 ones
British001 Wrong
Matt Sugui right
BC means ''Before crist''?
BC means BBC Century
@AmnesiaWNR&NROS lel
Actually before Christ
The Ta-Da sounds are real, I have windows 98 and the Ta-Da is a sound Asset in there.
What about, Windows 10 Unikitty Edition?
we dont do stupid stuff like that
Where did you get the Windows Florida sounds and the Windows 8 Beta 2 shutdown sound?
+Zimmer Roberts For Windows Florida {I made it by myself}
And for Windows 8 Beta 2 {Windows NT 6.0 Workstation with MIE is the Never Released Shutdown Sound. No Link Available but at May 25, 2016}
Long intro asf
Also it looks fake
+Aelinee Urgenne New Intro at May 24, hope it's shorter..
+Aelinee Urgenne Also i remade Windows 95, 98, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 boot screens
Windows has launched in 1985 by Microsoft Corp.
MinderiaTH-camr // Musebrat2 i understand now.
also the windows 95 and XP demo exists also.
the win95 is beta of windows NT, winXP demo is an tech-demo of winXP.
Windows 95 isn't beta of Windows NT 4.0, nor is there a Windows XP demo.
Some of the original used the mac sound
Where did you get the Windows Minecraft sound?
+Zimmer Roberts The Operating System Startup and Shutdown Sounds are {Windows 8 Startup Sound} and {Windows 98 PLUS! (Inside your Computer) Shutdown Sound}
0:00 *A legend rises*
What are the names of the Windows screens like this one 18:10
You're using Windows sounds from the Macintosh.
what are these oses minderia?
17:55 Windows 8?
18:10 Windows 8.1?
18:21 Windows 9?
18:42 Windows 10?
18:48 Windows 10.1?
really? near the end the date in the bottom left says 1985-2020???? at 19:00
Old Windows 2020 uses Inside your Computer at 19:14
That is the Old Windows 11 (2019) at 19:00
That said 1985-2020 on the Old Windows 11.1 (2020) at 18:55
Heads Up!
I saw a video similar to this video but it was from first 1976 release to windows server 2109 with a bunch of new OSes added
but then that video is gone
and the music in the other video were different such as windows server 2109. plz reply
2:02 Why would you put Windows 8 logo in 1989?
+Zimmer Roberts Because of Version 3.02, The Windows 8 or 8.1 logo used in the future at 1989
Happy 7th anniversary to WHwNRV U1!
press 1 to square
press 3 to shutdown windows me
press 4 to startup windows 99 se
press 5 to statup windows xp
6 and 7 are the same
press 9 to shutdown your computer
@@SuperWindows78 oh no the old comment returns
2:00 early vista/7/Xp/longhorn/server2003
0:56 Macintosh 128k startup sound.
These sounds are for Windows 0.0-1.0 Alpha
Only Old Macintosh versions have startup sound
Windows 1976 Release updated to Windows 1.0 Alpha.
Server 2003 bootup sound was in the UK only.
I know it is Server 2003 U.K. Startup Sound was itself
MinderiaTH-camr // Musebrat2 Why do you post this stuff? You're just telling people that those things were an actual thing.. They weren't...
I REALLY Know that Server 2003 just had startup sounds only in U.K..
MinderiaTH-camr // Musebrat2 Oh, I know. I was just asking, about all the other fake sounds. Server 2k3 was real, but Whistler sounds were fake, Longhorn sounds were fake, and there are a whole lot of OSes that are fake
Whistler Startup & Shutdown Sounds are real, if the whistler startup sound is on reverse, that calls it fake, Longhorn Sounds are Real, and All Windows OS are real by Microsoft
Do you have a mp3 file of all of these startup and shutdown sounds, that I can download?
+Dejaun Wright On May 11, you decide
14:50 from WHwNRV Update 0
Update 0 was made on July 1st, 2015.
WarioPremium73 ThisisBob Idea no it was not
@@SuperWindows78 But before WHwNRV there WAS WHwNRV without updates by MinderiaYT
@@SuperWindows78 yes it os
@@SuperWindows78 We need a time machine
Skip to 0:55 for start of the never released versions
1. 95
2. 98
3. 2000
4. xp
5. server 2003
6. Vista
7. 7
8. 8
9. 8.1
10. 10
How? did you edit a Sony Vegas Pro?
+Klein Marquez It's just made from Windows Movie Maker
+MinderiaTH-camr // Musebrat2 (Curtis Muse) but how to download Never Released?
TH-cam-to-MP3 for the sounds
Music-Clips.net for the video download
1:24 I don't know where you got that startup sound but it is just weird and windows 1.0 doesn't have a startup sound not even windows 2.0 , 2.1, and 3.0
Why you don't add Windows Vista? In startup there is no name
😢 windows is gone forever, if only you made this
Windows Night Shade is another Windows codename for Windows XP I I made
(in advance sorry for the bad grammar, I'm not perfect in english) I've got just one question. Why isn't in the video the Windows xp Home Edition?
Hát igen, nagyon hiányoltam.
+Pálinkás Hunor amúgy nyelvtanilag helyes a kérdésem?
Mező Ádám Hát, én sem vagyok jobb angolos, mint te, szóval valószínűleg jó.
+Pálinkás Hunor ja, k
9:31 Windows Whistler has 3 betas, not 8. You made Windows XP released in 2004.
+Zimmer Roberts The Never Released Versions in Windows Whistler
There are 8 Whistler Versions that Only Contains with Never Released Versions [2000-2001]
And There are 3 Whistler Versions which is real versions exited in XP Beta Versions [1999-2001]
Solution: [3V+8V=11V] {V=Windows Whistler Versions}
It's only 3 Whistler Versions at Default, Not 11, Because there is 8 of the Whistler Never Released Versions
8 bit windows xp chimes and tada!
2:54 What? Why is there Windows 95 SE in 1996? It has to be released by 1999! Not 1996!
+Zimmer Roberts The lowest year before 1999, 95 SE is maybe a typical year problem [Was in 1996-1999]
Got problem with that?
12:08 what sound is name?
What Music Call?
A.e.r.o. - Orion // Space Engine - A.e.r.o. - Orion
I wish I went to aero community...
17:15 what was that sound, so it's past June so where the link
It's Vista shutdown for Interface 7 & 8, how hard could it be?
12:56 startup
13:28 shutdown
My favorite is: Windows All in One (2015) (all windows operating systems and all new features!)
you forgot Windows Emerald sound in Download Sounds.
+Klein Marquez Windows Emerald Sounds are Longhorn Beta 1 Startup and Longhorn Shutdown Sounds, but no Windows Emerald
7:10 Windows Shorthorn is just a parody of Vista beta.
+Zimmer Roberts The Shorthorn Recognizes Windows XP
And The Longhorn Recognizes Windows Vista
Windows Shorthorn is may have a real solution too..
19:31 Wow the firstest Fart ever
Some of these sound amazing and like the beginning of a rad song.
Victor: Hey can you do the desktop or/and sound?
i was hoping for screen shots of the OS's :( but oh well
Wally Watkins they are fake lol but photoshop exists too
wait were is windows 9? and did i see windows minecraft?
Windows 9 is a never been released but resumed by Windows 10, or I know that Minecraft is a sandbox game and the Windows Minecraft is a never released
17:14 where did you get that sound?
+Zimmer Roberts The sounds is for Windows Interface 7 and 8
Download Available May 25, 2016 During "Windows Never Released 1"
I remember this was the only windows history with never released versions video.
That was creepy.
Imagined if your in that version and on midnight.
guilbert samala What do you mean?
HP EliteBook 840's Touchpad
Some that don't exist might do in the future
+Hedley Family Windows 10 Existed but some of them are never released in the future
Do you know shuik
where did you find windows xp service pack 5
+DimOne MinderiaTH-camr just made by himself.
that it does not exist
+DimOne I made it by myself, and I know it doesn't exists
The reversed Windows 95 startup sound is actually cool.
Is there even an Windows 1000 BC?!
I don't get it WHY IS IT STILL HERE!?
0:57 Why using Mac Os Startup?
is it just me or did the sounds took me to late 2015-early 2016 because i was the 168th subscriber
I cant make it, because I was on the Microsoft Paint, then I can't draw Never Released Versions, what I do?
And I can't even draw a Microsoft Logo (All windows logo version) parts.
Notification: {Sorry it's my bedtime now good night}
Chat: "Search for a Microsoft logo in Google.."
+Klein Marquez Search for a Microsoft logo in Google.
And? Windows Logo?
Search that on Google too..
OMG Microsoft Logo 1986 (Windows 1.03) - 2012 (Windows 8) It was 30 years to 2016 year!
+Golden Freddy Older Windows 1.01 (1985) and less older Windows 8 (2012) already detailed from microsoft
BUMP, this cannot be used from the detail
I know.
12:09 that was a reference to Windows 2000 beta 3
My mum was born in 1985 Thats when windows was born
Spirit3001 my mum was born 1968
Also, is this basically the first WNR video.
At 9:20 all beta windows whistler sounds familiar to windows XP but quiet
Whistler is the XP Beta
Whistler is XP. Whistler became XP
In the description you left out NT.
13:29 lol windows vista Beta 1 startup sound ☺
1:59 *is microsoft predicted the future ○_○*
This is history in the making
those where mac sound with the old ones
Microsoft Windows 1975 (1975)
Windows 1975 NT (1975)
Windows 1975 with MIP (Microsoft Internet Pluto) (1975)
+Fire Epic Windows 3.0 is exists and Windows 10 beta!
Ok some of those were actually released. And you could have included some previews at least for some of the operating systems
why is 95 backward sounds?
+Klein Marquez Because that is Windows 95TE-96 Shutdown Sound
Windows 96 is a never released version
I love the Windows Whistler (Windows XP/Windows 2000)
Windows Vista Preview 2005 14:41
How to download Windows Alpha release Tartup please tell :( Im making a Update 6 on my other account named NeutronGallium
Potassium Killer the first link in the description
6:29 should be a new Microsoft Codename Whistler shutdown sound.
6:37 Windows 2000 Second Edition