Davos 2016 - Is the Swiss Model under Threat?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ม.ค. 2016
  • www.weforum.org/
    Switzerland’s economic and governance models have produced one of the world’s richest and most competitive countries. Can the Swiss model of economic liberalism and direct democracy survive?
    - How will the implementation of the 2014 referendum on migration restrictions harm industry and EU relations?
    - How can the education system meet the needs of knowledge-intensive industries?
    - What is the effect of years of a strong franc and unconventional monetary policy?
    - How will these challenges affect Switzerland’s position as an international financial centre?
    · Rolf Dörig, Chairman, Adecco Group, Switzerland.
    · Sergio P. Ermotti, Group Chief Executive Officer, UBS Group, Switzerland.
    · Lino Guzzella, President and Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
    · Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, President of the Swiss Confederation and Federal Councillor of Economic Affairs, Education and Research of Switzerland.
    · Ulrich Spiesshofer, President and Chief Executive Officer, ABB, Switzerland.
    Moderated by Christa Markwalder, President of the National Council of Switzerland.

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