I live in Toronto but interested to see houses in UK. UK housing prices much cheaper than in Toronto! Good deal and enjoy your new lives there🙏💪. Hongkongers can survive and live very good anywhere in the world!
Kiyu16, you are mis-informed, the price in this video that they paid is not enough to pay for a 1 bedroom flat in London. Location says a lot. I am a 72 years old retired person , I live all my adult life in UK- southeast. I felt very sorry for the HongKongers who had ruined HK by their behavior but try to pint a rose picture in u-tube. But I must agreed with you that they can survive if they have the money to support themselves for the next 5 years and can bear our Wintertime. But good luck to them.
kkllla1 says she is not going to be happy for her and says she will be happy to see her and says she will be happy to see her and will not 4feet to the hospital for the day and the rest is going on for the day and will not get a good night's rest of her and says her daughter will not have a problem in her and says that he will not have a relationship between her parents or the day and then they would have a better relationship facebook.com/groups/1103798659957083/permalink/1309823062687974/^ií24⁸iiki;ip99990900000896ù1
It seems a very nice place for Hongkongers and the prices are very attractive ! It is quite convenient and hope the public order is good! Thanks a lot for your sharing!
awesome pair of houses at reasonable prices and a great, entertaining show from you two. THX. stay safe and a warm welcome to the multicultural, fair, democratic UK for the people of Hong Kong
not really close, you need take transport , as Mansfield in the north of Nottingham but main campus of Nottingham university is the south of Nottingham
Hi, sorry to bother you guys again, however, is the property a freehold? I ve checked it in Rightmove and zoopla, but they both don’t mention the tenure and avant hasn’t answer. Thanks
Livology Thanks, Hong and Ada! I probably buy it without viewing it😓, which orientation is good in uk? anything else i should pay attention?Appreciate your advice.🙏🏼
Thank you for posting the video. It is very informative. FYI, I prefer double-door fridge/freezer too 😅. Single-door unit is a little too cramped for storing weekly groceries of household of 2. The prices of the 3-bed & 4-bed new houses are quite attractive at £225K & £310K respectively. They appear to be detached houses. Please confirm this. Do you have the sizes of the 2 houses in square foot handy to share? PS - You may have given too much info about the location of your own house (new Co-op, video of route from your house, Avant, Google Earth map etc. 🤔 It is possible to deduce your post code. You may wish to re-edit the video to protect your privacy. )
you have chosen the right place. I graduated in Nottingham University in1971.i always ♥ love Nottingham. you never know, we might meet up in Mansfield one day.
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她稱呼做啫喱的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
睇完那個示範單位, 真正令人感到興奮, 有即時想買下這個單的衝動, 這個發展商都算有心思去設計. 你們所提供的資料很好, 希望你繼續加油搜集多些房屋資料, 讓我們多些了解英國住屋情況 衷心感謝.
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying(Age 40) 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她操控的小男人老公係姓田🔊.,
that price just sufficient to pay for a subdivided flat only instead of you said 偽毫宅.haha
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
介紹得非常清晰, 同埋雙門雪櫃嗰part真係好認同呀😆
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她稱呼做啫喱的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
睇你地兩夫婦嘅節目真係學到好多嘢! 多謝你地嘅無私分享!😊😊
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊.,,
Thx for sharing! 三房已好正!
That guy is already balding, just pathetic.
謝謝分享! 支持你們! 好開心有新樓看😊
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)的元朗老千李美英Louise lee mei ying
I live in Toronto but interested to see houses in UK. UK housing prices much cheaper than in Toronto! Good deal and enjoy your new lives there🙏💪. Hongkongers can survive and live very good anywhere in the world!
Kiyu16, you are mis-informed, the price in this video that they paid is not enough to pay for a 1 bedroom flat in London. Location says a lot. I am a 72 years old retired person , I live all my adult life in UK- southeast. I felt very sorry for the HongKongers who had ruined HK by their behavior but try to pint a rose picture in u-tube. But I must agreed with you that they can survive if they have the money to support themselves for the next 5 years and can bear our Wintertime. But good luck to them.
香港天氣唔好嗎, 買日常用品唔方便嗎, 笑了, 呢D幾時已變成去移民的賣點?
係啊,bifolding door 是賣點
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她稱呼做啫喱的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
多謝你哋嘅真誠分享! 睇完你哋嘅介紹,真係好想好似你哋一樣有咁美好嘅居所!!
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)的元朗老千李美英Louise lee mei ying
介紹得比經紀还好, 一直跟FLOOR PLAN, 那些包, 那些不包. 很清楚.
kkllla1 says she is not going to be happy for her and says she will be happy to see her and says she will be happy to see her and will not 4feet to the hospital for the day and the rest is going on for the day and will not get a good night's rest of her and says her daughter will not have a problem in her and says that he will not have a relationship between her parents or the day and then they would have a better relationship facebook.com/groups/1103798659957083/permalink/1309823062687974/^ií24⁸iiki;ip99990900000896ù1
多謝您們的介紹. 請講講您們買屋的整個流程和所需的費用. 例如律師費等等的費用. 謝謝
方便想知香港買Berry Hill 一手樓聯络方法?謝謝
謝謝 你們 睇你哋嘅youtube係好開心.😃
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)的元朗老千李美英Louise lee mei ying
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她稱呼做啫喱的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
It seems a very nice place for Hongkongers and the prices are very attractive ! It is quite convenient and hope the public order is good! Thanks a lot for your sharing!
好似好多香港人都鍾意 附近啲屋全部香港人買曬佢 做條香港村互相照應 哈唅
If any hater of Hong Kongnese there, the whole village is target.
@@kelvintsang3605 其實我從來冇去過英國 唔識講英文 只係好羨慕有一間咁嘅屋 要移民過去真係要好大勇氣 如果附近鄰居都係香港人可以壯下膽😂
Nottingham 係好地區,遠離繁囂但又好貼地
@@mirthcards8281 希望喺度聚一班人 舉辦一個Nottingham 睇樓考察團
Thank you so much for the very useful info for HKgers!
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
多謝你吔拍片,兩間屋都好靚! 祝你吔生活愉快,繼續拍好片!
第一間嘅4房會好D, 31萬磅可以接受, 4房空間大D, 有親友來訪都可以過夜
It looks a nice place to live, spacious, clean and tidy...
What's the name of village.
Do you have other good place to introduce for hong Konger
會買是徒弟,會賣才是師傅,現在國際退休分析師,正在舉辦一場限時活動,免費領取牛.股。詳情添加w h a t s A P P:(8 ) (5) ( 2) ( 9)(0)( 3)( 8)( 1)( 7)( 9)( 7) l i n e:9 8 5 3 5 4 9 专业导师一对一指导
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying(Age 40) 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她操控的小男人老公係姓田🔊.,,,
Thanks for the sharing , lovely demo house , very nice environment. 👍👍
英國人做渠務,世界No.1, 師承英國的香港也很有名氣的。
英國有蚊不過唔會叮人,小強都冇。。。最多嘅係老鼠仔同蝨乸。。我以前隻貓都帶過返屋企, 搞到成間屋的地氈,sofa,床都要換過。。
@Pine Joi thanks....我係英國住左40年都係見過一次小強,仲要係我朋友由香港帶回來的。。。
Michael Wong 你唔講我都無留意幾耐無見小強
Thanks Hong and Ada !! Your channel is great and informative !
早晨,感謝你們提供咁多資訊,想問下廁所有冇抽氣扇? 如果唔係開大咪好臭 ~哈
google map 發現,位置介於Sheffield 同 Nottingham 之間。不錯
Not bad very compact a small house so you may have a chest freezer. It hasn't got a double garage but how big of the land and floor area?
睇完好想買一間, 謝謝介紹!
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她稱呼做啫喱的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
a pretty lady for presentation deserve to give credit with clear narrative for all of us,waiting for more similar for sales.
Advant home 係做D比較叫高級既公司。唔同地區唔同價錢,但手工質素算高。新屋過一兩年牆會出現裂痕,正常既。因為地基要兩年三年才真正settle. 最緊要check new house warranty by law 係 10 年.有D奸商會起好走路。所以要check建築公司 history
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying(Age 40) 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她操控的小男人老公係姓田🔊..
兩間屋都好靚,住呢D先至叫 Quality of Life
美國人屋企大多數都係雙門雪櫃、如果你地覺得個雪櫃細咗D、可以買另外一個top open freezer 放係車房到!
Thank you for your recommendation of those new detached houses,are they freehold or leasehold?Thanks!
No response?!
Extremely cheap for 4 bed detached ! But kitchen seems abit small though! Any land for extension?
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
awesome pair of houses at reasonable prices and a great, entertaining show from you two. THX. stay safe and a warm welcome to the multicultural, fair, democratic UK for the people of Hong Kong
Thanks for share. 可以講下你們的工作是做乜嗎?
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田
Nottingham 成日發生鎗火開戰之區,治安欠佳,這裡新區遠左啲會唔會好啲?
Toilets 無ventilation? Smelling!
Hong & Ada 您好! 非常詳盡的介紹, 真的見識不少!
請問您們為什麼選擇Nottingham, 更懂得找到Mansfield 地區呢? 因為香港代理英國樓盤, 祗推介Manchester 或 Birmingham ?
Hong 是nottinhham大学毕业的,有个情义结😁😁。我们开车周围去,睇到呢度有新楼,又岩心水,所以选择左呢度
Ada 謝謝您的分享! 有機會在學習成長地建立自己的幸福家庭, 真是人生一大樂事! 祝健康快樂! 期待您們活潑的視頻啊! 支持!
The developer had tag there is "included" for what the price included, very nice and clear
會買是徒弟,會賣才是師傅,現在國際退休分析師,正在舉辦一場限時活動,免費領取牛.股。詳情添加w h a t s A P P:(8 ) (5) ( 2) ( 9)(0)( 3)( 8)( 1)( 7)( 9)( 7) l i n e:9 8 5 3 5 4 9 专业导师一对一指导
我都是住Nottingham ,Arnold的,有20年了。
英國普通人家客廰一般比較细 屋内間隔牆多門多 冷天保暖會好的
好靚!! 之前睇你地間屋有車房,兩間都有車房嗎?
Hiya, 想問阿康/ada,avant- homes 地板是否包括,抑或要自付?redrow, bloors or TW 是包括地板的. 另外,我睇website 話wardrobe 只包括master bedroom, 對嗎?🙏🏻🙏🏻
非常有趣!這間屋非常美觀實用!請問近University of Nottingham 嗎?有Google map嗎?先謝謝你們分享!💐💐🌈🌻🌻🙏🙏
not really close, you need take transport , as Mansfield in the north of Nottingham but main campus of Nottingham university is the south of Nottingham
Thanks for your information! Have a nice weekend! 歡姐💝💝🌈🌻🌻
Hi, sorry to bother you guys again, however, is the property a freehold? I ve checked it in Rightmove and zoopla, but they both don’t mention the tenure and avant hasn’t answer. Thanks
It's freehold
Livology Thanks, Hong and Ada! I probably buy it without viewing it😓, which orientation is good in uk? anything else i should pay attention?Appreciate your advice.🙏🏼
好靚,2 佰幾萬港幣係香港連公屋都買唔到
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying(Age 40) 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她操控的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
One should consider if you will be able to adapt the lifestyle there.
两間屋都好靚呀, 不過我覺得你哋嗰間最靚🤩,因為你哋廚房有個大island同大門外個view開揚好多。我非常認同Ada所講, 多櫃桶同雙門雪櫃絕對係c9嘅夢想, 等如男士想擁有架Maserati一樣囉。請問有無2房嘅house㗎呢?
@@cherryko3216 但洗碗機我又唔需要哦, 我寧願洗碗機轉蒸爐。😃😃
H Chan 因為我好憎洗碗🤣
@@cherryko3216 🤣🤣係呀, 我覺得洗碗唔駛用腦, 好簡單, 除非屋企多人食飯, 咁就大鑊啲, 因為煮完餐大龍鳳, 啲碗真係成座山咁。我而家煮6人嘅晚飯, 都係一邊煮一邊洗, 到飯後就只淨番用餐時嘅碗碟同湯煲飯煲, 所以又唔覺好麻煩喎。🤣🤣
H Chan 有齊晒最好😆香港土地問題應該難,英國就可以解決!
Thank you for posting the video. It is very informative. FYI, I prefer double-door fridge/freezer too 😅. Single-door unit is a little too cramped for storing weekly groceries of household of 2.
The prices of the 3-bed & 4-bed new houses are quite attractive at £225K & £310K respectively. They appear to be detached houses. Please confirm this. Do you have the sizes of the 2 houses in square foot handy to share?
PS - You may have given too much info about the location of your own house (new Co-op, video of route from your house, Avant, Google Earth map etc. 🤔 It is possible to deduce your post code. You may wish to re-edit the video to protect your privacy. )
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
Freehold, garden is not shared. Developer just not putting fence to the garden of the show house.
Masterbed Room 太細啦,裝修唔重要,俾D錢再執都唔貴,英國D主人房用厨房咁細既? 主人房起碼放張Queen + 張 2 seat 仲夠位行先至夠, closet 最好係walkin closet, 方便好多
係呀這個價位的屋房間會較細,五,六十萬英鎊的D房會太D. 80萬英鎊就會有Walk-in walldrobe.
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她稱呼做啫喱的小男人老公係姓田🔊.
兩佰多萬唔算貴,真是我的dream house
@Addison Ching 是港紙, 3 房那間是港紙 二百幾萬, 但 4 房那間就超過三百萬
請問Mansfield town center附近有無新樓盤?
謝謝分享 好清晰 好睇
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
呢條片資訊性好好, 相信好多人都想知, 買新屋有冇得講價?
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying #在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個小男人老公係姓田🔊
第一間好好多, 冇黑廁,試過黑廁真係好驚,唔用紫外光燈照的話,成日都有廁所味。 唔該晒你地呀!!!
附近啲屋全部香港人買曬佢 做條香港村互相照應 X2
Henry ACE 后花园是和鄰居公用?
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying(Age 40) 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她操控的小男人老公係姓田🔊.,
我想買2 房。可否有資料或video?
小心住諾定咸(edwalton)來自元朗的老千李美英Louise lee mei ying(Age 40) 她的右眼#眼白有黑點#在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 #佢買英國樓嘅錢係喺香港賣呃人春藥和减肥產品呃噃嚟#佢有個被她操控的小男人老公係姓田🔊..
you have chosen the right place. I graduated in Nottingham University in1971.i always ♥ love Nottingham. you never know, we might meet up in Mansfield one day.
校友😁😁😁🤝🤝🤝,hope to see you soon😊😊😊