The only person to wear that hat better is my 2 year old niece, but that’s cos she’s objectively the cutest thing ever (apart from her 18 month old cousin, obviously)
Kawasemis lifthill is much slower then other mega lites so thats probably why it didnt live up to what other people said. Ive ridden Piraten and i wouldnt say its a ripp your face off coaster but its still a fairly intense fun ride
Rce’s voice is so calm and I love it reminds me of Canobie coasters
If the train was full the ride would be much more crazy
The only person to wear that hat better is my 2 year old niece, but that’s cos she’s objectively the cutest thing ever (apart from her 18 month old cousin, obviously)
Kawasemis lifthill is much slower then other mega lites so thats probably why it didnt live up to what other people said. Ive ridden Piraten and i wouldnt say its a ripp your face off coaster but its still a fairly intense fun ride