He said that he wanted to be the singer but he just admitted that Hong ki was better, i respected him more after i heard him saying that, if he was in anyother group he surely would be the lead singer.
Misimatoka Stanley i wish kpop fans would show more respect to ft island as the first kpop band in korea. I wish they got more respect cn blue gets more respect than them and ft was the first. I love fnc fam but i just hate that they are unappreciated.
@@asdfghjkl9650 well if you think of it they are a kpop band I mean look at their first debut they are a band that have made K-pop bands rock no matter what also a kpop band that is able to introduce rock
Emeysipi ft island is considered by koreans and international the first kpop band. When ft debuted they were kpop than rock thats why they were considered kpop band. After the years went by ft island finally decided to do do more rock what they liked more thus now known as kpop band/ rock band in korea. And they helped krock be more known in korea. But they are the first kpop band since they started out as kpop. Hope that makes sense.
I've always loved his voice and felt so bummed because he gets looked over so easly and never really is able to show his voice in FT Island, so seeing him here, singing a whole Song by himself makes me so happy i can't even describe it in words. 😍🙈
We always acknowledge his vocal in FTISLAND tho. his vocal is crucial for FT sound overall. Not everyone can sing beside Hongki and shine in their own light.
@@nanana6477 I know that, but you can't deny that he get overshadowed a lot, especially when he's singing next to Hongki (which is normal since Hongki's voice is freaking gigantic) so seeing him here, being able to sing a whole song and the entire audience being only focused on him, really makes me happy since it is something, that usually just isn't possible for him...
he actually the first vocalist for ftisland before, but then they cant beat the beautiful voice of hong gi so hong gi became the main vocalist. Both of them actually have beautiful voice, i guarantee if they duet together the song will touch all of our heart.. Hope Ftisland will more success in the future....
Thank you Jaejin for appearing in King of A Masked Singer!! 🙌🙌 Primadonna are proud of you! This is one of the best gifts for us before your enlistment.. I'm so touched! 😭😭😭
FNC artist indeed.. can't be doubted, fnc artists are full of talent. even if he is a member of a band and as a bassist in that group. he can sing well and so beautifully. If you need a proof, just look at this jaejin's performance 👍👍👏👏😍😍❤❤
That's our Jaejin!!! Your voice is so beautiful!! I'm so proud of you 👍 OMG... He looks so free and confident! Woow I really am so proud of him Plus, he looks so handome here! 😍
Can't stop watching this since yesterday ㅠㅜ I waited too long for many many years to see him appear in this program and finally he come!! I'm so proud of him 😭😭
been waiting for jaejin to make everyone recognize his singing's skill. His singing skill is so gooooood and I think he deserve his solo album. I know he is not main vocalist but he deserves that chance. my favorite is emergency room cover. OMG he's so talented and cute 😍💙
Jaejin voice is like Honey 🍯🍯🍯 ... thanks for entering this show.. Hopefully people will knowing your talent more after this.. #AlmostBecomeMainVocalJaejin
Jaejinaaaa ma bae your smoothy voice that I enjoy it😍😍..I'm so glad to see you on masked king , so people know your talent at singing not just at playing bass ❤❤❤❤❤...your voice is love
I'M SO PROUD OF HIM! OMG!! HE DESERVE SO MUCH LOVE and I hope they see the real talent here!! He got so amazing voice!!!! I'll be repeating this A LOT HAHAHAHA!!!
good job oppa , take that stage alone . hope you can and have courage to stand alone and sing now . you are great , you are shining . saranghaeyo oppa , jaejin oppa fighting . ftisland fighting 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 please sing more , dont sing in theatre only . please let others know your voice too . primadonna will always support you whenever you are ♥
Aghhhh I’ve always loved jaejin’s voice and he totally could have gone to the 2nd round but his competitor was also really strong. Love you jaejin 😭😭❤️❤️
WOW itz a WOW Jaejin voice is Amazing 😍 I'm in love now💘 I remember honggi is also join at the King mask 😃 hope all FTISLAND member are joining too to hear they're beautiful voices 😍Lee Jaejin is a great singer 😍 ilove you Jaejin 😘 #Identity Phoenix FTISLAND'S Lee JaeJin😍
팬들은 알지ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜ 이재진 보컬 존나탄탄함 진짜...
노래를 저렇게 잘하면서 묵묵히 베이스 자리 지키고 있는게 진짜 대단한거같음.....욕심날법도 한데...베이스를 진짜 좋아하거나 진짜 착하고 책임감 있는 사람일듯...실제로 만나서 이야기해보고 싶다
He said that he wanted to be the singer but he just admitted that Hong ki was better, i respected him more after i heard him saying that, if he was in anyother group he surely would be the lead singer.
On Naver trending: #7 Jaejin and #10 FTISLAND. Our precious bassist.
Any primadonnas here cause this is called a vocal to be remembered from the first ever kpop band ever
Misimatoka Stanley i wish kpop fans would show more respect to ft island as the first kpop band in korea. I wish they got more respect cn blue gets more respect than them and ft was the first. I love fnc fam but i just hate that they are unappreciated.
They aren't even a kpop band because their music is way too different from kpop. Hehe. Just sharing my thoughts.
@@asdfghjkl9650 well if you think of it they are a kpop band I mean look at their first debut they are a band that have made K-pop bands rock no matter what also a kpop band that is able to introduce rock
@@misimatokastanley ohhh. Okay. I get what you mean. 😁
Emeysipi ft island is considered by koreans and international the first kpop band. When ft debuted they were kpop than rock thats why they were considered kpop band. After the years went by ft island finally decided to do do more rock what they liked more thus now known as kpop band/ rock band in korea. And they helped krock be more known in korea. But they are the first kpop band since they started out as kpop. Hope that makes sense.
그동안 얼마나 노래를 하고 싶었을까 .... 대박 잘하신다 ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ
FT아일랜드 이제 이재진, 최민환, 이홍기 3인만 남게됐는데 앞으로 다들 군대 제대하면 재진이도 보컬 기회 많이많이많이x100줬으면 좋겠음 진짜 음색 너무 예쁘고 음역대도 진짜 넓은데 홍기 땜에 조명 못받고 베이스로만 남기엔 너무 안타까움 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
엡티 진짜 대박인게 악기멤도 노래 다 잘함
최종훈은 노래 개못하더만 이제 기타도 못치게생겻넼ㅋㅋ
@@yeowoo_samak그 기타칠 손가락으로 딸딸이 ㅈㄴ 쳐대서 이제 못침ㅋㅋㅋ 승리도 지금 ㅈㄴ 증오스러워도 걔는 스트롱베이비 이전까진 사람이었는데 최종훈, 정준영은 태어날 때부터 쓰레기였음
아니 씨엔블루였던 이종현처럼의 파트 좀 주지 아예 베이스만 시키는 한성호 미친
러브레터 노래 듣다가 이재진 목소리 너무 좋아서 다 찾아보고 있음
기타만 치기엔 목소리 넘 아깝당
Finally... the hidden gem of FTISLAND is out.. & not many people know his beautiful voice.
This is his bday present for us PRI..😍😍😍😍
All members is a Gem of FTISLAND 💕💕💕
@@Kawai87Rin of course dear😍😍😍. But I really want people to acknowledge Jaejin beautiful voice💕💕💕
I've always loved his voice and felt so bummed because he gets looked over so easly and never really is able to show his voice in FT Island, so seeing him here, singing a whole Song by himself makes me so happy i can't even describe it in words. 😍🙈
We always acknowledge his vocal in FTISLAND tho. his vocal is crucial for FT sound overall. Not everyone can sing beside Hongki and shine in their own light.
His duets with Hongki are very beautiful too!
@@nanana6477 I know that, but you can't deny that he get overshadowed a lot, especially when he's singing next to Hongki (which is normal since Hongki's voice is freaking gigantic) so seeing him here, being able to sing a whole song and the entire audience being only focused on him, really makes me happy since it is something, that usually just isn't possible for him...
Michelle Hawk you should listen the songs he sang in FT Triple
He is main vocal of FT Triple also he can be vocalist on Yume - FTISLAND song.
1라운드 탈락말이되냐... 저 음색에 저 실력이 .. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 대진운 좋아서 3라운드가는애들보다 잘한다는듯 ㅠㅠ
he actually the first vocalist for ftisland before, but then they cant beat the beautiful voice of hong gi so hong gi became the main vocalist. Both of them actually have beautiful voice, i guarantee if they duet together the song will touch all of our heart.. Hope Ftisland will more success in the future....
노래 레전드; 음색도 좋네 재진형 전역 얼마 안남았으니 몸 건강히 전역해서 노래도 불러주십쇼
우리 쟂니 최곤데ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 하 진짜 너무 저평가된것 같아서 나 너무 속상해ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 진짜ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠ 재진이 백년만년 천년만년 노래해줘ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 사랑해❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️홍기 진짜 넘사벽인데 쟂니 미나리 다 노래 잘하는데ㅠㅠㅠ
쟂감성 넘 좋다ㅠㅠㅠ 앞으로도 노래 많이많이 해줘! 당신 목소리 진짜진짜 좋으니까...!
좀 사이코 같던데..
재진이 원래 노래잘하고 목소리 청량하고 부드러움 재진아 좋아해 항상💛
finally, the hidden charm of FT being notice!!! songsari and minari you are next!!
What about Choi leader? hahaha
@@soljimagic8878 haha...need to find suitable song for him..haha
minionpupies soul
Watch Jonghoon sing FTISLAND's Beautiful World with Seunghyun. It's so beautiful!
Look how surprised everyone is. His voice is great, really. *-* finally he is brave enough lol😂😂
Jaejin’s singing is like musical protagonist/prince kind of style.
Thank you Jaejin for appearing in King of A Masked Singer!! 🙌🙌 Primadonna are proud of you! This is one of the best gifts for us before your enlistment.. I'm so touched! 😭😭😭
음원이 없어서 아쉽지만 노래가 너무 좋다 잘한다 😍노래 슬퍼 ㅠㅠ 라이브로 꼭 들려주기를 바래.
We already know how awesome JaeJin is 😄. Now everyone will know. You did great Jeajin-a
I know, we that see their concerts know how he sings...
Ft아일랜드를 좋아하지만 재진님이 노래 잘하는 줄은 몰랐는데 요즘들어 보니 음색도 너무 좋고 너무 잘 부르더라구요 ㅠㅠ🫶🏻🫶🏻
이재진 노래 넘 잘해~~!!
목소리도 매력 넘쳐요~~!!
목소리에 매력에 노래잘함에~~
넘 좋다~~ㅋ
솔로 앨범 꼭 내시기를 빌께요~~!!
하루종일 이재진 노래 듣고 싶다~~😍🤩❤️❤️💕💕👍👍
He made me so proud 😭. You know, not everyone can sing like this, even Hongki 🤣
Happy birthday Lee Jaejin 🎉
목소리 너무 좋다 !!! 노래 계속했으명
His vocals is one of those rare gems that gets hidden. I hope more people are able to see that
They're bands but their voices are as good as the vocal group even more ..Next cute appa minhwan please
All the member from FT ISLAND CAN SING,, Primadonna knew that, so proud with you Lee Jaejin, you did A GOOD JOB👍👍👍
FNC artist indeed.. can't be doubted, fnc artists are full of talent. even if he is a member of a band and as a bassist in that group. he can sing well and so beautifully. If you need a proof, just look at this jaejin's performance 👍👍👏👏😍😍❤❤
Jae Jin ahhhhhhh!!!! #ftisland so bling bling :))
다시한번 나와줬으면…. 이 댓글을 보고있다면 제발 ❤️❤️❤️
이재진 오빠 참 잘 했어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 가장 뿌듯~~ 💖💙💚❤💛💖💙💚❤💛💖💙💚💛❤💖
복면가왕 본방 보고 진짜 첫눈에 반했던 기억이 새록새록... "안녕" 첫소절에 눈에서 하트 튀어나옴
풀버전 보고싶다ㅠㅠ 쟂감성 최고아ㅠㅠ 우리 쟂니 노래 잘하는거 더더 많이 알려지길!!
2:12 와..
Thats our baby jaejin....and that's what we call talent....go FTISLAND.😘😘😘😘
‘그녀를 찾아 주세요’음원을 부탁합니다ㅜㅜ이재진씨 노래하는 소리만 바랍니다🙏🏻
That's our Jaejin!!! Your voice is so beautiful!! I'm so proud of you 👍
OMG... He looks so free and confident! Woow I really am so proud of him
Plus, he looks so handome here! 😍
너무 잘해ㅠㅠ 💙
목소리 매력 넘처요~~
노래도 넘 잘해요~~❤️👍
Congratulations jaejinnie!!! Ever primadonna's wish come true! So proud of you!
I'M SHOCK 😱 i'm so proud that you can singing bravely😂
He is the bassist of FTisland, but he has beautiful voice .
He was the vocalist before hongki
@@tin5055 before debuting so he really wasn't
FT아일랜드의 베이스&보컬 이재진 왕자님 너무 멋있어요❤😘🤩ㅠㅠ
Jae Jin has always had such a beautiful vocals. I'm so glad he came on the show 😭😍
재지니 목소리로 꽉찬 앨범도 듣고싶담..
Finally my wish come true thank you #LeeJaeJin Primadonnas are proud of you jaejiniiie
Oh Jaejin voice is so amazing. Hidden GEMS in FNC Kingdom. Please FNC give an album for Jaejin 😇🎉🎉🎉🎊🙌
He is a vocal bassist 😄😄
So proud 🎉🎉🎉🎉
다시들어도 진짜 우리쟂니음색최고야..
잘부르구 잘생기구
I've been waiting for this. Finally Jinnie... 💖💖💖
Jaejin ah, I'm so happy seeing this 😭😭
Jaejin hwaiting!! 💖💖💖
Can't stop watching this since yesterday ㅠㅜ I waited too long for many many years to see him appear in this program and finally he come!! I'm so proud of him 😭😭
Yeahhh jaejin 💛💛💛💛💛💛
im crying at how good a singer jaejin is. He is very humble, always playing his role and part to support lee hong ki. I love FTISLAND
I’m so proud of you Jaejin’s voice is beautiful
I love Jaejin's vocals! 💛💛💛💛💛
been waiting for jaejin to make everyone recognize his singing's skill. His singing skill is so gooooood and I think he deserve his solo album. I know he is not main vocalist but he deserves that chance.
my favorite is emergency room cover. OMG he's so talented and cute 😍💙
Jaejin voice is like Honey 🍯🍯🍯 ... thanks for entering this show.. Hopefully people will knowing your talent more after this.. #AlmostBecomeMainVocalJaejin
he should at least go to 2nd roundT_T Jaejin is the reason I started to like kpop music
i always love his voice😍😍
*my favorite FTISLAND'S song is Raining, and its beacause jaejin voice
One of mu fave ft songs, too! Love love love it!
Oh my god same!! I never bored listen to it until now
I feel so emotional seeing and hearing Jaejin.. 😭 I love his voice, really!
음색 보물
We are so.proud of you. We all.know how much you wanna be here but you say you still dont have much courage. Now you do it... It's beatifull
진짜 좋다 보석이넹
오잉 이거 난가
I'm soooooo proud of him😭😭😭🤩🤩🤩 he is a legend 💛💛💛
I'm so proud of him and so happy so more people can know how talented he is, he deserves everything :)
OMG im proud of you Jaejina!!!! 💕💕💕 please release a full studio cover for this song FNC, i want download it. This song and his voice is so beautiful.
Jaejinaaaa ma bae your smoothy voice that I enjoy it😍😍..I'm so glad to see you on masked king , so people know your talent at singing not just at playing bass ❤❤❤❤❤...your voice is love
I'M SO PROUD OF HIM! OMG!! HE DESERVE SO MUCH LOVE and I hope they see the real talent here!! He got so amazing voice!!!! I'll be repeating this A LOT HAHAHAHA!!!
His voice is sooo soft and heartwarming😍😍😍
Jaejinnn ❤❤❤❤❤❤
good job oppa , take that stage alone . hope you can and have courage to stand alone and sing now . you are great , you are shining . saranghaeyo oppa , jaejin oppa fighting . ftisland fighting 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 please sing more , dont sing in theatre only . please let others know your voice too . primadonna will always support you whenever you are ♥
음색 너무 좋다😍
우로빠 원래 보컬인디ㅠㅠ 그리고 우로빠 90년도 노래 갬성 쩔어요퓨ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 소녀를 만나다 최고ㅠㅠㅠ
He was FTIsland's hidden treasure.. now he is shining like a diamond❤❤❤
Our psycho pumpkin 😭💗
finally my precious 😭😭😭
시랑해요 이재진
Aghhhh I’ve always loved jaejin’s voice and he totally could have gone to the 2nd round but his competitor was also really strong. Love you jaejin 😭😭❤️❤️
Im so happy to see him here!! Uri bassist itda! 😭😭😭
Thank you for appearing on this show Jaejin-ah 😭😭😭😭
Our ears are so blessed right now 😭
He deserves so much! I've been in love with his voice for years and years! Best to FTISLAND 💛
감정 대박.. 본인 경험으로 불렀죠? 형님 ㅎㅎㅎ
Jaejin you cutie pie you make us Primadonna so proud! We love you 😘
JaeJin!!!! Daebakkkk!!! 👍👍🏼
I got goosebumps :o
our jaejin ❤❤❤❤❤
WOW itz a WOW Jaejin voice is Amazing 😍 I'm in love now💘 I remember honggi is also join at the King mask 😃 hope all FTISLAND member are joining too to hear they're beautiful voices 😍Lee Jaejin is a great singer 😍 ilove you Jaejin 😘
#Identity Phoenix FTISLAND'S Lee JaeJin😍
love love loveee jaejin’s vocals! 😭🤍
홍기 허스키랑 재진 부드러움이랑 듀엣으로 뭐하나 미니앨범 냈으면 좋겠다ㅜㅜ
Its been YEARS and hes still look like a babyyy HOWWW
Love jaejin