Hello, can u do a video delving deep into loot tables vs composition and entropia central and other sites perhaps. Awesome content, i cant stand that every other content creator talks for an hour wasting my time, thanks for keeping this as concise and efficient. Subbed & waiting for more
@@TheRedayz thanks, happy to hear that you like it :) i rly try to keep things short and on Spot. Thanks for the sugguestion I probably do this, but i dont know when, kinda buissy in rl right now.
@@roampro adjusted vigi or adjusted nemesis both with 6 a plates, shud both be lower then 5k. If you want a great allround set that works for bots and impact heavy animals go for a panelon spec but this one costs about 7k ped last time i saw
important to know. How do you even get there to be an uber without doing a loss? I have a mindforce corrosive 9 chip, and all i know is that im always in a big loss.
Its all about oportunitys, if you spot one go and get the maximum out of it, like for example you see that there is a event, go and check it out, take a look on what is in demand and then go and supply the demand in the most effecient way possible :) back in times i used to be a fulltime trader untill i had enough ped to do the leveling route for uber
Nice end game video, sadly not applicable to 90% of playerbase. What profit with daily cdf token weapons, 0 crafting, 0 mining, 1k ped bankroll and lvl 30 hit, 15 looter? And if that at one point was your state, what were your steps? Trade or depo..
During the lower levels i did a lot of trading, i combined skilling with trading, constantly fliping my items untill i reached level 100,almost never used a token weapon, allways choosed unlimited or very cheap limited ones over the tokens. thanks that you did point that out , i will work on a guide for lower levels (that goes a little deeper)asap i got the oportunity, meanwhile you can check out my lvling guide from 0-100 :) I did Focus on best mu and lvl/HP Ratio mobs during that time, it was fouls and then troopers, did depo and then stretch the depo with a lot of trades
@@EntropiaUniverseRealCashMMO About the same, nice music and video, and I saw you killed me bastard. But yeah, again, -10% music volume would be nicer.
Some absolute gold in this video
@@ds8723 happy to hear, this made worth my time already 🙌
This video checks all the boxes. Good Job.
@@Lorespade thanks, happy to see that you enjoyed it :)
Well done, we need more guides like this.
Happy that you like them :) there will be more in future !
Cool vid and nice music man 😅😊
@@alexanderfrost9853 thanks a lot :)
Hello, can u do a video delving deep into loot tables vs composition and entropia central and other sites perhaps. Awesome content, i cant stand that every other content creator talks for an hour wasting my time, thanks for keeping this as concise and efficient. Subbed & waiting for more
@@TheRedayz thanks, happy to hear that you like it :) i rly try to keep things short and on Spot.
Thanks for the sugguestion I probably do this, but i dont know when, kinda buissy in rl right now.
Just found your channel. Great info!
@@omegadroidzero thanks ! :) and wellcome to the channel 👋
Well done
Happy to hear, thanks :)
Do you have a suggestion for a reasonably priced armor/plate setup for mid level trooper? preferably under 5k PED...
@@roampro adjusted vigi or adjusted nemesis both with 6 a plates, shud both be lower then 5k.
If you want a great allround set that works for bots and impact heavy animals go for a panelon spec but this one costs about 7k ped last time i saw
BZ! Great Guide, love your PE content.
@@coocoocachooglin thank you so much ! Happy to hear !
important to know.
How do you even get there to be an uber without doing a loss?
I have a mindforce corrosive 9 chip, and all i know is that im always in a big loss.
Its all about oportunitys, if you spot one go and get the maximum out of it, like for example you see that there is a event, go and check it out, take a look on what is in demand and then go and supply the demand in the most effecient way possible :) back in times i used to be a fulltime trader untill i had enough ped to do the leveling route for uber
Nice end game video, sadly not applicable to 90% of playerbase. What profit with daily cdf token weapons, 0 crafting, 0 mining, 1k ped bankroll and lvl 30 hit, 15 looter? And if that at one point was your state, what were your steps? Trade or depo..
During the lower levels i did a lot of trading, i combined skilling with trading, constantly fliping my items untill i reached level 100,almost never used a token weapon, allways choosed unlimited or very cheap limited ones over the tokens. thanks that you did point that out , i will work on a guide for lower levels (that goes a little deeper)asap i got the oportunity, meanwhile you can check out my lvling guide from 0-100 :)
I did Focus on best mu and lvl/HP Ratio mobs during that time, it was fouls and then troopers, did depo and then stretch the depo with a lot of trades
@@EntropiaUniverseRealCashMMO now thats relatable. Thanks for sharing! Will definitely watch lvling up vid and look for new uploads!
@@yomajo np :) happy to help 👌
What weapon are you using? Its looks so cool!
@@JoseRios-gl1oo its the sniping unity TWEN a long range gauss sniper :)
music is very cool, but a bit to loud to voice
@@eurovlad thanks for the feedback, still trying to make it fit
Take a look on my pvp guide and tell me how it Sounds there :)
@@EntropiaUniverseRealCashMMO About the same, nice music and video, and I saw you killed me bastard. But yeah, again, -10% music volume would be nicer.
@@eurovlad screenshot or it did not happen ! 😂
You never left a link for the mobs drop tables :c
Sorry, did fix it...
Loot section still under construction it seems , "entropiawiki" got a loot database too
@@EntropiaUniverseRealCashMMO thanks!!
Nice song 😂
Thanks 😂👍