Another good video Bill, thanks. Like you, I'm old school, so prefer leaded solder and the wet sponge. My brother however, was an expert with soldering (professionally), and used to repair through hole and surface mount stuff manually. He told me that the brass cleaning ball should be used with lead free. Apparently, due to the higher temperatures used with lead free, the thermal shock of a wet sponge causes the coating on the iron tip to crack, leading to oxidisation and an unusable tip. So, reluctantly, I now use the brass stuff. I don't like it, but I use it. Just thought I would share that tip (pun intended) with you and your viewers. Keep up the good work.
Apart from the higher temperatures, the other issue with lead-free solder is the lack of eutectic point (single freezing/melting temperature). Whilst maybe not such an issue on automated wave soldering or radiant heat machines, it can be a potential source of cold or dry joints and nasty aappearance when using manual methods, since it is quite possible to move a component before the solder has properly frozen. Although the correct eutectic alloy for leaded solder is 63% tin/ 37% lead and this composition is available, the freezing range of good ol' 60/40 is narrow enough as to make little difference in practice. Non-eutectic alloys have their place but not on circuit boards, IMHO. 😝
Cool stuff....Thank you very much indeed.
Nice little station and a good review. I can't get on with lead free solder. I tried it and gave up. Old School.
Another good video Bill, thanks. Like you, I'm old school, so prefer leaded solder and the wet sponge. My brother however, was an expert with soldering (professionally), and used to repair through hole and surface mount stuff manually. He told me that the brass cleaning ball should be used with lead free. Apparently, due to the higher temperatures used with lead free, the thermal shock of a wet sponge causes the coating on the iron tip to crack, leading to oxidisation and an unusable tip. So, reluctantly, I now use the brass stuff. I don't like it, but I use it. Just thought I would share that tip (pun intended) with you and your viewers. Keep up the good work.
Apart from the higher temperatures, the other issue with lead-free solder is the lack of eutectic point (single freezing/melting temperature).
Whilst maybe not such an issue on automated wave soldering or radiant heat machines, it can be a potential source of cold or dry joints and nasty aappearance when using manual methods, since it is quite possible to move a component before the solder has properly frozen. Although the correct eutectic alloy for leaded solder is 63% tin/ 37% lead and this composition is available, the freezing range of good ol' 60/40 is narrow enough as to make little difference in practice. Non-eutectic alloys have their place but not on circuit boards, IMHO. 😝