Ko te Kōrero o te Kirihimete: The Christmas Story (Te Reo Māori Version)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2025
- Join us as we explore the origins and meaning of Christmas through the cultural narrative of the birth of baby Jesus in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago! Retelling oral history and kōrero from the past is something we really enjoy as part of our te reo Māori learning journey with you - whether it's a pūrākau, a bible parable or following a character through their historical exploits - everyone loves a good story! Cultural and historical narratives are deep and rich with learning, new knowledge, morals, guidance and explanations of the world around us and within us. Let us know what pūrākau or narratives are important in your whānau!
This learning video is from our Te Puna Reo Māori online learning programme for schools. It uses sentence structures from Level 1 and Level 2 of the New Zealand Curriculum for te reo Māori in kura auraki. This version of the video in entirely in te reo Māori. If you want to watch the bilingual version of this video where every sentence is in te reo Māori and English, then please access it here: • Ko te Kōrero o te Kiri...
Nau mai, haramai, whakarongo mai ki te kōrero o te whānautanga mai o Ihu Karaiti i Pēterehema mai i ngā tau e rua mano kē! Ko ngā kōrero o neherā, o ngā tīpuna, o ngā atua mā rānei te kai a te rangatira! He tino mea ngā pūrākau, ngā kōrero-ā-waha rānei i roto i te huarahi ako o ā mātou ākooinga mā. He hōhonu te mātauranga kei rō ngā kōrero kia whakamārama ai te taiao, te ao whānui, te waiora, te oranga hoki. He aha ngā tino kōrero kua tuku iho nā i tōu whānau?
Make sure you also check out our videos exploring how Christmas is celebrated around the world and here in Aotearoa New Zealand either in te reo Māori here: • Christmas Around the W... or our bilingual version here: • Christmas Around the W...
Find out more information about our online te reo Māori learning programmes and resources for schools, organisations and more at tepunareomaori...