Great episode, I also was in hard times looking at loans and came across few over ~100% APR. A 1,200 loan would be like 2,500 at the end. But I used those early paycheck apps, and they have a max of 200. So I signed up for like 6 apps and got 200 from each and it worked out but it's scary you don't even know how much the fees are unless you open the contract, which is like the last screen before submitting.
Caleb, I appreciate your work here with all these people. Obviously you specialize in the cases that are pretty tough, rather than people who are more well off. What I benefit most from is seeing what leads to people's decisions about their money. It's easy to not think about, but I can relate with a lot of the folks you have on, see those decision making mechanisms in myself, and I've gotten better about spending and managing money
Man, this one hurt. He admitted to his mistakes, was open and honest about the issues he struggles with, and didn't try to shirk the blame. I hope he knows how many people are rooting for him to succeed.
This guy is exactly who you want on the other end whwn you call 911. Even woth Finances a mess, getting talked down to, yelled at, and still calm and collected, able to answer questions.
When doing dispatch, allowing yourself to become overtly emotional can change the possible outcome. Especially when it comes to people who become suicidal. My mom did it, who is very dear about helping people. And how much it pained her when she couldn’t do enough to help people. Then you have dispatchers who were not so nice.
I can’t really criticize this guy. He’s admitted his mistakes, knows he’s spending to cope, is seeking mental and financial help, isn’t confusing or dodgy with his stories, and works an honest job that truly helps people in need. I’m rooting for you buddy!
as long as hes not like boogie, where all he does is admit his mistakes and mental health but does NOTHING to improve it, its like these people will throw themselves under the bus so nobody can critizes them since hes already done that himself....with that being said, just be skeptical cause a lot of them will never change and will just be another boogie.
Wow, just wow. It's like he committed economic suicide. Extremely bad decisions. It all falls back to his inability to say NO. He can't say no to food, can't say no to frivolous purchases, and can't say no to rip off lenders. He should go bankrupt so that he can't borrow any more, and learn to live paying cash. He needs to learn to live on his income.
Mental health can cause so many issues. So many people just don’t understand the impact it can have on your life. I hope he can come out of this and look forward to hopefully seeing a positive outcome down the track.
Really though, he isn't actually reeling in his "...aggressive style". This guy was just open and honest and didn't bring that aggression out of Caleb, because he didn't need too.
I haven't finished the episode yet, but a quick note about his student loans. Federal student loans taken out for DeVry have been discharged ("cancelled") because of the school's wildly misleading claims. There's paperwork to fill out, and the process could take a while-but he'd be put in forbearance until his request is approved. Definitely something to look into. Edited to add: Especially because student loans are almost never discharged in bankruptcy.
This dude was one of the best guests from a personal standpoint. No excuses, no BS, straight up taking accountability. And BIG weight progress btw. Cheers, keep it up!!
As a fellow dispatcher ( not on the 911 side, but dispatching EMS helicopters) This makes me want to cry, for one of our own to be down in the depths w/ the lows in life that this type of job can be. When stress, anxiety, depression in work & home lives colliding.. And to see him still unapologetically own his F ups all the way through it even with an expression like he was gonna just puke but also so defeated.. 😔😭😞
Finally one person who's genuinely willing to get better, doesn't fight, gives zero excuses and accepts accountability... I genuinely believe that he can get through this. Much luck to him!
Caleb, Please, PLEASE bring this gentleman back on in a couple months to show his progress. As well, your human to human approach is a breath of fresh air. You genuinely care about your guests and it shows.
I'm rooting for this guy more than any guest I've seen yet. Seems like such a decent guy and hope he is making positive progress. Would love to see an update!
I'm pretty sure many former DeVry students are eligible for loan forgiveness if they fill out the paperwork because of the FTC case. They are one of those for-profit schools with extremely predatory practices.
I feel terrible for our guy here. He’s clearly very caring and going through a lot. Every financial institution took full advantage of him. I hope he gets everything on track.
100% ... there's predatory lending right there. Does America not have laws to prevent predatory lending? I'm not American so not sure. I know my country does which is why pay day loans aren't a big thing. We realize they prey on vulnerable ppl.
@@mangomadnnesssif it wasn't predatory then wouldn't they do a basic credit check to see if he could afford the repayments? Or for delinquent payments or for his credit score? Or do american lenders just go yippee someone who'll be worth a whole lot in late fees?
Is there an update on Raymond? Praying his situation has improved and can get back on his feet. Seemed like a genuine dude. Those panic attacks are no joke.
I'm only 10 minutes in, and usually I want to give Caleb a hug afterwards because of the stress it causes him, but for once I wanna give this guest a hug! Dispatchers are absolute saints. Depression retail therapy is real. Divorce is tragic and painful, even when it's amicable. I just really feel for this dude!!!
Its not an amicable divorce, he's just an overly nice guy who she never deserved. He needs a rage room because it's unhealthy for him to be this compliant. This guy actually could use some FreshNFit inspiration and guidance. Just not their scam schools 😂😅
The stress of the job is definitely a thing. My official title is police communications operator with less stress than the traditional position. I don’t do the traditional “dispatch/call taker role” but do some aspects of the job and take over the phone/email reports for criminal/administrative investigations… an actual 911 call taker/police dispatch position would probably send me over the edge.
As someone who also went through a “amicable” divorce (she left me for someone else but I had to pretend to be fine for our son) I feel for this guy. It can take such a mental toll on you no matter how much you tell people “we’re still friends”. It’s taken almost three years and I’m starting to feel normal most of the time
Caleb, I just wanted to let you know that since watching you in March, my wife and I have paid off over $32k of our debt and are projected to be out of debt completely by mid next year! Thank you for the motivation
It takes courage to share this information, excellent job to both of you, will be cherring for you, looking forward to seeing your comment 6 months from Joe 🍻😁
Every Monday. Every Monday I wake up, go over my expenses from the previous week, make payments, and plan for the week/month while Caleb is in the background roasting someone's financial decisions. This is what 800,000+ people needed. Caleb, thank you much for everything you do.
I DESPERATELY want an update on how he's doing. I think I've watched around 30+ videos, and never rooted for someone as bad as I do for this guy. I really really hope that he is doing well. I hope he knows we're cheering him on
Listening in the car with my 9 year old. He asked me what 150% interest meant and it kicked off such a good conversation!!! Thank you Caleb and Raymond for helping my family and helping us have these conversations ❤️
The end of this episode breaks my heart. I hope Raymond knows that he has thousands of people cheering him on, and that he can find a path out of this!!
The psychological toll bariatric patients experience is insane. I had gastric bypass in april of 2023 and had a total mental breakdown 3 months later. I lost my coping method, food. I ended up in a psychiatric hospitsl for a month to get help so I woulsnt unalive myself. My partner left me 3 days into the recovery program. Before bariatric surgery they tell you about how you will lose relationships. I totally get what hes going through. You dont get to that weight without mental health issues and often times its more than just food being used as a coping skill. Spending $$$ to fill a void goes hand in hand with overeating.
they should stop providing bypasses as a solution. it's cheating and it finally bites back in form of mental health issues (which were left unsolved in favor of surgery). everyone can stop overeating, coping or not. imagine people with severe allergic reactions will eat themselves to ICU because they "have to" eat that peanut butter sandwich or that strawberry cake. obese people don't take their life seriously. I always wanted to ask: why obese people pick something yummy and dangerous for health? why no one eats green salad or fruits when they're hungry? it's food too and it doesn't make you obese even if you chew 5 plates of salad.
Eating addiction is such a hard one too because you cannot avoid food, you still need to eat. So you have to summon your willpower to make good choices at least 3x a day. That’s a lot.
@@geministargazer9830 That's so true. It takes a lot of willpower to make those choices especially when you've been eating so much salt, fat, and sugar for a long period of time.
@@geministargazer9830it’s also encouraged in the US and people think you’re crazy if you point out that it’s a legit addiction and people who are 100lbs+ overweight have an underlying mental problem. It’s “body shaming” to point this out though
I have the utmost respect for dispatchers, they are the FIRST first responders to someones worst day, and they willingly take those calls all day, every day. He's the first in a long string of guests I am really truly cheering for.
If you've ever spoken to a fireman or EMS worker you'll probably have been told, "We're not the first responders, you are." That's why they push getting civilian training so hard. They're 4+ mins out, you're there immediately. But they absolutely have my respect
I love this episode. I’m an EMT and I work 76-112 hours a WEEK to get by. Im going through a divorce and trying to become a medic so I can make more money. I don’t tell anyone what I’m really going through. This guy is SO brave for sharing his story.
Dude, get a new career. Much respect to the hard-working EMTs and the life-saving work you all do but EMTs are *drastically* underpaid. You'll never get out of the poverty struggle if you stay in that career.
I've been watching these for the last few weeks, this has been the hardest one to watch. It hurts to see someone have to go through all of this, especially someone upfront, no BS, going through a really rough time in his life and owning up to it all, all I can hope is that he is on track for a better future and is making some headway
Indeed. I made some bad financial decisions when I was young. Its so easy to get money, the predatory lending should be banned. It was just a coping mechanism for deep rooted issues, which I just overcoming at the age of 40. But the earlier decisions can ruin you for a good portion of your life. Owning your mistakes is the first step. People who never experienced it are lucky people. Must be nice to be absolutely perfect
Caleb, I appreciate how stringent you are in regards to your sponsorships. THANK YOU FOR NOT TAKING TEMU’s MONEY!! It’s extremely refreshing to hear TH-camrs not just take easy money, and try to sell us unnecessary crap they don’t even truly support.
He seems so genuinely nice and real. He's had a hard time and made poor choices because of it. Hope his therapy through work is good. I'm praying for him. He's got this
This guy’s accountability is admirable. “100% stupidity” as a response to bad debt shows that he knows that he messed up. This guy is a great guy who is going through a rough point in his life. Keep it up man you are going to do great and everyone is rooting for you!
Caleb you have kicked my butt into shape on finances, no more gas station trips other than gas, no more alcohol, VERY minimal/cheap “going out” (bowling, only eating out when absolutely necessary and doing it cheaply), and I have tightened down my budget, cancelled subscriptions and raised the payments on the two small debts I have. THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO.
@@GUITARTIME2024I will say with the cutting out gas station trips I have removed my “energy drinks” (used to be actually drinking monster etc, quit that about 2 years ago and went to other stuff, sparkling caffeine ice etc.) and am basically only drinking water with Mio now. But im also pretty physically healthy so food isn’t an issue
I'm always surprised Caleb doesn't mention gifts of service as substitues for material presents. Last Mother's day, I went out and spent several hours weeding the garden of a close family friend. Made her day. Most people who love you, will simply love to be around you and they will remember the help you gave them. Babysit the kids, clean the house, weed the garden. It costs a little time, but it means a lot and I think it eases the "guilt" of not being able to gift consumer objects.
One of my favorite things about these videos is how many times Caleb says to his guests "your life matters" and how much focus there is on therapy -- it really goes so far beyond personal finance.
Advising people to piss away money on something that at BEST will do nothing but waste money and at worst will make them more depressed is not a positive.
@@christinewatson1989 at Best? That's a very extremely limited perspective on a highly advocated and studied field in science. Just because it may not work for you doesn't mean it doesn't help anyone else in a great way
@@christinewatson1989it’s not like he’s advising a psychic, he’s telling people that sometimes it helps to talk to people about your problems. That is scientifically proven to help people deal with said problems in a way that does not harm them. Are some therapists a waste of space who just want to prescribe meds? Sure, I’ve had one of those. I’d also say the vast majority of them do good work and help people.
"About 64 wams" 😂 love that the guy is being a good sport! It's hard to put yourself in a vulnerable position for a video that'll be shared with thousands and get grilled and taking it well! Nothing against Caleb's approach- I appreciate the tough love he has for people! As he says numerous times; he's just pissed off with the situation, not the person. Thank you both for sharing the content 🤙🏽
So refreshing. Unlike previous guests Raymond was receptive to the audit and not defensive. An honest "I fucked up and want to do better" in all aspects of life is so much better than trying to explain away bad decisions.
People love that comment. But all food content and budget content attracts incredibly picky and critical viewers. Do it but remember not to let the riding get you down?
Aww, I feel for this dude! Working long hours at a mentally tough (and totally heroic) job, going through separation/divorce, dealing with weight loss and eating habits... and like most of us, poor coping skills. But it's so awesome that he laid it all out and took all the info given to him. He deserves all the help!!! Rooting for you, man!!
“Is this the right job for you” I hear it in this man’s voice that it’s hurts because he cares. And now even when getting help he chose to put himself as an example to motivate and teach other people too. - We’re cheering for you man. Hope to see you in a better place financially and with great mental health support in a future episode.
@@FutureDreamZz eh its honestly not a crazy amount. He should look for free stuff until he can afford it. Only get shit like onlyfans if ya got disposable income which he doesnt.
So I am currently in a Ch. 13 bankruptcy with my wife. We are about 18 months away from it being all paid off and let me tell you, IT IS NOT easy. It is by far the MOST stressful thing we have gone through as a couple. We have had arguments, almost divorced, and everything else you can think of. Most people who file Ch 13 don't even make it and end up converting to a CH 7 which is way worse. It is such a burden every day/month to have that money taken out for five years. Again, almost out but its so physically and emotionally draining.
I did a Ch7 in July 2022 and my credit was not destroyed by it. It's surprising how fast everything recovers. We kept our house, 3 cars, retirement account, and tax refund. We just discharged $85,000 on unsecured debt. My credit is better than it was before bk.
@@shannonsampson3267 Go try to get a loan and see what a bank tells you. Bankruptcy is awful for your credit. It tells every lender this person has no problem not paying. Would you loan to a stranger you know declared bankruptcy? Because banks won't.
I'm just now watching this, and it's breaking my heart. I would love an update on how he's doing, i'm so rooting for him. He's such a good guy, honest, hard working and owning his mistakes. And kudos to Caleb for being so compassionate and kind. Damn, really sad to watch 😥😥😥😥😥
Now this dude is one I root for more than 99% of all your guests. Do the hard work, cut expenses, sell your stuff and PRAY! You can do it, I can't wait to see your return on this show.
That's another thing. He may have some valuables he can sell on facebook or ebay. I know he might not want to sell the computer, but in reality, he couldn't afford it to begin with. He may need to sell it and then buy it back when he can truly afford it.
In our world everywhere you look you are being coerced into buying something. Caleb is able to turn this kind of consumerism that is tolerated by peers and glorified by companies into a feeling of disgust. This channel is one of the only places that does that. Good work Caleb.
exactly. Also I have always wanted to get better with my finances, but many places I've watched for advice just want to sell you their online course in the end, or don't consider personal situations and realistic approach towards how people can improve their spending. Now I'm lucky to have stumbled upon this channel where the advice is genuinely helpful and well-meant!
love how caleb told him "not to hate himself" for the poor financial decisions he made. his debt problem can be fixed by fixing the underlying issue, which is mental health. love how caleb continually reinforced him that, yes the debt is big, but it's not impossible to solve as long as he can fix his root issue and tackle this head on. this speaks to everyone who made poor financial decisions from trials and tribulations life throws at you. i know I have (and have learned from it many years back).
Dispatchers are grossly underpaid in most US states it seems... I'm Canadian & I dispatched for EMS for a year. Started at a significantly higher pay than this guest is making now. It's a grueling job that deserves way more recognition and appropriate compensation. I don't regret trying the job but it definitely takes a special type of person to stick with it. Turnover rate is huge and even most of those who stay require leaves of absence within their first 5 years.
Yeah it's unfortunate to see the working class repeatedly get screwed.. For reference I started at $37 CAD in training and bumped to $46 after 1000 hours of in class & on the job training. @@itakenaps
State of Texas average for police dispatch is around 20 bucks an hour. Austin and some other local departments are 23.50-25.00 starting… I think many of the state agencies(DPS, Parks and wild life dept, etc I believe start around 23(based on a base salary 40 hours a week with occasional OT) I’m around 31-33 an hour(depending on the length of the month)(68k yr base) plus occasional OT
I have a special place in my heart for first responders! He has the perfect demeanor, cadence and voice to be a dispatcher! I’m really rooting for this guy! Best of luck to you ❤
RAYMOND: You can do this. You own your mistakes, you are making it a day at a time and making commitments to get your life into a better and safer place. You deserve that. I cannot wait to see your success.
I'm happy Raymond's working on his physical, mental and financial health. Also, I appreciate Raymond giving optimistic advice at the end when asked by Caleb if he had any final thoughts or final questions.
Just started watching this episode but i wanted to thank Raymond and everyone working in the emergency services for taking on so much stress to help people when they are in dire situations♥️
Raymond - you’re at the bottom of the hill. Mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. Working your way up that hill will be so hard but worth every single step. You are so worth being at the top of that hill and once you look back you’ll be amazed at what you’ve accomplished and how strong you are. Keep fighting for yourself. We are behind you!
My best advice is check if you can stop your 401k contributions, see if your tax withholdings are possibly too much, call the credit card companies and ask can you give me 6 months of no interest while I clean up the rest of my mess or I’m sorry I can’t pay you for a while. Then aggressively attack all of the little ankle biters until you can get to at least a balanced budget and then start tackling the rest of it. If they say no, stop paying them anyway. It is your mess and you are going to clean it up but sometimes choices have to be made and the companies that are willing to help get put higher up the priority list.
The whole idea of credit for delaying, so I would agree. Even if he can take care of one smaller debt, that will free him with more money to tackle the next. It's a slow crawl, but it is possible. I would also do an Uber Eats job, even if it were 5 hours a week, and just put it towards smaller debts. Once those small debts are eliminated, he'll no longer be under their control. I would sell my computer. Any dollar would help. It's not entirely hopeless.
This is by far one of the most intense episodes I've seen. I also MAJORLY respect Caleb for paying for another opinion. I am very looking forward to the follow up episode. I wish him all the best 🙏
@@starfreek101I was thinking this too. He actually has a grasp of what is going on, dire as it is. So many on here bs their way through the audit and often don't have answers at all.
25:41 This is why I watch this channel. It's fun watching Caleb lose his mind sometimes but in the end he has so much empathy and cares SO MUCH about helping these people. You're a good dude, Caleb Hammer.
My favorite part honestly. He starts yelling and immediately backtracks "I'm not gonna yell, I don't wanna yell, I just need to get this point across" or "it's frustrating when I care more about someone's finances than they do"
My god my heart breaks for this guy! He is likeable and loveable and needs some serious support. And to learn that he has value beyond buying things for other people.
This episode has so many things I love about this show- a great guest with a terrible yet relatable situation, and Caleb being supportive but also fired up, and also knowing his boundaries, even when there is no clear solution for the debt. This is an episode that I could send to friends and family. Also holy shit, I hope there's a follow up episode and Raymond has found a path forward.
I feel bad for both of them at the end of this. For the strife Caleb feels being unable to help, and for Raymond and the spot he's in - his bravery for facing it can't be understated though. Hugs to both. 🦋
So glad you partnered with mint mobile! I hear too often in episodes that people have phone plans over $100, theres no reason to be paying that much anymore.
5 mins in and dude has such hard circumstances, 911 dispatch is real hard mentally and separating earlier this year too. Really makes you want to root for him and say that it was just a 6 month depression episode and that with care and a budget he'll be okay again soon.
@@brandonbrown6918right?! Especially considering the stress and the heavy responsibilities that are on their shoulders every second they're at work. For a job like that, you'd think people would remember, "you get what you pay for."
@gingerleamcwow435 my Brother in law is a dispatcher in Iowa and be makes considerably more than that. I'm sure it's based on the county and the money they bring in
I can’t wait for the update on this one. I like this guy a lot - it’s so refreshing to see someone who takes responsibility instead of blaming everything and everyone else. I have hope for him!
Thank you for bringing someone on with food addiction and thank you to this dude for being brave enough to come on the show. When I saw the insta clip for this video, I immediately searched it up. Sooo relatable.
Caleb says that every guest one-ups the other, but it’s nice to see someone who takes full accountability for their actions and at least is willing to improve their situation not being defensive but rather acknowledging. Great work as always, Caleb! Keep up the great work, we all love you!
Willing to improve? But didn't suggest giving up the expense gaming PC? Only fans? He's in a ruck indeed.. but he also has the tools to get out .. sell the gaming PC stuff.. that would be a big chunk of expense.. and stop taking out payday loans to pay other loans .. Guy has a stable job and living.. he got wayyyy caught up in consumerism
@@lueker31 I totally agree. I wrote this because he got a weight loss surgery. He was willing to improve his physical, so makes me think that since now he’s here willing to improve his financial check. Upon making it further into the episode I totally agree with you! 😂
@wilmerborges9607 I get it.. I'm just kind of dumbfounded with the comments on this video compared to mine 3 days ago. Where I was getting completely trashed and called out like a bad person.. but this guy gets a pass and folks wanting to start a gofundme .
Glad he’s seeking therapy! I guarantee you there is childhood trauma involved as well. Caleb, we hope you’re taking good care of yourself - this can be really stressful when your heart is wanting to help folks. Congrats on your well deserved 800,000! Guarantee, you’ll be at 1 million really soon! We two seniors salute and appreciate you!
Payday loans are the devil. My Dad took out payday loans when I was a child to stay afloat. We lost our house and my Dad's car and struggled for food. They just accumulate and accumulate if you cant pay. It is a nightmare. P.s - I have a 2060 nvidia card and I ran starfield and baldurs gate 3 on high quality. 4070 is a scam until there are games that require them.
this dude doesnt seem like an out of touch lunatic he just seems like a guy going through alot that copes with his problems by spending too much. No excuses or blame just honesty i respect that
It's admirable that he can take accountability. We've seen guests with way better financial situations that make excuses and can't open up to mistakes. I wish him all the best and hope he makes it through the other side healthier emotionally, physically, and financially.
This is the first one I've watched where my heart goes out to this guy. I really feel for him. Can feel his genuineness and accountability. We're all rooting for you bud!! You got this!!!!!
Keep your head up man, you matter. You've been through the ringer and can come out of this stronger than ever. Take care of your physical/emotional and mental health, and everything else will fall into place. Rooting for you 💪
Last week I paid off my student loans, making me officially debt free. Own a car outright, have my 401k and IRA set to max out January 1, and have budgeted so that I’m only living on about half my paycheck (I’m fortunate to have a great income). Big thanks to Caleb’s videos and Papa Dave motivating me to get it in gear this year!
I found this because of a short. Raymond please stay strong and push through. You will overcome everything. You have a great heart And you are young. You have plenty of life to live
This guest is awesome, I'd totally be best friends with him. Caleb is out here saving lives, not only directly, but also indirectly. Hes incredible at what he does.
I do really appreciate how Caleb wants to help and always tries to make it clear that financial mistakes don't just make you a bad person. He genuinely wants to help.
It's nice to see someone who is admitting their mistakes and are (for the most part) aware of the fact that things need to change. I reckon he will give it a fair go. Lately the show seems to feature people who are in complete denial, people who will clearly not take advice and are in general completely delusional or even proud of the situation they are in. It is refreshing to see an apparently genuine guest.
Just a heads up, my mom was a dispatcher and was able to file bankruptcy. It did impact her ability to move to specific cities, but not many. Additionally, TMSR (I think?) is mandatory. Also, my mom is currently in central Texas and recommended he Instacart a few times per month. She said he could easily make $600 extra per month. Bankruptcy was incredibly expensive for her and she did not recommend.
I Uber on the side and make 2000 extra a month with just earning 50 every day of the week and 150 on Friday night, and 150 on Saturday nights, doesn’t take long and is super solid, I just cleared my debt with this strategy and now am investing 2000 every month! It’s great
For sure! Back when I lost my job, I did Instacart and DoorDash full time and I was making anywhere between $1600-,2200 a week working about 50 hours a week
Raymond, I will be praying for you. I haven't been in your exact situation, but i have been way too close. Caleb is right, your life and your well being matters. I hope we can see you again. Thank you for what you do. The voice and the person on the other end of the line has been a literal life saver for our family. Thank you, and God bless. ❤
My man, I really hope you're reading this. In months of watching this show I have not ever cheered for someone as much as I am for you. Keep plucking along, balance out your niceties with your obligations and you will eventually get there. I'm genuinely sorry for your divorce and situation. Take care of yourself, process your grief and keep at it. Best of luck on your financial (and psycological recovery my dude!) Looking forward to seeing you out of this debt and on your way to a better life
I liked the side conversation about the gaming PC. Can’t we break up these hot mess cases with some positive audits, people doing well? I’ve had to take breaks from watching this since they’re so stressful! I feel so much stress for these people, I’m sure Caleb does too.
Back in May I decided to change things up and get myself out of debt since the stress was getting to me. Now in November, I’m at the end of paying off my credit card debt that has interest accruing. I’d be willing to go on the show. I haven’t been perfect the whole way but the progress is motivating. But yea, I had to take breaks from some of these too when they are just too much.
Ppl will complain if someone comes on the show making $250k a year, has rental properties and vacations in the caribbean. Lol. But I get your point, these are so bad it's heart breaking.
Thank you all SO much for 800,000!! Absolutely WILD ❤ we are uploading a special video for you all this Sunday to celebrate 🎉
Great episode, I also was in hard times looking at loans and came across few over ~100% APR. A 1,200 loan would be like 2,500 at the end. But I used those early paycheck apps, and they have a max of 200. So I signed up for like 6 apps and got 200 from each and it worked out but it's scary you don't even know how much the fees are unless you open the contract, which is like the last screen before submitting.
Please tell him to look into loan forgiveness for devry university. They got sued and had to forgive a large portion of the loans
Thank you for making finacial content that most of us can relate to not only educational but entertaining
Can you come out with more concrete basis for your scoring system? Maybe like a chart so that people at home can score themselves?
Caleb, I appreciate your work here with all these people. Obviously you specialize in the cases that are pretty tough, rather than people who are more well off. What I benefit most from is seeing what leads to people's decisions about their money. It's easy to not think about, but I can relate with a lot of the folks you have on, see those decision making mechanisms in myself, and I've gotten better about spending and managing money
Caleb yelling at the dude about the gaming PC, and then to immediately ask calmly about specs right after is just hilarious to me.
Lmao the way he said why would you buy them and then goes “what gpu do you have”😂
That was the highlight of the video for me. Caleb’s inner nerd just took over his financial audit momentarily.
Yeah, I assumed that was to get a value to maybe sell it like he has done for cars, but no, he just moved on 😂
it's called balance lol
Man, this one hurt. He admitted to his mistakes, was open and honest about the issues he struggles with, and didn't try to shirk the blame. I hope he knows how many people are rooting for him to succeed.
most people like humble people even if they screwed up
Man I'm seriously rooting that this guy can find his path, get out of debt, and I hope he can be genuinely happy
What a contrast to boogie 2988
Bless your kindness sir
I certainly am!
This guy is exactly who you want on the other end whwn you call 911.
Even woth Finances a mess, getting talked down to, yelled at, and still calm and collected, able to answer questions.
Damn good point 👍🏾
I really appreciate, on a human level, this bit of insight. Have a great weekend
When doing dispatch, allowing yourself to become overtly emotional can change the possible outcome. Especially when it comes to people who become suicidal.
My mom did it, who is very dear about helping people. And how much it pained her when she couldn’t do enough to help people. Then you have dispatchers who were not so nice.
Great observation 👏🏼👏🏼 his voice has probably kept many scary situations bearable ❤
Well said. It sounds like he has a heart for people.
I can’t really criticize this guy. He’s admitted his mistakes, knows he’s spending to cope, is seeking mental and financial help, isn’t confusing or dodgy with his stories, and works an honest job that truly helps people in need. I’m rooting for you buddy!
I completely agree. I'm usually hard on these types of situations but yeah I have hope for him 🙏🏾
as long as hes not like boogie, where all he does is admit his mistakes and mental health but does NOTHING to improve it, its like these people will throw themselves under the bus so nobody can critizes them since hes already done that himself....with that being said, just be skeptical cause a lot of them will never change and will just be another boogie.
He should hit the gym turn that cope into gains
Agreed! I wish him the best
Continuing to love this channel. Caleb is the 🐐 and this guy f***ed up, no doubt about it, but he can get his shit together. Rooting for my guy 🙌
Can we have an update on this guy at some point? I feel like we are all rooting for him and want to see him succeed!
Agreed. I would love to hear what the outcome of discussions with his financial advisor resources was
Wow, just wow. It's like he committed economic suicide. Extremely bad decisions. It all falls back to his inability to say NO. He can't say no to food, can't say no to frivolous purchases, and can't say no to rip off lenders. He should go bankrupt so that he can't borrow any more, and learn to live paying cash. He needs to learn to live on his income.
Mental health can cause so many issues. So many people just don’t understand the impact it can have on your life. I hope he can come out of this and look forward to hopefully seeing a positive outcome down the track.
Yes please
@valcaronShut up, Meg.
I appreciate that Caleb reels back in his more... aggressive... style when the other person is already beating themself up / in a bad place mentally.
...or he knows that the police is going where that dude tells them to...
Really though, he isn't actually reeling in his "...aggressive style". This guy was just open and honest and didn't bring that aggression out of Caleb, because he didn't need too.
Exactly… the people in denial or try and argue with Caleb need the most amount of scolding, this guy seems to actually be self aware and remorseful
I haven't finished the episode yet, but a quick note about his student loans. Federal student loans taken out for DeVry have been discharged ("cancelled") because of the school's wildly misleading claims. There's paperwork to fill out, and the process could take a while-but he'd be put in forbearance until his request is approved. Definitely something to look into.
Edited to add: Especially because student loans are almost never discharged in bankruptcy.
Bump this to the top
This dude was one of the best guests from a personal standpoint. No excuses, no BS, straight up taking accountability. And BIG weight progress btw. Cheers, keep it up!!
He seems like a very likeable guy
As a fellow dispatcher ( not on the 911 side, but dispatching EMS helicopters)
This makes me want to cry, for one of our own to be down in the depths w/ the lows in life that this type of job can be. When stress, anxiety, depression in work & home lives colliding..
And to see him still unapologetically own his F ups all the way through it even with an expression like he was gonna just puke but also so defeated..
Agreed - behind him 100%
Seriously, you just wanna hug him.
Absolutely. I liked this guy. A breath of fresh air over the usual idiots. I hope he did well. I will look for his follow-up and root for him
Finally one person who's genuinely willing to get better, doesn't fight, gives zero excuses and accepts accountability... I genuinely believe that he can get through this. Much luck to him!
I’d love to see him on a follow up
Please, PLEASE bring this gentleman back on in a couple months to show his progress.
As well, your human to human approach is a breath of fresh air. You genuinely care about your guests and it shows.
I would love to see this guy in a couple of months.
@kekme8528 proud of that joke?
@kekme8528 😂 Have my doubts as well.
His willingness to be accountable is a breath of fresh air.
Such a rare thing on this channel. Usually most of the time is Caleb trying to hold them accountable.
Not trying to be a pessimist but saying it and doing it are two different things. I hope he's serious though!
He had weight loss surgery and is still huge
@@michaelschmidt5179 ….this matters why?
@michaelschmidt5179 it's not a magic bullet, it takes a lot of time and work to lose the weight, it only helps by restricting how much you can eat
I'm rooting for this guy more than any guest I've seen yet. Seems like such a decent guy and hope he is making positive progress. Would love to see an update!
I'm pretty sure many former DeVry students are eligible for loan forgiveness if they fill out the paperwork because of the FTC case. They are one of those for-profit schools with extremely predatory practices.
I hope he sees this!
This ^^^ My thoughts exactly!
hopefuly caleb sees and can share! @@Yo-jc6bm
This!!! I hope he's reading the comments.
I feel terrible for our guy here. He’s clearly very caring and going through a lot. Every financial institution took full advantage of him. I hope he gets everything on track.
Yea he clearly has a generous heart. He gotta draw boundaries and get disciplined. He can do it. He’s clearly a good guy. Rooting for him.
Agreed - something really wrong with predatory lending practices to approve someone for this level of debt
100% ... there's predatory lending right there. Does America not have laws to prevent predatory lending? I'm not American so not sure. I know my country does which is why pay day loans aren't a big thing. We realize they prey on vulnerable ppl.
@@mangomadnnesssif it wasn't predatory then wouldn't they do a basic credit check to see if he could afford the repayments? Or for delinquent payments or for his credit score?
Or do american lenders just go yippee someone who'll be worth a whole lot in late fees?
@@dragonstooth4223 Laws vary from state to state. My state outlawed that kind of stuff over a decade ago.
Is there an update on Raymond? Praying his situation has improved and can get back on his feet. Seemed like a genuine dude. Those panic attacks are no joke.
Really refreshing to see someone recognize their mistakes/short comings and take ownership.
Words are easy.
@@wizzyno1566 Given how many people we see here making excuses, not that easy apparently.
I'm only 10 minutes in, and usually I want to give Caleb a hug afterwards because of the stress it causes him, but for once I wanna give this guest a hug! Dispatchers are absolute saints. Depression retail therapy is real. Divorce is tragic and painful, even when it's amicable. I just really feel for this dude!!!
Its not an amicable divorce, he's just an overly nice guy who she never deserved. He needs a rage room because it's unhealthy for him to be this compliant. This guy actually could use some FreshNFit inspiration and guidance. Just not their scam schools 😂😅
@andyfumo8931 he need to take out on some dumbbells
There job is incredible, but has to be so difficult on people's mental health. Hoping he is doing better. 🙏
The stress of the job is definitely a thing. My official title is police communications operator with less stress than the traditional position. I don’t do the traditional “dispatch/call taker role” but do some aspects of the job and take over the phone/email reports for criminal/administrative investigations… an actual 911 call taker/police dispatch position would probably send me over the edge.
As someone who also went through a “amicable” divorce (she left me for someone else but I had to pretend to be fine for our son) I feel for this guy. It can take such a mental toll on you no matter how much you tell people “we’re still friends”. It’s taken almost three years and I’m starting to feel normal most of the time
Support to you for supporting your son.
You did the right thing and the hard thing but they might actually be amicable.
Caleb, I just wanted to let you know that since watching you in March, my wife and I have paid off over $32k of our debt and are projected to be out of debt completely by mid next year! Thank you for the motivation
Keep going brother good shit to both of you!
Awesome!! Don’t you give up!! 🙌🏾
It takes courage to share this information, excellent job to both of you, will be cherring for you, looking forward to seeing your comment 6 months from Joe 🍻😁
Nice job man
More power to you, matey! Cheering you on to debt freedom. All the best from a friend in Australia 🇦🇺.
Every Monday. Every Monday I wake up, go over my expenses from the previous week, make payments, and plan for the week/month while Caleb is in the background roasting someone's financial decisions. This is what 800,000+ people needed. Caleb, thank you much for everything you do.
I will be taking this idea for my own Monday morning routine. Thank you!
It helps. I implemented Money Management Monday and Financial Follow Up Fridays for years now. Nothing slips through the cracks anymore.
i literally paused the video and ran to the bank to deposit my tips from last week because i was a little short lol.
I do the same lol
I DESPERATELY want an update on how he's doing. I think I've watched around 30+ videos, and never rooted for someone as bad as I do for this guy. I really really hope that he is doing well. I hope he knows we're cheering him on
Listening in the car with my 9 year old. He asked me what 150% interest meant and it kicked off such a good conversation!!! Thank you Caleb and Raymond for helping my family and helping us have these conversations ❤️
Love this! ❤
that's so sweet and necessary!
"I thought 100% was the most something can be?"
"It should be, son. It should be."
@@Toyall1unironically important to have that discussion early
The end of this episode breaks my heart. I hope Raymond knows that he has thousands of people cheering him on, and that he can find a path out of this!!
The psychological toll bariatric patients experience is insane. I had gastric bypass in april of 2023 and had a total mental breakdown 3 months later. I lost my coping method, food. I ended up in a psychiatric hospitsl for a month to get help so I woulsnt unalive myself. My partner left me 3 days into the recovery program. Before bariatric surgery they tell you about how you will lose relationships. I totally get what hes going through. You dont get to that weight without mental health issues and often times its more than just food being used as a coping skill. Spending $$$ to fill a void goes hand in hand with overeating.
they should stop providing bypasses as a solution. it's cheating and it finally bites back in form of mental health issues (which were left unsolved in favor of surgery). everyone can stop overeating, coping or not. imagine people with severe allergic reactions will eat themselves to ICU because they "have to" eat that peanut butter sandwich or that strawberry cake. obese people don't take their life seriously. I always wanted to ask: why obese people pick something yummy and dangerous for health? why no one eats green salad or fruits when they're hungry? it's food too and it doesn't make you obese even if you chew 5 plates of salad.
Eating addiction is such a hard one too because you cannot avoid food, you still need to eat. So you have to summon your willpower to make good choices at least 3x a day. That’s a lot.
@@geministargazer9830 That's so true. It takes a lot of willpower to make those choices especially when you've been eating so much salt, fat, and sugar for a long period of time.
@@geministargazer9830it’s also encouraged in the US and people think you’re crazy if you point out that it’s a legit addiction and people who are 100lbs+ overweight have an underlying mental problem. It’s “body shaming” to point this out though
I have the utmost respect for dispatchers, they are the FIRST first responders to someones worst day, and they willingly take those calls all day, every day. He's the first in a long string of guests I am really truly cheering for.
Same here and he just genuinely seems like a good guy. Doesnt even complain about his job.
If you've ever spoken to a fireman or EMS worker you'll probably have been told, "We're not the first responders, you are." That's why they push getting civilian training so hard. They're 4+ mins out, you're there immediately. But they absolutely have my respect
I am kinda insulted on behalf of the dispatcher. The pay was so low for what good they do for their community
@@extremewirehead emts, dispatchers, firefighters and cops arent paid alot. But the first two are paid the lowest.
I love this episode. I’m an EMT and I work 76-112 hours a WEEK to get by. Im going through a divorce and trying to become a medic so I can make more money. I don’t tell anyone what I’m really going through. This guy is SO brave for sharing his story.
Dude, get a new career. Much respect to the hard-working EMTs and the life-saving work you all do but EMTs are *drastically* underpaid. You'll never get out of the poverty struggle if you stay in that career.
Only 112 hours? Rookie
Don’t u pay 3x more in taxes after 65hrs ?.. & a 100 hrs a week ??😂
I was an EMT not making any money now I’m an electrician bending EMT making good money 🤣
I've been watching these for the last few weeks, this has been the hardest one to watch. It hurts to see someone have to go through all of this, especially someone upfront, no BS, going through a really rough time in his life and owning up to it all, all I can hope is that he is on track for a better future and is making some headway
Indeed. I made some bad financial decisions when I was young. Its so easy to get money, the predatory lending should be banned.
It was just a coping mechanism for deep rooted issues, which I just overcoming at the age of 40. But the earlier decisions can ruin you for a good portion of your life. Owning your mistakes is the first step.
People who never experienced it are lucky people. Must be nice to be absolutely perfect
Caleb, I appreciate how stringent you are in regards to your sponsorships. THANK YOU FOR NOT TAKING TEMU’s MONEY!! It’s extremely refreshing to hear TH-camrs not just take easy money, and try to sell us unnecessary crap they don’t even truly support.
Sponsorblock solves that
Not to mention they do questionable things with their customers information.
@@74_pelicanscurious about this and would love to hear more
He seems so genuinely nice and real. He's had a hard time and made poor choices because of it. Hope his therapy through work is good. I'm praying for him. He's got this
I love how you pick up on him speaking down on himself and you telling him his life matters. Good job man
This guy’s accountability is admirable. “100% stupidity” as a response to bad debt shows that he knows that he messed up. This guy is a great guy who is going through a rough point in his life. Keep it up man you are going to do great and everyone is rooting for you!
Caleb you have kicked my butt into shape on finances, no more gas station trips other than gas, no more alcohol, VERY minimal/cheap “going out” (bowling, only eating out when absolutely necessary and doing it cheaply), and I have tightened down my budget, cancelled subscriptions and raised the payments on the two small debts I have. THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO.
Remove ALL processed foods.
You’ve got this!!!!
Baller, you got this 💪
@@GUITARTIME2024I will say with the cutting out gas station trips I have removed my “energy drinks” (used to be actually drinking monster etc, quit that about 2 years ago and went to other stuff, sparkling caffeine ice etc.) and am basically only drinking water with Mio now. But im also pretty physically healthy so food isn’t an issue
@@GUITARTIME2024water with Mio and water to be clear 😂
This guy he's helping is a cool dude. You can tell he'd be a good friend to have. Wish him the best
I'm always surprised Caleb doesn't mention gifts of service as substitues for material presents. Last Mother's day, I went out and spent several hours weeding the garden of a close family friend. Made her day. Most people who love you, will simply love to be around you and they will remember the help you gave them. Babysit the kids, clean the house, weed the garden. It costs a little time, but it means a lot and I think it eases the "guilt" of not being able to gift consumer objects.
Wonderful idea!❤
This is wonderful. For Christmas and Mother's Day etc. help and service is all I ever ask for! It is the MOST appreciated thing for sure!
Acts of service is my love language so this really speaks to me
Love this post!!!💕
This would make me way more excited and feel so much more loved than any consumer gifts!
One of my favorite things about these videos is how many times Caleb says to his guests "your life matters" and how much focus there is on therapy -- it really goes so far beyond personal finance.
Advising people to piss away money on something that at BEST will do nothing but waste money and at worst will make them more depressed is not a positive.
@@christinewatson1989 at Best? That's a very extremely limited perspective on a highly advocated and studied field in science. Just because it may not work for you doesn't mean it doesn't help anyone else in a great way
@@christinewatson1989dude who hurt you?
@@christinewatson1989it’s not like he’s advising a psychic, he’s telling people that sometimes it helps to talk to people about your problems. That is scientifically proven to help people deal with said problems in a way that does not harm them. Are some therapists a waste of space who just want to prescribe meds? Sure, I’ve had one of those. I’d also say the vast majority of them do good work and help people.
Me too I am a therapist and I really just love Caleb's advice.
"About 64 wams" 😂 love that the guy is being a good sport! It's hard to put yourself in a vulnerable position for a video that'll be shared with thousands and get grilled and taking it well! Nothing against Caleb's approach- I appreciate the tough love he has for people! As he says numerous times; he's just pissed off with the situation, not the person. Thank you both for sharing the content 🤙🏽
So refreshing. Unlike previous guests Raymond was receptive to the audit and not defensive. An honest "I fucked up and want to do better" in all aspects of life is so much better than trying to explain away bad decisions.
Im a chef. I was wondering if people would like budget cooking videos? I can price out meals. Or buy groceries based off a weekly budget.
People love that comment. But all food content and budget content attracts incredibly picky and critical viewers.
Do it but remember not to let the riding get you down?
Have you started it!?👀
Aww, I feel for this dude! Working long hours at a mentally tough (and totally heroic) job, going through separation/divorce, dealing with weight loss and eating habits... and like most of us, poor coping skills. But it's so awesome that he laid it all out and took all the info given to him. He deserves all the help!!! Rooting for you, man!!
I’ve never cried in an episode until now. This man’s life does matter. I pray he gets through all of this. He seems like such a kind soul ❤
He is a kickass person indeed.
pray to whom ? 🤔
@@HemiChryslerto whomever they pray to. What kind of a question is this?
its the question of an absolute loser begging for attention.@@marymackxo
@@marymackxo I wondered whether the commenter had a favourite god.
You’ve got this, Raymond! You are needed here in this world.
My heart goes out to this guy, he was so brave to come on this and I hope he is able to find a path forward quickly.
“Is this the right job for you”
I hear it in this man’s voice that it’s hurts because he cares. And now even when getting help he chose to put himself as an example to motivate and teach other people too. - We’re cheering for you man. Hope to see you in a better place financially and with great mental health support in a future episode.
I’m definitely cheering for him, what are your thoughts about him paying onlyfans tho?
@@FutureDreamZz eh its honestly not a crazy amount. He should look for free stuff until he can afford it. Only get shit like onlyfans if ya got disposable income which he doesnt.
So I am currently in a Ch. 13 bankruptcy with my wife. We are about 18 months away from it being all paid off and let me tell you, IT IS NOT easy. It is by far the MOST stressful thing we have gone through as a couple. We have had arguments, almost divorced, and everything else you can think of. Most people who file Ch 13 don't even make it and end up converting to a CH 7 which is way worse. It is such a burden every day/month to have that money taken out for five years. Again, almost out but its so physically and emotionally draining.
What is hard about it? I have no idea what is 13 vs 7
@@pinkisforpimps One is more of a restructuring and one discharges many debts but destroys your credit. Over simplified but that's the basic idea.
I did a Ch7 in July 2022 and my credit was not destroyed by it. It's surprising how fast everything recovers. We kept our house, 3 cars, retirement account, and tax refund. We just discharged $85,000 on unsecured debt. My credit is better than it was before bk.
Don't give up!!❤
@@shannonsampson3267 Go try to get a loan and see what a bank tells you. Bankruptcy is awful for your credit. It tells every lender this person has no problem not paying. Would you loan to a stranger you know declared bankruptcy? Because banks won't.
I'm just now watching this, and it's breaking my heart. I would love an update on how he's doing, i'm so rooting for him. He's such a good guy, honest, hard working and owning his mistakes. And kudos to Caleb for being so compassionate and kind. Damn, really sad to watch 😥😥😥😥😥
Now this dude is one I root for more than 99% of all your guests. Do the hard work, cut expenses, sell your stuff and PRAY! You can do it, I can't wait to see your return on this show.
That's another thing. He may have some valuables he can sell on facebook or ebay. I know he might not want to sell the computer, but in reality, he couldn't afford it to begin with. He may need to sell it and then buy it back when he can truly afford it.
He seems like such a great guy! I hope he gets his life on track
In our world everywhere you look you are being coerced into buying something. Caleb is able to turn this kind of consumerism that is tolerated by peers and glorified by companies into a feeling of disgust. This channel is one of the only places that does that. Good work Caleb.
exactly. Also I have always wanted to get better with my finances, but many places I've watched for advice just want to sell you their online course in the end, or don't consider personal situations and realistic approach towards how people can improve their spending. Now I'm lucky to have stumbled upon this channel where the advice is genuinely helpful and well-meant!
love how caleb told him "not to hate himself" for the poor financial decisions he made. his debt problem can be fixed by fixing the underlying issue, which is mental health. love how caleb continually reinforced him that, yes the debt is big, but it's not impossible to solve as long as he can fix his root issue and tackle this head on. this speaks to everyone who made poor financial decisions from trials and tribulations life throws at you. i know I have (and have learned from it many years back).
Caleb, the amount of respect I have for you trying to help people is tremendous. Don’t stop providing your services! Your a legend
I really appreciate your support ❤
I’m rooting for this guy. I feel bad for him, bc I know the struggle. You can do it bro. Just remember the goals and ONE DAY AT A TIME
Love how Caleb couldn’t override his curiosity about the PC! 😂😂😂😂
How much Wedicated Wam? 😂
Had me giggling at how adorable that was lol
Dispatchers are grossly underpaid in most US states it seems... I'm Canadian & I dispatched for EMS for a year. Started at a significantly higher pay than this guest is making now. It's a grueling job that deserves way more recognition and appropriate compensation. I don't regret trying the job but it definitely takes a special type of person to stick with it. Turnover rate is huge and even most of those who stay require leaves of absence within their first 5 years.
basically 95% of jobs are underpaid at this point lmao rip
Yeah it's unfortunate to see the working class repeatedly get screwed.. For reference I started at $37 CAD in training and bumped to $46 after 1000 hours of in class & on the job training. @@itakenaps
State of Texas average for police dispatch is around 20 bucks an hour.
Austin and some other local departments are 23.50-25.00 starting…
I think many of the state agencies(DPS, Parks and wild life dept, etc I believe start around 23(based on a base salary 40 hours a week with occasional OT)
I’m around 31-33 an hour(depending on the length of the month)(68k yr base) plus occasional OT
Dispatchers, EMTs, teachers like does the US just not want useful people?
The guest is very generous. I wish he would put himself first. He seems like a great person.
I have a special place in my heart for first responders! He has the perfect demeanor, cadence and voice to be a dispatcher! I’m really rooting for this guy! Best of luck to you ❤
RAYMOND: You can do this. You own your mistakes, you are making it a day at a time and making commitments to get your life into a better and safer place. You deserve that. I cannot wait to see your success.
This guy is great. He’s had issues, but he understands them and he admits his mistakes. I hope the best for him.
I'm happy Raymond's working on his physical, mental and financial health. Also, I appreciate Raymond giving optimistic advice at the end when asked by Caleb if he had any final thoughts or final questions.
Just started watching this episode but i wanted to thank Raymond and everyone working in the emergency services for taking on so much stress to help people when they are in dire situations♥️
He seems so sweet and gentle. I hope he’s doing well
So heartbreaking to see people realize the direness of their own situation develop in real time. Thank you Caleb for being that catalyst for people.
Raymond - you’re at the bottom of the hill. Mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. Working your way up that hill will be so hard but worth every single step. You are so worth being at the top of that hill and once you look back you’ll be amazed at what you’ve accomplished and how strong you are. Keep fighting for yourself. We are behind you!
beautifully put. We’re all rooting for Raymond here!!
My best advice is check if you can stop your 401k contributions, see if your tax withholdings are possibly too much, call the credit card companies and ask can you give me 6 months of no interest while I clean up the rest of my mess or I’m sorry I can’t pay you for a while. Then aggressively attack all of the little ankle biters until you can get to at least a balanced budget and then start tackling the rest of it. If they say no, stop paying them anyway. It is your mess and you are going to clean it up but sometimes choices have to be made and the companies that are willing to help get put higher up the priority list.
The whole idea of credit for delaying, so I would agree. Even if he can take care of one smaller debt, that will free him with more money to tackle the next. It's a slow crawl, but it is possible. I would also do an Uber Eats job, even if it were 5 hours a week, and just put it towards smaller debts. Once those small debts are eliminated, he'll no longer be under their control. I would sell my computer. Any dollar would help. It's not entirely hopeless.
This is by far one of the most intense episodes I've seen. I also MAJORLY respect Caleb for paying for another opinion. I am very looking forward to the follow up episode. I wish him all the best 🙏
It was intense, but also refreshing that the guy owned up to everything and didn't try to BS Caleb throughout the whole episode.
@@starfreek101I was thinking this too. He actually has a grasp of what is going on, dire as it is. So many on here bs their way through the audit and often don't have answers at all.
25:41 This is why I watch this channel. It's fun watching Caleb lose his mind sometimes but in the end he has so much empathy and cares SO MUCH about helping these people.
You're a good dude, Caleb Hammer.
At least when people seem to grasp how bad their situation is, and that the way they got into it was irrational spending.
Literally teared up at this part 🥹 Sometimes you just need to hear it. Thanks, Caleb. ❤
My favorite part honestly. He starts yelling and immediately backtracks "I'm not gonna yell, I don't wanna yell, I just need to get this point across" or "it's frustrating when I care more about someone's finances than they do"
My god my heart breaks for this guy! He is likeable and loveable and needs some serious support. And to learn that he has value beyond buying things for other people.
This episode has so many things I love about this show- a great guest with a terrible yet relatable situation, and Caleb being supportive but also fired up, and also knowing his boundaries, even when there is no clear solution for the debt. This is an episode that I could send to friends and family. Also holy shit, I hope there's a follow up episode and Raymond has found a path forward.
Raymond, you've got this man. Thank you for what you do for your community. You're more appreciated than you can imagine. I'm rooting for you!
A true man right there, asking for help and being accountable
I feel bad for both of them at the end of this. For the strife Caleb feels being unable to help, and for Raymond and the spot he's in - his bravery for facing it can't be understated though. Hugs to both. 🦋
I hate that this guy seems so nice. It just hurts to see someone in such a bad spot. Spending money he doesn't have for other peoples gifts is wild.
So glad you partnered with mint mobile! I hear too often in episodes that people have phone plans over $100, theres no reason to be paying that much anymore.
5 mins in and dude has such hard circumstances, 911 dispatch is real hard mentally and separating earlier this year too. Really makes you want to root for him and say that it was just a 6 month depression episode and that with care and a budget he'll be okay again soon.
Im surprised they make so low
@@brandonbrown6918right?! Especially considering the stress and the heavy responsibilities that are on their shoulders every second they're at work. For a job like that, you'd think people would remember, "you get what you pay for."
@gingerleamcwow435 my Brother in law is a dispatcher in Iowa and be makes considerably more than that. I'm sure it's based on the county and the money they bring in
Can’t help but want this young man to succeed. He has a long way to go, in all aspects, but it’s not too late. Don’t give up, Raymond 👊🏼
I can’t wait for the update on this one. I like this guy a lot - it’s so refreshing to see someone who takes responsibility instead of blaming everything and everyone else. I have hope for him!
Love this guy. He doesn't make excuses and is actively trying to improve his life in so many ways. Respect to this man.
Thank you for bringing someone on with food addiction and thank you to this dude for being brave enough to come on the show.
When I saw the insta clip for this video, I immediately searched it up. Sooo relatable.
Caleb says that every guest one-ups the other, but it’s nice to see someone who takes full accountability for their actions and at least is willing to improve their situation not being defensive but rather acknowledging.
Great work as always, Caleb! Keep up the great work, we all love you!
Willing to improve? But didn't suggest giving up the expense gaming PC? Only fans?
He's in a ruck indeed.. but he also has the tools to get out .. sell the gaming PC stuff.. that would be a big chunk of expense.. and stop taking out payday loans to pay other loans ..
Guy has a stable job and living.. he got wayyyy caught up in consumerism
@@lueker31 I totally agree. I wrote this because he got a weight loss surgery. He was willing to improve his physical, so makes me think that since now he’s here willing to improve his financial check.
Upon making it further into the episode I totally agree with you! 😂
@wilmerborges9607 I get it.. I'm just kind of dumbfounded with the comments on this video compared to mine 3 days ago. Where I was getting completely trashed and called out like a bad person.. but this guy gets a pass and folks wanting to start a gofundme .
I feel like this guy is going to succeed. I am rooting for him!!
I want to give this guy a hug so bad. I'm really rooting for him. He knows he messed up he acknowledged everything and he just needs help.
Glad he’s seeking therapy! I guarantee you there is childhood trauma involved as well.
Caleb, we hope you’re taking good care of yourself - this can be really stressful when your heart is wanting to help folks.
Congrats on your well deserved 800,000! Guarantee, you’ll be at 1 million really soon!
We two seniors salute and appreciate you!
Payday loans are the devil. My Dad took out payday loans when I was a child to stay afloat. We lost our house and my Dad's car and struggled for food. They just accumulate and accumulate if you cant pay. It is a nightmare.
P.s - I have a 2060 nvidia card and I ran starfield and baldurs gate 3 on high quality. 4070 is a scam until there are games that require them.
this dude doesnt seem like an out of touch lunatic he just seems like a guy going through alot that copes with his problems by spending too much. No excuses or blame just honesty i respect that
Super sad episode, but he came in and was real about his situation. There wasn’t a lot of BS. Respect man. Thanks for coming on.
It's admirable that he can take accountability. We've seen guests with way better financial situations that make excuses and can't open up to mistakes. I wish him all the best and hope he makes it through the other side healthier emotionally, physically, and financially.
This is the first one I've watched where my heart goes out to this guy. I really feel for him. Can feel his genuineness and accountability. We're all rooting for you bud!! You got this!!!!!
Keep your head up man, you matter. You've been through the ringer and can come out of this stronger than ever. Take care of your physical/emotional and mental health, and everything else will fall into place. Rooting for you 💪
Last week I paid off my student loans, making me officially debt free. Own a car outright, have my 401k and IRA set to max out January 1, and have budgeted so that I’m only living on about half my paycheck (I’m fortunate to have a great income). Big thanks to Caleb’s videos and Papa Dave motivating me to get it in gear this year!
Congrats man, goals!
Thanks guys. I promise the struggle is worth it. Hardest part was the last two months because you just want to be done!
Ok Michael! We see you! 🎉🎉🎉👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤
Congrats 🎉
I found this because of a short. Raymond please stay strong and push through. You will overcome everything. You have a great heart And you are young. You have plenty of life to live
Thank you Raymond for your service.
This guest is awesome, I'd totally be best friends with him.
Caleb is out here saving lives, not only directly, but also indirectly. Hes incredible at what he does.
I do really appreciate how Caleb wants to help and always tries to make it clear that financial mistakes don't just make you a bad person. He genuinely wants to help.
Raymond I’m so rooting for you! You’re too nice and giving to others, focus on yourself. You can do this. Can’t wait to see a follow up!
It's nice to see someone who is admitting their mistakes and are (for the most part) aware of the fact that things need to change. I reckon he will give it a fair go.
Lately the show seems to feature people who are in complete denial, people who will clearly not take advice and are in general completely delusional or even proud of the situation they are in.
It is refreshing to see an apparently genuine guest.
I can’t wait to see his follow up. Out of every episode I’ve watched, he is the one I want to see improve the most.
Just a heads up, my mom was a dispatcher and was able to file bankruptcy. It did impact her ability to move to specific cities, but not many. Additionally, TMSR (I think?) is mandatory.
Also, my mom is currently in central Texas and recommended he Instacart a few times per month. She said he could easily make $600 extra per month. Bankruptcy was incredibly expensive for her and she did not recommend.
I Uber on the side and make 2000 extra a month with just earning 50 every day of the week and 150 on Friday night, and 150 on Saturday nights, doesn’t take long and is super solid, I just cleared my debt with this strategy and now am investing 2000 every month! It’s great
For sure! Back when I lost my job, I did Instacart and DoorDash full time and I was making anywhere between $1600-,2200 a week working about 50 hours a week
Raymond, I will be praying for you. I haven't been in your exact situation, but i have been way too close. Caleb is right, your life and your well being matters. I hope we can see you again. Thank you for what you do. The voice and the person on the other end of the line has been a literal life saver for our family. Thank you, and God bless. ❤
My man, I really hope you're reading this.
In months of watching this show I have not ever cheered for someone as much as I am for you. Keep plucking along, balance out your niceties with your obligations and you will eventually get there.
I'm genuinely sorry for your divorce and situation. Take care of yourself, process your grief and keep at it. Best of luck on your financial (and psycological recovery my dude!)
Looking forward to seeing you out of this debt and on your way to a better life
I liked the side conversation about the gaming PC. Can’t we break up these hot mess cases with some positive audits, people doing well? I’ve had to take breaks from watching this since they’re so stressful! I feel so much stress for these people, I’m sure Caleb does too.
I agree but most people with positive finances are going to see licensed professionals. Caleb is just some dude on the internet with no credentials.
Back in May I decided to change things up and get myself out of debt since the stress was getting to me. Now in November, I’m at the end of paying off my credit card debt that has interest accruing. I’d be willing to go on the show. I haven’t been perfect the whole way but the progress is motivating. But yea, I had to take breaks from some of these too when they are just too much.
I’m tempted to go on. It’s bad but not a veritable train wreck
Ppl will complain if someone comes on the show making $250k a year, has rental properties and vacations in the caribbean. Lol. But I get your point, these are so bad it's heart breaking.