At Mythic 9, you can also pick Ascendant Element: Fire! Apologies as I forgot to mention it when doing the Build Respec. It's picked only at M9 because that is when Devil gets infinite Hellfire Rays. However, do note that the Fire boosting Dragon Bloodlines STILL apply even if you use the Bane of Spirit Ring to convert the damage into Force!
For some reason Aeon's extremely powerful Mythic Cloak actually works even if you convert to Devil path. That cloak constantly forces enemies within 30 ft to save, every round (Wis+mythic rank based DC), against slow effect and it also makes your party permanently hasted and gives them +4 insight bonus to attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws. This bonus also includes the main character themselves.
I like how you can change from Aeon/Azata to Devil, but also wanted that Devil was a LV3 Mythic choice. One of the things that always wears me out on gameplays is when i have to "play as something else" while waiting to play as what i wanted.
Honestly, Devil is the one I can "work with" the best. Granted, the mechanical changes always suck, but going from the Aeon path with Mephi guiding you along the way at least feels like a natural and smooth transition. The transition from "true justice" to "self-serving manipulation of the law" feels natural and gradual. I often feel like with the right build you really can just treat Aeon as "Devil with some shiny floating balls". Swarm on the other hand... That one feels like such an aggressive change in the MC's behavior compared to any of the other paths, and even doesn't fit with its own buildup. Up to the big moment it feels like "Lich with bugs", but then suddenly we find out with practically no prior hint that the MC secretly hated everyone around them the whole time!
Devil's really neat, thought the biggest hurdle is to just figure out how going from Azata to devil actually makes sense RP wise. Like Aeon is an easy one, Angel and Demon would make a lot of sense but Azata is the exact opposite of Devil so it's really hard to come up with any reason for it to happen in-character.
I haven't actually gotten to play through it myself yet, but as I understand it ol' Mephi disguises himself as a fellow Azata (or something of that nature?) and he attempts to gradually corrupt you by making the Chaotic aspects of the path seem like dangerous extremes. Gradually establishing a tyrannical hierarchy through seemingly benign "both sides are wrong" arguments. Much like modern day America :D (okay that last part is me, jk no flame pls!) I want to see it myself someday, but this game has so many things to do!
I know I'm coming in here late, but we have to remember that in-game, the KC doesn't have the advantage of foresight like we do. A lot of the Azata choices can be seen as extreme (sending children to battle or even having them near the battlefield, trusting mimics, etc). Mephi does a pretty decent job of presenting an, in comparison at least, moderate option to some of the more 'bold' options. And once you agree with one point, it's much easier to get you to make more and more decisions in line with his alignment. Add to that, we as the player get to make these decisions from perfect safety, where a wrong decision means reloading a save. For the KC, each decision could be the difference between not only life or death, but the destruction of the world as they know it. I can see being swayed into more 'tyrannical' options, especially at the head of a military campaign.
Hey cRPG Bro, welcome back! Been waiting with bated breath for your Gold Dragon and "Disney Princess" version of the Winter Witch builds :D (I think I know how to put that second one together but I can't seem to figure out how it's meant to get Chain Lightning and Hellfire Ray without burning Loremaster secrets to pick them up manually)
I would have assumed that Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot would be necessary for a ray-based caster. Assuming we start every combat by spamming hideous laughter, that's a -4 for ranged touch attacks against prone enemies, and -4 for shooting into combat, so you'll always have -8 to hit. That seems like a lot of missed damage.
They aren't necessary because by the time this build is actually spamming Hellfire Rays at great power (mid game+) you'll have Shatter Defenses together with many great buffs to increase AB. Early game there isn't really a point into firing Ray Spells and wasting precious spell slots, it's another reason why we went with decent STR and Longspears early.
Thank you for this video! I've been following your Azata blaster caster build for my very 1st playthrough (currently at act 3) and I was thinking of going Devil for the last few mythic levels. Hopefully that build will also work well for a Devil character!
I like Aivu personally- so I made sure to go Aeon for my Devil Run. A Lawful Evil Fallen Azata is tempting but ultimately beyond my suspension of disbelief.
The Point of Mind Fog is two in fact: 1- It allows you to subsidize your allies by using your massive DC to help their own will targrting effects 2- the most important one, it's a field effect, so you can cast it before battle starts to immediatly debuff the enemies as they start the battle. A good example is when you know an enemy will spawn once you take 5 steps into the room or when you're gonna attack a non-hostile foe.
Just wanted to say thank you for all your videos, only started playing this game recently, all your videos taught me how to play this confusing af game. It was very overwhelming at first but definitely your multi-class guide helped me understand a lot and after having done a tonne of research on my own all the pieces suddenly fell into place, so to speak. Appreciate it. Just finished mopping up Drezden in Core Difficulty. I want to do a Hard Difficulty run with full custom party (maybe 5 custom +1 NPC for questing) by around Act 2 if possible but not sure how to make up the prologue exp deficit and/or afford the recruiting cost. I guess people probably just use mods to give themselves gold or something to do this huh? Might end up doing that, just usually not a fan of "cheat" type mods but probably okay if it's just to overcome the game design oversight in this case. Anyway, appreciate your vids, keep em' up!
I prefer Aeon to Azata (even if its subpar) as I feel its more thematically suitable. Going for a Sword Saint Aeon -> Devil. Also, when it comes to enforcing gaze; I think its stupid they remove that. It suits the devil imo. So if you want it back (like me) just enable the AeonGazeFeature property with Toybox.
Hellknight is a good choice for Devil, smite chaos will add 20 damage per ray, that's 60 per target, 120 per round. plus crossbloded red/gold, second bloodline brass and hide armor of elemental carnage = 4 damage per die, 60 damage per ray = 180 damage + 60 from smite = 240 damage per target....BEFORE adding the actual ray damage. And also, smite allows you to ignore damage reductions
Also, dreadful carnage will procc 6 times on a kill, (3 for fire, 3 for unholy. All rays hit at the same time), so the ceremonial falcata will deal 6d8 damage to anyone who gets dazzled on each killing blow. And since the Quarterstaff of Dope doesn't work for devils at will rays ayway, may as well dip one level into saint for the falcata proficiency and spell combat. A few swings with the sword as a bonus can't hurt
Azata into Devil never made much sense to me. They're so fundamentally opposed to each other that even an Azata tempted to evil, as we see in Arue's quest in Ch4, doesn't become a devil, just a demon. They (Azata) are so comitted to freedom that it feels like a lurch. Aeon into Devil feels much more natural. Even if I despise Aeon.
Bro, really there are no words to describe the depth of your builds and the dedication you put to analyze every aspect of your build, eplain how it works based on the game mechanics and even give alternatives for everything. I have not tried unfair yet, finished core with a pure mutagen warrior angel and i try your kineticist build on hard right now going for aeon and change to devil later. Just one question. You never propose rupture restraints in mythical progression. I know there are other ways to gain immunities depending on your mythic path but i found it useful enough in many situations.
Seal of Devouring Flames with a party of mercenary Flame Wardens would be fun. With Life-Bonding Friendship and Second Breath when the mercs’ hit points get low they die and explode twice and then come back to life and each can cast Breath of Life once. When they die they keep fighting and when they run out of resurrections and Breath of Life you can cast Second Breath and repeat the whole thing.
Seal of Fire Eating does not specify if the damage to your ally has to come from enemies, meaning you could make sure they get fire damage in order to activate the effects.
Does seal of devouring flame work if you cast it on a summoned ally or a pet? If it does then it's a very flavorful ability where you can summon some minions and then detonate them for damage.
Azata into Devil with a combination of crossblooded(1), eldritch archer(2) and mutation warrior/slayer/ranger should be really good. Spellstriking with infinite hellfire rays that cleave with zippy magic. Since the rays will scale with character level, only two levels of eldritch archer is enough and can even be delayed until immediately before mr9. Sadly the superpowers will be paperweight until then excepting incredible might.
Also, I thought that maybe using Serpent Bloodline could justify using Enchantment spells over Grease? Sleep is party-friendly and with Serpent it does affect monsters. Serpent also gets bunch of Persuasion bonus traits.
The problem with Sleep is it becomes useless fast: only hits a VERY low worth of enemy HD, and enemies tend to have inflated HD scores in Wrath. Enchantment only really becomes good at level 2 spells with Hideous Laughter and Mythic 1 for Best Jokes. OR level 5 spells with Greater Command.
I, too, found Serpent bloodline to be rather useful early game. The level 0 spell, Daze, gets some decent mileage while you're waiting for level 5. Also the hidden Snake familiar with ++ Persuasion and Perception at level 3. Is unfortunate to find, though, that Swarms still resist.
Great guide as always! Question: how come you never take Dismissal (and Banishment) as they are instakill for all demons and especially with Favorable and Zippy magic I guess they might work really well (never tried Azata path personally yet though) Also what about going with Expanded arsenal: Enchantment at Mythic two and start with focus in conjuration (and add more focus in other schools later)?
While even I'll acknowledge that Azata is pound for pound the superior choice for a caster devil, don't think that Aeon slouches. I also couldn't get past how thematically jarring Azata -> Devil was and did an Aeon leyline witch run and even without the gazes the Edict spells and party immunities remained highly potent, and Aeon bane+hellfire ray spam is catastrophic for damage/buff stripping on tough targets. the interplay between the Edicts and the seals/decress also made for a really fun offensive support combo. Also plot-wise, running your crusade as a corrupt, twisting the letter of the law devil-type in the Aeon plot and the climactic trial scene were a real treat. Just want to reassure devil aspirants who aren't feeling an Azata lead-in.
Azata does offer a lot more gameplay wise, but since we retain Aeon Bane, and that becomes extremely overpowered at M6 due to free Dispels on ALL hits that attempt to dispel EVERY enemy effect per hit, it's still powerful. Especially when you consider most enemies are only powerful because they come prebuffed with many great effects that you can easily debuff as Aeon > Devil.
It kind of sucks that it's not a proper mythic path like the rest. It feels like they just added this in last minute. So many abilities/spells are just clones of angel/demon ones. This is such a shame! Because you'd think they would treat the arch enemy of demons with proper respect...especially in a game about demons.
follow up question; I cannot take spell specialization hellfire ray as azata at level 13, it doe snot appear on my list of feats to chooses. did I mess it up ? Thx
The only thing about mindfog is that I believe that if the enemy fails once, they are stuck with it, whereas your CC spells usually allow a save per round. Also, at least when I played devil and used their innate enchantment abilities, favourable magic only affected the initial cast. Therefore, being able to apply a huge save debuff favourable magic, which the enemy only gets one save against, is quite effective at priming enemies to fail saves every round. Of course, if they save only on a 20 anyway, its a moot point. Its also not party friendly and a persistent cloud, so it really needs selective spell, which sucks when cast by a sorcerer due to the cast time.
I guess my main issue with Mind Fog is that due to the area of effect and friendly fire, chances are you are better off just using another level 5 heightened Hideous Laughter with Best Jokes anyways. Enemies that fail their save are toast and bound to expire in 1 round or so unless they are far away.
I have a question regarding the believe in yourself spell. How do you get it as devil? According to Neoseeker guide you only receive this spell if you follow the good route of Azata and you need to follow the "evil" path to qualify for devil. Could you please explain?
It is a real shame there's nothing like an Empyreal Sorcerer but with an infernal spell portfolio. It would work perfectly with the Hellspawn subtype by scaling off WIS and by negating their CHA downside as well... I guess you could use Shackleborn as there's a link to Hell with it but it's not as great. Just seems like a missed opportunity that there isn't such a thing! I guess you could just grab the infernal bloodline or just make do but that one thing would make it perfect for me, since I am quite a big fan of the devils.
Amazing build man like always, defenitly will check it out :D Playing your Lich King build currently and having a blast. Gotta question, I want to start my second playthrough as paladin angel and was following your angel guide with elemental barrage with divine bond (weapon), but it got nerfed. Not a huge fan of mount due to RP and mounts simply taking too much space. What would you suggested as replacement for e.b. and is angel paladin viable on core at all or will it be highly underperforming?
Paladin Angel is definitely viable in Core, it will just grow in power slower as a merged Angel, but once you get Mark of Justice it gets really awesome! Instead of EB you can pick Abundant Smite as to get more uses out of Smite/Mark, or Abundant Casting if you want more casts of the very useful level 1-3 Paladin buffs like Bless Weapon, Divine Favor, Bestow Grace.
Do you not keep gaze? I thought you did, though I noticed all the charges dropped to zero, but I assumed this was just the loss of the infinite gaze power and I would get charges back on rest. If you dont get gazes, its trash, particularly when considering how good 2nd wind, favourable magic and zippy magic are for the devil. Btw, the azata song includes a blanket immunity to compulsion and grants freedom of movement. This is really solid for baphomet as its not dispelled and blocks overwhelming presence and slow, but is obviously useful in other situations too.
Dominate monster is quite good. With zippy magic, its a good way to open a fight from outside of combat where cast time doesnt matter. Never ending war is finite (though not that finite with second wind admittedly). I agree that the seals suck. Reflective mind and fire eating could be useful, but its extremely situational and I honestly never had the presence of mind to use such niche abilities when they might do something. Fear eating is held back by the fact there are much better options for blocking fear, rage is often not a desirable effect and you will be perma buffed with heroic invocation anyway. Were I to guess, the short duration effect would fade and remove the long duration effect you were previously buffed with. Unfortunately, unless its since been changed, devouring flames doesnt work on summons (or rather the AOE triggers but does a single hit point in damage if its a summon). If it worked with summons, it actually would be very effective albeit someone tedious to use. Prebuff a bunch of trash summons and you could font load some massive aoe damage. Its just a shame they still havent brought forward rank 10. Hell's authority would make devil much more generally useful than just for fire and enchantment specialised casters, and really increases the power of both blasters and CCers with aspects of brimorak and incubus repsectively, plus the sword of heaven works pretty well with hellfire ray (the bonus dice apply to each ray), and abolish improvements, when applicable, are huge.
I guess it's just the issue at how at that point, it's kinda outclassed by Best Jokes + HL (which has stupid good range even out of combat too). And yeah, Devil and Swarm really could use earlier M10!
You can't take multiple dragon bloodlines anymore, So Fey and Undead to make sure your Jokes work on everyone, then a fire dragon...unless someone has tested the fire dragon and a fire elemental combo
I love the build (I loved enchantment-focused Sorcerer in Pathfinder: Kingmaker already) altough it angers me how many penalties you get if you try to RP as devil. Infernal Heritage? Bad for this build, pick sadness. Infernal Bloodline? Bad, pick literally anything else and it will be better.
Unless its changed, you cannot get believe in yourself with Devil until inevitable excess. Believe in yourself requires mythic path choices exclusive with the Devil path. I notice you talk about toyboxing the flags for devil, so I am guessing this is why overlooked it. If you qualify for it by actually making the relevant choices, you wont get believe in yourself in chapter 4. You can get it in chapter 5 if you redeem yourself (which requires some very specific choices), but that locks out the devil path.
Thanks for the note! Strange that a certain spell always granted to a Mythic that you don't even need to select at level up wouldn't appear just because of Devil choices.
I'm doing a iazata elemental specialist with evocation + enchantment with best jokes (playing on hard) and since it's bugged, should i respec or its fine to continue?
I think it would be best to respec into a CHA caster for now, because the secondary procs of Laughter (so all the chains besides the first enemy) will NOT get your INT to the DC, meaning most enemies will have a way easier time saving vs it, especially on Hard.
Hi there, this is just for INT casters as I mention in the video. Thankfully for CHA casters it's working fine, which is why I went with Sorcerer for this Guide.
@@cRPGBro oh, i missed this remark, thanks. I just made control mage of divination wisard for the purpose of additional insight and luck buffs for party. thankfully, greater command, phantasmal killer and weird cover all my needs. almost, command can affect, but cannot target undeads with bloodline, best jokes for me to fill this gap.
It can be picked at Mythic 9, I think I actually forgot to mention it when doing the respec for the build, apologies! Or you can just use Bane of Spirit Ring to convert damage into Force, as the Fire boosting Bloodline bonuses STILL work!
Spell dancer is definitely weakest magus archetype - you can get+4 insight AC (+2 you can get normally from spells of your party members) and lose important class features (even feat - and this can be problematic for most builds). And all spelldance features easily achievable through other buffs you can get from party or yourself.
@@KirDmA A Mobility Trickster should make an excellent dodge-tank and be the fastest character possible but I don’t know how to amp up the offensive output.
@@neiljopling4693 And not only you - no one knows how utilise mobility tricks)) Much more straightforward and easy way for fast damage - skald pounce/shatter defense/mythic charge/critical tricks. Nothing can beat this... And you can do it mounted, for double damage on first hit. And you can cast greater invisibility + mind blank + trick fate on main character. You definitely don't need spell dancer to be very strong damage dealer.
@@KirDmA Maybe a ranged attack from melee range without point blank master might work. It should prompt an AoO which could be avoided and with snapshot retaliated with another ranged attack starting a chain until the opponent runs out of AoO or dies.
@@neiljopling4693 Ranged attacks never become more powerful than melee. Even manticore shifter 20/archer monk 20 cannot beat grave singer in raw damage. And with lunge(+5 feats reach)+size spells (legendary propotions give +2 size - +10 feats reach) you can get reach enough to beat snapshot for 1 feat vs 3 feats. This is simply ineffective. And even with all this buffs mobility tricks don't be more effective than simple melee build that everyone using.
This path had so much potential, like Gold Dragon. It's a shame it barely exists in the narrative at all. Cool idea, terrible execution. But thank you for explaining this mythic path that barely exists, it really needed* more information on it.
Do you know if devil DCs on innate spells and decrees scale with any highest stat or just charisma? I have only played a sorcerer azata devil. If not, personally, I would go elemental specialist and take crossblooded for +3 damage per dice to fire spells and no metamagic casting time tax. You might additionally consider arcane trickster to utilise with treacherous flame. Admittedly, its a late game consideration, but fire vulnerability is a big deal. You can still achieve caster level 18 and grab up to 3 secrets with lore master. With robe of seven sins in chapter 4, that should be fine. If not, you can get someone else to apply fire vulnerability with treacherous flame, but with surprise spells, its an effective way of applying it AoE, which is otherwise not very practical to do. I havent tested recently, but there certainly used to be a very nice synergy between fire vulnerability and the 50/50 fire and unholy damage of both hell's fire and hellfire ray. Basically, the unholy damage is based on the fire damage, but also multiplied by the vulnerability. So half your damage does 150% damage, but the unholy half does 225% damage, or 187.5% damage overall, which is a pretty significant buff.
I believe it should scaled based on your highest Attribute, like most Mythic Spells/Powers. Triple Fire Boosting Bloodlines can be fun, it's just that early game I really enjoy the boost to Enchantment from Sylvan. But of course, respec is always a possibility later too.
What is the duration on the Decree of "Spell School" effects? Is it just for the next spell they cast? Until the end of combat? Until the next rest? Certainly a very interesting effect since I find that spell DC can be very difficult to increase. Thanks for the very in depth guide!
At Mythic 9, you can also pick Ascendant Element: Fire! Apologies as I forgot to mention it when doing the Build Respec.
It's picked only at M9 because that is when Devil gets infinite Hellfire Rays.
However, do note that the Fire boosting Dragon Bloodlines STILL apply even if you use the Bane of Spirit Ring to convert the damage into Force!
For some reason Aeon's extremely powerful Mythic Cloak actually works even if you convert to Devil path.
That cloak constantly forces enemies within 30 ft to save, every round (Wis+mythic rank based DC), against slow effect and it also makes your party permanently hasted and gives them +4 insight bonus to attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws. This bonus also includes the main character themselves.
What about the Infernal bloodline?
Race & Background: Tiefling (Spitespawn), Street Urchin (Pickpocket)
Starting Class: Crossblooded Sorcerer
Stats: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 14, INT -8, WIS 10, CHA 19
Skill: Focus on increasing Persuasion & Knowledge Arcana, 1 point in Use Magic Device
Deity: Desna (or CG deity)
Get the Red Salamander Ring from the medic tent in Act 2 for Ray spells.
Level 1: Spell Focus (Enchantment), Bloodline (Fey), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Bloodline (Red, Draconic) for Hellfire Ray (or Undead for CC hitting undead enemies), Grease
Level 2 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): Use Magic Device
Level 3 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): Metamagic (Heighten Spell), Hypnotism
Level 4 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): +CHA, Use Magic Device or Knowledge Arcana
Level 5 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): Spell Penetration, Enlarge Person, Mirror Image
Level 7 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Shield, Scorching Ray, Haste
Level 8 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): +CHA
Level 9 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): Skill Focus (Arcana), False Life, Protection from Arrows (Communal), Greater False Life
Level 10 (Loremaster): Loremaster Secret (Rogue --> Familiar: Hare)
Level 11 (Loremaster): Spell Focus (Evocation), Displacement, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin (Communal)
Level 12 (Loremaster): +CHA, Loremaster Secret (Cleric --> Heal), Sense Vitals
Level 13 (Loremaster): Spell Specialization (Hellfire Ray, and keep specializing it until level 20), Dimension Door, Any, Greater Dispel Magic
Level 14 (Loremaster): Loremaster Secret (Cleric --> Divine Power)
Level 15 (Loremaster): Metamagic (Bolster Spell), Any, Chain Lightning, Ice Body
Level 16 (Loremaster): +CHA, Loremaster Secret (Combat --> Shatter Defences)
Level 17 (Loremaster): Improved Critical (Ray), Firebrand, Seamantle
Level 18 (Loremaster): Loremaster Secret (Cleric --> Mass Heal)
Level 19 (Loremaster): Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Any, Mind Blank (Communal)
Level 20 (Crossblooded Sorcerer): +CHA, Spell Specialization (Chain Lightning), Overwhelming Presence
Mythic Level 1: Close to the Heavens, Best Jokes
Mythic Level 2: Extra Mythic --> Abundant Casting
Mythic Level 3: Improved Abundant Casting
Mythic Level 4: Sorcerous Reflex, Favorable Magic, Any spells
Mythic Level 5: Greater Abundant Casting, Any spells
Mythic Level 6: Mythic Spell Focus (Enchantment), Zippy Magic, Any spells
Mythic Level 7: Second Bloodline (Brass or Gold Dragon) OR Ascendant Element (Fire), Any spells
Mythic Level 8: Improved Initiative (Mythic)
Mythic Level 9: Last Stand, Favorite Metamagic - Bolstered or Master Shapeshifter
Mythic Level 10: Mythic Improved Critical (Ray)
Awesome to see you back! Super excited for this build!
Glad to be back! 😃
I like how you can change from Aeon/Azata to Devil, but also wanted that Devil was a LV3 Mythic choice. One of the things that always wears me out on gameplays is when i have to "play as something else" while waiting to play as what i wanted.
Honestly, Devil is the one I can "work with" the best. Granted, the mechanical changes always suck, but going from the Aeon path with Mephi guiding you along the way at least feels like a natural and smooth transition. The transition from "true justice" to "self-serving manipulation of the law" feels natural and gradual. I often feel like with the right build you really can just treat Aeon as "Devil with some shiny floating balls".
Swarm on the other hand... That one feels like such an aggressive change in the MC's behavior compared to any of the other paths, and even doesn't fit with its own buildup. Up to the big moment it feels like "Lich with bugs", but then suddenly we find out with practically no prior hint that the MC secretly hated everyone around them the whole time!
Devil's really neat, thought the biggest hurdle is to just figure out how going from Azata to devil actually makes sense RP wise.
Like Aeon is an easy one, Angel and Demon would make a lot of sense but Azata is the exact opposite of Devil so it's really hard to come up with any reason for it to happen in-character.
I haven't actually gotten to play through it myself yet, but as I understand it ol' Mephi disguises himself as a fellow Azata (or something of that nature?) and he attempts to gradually corrupt you by making the Chaotic aspects of the path seem like dangerous extremes. Gradually establishing a tyrannical hierarchy through seemingly benign "both sides are wrong" arguments.
Much like modern day America :D (okay that last part is me, jk no flame pls!)
I want to see it myself someday, but this game has so many things to do!
I know I'm coming in here late, but we have to remember that in-game, the KC doesn't have the advantage of foresight like we do. A lot of the Azata choices can be seen as extreme (sending children to battle or even having them near the battlefield, trusting mimics, etc). Mephi does a pretty decent job of presenting an, in comparison at least, moderate option to some of the more 'bold' options. And once you agree with one point, it's much easier to get you to make more and more decisions in line with his alignment.
Add to that, we as the player get to make these decisions from perfect safety, where a wrong decision means reloading a save. For the KC, each decision could be the difference between not only life or death, but the destruction of the world as they know it. I can see being swayed into more 'tyrannical' options, especially at the head of a military campaign.
I have long awaited to see a good Devil Guide! Well made, I have had much curiosity for this one, thank you!
Glad to be of service!
Devil does get some fun and interesting mechanics.
I love how details those videos are.
thanks! great video :)
Hey cRPG Bro, welcome back! Been waiting with bated breath for your Gold Dragon and "Disney Princess" version of the Winter Witch builds :D (I think I know how to put that second one together but I can't seem to figure out how it's meant to get Chain Lightning and Hellfire Ray without burning Loremaster secrets to pick them up manually)
Wow you're back. Thank goodness. I was worried. Hope you're doing well. 👍
Been patiently waiting for this one, you the man!
Missed you videos! Great one
I would have assumed that Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot would be necessary for a ray-based caster. Assuming we start every combat by spamming hideous laughter, that's a -4 for ranged touch attacks against prone enemies, and -4 for shooting into combat, so you'll always have -8 to hit. That seems like a lot of missed damage.
They aren't necessary because by the time this build is actually spamming Hellfire Rays at great power (mid game+) you'll have Shatter Defenses together with many great buffs to increase AB.
Early game there isn't really a point into firing Ray Spells and wasting precious spell slots, it's another reason why we went with decent STR and Longspears early.
Thank you for this video! I've been following your Azata blaster caster build for my very 1st playthrough (currently at act 3) and I was thinking of going Devil for the last few mythic levels. Hopefully that build will also work well for a Devil character!
Never understood why it wasn't the summoning path.Getting others to do your bidding by summoning them would have been amazing thematically.
Becoming a devil requires killing Aivu 😥That is one gaming red line I can never cross.
To be fair, Mephisto only banishes her!
Aeon path doesn't
It makes Devil 1000% better because there is no more Aivu.
I like Aivu personally- so I made sure to go Aeon for my Devil Run. A Lawful Evil Fallen Azata is tempting but ultimately beyond my suspension of disbelief.
Then you ain’t no devil.😈
The Point of Mind Fog is two in fact:
1- It allows you to subsidize your allies by using your massive DC to help their own will targrting effects
2- the most important one, it's a field effect, so you can cast it before battle starts to immediatly debuff the enemies as they start the battle. A good example is when you know an enemy will spawn once you take 5 steps into the room or when you're gonna attack a non-hostile foe.
Just wanted to say thank you for all your videos, only started playing this game recently, all your videos taught me how to play this confusing af game. It was very overwhelming at first but definitely your multi-class guide helped me understand a lot and after having done a tonne of research on my own all the pieces suddenly fell into place, so to speak. Appreciate it. Just finished mopping up Drezden in Core Difficulty.
I want to do a Hard Difficulty run with full custom party (maybe 5 custom +1 NPC for questing) by around Act 2 if possible but not sure how to make up the prologue exp deficit and/or afford the recruiting cost. I guess people probably just use mods to give themselves gold or something to do this huh? Might end up doing that, just usually not a fan of "cheat" type mods but probably okay if it's just to overcome the game design oversight in this case.
Anyway, appreciate your vids, keep em' up!
I prefer Aeon to Azata (even if its subpar) as I feel its more thematically suitable. Going for a Sword Saint Aeon -> Devil. Also, when it comes to enforcing gaze; I think its stupid they remove that. It suits the devil imo. So if you want it back (like me) just enable the AeonGazeFeature property with Toybox.
Sucks it doesnt have as much synergy with Aeon as it does Azata. Because i would love too do a Aeon/Devil build for unfair.
I sure hope he does "Rogue Trader" builds when Owlcat releases that game.
I sure will! 😃
Your mentor's name is not Early Sunset when you are an Aeon, its Melies. And love that you shone some light on the devil :)
Hellknight is a good choice for Devil, smite chaos will add 20 damage per ray, that's 60 per target, 120 per round. plus crossbloded red/gold, second bloodline brass and hide armor of elemental carnage = 4 damage per die, 60 damage per ray = 180 damage + 60 from smite = 240 damage per target....BEFORE adding the actual ray damage. And also, smite allows you to ignore damage reductions
Also, dreadful carnage will procc 6 times on a kill, (3 for fire, 3 for unholy. All rays hit at the same time), so the ceremonial falcata will deal 6d8 damage to anyone who gets dazzled on each killing blow. And since the Quarterstaff of Dope doesn't work for devils at will rays ayway, may as well dip one level into saint for the falcata proficiency and spell combat. A few swings with the sword as a bonus can't hurt
Azata into Devil never made much sense to me. They're so fundamentally opposed to each other that even an Azata tempted to evil, as we see in Arue's quest in Ch4, doesn't become a devil, just a demon. They (Azata) are so comitted to freedom that it feels like a lurch. Aeon into Devil feels much more natural. Even if I despise Aeon.
Bro, really there are no words to describe the depth of your builds and the dedication you put to analyze every aspect of your build, eplain how it works based on the game mechanics and even give alternatives for everything. I have not tried unfair yet, finished core with a pure mutagen warrior angel and i try your kineticist build on hard right now going for aeon and change to devil later. Just one question. You never propose rupture restraints in mythical progression. I know there are other ways to gain immunities depending on your mythic path but i found it useful enough in many situations.
Going all the way down the Arue romance path to its conclusion only to go "SURE LMAO LET'S DEVIL IT UP" sounds hysterical. I want to do it.
It's definitely hilarious 😁
Seal of Devouring Flames with a party of mercenary Flame Wardens would be fun. With Life-Bonding Friendship and Second Breath when the mercs’ hit points get low they die and explode twice and then come back to life and each can cast Breath of Life once. When they die they keep fighting and when they run out of resurrections and Breath of Life you can cast Second Breath and repeat the whole thing.
Seal of Fire Eating does not specify if the damage to your ally has to come from enemies, meaning you could make sure they get fire damage in order to activate the effects.
9:41 Could you kill a summon or an animal companion for the effect? If yes, you could turn your summons in bombs.
Does seal of devouring flame work if you cast it on a summoned ally or a pet? If it does then it's a very flavorful ability where you can summon some minions and then detonate them for damage.
That would be better than having a party member die, but the damage amounts for those seals still seem pretty low for that point of the game.
Azata into Devil with a combination of crossblooded(1), eldritch archer(2) and mutation warrior/slayer/ranger should be really good. Spellstriking with infinite hellfire rays that cleave with zippy magic. Since the rays will scale with character level, only two levels of eldritch archer is enough and can even be delayed until immediately before mr9. Sadly the superpowers will be paperweight until then excepting incredible might.
Why crossblooded? Which bloodlines?
Also, I thought that maybe using Serpent Bloodline could justify using Enchantment spells over Grease? Sleep is party-friendly and with Serpent it does affect monsters. Serpent also gets bunch of Persuasion bonus traits.
The problem with Sleep is it becomes useless fast: only hits a VERY low worth of enemy HD, and enemies tend to have inflated HD scores in Wrath.
Enchantment only really becomes good at level 2 spells with Hideous Laughter and Mythic 1 for Best Jokes.
OR level 5 spells with Greater Command.
I, too, found Serpent bloodline to be rather useful early game. The level 0 spell, Daze, gets some decent mileage while you're waiting for level 5. Also the hidden Snake familiar with ++ Persuasion and Perception at level 3.
Is unfortunate to find, though, that Swarms still resist.
Great guide as always!
Question: how come you never take Dismissal (and Banishment) as they are instakill for all demons and especially with Favorable and Zippy magic I guess they might work really well (never tried Azata path personally yet though)
Also what about going with Expanded arsenal: Enchantment at Mythic two and start with focus in conjuration (and add more focus in other schools later)?
While even I'll acknowledge that Azata is pound for pound the superior choice for a caster devil, don't think that Aeon slouches. I also couldn't get past how thematically jarring Azata -> Devil was and did an Aeon leyline witch run and even without the gazes the Edict spells and party immunities remained highly potent, and Aeon bane+hellfire ray spam is catastrophic for damage/buff stripping on tough targets. the interplay between the Edicts and the seals/decress also made for a really fun offensive support combo. Also plot-wise, running your crusade as a corrupt, twisting the letter of the law devil-type in the Aeon plot and the climactic trial scene were a real treat. Just want to reassure devil aspirants who aren't feeling an Azata lead-in.
Azata does offer a lot more gameplay wise, but since we retain Aeon Bane, and that becomes extremely overpowered at M6 due to free Dispels on ALL hits that attempt to dispel EVERY enemy effect per hit, it's still powerful.
Especially when you consider most enemies are only powerful because they come prebuffed with many great effects that you can easily debuff as Aeon > Devil.
It kind of sucks that it's not a proper mythic path like the rest. It feels like they just added this in last minute. So many abilities/spells are just clones of angel/demon ones. This is such a shame! Because you'd think they would treat the arch enemy of demons with proper respect...especially in a game about demons.
I think we can all agree it would be great if most late Mythics were actually full ones!
i dont understand ! Hideous laughter is a single target spell, how can it affect packs of monsters ? Help...
The Best Jokes Mythic Ability that you can get as early as M1 makes it chain to any enemy so long as they keep failing the save!
will you make a aeon devil build someday? maybe a hellknight for flavor
I could do it, definitely a more melee focused Devil to make use of the highly useful Aeon Bane!
follow up question; I cannot take spell specialization hellfire ray as azata at level 13, it doe snot appear on my list of feats to chooses. did I mess it up ? Thx
Seal of Devouring Flames might have its uses. Cast it on a weaker allied summoned creature that presumably won't outlast the battle anyways.
The only thing about mindfog is that I believe that if the enemy fails once, they are stuck with it, whereas your CC spells usually allow a save per round. Also, at least when I played devil and used their innate enchantment abilities, favourable magic only affected the initial cast. Therefore, being able to apply a huge save debuff favourable magic, which the enemy only gets one save against, is quite effective at priming enemies to fail saves every round. Of course, if they save only on a 20 anyway, its a moot point. Its also not party friendly and a persistent cloud, so it really needs selective spell, which sucks when cast by a sorcerer due to the cast time.
I guess my main issue with Mind Fog is that due to the area of effect and friendly fire, chances are you are better off just using another level 5 heightened Hideous Laughter with Best Jokes anyways.
Enemies that fail their save are toast and bound to expire in 1 round or so unless they are far away.
I know this is a guide for devil but is this viable as pure azata or demon and if it is what mythic feats do I take
I have a question regarding the believe in yourself spell. How do you get it as devil? According to Neoseeker guide you only receive this spell if you follow the good route of Azata and you need to follow the "evil" path to qualify for devil. Could you please explain?
It is a real shame there's nothing like an Empyreal Sorcerer but with an infernal spell portfolio. It would work perfectly with the Hellspawn subtype by scaling off WIS and by negating their CHA downside as well... I guess you could use Shackleborn as there's a link to Hell with it but it's not as great. Just seems like a missed opportunity that there isn't such a thing! I guess you could just grab the infernal bloodline or just make do but that one thing would make it perfect for me, since I am quite a big fan of the devils.
very cool
Amazing build man like always, defenitly will check it out :D Playing your Lich King build currently and having a blast. Gotta question, I want to start my second playthrough as paladin angel and was following your angel guide with elemental barrage with divine bond (weapon), but it got nerfed. Not a huge fan of mount due to RP and mounts simply taking too much space. What would you suggested as replacement for e.b. and is angel paladin viable on core at all or will it be highly underperforming?
Paladin Angel is definitely viable in Core, it will just grow in power slower as a merged Angel, but once you get Mark of Justice it gets really awesome!
Instead of EB you can pick Abundant Smite as to get more uses out of Smite/Mark, or Abundant Casting if you want more casts of the very useful level 1-3 Paladin buffs like Bless Weapon, Divine Favor, Bestow Grace.
Does the fire boosting items like the belt and the shirt boost the Decree of Hells Fire?
Do you think you could do a Demon Fiendflesh shifter?
Do you not keep gaze? I thought you did, though I noticed all the charges dropped to zero, but I assumed this was just the loss of the infinite gaze power and I would get charges back on rest. If you dont get gazes, its trash, particularly when considering how good 2nd wind, favourable magic and zippy magic are for the devil.
Btw, the azata song includes a blanket immunity to compulsion and grants freedom of movement. This is really solid for baphomet as its not dispelled and blocks overwhelming presence and slow, but is obviously useful in other situations too.
Nope, Gazes will not be kept, sadly. But you still get to retain the Bane which is handy.
Dominate monster is quite good. With zippy magic, its a good way to open a fight from outside of combat where cast time doesnt matter. Never ending war is finite (though not that finite with second wind admittedly).
I agree that the seals suck. Reflective mind and fire eating could be useful, but its extremely situational and I honestly never had the presence of mind to use such niche abilities when they might do something. Fear eating is held back by the fact there are much better options for blocking fear, rage is often not a desirable effect and you will be perma buffed with heroic invocation anyway. Were I to guess, the short duration effect would fade and remove the long duration effect you were previously buffed with. Unfortunately, unless its since been changed, devouring flames doesnt work on summons (or rather the AOE triggers but does a single hit point in damage if its a summon). If it worked with summons, it actually would be very effective albeit someone tedious to use. Prebuff a bunch of trash summons and you could font load some massive aoe damage.
Its just a shame they still havent brought forward rank 10. Hell's authority would make devil much more generally useful than just for fire and enchantment specialised casters, and really increases the power of both blasters and CCers with aspects of brimorak and incubus repsectively, plus the sword of heaven works pretty well with hellfire ray (the bonus dice apply to each ray), and abolish improvements, when applicable, are huge.
I guess it's just the issue at how at that point, it's kinda outclassed by Best Jokes + HL (which has stupid good range even out of combat too).
And yeah, Devil and Swarm really could use earlier M10!
You can't take multiple dragon bloodlines anymore, So Fey and Undead to make sure your Jokes work on everyone, then a fire dragon...unless someone has tested the fire dragon and a fire elemental combo
I love the build (I loved enchantment-focused Sorcerer in Pathfinder: Kingmaker already) altough it angers me how many penalties you get if you try to RP as devil. Infernal Heritage? Bad for this build, pick sadness. Infernal Bloodline? Bad, pick literally anything else and it will be better.
Yep, sadly the demon/devil heritages aren't really good for casters.
Mephasm from Neverwinter Nights 2. 11/10
I disagree abous Seals. You just need to use it like a devil would. I mean slaves or summons. Expendable units.
It's just that the actual party members are definitely more useful tools when alive, hah!
@@cRPGBro Thats why I summon like a bunch of skeletons and put seals on them, turning them in walking terrorists of the Pit.
Unless its changed, you cannot get believe in yourself with Devil until inevitable excess. Believe in yourself requires mythic path choices exclusive with the Devil path.
I notice you talk about toyboxing the flags for devil, so I am guessing this is why overlooked it. If you qualify for it by actually making the relevant choices, you wont get believe in yourself in chapter 4. You can get it in chapter 5 if you redeem yourself (which requires some very specific choices), but that locks out the devil path.
Thanks for the note! Strange that a certain spell always granted to a Mythic that you don't even need to select at level up wouldn't appear just because of Devil choices.
I'm doing a iazata elemental specialist with evocation + enchantment with best jokes (playing on hard) and since it's bugged, should i respec or its fine to continue?
I think it would be best to respec into a CHA caster for now, because the secondary procs of Laughter (so all the chains besides the first enemy) will NOT get your INT to the DC, meaning most enemies will have a way easier time saving vs it, especially on Hard.
Best Jokes currently bugged and have only basic DC on subsequent targets, item and school focus bonuses does not applied
Hi there, this is just for INT casters as I mention in the video.
Thankfully for CHA casters it's working fine, which is why I went with Sorcerer for this Guide.
@@cRPGBro oh, i missed this remark, thanks. I just made control mage of divination wisard for the purpose of additional insight and luck buffs for party. thankfully, greater command, phantasmal killer and weird cover all my needs. almost, command can affect, but cannot target undeads with bloodline, best jokes for me to fill this gap.
@@cRPGBro No he's right, Im using your exact build and my first target has DC 44 but subsequent targets have DC 36.
Dragon build next???? :) please
No Ascendant Element?
It can be picked at Mythic 9, I think I actually forgot to mention it when doing the respec for the build, apologies!
Or you can just use Bane of Spirit Ring to convert damage into Force, as the Fire boosting Bloodline bonuses STILL work!
Are you going to do a Spell Dancer build for your racial classes series?
Spell dancer is definitely weakest magus archetype - you can get+4 insight AC (+2 you can get normally from spells of your party members) and lose important class features (even feat - and this can be problematic for most builds). And all spelldance features easily achievable through other buffs you can get from party or yourself.
@@KirDmA A Mobility Trickster should make an excellent dodge-tank and be the fastest character possible but I don’t know how to amp up the offensive output.
@@neiljopling4693 And not only you - no one knows how utilise mobility tricks)) Much more straightforward and easy way for fast damage - skald pounce/shatter defense/mythic charge/critical tricks. Nothing can beat this... And you can do it mounted, for double damage on first hit. And you can cast greater invisibility + mind blank + trick fate on main character. You definitely don't need spell dancer to be very strong damage dealer.
@@KirDmA Maybe a ranged attack from melee range without point blank master might work. It should prompt an AoO which could be avoided and with snapshot retaliated with another ranged attack starting a chain until the opponent runs out of AoO or dies.
@@neiljopling4693 Ranged attacks never become more powerful than melee. Even manticore shifter 20/archer monk 20 cannot beat grave singer in raw damage. And with lunge(+5 feats reach)+size spells (legendary propotions give +2 size - +10 feats reach) you can get reach enough to beat snapshot for 1 feat vs 3 feats. This is simply ineffective. And even with all this buffs mobility tricks don't be more effective than simple melee build that everyone using.
This path had so much potential, like Gold Dragon. It's a shame it barely exists in the narrative at all. Cool idea, terrible execution. But thank you for explaining this mythic path that barely exists, it really needed* more information on it.
Well, at the very least that is a very cool Devil Option you can pick when in Baphomet's Prison!
I love you cRPG i had to restart my run at act 4 three times, the toolbox at least resolve it, this path piss me off.
Do you know if devil DCs on innate spells and decrees scale with any highest stat or just charisma? I have only played a sorcerer azata devil.
If not, personally, I would go elemental specialist and take crossblooded for +3 damage per dice to fire spells and no metamagic casting time tax. You might additionally consider arcane trickster to utilise with treacherous flame. Admittedly, its a late game consideration, but fire vulnerability is a big deal. You can still achieve caster level 18 and grab up to 3 secrets with lore master. With robe of seven sins in chapter 4, that should be fine. If not, you can get someone else to apply fire vulnerability with treacherous flame, but with surprise spells, its an effective way of applying it AoE, which is otherwise not very practical to do.
I havent tested recently, but there certainly used to be a very nice synergy between fire vulnerability and the 50/50 fire and unholy damage of both hell's fire and hellfire ray. Basically, the unholy damage is based on the fire damage, but also multiplied by the vulnerability. So half your damage does 150% damage, but the unholy half does 225% damage, or 187.5% damage overall, which is a pretty significant buff.
I believe it should scaled based on your highest Attribute, like most Mythic Spells/Powers.
Triple Fire Boosting Bloodlines can be fun, it's just that early game I really enjoy the boost to Enchantment from Sylvan. But of course, respec is always a possibility later too.
Well, it's time for another playthrough
That's part of the fun about playing the Pathfinder games 😁
@crpg bro please do a slayer imitator build. If anyone can do it, you can
What is the duration on the Decree of "Spell School" effects? Is it just for the next spell they cast? Until the end of combat? Until the next rest? Certainly a very interesting effect since I find that spell DC can be very difficult to increase. Thanks for the very in depth guide!
Raphael? 😂