On that last story, any man intimated by a woman who can eat that much and still look good has WAY more issues. Honestly, I would have found that impressive as hell.
First thing I thought was who gets intimidated by what other people eat? Tell MIL she would eat that much if she worked instead of spending all day laying around worrying about what other people are doing.
Anyone who calls the cops on anyone for anything that is clearly not illegal should always be charged with filing a false police report or wasting police services (whichever fits the situation). Breaking laws is illegal, hurting your feelings isn't. The nerve of some people.
I don't know what the police officer told OP "not to make a habit" of. The BMW was the one being the AH and OP was simply trying to avoid him at all costs. Don't make a habit of what, exactly??
@@AngelaVEdwards to escape, he clearly went over the speed limit. There was a reason for it this time, but it shouldn't be an excuse to start speeding at each occasion, is what that officer likely meant.
@@AngelaVEdwards Once I heard triple figures, and assuming this happened in the States, I was like, "161 km/h? Does OP have a death wish?!" The only times where I nudge 20 km/h over the limit is when I overtake someone; and I live in a country that is very strict in enforcing the speed limit. I'm talking, lose your car for at least a month and potentially your licence as well as nowhere in my country is that speed acceptable with the sole exception of a certain part of the top end where there is no speed limit whatsoever.
The second story about the "nod". What she should have told the woman was, "OH, I am SO sorry about that. I had no idea you would think that anyone would want to be friends with you. I didn't mean to reinforce your illusion."
Story 4: First off, how did Courtney know OP's address to give to the police after he evaded the unsafe driver? I've worked at a number of jobs and have never known the address of any coworker unless I was good friends with them. Having said that, I think if I were OP, I would have had a chat with Courtney at work the next day about why she felt it necessary to call law enforcement when what he was doing was trying to get the two of them out of a dangerous driving situation.
Because it's more then likely a tall tale lol like probably 60% or reddit stories. Don't get me wrong I've seen videos of people mad that Teslas/electric cars exist. But you have a extremely valid point how the hell did she know where to send the cop 😂
She probably got the plates. I would never get in a colleague's car, that I didn't already hang out with outside of work, after drinking alcohol, without getting the plate number, make, and model, and sending it to a trusted friend or relative or SO. Just like getting in an Uber. I assumed that's what happened was calling in the plates to police and they can get home address from that since the registration is linked to your name and address
@@Rjj2721 I've always figured at least 75% of Reddit stories were fiction. But yeah, even if Courtney had his license plate number she couldn't have gotten OP's address in time to have cops waiting for him when he got home.
And add that last part if she has the surprise but why Questioning questioning to that our mind turned us instead. We were in danger, she wouldn't shut the f*** up. She didn't panic and acted as though. I was dangerous ignoring the crazy driver who is pretty much orbiting us And I had no choice but to rush off. And then decided to cry like a little baby and call the cops on me. So congratulations you're gonna walk home now better ask your boyfriend to pick you up!
I doubt she'd accept another ride. Some drivers take personal offense when others don't drive gas guzzlers, so probably why the EV was targeted. There are some serious head cases on the road. When Obama signed the bill to bump MPG for vehicles, Rolling Coal became popular. That's where modified PUs are mod'd to dump black clouds. A local dude had his exhaust modified to dump intot he window of an adjacent car but more common was to cut off a Prius and cover the car in smoke. I'd guess OP got off from speeding because the police had heard that story 100 times before.
@@mikep490 Yeah some people are just INSANE with how they'll go about spite people they don't know for stupid shit (like people vandalizing the car of a "Trump/Biden supporter! Like fucking seriously! I don't care how you feel that ain't right!)
@@mikep490 What you posted reminded me of the opening act of the South Park episode _Smug Alert_ and that was back when hybrid-electric cars were still new.
I can verify that karen will search for something to complain about. I knitted our family karen a huge blanket, she was absolutely furious it wasn't a store bought blanket but a tacky homemade gift. Pst... time and materials a hand knit blanket cost far more than a store bought one. My oldest daughter packed up the blanket at the end of the evening and it has become her favorite blanket. The next year I bought her a cheap pair of slippers from walmart and she was angry I gave someone else a homemade pair of slippers, I calmly told her that last year she was furious over the cheap homemade blanket so I bought her slippers this year as to not offender her with a tacky homemade gift, as a true narcissist she denied that ever happened and said I must have dreamed it.
I think at that point, you should’ve taken the slippers back and said “fine then if that’s the way you’re going to act then you’re never getting a gift from me ever again” before walking outside and unceremoniously throwing the slippers into a dumpster because if she really wanted to get it, she would have to dumpster dive for them just to drive the point home because that’s what I would’ve done if I was in your situation
Whatever is in another person's property is none of her d*** business! She sounds like she's trying to become "HOA Police". She keeps this up, one day she'll p*** off the wrong neighbor, and she'll really regret the results. 😡
I'm thinking the mil in the last story is dealing with some jealousy issue with OP bc she's able to eat basically anything she wants and stays skinny and projecting it on to her husband and son saying it makes them uncomfortable is just to hide her true reasons for taking issues with what OP eats and only wishes she was able to do that and can't.
@@Flammifleure they probably know better if they don't want her to make their lives miserable, they probably learned long time ago it's best for then to just keep their mouth shut which must be such a fun way to live
Her, FiL and BiL who apparently feel their masculinity threatened when a woman eats more than them, and any other in-laws who are trying to shame OP over this.
Story 4: The OP should avoid giving this person rides in the future since she will call cops when the OP evades a potentially homicidal lunatic in traffic. Also the OP may want to get a carry license in case shooting at the lunatic is a safer option compared to speeding on a road.
The nod story gets to me because in the area I am currently living in if you don’t at least nod at someone you could be perceived as very rude. I actually distinctly remember one Karen getting mad at me because I ONLY nodded.
When I worked at Circle K, we would have to put the lower price in the pos system prior to the advertised price. This is because it was illegal to charge more than the advertised price, but it was not illegal to charge less. That Karen was just wrong
*First story* If the Karen wasn't just lying about having a husband with cancer, then that means she just admitted to both not caring about someone's grandpa having it, but she doesn't care about _her own husband having cancer_ Karens, am I right?
It would require the ability to care about someone other than yourself to show that kind of empathy, Karens lack this trait. The biggest emotional response she'll get from her own husband's death will probably involve the inheritance.
Story 4: "Courtney" called the cops on OP, who was generously driving her tipsy ass home for free, because she didn't like being told to stop chattering constantly for a minute or two so OP could avoid them getting in a wreck, but she DIDN'T call the cops on the BMW that was driving illegally & causing the issue for OP in the first place? What. A. TOOL! That's like calling the cops on the guy who chased down the guy who stole your purse because you didn't like his tone of voice when he returned your stolen purse to you, while letting the guy who initially stole your purse off with no consequences! I hope no one from that company ever gives her a ride home again.
Story 3: if the woman was that upset over getting a discount here is how I would have handled it. "Oh, I'm so sorry miss I don't want to break the law so I will be sure to correct this and charge you full sticker price." Then charge her the $300 and dare her to argue with me.
She could've removed the barcode from a cheaper product and slapped it on the expensive product to cover the original barcode. That explains the fake tantrum.
Re story 3: i too worked retail. We had to check the inside of all packages so we knew the right item was there. ( someone returned bricks in a keurig box once, it wasn’t caught til later). The lady looks at me & asks me what was i doing. I explain that it’s so we know if it should be damaged or put back out. Her response? “That’s an invasion of my privacy!” Wow, just wow. She was freaking returning it! 🤦🏼♀️ That’s my hubby’s fave retail story of my retail days.
In the story two, if karen said that to me, I'll say I'm nodding to the gentleman behind her. When she turn around and sees there's no one behind her, I'll say 'oops I forgot none of you guys can see them' then smile creepily
Story 3: Honestly, I think Karen was offended at the idea of giving her phone number (which I don't think is THAT private since anyone can just dial it) and decided to look for a fight and used the price differences. I mean, I can't think of another reason, maybe an attempt to scam out a free product?
I think you are right about hoping to get it for free. But I don't think charging _less_ than the sticker price counts as false advertising in any jurisdiction. WRT the phone number, I do not like giving personal information of any sort to any company, especially considering the number of data breaches we hear about. Usually, I simply give a polite refusal and that is the end of it.
I suspect OCD. She saw the price as $300 somewhere, and paying a different price, especially such an irregular fraction, might drive one so afflicted quite mad. Considering that's 0.53333333333 of the original price. A repeating fraction like that would make a vampire queasy having to count.
Maybe it was a distraction. OP seemed surprised the item was half off. Its likely the Karen did something to the barcode to get the price that low and then made a scene about how the price wasn't right. That way if the employee catches the scam, she could claim innocence since she brought it to attention, and if they didn't, then she gets the item half price. You do notice that she did buy the item at the reduced price anyway, in cash, while refusing to have her telephone number in the system. She didn't want to leave a paper trail after she left the store.
Last Story: That's when humming, whistling, or singing the chorus of "Man-eater" would be the heights of passive-aggressive. Sometimes, Hall & Oates is all you need. 😈
Story 3: I don't get why anybody would complain about paying less. If it were me, I'd be stunned, but happy. Last story: I hope OP's meal was super delicious!
08:35 Story 3- When an expensive product has unexpected low price, it raises immediate suspicion that she removed the barcode from a cheaper product and slapped it on the expensive product to cover the original barcode. She would choose a very similarly-named product for this trick. Doubly so if she's making crazy accusations, mentioning the police. This is something that criminals do, when committing a crime- they are pretending to have the moral upper hand by being the first to escalate by mentioning calling police etc.
I'm doubting that lady in story #2 has dementia. She's able to remember to be waiting every day at the lobby entrance to berate and be foulmouthed to that food delivery guy.
*Story 6-* When we visit *my* parents, they _always_ want to cover the bill. Even when we offer, they deny it. But when we visit *my hubby’s* parents, they expect *us* to pay for everything. (They don’t even _offer_ to split the bill… 😕)
Fellow beings, I have lived through the last story so many times that I lost count. I usually tell them off by saying it's their problem for feeling intimidated or I tell tgem it's all I've had to eat all day because period induced nausea is a witch. 😂
I remember when my Mother passed away in 2013. I was a hot mess for several days, and if anyone spoke to me like that they would find themselves sitting on their butt in the parking lot.
I’d really like to hear more about story four. How the guy dealt with the situation with a coworker at work. I would be pretty pissed off if a coworker called the police on me like she did. I would be going to HR also.
Story 6: It REALLY seems like MIL is SUPER jealous how OP can eat whatever she wants and large amounts of it and still remine slim. You are NOT the AHole!
Story 1 - OP I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother to breast cancer when I was 14, and then my dad and grandfather to bone and prostate cancer 3 years ago. What that Karen said and did was disgusting. She got what she deserved, though it should have been worse for a cold heartless woman like her.
If I see a server crying an hugging a family member, I would’ve been considerate and give them my condolences. Cancer is devastating and to be a selfish, entitled customer like the Karen is absolutely disgusting to me. She got exactly what she deserved for her attitude towards the OP, who lost their grandfather.
Story 1 is a perfect example of why I never want to go back to retail or food service. Leukemia is in my family and if that Karen said that to me about any of my family members, it’d be a miracle if I don’t throw a haymaker right in her face. My blood was boiling listening to that story.
As a woman with Breast Cancer and Hemochromatosis genes 🧬 in my family I would have done the same as you. Never ever mess with the person serving you/ cooking for you because paybacks a bitch.
18:15 Story 5: And be glad it's that way. I live in a town that's run like a bleeding HOA and they can legally dictate what's in your driveway. I've had to argue with them so many times over the years because I was waiting for a part while working on my car, since they have a rule that states you can't have a vehicle that's 'visibly inoperable' EG up on jacks for more than 48 hours.
Story 3, I'm betting the Karen was looking to get someone in trouble or just cause chaus. Story 5, Karen needs to get a life and mind her own business. Story 6, the rude people are the inlaws NOT op. They don't understand that some people actually have a really fast metabolism and are judging op by how much she eats rather than talk about it and understand. If that ain't rude and stupidity I don't know what is. They called op an A-hole because they were called out.
@@meh2510 I understand the jealousy but that's no excuse to treat her Dil like that. To insult and send texts as well as practically harass op is inexcusable.
While she was coughing and sorta throwing up, I would have quit, and then dumped the rest in her lap. My wife says I have no place in customer service. 🤣😝
THAT was an Outstanding come back on that last story... I laughed so loud, family members came in to find out what was so funny!! As always, I thank you for your page!
That made my day a little better than my night last night. My depression and anxiety were acting up so bad last night, I was having a full blown panic attack, and "those thoughts" came at me like a freight train. That last part was hilarious. Thank you, @Dark Fluff for that laugh. I desperately needed that.
Story 6 my uncle is a firefighter (retired) and if someone told him that he was eating to munch, he'd jokingly say "sir, don't make me hangry, you won't like me when I'm hangry"
Story 4 - And that's the last time I'd offer a ride to that person. Story 5 - Fluff, there's a difference between a car parked in your driveway and trash in your front yard. Most places have codes against it. I'd call city hall or whatever and ask them. Story 6 - In response to every article, I'd send back a video of me working with the horses, or a screen shot of the amount of activity/calories burned from my tracker. Idjits.
Story 3 - I’m gonna guess that Karen probably threatened to call the police for the ‘false advertisement’ but didn’t, but then later lied to ‘friends’ and twisted the story around to make it seem like she got a great discount from an idiot who dared to charge her full price when it was advertised for less. I could be over thinking it but who knows with crazy Karens.
Story 3: Somehow I think the woman may have been trying to pull a scam. Once at a JC Penney a guy bought an expensive vacuum cleaner costing around $300. Later he returned it and got his money back, but it turned out that instead of actually returning the vacuum cleaner, he just replaced the cleaner in the box with bricks of the equivalent weight. Penney’s was out twice the price of that piece of merchandise. If the Karen of the story was going to do something similar, naturally she would be angry that her take on this act of larceny would be reduced. And here’s another theory. Maybe she wanted to impress someone with an item within a certain price range, or perhaps she had been tasked by her employer or a friend with spending a particular dollar amount. Whatever the reason (if there was one), let’s make a new phrase for her kind: Some customers are always rot.
Story one, op isn’t some hero. They sabotaged someone’s food, which could have gotten them or the place sued. I don’t care if op felt Karen deserved it, that was a stupid thing to do.
The El Camino story: You said that next door Karen needs a hobby, but she already has one. Isn't EVERY Karen's hobby stirring up trouble? Or is that her job?
Story 5 reminds me of my crazy Karen neighbor that complains about parking on my grass but she does, then recently I got a diesel truck that is loud but I love it and everytime I start it up she has a fit, makes me laugh because there's nothing she can do about it
@@dinascharnhorst6590I've done the same thing. And if they do that then once they pass I make sure to give them a one gun salute as well (if you catch my drift)
Years ago I’m coming into the big town on the other side of the state, and there’s plenty of traffic as it was getting close to rush hour. There’s a kid in a rice car (dropped, no hood, pumpkin orange and swimming pool blue) weaving through traffic. He ends up behind me and close enough to read the owner’s manual in the glove compartment. Luckily there was a perfect gap in the other lane and I smoothly slide in. The car I had been behind just had a “don’t f-k with me” vibe about it. The kid promptly begins tailgating that car, only to be immediately brake checked. The kid had absolutely no place to go but the inner shoulder. Remember, it was a dropped suspension, so he immediately wound up high centered on the shoulder. Traffic was such that nobody could pull over to help, and I’d imagine many had been harassed by the kid moments earlier. It may have been minor karma but so satisfying.
There are several short TH-cam channels that are nothing but Tesla 360 footage of idiots trying to destroy these cars on the road and parked. People are nuts. OP needs to talk to HR about this and show the footage because this woman will throw him under the bus there, too. Also, tell the story to the biggest gossip in their group to protect his reputation with his fellow workers, too.
Story 1 Karen: Jesus someone die again, was it that grandpa guy with the cancer? OP could have said: Well, if you're that curious... you could meet him in a few minutes and ask him yourself.
If I had to guess, I'd say Karen #3 is A: rich, and B: subscribes to a rather extreme version of 'you get what you pay for'. She probably goes for more expensive items on purpose, either because she thinks they're of better quality or because of bragging rights ('See this watch? I paid $500 for it!' That sort of thing), and interpreted getting the price knocked down as an insult, because it implied that they were actually selling her cheap goods under the pretense of high-quality ones. It still makes no damn sense, but - Karens be Karens.
I'd love to hear the MIL's reaction to a Tzuyang video. One of her mukbangs ended with the restaurant owner begging her to stop when he estimated she'd already eaten 20,000 calories worth of ribs and she showed no signs of stopping.🤣
#4 - I feel for OP. One of my biggest triggers is people who will not shut the F up - ever! It's bad enough when you are just sitting and having a drink or a meal, but when you are trying to concentrate on some idiot driver trying to make you wreck or run into them, lord woman, just STFU for a minute or two. And what B calling the cops on OP. I would avoid her like the plague from now on.
Story 4: ugh reminds me of the time I asked a couple worker for a ride home, because I didn't have a car, and I forgot my phone, and the person who helped me made it clear she didn't trust or cared for me, and I ended up walking home for 2 and half hours in the dead of night, and I had to call off work the next day because I had strep throat (undiagnosed)
Story 6: NTA It is nobody's business what you eat, how much you eat, or how little you eat. Block every single person who is bullying you, and those who are sending you the unsoliceted medical and dietary advice, and I think that it is time for low-contact with MIL. She just wanted you to pay the entire bill, and had to come up with some reason to force you to. I am glad that you stuck to your guns. If there is a future family dinner at a restaurant, go separate bills.
If OP does work with horses, she could easily burn more than 3,000 calories per day riding, grooming, mucking stalls or paddocks, feeding, moving hay bales and feed bags, etc. With horses, the work almost never ends.
I'm sure hoping that the Op in the story about the tailgating car with the Karen co-worker that it would be the last time she ever got another ride home in the future.
During HS and college basketball seasons I would eat 3 helpings of whatever was offered for dinner every night and didn’t gain, actually still lost 10 lbs every season. I’m a female as well, don’t let them influence you!! NTA
Pretty sure it only counts as false advertisement if youre being charged more than the sticker price 😅 She may have called the police, but they probably didnt follow up since her claim was legal lol
Let's not forget this took place in Australia. Some stores have a scanning code of practice, but those only tend to apply if the scan comes at a higher price than the sticker price. Any sane person would have raised an eyebrow, but felt over the moon at paying a bit over half price; especially in these troubled economic times.
"Derelict Car" Story: I'm a Vindictive Bugger*, If I were OP, I'd IMMEDIATELY buy a car cover made of clear, UV blocking plastic to put over the El Camino...that way, it's still protected from the weather and UV but in plain view for when Karen want's to snoop on my property... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣 * I'm a Bugger, NOT a Bastard! My Parents were Married when I was born Thank You very much!
Story 3: she must have thought the sticker was meant to illegally hike up the price and that the sale price was the true store price. Something that scalpers tend to do to give off the illusion of them running low on product. I have worked retail for years and walmart especially (at least my local one) still gets at least 10 calls about this a week and at least 1/3 of them have been true as there now has to be cops watching all the employees.
That last story sounds like a real life Hashira from demon slayer. The Love Hashira, I don't remember her name, but she keeps her figure but can eat a whole cow worth of food easily. Honestly I kinda envy OP.
*Story 6 Commentary:* I agree that OP is N-T-A. And since she does work with horses, she'd say what Dark Fluff said, then go at her husband with the might of Wonder Woman! 🦸♀️ Look Out! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The people who complain about discounts are trying to commit card fraud. They want to grab high price items to turn around and return for store credit. Discounts mean they pocket less money later.
Last story - OP is absolutely NTA. What a person eats and how much they can eat is nobody’s business. Why should OP feel bad about wanting a steak with all the fixings and dessert? Sounds like a delicious meal to me. As for the MIL… she needs to mind her own business and shut up.
When an object comes up at the wrong price, I'll let the cashier know whether it's over or under priced. Many years ago I was at Costco because they had a 25" TV for a $100 savings. When I got to checkout, the cashier typed in the code. I responded "Are you sure? That's cheaper than the tag said it'd be", to which the cashier lost it. "That's what the F'in price is. If you don't want it, put it back." So I nodded and paid. On getting to the car I noticed he'd transposed the last 2 numbers, so I got the 25" TV for the 13" price. Happy days... a $300 savings. The year previous I was in a pharmacy/applieance/whatever store that marked a shelf & box incorrectly, that time a 19" for the 13" price. When I got to checkout I told the clerk that I thought it was mismarked but she sold me it for the sticker price. My wife bragged to her sister so SIL dashed to the store. This time the cashier said it was mismarked and refused to sell at the low price. I'm sure SIL, a Karen forerunner, was not pleased. So, Karma, I guess.
Last story; I worked at UPS unloading the semi-trucks at a major hub. The intensity was high, the work was demanding. I ate like the horses OP works with. I lost weight! When I was younger, I trained to bicycle race, and put in 200+ miles a week. I dated a competitive cyclist for a while. The two of us were very slender and fit, and would go to restaurants and eat large, high calorie meals, and get some odd looks. MIL can mind her own business, but the idea that OP had to pay for everyone, though not ordering anything more expensive than the others, well she's just an A-hole.
The day my mom passed away my dad and i went to see my sister. We parked on the street in front of a Karen's house. Well she came out and demanded we move. I informed her of our lost and she answered "what does that have to do with me?". My dad moved his truck. We were legally parked she just didn't want anyone parked in front of her house. So when ever i visited my sister i woukd make sure to do so. Petty? Yes, but satisfying.
She'd be lucky she's dealing with you then, cause if it were me, assault charges be damned, she's leaving with a hell of a lot less teeth than she arrived with
I also nod to people. My favorite was this man. I worked with. He was a vendor so he didn't work in the store but used our kitchen for his kiosk. I would nod when we passed eachother and he'd give me a short polite bow. And I have a mirroring personality so I don't know when I started doing it back to him. He often made me extra sushi and honestly I wish I didn't live so far from the store because I miss his sushi. 😂 I'd always buy the left overs after my shift and he'd put a discount sticker on it for me. Such a nice guy. Or it can go the opposite at this new job I nodded at a guy and he told me I was so rude and should smile smile more. I'm not a smiley woman and if I am smiling at you it's because I feel awkward. Please don't tell people they should smile, it feels icky.
3:40 Reminds me of a story. I occasionally deliver mobile meals as a volunteer for Kiwanis (I'm not a member but a friend is, and she occasionally pings me for stuff if Kiwanis is short-handed). One lady just went off the rails because I delivered her meal EARLY. She expected it at exactly 12-something, and it was like 11-something. We're talking a difference of maybe 15 minutes tops. But she just stood there laying into me and gesticulating wildly for like a solid minute about how it was unacceptable that I deliver her meal early. So I just turned on my heel without saying a word and walked back to my car with her meal still in my hands, and drove off. She started yelling things like "wait I didn't mean it, no it's ok, come back" but I ignored her. After a couple blocks I parked and put her meal on the roof of my car while I listened to the radio for a few minutes, then drove back and delivered her meal at the exact time she demanded. It was now ice-cold, thanks to sitting on the roof of my car in the middle of winter. But she never complained again.
Story 3 reminds me of an incident that happened in a Charity shop I worked in years ago. This guy came to the cash register with a box-set of books at £2.00 and he said he didn’t want to pay £2.00 for them and takes them out of the box and screws it up. He hands them to me as individual books, so charged him for them individually at the normal price which came to £3.75 and I told him he would have to pay for them as we could no longer sell them as a box-set, as he’d destroyed the cover ! He sheepishly paid and he didn’t ask for discount again 🤣😂
Reminds me of when I had the opposite happen. I used to work in a convenience store that sold individual piece of Bazooka bubble gum for 5 cents. At the time CT had a 6% sales tax, but on 5 cents, it wasn't enough to add anything to the price so it was still 5 cents out the door. Kid came up to the register with 20 pieces, and the total was $1.06. He only had a dollar. I told him he either need to put one piece back, which would be exactly $1.00 then, or come up with 6 cents. He wanted me to ring up each piece separately so he could still get 20 pieces and not come up with 6 cents. I told him no, not with a line of customers, that I was not ringing up 20 different purchases for him so he can get one extra piece of gum. I do give him credit, pretty smart to figure that out for 10-12 year old at the time.
@@vahvahdisco Yes, but because it then counted it as one purchase, the sales tax was added on the overall purchase, hence the extra 6 cents. 6% tax on a 5 cent item is .003 cents. So on one piece, it would round it back down to 5 cents total. But when bought in 'bulk' as 20 pieces, it adds up the .003 of a cent to get the extra 6 cents worth of tax. Edited to add, keep in mind this was in the mid-90s, so before scanners were everywhere. So we had to manually key in items. For something like this, we would count the pieces and put it in as one price.
@@btlcry This price-plus-tax nonsense is illogical-if tax is _included_ in the price, a customer can be confident they're paying what they expected to pay instead of rifling around for the extra little bit to cover the tax.
@@JamesDavy2009 I'm going to guess you're not from the US, like I am. Tax is never included on the posted price in stores for anything here. This means while the price tag may say $19.99, it's known this is the price for the item itself. Tax is extra, so it's really closer to $22 and change out the door.
Food Story: OP needs to tell her MiL that what OP eats is none of her business and she needs to keep her comments to herself or face a Harassment Lawsuit...
Honestly I'm kind amazed at the strength and patients of younger generations these days. I'm 43 and too old and tired for the revolution, but you guys show remarkable restraint in not breaking out the guillotines
S3: That has to be one of the dumbest karens ever because she was actually complaining about getting something for less than the advertised price which was considerably higher.🤓
Story 4: I don't think that some people get that sometimes accelerating can sometimes be the safest option when in a dangerous situation driving to escape danger. My first car accident I was able to save my car from being completely totaled by an idiot in one of those stupid jacked-up pickup trucks with a deer guard on the front pulling forward out into me in a parking lot by speeding up instead of braking because had I braked, he would have destroyed my engine.
If you're splitting the cheque among yourselves then what planet is MIL on to dump the entire cheque on OP. You are already paying for your meal. After the amount of time you've known your MIL hasn't she figured out that you have a high metabolism, she probably is jealous.
On that last story, any man intimated by a woman who can eat that much and still look good has WAY more issues. Honestly, I would have found that impressive as hell.
Same here
First thing I thought was who gets intimidated by what other people eat? Tell MIL she would eat that much if she worked instead of spending all day laying around worrying about what other people are doing.
I honestly find it astounding when women and eat a ton and still look good, I just shake my head in bewilderment.
As a female I can say that I too think they got way more issues and that it is impressive af.
idc if your male or female there's no reason to be intimated by how much one eats.
Anyone who calls the cops on anyone for anything that is clearly not illegal should always be charged with filing a false police report or wasting police services (whichever fits the situation). Breaking laws is illegal, hurting your feelings isn't. The nerve of some people.
I don't know what the police officer told OP "not to make a habit" of. The BMW was the one being the AH and OP was simply trying to avoid him at all costs. Don't make a habit of what, exactly??
It is illegal but it's rarely followed up on unless the issue is chronic.
@@AngelaVEdwards to escape, he clearly went over the speed limit. There was a reason for it this time, but it shouldn't be an excuse to start speeding at each occasion, is what that officer likely meant.
@@barvdw Ahhhh....okay, that makes sense. Thank you.
@@AngelaVEdwards Once I heard triple figures, and assuming this happened in the States, I was like, "161 km/h? Does OP have a death wish?!" The only times where I nudge 20 km/h over the limit is when I overtake someone; and I live in a country that is very strict in enforcing the speed limit. I'm talking, lose your car for at least a month and potentially your licence as well as nowhere in my country is that speed acceptable with the sole exception of a certain part of the top end where there is no speed limit whatsoever.
Story 1: I am so very sorry for your loss. Yes, Karen deserved to be banned the moment she mocked you and your grandfather while you were hugging.
That rabid Karen is utterly abominable, a total HA! 😡
OP should be arrested for tampering with her food. She f-ing threw up on the table. Unacceptable. She was an AH, but that is not the response to it.
Sorry Karen but my ticket states you ordered the hot sauce. Enjoy!@@dudeorduuude5211
@@dudeorduuude5211 Oh, put a sock in it. No one cares.
The second story about the "nod". What she should have told the woman was, "OH, I am SO sorry about that. I had no idea you would think that anyone would want to be friends with you. I didn't mean to reinforce your illusion."
Story 4: Next time, Karen walks home, no matter how far and no matter what time it is.
That’s basically what I thought too
I wouldn't wait for the next time. I'd have pulled over and tell her to walk the rest of the way home
Call the cops on me, bridge burnt.
She'd definitely be banned from my car.
Story 4: First off, how did Courtney know OP's address to give to the police after he evaded the unsafe driver? I've worked at a number of jobs and have never known the address of any coworker unless I was good friends with them. Having said that, I think if I were OP, I would have had a chat with Courtney at work the next day about why she felt it necessary to call law enforcement when what he was doing was trying to get the two of them out of a dangerous driving situation.
Because it's more then likely a tall tale lol like probably 60% or reddit stories. Don't get me wrong I've seen videos of people mad that Teslas/electric cars exist. But you have a extremely valid point how the hell did she know where to send the cop 😂
She probably got the plates. I would never get in a colleague's car, that I didn't already hang out with outside of work, after drinking alcohol, without getting the plate number, make, and model, and sending it to a trusted friend or relative or SO. Just like getting in an Uber. I assumed that's what happened was calling in the plates to police and they can get home address from that since the registration is linked to your name and address
Just to add, I don't agree with what she did if it is real because that's ridiculous, but if it did happen, that's probably how
I don't think she'd have to know the address. I'm positive she felt angry at being told to shut up and decided to ruin his night.
@@Rjj2721 I've always figured at least 75% of Reddit stories were fiction. But yeah, even if Courtney had his license plate number she couldn't have gotten OP's address in time to have cops waiting for him when he got home.
Story 4:
"I need a ride home." "I got you."
After that night ...
"I need a ride home." "Can't help you, bye."
And add that last part if she has the surprise but why Questioning questioning to that our mind turned us instead. We were in danger, she wouldn't shut the f*** up. She didn't panic and acted as though. I was dangerous ignoring the crazy driver who is pretty much orbiting us And I had no choice but to rush off. And then decided to cry like a little baby and call the cops on me. So congratulations you're gonna walk home now better ask your boyfriend to pick you up!
Can I get a ride home? No but I'll call Uber for you.
I doubt she'd accept another ride. Some drivers take personal offense when others don't drive gas guzzlers, so probably why the EV was targeted. There are some serious head cases on the road. When Obama signed the bill to bump MPG for vehicles, Rolling Coal became popular. That's where modified PUs are mod'd to dump black clouds. A local dude had his exhaust modified to dump intot he window of an adjacent car but more common was to cut off a Prius and cover the car in smoke. I'd guess OP got off from speeding because the police had heard that story 100 times before.
@@mikep490 Yeah some people are just INSANE with how they'll go about spite people they don't know for stupid shit (like people vandalizing the car of a "Trump/Biden supporter! Like fucking seriously! I don't care how you feel that ain't right!)
@@mikep490 What you posted reminded me of the opening act of the South Park episode _Smug Alert_ and that was back when hybrid-electric cars were still new.
I can verify that karen will search for something to complain about. I knitted our family karen a huge blanket, she was absolutely furious it wasn't a store bought blanket but a tacky homemade gift. Pst... time and materials a hand knit blanket cost far more than a store bought one. My oldest daughter packed up the blanket at the end of the evening and it has become her favorite blanket. The next year I bought her a cheap pair of slippers from walmart and she was angry I gave someone else a homemade pair of slippers, I calmly told her that last year she was furious over the cheap homemade blanket so I bought her slippers this year as to not offender her with a tacky homemade gift, as a true narcissist she denied that ever happened and said I must have dreamed it.
"You must have DREAMT IT??!!!"
That's it!! No more presents for HER!!!
@Rylosalex she since told me I am not part of the family and have no business butting into family business so she fixed that problem.
@Rylosalex "Yeah, no, you're a nightmare and my therapist says to get over you."
@@RunnyBabbitMomKinda sucks, you could have rotated gifts for a few years, turned it into a montage and played it for the family.
I think at that point, you should’ve taken the slippers back and said “fine then if that’s the way you’re going to act then you’re never getting a gift from me ever again” before walking outside and unceremoniously throwing the slippers into a dumpster because if she really wanted to get it, she would have to dumpster dive for them just to drive the point home because that’s what I would’ve done if I was in your situation
The cops answer to who it was who complained in the ugly car story was absolutely awesome!!!
Whatever is in another person's property is none of her d*** business! She sounds like she's trying to become "HOA Police". She keeps this up, one day she'll p*** off the wrong neighbor, and she'll really regret the results. 😡
I'm thinking the mil in the last story is dealing with some jealousy issue with OP bc she's able to eat basically anything she wants and stays skinny and projecting it on to her husband and son saying it makes them uncomfortable is just to hide her true reasons for taking issues with what OP eats and only wishes she was able to do that and can't.
Well the husband and son are 'real men' if it does! LOL
I can believe that she's jealous, but if the guys were decent, they would have set her straight and come to OP's defense.
@@Flammifleure they probably know better if they don't want her to make their lives miserable, they probably learned long time ago it's best for then to just keep their mouth shut which must be such a fun way to live
Time to exclude that MIL from any more family gatherings. If she's going to act like that, time to get rid of toxic people in your life.
Her, FiL and BiL who apparently feel their masculinity threatened when a woman eats more than them, and any other in-laws who are trying to shame OP over this.
OP should tell the entire office that Courtney is not a person to offer transport to.She can uber or taxi in future
Story 4: The OP should avoid giving this person rides in the future since she will call cops when the OP evades a potentially homicidal lunatic in traffic. Also the OP may want to get a carry license in case shooting at the lunatic is a safer option compared to speeding on a road.
If Chatty Cathy has a boyfriend, then WHY didn’t she just have that “boyfriend” to pick her up from the very beginning ⁉️😲 Some people🙄
The nod story gets to me because in the area I am currently living in if you don’t at least nod at someone you could be perceived as very rude. I actually distinctly remember one Karen getting mad at me because I ONLY nodded.
When I worked at Circle K, we would have to put the lower price in the pos system prior to the advertised price. This is because it was illegal to charge more than the advertised price, but it was not illegal to charge less. That Karen was just wrong
*First story* If the Karen wasn't just lying about having a husband with cancer, then that means she just admitted to both not caring about someone's grandpa having it, but she doesn't care about _her own husband having cancer_
Karens, am I right?
Op should of grabbed the glass of water and threw it in her face and call her a c**t while doing it.
she probably views her husband as an ATM
@@Jerseybytes2 Probably.
It would require the ability to care about someone other than yourself to show that kind of empathy, Karens lack this trait. The biggest emotional response she'll get from her own husband's death will probably involve the inheritance.
Time to serve her them sweet divorce papers
Story 4: "Courtney" called the cops on OP, who was generously driving her tipsy ass home for free, because she didn't like being told to stop chattering constantly for a minute or two so OP could avoid them getting in a wreck, but she DIDN'T call the cops on the BMW that was driving illegally & causing the issue for OP in the first place? What. A. TOOL! That's like calling the cops on the guy who chased down the guy who stole your purse because you didn't like his tone of voice when he returned your stolen purse to you, while letting the guy who initially stole your purse off with no consequences! I hope no one from that company ever gives her a ride home again.
Story 3: if the woman was that upset over getting a discount here is how I would have handled it.
"Oh, I'm so sorry miss I don't want to break the law so I will be sure to correct this and charge you full sticker price."
Then charge her the $300 and dare her to argue with me.
Or "oh, I mis scanned it. That's the convenience surcharge. $460 please."
@@alchobum 😂😂
Yeah I would have done the same - I don’t want to put you out so I will manually correct it to full price. What an insane person.
She could've removed the barcode from a cheaper product and slapped it on the expensive product to cover the original barcode. That explains the fake tantrum.
Re story 3: i too worked retail. We had to check the inside of all packages so we knew the right item was there. ( someone returned bricks in a keurig box once, it wasn’t caught til later). The lady looks at me & asks me what was i doing. I explain that it’s so we know if it should be damaged or put back out. Her response? “That’s an invasion of my privacy!” Wow, just wow. She was freaking returning it! 🤦🏼♀️ That’s my hubby’s fave retail story of my retail days.
Last story: MIL is probably jealous as hell. I had to quickly to forgive OP before continuing the story! 😅
In the story two, if karen said that to me, I'll say I'm nodding to the gentleman behind her. When she turn around and sees there's no one behind her, I'll say 'oops I forgot none of you guys can see them' then smile creepily
Yes! 😈
Actually made me laugh out loud.
Story 3: Honestly, I think Karen was offended at the idea of giving her phone number (which I don't think is THAT private since anyone can just dial it) and decided to look for a fight and used the price differences.
I mean, I can't think of another reason, maybe an attempt to scam out a free product?
I think you are right about hoping to get it for free. But I don't think charging _less_ than the sticker price counts as false advertising in any jurisdiction.
WRT the phone number, I do not like giving personal information of any sort to any company, especially considering the number of data breaches we hear about. Usually, I simply give a polite refusal and that is the end of it.
I suspect OCD. She saw the price as $300 somewhere, and paying a different price, especially such an irregular fraction, might drive one so afflicted quite mad. Considering that's 0.53333333333 of the original price. A repeating fraction like that would make a vampire queasy having to count.
Maybe it was a distraction. OP seemed surprised the item was half off. Its likely the Karen did something to the barcode to get the price that low and then made a scene about how the price wasn't right. That way if the employee catches the scam, she could claim innocence since she brought it to attention, and if they didn't, then she gets the item half price. You do notice that she did buy the item at the reduced price anyway, in cash, while refusing to have her telephone number in the system. She didn't want to leave a paper trail after she left the store.
With no receipt that shows $300, she can't wave it in front of anyone and brag about how much it costs to shave her pits.
@@meh2510You know, I think you're spot on there. I didn't think of it that way before you mentioned it, but it makes total sense.
Last Story: That's when humming, whistling, or singing the chorus of "Man-eater" would be the heights of passive-aggressive.
Sometimes, Hall & Oates is all you need. 😈
Story 3: I don't get why anybody would complain about paying less. If it were me, I'd be stunned, but happy.
Last story: I hope OP's meal was super delicious!
08:35 Story 3- When an expensive product has unexpected low price, it raises immediate suspicion that she removed the barcode from a cheaper product and slapped it on the expensive product to cover the original barcode. She would choose a very similarly-named product for this trick.
Doubly so if she's making crazy accusations, mentioning the police. This is something that criminals do, when committing a crime- they are pretending to have the moral upper hand by being the first to escalate by mentioning calling police etc.
some have dementia. others are just nasty, horrible people.
Dementia does not let you become racist.
Or a nasty horrible person with dementia. The only thing worse than a lifelong a-hole is one that is losing their mind in the process.
I'm doubting that lady in story #2 has dementia. She's able to remember to be waiting every day at the lobby entrance to berate and be foulmouthed to that food delivery guy.
And Idk which is worse.
*Story 6-* When we visit *my* parents, they _always_ want to cover the bill. Even when we offer, they deny it.
But when we visit *my hubby’s* parents, they expect *us* to pay for everything. (They don’t even _offer_ to split the bill… 😕)
Fellow beings, I have lived through the last story so many times that I lost count. I usually tell them off by saying it's their problem for feeling intimidated or I tell tgem it's all I've had to eat all day because period induced nausea is a witch. 😂
I remember when my Mother passed away in 2013. I was a hot mess for several days, and if anyone spoke to me like that they would find themselves sitting on their butt in the parking lot.
I’d really like to hear more about story four. How the guy dealt with the situation with a coworker at work. I would be pretty pissed off if a coworker called the police on me like she did. I would be going to HR also.
Story 6: It REALLY seems like MIL is SUPER jealous how OP can eat whatever she wants and large amounts of it and still remine slim. You are NOT the AHole!
Story 1 - OP I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother to breast cancer when I was 14, and then my dad and grandfather to bone and prostate cancer 3 years ago. What that Karen said and did was disgusting. She got what she deserved, though it should have been worse for a cold heartless woman like her.
So sorry for your losses ❤
If I see a server crying an hugging a family member, I would’ve been considerate and give them my condolences. Cancer is devastating and to be a selfish, entitled customer like the Karen is absolutely disgusting to me. She got exactly what she deserved for her attitude towards the OP, who lost their grandfather.
@@LoveOnTheInsidex3 Thank you ☺️
@@Treble214 My thoughts exactly
Story 4: To bad "Courtney, STFU! The BMW in front of us is trying to kill us! I need to concentrate!" wouldn't work. 🤷
Story 1 is a perfect example of why I never want to go back to retail or food service. Leukemia is in my family and if that Karen said that to me about any of my family members, it’d be a miracle if I don’t throw a haymaker right in her face. My blood was boiling listening to that story.
As a woman with Breast Cancer and Hemochromatosis genes 🧬 in my family I would have done the same as you. Never ever mess with the person serving you/ cooking for you because paybacks a bitch.
@@emmyg I salute anyone who has to suffer in the service industry and I salute your family in our fight to make cancer our bitch.
@@viper6525D between Cancer and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome it is a hard battle but worth it in the end.
18:15 Story 5: And be glad it's that way. I live in a town that's run like a bleeding HOA and they can legally dictate what's in your driveway. I've had to argue with them so many times over the years because I was waiting for a part while working on my car, since they have a rule that states you can't have a vehicle that's 'visibly inoperable' EG up on jacks for more than 48 hours.
Story 2: I hope that the "greeter" un-greeted Karen with and eviction notice.
That lady seems to be off her meds.
Next time wear headphones, crank some hardcore metal, and headbang away, that way you get to nod at her and not listen to her.
Story 3, I'm betting the Karen was looking to get someone in trouble or just cause chaus.
Story 5, Karen needs to get a life and mind her own business.
Story 6, the rude people are the inlaws NOT op. They don't understand that some people actually have a really fast metabolism and are judging op by how much she eats rather than talk about it and understand. If that ain't rude and stupidity I don't know what is. They called op an A-hole because they were called out.
MIL was probably jealous OP could eat all the food and dessert she wanted and still stay skinny.
@@meh2510 I understand the jealousy but that's no excuse to treat her Dil like that. To insult and send texts as well as practically harass op is inexcusable.
The last story is awesome, and I love the banging like a screen door in a hurricane. The rebuttal was great. I think I would have used it.
While she was coughing and sorta throwing up, I would have quit, and then dumped the rest in her lap.
My wife says I have no place in customer service. 🤣😝
Karen must have taken the words "fashion police" way too literally.
"I don't accept your nod!" "Sorry lady, I'm just delivering food, not your meds."
THAT was an Outstanding come back on that last story... I laughed so loud, family members came in to find out what was so funny!! As always, I thank you for your page!
That made my day a little better than my night last night. My depression and anxiety were acting up so bad last night, I was having a full blown panic attack, and "those thoughts" came at me like a freight train. That last part was hilarious. Thank you, @Dark Fluff for that laugh. I desperately needed that.
@@pumpkinheadqueen2071 Sometimes when times are at their darkest, a laugh can be that beacon you need to enjoy the good things in life.
Story 6 my uncle is a firefighter (retired) and if someone told him that he was eating to munch, he'd jokingly say "sir, don't make me hangry, you won't like me when I'm hangry"
Story 5: The karen does have a hobby: Being a self-righteous busybody.
Story 1: I would get out of there in handcuffs. You don't say that to someone who just lost someone. She deserved a punch in the face.
Story 4 no more rides
Story 4 - And that's the last time I'd offer a ride to that person.
Story 5 - Fluff, there's a difference between a car parked in your driveway and trash in your front yard. Most places have codes against it. I'd call city hall or whatever and ask them.
Story 6 - In response to every article, I'd send back a video of me working with the horses, or a screen shot of the amount of activity/calories burned from my tracker. Idjits.
Story 3 - I’m gonna guess that Karen probably threatened to call the police for the ‘false advertisement’ but didn’t, but then later lied to ‘friends’ and twisted the story around to make it seem like she got a great discount from an idiot who dared to charge her full price when it was advertised for less.
I could be over thinking it but who knows with crazy Karens.
Story 3: Somehow I think the woman may have been trying to pull a scam. Once at a JC Penney a guy bought an expensive vacuum cleaner costing around $300. Later he returned it and got his money back, but it turned out that instead of actually returning the vacuum cleaner, he just replaced the cleaner in the box with bricks of the equivalent weight. Penney’s was out twice the price of that piece of merchandise. If the Karen of the story was going to do something similar, naturally she would be angry that her take on this act of larceny would be reduced. And here’s another theory. Maybe she wanted to impress someone with an item within a certain price range, or perhaps she had been tasked by her employer or a friend with spending a particular dollar amount. Whatever the reason (if there was one), let’s make a new phrase for her kind: Some customers are always rot.
Story one, op isn’t some hero. They sabotaged someone’s food, which could have gotten them or the place sued. I don’t care if op felt Karen deserved it, that was a stupid thing to do.
The El Camino story: You said that next door Karen needs a hobby, but she already has one. Isn't EVERY Karen's hobby stirring up trouble? Or is that her job?
It is their reason for existence: cause chaos and misery for their quarry.
Story 5 reminds me of my crazy Karen neighbor that complains about parking on my grass but she does, then recently I got a diesel truck that is loud but I love it and everytime I start it up she has a fit, makes me laugh because there's nothing she can do about it
Story 1: this Karen is the type whose passing will be celebrated by all, mourned by none - including her husband.
And I'll bet she knows it, too.
Complete with the song _Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead._
The best thing to do when someone is tailgating or messing around is to slow down.
Unless they get behind you and flash their high beams into your eyes.
@@darkmask5933I've had that happen, at which point I flip up my mirror and keep on going.
@@dinascharnhorst6590I've done the same thing. And if they do that then once they pass I make sure to give them a one gun salute as well (if you catch my drift)
Years ago I’m coming into the big town on the other side of the state, and there’s plenty of traffic as it was getting close to rush hour. There’s a kid in a rice car (dropped, no hood, pumpkin orange and swimming pool blue) weaving through traffic. He ends up behind me and close enough to read the owner’s manual in the glove compartment. Luckily there was a perfect gap in the other lane and I smoothly slide in. The car I had been behind just had a “don’t f-k with me” vibe about it. The kid promptly begins tailgating that car, only to be immediately brake checked. The kid had absolutely no place to go but the inner shoulder. Remember, it was a dropped suspension, so he immediately wound up high centered on the shoulder. Traffic was such that nobody could pull over to help, and I’d imagine many had been harassed by the kid moments earlier. It may have been minor karma but so satisfying.
With road rage, that might just trigger them more. Getting away is the safest option.
There are several short TH-cam channels that are nothing but Tesla 360 footage of idiots trying to destroy these cars on the road and parked. People are nuts. OP needs to talk to HR about this and show the footage because this woman will throw him under the bus there, too. Also, tell the story to the biggest gossip in their group to protect his reputation with his fellow workers, too.
Story 1 Karen: Jesus someone die again, was it that grandpa guy with the cancer?
OP could have said: Well, if you're that curious... you could meet him in a few minutes and ask him yourself.
If I had to guess, I'd say Karen #3 is A: rich, and B: subscribes to a rather extreme version of 'you get what you pay for'. She probably goes for more expensive items on purpose, either because she thinks they're of better quality or because of bragging rights ('See this watch? I paid $500 for it!' That sort of thing), and interpreted getting the price knocked down as an insult, because it implied that they were actually selling her cheap goods under the pretense of high-quality ones. It still makes no damn sense, but - Karens be Karens.
I'd love to hear the MIL's reaction to a Tzuyang video. One of her mukbangs ended with the restaurant owner begging her to stop when he estimated she'd already eaten 20,000 calories worth of ribs and she showed no signs of stopping.🤣
The response to the last story had me crying,and she should've told the mil she was gonna ride her son like a Harley on a bad piece of road!😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣
Going to nickname him pinky toe. Because she’s going to bang him on every piece of furniture in the house when they get home
#4 - I feel for OP. One of my biggest triggers is people who will not shut the F up - ever! It's bad enough when you are just sitting and having a drink or a meal, but when you are trying to concentrate on some idiot driver trying to make you wreck or run into them, lord woman, just STFU for a minute or two. And what B calling the cops on OP. I would avoid her like the plague from now on.
About the first story. I would've lost my job on the second encounter with that Karen. 👊
I would've lost my freedom
Story 4: ugh reminds me of the time I asked a couple worker for a ride home, because I didn't have a car, and I forgot my phone, and the person who helped me made it clear she didn't trust or cared for me, and I ended up walking home for 2 and half hours in the dead of night, and I had to call off work the next day because I had strep throat (undiagnosed)
Story 6: NTA It is nobody's business what you eat, how much you eat, or how little you eat.
Block every single person who is bullying you, and those who are sending you the unsoliceted medical and dietary advice, and I think that it is time for low-contact with MIL. She just wanted you to pay the entire bill, and had to come up with some reason to force you to. I am glad that you stuck to your guns. If there is a future family dinner at a restaurant, go separate bills.
If OP does work with horses, she could easily burn more than 3,000 calories per day riding, grooming, mucking stalls or paddocks, feeding, moving hay bales and feed bags, etc. With horses, the work almost never ends.
I'm sure hoping that the Op in the story about the tailgating car with the Karen co-worker that it would be the last time she ever got another ride home in the future.
Story 5: The Karen is lucky that the OP did not file harassment charges against her.
During HS and college basketball seasons I would eat 3 helpings of whatever was offered for dinner every night and didn’t gain, actually still lost 10 lbs every season. I’m a female as well, don’t let them influence you!! NTA
Pretty sure it only counts as false advertisement if youre being charged more than the sticker price 😅 She may have called the police, but they probably didnt follow up since her claim was legal lol
Let's not forget this took place in Australia. Some stores have a scanning code of practice, but those only tend to apply if the scan comes at a higher price than the sticker price. Any sane person would have raised an eyebrow, but felt over the moon at paying a bit over half price; especially in these troubled economic times.
"Derelict Car" Story: I'm a Vindictive Bugger*, If I were OP, I'd IMMEDIATELY buy a car cover made of clear, UV blocking plastic to put over the El Camino...that way, it's still protected from the weather and UV but in plain view for when Karen want's to snoop on my property...
* I'm a Bugger, NOT a Bastard! My Parents were Married when I was born Thank You very much!
2nd Story: I imagine that Karen was told that she was No Longer A Resident In That Building!
If the final op really said that, she'd be the goat
Story 2: It sounds like the building manager had removed the psycho that Wass issuing racist death threats against the OP.
"I don't accept your nod." That's OK, it wasn't sincere, anyway.
Story 3: she must have thought the sticker was meant to illegally hike up the price and that the sale price was the true store price. Something that scalpers tend to do to give off the illusion of them running low on product. I have worked retail for years and walmart especially (at least my local one) still gets at least 10 calls about this a week and at least 1/3 of them have been true as there now has to be cops watching all the employees.
Story 1: I would have put rat poison in her food. Then said OH MY GOD WHO DIED GET OVER IT!
That last story sounds like a real life Hashira from demon slayer. The Love Hashira, I don't remember her name, but she keeps her figure but can eat a whole cow worth of food easily. Honestly I kinda envy OP.
Story 2: “I don’t accept your nod”
Considering I nod to acknowledge your presence, acceptance is unnecessary. Your response is acknowledgement enough.
My retort: "If you don't want to accept my nod, then STFU."
The nod is normal here. Dip forward for strangers and up for people you know add a wave of they are friends
Normal in my country too! The same thing
*Story 6 Commentary:* I agree that OP is N-T-A. And since she does work with horses, she'd say what Dark Fluff said, then go at her husband with the might of Wonder Woman! 🦸♀️ Look Out! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The people who complain about discounts are trying to commit card fraud. They want to grab high price items to turn around and return for store credit. Discounts mean they pocket less money later.
Story 3, some people are just plain evil, there is no explanation. She saw op panicking and relished in it
The last story 😂 the comment about the screen door!!😂 I almost choked on my wine laughing!!! 🤣
Last story - OP is absolutely NTA. What a person eats and how much they can eat is nobody’s business. Why should OP feel bad about wanting a steak with all the fixings and dessert? Sounds like a delicious meal to me. As for the MIL… she needs to mind her own business and shut up.
Few MIL have that ability. Luckily, I have one, she's great!
@@haworthlowell805 So does my mom
When an object comes up at the wrong price, I'll let the cashier know whether it's over or under priced. Many years ago I was at Costco because they had a 25" TV for a $100 savings. When I got to checkout, the cashier typed in the code. I responded "Are you sure? That's cheaper than the tag said it'd be", to which the cashier lost it. "That's what the F'in price is. If you don't want it, put it back." So I nodded and paid. On getting to the car I noticed he'd transposed the last 2 numbers, so I got the 25" TV for the 13" price. Happy days... a $300 savings. The year previous I was in a pharmacy/applieance/whatever store that marked a shelf & box incorrectly, that time a 19" for the 13" price. When I got to checkout I told the clerk that I thought it was mismarked but she sold me it for the sticker price. My wife bragged to her sister so SIL dashed to the store. This time the cashier said it was mismarked and refused to sell at the low price. I'm sure SIL, a Karen forerunner, was not pleased. So, Karma, I guess.
Last story; I worked at UPS unloading the semi-trucks at a major hub. The intensity was high, the work was demanding. I ate like the horses OP works with. I lost weight! When I was younger, I trained to bicycle race, and put in 200+ miles a week. I dated a competitive cyclist for a while. The two of us were very slender and fit, and would go to restaurants and eat large, high calorie meals, and get some odd looks. MIL can mind her own business, but the idea that OP had to pay for everyone, though not ordering anything more expensive than the others, well she's just an A-hole.
The day my mom passed away my dad and i went to see my sister. We parked on the street in front of a Karen's house. Well she came out and demanded we move. I informed her of our lost and she answered "what does that have to do with me?". My dad moved his truck. We were legally parked she just didn't want anyone parked in front of her house. So when ever i visited my sister i woukd make sure to do so. Petty? Yes, but satisfying.
Story 5: OP should have said “yeah I’m glad your here Sheriff, there’s an ugly derelict woman next door making false complaints”
Story 1. Karen is wearing her order.
She'd be lucky she's dealing with you then, cause if it were me, assault charges be damned, she's leaving with a hell of a lot less teeth than she arrived with
And she’s gonna feel it much later too
I also nod to people. My favorite was this man. I worked with. He was a vendor so he didn't work in the store but used our kitchen for his kiosk. I would nod when we passed eachother and he'd give me a short polite bow. And I have a mirroring personality so I don't know when I started doing it back to him. He often made me extra sushi and honestly I wish I didn't live so far from the store because I miss his sushi. 😂 I'd always buy the left overs after my shift and he'd put a discount sticker on it for me. Such a nice guy.
Or it can go the opposite at this new job I nodded at a guy and he told me I was so rude and should smile smile more. I'm not a smiley woman and if I am smiling at you it's because I feel awkward. Please don't tell people they should smile, it feels icky.
That deputy in the last story did his job properly.
And I got a few beat up trucks myself. Touch any of the 3 and I'll keep your hand.
Story 5 - Yes Karen needs a hobby - how about collecting model cars ?🤣😂🤣
3:40 Reminds me of a story. I occasionally deliver mobile meals as a volunteer for Kiwanis (I'm not a member but a friend is, and she occasionally pings me for stuff if Kiwanis is short-handed). One lady just went off the rails because I delivered her meal EARLY. She expected it at exactly 12-something, and it was like 11-something. We're talking a difference of maybe 15 minutes tops. But she just stood there laying into me and gesticulating wildly for like a solid minute about how it was unacceptable that I deliver her meal early. So I just turned on my heel without saying a word and walked back to my car with her meal still in my hands, and drove off. She started yelling things like "wait I didn't mean it, no it's ok, come back" but I ignored her. After a couple blocks I parked and put her meal on the roof of my car while I listened to the radio for a few minutes, then drove back and delivered her meal at the exact time she demanded. It was now ice-cold, thanks to sitting on the roof of my car in the middle of winter. But she never complained again.
Story 3 reminds me of an incident that happened in a Charity shop I worked in years ago.
This guy came to the cash register with a box-set of books at £2.00 and he said he didn’t want to pay £2.00 for them and takes them out of the box and screws it up.
He hands them to me as individual books, so charged him for them individually at the normal price which came to £3.75 and I told him he would have to pay for them as we could no longer sell them as a box-set, as he’d destroyed the cover !
He sheepishly paid and he didn’t ask for discount again 🤣😂
Reminds me of when I had the opposite happen. I used to work in a convenience store that sold individual piece of Bazooka bubble gum for 5 cents. At the time CT had a 6% sales tax, but on 5 cents, it wasn't enough to add anything to the price so it was still 5 cents out the door. Kid came up to the register with 20 pieces, and the total was $1.06. He only had a dollar. I told him he either need to put one piece back, which would be exactly $1.00 then, or come up with 6 cents. He wanted me to ring up each piece separately so he could still get 20 pieces and not come up with 6 cents. I told him no, not with a line of customers, that I was not ringing up 20 different purchases for him so he can get one extra piece of gum. I do give him credit, pretty smart to figure that out for 10-12 year old at the time.
@@btlcry Didn’t you have a multiply button on your register ? ! 20 X 0.05
@@vahvahdisco Yes, but because it then counted it as one purchase, the sales tax was added on the overall purchase, hence the extra 6 cents. 6% tax on a 5 cent item is .003 cents. So on one piece, it would round it back down to 5 cents total. But when bought in 'bulk' as 20 pieces, it adds up the .003 of a cent to get the extra 6 cents worth of tax. Edited to add, keep in mind this was in the mid-90s, so before scanners were everywhere. So we had to manually key in items. For something like this, we would count the pieces and put it in as one price.
@@btlcry This price-plus-tax nonsense is illogical-if tax is _included_ in the price, a customer can be confident they're paying what they expected to pay instead of rifling around for the extra little bit to cover the tax.
@@JamesDavy2009 I'm going to guess you're not from the US, like I am. Tax is never included on the posted price in stores for anything here. This means while the price tag may say $19.99, it's known this is the price for the item itself. Tax is extra, so it's really closer to $22 and change out the door.
Food Story: OP needs to tell her MiL that what OP eats is none of her business and she needs to keep her comments to herself or face a Harassment Lawsuit...
Loved one's? These people don't have loved one's. The tables being turned in the first story would mean nothing to these people.
Honestly I'm kind amazed at the strength and patients of younger generations these days. I'm 43 and too old and tired for the revolution, but you guys show remarkable restraint in not breaking out the guillotines
S3: That has to be one of the dumbest karens ever because she was actually complaining about getting something for less than the advertised price which was considerably higher.🤓
Never met a Karen that acted like they had a Phd.
I would have insisted she call the cops! "By all means, lets let them resolve this situation!" 😂
Story 4: I don't think that some people get that sometimes accelerating can sometimes be the safest option when in a dangerous situation driving to escape danger. My first car accident I was able to save my car from being completely totaled by an idiot in one of those stupid jacked-up pickup trucks with a deer guard on the front pulling forward out into me in a parking lot by speeding up instead of braking because had I braked, he would have destroyed my engine.
If you're splitting the cheque among yourselves then what planet is MIL on to dump the entire cheque on OP. You are already paying for your meal. After the amount of time you've known your MIL hasn't she figured out that you have a high metabolism, she probably is jealous.