Is it possibly to build a test station that will enable remote testing of fire heads, functions test, read address etc? We have a pile of unknown condition ones, there £300 each new! Please.
MrAshley155 we have a test rig in the office connected to a ZP3 panel. We soak test the optical devices and then test them using the solo kit and that gives us the % obscuration that the detector activates at. With a laptop connected to the panel we can see the analogue levels for the detectors but not of it is automated. We tend to use it for fault finding or in the case of legacy ATEx equipment soak testing for reuse/redeployment
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Can you send me the addressable chart?
I want to activate ZP3 panel. Would you help me please the technical issue. Even if you volentre we are ready to get your online support
Is it possibly to build a test station that will enable remote testing of fire heads, functions test, read address etc? We have a pile of unknown condition ones, there £300 each new! Please.
MrAshley155 we have a test rig in the office connected to a ZP3 panel. We soak test the optical devices and then test them using the solo kit and that gives us the % obscuration that the detector activates at. With a laptop connected to the panel we can see the analogue levels for the detectors but not of it is automated. We tend to use it for fault finding or in the case of legacy ATEx equipment soak testing for reuse/redeployment
Very Useful in deed. Do you do training in the UK?