प्याजको खेती प्रविधि || बीउबाट बेर्ना तयार गरेर उत्पादन सम्मको जानकरी || Onion Farming Technology

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ม.ค. 2025
  • Hello and Namaste !!!
    Here is a new video on onion farming on a small and large scale. In this, I have explained the overall process of onion farming starting from the selection of seed, nursery bed preparation, seedling preparation, and transplanting in the field. It also covers the major variety of onions grown here in Nepal. information on the growing season, seed rate, fertilizer amount, FYM requirement is explained in the video.
    आजको यस भिडियो प्याज खेतीको सम्पूर्ण जानकरी रहेको छ। प्याजको बिउ, बीउबाट बेर्ना र बेर्ना सर्ने सम्पूर्ण जानकरी यस भिडियोमा रहेको छ। बिउ दर, बिउ लगाउने समय, मलखाद, रासायनिक मल लगाएत सम्पूर्ण जानकरी रहेको छ। आशा गर्छु हजुरहरुलाई यो भिडियो मनपर्ने छ।
    Follow me at Instagram: @RanabhatSambat
    Follow me at Tiktok: @SambatGardening
    You can contact me through a Facebook page called ==== (Sambat Gardening)
    Creator/Presenter/editor: Sambat Ranabhat (M.Sc. Ag Soil Science)
    Copyright @{SambatKrishi&Gardening,2021}
    "Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned"
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    प्याज खेती प्रविधि
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    #Onion_Farming #SambatGardening

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