Wow. Two of my favourites person in political scenario together. As spanish, I must say that Manuela has become the change that Madrid needed. A complete transparency, pure love, common sense, have turned Madrid into a great city again, after years and years of nefarious government (Partido Popular). For real, after all, we start to see light at the end of the tunel for people as amazing as Manuela Carmena is.
And now my question is... Why is it that I haven't even watched an interview like this one on Spanish national TV? It's really depressing when people from abroad interview your own people unbelievably better than professional journalists in your own country.
+Jorge CG En primer lugar, estas preguntas están destinadas a hacer que Carmena piense en la respuesta. Lo importante no es solo la pregunta. En España estamos muy mal acostumbrados al "¿Independencia de Cataluña, sí; o no?" o "¿Le daría Ud. una renta básica a los desempleados?". Preguntas sin sustancia, sin profundidad, sin posibilidad de poder elaborarse. En medio de esa mediocridad insulsa es donde prosperan muchos de nuestros periodistas serios. Por supuesto, estoy obviando a Susanna Griso o a Ana Rosa Quintana porque me parecen parodias de lo que debería ser cualquier tipo de periodista. Sus programas son el vodevil de nuestra época. En segundo lugar, si te fijas, el cebo que usan los periodistas españoles se basa en que la persona en cuestión se enfrenta a una pregunta controvertida y responde de una forma muy chocante y descontextualizada. Ese no es el cebo de esta entrevista (ni de muchas otras de Owen Jones): aquí, la cita que se usa como reclamo en el título refleja perfectamente el tema del cual trata la entrevista. Simplemente es algo que no veo en la tele española y, aunque te puedo enseñar cientos de ejemplos de ello, seguro que tú también lo habrás visto en infinidad de ocasiones. Es algo palmario. Y en tercer lugar, que creo que es lo más importante, después de haber visto la entrevista creo haber aprendido algo. Tiene cierto carácter didáctico, y eso es encomiable. Cuando veo una entrevista no quiero tener que estar constantemente pendiente de si me están mintiendo o no. Para eso no veo una entrevista, sino un mitin. Esa confianza que desarrolla el espectador con el entrevistador (y, paralelamente, con el entrevistado) es crucial para el periodismo. Por experiencia propia, cuando los extranjeros se mudan a España, no saben en qué medio de comunicación se puede confiar. Eso es terrible. Te habrás imaginado que no me refiero a los errores que cometen los medios: todos los pueden cometer. Me refiero a que la información en España está basada en el enfoque y no en la justa apreciación de la realidad. No solo me parece imperdonable, sino también difícil de enmendar a estas alturas. Por supuesto, no hablo de todos los periodistas. Hablo de la inmensa mayoría, y ahí, por ejemplo, incluyo al Jordi Évole de 2014 y de 2015, sin lugar a dudas. Tengo más motivos para pensar así, pero creo que lo he podido resumir de una forma bastante sucinta.
Wildbillhitchcock Periodistas y tipos de programas con sus formatos sensacionalistas. Qué me dices de Ana Pastor con el Objetivo?? El moderno fastjournalism. Cómo un entrevistador puede hacer tantas preguntas en tan poco tiempo e interrumpiendo al entrevistado cuando este no contesta lo que el primero quiere? Que mierdas de gallineros se montan en las tertulias políticas?? Por qué siempre llevan a los mismos tertulianos que enfocan las cosas del mismo modo?? Por qué no mostrarnos otros que den una visión diferente con otro talante??? Con una versión diferente no quiero decir ideologías diferentes, sino maneras de transmitir ideas con seriedead y rigor informativo. Por ejemplo. qué ostias hace Sardà como tertuliano político?? Por favor, ya puestos que me inviten a mí!! Ah, no! Perdón, que yo no estoy en esa esfera de los que tienen influencia dentro de los medios de comunicación. Si hay algo de lo que habla Carmena en esta entrevista en la que estoy al 100% con ella, es en la idea de que los políticos tienen poco poder si lo comparamos con los medios de comunicación. Cuántos de los de aquí presentes han ido a un mitin político, se han leído el programa de algún partido o, algo ya menos probable, son militantes o participan activamente en política. Seguro que menos de los que ven la tele, escuchan la radio o leen periódicos. La comunicación es el pilar fundamental para convencer a terceros, y por tanto su poder es inconmensurable.
Well done Owen. Carmena is an amazing political figure for these times. Her mere presence shames all those traditional politicians who forgot what their actual job was, and who they were supposed to be working for. She is a true example of the direction we need to take in Europe. She´s a great buddy of Mujica also, who I´m sure you´d love to interview one day.
+Oscar smith diamante She is indeed. She should have pretty much every other politicians or political leaders heads bowing in shame. Sadly for most of them I think we would need to take them for a fuckin' X-ray, to determine if there is any shame in them. She was so so right. We are in a shocking pickle. I really can see no reasonable way out, or much prospect of positive change anytime soon.
We´re very lucky she has been REMOVED. She was just the symbol of the demented left. She did nothing but living confronting the municipal police, taking the side of the criminals, favoring the assaults on private property, illegal immigration, mocking and attacking with state power the majority religion in Spain, only people with some kind of mental disorder can sympathize with a character of this type.
me tranquilizan personas como ella porque hablan como la gente de la base. pero con una autoridad que dá su excelente preparación tanto academica como humana. muy buen reportaje gracias Owen Jones.
I love so much Manuela Carmena, authogh her work as mayor is being saboted by newspaper, Tv, Popular Party among others, the change is real, many things that seems so difficult have changed, evictions, relation, relation with bank, garbage company, even the very big debt is being reducing...This woman is showing us how everything can be changed when there is a good intentions. People who thinks in people. Manuela. I want to thank you for restored confidence in decency. (I would like to apologize for my shamefull English. I´m so sorry)
Thank you so much for your great videos and also your articles published at The Guardian, Owen. I am trying to read your books in my free time. I am from Spain and I'm living this amazing change in politics. I hope that it could arrive to the UK someday. All over Europe, the left parties should learn from spanish movements and Podemos party. I was in the last rally before general elections in Valencia and I wanted to thank your support to our revolution.
Owen, this definitely ranks as one of my favorite interviews by you. I could listen to her analysis for hours ... Eight minutes not enough. Any chance you can do what you did with the Hitchens interview and play the unedited, longer version? Pretty please
Seems like a nice old dear. My kind of politicians, someone who doesn't want to be a politician. Which is one of the things that makes Stephen Fry my pick for PM \o/
+Hedin Gregersen Donald Tramp? what are you talking about? Haha he's the wrong thing never happen to EEUU... I'm from Madrid buddy and I'm proud to say my family vote for Manuela Carmena...your comment was funny but Donald Tramp? Haha nope
3:52 es cierto que los partidos políticos son una mierda pero la política es un modo de parar a la economía privada, aunque seamos sinceros tendría que ser otra política y no esta bajo la democracia liberal, luego está cómo se podría hacer sin que eso termine en burocracia y que sea de forma accesible a cualquier ciudadano o trabajador.
She is right about politicians. Over the years, parties have come to value yes men who will toe the party line over interesting and engaging political figures. Looking at the Labour cabinets of Callaghan and Wilson, there were countless figures there who actually seemed like genuine human beings. Now there are practically none. I hope Labour and other parties pursue a policy of having less discipline and promoting people who can connect with the public. That is one of the best ways to re-engage people with politics.
Ah ok thanks. It's fine, you could have changed it to 25fps in-post. If you ever need more cam ops I worked with The Guardian before.
Really fascinating and eye opening interview- Spain sounds like a 'cauldron of 'anything possible' at the moment which is a very refreshing position to be in :)
The best part for me was her quote about being left out of the photo. That is what has been happening for the last thirty years with politicians of all sides. Hope fully J.C. will change that. She is also spot on about the real power. The current power brokers in the world studied what the Nazi's did and once they saw how much you could sway opinion via the media they knew that was where the future lay. We need to wrest control of the media from the likes of Murdoch, the Barclay Brothers and Rottermere (no typo:-) ) and make them punishable for the slanders and lies they print. Editors who bully their writers need to be held to account and above all barred from future posts. Then to the corporations and banks. They need to have their powers to lobby curtailed and their access to political influence must be stopped. Again the only language they understand is financial penalty and these should be huge. The money they are fined could be used to fund political parties equally but proportionally and only then could we again begin to have something resembling democracy. Rant over!
Owen, you are invited to our next informal PODEMOS get together here in Edinburgh. There will be political debate over wine, beer and food from 10am till 6pm. You´d be most welcome :)
It was interesting hearing her talk. I still feel that she wasn't honest or director enough about the reasoning behind the apathy towards politicians by the general public.
Nice interview!! :D You could talk to Teresa Rodríguez, Podemos´s member of the parliament for Andalusia, she may give you an interesting overview of the situation in the south of Spain! Keep it up, I love your videos and your accent!
An "attitude" has a soundtrack - Owen Jones has his TH-cam channel theme tune. What is the theme of individual politicians - how would they sound in a mash-up? What is the music of power - is it still Hitler's favourite Wagner? What music should be playing? Does art fucking matter?
It seems like the countries who have been through fascism are the ones most likely to accept left-wing policies, or at least not drift to the right. If you look at Germany, the fascist movement there is very small, and of course there is Podemos sweeping the tide of left-wing politics right through Spain, who endured Franco. Neither the UK or US have really had big far-right movements in the past, but I fear that we are giving in to their fearmongering, not being truly aware of what it is like. Keep fighting, my friends.
Owen, what is your connection to Spain? This is the 2nd(?) Spanish politician you've interviewed and you seem to travel to Spain a lot to do talks and whatnot. Why? Why Spain?
Owen look up Cristina Fuentes for an interview. (President of the Madrid Community)...she is also a breath of fresh air. Which is even more amazing since she's PP! !!!!!
+boqueroningles She's a PP thief that happens to be less repulsive than Esperanza Aguirre, and hasn't been caught yet. But we do remember that she was head of the national police in Madrid during the big demonstrations and 15M, and she didn't hesitate to use full authoritarian force against the protesters. No forgiveness for her.
Owen, ¿hablas español? Y si lo hablas, ¿por qué no haces un vídeo totalmente en español? Podría tratar de la situación española o de América latina (con el referendo que perdió Evo y el asesinato de Cáceres en Honduras siendo dos noticias que creo que no se han cubierto suficientemente en el mundo anglófono)
She'll be a bloody good cook too, being Spanish. Love all the cosas para picar (things to nibble). Typically Spanish. The history of Spain in the C20th is traumatic. Many Spanish are still suffering from not having been able to bury their dead properly.
hi owen,interesting stuff,how about interviewing someone like david graeber or lisa machenzie,from the more anarcho,libertarian perspective,in peace.jpj
+Paula Zamora Yeah it can only be the media, the majority just don't know what to think say or do without media's instructions. No-one in the majority has any of their own thoughts and viewpoints on anything, only the left wing intelligentsia are able to see past the media mind control and tell show us correct think.
No, I was only speaking about Carmena and Evole. Not about the whole left wing. Dont put those words into my mouth. I am tired of this speech, I just think that we have what we deserve. Left, right or whatever, just the same politicians. Just the kind of people we are. But, somehow, I like Carmena. I just hope she doesnt end up as a disappointment.
+David Noir the media has power, its no doubt. Its not a left or right wing thought, usually the internet goes left, tv goes right; the media is the two of them. people think and speak through the information they get. And it depends on where they get it. But sure, continue with your speech. We could have it in spanish, and you would still think I would defend the left wing. We could also talk about Pablo Iglesias and the media, and you would see that I'm not a fan, as you may think. I just stated that Carmena isn't media's favourite, that doesnt make me a leftsie hooligan.
+Paula Zamora Cómo que les gusta? Pues yo soy de Alicante, estudio en Valencia y no he conocido a nadie que no le guste o la critique. Todo el mundo está enamorado de ella!
+David Noir plus: where do you get your facts? how much do you Know? where do you get the news? I only can say, I dont trust what I read, watch or hear, because depending on where do I get it, its a different info. sure I have an opinion, but its just that. An opinion. I usually dont make such a fuss, but its just that "people know" speech that gets me angry. people Know shit. We Know shit. and our opinion is just based on that, whether you like it or not.
+James Bernardini In the seventies the Spanish Communist Party was the biggest party (outside the official one in power Falange de la JONS) in Spain, bigger than PSOE and other opposition parties. People looked up to them as the true warriors against the fascist regime. They had people in the factories, council assotiations, universities, etc. Their demonstrations were bigger and anybody else's. But they fucked up after backing down in all their ideological views and and accepting all treaties with transition goverment (Moncloa covenants in 77). Now they are a shadow of their past.
La lucidez, inteligencia y cercanía de esta mujer deslumbran a quien la escuche. Nada que ver con su predecesora, la homófoba, machista, enchufada y mediocre Anita la CafeconLecheinPlazaMayor.
Commenting as a fan: Personally I am not very interested in Spanish politics and hope to see more videos on other subjects including more content regarding the current American elections.
Spanish, Greek, Portuguese politics... have way more influence on British than American. Irish and French too. We should be working together if we want an alternative to the fascist rise in Europe.
Pero que estás diciendo "payasa", Defendiendo trabajadores? Pero si te has quedado con los bienes de tu marido para que éste "deje en la pu. calle y sin un pu. duro " a 13 trabajadores. De quién te quieres reír? ¿Sabe el niñato ese lo que hiciste tú y tu marido llamado "Eduardo Leira" para "esquivar" la indemnización que tu marido debía pagar a 13 TRABAJADORES? Y sabe el niño ese que SIGUE habiendo desahucios contigo en el poder? Y la pregunta del minuto 4:10 está clara, "porque soy una hipócrita, por eso nene". Pero que rollos estás metiendo?
Owen, ¿hablas español? Y si lo hablas, ¿por qué no haces un vídeo totalmente en español? Podría tratar de la situación española o de América latina (con el referendo que perdió Evo y el asesinato de Cáceres en Honduras siendo dos noticias que creo que no se han cubierto suficientemente en el mundo anglófono)
Big thanks to Yannis Mendez for filming and Irene Baque and Ekaterina Ochagavia for helping Adam out with the translations.
+Owen Jones no problem mate! always happy to help you out ;)
+Owen Jones its great but needs more subtitles if possible! :)
There are subtitles in English throughout and hay subtitulos en Español por mis palabras en Ingles.
+Owen Jones Hi the CC button if you're new to TH-cam...
Is there any link for the English subtitles?
+Sakura yaya You just need to turn them on. Bottom right of the video player.
+Owen Jones You can select the language in the settings.
+Owen Jones alright. thanks!! 😊
There's many people watching you here in Spain, and it's a pleased to see Manuela interviewed by you!
Wow. Two of my favourites person in political scenario together. As spanish, I must say that Manuela has become the change that Madrid needed. A complete transparency, pure love, common sense, have turned Madrid into a great city again, after years and years of nefarious government (Partido Popular). For real, after all, we start to see light at the end of the tunel for people as amazing as Manuela Carmena is.
And now my question is... Why is it that I haven't even watched an interview like this one on Spanish national TV? It's really depressing when people from abroad interview your own people unbelievably better than professional journalists in your own country.
+Wildbillhitchcock ¿Por qué consideras que es mejor que las entrevistas que se hacen aquí? ¿Qué tiene de superior? Me gustaría saberlo.
+Jorge CG En primer lugar, estas preguntas están destinadas a hacer que Carmena piense en la respuesta. Lo importante no es solo la pregunta. En España estamos muy mal acostumbrados al "¿Independencia de Cataluña, sí; o no?" o "¿Le daría Ud. una renta básica a los desempleados?". Preguntas sin sustancia, sin profundidad, sin posibilidad de poder elaborarse. En medio de esa mediocridad insulsa es donde prosperan muchos de nuestros periodistas serios. Por supuesto, estoy obviando a Susanna Griso o a Ana Rosa Quintana porque me parecen parodias de lo que debería ser cualquier tipo de periodista. Sus programas son el vodevil de nuestra época.
En segundo lugar, si te fijas, el cebo que usan los periodistas españoles se basa en que la persona en cuestión se enfrenta a una pregunta controvertida y responde de una forma muy chocante y descontextualizada. Ese no es el cebo de esta entrevista (ni de muchas otras de Owen Jones): aquí, la cita que se usa como reclamo en el título refleja perfectamente el tema del cual trata la entrevista. Simplemente es algo que no veo en la tele española y, aunque te puedo enseñar cientos de ejemplos de ello, seguro que tú también lo habrás visto en infinidad de ocasiones. Es algo palmario.
Y en tercer lugar, que creo que es lo más importante, después de haber visto la entrevista creo haber aprendido algo. Tiene cierto carácter didáctico, y eso es encomiable. Cuando veo una entrevista no quiero tener que estar constantemente pendiente de si me están mintiendo o no. Para eso no veo una entrevista, sino un mitin. Esa confianza que desarrolla el espectador con el entrevistador (y, paralelamente, con el entrevistado) es crucial para el periodismo. Por experiencia propia, cuando los extranjeros se mudan a España, no saben en qué medio de comunicación se puede confiar. Eso es terrible. Te habrás imaginado que no me refiero a los errores que cometen los medios: todos los pueden cometer. Me refiero a que la información en España está basada en el enfoque y no en la justa apreciación de la realidad. No solo me parece imperdonable, sino también difícil de enmendar a estas alturas. Por supuesto, no hablo de todos los periodistas. Hablo de la inmensa mayoría, y ahí, por ejemplo, incluyo al Jordi Évole de 2014 y de 2015, sin lugar a dudas.
Tengo más motivos para pensar así, pero creo que lo he podido resumir de una forma bastante sucinta.
Wildbillhitchcock Periodistas y tipos de programas con sus formatos sensacionalistas. Qué me dices de Ana Pastor con el Objetivo?? El moderno fastjournalism. Cómo un entrevistador puede hacer tantas preguntas en tan poco tiempo e interrumpiendo al entrevistado cuando este no contesta lo que el primero quiere? Que mierdas de gallineros se montan en las tertulias políticas?? Por qué siempre llevan a los mismos tertulianos que enfocan las cosas del mismo modo?? Por qué no mostrarnos otros que den una visión diferente con otro talante??? Con una versión diferente no quiero decir ideologías diferentes, sino maneras de transmitir ideas con seriedead y rigor informativo. Por ejemplo. qué ostias hace Sardà como tertuliano político?? Por favor, ya puestos que me inviten a mí!! Ah, no! Perdón, que yo no estoy en esa esfera de los que tienen influencia dentro de los medios de comunicación. Si hay algo de lo que habla Carmena en esta entrevista en la que estoy al 100% con ella, es en la idea de que los políticos tienen poco poder si lo comparamos con los medios de comunicación. Cuántos de los de aquí presentes han ido a un mitin político, se han leído el programa de algún partido o, algo ya menos probable, son militantes o participan activamente en política. Seguro que menos de los que ven la tele, escuchan la radio o leen periódicos. La comunicación es el pilar fundamental para convencer a terceros, y por tanto su poder es inconmensurable.
Well done Owen. Carmena is an amazing political figure for these times. Her mere presence shames all those traditional politicians who forgot what their actual job was, and who they were supposed to be working for. She is a true example of the direction we need to take in Europe. She´s a great buddy of Mujica also, who I´m sure you´d love to interview one day.
+Oscar smith diamante
She is indeed. She should have pretty much every other politicians or political leaders heads bowing in shame.
Sadly for most of them I think we would need to take them for a fuckin' X-ray, to determine if there is any shame in them.
She was so so right. We are in a shocking pickle. I really can see no reasonable way out, or much prospect of positive change anytime soon.
Ada Colau is even more amazing, two good mayors.
you don't know Colau
+Lucia Rodriguez
I know enough, so what, I said it.
We are SO LUCKY in Madrid for having such an AMAZING WOMAN as our mayor!!
We´re very lucky she has been REMOVED. She was just the symbol of the demented left. She did nothing but living confronting the municipal police, taking the side of the criminals, favoring the assaults on private property, illegal immigration, mocking and attacking with state power the majority religion in Spain, only people with some kind of mental disorder can sympathize with a character of this type.
This was amazing - what an incredible woman
You should make a large interview with Compromis party in Valencian Country. Right now they are leading Valencia city in Spain.
me tranquilizan personas como ella porque hablan como la gente de la base. pero con una autoridad que dá su excelente preparación tanto academica como humana. muy buen reportaje gracias Owen Jones.
Very good vídeo, It's an honor that you can ser and chat with her.
welcomes you with beer and crisps. Seems like my kind of lady.
+MrSweatyPants And some lovely ham and cheese and tomatoes!
Owen Jones very very Spanish! 😂👏🏻
This is the first time I have heard of Manuela. I love what she had to say in this interview. You did an outstanding job in the interview. Thank you!
I love so much Manuela Carmena, authogh her work as mayor is being saboted by newspaper, Tv, Popular Party among others, the change is real, many things that seems so difficult have changed, evictions, relation, relation with bank, garbage company, even the very big debt is being reducing...This woman is showing us how everything can be changed when there is a good intentions. People who thinks in people. Manuela. I want to thank you for restored confidence in decency. (I would like to apologize for my shamefull English. I´m so sorry)
Thank you so much for your great videos and also your articles published at The Guardian, Owen. I am trying to read your books in my free time. I am from Spain and I'm living this amazing change in politics. I hope that it could arrive to the UK someday. All over Europe, the left parties should learn from spanish movements and Podemos party. I was in the last rally before general elections in Valencia and I wanted to thank your support to our revolution.
Owen, this definitely ranks as one of my favorite interviews by you. I could listen to her analysis for hours ... Eight minutes not enough.
Any chance you can do what you did with the Hitchens interview and play the unedited, longer version? Pretty please
This lady is amazing!
I adore Carmena
+Owen Jones congrats because it´s a great interview. I'm going to share it right now. Keep it up!
Thank you Owen for this interview. I think people like Carmena make our democracies better.
God bless ya Carmena !!! WHAT A LADY!
Dumbledore said it himself: "those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it"
The feels.
Really nice video!! Greetings from Spain:)
Amazing woman. Her words are music to my ears. This is the real change that is coming! Thank you for posting. Saludos
Seems like a nice old dear. My kind of politicians, someone who doesn't want to be a politician. Which is one of the things that makes Stephen Fry my pick for PM \o/
+Peanutsreveng3 interesting idea. Or David Beckham - bit closer to the folk.
+Marcomanseckisax haha nice one
+Marcomanseckisax haha nice one
+Hedin Gregersen Donald Tramp? what are you talking about? Haha he's the wrong thing never happen to EEUU... I'm from Madrid buddy and I'm proud to say my family vote for Manuela Carmena...your comment was funny but Donald Tramp? Haha nope
+Olmo De andres Donald Trump
Absolutely THANK YOU Owen
Thank you Mister Jones. A pleasure to follow you. BTW, I'm gonna use this video in my English lessons, if you don't mind. Cheers!
No subtitles appearing on my iPad as I play this.
Great interview - thanks Owen!
Owen te ví en el cierre de campaña de Podemos en Valencia! Thanks to show all europe what is happen in Spain! ;)
how do you get subtitles on a phone
there's nothing on the bottom left
+David Steere Bottom right of the video there should be a symbol for you to press on. That should come up with four language options... maybe three.
+Richard Soto Inca thanks Richard
***** David Steere Thanks Richard. What I said works on the mobile browser.
There are no subtitles for a lot of the video. Is this because I'm on a mobile device? Or is there some other reason?
+Matthew Worswick Hi Matthew, they are there, you just need to turn them on using the button on the video player.
Owen Jones Thank you
3:52 es cierto que los partidos políticos son una mierda pero la política es un modo de parar a la economía privada, aunque seamos sinceros tendría que ser otra política y no esta bajo la democracia liberal, luego está cómo se podría hacer sin que eso termine en burocracia y que sea de forma accesible a cualquier ciudadano o trabajador.
Great interview Owen Jones! I just wish it would have been longer ;-)
Great interview! :)
& helps with my learning Spanish
There were no subtitles on this. Good job I speak Spanish!
She is right about politicians. Over the years, parties have come to value yes men who will toe the party line over interesting and engaging political figures. Looking at the Labour cabinets of Callaghan and Wilson, there were countless figures there who actually seemed like genuine human beings. Now there are practically none. I hope Labour and other parties pursue a policy of having less discipline and promoting people who can connect with the public. That is one of the best ways to re-engage people with politics.
Thanks for the interview, Owen. I can recommend you to interview Diego Cañamero and Sánchez Gordillo.
+Juan Nadie That would be awesome!
4:10 deal with it.
Why'd you film this at 50fps? :/
+Pat H Just the cameras we had with us when we went to Spain. I'm sensing we shouldn't use them again.
Ah ok thanks. It's fine, you could have changed it to 25fps in-post. If you ever need more cam ops I worked with The Guardian before.
What happened to the English subtitles? I can't understand Spanish!
+Diane Randall Hi Diane, click on the subtitles button (bottom right of the video player - fourth button in) and they'll appear.
Really fascinating and eye opening interview- Spain sounds like a 'cauldron of 'anything possible' at the moment which is a very refreshing position to be in :)
Would have been great if it had English subtitles Owen. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish.
is there a version of this with owen speaking spanish and manuela speaking english. I cant understand what owen is saying.
+Alan Reader There are subtitles Alan. Click on the cc button. Bottom left of the video player
Owen, this interview was so short!!!
no subtitles :-(
+Admiral D You have to turn them on - bottom right of the video player.
The best part for me was her quote about being left out of the photo. That is what has been happening for the last thirty years with politicians of all sides. Hope fully J.C. will change that. She is also spot on about the real power. The current power brokers in the world studied what the Nazi's did and once they saw how much you could sway opinion via the media they knew that was where the future lay. We need to wrest control of the media from the likes of Murdoch, the Barclay Brothers and Rottermere (no typo:-) ) and make them punishable for the slanders and lies they print. Editors who bully their writers need to be held to account and above all barred from future posts. Then to the corporations and banks. They need to have their powers to lobby curtailed and their access to political influence must be stopped. Again the only language they understand is financial penalty and these should be huge. The money they are fined could be used to fund political parties equally but proportionally and only then could we again begin to have something resembling democracy. Rant over!
Ah the lady speaks good Spanish or the type I have studied. Any regional accent I am screwed.
Simeon Banner the lady has high studies. It’s normal that has no any accent
This interview was lovely ^_^
Owen! Savoj Zizek for the next interview!
Nice interview! ;)
Owen, you are invited to our next informal PODEMOS get together here in Edinburgh. There will be political debate over wine, beer and food from 10am till 6pm. You´d be most welcome :)
+Rubén Gómez Radioboy Siiii :D
It was interesting hearing her talk. I still feel that she wasn't honest or director enough about the reasoning behind the apathy towards politicians by the general public.
Nice interview!! :D You could talk to Teresa Rodríguez, Podemos´s member of the parliament for Andalusia, she may give you an interesting overview of the situation in the south of Spain!
Keep it up, I love your videos and your accent!
An "attitude" has a soundtrack - Owen Jones has his TH-cam channel theme tune. What is the theme of individual politicians - how would they sound in a mash-up? What is the music of power - is it still Hitler's favourite Wagner? What music should be playing? Does art fucking matter?
muy interesante
Manuela Carmena es un bendicion por Madrid. Que Dios salva Madrid de Aguirre y de PP.
50 fps? I can't believe you've done this. Great interview though :)
+GabrielHawkPot Sorry, we won't do that again.
It seems like the countries who have been through fascism are the ones most likely to accept left-wing policies, or at least not drift to the right. If you look at Germany, the fascist movement there is very small, and of course there is Podemos sweeping the tide of left-wing politics right through Spain, who endured Franco. Neither the UK or US have really had big far-right movements in the past, but I fear that we are giving in to their fearmongering, not being truly aware of what it is like.
Keep fighting, my friends.
Adoro a esta mujer.
Owen, what is your connection to Spain? This is the 2nd(?) Spanish politician you've interviewed and you seem to travel to Spain a lot to do talks and whatnot. Why? Why Spain?
I love you Owen
Hi! Do you think that Carmena is the real leader of the Madrid city council or is she more like a symbol?
Owen look up Cristina Fuentes for an interview. (President of the Madrid Community)...she is also a breath of fresh air. Which is even more amazing since she's PP! !!!!!
+boqueroningles Who the hell is Cristina Fuentes? Shouldn't you learn her name before you support her?
+boqueroningles Fresh air at the courts in no time
No she isn't, she is just another PP thief.
+boqueroningles She's a PP thief that happens to be less repulsive than Esperanza Aguirre, and hasn't been caught yet. But we do remember that she was head of the national police in Madrid during the big demonstrations and 15M, and she didn't hesitate to use full authoritarian force against the protesters. No forgiveness for her.
Owen, ¿hablas español? Y si lo hablas, ¿por qué no haces un vídeo totalmente en español? Podría tratar de la situación española o de América latina (con el referendo que perdió Evo y el asesinato de Cáceres en Honduras siendo dos noticias que creo que no se han cubierto suficientemente en el mundo anglófono)
Great woman .
She'll be a bloody good cook too, being Spanish. Love all the cosas para picar (things to nibble). Typically Spanish. The history of Spain in the C20th is traumatic. Many Spanish are still suffering from not having been able to bury their dead properly.
5:04 imparable? joer que optimista...
2:02 +1
hi owen,interesting stuff,how about interviewing someone like david graeber or lisa machenzie,from the more anarcho,libertarian perspective,in peace.jpj
and yet, a majority in spain doesnt like her. Why is that? the media.
it would be lovely to see you again with Évole.
+Paula Zamora Yeah it can only be the media, the majority just don't know what to think say or do without media's instructions. No-one in the majority has any of their own thoughts and viewpoints on anything, only the left wing intelligentsia are able to see past the media mind control and tell show us correct think.
No, I was only speaking about Carmena and Evole. Not about the whole left wing. Dont put those words into my mouth.
I am tired of this speech, I just think that we have what we deserve. Left, right or whatever, just the same politicians.
Just the kind of people we are.
But, somehow, I like Carmena. I just hope she doesnt end up as a disappointment.
+David Noir the media has power, its no doubt. Its not a left or right wing thought, usually the internet goes left, tv goes right; the media is the two of them.
people think and speak through the information they get. And it depends on where they get it.
But sure, continue with your speech. We could have it in spanish, and you would still think I would defend the left wing.
We could also talk about Pablo Iglesias and the media, and you would see that I'm not a fan, as you may think.
I just stated that Carmena isn't media's favourite, that doesnt make me a leftsie hooligan.
+Paula Zamora Cómo que les gusta? Pues yo soy de Alicante, estudio en Valencia y no he conocido a nadie que no le guste o la critique. Todo el mundo está enamorado de ella!
+David Noir plus: where do you get your facts? how much do you Know? where do you get the news?
I only can say, I dont trust what I read, watch or hear, because depending on where do I get it, its a different info. sure I have an opinion, but its just that. An opinion. I usually dont make such a fuss, but its just that "people know" speech that gets me angry.
people Know shit. We Know shit. and our opinion is just based on that, whether you like it or not.
A bowl of crisps and a bowl whole tomatoes? Sorry, but those are the worst tapas in the history of Spain.
Mate, that is not a "modest" house in Madrid.
Ramon Abaroa
Querrás decir que no es una “cutricueva” de 60m... pero si no es un modesto adosado... di que es entonces.
Un saludo
If you have to ask how a communist party went wrong I really worry
+James Bernardini In the seventies the Spanish Communist Party was the biggest party (outside the official one in power Falange de la JONS) in Spain, bigger than PSOE and other opposition parties. People looked up to them as the true warriors against the fascist regime. They had people in the factories, council assotiations, universities, etc. Their demonstrations were bigger and anybody else's. But they fucked up after backing down in all their ideological views and and accepting all treaties with transition goverment (Moncloa covenants in 77). Now they are a shadow of their past.
DanRyzESPUK I wasn't talking about the Spanish Communist Party. I was making a comment about Communist parties in general.
La lucidez, inteligencia y cercanía de esta mujer deslumbran a quien la escuche. Nada que ver con su predecesora, la homófoba, machista, enchufada y mediocre Anita la CafeconLecheinPlazaMayor.
Carmena is Kerensky
Commenting as a fan: Personally I am not very interested in Spanish politics and hope to see more videos on other subjects including more content regarding the current American elections.
Spanish, Greek, Portuguese politics... have way more influence on British than American. Irish and French too. We should be working together if we want an alternative to the fascist rise in Europe.
Half incomprehensible due to my lack of Spanish! But very nice otherwise!
+Robert Fallon Hi Robert, there are subtitles in English - just click on the button on the bottom right of the video player.
+Owen Jones sorry!
+Owen Jones I am really sorry, but what button?
+Robert Fallon The one that looks like a Gear
+ESGreenie thanks but I can't see a little gear. I am viewing via the iPad app, perhaps it is only available through the website, cheers!
Great interview Owen, keep the good work and follow me on Twitter, I admire you @iEnriqueSP
Pero que estás diciendo "payasa", Defendiendo trabajadores? Pero si te has quedado con los bienes de tu marido para que éste "deje en la pu. calle y sin un pu. duro " a 13 trabajadores. De quién te quieres reír? ¿Sabe el niñato ese lo que hiciste tú y tu marido llamado "Eduardo Leira" para "esquivar" la indemnización que tu marido debía pagar a 13 TRABAJADORES? Y sabe el niño ese que SIGUE habiendo desahucios contigo en el poder? Y la pregunta del minuto 4:10 está clara, "porque soy una hipócrita, por eso nene". Pero que rollos estás metiendo?
Pedro MM rezumas odio
que mujer mas interesante
Owen, ¿hablas español? Y si lo hablas, ¿por qué no haces un vídeo totalmente en español? Podría tratar de la situación española o de América latina (con el referendo que perdió Evo y el asesinato de Cáceres en Honduras siendo dos noticias que creo que no se han cubierto suficientemente en el mundo anglófono)
No creo que él hable español. El español no es un idioma popular en Europa, la mayoría de la gente aprende inglés o francés o alemán.