Head this from somewhere but different games require different playstyles. If you’re using the same playstyle every game, maye 1/10 games it works and that 1 game is you slapping heads. Try to play differently based on the habits and playstyles of opponents. Silver 3 btw but just spreading the word. Because this applied to me.
This was a problem for me, and it really boiled down to my mental. I hadn't been focusing on fights when I really needed to, and when things went bad it was hard for me to get out of a rut. It's vastly improved now, albeit it could still use some work.
Here’s my thing with death match: I can do fine and get 2-30 kills consistently, but that’s because the only things I have to focus on are aiming. I don’t really have to worry about. I don’t have to be concerned about people rotating or where my team is, I don’t have to worry about my teammates getting swarmed or trying to figure out where my enemy is and is going to be, I just have to wait until my enemy is on my screen and win what is always a 1v1. When all that other stuff enters the picture the small detail of aiming head and not body or crouching after engaging to avoid a headshot dosent cross my mind.
try focusing on playing comp games like deathmatch, of course still pay attention to other stuff, but if you go into a comp game with the intention of focusing on playing like deathmatch it will help. When you peak a corner focus up and expect an enemy to be there keep focusing when rotating etc and you will feel like your aim is much better
@@Maariuz yeah but I try to put the team before myself and not ego or greed kills or peeks considering I usually play cypher or omen, I’d rather not get a kill and get the round than trade a peek at the cost of the round
You're treating deathmatch wrong. If you want to just play it to kill and take fights and not practice sure, but in reality you should be focusing on crosshair placement, when to trace and angle, when to pre aim a common or off angle, handling multiple target situations, pick a site of the map and pretend you're clearing it for a fast retake when you're down in numbers. Deathmatch is the best practice tool IF and only IF you're actually thinking about what you're practicing.
The thing is that most low elo players aren’t actively trying to improve, so when you get that one player that is, there’s only so much you can do, losing becomes inevitable
One thing I wanna share about that last point. This game although similar to overwatch don’t treat this game like it when it comes to the agents. Unlike overwatch being able to flex hero’s gives you a huge advantage but in this game actually just knowing 1-3 agents is more than enough to get you to high elo.
For the second point: sometimes it is actually better to just mute everyone and play your game, in the end you can only control yourself, so not focusing too much about anyone else can be beneficial
@@nCedric1 info.. what info? your teammates give info when you play solo queue? because mine sure don't. once i realize they're braindeads i much rather mute and play for myself.
id say assess ur teamates first half, if theyre wanting to surrender after 2 rounds or are saying we've lost and are blaming others, sure mute them. I have most games with doomers but those rare games where everyone is comming is always a win for me and even if I end up losing my brain is atleast not rotting.
I feel like my main issue is the lack of replay/deathcams. I can't see how easy of a target certain peaks make me, I don't know if the guy that just came running in my screen and one tapped me was just better or if it was just me lagging (i play on a very unstable connection with random ping spikes) I feel like i learn way less from failure in Valorant than in other titles i played before.
I mean if you really thought that why haven’t you just recorded your matches and watched them over there’s plenty of ways to do that without a replay system
Man I love hearing Casey's voice, his tips he used to post on his channel helped me a lot on my improvement. I was iron back then, Now Im plat kinda grateful for that yoo, keep your tips coming. 💓💓
Also .. great, u tell some ppl these things and they MIGHT adjust their gameplay according to this ... but honestly .. avg plat lobbies are like .. "IDC, I do what i want" .. If you try to educate somebody he will be like "don't tell me what to do, you are stupid and you are below me on the scoreboard"
@jaytuswiff 6 days ago Nah i dont swing off my teammates cuz my luck is unbelievably bad. I counted last night at least 4 times in all 6 games i played, everytime i swing off my teammates by site or inna fight i got 1 tapped from the enemy trying to shoot them and it just hits me and they live or enemy decides to use util and i get stuffed inna corner. Moment i peak or jiggle peak i got wall banged to oblivion or they counter push entry on site and they sweep my corner and get 1 tapped before i get my crosshair on their head.
Yeah, content creators and pros always seem to have idiots playing them, it's wild. Meanwhile I'm in bronze trying to climb against people getting 40 kills a game.
@@knoctrnl That's just how it is though. The reason they might seem dumber is because the streamer knows how to abuse their bad plays, and it's just easier to see what the enemy is doing from an outside perspective. For the players getting 40 kills, probably just smurfs unfortunately, best you can do is try to ignore them and keep trying to improve.
Just one thing about Deathmatch tho, it is just so annoying to spawn and either find no enemies or find that there are 3 right on your back. The maps really aren't great for 12 players in free for all due to there being the popular spots for duels. It would be one thing to die from loosing duels, but to get overpowered by just the sheer number players near by gets me tilted before even getting into a ranked match as I usally can't even get a good shot off. Is this the case for others too?
I feel like a tactician, trying to come up with strat for the whole team when i die and observe the enemy movement and my team's tempo. In some match, they follow my plan, sometimes they don't. I don't give time for the not listening guys and come up with a plan for those who listen to my plans and give suggestions at the startup time. Sometimes the enemies know what we are planning for some reasons and feel like lose although the plans change. Every match is different and sometimes it is easy to crush smurfs and the game decided to pair me with rank boosting players -_-
I'll be honest. I am that doomer. I take shit super personal for whatever reason, and I honestly think it is the main reason I don't see major improvement in my gameplay. I beat myself up for every lost gunfight even if sometimes there just isn't anything I can do about it. I am a bit of a perfectionist and whenever anything I do isn't "good" then I am shit, which also leads to major inconsistencies in my gameplay as well
I can't hit a moving target at all. It really sucks! Also, I'm a Jett main, but I suck at entry. I really want a group I can do custom games with while they teach me to play better.
Once maybe just really hop into death matches to get better at the basics ( Team DM I would say) and then maybe swap the agent. Sometimes thats just not your playstyle :) im in love with sova for example. Got a Solid 65% winrate in high dia / asc.. So you can also rank with less aggressive agents
So many low rank players I play with vote to surrender within the first 4 rounds... Also, they are always so negative. If you stay positive and use teamwork the game is cake.
bro i told my teamate in a 1v1 while i was spectating and he was defusing to "watch that door in front of you, there is someone in that room." and he proceeds to do the exact opposite and gets 1 tapped.
So the thing i feel about death match is if you’re only focused on the gunplay aspect right won’t it not necessarily transfer over to actual ranked because of the mental stack of all the abilities and like main objective ? i’m just wondering
I have a very pessimistic outlook on things and even getting an ace didn't outweigh getting shafted the following match. I'm trying to learn, but I only have maybe 20 hours in the game. It's going to be a long journey
I personally avoid death match bc every time I play I relive that old modern warfare 2 clip from faze Jev “Spawn die spawn die spawn die SPAWN die SPAWN DIE!SPAWN DIE!!”
So does the ADSing thing still count for console Valorant? I’m playing the closed beta on PS5 and I have been ADSing because I’m on a controller… I know it’s bad to do ‘on PC’ but controllers are MUCH less precise so the slowdown from ADSing actually makes sense to me but I’m completely new to the game never even played the PC version so I would love to hear your opinion on the issue and hey maybe a console Valorant video coming soon?? Love the good work your doing!
just hit s1 today been on and off with valorant for the past 3 years but not consistently. So I think my "skill level" is around bronze 3, 2 or even 1 but before playing my last bronze 3 game I practiced a routine on range, tdm and dm and my last game was unusually easy. Gonna get back to this in a week/month/year for some updates and i am just gonna stick to my current routine.
I play cs2 before queuing valorant and somehow it works😭 obviously I still play an unrated or two or sometimes a dm before queuing comp. But I somehow always feel more confident after playing a bit of csgo before val. it kind of helps more than dm bc my arm always somehow hurts just after two matches and I have no clue why. Also I stopped caring if I win or lose(for the most part) and just focus on how well I do in the games I play. Obv I get tilted here and there and I also keep switching between silver and bronze,but I have been getting more and more kills easier, which means, at some point I will be good enough to get out of silver and I don’t care how many more months it takes at this point
When my team starts fighting and if I’m not tilted enough to deal with them, I just tell them that the enemy sucks ass and we can win easily, honestly it has worked wonders more times than expected, we obviously don’t win all the time but we tilt the enemy team so bad they start honestly throwing not even knowing that
I don't even know how inconsistent I am but im games with high plat low diamond, I top frag.. and the game after, low plat high gold, I go mid to bottom frag.. its like smurfs get into games when I am having a good aim day and it ruins it... I'm no where near playing as serious as high elo but play mid most of the time... I just want to play and have fun and in that sense I can drop an inconsistent 30 frags 🤣
its the same with me albeit in a tier lower than you. I am down to Silver now, but true rank ought to be high gold or plat 1. when I get matched with 3x plat in the opposing team, I sometimes can still get top frag or 2nd top, but when I get into a game with silvers, mixed golds, I get bottom. I can't wrap my head around this, "game is broken" comes to mind, but its clearly just smurf accounts, cos you will see the top fragger, silver with >30 kills, and the next on 12 or 14 kills (and gold3 rank lmao) even I have friends who are diamond and have multiple accounts some even bronze, so there's living proof, but what sucks to me is, i should at least get to Gold or Plat, but every time I do, after a few bad match-ups and Im back down to Silver again. LOL I just want to have fun :') smurfs everywhere; how to get out of this!!
Yo I use to think my teammates wouldn’t listen to me when I was in gold but then I found out my mic settings were wrong so they couldn’t hear me. Now I’m ascendant bc they actually listening lol
Low elo is hard cause I play on console, the silvers I played with are better then the golds, I’d say about 50% of the time I’ll be on control with 2-3 of my randoms playing duelists but they won’t try for any map control or pushes; they just sit back and wait for kills like it’s call of duty, but when i stack I’m playing against the best golds to ever touch a remote
Im a pretty decent player, I have noticed my gameplay and I dont see me do any of these mistakes, I was communcating with my team and our jett said ''Im gonna mute you for now'' (not in a toxic way) just because i was giving info
@@vesperian_ I've been filling all the time and pick what I feel like makes the most sense in the comp we're having to my disadvantage as I figured out. Getting good at 1-2 agents for every role or just sticking to one role sounds better for soloq.
I do hate when my team mates get mad at me for not trading them when ill mention something like "Im not with you" and then they get insanely mad that they died i mean yes if i saw them go i should try to trade them but that goes both ways no you can check where your team is and see shit no ones around me this i cant be traded
in the baiting teammates section where you talk about how if the duelist peeked and you didnt go help, what if they do this every round and die? and dont listen? and me helpinmg them just gets us down 2 people? do you just accept that youll have to bait this person this game?
I must have a low elo mindset because I don’t understand why pushing through smokes is bad unless I’m misunderstanding and he means pushing through smoke without util
I am literally hardstuck bronze 3 and all you said I've already learned it and the baiting is getting worser every time i play so i just go play deathmatch or unrated so I can play with higher rank people and learn what they do and use that in comp
I am in bronze but i am still trying my best to improve my aim using curry's aim routine and after a week now my aim is atleast above average in my rank and i am always top fragging or second but my teammates doesn't even have a game sense and that's why i can't even trust my teammates when they are doing 4 v 2
@@skillcappedvalorant @jaytuswiff 6 days ago Nah i dont swing off my teammates cuz my luck is unbelievably bad. I counted last night at least 4 times in all 6 games i played, everytime i swing off my teammates by site or inna fight i got 1 tapped from the enemy trying to shoot them and it just hits me and they live or enemy decides to use util and i get stuffed inna corner. Moment i peak or jiggle peak i got wall banged to oblivion or they counter push entry on site and they sweep my corner and get 1 tapped before i get my crosshair on their head.
i have a question my freind whos gold 1v1ed me and i won and im iron 3 on my main but he still complaines that im wrong and that hes better and i think that i deserve at least plat 2 because me and him queued an unrated in plat 3 to diamond 2 server and i nearly top fraged i got team mvp but second match mvp so idk what im doing wrong not to rank up and i think im better then me anyways can u get back to me when u can and tell whos at fault ty:)
@@13shadowninja no I don’t think so. This was also what I thought when I was in iron to bronze but when you move up the ranks you realize that iron to bronze is monitories silver is actual hell gold is low elo, plat can be considered low or mid diamond is high to anything under them and low to anything over them, ascendant is where high elo definitely begins, immortal is a rank full of Sinatra egos and radiant is just crazy Important: I’m not saying I’m radiant don’t think that 💀
How do I tell my friend she’s a massive doomer across all games we play together 😭 like bestie just relax , you’re not the worst player ever , and not everyone is cheating . You just went 24-4 in unrated and now relaxxxxx
I know its a little bit of a nitpick, but instead of just saying "ADS'ing" can you give explanation on what that acronym means briefly next time? I looked it up and I know that it means "Aim down sights" now, but i had to pause the vid to look it up even as a gaming lifer lol. Same with explaining what swinging or double swinging is. The majority of people who watch these videos are newbie low elo scrubs like myself who literally don't know what these terms mean.
"low elo players don't have good aim" I just played two games where the enemy team started just head tapping everyone 100% hs rating against 3 flashes and 35 kills. I had full confidence and played off my teammates and even still he headtaps us instantly. He was Silver 3...
This happens to me when I play CS or R6 with my friends 😂. I’m top rank in both losing to bronzies holding weird-ass angles and shit. Obviously it’s not often but it’s still hilarious
That whole “i met someone who thinks every pro or good player cheats” is for every comp level game nowadays. Theres ppl out there who assumes everyone cheats cuz they themselves arent as good as they initially thought. Its annoying. Games with millions of players & you tellin me not 1 of them is naturally just good at said game? Like be for real
Get Godlike Aim in 1 Month!: www.skill-capped.com/valorant/browse/course#7mi3
Where did ur old audiance go man 😢
i think my problem is inconsistency, one game I'm head Tappin everyone and people say I'm a Smurf, and one game I'm plastic 1
I feel ya
big tip i found to help is have the exact same warmup routine everytime this helped me a lot and always warm up for min 10 mins
Head this from somewhere but different games require different playstyles. If you’re using the same playstyle every game, maye 1/10 games it works and that 1 game is you slapping heads. Try to play differently based on the habits and playstyles of opponents. Silver 3 btw but just spreading the word. Because this applied to me.
Me too
This was a problem for me, and it really boiled down to my mental. I hadn't been focusing on fights when I really needed to, and when things went bad it was hard for me to get out of a rut. It's vastly improved now, albeit it could still use some work.
2:13 "its not like low elo players have good aim either"
The Bronze 3 Reyna going 42/16/3:
I don't like to think I am hardsuck, I like to think I am Iron King
I dont like ranked anymore i play unrated😂
@@saadaziz359 that's even worse
i got some 250 lvl players in my lobby today
trust me start taking practice seriously, i went from bronze 1 to silver 2 and going even more up after starting to practice seriously. It works
@@Capriilol tomorrow i hit bronze 🦾
@@vanitassenpai493 yea i know but i like to dumb stuff in unranked and those 250 lvl ppl y do they play so much😭
Here’s my thing with death match: I can do fine and get 2-30 kills consistently, but that’s because the only things I have to focus on are aiming. I don’t really have to worry about. I don’t have to be concerned about people rotating or where my team is, I don’t have to worry about my teammates getting swarmed or trying to figure out where my enemy is and is going to be, I just have to wait until my enemy is on my screen and win what is always a 1v1. When all that other stuff enters the picture the small detail of aiming head and not body or crouching after engaging to avoid a headshot dosent cross my mind.
the best thing about dm is not aim, its the fighting practice and the 1v1/1v2/1v3 scenarios.
try focusing on playing comp games like deathmatch, of course still pay attention to other stuff, but if you go into a comp game with the intention of focusing on playing like deathmatch it will help. When you peak a corner focus up and expect an enemy to be there keep focusing when rotating etc and you will feel like your aim is much better
@@Maariuz yeah but I try to put the team before myself and not ego or greed kills or peeks considering I usually play cypher or omen, I’d rather not get a kill and get the round than trade a peek at the cost of the round
You're treating deathmatch wrong. If you want to just play it to kill and take fights and not practice sure, but in reality you should be focusing on crosshair placement, when to trace and angle, when to pre aim a common or off angle, handling multiple target situations, pick a site of the map and pretend you're clearing it for a fast retake when you're down in numbers. Deathmatch is the best practice tool IF and only IF you're actually thinking about what you're practicing.
The thing is that most low elo players aren’t actively trying to improve, so when you get that one player that is, there’s only so much you can do, losing becomes inevitable
One thing I wanna share about that last point. This game although similar to overwatch don’t treat this game like it when it comes to the agents. Unlike overwatch being able to flex hero’s gives you a huge advantage but in this game actually just knowing 1-3 agents is more than enough to get you to high elo.
For the second point: sometimes it is actually better to just mute everyone and play your game, in the end you can only control yourself, so not focusing too much about anyone else can be beneficial
smart words man, saw an actual guide on valboosting site and they also said mute everyone and focus on your game if they're too toxic
That tells me you're part of the problem bc you don't care about info.
@@nCedric1 info.. what info? your teammates give info when you play solo queue? because mine sure don't. once i realize they're braindeads i much rather mute and play for myself.
id say assess ur teamates first half, if theyre wanting to surrender after 2 rounds or are saying we've lost and are blaming others, sure mute them. I have most games with doomers but those rare games where everyone is comming is always a win for me and even if I end up losing my brain is atleast not rotting.
yep you are that type of player, no mic no coms
I love how you said instead of swinging the op just jump peak it. Proceed to show a clip of tenz killing someone on a jump peak with an op😭😭
0:40 Counter Low Elo Plays
2:25 Confidence
5:05 Play DM
6:35 Trade
7:36 Hip Fire/Outplay/Movement
8:30 Basic Game Sens
10:58 Grind One Agent
I feel like my main issue is the lack of replay/deathcams.
I can't see how easy of a target certain peaks make me,
I don't know if the guy that just came running in my screen and one tapped me was just better or if it was just me lagging (i play on a very unstable connection with random ping spikes)
I feel like i learn way less from failure in Valorant than in other titles i played before.
I mean if you really thought that why haven’t you just recorded your matches and watched them over there’s plenty of ways to do that without a replay system
Wasnt he talking about the enemy pov@@anthonywhite3352
@@anthonywhite3352 yeah but those lag ur game if you have a potato pc
@@noobynoob1819 they really dont i had a trash pc and still could record games
Bhai Anal kar thoda, Aaram milega
Man I love hearing Casey's voice, his tips he used to post on his channel helped me a lot on my improvement. I was iron back then, Now Im plat kinda grateful for that yoo, keep your tips coming. 💓💓
10:08 yea, my bad, the guy spin bottling and killing me on the otherside of the map is my fault they just have a good gaming chair
Also .. great, u tell some ppl these things and they MIGHT adjust their gameplay according to this ... but honestly .. avg plat lobbies are like .. "IDC, I do what i want" ..
If you try to educate somebody he will be like "don't tell me what to do, you are stupid and you are below me on the scoreboard"
6 days ago
Nah i dont swing off my teammates cuz my luck is unbelievably bad. I counted last night at least 4 times in all 6 games i played, everytime i swing off my teammates by site or inna fight i got 1 tapped from the enemy trying to shoot them and it just hits me and they live or enemy decides to use util and i get stuffed inna corner. Moment i peak or jiggle peak i got wall banged to oblivion or they counter push entry on site and they sweep my corner and get 1 tapped before i get my crosshair on their head.
That plat-diamond game .... that is not the plat lobby that I'm used to nowadays .. I think that's not a fair comparison
Yeah, content creators and pros always seem to have idiots playing them, it's wild. Meanwhile I'm in bronze trying to climb against people getting 40 kills a game.
@@knoctrnl That's just how it is though. The reason they might seem dumber is because the streamer knows how to abuse their bad plays, and it's just easier to see what the enemy is doing from an outside perspective. For the players getting 40 kills, probably just smurfs unfortunately, best you can do is try to ignore them and keep trying to improve.
Just one thing about Deathmatch tho, it is just so annoying to spawn and either find no enemies or find that there are 3 right on your back. The maps really aren't great for 12 players in free for all due to there being the popular spots for duels. It would be one thing to die from loosing duels, but to get overpowered by just the sheer number players near by gets me tilted before even getting into a ranked match as I usally can't even get a good shot off.
Is this the case for others too?
this is the first tips and tricks video that opend my eyes
I feel like a tactician, trying to come up with strat for the whole team when i die and observe the enemy movement and my team's tempo. In some match, they follow my plan, sometimes they don't. I don't give time for the not listening guys and come up with a plan for those who listen to my plans and give suggestions at the startup time. Sometimes the enemies know what we are planning for some reasons and feel like lose although the plans change. Every match is different and sometimes it is easy to crush smurfs and the game decided to pair me with rank boosting players -_-
Bhai Anal kar thoda, Aaram milega
I'll be honest. I am that doomer. I take shit super personal for whatever reason, and I honestly think it is the main reason I don't see major improvement in my gameplay. I beat myself up for every lost gunfight even if sometimes there just isn't anything I can do about it. I am a bit of a perfectionist and whenever anything I do isn't "good" then I am shit, which also leads to major inconsistencies in my gameplay as well
I can't hit a moving target at all. It really sucks! Also, I'm a Jett main, but I suck at entry. I really want a group I can do custom games with while they teach me to play better.
Bro join HTC no cap, They train in Custom Compi
Once maybe just really hop into death matches to get better at the basics ( Team DM I would say) and then maybe swap the agent. Sometimes thats just not your playstyle :) im in love with sova for example. Got a Solid 65% winrate in high dia / asc.. So you can also rank with less aggressive agents
So many low rank players I play with vote to surrender within the first 4 rounds... Also, they are always so negative. If you stay positive and use teamwork the game is cake.
bro i told my teamate in a 1v1 while i was spectating and he was defusing to "watch that door in front of you, there is someone in that room." and he proceeds to do the exact opposite and gets 1 tapped.
when i play sentinel, duelists dont entry
when i play duelists, they dont entry with me
Honestly 1 thing that motivated me to keep trying in ranked is if my team sucks, why not just train to the point where your carrying them?
Sorry but in eu everyone is cracked out of their minds
yep true, asian and eu servers are full of sweats. Even bronze-silver lobbies can feel like gold lobby sometimes.
As an eu player i will say that let's just act that we are the same and save this card for when america gets really annoying
@@dragonzvet6503 i agree
I: an na player
So the thing i feel about death match is if you’re only focused on the gunplay aspect right won’t it not necessarily transfer over to actual ranked because of the mental stack of all the abilities and like main objective ? i’m just wondering
do i count as low elo if i dont have ranked
I have a very pessimistic outlook on things and even getting an ace didn't outweigh getting shafted the following match. I'm trying to learn, but I only have maybe 20 hours in the game. It's going to be a long journey
try SG server.. too many duelist keep lurking and dying, yet they kept doing it the whole match
It's very amazing, how Kadye improved her Skills by the Time!
I personally avoid death match bc every time I play I relive that old modern warfare 2 clip from faze Jev “Spawn die spawn die spawn die SPAWN die SPAWN DIE!SPAWN DIE!!”
one of my biggest issues id say is I can’t play without a duo and I’m inconsistent
If i tell my teammates „Ping spike so i can shoot it!“ they dont ping spike and afterwards ask me „what the fuck do you want me to do?“
So does the ADSing thing still count for console Valorant? I’m playing the closed beta on PS5 and I have been ADSing because I’m on a controller… I know it’s bad to do ‘on PC’ but controllers are MUCH less precise so the slowdown from ADSing actually makes sense to me but I’m completely new to the game never even played the PC version so I would love to hear your opinion on the issue and hey maybe a console Valorant video coming soon?? Love the good work your doing!
7:19 how did gekko use his flash??? he didnt even pick it up?
i’m plat people never walk passed smokes and they always play together and my fucking tm8s give up before the swap so yea idk what to do
What if my problem is lag, what advice will you give?
buddy there are much more than 7 mistakes that i’m making
I try to communicate with my team mates but I still panic and my call is nearly always not understandable xDD
just hit s1 today been on and off with valorant for the past 3 years but not consistently. So I think my "skill level" is around bronze 3, 2 or even 1 but before playing my last bronze 3 game I practiced a routine on range, tdm and dm and my last game was unusually easy. Gonna get back to this in a week/month/year for some updates and i am just gonna stick to my current routine.
9:26 what is the name of the skin and how to get it?
It's the prime vandal
@@Pubg-zk4vg Thanks
@@CrazyChicken120 welcome brother
how do I fix getting 1 tapped while they're midair or full running?
I play cs2 before queuing valorant and somehow it works😭 obviously I still play an unrated or two or sometimes a dm before queuing comp. But I somehow always feel more confident after playing a bit of csgo before val. it kind of helps more than dm bc my arm always somehow hurts just after two matches and I have no clue why. Also I stopped caring if I win or lose(for the most part) and just focus on how well I do in the games I play. Obv I get tilted here and there and I also keep switching between silver and bronze,but I have been getting more and more kills easier, which means, at some point I will be good enough to get out of silver and I don’t care how many more months it takes at this point
When my team starts fighting and if I’m not tilted enough to deal with them, I just tell them that the enemy sucks ass and we can win easily, honestly it has worked wonders more times than expected, we obviously don’t win all the time but we tilt the enemy team so bad they start honestly throwing not even knowing that
what editing site or app do you use?
1:53 this is so not true. They are not predicitable at all and thats what makes it hard. They play stupid and that whats makes it unforeseeable.
I don't even know how inconsistent I am but im games with high plat low diamond, I top frag.. and the game after, low plat high gold, I go mid to bottom frag.. its like smurfs get into games when I am having a good aim day and it ruins it... I'm no where near playing as serious as high elo but play mid most of the time... I just want to play and have fun and in that sense I can drop an inconsistent 30 frags 🤣
its the same with me albeit in a tier lower than you. I am down to Silver now, but true rank ought to be high gold or plat 1.
when I get matched with 3x plat in the opposing team, I sometimes can still get top frag or 2nd top, but when I get into a game with silvers, mixed golds, I get bottom. I can't wrap my head around this, "game is broken" comes to mind, but its clearly just smurf accounts, cos you will see the top fragger, silver with >30 kills, and the next on 12 or 14 kills (and gold3 rank lmao) even I have friends who are diamond and have multiple accounts some even bronze, so there's living proof, but what sucks to me is, i should at least get to Gold or Plat, but every time I do, after a few bad match-ups and Im back down to Silver again. LOL I just want to have fun :') smurfs everywhere; how to get out of this!!
its like RIOT and Valorant have better anticheat than CS2, but they need away to limit multiple account creation :
Yo I use to think my teammates wouldn’t listen to me when I was in gold but then I found out my mic settings were wrong so they couldn’t hear me. Now I’m ascendant bc they actually listening lol
Low elo is hard cause I play on console, the silvers I played with are better then the golds, I’d say about 50% of the time I’ll be on control with 2-3 of my randoms playing duelists but they won’t try for any map control or pushes; they just sit back and wait for kills like it’s call of duty, but when i stack I’m playing against the best golds to ever touch a remote
what can i do if i take match or team mvp every single match and still can't climb
7:20 how the actual fuck did gekko insta retrieved dizzy
What is the song at 7:20
Im a pretty decent player, I have noticed my gameplay and I dont see me do any of these mistakes, I was communcating with my team and our jett said ''Im gonna mute you for now'' (not in a toxic way) just because i was giving info
Damn 2 views in 7 seconds....bro fell off 😔
Damn people really cant take a joke
Valorant ded
@@skhuder6285 fr
H still makes more bags 💰 than u so stop spaming this in everyones comments
@@warrorxd9300who pissed in your coffee 😅
10:55 i have got called smurf and cheater bc I had a good game and uses my ears to determine where enemy Yoru tped to.
Started playing recently and am stuck in Acsendent 2 now. Maybe sticking to one role will do the trick. Thanks for the tips!
@@vesperian_ I've been filling all the time and pick what I feel like makes the most sense in the comp we're having to my disadvantage as I figured out. Getting good at 1-2 agents for every role or just sticking to one role sounds better for soloq.
@@wolkeN1g remember, that shower exists
@@vesperian_ I shower every day, no worries.
@@wolkeN1g lets shower together 🥰
It's definitely good to have knowledge of many agents. Only playing a couple will limit game knowledge.
me an ascendant watching this to make sure im not making any low elo mistakes
nothing feels better that beying a top frag on deathmach
I do hate when my team mates get mad at me for not trading them when ill mention something like "Im not with you" and then they get insanely mad that they died i mean yes if i saw them go i should try to trade them but that goes both ways no you can check where your team is and see shit no ones around me this i cant be traded
7:18 yo how did he pick up his flash so quickly?
It’s a cut look at the game timer
in the baiting teammates section where you talk about how if the duelist peeked and you didnt go help, what if they do this every round and die? and dont listen? and me helpinmg them just gets us down 2 people? do you just accept that youll have to bait this person this game?
Just look at it as an opportunity to practice peaking with another guy.
I must have a low elo mindset because I don’t understand why pushing through smokes is bad unless I’m misunderstanding and he means pushing through smoke without util
I love pushing trough smokes. It makes enemies go short in numbers and mentality
"Its not like low elo players have good aim" people who have experienced frankfurt servers would disagree
I am literally hardstuck bronze 3 and all you said I've already learned it and the baiting is getting worser every time i play so i just go play deathmatch or unrated so I can play with higher rank people and learn what they do and use that in comp
I am in bronze but i am still trying my best to improve my aim using curry's aim routine and after a week now my aim is atleast above average in my rank and i am always top fragging or second but my teammates doesn't even have a game sense and that's why i can't even trust my teammates when they are doing 4 v 2
i just spectre + neon so i can close space and run and gun with spectre and it has such good accuracy
1:11 nah but why are their plat-diamond enemies way worse than my silver ones
they really arent
The only time I switch Agents is when the one I main gets taken
I mean is it worth it to watch stuff like this when my tm8s are bad and I mean it like I feel like I'm playing 1v5 very often
but throwers?
i got more kills then a imortal but i am bronze and i dont play ranked bc i always lose,but i always match ot team mvp,am i the problem?
6 days ago
Nah i dont swing off my teammates cuz my luck is unbelievably bad. I counted last night at least 4 times in all 6 games i played, everytime i swing off my teammates by site or inna fight i got 1 tapped from the enemy trying to shoot them and it just hits me and they live or enemy decides to use util and i get stuffed inna corner. Moment i peak or jiggle peak i got wall banged to oblivion or they counter push entry on site and they sweep my corner and get 1 tapped before i get my crosshair on their head.
why do iron players play better than the people in plat 1:25
because they don't have a set way of playing and are totally unpredictable.
@@TheBedrockBoyyeah it’s like trying to fight a crazy person 😂
they are not, its just you that need to get back to iron to practice some more xD
i have a question my freind whos gold 1v1ed me and i won and im iron 3 on my main but he still complaines that im wrong and that hes better and i think that i deserve at least plat 2 because me and him queued an unrated in plat 3 to diamond 2 server and i nearly top fraged i got team mvp but second match mvp so idk what im doing wrong not to rank up and i think im better then me anyways can u get back to me when u can and tell whos at fault ty:)
I went from full victory with mostly top frags to 50% winrate bottom frag everytime
1:12 if I did this, i would get one-tapped in the head
I have 2 problems
1. I dont have skins they are very expensive ( they make my aim 10x good)
2. South Asia servers are toxic
Isn’t gold like mid elo?
No it’s still low elo
@@ValDepressedBirdisn’t like iron to silver low elo, gold to plat mid elo, and anything else higher? I’m pretty sure that’s how it works
@@13shadowninja no I don’t think so. This was also what I thought when I was in iron to bronze but when you move up the ranks you realize that iron to bronze is monitories silver is actual hell gold is low elo, plat can be considered low or mid diamond is high to anything under them and low to anything over them, ascendant is where high elo definitely begins, immortal is a rank full of Sinatra egos and radiant is just crazy
Important: I’m not saying I’m radiant don’t think that 💀
DId you just say low elo players don't have good aim 2:20??? I basically spawn and get one tapped immediately bro 💀
WHAT “why so serious” was already a thing 4 months ago?😭
4:59 i bottom frag bc I’m initiator main
lol that’s why I switched to clove
I'm hard stuck low gold/high silver. Can't get out. I need coaching. Idk no matter how hard I try I always lose.
How do I tell my friend she’s a massive doomer across all games we play together 😭 like bestie just relax , you’re not the worst player ever , and not everyone is cheating . You just went 24-4 in unrated and now relaxxxxx
I know its a little bit of a nitpick, but instead of just saying "ADS'ing" can you give explanation on what that acronym means briefly next time? I looked it up and I know that it means "Aim down sights" now, but i had to pause the vid to look it up even as a gaming lifer lol. Same with explaining what swinging or double swinging is. The majority of people who watch these videos are newbie low elo scrubs like myself who literally don't know what these terms mean.
About to use these tips and become radiant. Iron to radiant here I come
"low elo players don't have good aim" I just played two games where the enemy team started just head tapping everyone 100% hs rating against 3 flashes and 35 kills. I had full confidence and played off my teammates and even still he headtaps us instantly. He was Silver 3...
I watched this video everyday now I'm radiant!
This happens to me when I play CS or R6 with my friends 😂. I’m top rank in both losing to bronzies holding weird-ass angles and shit. Obviously it’s not often but it’s still hilarious
Its very annoying to play against Smurfs when you trying to rank up. i get it you shouldnt care but still
well my teammates like they are from whole different planet ngl sometimes they are disabled too
1:20 thats not plat anymore. It's more like bronze. Now, plats can easily outplay ascendants and even immortals.
Ok hold up, why does bro look just like Henry from Kingdom Come Deliverance
I dont even care if rank up i just wanna chill after work playing 2-3 matches to relax
Plat elo in NA: Walk right in front of him and doesnt shoot back
Plat elo in EU: One taps a jett while shes dashing
I wonder if the ''SEN Tenz'' in my iron lobby at 78/8/3 was a smurf 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
That whole “i met someone who thinks every pro or good player cheats” is for every comp level game nowadays. Theres ppl out there who assumes everyone cheats cuz they themselves arent as good as they initially thought. Its annoying. Games with millions of players & you tellin me not 1 of them is naturally just good at said game? Like be for real
"when i was 9" bro i am 26 and i am happy if i am able to hit a sages wall
One time my team surrendered when the score was 1 - 2
cap u can only surrender from round 5 onwards
@@timothykok2232 he Just wants attention
@@Axytie exactly
@@timothykok2232 i was playing Spike rush
We all know this isnt true lmfao
Good video but all you got to do is aim train evry day instalock jet and play a lot of games when u get in to diamond think about team play
Me rn watching this while I just play unrated