Leo pulling out a bunch of new tricks here! That pass from hand to hand turn above the head and behind your back, pacing around while spinning her, the hybrid WCS/adapted bachata turn, that low dip! So many fresh moves! And smooth like butter per usual. Love this
Leo and Ecaterina, that was so amazing. Keep dancing, you do it extremely well.
Leo pulling out a bunch of new tricks here! That pass from hand to hand turn above the head and behind your back, pacing around while spinning her, the hybrid WCS/adapted bachata turn, that low dip! So many fresh moves! And smooth like butter per usual. Love this
That was the BEST!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Great pairing with this Music. Leo alwayscamazing! My favorite swing dancer!
Nice dance - the music sorta sounded like the bath water was too hot though.