The face of a Gram Panchayat cannot be a school or a village. Improvement of the entire area of the Gram Panchayat The overall development of all the schools, villages, students and people of the area can be taken as the improvement of that Gram Panchayat. And making a video of a few students of a particular school like this is not an improvement, it's just a good videogravy to show off.
Ponchait exme kab ayge
Panchayat recruitment kobe hobe
Gram panchayat requirement kno postpone hoye ache kobe required hobe
Panchayat recruitment kbe suru hbe?
আজকাল কেউ সরকারি স্কুল এ বাচ্চাদের ভর্তি করছে না, সব শুটিং।
The face of a Gram Panchayat cannot be a school or a village. Improvement of the entire area of the Gram Panchayat The overall development of all the schools, villages, students and people of the area can be taken as the improvement of that Gram Panchayat. And making a video of a few students of a particular school like this is not an improvement, it's just a good videogravy to show off.
Panchayat recruitment kobe hobe