Stanghamrende dejlige tøs... Mega godt nummer, men har nu altid været glad for dig og din pragtfulde stemme. Held og lykke med det nye album... Altid en fornøjelse at høre på dig og 'beatet...
Stine Bramsen get your agents to tell someone to promote you properly on the net. Seriously. Like 6+ months after you released 'I want you to want me back' there still wasnt A SINGLE version on youtube, so I uploaded one and it got removed after a week of insane popularity, then it took another couple of months before the official version was uploaded, but by then the hype is already over. Now you have this song and like a year later there isnt a single album/radio version either. I would upload it literally right now, (if i wasnt predrinking). And I swear it would get mad views again but your team would just take it down like before. For what?? Upload the official version then!!! 1 YEAR! A youtube upload should be part of the release date or whatever. Not to commemorate its first anniversary.
Stine is one of the best female vocalists in the world. I have absolutely no idea why no record labels have pushed her the way they should since Alphabeat.
Nu gik det lige så godt med Carpark North på 32! Så er det lidt ned ad bakke at høre dette nummer, når hun jo ellers har så fed en vokal, der sagtens kan "trække" nogle ordentlige rocknumre. Men der er da fremgang at spore i forhold til Alphabeat-plastik-pop-lortet ;o()
Think that U like people around U. Why? U voice is be.autiful. Why all those ... Be alone is my opinion, well u cuold get a boyfriend/children soon i think. (only my opininoooion) :-)
Jeg får så meget lyst til at drikke til den her sang, ved ikke hvorfor....
What a unique and great voice Stine has...
Har hørt dig på volbeat`s "Dagen før" Men hold kæft dette lyder fedt Tak!!
Right 2 years on. Stine, push it. Get touring. Plenty folk here in Glasgow would sell out a venue to see you. Sort it!
+Daniel McWilliams and in London!
Stanghamrende dejlige tøs... Mega godt nummer, men har nu altid været glad for dig og din pragtfulde stemme. Held og lykke med det nye album... Altid en fornøjelse at høre på dig og 'beatet...
Genial! Desde Colombia
Great! From Colombia
Wow such cool song very good 8/10 would reccomend
i was with a danish girl,and i start like stine she is really good,and this song remember my girl
I'm in love with your voice Stine cannot get enough
wow what a voice.......
Stine Bramsen. Ja tak!
Buralar değerlenecek !
what a voice!
damn den xylofon lyder bare af ht! Men fed stemme! Elsker hendes talent.
Stine, Brazil loves you!
Dejligt nummer Stine ;-)
I like that song!
Perfect Single. It is so amazing! Congratulations.
Stine Bramsen get your agents to tell someone to promote you properly on the net. Seriously. Like 6+ months after you released 'I want you to want me back' there still wasnt A SINGLE version on youtube, so I uploaded one and it got removed after a week of insane popularity, then it took another couple of months before the official version was uploaded, but by then the hype is already over. Now you have this song and like a year later there isnt a single album/radio version either. I would upload it literally right now, (if i wasnt predrinking). And I swear it would get mad views again but your team would just take it down like before. For what?? Upload the official version then!!! 1 YEAR! A youtube upload should be part of the release date or whatever. Not to commemorate its first anniversary.
GauntV What this guy said! - you got my like BTW.
Stine is one of the best female vocalists in the world. I have absolutely no idea why no record labels have pushed her the way they should since Alphabeat.
+Dan. Alphabeat wasnt that great. But this tune deserves every attention it can get :)
wow. just wow.
Now sweetheart.. This is world class
I can't stop listening this!
I love this song
Du er en stjerne Stine :-) Fedt fedt
She's got a lot of finess.. :)
this is so gooooooooood!!!!!! 🇵🇭
Fed sang, virkelig, og elsker virkelig hendes stemme!
- haha lækker trommerslager ;)
Så FED en sang :-) I loooove it
Woop woop! smukt stine!
Some voice
WOW.......good song..i fell wanna dance, yeah!
i am just lovin it... no words for it :)
Love you and it
Awesome, i'm fanpage from thailand...!!! wowww
Listen too Volbeat feat Stine Bramsen
Love of my life, Stine
Really bloody good! Can't wait to hear the studio version
Not a big fan of Alphabeat, but this: I LOVE !!!
Très belle voix
A cool new song from a great singer with a strong voice:-))
god i love this song
Me encanta!!
Damn she has a beautifull voice i dont get it why she isnt famous
She was well known with Alphabet.
She is Very famous in Denmark and in tur uk tho
So perfect especially love the chorus (sorry for grammer)
VILD med det!!!!
Du synger skønt Stine:-)!
Stine du synger så skønt🎼💗🎼💗🎼💗🎼💗
Fed sang!
Tak :-D
i like this song
hendes stemme klinger så godt!
hell yeah !!
Super lækker video!
Min ynglings sang da jeg var lille xD
Fantastisk! Intet mindre :D
Hej Stine. Fedt nummer og glad for det ikke er lig´som Apphabet.
Den er super god ♥
Mange tak Line Enevoldsen
Du synger mega godt!
This song sums up my life lol
God mega god💕💞💞👍🏻💖💖💕
For fedt $$$$$$
Jesus Christ This is genius
fuck.... det er godt, fantastisk stemme
like it (:
not bad :) once the chorus kicks in, it gets better :)
That's the girl from the Fireflies singing in the choir!
man hun er god ;)
Fed sang, men... Hvorfor lige den xylofon/marimba? Ked af at sige det, men jeg syntes ikke den burde være der! :P
Marimbaen er perfekt til!
Din mor er min lære hun er flot
Jeg er fra Eritrea
Himmelsk sangstemme. :)
Jeg er altså dansk :)
ok undskyld
Du er meget go
my name is nyku from romania
Collider Live... Anybody? ...
Er der nogen der har akkorderne til denne sang?
er der nogen der kan finde den rigtige sang? altså uden xylofonen
Nu gik det lige så godt med Carpark North på 32! Så er det lidt ned ad bakke at høre dette nummer, når hun jo ellers har så fed en vokal, der sagtens kan "trække" nogle ordentlige rocknumre.
Men der er da fremgang at spore i forhold til Alphabeat-plastik-pop-lortet ;o()
xylofonen ødelægger det hele
Xylofonen er GENIAL!!
not the best verse but the best chorus forever
Absolut ikke en dårlig sang, men havde håbet på noget lige så glad musik som alphabeat :)
En verdens stjerne
Flot stemme
Ærgerligt pladeselskabet har taget audio-versionen ned. Meget bedre end den her - men den må jo ikke sælge så godt ....
As good as anything Adele has done. This is top draw.
This is not Adele ...
Too many men, why? A very good song....
Fabulous vocalist. Maybe Robyn has stolen her limelight?
A little bit from Kate Bush in her earlier days
Think that U like people around U. Why? U voice is be.autiful. Why all those ... Be alone is my opinion, well u cuold get a boyfriend/children soon i think. (only my opininoooion) :-)