Gastropolis has 160 QUINTILLION HP. That's 160 with 18 zeroes after it. That's more than the number of bytes of new data being created over the course of a month, and more than the number of insects on Earth!
Somehow that still feels less than what AAA gaming companies' execs believe their bland products should make in revenue while indie gems like this exist :-P
Gastropolis has 160 QUINTILLION HP. That's 160 with 18 zeroes after it. That's more than the number of bytes of new data being created over the course of a month, and more than the number of insects on Earth!
Somehow that still feels less than what AAA gaming companies' execs believe their bland products should make in revenue while indie gems like this exist :-P
And you’d be dealing quintillions from what i see
Dealing tons of damage felt so cool. This whole boss fight was so cool.
This is the best boss fight in the entire game, hands down.
"Lea, keep dodging! I got this!"
Lea: 🗿🛡
one of my favorite boss fights, ever. hands down.
@@watchoutforeg Ye, it's pretty memorable. This game is a gem, hope they make another one some time soon :D
@@jakeroku6494 Just watched the trailer, looks really nice 👍
time for YOU to experience the power of EXPONENTIAL GROWTH!!!!1!!11!
oh my goodness