Yummi’s the hardest champ in the game because you have to be able to eat, drink, do work, sometimes sleep, all while occasionally looking at the screen
@@bleachmark9816 no, irelia is stupid, you can go however you want and still at least do a 1 v 2. Champ is just easy since rework because stupid riot wants to make everything simpler and easier.
@@pinkpaesh3474 what are you on about? Pre rework Irelia was way easier. No need to stack passive, on target cc and with ult you could always shave minions to make sure you get q resets
I can't take this video seriously when they say Yone is hard but Qiyana is medium. Just look at the stats. Qiyana's WR shoots up in high leo while Yone's is relatively consistent through the ranks. There are many more examples like this
WR does not tell you how hard a champion is to play. Darius' win rate is better the higher the rank, but I am sure everyone would agree he's a pretty easy champion to play
@@jonathannoel3200 I see. U dont understand why his win rate is higher in higher ranks. I give u 2 hints. Its unrelated to champion difficulty and its strongly related to game lenght (bonus hint - games in higher elo are in average shorter than in low) :)
Same as xerath put above leblanc indifficulty. Leblanc and qiqana are pretty similar, you need to get kills to be efffective. With xerath you just need to clear mid waves on a champ thats far range easy to sustain mana. This narrator is on some drugs.
qiyana DOES have a E+Q lock-on type combination, so I get it but shes also majorly skillshots, what probably makes her medium(she should be hard tbh) is her R its actually game changing(and not that difficult to hit with a misleading aoe stun affective range around the R. one good R can change a game from losing one second to winning the next, with yone's R though that hitbox is bs so its similar to qiyanas R and E+Q so idk where they got that, the sheer ridiculousness I see when I see beifeng do combos on qiyana is the craziest movement Ive ever seen in the game(next to the chinese Leesin that looks like hes literally teleporting around the map, qiyana is challenger tier difficulty in my eyes.
People SERIOUSLY over-exaggerate Xerath's difficulty. Syndra and Vel'koz's skillshots are more difficult to land, not to mention Xerath can one shot the wave from tower whereas Syndra and Swain are mid range mages. The only thing I can think of that's actually difficult on Xerath is his Ult. And I'm sorry, but putting Qiyana (who probably has the high skill ceiling in the entire game) in medium difficulty is insane. Especially when you have shit like Zed in high. Also, bump Lissandra up a tier. She is not easy to be effective.
Yeah Xerath has no place in challenger when mages like Syndra and Aurelion exist. The only Challenger tier champion should be Azir, then add a "Very Hard" above Hard and below Challenger and put those currently in challenger and Syndra, Aurelion and Cassio. Even the rest of the tier list can be discussed...
Pro guides is terrible most the stuff on here is false… stop watching their videos while you can. A ton of pro players and analysts don’t like pro guides because of all the false information.
Who do you think is gonna climb to d2 first, a xerath one trick or a qyiana one trick? Even zwag says xerath is a terrible champ to climb any higher than gold because people arent dumb and they can actually kite you and junglers camp you because you are the squishiest thing on the rift with no mobility and practically no cc wince stun is pretty hard to hit and can be easily flashed over. Xerath cant roam, cant really fight if there isnt a turret nearby, cant really contest crab/herald/dragon (excluding ult). And if you get killed even once in a bad lane state you have lost the game right then and there. Then if you do happen to be 10/0 the 1/7 mordekaiser who is 2 levels down on you and has 2 full items less can still absolutely solo kill you if you arent careful. Qyiana on the other hand can just dash away, go invicible, throw all nearby enemies to a wall and is a lot tankier. Velkoz Q slows so much that its the only thing you have to hit to get away and you can just throw it straight at them, no need for fancy stuff. League is not at all about landing your shit, if that was the case every yasuo one trick with 150+ games would be diamond. Most of them are bronze because they dont know how to convert their lead when they get one because it isnt so straight forward on him. But sure, qyiana’s combos are a little harder than most champs combos, but she has so many tools to escape that she can fuck up her combo and just leave the fight without losing the whole lane for 1 mistake. Qyiana is a champ you *can* do a lot of fancy stuff with but in low elo all you need to do is poke with q and all in level 6 with flash ignite ult and you auto win
@@mirzu42 cut the crap about Qiyana's combos being harder than most champions, they are litteraly muscle memory and quick fingers aided by cc chains (assassin btw)
@@fabdvl a lot harder than annie, yi, yone, malzahar, kayn, volibear, morde, warwick, garen, malphite, gragas, nautilus and quite literally half the champs that i cant even remember exist
Qiyana is really really hard to play effectively especially when you see what players can do with her using double dashes through minion waves using prowlers.
Well, i guess Skarner isn't a champion at all XD. Also, i would disagree putting him in easy tier. He has literally no damage and require completely different playstyle than other junglers due to his crystals. You have to play around your teammates so much, that it comes to at least medium tier.
@@lupusimmortalis3716 This feels such a low effort video. It's 12 minutes of just saying "Easy champs have no skillshots" "Medium champs are forgiving" "Hard champs need to actually do things" "Challenger champs just deal damage" and even then it's full of shit rankings.
I love how they emphasis EVERY CHAMPION when they don't even rank all the champions, fr some of they were in the rankings twice because they work in 2 roles but Sejuani was not even in one role ranking :(
I was really confused to not see Zac in anything up to hard tier, fr thought you'd put him into Challenger xD Turns out you forgot to put him in completely
I've been thinking about champion difficulty for a while. It is a controversial topic because of how subjective it is and I've been thinking how to make it as objective as possible. Then, once I get it down and can spare the time, will do it for every champion. So far, the idea is to get a list of criteria down and calculate a simple mean for them. The current criteria are the following: - Mechanical intensity Very straight forward. It is how difficult a champion is to execute. (ex.: Garen gets low rate, Riven gets high) - Resource management How costly it is for this champion to do something? Champions who are resourceless, have built in sustain and/or easily fit lifesteal into their build will score lower. (ex.: Garen gets low rate, Vel'koz gets high) - Scaling Time is passes for everyone and is inevitable, so early game champions naturally lose relevance while scaling champions benefit from it. As such, scaling champions can afford to simply 'not lose' while early game champions must be proactive. Playing with an extra layer of pressure makes a champion more difficult. (ex.: Kayle gets low rate, Lee Sin gets high) - Unique factor A champion may not be that difficult in a vaccum, but he plays so different than everyone else the transition itself from a player picking him up the first time is costly. (ex.: Jinx gets low rate, Singed gets high) - Tool avaliability A champion that does only one thing is easier than a champion who does many. At the same time, champions with so many tools they have something for everything thrown at them can play more careless and not get punished for it. Expect onedimentional and overloaded champions to score low while nuanced but not limitless champions get the highest scores. (ex.: Garen and Aphelios get low rate, LeBlanc gets high rate) - Skill floor How many games does it take for the average player to take a basic grasp on the champion? (ex.: Veigar scores low, Aurelion Sol scores high) - Skill ceiling Once the basics are adquired, how far the player can push the limits of this champion? (ex.: Garen scores low, Lee Sin scores high)
@@MrF3L1S Its impossible to be genuinely accurate about a topic that, at the end of the day, will continue to be mostly subjective. I used my criteria, skillcapped used theirs and, honestly, I think their list is fair. I don't agree with it from start to end, of course, but I see nothing too outrageous coming out of it.
@@shacolin6546 I'm put off by the xerath challenger tier. He's way too easy for that. And for resource management his passive makes that obsolete. Sure he has skill shots but they're easy to hit from the crazy amount of range and the 0 travel time most of them have.
@@MrF3L1S I agree, but if we start nitpicking we will find plenty of placements we won't agree with, but for the most part, there's little to no outrageous placements in thier list. They may be weighting skillshots more than you think they should be weighting, but different people will have different criteria.
I understand kled he could be hard or even medium easily, but Xerath? Who would you even put obove him? very few, or none. And yes I am a Xerath Jayce main, I am more surprised Irelia is above Velkoz and Ziggs
@@akaliotp6766 I don't find Xerath "hard to play", but he is also has a high skill ceiling but comes more with the class (artillery mage) than Xerath itself, Xerath itself has a high skill floor, irelia is a lot more easy to play than Xerath (skill floor).
@@reeson its already 2022 and people still think kled is easy champion, kled is really hard to play effectively and take long time to master well, maybe easy to do the job (average) but not easy to master, if u master (not talking about stupid M7) u can 2 v 1 early game without being fed, if u are average u barely can do 1 v 1 vs darius for example ;D.
@@themandateofheaven4655 he IS an easy champion and is insanely easy to counter as well, which is the reason he sucks balls on higher elos. If a champion is worse in high ELO than in low ELO he is always easier to play than to counterplay. Don't know what delusion you are on. Ps: don't really like brining up rank, but you're a low gold Kled otp.
You gotta remember the people making this guide are challenger players. They no longer understand the plight of the gold player, and the champs you use to wreck your elo may be 10x harder to use in high elo because the enemies are just that much better at playing against it.
10:09 was that Taric about to attack Zed's shadow????? Now, on a more serious note, you really value skillshots over many other things. Hitting Morgana q is the same as hitting Blitz q. Kinda slow projectile that can get blocked by anything. Landing skillshots isn't something that you have to re-learn if you know how to play one champ with skillshots, most of them work basically the same way. I can see an argument for more unique skillshots, like Nami q, but landing normal projectiles isn't the problem when learning a new champion (the supports I mention are just examples, you can take the same thing to any role and choose 3 different champions from that role. I play a lot of Elise, and mechanically she's not as hard to play at a basic level as this video suggests. Now, learning how to close games with a lead on Elise because you are worthless otherwise is a completely different beast, but getting an early game lead is easy. Walk into lane, throw Cocoon, mash your head against the rest of your abilities. If enemy not dead, then press r and press q. Boom, you can gank as Elise).
@@differentomar9125 I'm not saying it's not important. If you play Blitz and can't land hook, you are useless. I'm saying it's not something you need to learn for every champion with a skillshot. Yes, skillshots have different hitboxes, travel speed, etc, but it's not a hard concept to understand. You aim the skillshot and throw it. If you understand that, you can play any skillshot based champion. You don't need to land every skillshot to play skillshot based champs. You can miss 70% of your Xerath poke, but you land one combo and someone has to base. There's a lot champs with no skillshots that are way harder to play than Xerath or Velkoz (Singed, for example)
I think the paradox with Xerath is he's easy against low elo and hard against higher elos. I would agree that skillshot doesn't necessarily mean skill.
@@Archinemi the invis can be obnoxious and doesnt take much skill to abuse. xerath on the other hand.. do you know how easy it is to avoid his W? and Q? only his E is "easy" everything else has a delay. only like a Q pop is a "easy hit" but tickles. i play sejuani mid... sejuani didnt make the list so she's apparently a minion.. but i have zero problem with plat elo xeraths.. but in diamond 1 im losing early game. question is by how much and can i make it back at lvl 6+. gold elo qiyana? just go invis before i can 4th proc stun gg. thats it. my fight snuffed. i ultimate? np go invis.. i cant break it anymore unless i haev enough CDR for 2nd w to be up in time. qiyana is mobile, has hard CC and invis. you wont tell me shes hard to play. you just need to have half a brain. (same as sejuani mid.. its not a hard champion. its just not malphite.
GP is hard, he’s not Azir Hard. They are ranking them off their skill floor. To pilot Azir for a new player is unthinkable. To play Gankplank for a brand new player, yes they may only use Q W R kinda well, but it’s still quite a simple champion with basic Middle of the pack Skill Floor. But I do agree with the general sentiment they didn’t rank very many things to well. Overall. They got the easy to rank ones right. Garen is Easy. Azir is insane. Yea good job skill caped well done. I need you to tell me that. Seems like a rushed, not very well thought out video, you know, if you start a video with “Don’t flame us in the comments, we know the rankings aren’t great” it’s probably a video that needs some more thought out into it.
You phrased that the exact incorrect way. He is top 3 hardest to master because you can hit insane 3 man barrels. But you do realize you can climb to Diamond just point clicking with his Q and 2-3 tapping
@@Xci8 yeah you've put it more precisely put still if we talking about skill floor, irelia skill floor is not hard at all. Gp should be def higher. Irelia should be in highest level only if we talkin skill ceiling and then gp should be up in the sky
nah gangplank is medium tier MAX, being a garb champion doesn't illicit 'to be useful' to can just play safe farm up and sweep red ward and sit in bush and oneshot a team with barrels and then slow them with ult as they are running away, not difficult at all, definetly much less intensive than irelia or fiora, 100%
@@PanteraEnjoyer Then name harder champs that were not put in the "challenger" group. Personally I am used to "hard champs" so I don't see them as hard, but when you compare them to other champs you see the difference.
Kled is easy to pick up, though. He has a simple kit, just that the confusing part is the passive. Maybe you're referring to the high skill cap needed to play Kled because you need hundreds of games to learn how to deal with his passive. Overall he's easy but also hard.
Idk I’ve lost to quite a few poop rumbles in my 10 years. I think Med is good. He’s not easy, but if I was helping a new friend to the game I also wouldn’t tell them he’s hard either.
Can someone explain how Graves can be ranked hard or even medium? This champ is so ridiculously easy to play as long as you don't suicide 1v4 because you sustain/burst too much
yeah idk, they put some champs in hard and Challenger and they're only a little bit tricky with something, like Taliyah. She's extremely easy, if you're already decent playing jungle You can play Taliyah at a good level
@@badbunnyfreaky well the thing is although ryze is overnerfed, he's still not easy to play. His combos need quick understanding of the situation since they can be so versatile. Do you need burst, sustained damage, CC, or simply faze rush to run. And his ult is a nightmare in solo queue.
@@badbunnyfreaky ryze is extremely hard to play. Low range mage with no dashes and very limited CC that relies on landing other abilities first isn't easy.... Also mana problems early
@@Crylikeamumu you combo always the same honestly. You need phase rush? QWQ, QEW, QEQ, QWE, EWQ, EQW, WQE, WEQ. Just press 3 abilities in any order, EW if you want root EQ if you want damage. You want sustained damage? QWQEQ then QEQ ∞ You want burst damage? QWQEQ then QEQ ∞ His ult is thrash but you max it only for its passive, using the active with team mates it's not Game changing like a Malphite+Orianna R. you're always using it for picking up the enemies remaining after a fight. People is mainly garbage with Ryze because they don't understand that they're playing a overnerfed battle mage. they don't lane properly. Almost always pushing, Bad Tethering and Bad early management. Battle mages like Viktor and Vlad are more forgiving. Vlad has sustain, Viktor has a shield and a space abilite (W) and they don't need like 3 items to work. Saying ryze is difficult to play it's like saying you have coordination problems it's very easy to wave combos when you have 5-10 games and you played other games that require a sort of coordination (all games). Ryze is not hard is thrash, 46WR on D2+ probably the elite can't play it because it's so difficult no one can
I feel like sometimes you were ranking off of how difficult it is to be usefull on the champ and sometimes how difficult it is to master them. Thresh for instance is incredibly hard to master and deserves his challenger spot, but is he really that hard to be usefull on? I feel like landing a hook into R is always incredible value and doesnt really require hundreds of games or challenger knowledge
It takes a LOT of time to get her combo to work in a tf sooooooo yeah, as a mono rell i think to be able to play her consistantly you should play lane as a conter engage if your adc is not good at an all inn but if you have your dream to play with a samira just go, and leasing how to tf as rell takes weeks of playing
I think this is the difference between skill floor and skill ceiling. Rell has a medium skill floor (engage is not hard, but choosing when is important), but you can reach a higher ceiling than Alistair who has about the same skill floor
It's also because no one really knows how to build that champ, you can build her tank all the way, but will still be outscaled than other tanks. She isn't an Anti-tank either since most anti tank items are physical damage and the few items that are magic damage doesn't really help for her since she has no damage output.
You can't make the argument that Ezreal is difficult because all his damage comes from skillshots, then place him in a tier above Zeri, whose auto attacks are skillshots. Her skillshot basics have a lower range than Ezreal Q, she can't build defensive items like Frozen Heart or Crown without losing damage, and she has to be much closer to the action than Ezreal to get her damage off, which naturally implies having to dodge more abilities and space and kite better, where Ezreal can throw abilities from a safe distance while being tankier and doing similar damage. Also strongly disagree with the Pantheon take. Pantheon needs immaculate decision making to actually snowball and end the game before he falls off and becomes a stun bot, in both mid and support.
Seeing Qiyana in Medium was offensive to my eyes. She took me 50 games to play competently. No other champion has felt so mechanically intensive. I'd take Irelia or Akali as easier than her. Then Xerath in challenger level? I stopped watching. If you sit mid and just farm safely you'll be fine... He has 1 easy combo. And easy wave clear.... I stopped watching after that.
Ive always hated the logic that more skillshots = harder champ. Qiyanna has 2 skillshots and i consider her significantly harder to learn the basics of AND master than xerath
I'm not gonna say anything, just wanna said that Qiyana is hard to play, Irelia and Akali are 2 of the champ i mained and still learning laning with Qiyana
Im a viktor main mid laner.my top 10 most played champs are all assassins except viktor and syndra. Ive played everysingle assassin and mage in mid lane(even khazix mid) not just trying them but climbing with them. There are 3 champs i cant win a single game out of 10 games which is azir,qiyana,akali(im not very bad at her but i probably go 0/10 in 8 games of 10). Most people say zed is very hard no one can play zed and such things but i speedrunned climbing on a fresh account with 80% win rate. And i can confirm that qiyana is the most hardest champ ive ever played(btw i used to be a jungler so i considered jungle champs too)
@@barrywood9183 zed’s laning is extremely straightforward, poke down with w-e-q combo then all in when the kill opportunity presents itself. I tend to just avoid assassins in general now because i personally have a hard time translating getting fed in lane into having a successful mid-late game, at least thats what i think could be why a lot of people say “zed or ______ assassin is hard to master dont play them”
As an irelia main, and played on the Korean server making it to Plat (won 2k dollars cause it was a bet me and my friend made) I found it surprisingly easy to play irelia until I went against an irelia smurf and I then realized, it might be easy to lane but the rest of the game is something else. This guy/gal mechanics and the they used irelias kit was so perfect. I have high respect
Yeah I made secondary account to learn her and it’s certainly high skill cap and one mistake cost you every fight most of the time also learning from clips how to safely dive more because most just hug tower or coordinate ganks
You should rank them by how hard it is to master them. For example animation cancels,using passive with gankplank,using q with soraka in a teamfight and not dying,parrying skillshots with fiora w, lee sin combos,things like that. That way we can learn new things about the champions too.
These guys are challenger. Try landing skillshots against other challenger players then rethink that notion. If you suck, you will literally do 0 damage on Xerath unless you auto attack them lol.
@@Cjd72 it also depends on how much a champ relies on the skillshot and at what point in a fight you would use it. take irelia and xin zhao. if irelia misses her e in many matchups she probably just dies. xin zhao skillshot is harder to hit but i call him one of the easiest jungler ever since you generally knock someone first to make sure you hit both parts of the skillshot.
In my opinion Zoe should be in Challenger difficulty Tier, her kit alone (skillshot based champion like Xerath) and how to play teamfight as Zoe do require a lot of practice. She is definitely on the same level of difficulty as Xerath.
As a Zoe main, I think she is ok on hard since her w can make it forgiving to position badly or miss skillshots. Xerath definitely isn't any harder than Zoe though lol
Zoe is really hard now that you mention it... I can't understand how he could be above her in difficulty. I've only even played Xerath in ranked and I have a 50 percent win rate with him that's including games where allies just run it down.
@@iNsOmNiAcAnDrEw Yeah totally agree with you, Xerath has one of the longest range ingame. His R is kinda tricky to hit but everything else is alright.
Zoe is not an easy champ, but she definately is not even near as hard as Xerath, she has a forgiving kit (free summoners, ms, R, bubble) so she has not to worry about positioning that much, If she hits bubble (which can be thrown for no risk) she can chunk or burst kill while enemy cced (land 1 or 2 skillshot, not 4-8 like xerath) she is played optimally with corrupting pots (easy laning) and she has kill pressure in early too (ignite gaming)
@@oscar95237 Zoe definitely has to worry about positioning as much as xerath does. Yeah free summoners and the ms definitely makes it more forgiving but still. R doesn't make positioning easier too. Xerath has a slow and when you hit that, there is almost no way that you are going to miss the other skill shots. Also, Zoe q is way harder to hit than Xerath q + she doesn't have a slow
Can Someone explain to me how so many champs are on here twice and are in different tiers? For Example, Xerath is in both Challenger and in Hard Tier @12:05
Do we not? I'm not educated on the topic so I'm not really trying to correct you, but I want to ask for clarification. I recall that one of the well-known stats sites claimed Braum is the least mastered champion, as an example.
@@GTECH6_HABBO Champion mastery curves are a specific tool used by Riot. It's based on winrate by number of games played, not the "mastery" stat player accounts have. Riot has occasionally shared this data, but only in specific forms. It would be the best objective way to determine champion difficulty.
@@fabdvl You're missing the point. The champion's mastery curve/skill required to play is meant to be independent of current strength in the meta. This is because we're looking for the relative change in winrate, not the actual absolute value. For instance, a super weak champion with a flat curve will still be easier to learn than a super strong champion with a steep and extended curve. In fact, that already exists; in Amumu and Yasuo respectively.
the amount of skill shots a champion has doesn't dictate how hard they are to play. Xerath being "challanger" is a joke, you have so much mana you can just spam your abilities and stay back, with 2 items you deal so much damage that you can miss 5 spells, hit 1 and still be the most powerful damage dealer on your team
HUGE +++ on the jg challenger tier. Elise, Nidalee, and Lee sin jg are all on my dodgelist. Tbh they are the only champs I dodge. Even if they do get some good kills early by 10-15 theyll have tossed a shutdown and become useless.
I'm glad I know I'm sane with the Miss Fortune being at easy. I'm no-lifing Tristana ADC right now and even if I destroy bot lane against a Miss Fortune, she always comes back with way larger benefits from her miniscule item spikes and will go from 0/5/0 to MVP 15/7/10 because of team fights or just raw damage increase.
heimer is realy underrated in how easy he is. sure putting up turrets isnt hard but he is way harder than people think. he for sure doesnt belong in easy tier
100% belongs in easy tier. even low elo heimer's are a royal pain in the ass to deal with. This isn't about skill caps, this is about skill floors, and you could teach a bot to play heimer at a bronze level.
They're talking about short ranged ADCs while mentioning Vayne. With a 550 range, she´s in the median, meaning that more ADCs have the same range as her than not. You'd be thinking of Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Jhin, Aphelios, Draven, Twitch. Which ADCs have a higher base range than Vayne? You'd be looking at Varus, Senna, Ashe and Caitlyn. Tristana if you'd count her scaling range and Kog'Maw, Twitch and Aphelios if you think of conditional range. She's sitting at a comfortable spot regarding attack range. Her entire kit is focused around her auto attacks though which seperates her from other similarly ranged champions such as Miss Fortune, Ezreal and Jhin.
Let's just say I snowballed my second Xerath game and continued with it through the next ones. Apart from his Ult, I found it easier to play him than Annie tbh.
I can see that with Bard. Had the pleasure of having a Bard in my team that froze me as Irelia mid q so all the enemy players had nice time to surround me and shit everything they had on me the second stasis wore off. My nice team in the meantime left me all alone in stasis to die..... And the Bard even had the nerve to say that he was saving me..... Could have throttled him...
Yeah Bard ult can truly backfire even for allies, everyone has a few seconds to figure out what to do after the stasis wears off, this includes both people who are and are not under stasis, but are in the general area. I played him many times in ARAM and did pretty good since macro was practically non-existent there, but when I played him in draft for the first time, I may have made a couple mistakes, and one of my teammates told me to never play Bard again. Welp lol
I generally save the ulti for very safe targets in the open or to disable turrets when we dive, even then it wasn't an easy champ, especially in low elo where people get pissed off the moment you start roaming and adc die within 60 seconds. Even the mid player that I was ganking question pinging me and said "wtf are you doing here support ?", smh...
I was actually really suprised that VeigarV2 put Sona as one of the hardest champions in league. I feel like hes easy to play but there so much you can do with her to distinguish a good Sona from a bad Sona
@@rubixx_6924 Barely, Sonas W alone doesnt actually do that much. She only competes with other enchanters if she uses her passive exhaust/slow and ult correctly. Plus a bad Sona gets one shot
@@ggnick1695 yeah but then you could say the same for all the other enchanters, my point is that her kit itself isnt the hardest, its easy to play and maybe hard to master in this case
Few things to Point out: Xerath in challenger while asol is hard, like is it a joke? Windshitting brothers are hard. I can understand yas, but yone? No way. Fiora rated challenger while riven, Camille or GP is hard. Both skill floor and ceiling is lower for Fiora than rest of them lol.
@@michael-s3g I don’t know, Camille and riven can rush head first at the enemy, whereas fiora needs to be focused on positioning so as to hit the vitals to maximise damage
@@zackbauer4562 good luck rushing head on into someone that knows what to do agaisnt it, or even into someone that can do shit even if they know what to do, they will just fall back lol. And you didnt mention GP, when he has much harder positioning problems than fiora, good luck on doing dmg when your barrel is destroyed by one aa from enemy adc.
Personally I think Lillia should be in hard tier. You have to time your abilities or you will die. Especially her Q and E. She can fall behind pretty easily especially with her low HP stat. Just my opinion tho
i ran a parcifist soraka challenge a few weeks ago where my goal was to deal 0dmg and still win the game lol, early game was very hard to play but lategame i was still very usefull
Since we're talking about skill floor, I really think Thresh should be lower. Thresh is pretty easy to play at a decent level. Sure he's got a high skill ceiling, but his kit is really non-committal and safe, and also easy enough to understand and execute at a basic level. Same with Ezreal imo. I'm also surprised Xerath is higher than both Asol and Qiyana. I'd say Zoe is hard for the same reasons Xerath is, but is still harder too. I don't play top so no comment there. And I play Taliyah and Elise jungle, so I'll just take the w there
@@aysel1181 True, but I feel that, at least from my experience, Zoe falling behind is even more useless than Xerath. You can scale on Xerath, but Zoe falls off a lot harder and is worse against tanks. I also think it's a bit harder to land Zoe q than Xer q, but that might just be a personal thing
@@epiccobra1080 Zoe E is crazy good even from behind, and her Q will still chunk a squishy hard when behind due to the nature of how it scales. Xerath is literally useless as he got basically 0 utility and alot less damage than zoe when behind
yuumi and nami should be one tier lower: -yuumi can be played better by having some practice one that champ but there isnt really much to learn playing yuumi -old Nami was quite a hard champ to do well on because you needed to land good bubbles and be careful with positioning, but the new one is more focussed on staying behind the carry and give him E, so positioning is way easdier and can be compared to Lulu in terms of difficulty
Funny how no skill shot champions with a simple kit is classified easy when it's actually difficult as fuck to pull that pick off in high elo vs overloaded kit champions
I think the animation cancels and combos actually aren’t *that* important. Sure, knowing them will make you really really strong but q auto q auto q auto will win you like 90% of duels in most elos. Still agree with you tho she should be challenger tier
It's skill FLOOR, not skill ceiling. You can't just pick up Jayce and fight, but you can pick Riven and R + right click. Think about a bronze player doing that and youve got your answer
Because as a Riven you usually just have to learn your combos. Granted thats hard but with the others you often have to think about situational stuff and for example as Irelia you have to often think ahead in terms of wave prep
@@Cjd72 funny but i suppose irelia is harder for both floor and ceiling. It could be biased because I was only playing vs riven, never on her. But playing irelia vs riven i find that if me and my opponent were medium skilled players then riven would win me
I don’t think that Zed is hard at at all as Zed is a very very forgiving champ to play and that’s why Zed players/mains/OTPs appear a lot better than they actually are because Zed have this no risk/high reward playstyle, while yes it is true that is hard to use at first BUT once you get to breakdown his kit then you will realize that he is a easy Assassin to master as laning in him is ez because his W and R shadow acts as a safety net if something goes wrong and you won’t get hard punished compared to other Assassins such as Talon or Katarina. Others will defend and say something like this” try team fighting with Zed or Zed sucks in team fights!” Bro it is not your Job as an Assassin to team fight! Leave that to tanks and bruiser, because your job as an Assassin is to look for skirmishes and pick off low hp enemies. I know that there will be a lot of Zed mains and OTP that will get butthurt but let’s accept the fact that the reason why Zed mains and OTP looked great is because Zed is a very safe and forgiving champ with rooms for error, you don’t have to be goo at the game to be good with Zed unlike Yasuo,Riven,Leblanc,Akali,Katarina,Irelia etc.
Not a zed main but I feel u r looking at his kit very one dimensionally. His w and r can rarely be used as a “safety net” seeing they are his primary abilities. He cannot all in without them. If you are not capable of landing his combos, you are not capable of playing Zed because you will spend most of the laning phase being passive. Skillshot reliance tends to make champions hard to play. There is nothing in his kit that is forgiving after he spends w or r, which is his main damage output. In saying this I still hate Zed mains he’s just weirdly obnoxious to play against imo.
@@adamharrison3961 High skill ceiling but low skill cap, hard to use at first but easy to master, Zed is considered a melee Assassin but his range is absurd to be called a melee assassin, his W is a safety net because it’s like a mini teleport and it still be used backwards! Let’s have scenario and compare him to similar champs like Yone If Yone decied to follow up his E-Q3 with his R but ended short, and the enemy jungle was at the bush, Yone will be punished because he always returns to his body, then let’s look at Zed, with Zed lands his W-E-Q and proc his electrocute, it only takes another combo to kill his enemy laner so he decided to go in with his R-W-E-Q but the enemy flashes away and their jungle gank you, Zed still have his W and R shadow and unlike Yone he have a option to what shadow he wants to return too and to mention he have 2 options and in enemies eyes they have 3 option, 1 is chase after zed, 2 go for his W shadow, 3 go for his R shadow, and that is the reason why Zed is a very forgiving champ because he isn’t punished for his mistakes, because he always have 2 options
@@pineappleboy248 Go to PH Server bro, Western server doesn’t have many players that abuse Zed because they value champs that have the ability to impact a team fight than champ with single target abilities, that’s why popular Midlaners in western servers are Yone,Yasuo,Kata,Ekko etc champ with abilities that can affect multiple opponents. Zed’s bread and butter combos W-E-Q have many variations and can be used in multiple ways, for instance his W can be used backwards(effective if you wanna Bait your enemy,effective against Yone/Yasuo or Sett,Viego,Akali and Talon) If a Zed doesn’t land both of his Q he will miss a lot of damage BUT he won’t get punished because he is far away, and unlike most if not all Assassin, Zed can farm in a distance and also unlike most if not all Assassins his abilities can go through minions, while yes it is true that his Q damage is 40% less after first enemy hit, Zed still have that advantage that he can fire out his combo in his own time not worrying about the wave state and because that he doesn’t need to worry about a minion blocking it, unlike for example Yone, you alway know that he will be looking for a chance to trade because his kit and combos are pretty linear, charge his Q then E, Zed doesn’t need that, he can fire his W-E-Q right from where he stands. Unlike all assassins that needs great macros and fundamentals such as wave management to have a positive trade,Zed can and will fuck you up even with the wave is pushed or not. And no offense bro I think you are fighting against average Zed players, this average Zed player only use one combo in a match and is very predictable because their approach is very linear, this average Zed players usually knows how Zed works BUT doesn’t master him to the fullest, and that’s the thing with Zed’s kit, anyone that knows how each of Zed’s abilities work can play Zed in a decent level because like I said, you don’t have to be good at the game to be good with Zed. Both Zed and Akali are disgusting champion but Zed will always have that advantage against Akali because of his Range.
@@pineappleboy248No offense but just to add up, I think you’re the one looking his kit one dimensionally because that fact that you mention that his W and R are rarely use for safety net means the Zed players that you encounter are just average Zed players with a very linear and predictable playstyle. Bro, his BnB combo: W-E-Q and R-W-E-Q have a lot of variations and can be used both offensively and defensively! I one tricked him once but dropped him after i realize that my Macro sucked, I’m getting good at Zed but I’m not getting good at the game. my top 3 combos are 1. The Bermuda Death Triangle This your typical triple Q combo 2. The Unseen Shadow from KitingZed engage with your R then throw your W shadow before taking Your R shadow 3. The Linear Shadow Engage with R then throw your W where the opponents is heading usually away from you, other variations of this his throw your W first to the location where the enemy is heading then R( this combo is good for champs like Kassasin and Yasuo) Judging from your evaluation, I don’t think that you encountered Zed players that used at least one of this combos
why even make a skill floot tier list. The skill floor for each champion is diffrent for each rank. You cant first time Yasuo in silver and do good, since you dont even have the basic mechaniks down, while you can probably do decent on him if you 1st time him in high plat, since your overall gameplay is better. It makes no sense to make a tierlist like that.
If it's about skill floor then Qiyana being mid is something stupid, she's not the hardest assassin but it's definitely way harder than for example fizz, who can e out of a bad trade
I find it kinda weird thst sion is medium bc no joke but multiple chmps counter his whole kit but whatever and i think the hardest mechanic with sion to learn is drifting
Rell is bare minimum Hard tier. She may be easy to execute, but her fatal flaw is that if she goes in, she is almost 99% likely to not come back out alive if you don’t win the fight. While this may be the case with most engage supports, it is even more so true with Rell because you have to have almost perfect understanding of when is a good time to engage and who to engage on. With someone like Thresh, you can throw out a hook and it’s usually a pick. Even if the hook isn’t on a high value target, it’s usually going to convert into a kill which puts you at a numbers advantage. And if it doesn’t, you can choose not to go in. With Rell, it’s all or nothing. You either go in and take the fight or you just die and gain nothing. Edit: It’s even funnier considering that they put Thresh in Challenger tier and really all you have to do to play him is hit your skill shots and it usually works out favorably.
I would say thresh and bard are definitely the only "challenger" tier support picks just because they are much harder to operate than most. Rell should definitely be in hard but you can defbinitely still have an impact on her even if you havent played her too much. She is more about decision making as a whole rather than on an individual champ level. In comparison- Thresh has much weaker CC in general, relying on one skillshot for the majority of it and his E is generally just to support to pick or peel. Rell has large AOE abilities and her E/R are near impossible to miss.
I main support in 'ELO hell' and one thing I notice a lot, that landing your hook a lot of the time is little more than just a poke because ADC is AFK farming or whatever and doesn't want to miss that caster minion or whatever...
@@Cindersauruss I’d agree that Bard is 100% in the Challenger tier. Thresh, however, I heavily disagree with being in the Challenger tier. There is nothing hard about Thresh outside of lantern and hitting skillshots. I think the big thing that makes a Thresh player good is their ability to consistently hit hooks to set up plays. But that can be done with practice. I think he has a near-infinite skill ceiling with his ability to get creative with how he predicts flashes and things of that nature, but ultimately a very low barrier of entry. The thing about Rell is, yes decision-making is a more macro focused concept, and isn’t something exclusive to her, but it’s her entire identity as a champ in a way and what makes her difficult. It can be argued that Rell can’t be played in low elo since no one knows when to go in for a fight. And even if they did know when to go in, players would never be ready to go in anyways. Which would result in Rell just dying for free most of the time. She’s also a champ that requires a lot of coordination, which even in high elo is hard to pull off since the only way to communicate is with pings.
@@MasterSethern yeah I mean engage/hook supports in low elo are just inherently like that. The players aren’t good enough to know that they should posture aggressively so that when their support lands something they can be ready to instantly react. Especially when it’s a favorable matchup or when the enemy is stepping out of line. It can be super frustrating, but a good tip is to ping when you’re about to do something. It makes them pay attention to you, because most low elo ADCs aren’t paying attention to their supports when they should be.
I don't think Veigar is easy. Yes, you don't rely on controlling waves as much but there's still plenty of room to improve. 1. You need to play safely early game and get stacks at the same time. 2. Wards are a must-have for a slow long-ranged mage. 3. Two of three abilities that deal damage are skillshots. W and E has a cast time. 4. Vulnerable in team fights. Not so long range of R makes it even worse. Cage will be useful. But if you'll stay in backline it won't be as useful as it could be. Maybe all of it sounds right for me just because I'm at gold ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But that's what I see.
The only saving grace for veigar is that the cage is useful and can be applied from relative safety, but i agree, still not easy but at least medium. And he put xerath in challenger lol
@@TKO9871 me after my damage is nullified by the very difficult 3s cd 205 + 120% AD shield and then I'm beaten by the insanely difficult aoe no startup stun into her third Q into her ult recast dealing 10 bajillion damage
Gangplank is both an Easy tier champ and a Challenger tier champ at the same time. A lot of his match-ups are just "Spam q and win" but those that arent require insane positioning, timing and spacing. I would say his playstyle becomes more difficult late-game even though that's when he shines since sure, massive AoE damage is great and all when you're not 1v1ing but if you fall behind or decide to go for a "One-shot build" you just evaporate as soon as someone touches you.
wait im cofnsued on viego but i guess they r speaking base kit only. cause his passive makes him every champion, which means u need to know every champion. I don't main him, but that is his passive. lol it just confused me at first seeing him in medium.
Theres a reason why yasuo and yone have 0/10 memes ab them and called the "int brothers" most people cant play them. But I do agree GP is harder than yone and rengar. Yasuo is debateable
I always wanted to start playing botlane but never liked regular marksmans. I started spamming veigar 3 weeks ago. Wow. Such a simple kit, very good mid-late. He's also really strong early depending support matchup. Sure it's hard to get lvl2 first, but if you don't, you play back and you have tp advantage so no worry in losing some cs early.
Isn't it weird that I personally got consistent success with Xerath mid, who is in Challenger tier; but also got consistently terrible results with Twisted Fate, who is in Medium?
No it isn't TF is a lot harder to be usefull on than Xerath. This is a bad tierlist. I've lost count on how many times someone has glorified xerath's difficulty. Very high skill ceiling but also very low skill floor. Actually one of the easiest Champs to be useful on.
Personally I think Orianna could be a bit higher than just medium difficulty. Her whole kit is based on her ball and it is moving really slow, her Q has not got that big range and her ultimate is one of the hardest to land. She could be a 1v9 carry in the right hands but this meta is not helping her state aswell. Since she is squishy and has low base stats a player has to work extra hard to survive the laning phase and be reliable in team fights. But there are a lot of assassine who need to buy some lethality and mr and she is done if you are a bit careless.
I just struggle so much to agree with the challenger tier for top lane, irelia and fiora I both picked up in gold elo, completely different playstyles to my normal tank champions, and completely stomped every lane with them, winning 7 or 8 out of my first 10 games with each. There's a good amount to master on these champions sure, but when you're talking about skill floor, they are not hard. Jayce definitely deserves to be there though and kled I'm not 100% sure but I would definitely agree he's at least hard. If you asked me for champions to replace those 2 in challenger tier, I would say riven and maybe gangplank, although gangplank skill floor isn't quite that bad it's more his skill ceiling so maybe just riven, and I'd probably drop both irelia and fiora down to medium going through the rest of the video though a lot of the basis for what they consider difficult seems to be "skillshots or dashing a lot = hard" so I feel like a lot of this tier list is a bit scuffed on the high end, but the easy to medium tiers are pretty good which is what's important to new players
I hate when people say Leblanc is hard when some caster said that to make Faker at that time popular while he was pressing W to erase a champ and pressing againg to run away, or pressing W and R at the same spot just for the exagerated burst, something that is still done today but today at least you need to add the Q as no longer do the damage as before without it.
2:57 I would argue Fiora should not be challenger teir. While her skill ceiling is absurdly high, it is very once you learn basic trading combos it is easy to get a couple of items and AFK split push, which is very strong for her. Q gives escaping and Q and E both help with tower taking. hydra is core and gives wave clear. You this means you may not carry but you can certainly help the team, and he is very strong in 1v1 late even when behind. You don't have to win lane, you can just focus on farm, and then split push for pressure. This makes her have a much lower skill floor compared to the other ones on that list.
I’m sorry, but both Kog and Twitch are harder than Jhin/Lucian, their whole gameplay doesn’t leave anything for mistakes, while Jhin has utility and Lucian has dash with both much stronger early games.
@@damnmanstopmaldinglol6028 I gave away my reasons, and let me add up on Jhin, you can completely forget about kiting on Jhin, and can play him hit and run. He doesn't need the hardest adc mechanic.
no twitch and kog are much easier than jhin and lucian since they have harder abilities to play around + combos and skillshots. In the case of jhin his reload is a huge weakness and lucian is mostly strong when paired with a good support. Kog and twitch are just kiting adc's, they are just like every other adc in the game. Nothing hard
Twitch is like press r and right click. Jhin has to manage his basics (which isnt that harder, but its something), and knowing how to reset effectively the lucians dash is pretty hard, if we dont say that lucian is almost melee against kog and twitch
To be fair, if you can play Blitz you can play Thresh and still be 'good enough'. Thresh does have a higher potential and maximizing it takes time, but don't be scared of playing Thresh. You don't need to be godlike to be useful on him.
I feel like Soraka is medium strictly from how careful she has to play. A lot of other supports can body block among other things that she simply can't do as a very squishy healer. I'll admit, late game is just click W and R so your team literally never dies.
I disagree on malzahar's placement. Hitting the flash-r-get up-go make a sandwich-go do my homework-watch a movie-take a nap-come back to my PC-recall-flash mastery emote-spam dance emote-type "gg ez" "outplayed, outskilled, outflashed, outchampioned" combo is really hard and takes a lot of skill.
Please tell me what it's like to play Riven in challenger elo vs fiora in challenger elo and I'll respect your opinion. Nobody gives a shit how the champion plays in gold lol.
My guess her Combo is really one dimensional. Although she has advanced combo's there variations of the same one with only an item included or breaking it up into parts to spread your damage if you have an excess of it. You only need 1 combo to do your job and when performed correctly offers only a second of counterplay assuming you have vision of her. Her Q auto-locks on anyone you've dashed too so you don't even need to aim it in the rotation and AOE CC on an assassin makes falling behind not as punishing as any other Assassin. tl;dr Qiyana played right is like Irelia played right but without the need to aim and you get 2 stuns.
@@singularity1130 tier list on based on the entire champ? Qiyanas combos on what element to chose in different moments is crucial, and the instant combos u need to pull since a nerf to her q doesnt make it autoaim anymore, her dmg is nerfed in consistent patches. The combos that you need to pull on qiyana is more than leesin, ask qiyana mains about this not too sure. She has high skill floor and celling
you have to hit your q, you have to be careful not to be cc´d and you cant just sit on your teammates the entire game since you have to autoattack the enemies for mana. But to be honest my biggest issue with this champ is that especially in low elo your teammates are retards and just jump into 5enemies when you sit on them and you both die, also warding isnt that easy when you just sit on a teammate and they dont go to the positions you want to ward. But yes if you have a premate playing stuff like jax yuumi is freeelo
Honestly I feel like Yone should be in medium because he does most of his damage from rightclicking and his ult is basically Malphite ult. The most important thing with him is to know how to get the full use out of his E because you can use it to dodge a key ability or cleanse a CC effect.
Kai´sa and xayah are my 1st/3rd most played champions. and from my exprience i have a way easier time playing Kai´sa than playing xayah (or short, agree)
I played all of these champs (Ekko, Viktor, Xayah and Senna) for a short time, they're easy, between all of them Xayah is the hardest, but from my experience playing them, Viktor has no skillshot (his E isn't one since you can't dodge it if the Viktor places it properly) Senna is broken af, Ekko has a lot of damage but need to tempo a bit and Xayah is about placing yourself well in team fight
Tristana main here--mechanically she's easy, but there are a lot of nuances in her kit that make the difference between survival and death. She can level an entire team if used properly, but a player who doesn't know how to stack her bomb quickly will be completely useless. A lot of it also comes down to decision making (can I survive a tower dive), resource management (her w is really expensive), and communication with the support. Also, as an adc she is safer than average, but still participates in that horror game known as kill-the-adc.
@@StevenPJames-fl1un Resetting her W by killing or manually blowing her E is great and I managed to make a Quadra (my very first) with her, felt very proud! :D. I do know her huge burst combo to, I leveled up my duelling and team fighting as well
I think these lists were generally accurate, while I disagreed with some picks I agreed with around 80% which considering the content of this list is pretty good.
I think Blitz is Medium, not hard for a new player to pick up. Easiest Hook champ for sure. It’s skill floor is kinda low. How ever Bard and Thresh great placements GJ you passed the easy part.
Yummi’s the hardest champ in the game because you have to be able to eat, drink, do work, sometimes sleep, all while occasionally looking at the screen
🤣🤣🤣🤣 literally crying right now
you see, a bad irelia can only 1v3 while a good irelia can 1v9
Bad irelia scan never close out a game
bad irelia often just loses lane. she really isnt that good against most other fighters/bruisers
A bad irelia is just completely useless tbf, other than maybe inting for an adc or support
@@bleachmark9816 no, irelia is stupid, you can go however you want and still at least do a 1 v 2. Champ is just easy since rework because stupid riot wants to make everything simpler and easier.
@@pinkpaesh3474 what are you on about? Pre rework Irelia was way easier. No need to stack passive, on target cc and with ult you could always shave minions to make sure you get q resets
Mechanically speaking many are easy as hell, but the real challenge is learning how to apply it wisely and/or across the map.
That goes to say when your champ has easy mechanical skills its easier to apply wisely as its easier to master.
That’s how I feel playing Wukong
That's true, I have been playing this game for 4 days and I'm still not good 😐
@@christosbaltzis8087 Good luck on the next 10 years
@@christosbaltzis8087 just stop now b4 its too late and ur gone off the deep end addiction
I can't take this video seriously when they say Yone is hard but Qiyana is medium. Just look at the stats. Qiyana's WR shoots up in high leo while Yone's is relatively consistent through the ranks. There are many more examples like this
WR does not tell you how hard a champion is to play. Darius' win rate is better the higher the rank, but I am sure everyone would agree he's a pretty easy champion to play
@@jonathannoel3200 I see. U dont understand why his win rate is higher in higher ranks. I give u 2 hints. Its unrelated to champion difficulty and its strongly related to game lenght (bonus hint - games in higher elo are in average shorter than in low) :)
Same as xerath put above leblanc indifficulty. Leblanc and qiqana are pretty similar, you need to get kills to be efffective. With xerath you just need to clear mid waves on a champ thats far range easy to sustain mana. This narrator is on some drugs.
qiyana DOES have a E+Q lock-on type combination, so I get it but shes also majorly skillshots, what probably makes her medium(she should be hard tbh) is her R its actually game changing(and not that difficult to hit with a misleading aoe stun affective range around the R.
one good R can change a game from losing one second to winning the next, with yone's R though that hitbox is bs so its similar to qiyanas R and E+Q so idk where they got that, the sheer ridiculousness I see when I see beifeng do combos on qiyana is the craziest movement Ive ever seen in the game(next to the chinese Leesin that looks like hes literally teleporting around the map, qiyana is challenger tier difficulty in my eyes.
People SERIOUSLY over-exaggerate Xerath's difficulty. Syndra and Vel'koz's skillshots are more difficult to land, not to mention Xerath can one shot the wave from tower whereas Syndra and Swain are mid range mages.
The only thing I can think of that's actually difficult on Xerath is his Ult.
And I'm sorry, but putting Qiyana (who probably has the high skill ceiling in the entire game) in medium difficulty is insane. Especially when you have shit like Zed in high. Also, bump Lissandra up a tier. She is not easy to be effective.
Yeah Xerath has no place in challenger when mages like Syndra and Aurelion exist. The only Challenger tier champion should be Azir, then add a "Very Hard" above Hard and below Challenger and put those currently in challenger and Syndra, Aurelion and Cassio.
Even the rest of the tier list can be discussed...
Pro guides is terrible most the stuff on here is false… stop watching their videos while you can. A ton of pro players and analysts don’t like pro guides because of all the false information.
Who do you think is gonna climb to d2 first, a xerath one trick or a qyiana one trick? Even zwag says xerath is a terrible champ to climb any higher than gold because people arent dumb and they can actually kite you and junglers camp you because you are the squishiest thing on the rift with no mobility and practically no cc wince stun is pretty hard to hit and can be easily flashed over.
Xerath cant roam, cant really fight if there isnt a turret nearby, cant really contest crab/herald/dragon (excluding ult). And if you get killed even once in a bad lane state you have lost the game right then and there. Then if you do happen to be 10/0 the 1/7 mordekaiser who is 2 levels down on you and has 2 full items less can still absolutely solo kill you if you arent careful.
Qyiana on the other hand can just dash away, go invicible, throw all nearby enemies to a wall and is a lot tankier.
Velkoz Q slows so much that its the only thing you have to hit to get away and you can just throw it straight at them, no need for fancy stuff.
League is not at all about landing your shit, if that was the case every yasuo one trick with 150+ games would be diamond. Most of them are bronze because they dont know how to convert their lead when they get one because it isnt so straight forward on him.
But sure, qyiana’s combos are a little harder than most champs combos, but she has so many tools to escape that she can fuck up her combo and just leave the fight without losing the whole lane for 1 mistake.
Qyiana is a champ you *can* do a lot of fancy stuff with but in low elo all you need to do is poke with q and all in level 6 with flash ignite ult and you auto win
@@mirzu42 cut the crap about Qiyana's combos being harder than most champions, they are litteraly muscle memory and quick fingers aided by cc chains (assassin btw)
@@fabdvl a lot harder than annie, yi, yone, malzahar, kayn, volibear, morde, warwick, garen, malphite, gragas, nautilus and quite literally half the champs that i cant even remember exist
Seeing Qiyana next to Fizz on a tier list of difficulty is just ridicolous, nothing more to add
Okay after a day of research I actually cannot agree more
@TehShroo qiyana is easy af ngl
@@dameonmacewen7468 qiyana is the most difficult assassin.....
@@anonymousperson5664 I think she’s easy to abuse when she’s broken as fuck, but as a champ, her skill cap is higher than most others
Qiyana is really really hard to play effectively especially when you see what players can do with her using double dashes through minion waves using prowlers.
Definitely would not put xerath in challenger. Yes they are all skill shots but they are all skill shots you can use in total safety
As xerath main I agree
Xerath and Lucian higher than Akali, Qiyana and Sylas is a total joke.
Thank you, id agree with nearly everything this vid said, but xerath is like a safe pic id recommend my little brother to go first time in league.
That and the ult's skill shots are capable of being rapid fired to the point no one can react, and that's without slows.
@@iurifrazao454 the only thing that would make sylas so hard would be his ultimate but the rest is medium at best.. coming from a sylas main
I’m guessing Skarner would fit into easy, but it was disappointing not to see him in the jungle ranking.
damn know i feel even more that they just wanted to get a video out xD
Well, i guess Skarner isn't a champion at all XD. Also, i would disagree putting him in easy tier. He has literally no damage and require completely different playstyle than other junglers due to his crystals. You have to play around your teammates so much, that it comes to at least medium tier.
They left out sejuani too
Zac isn't there either
@@lupusimmortalis3716 This feels such a low effort video. It's 12 minutes of just saying "Easy champs have no skillshots" "Medium champs are forgiving" "Hard champs need to actually do things" "Challenger champs just deal damage" and even then it's full of shit rankings.
I love how they emphasis EVERY CHAMPION when they don't even rank all the champions, fr some of they were in the rankings twice because they work in 2 roles but Sejuani was not even in one role ranking :(
I also cried as i didnt see seju in jng tierlist
@@xavento254 well tbf u know she would be in the medium tier based on this list
@@Fearzzy sure but its still nice to see champs u like in that list... And they told at the start of the vid that every champ is in the tierlist
But then you have gragas sup
Senna just don't exist i guess
I was really confused to not see Zac in anything up to hard tier, fr thought you'd put him into Challenger xD
Turns out you forgot to put him in completely
Zac challenger? Defo not. All of his abileties can strike 2 people
Sejuani too???
@@maz7515 was sejuani even mentioned?
@@dogleg5411 skarner didnt get mention
Zac - good E = win teamfight
I've been thinking about champion difficulty for a while. It is a controversial topic because of how subjective it is and I've been thinking how to make it as objective as possible. Then, once I get it down and can spare the time, will do it for every champion. So far, the idea is to get a list of criteria down and calculate a simple mean for them.
The current criteria are the following:
- Mechanical intensity
Very straight forward. It is how difficult a champion is to execute. (ex.: Garen gets low rate, Riven gets high)
- Resource management
How costly it is for this champion to do something? Champions who are resourceless, have built in sustain and/or easily fit lifesteal into their build will score lower. (ex.: Garen gets low rate, Vel'koz gets high)
- Scaling
Time is passes for everyone and is inevitable, so early game champions naturally lose relevance while scaling champions benefit from it. As such, scaling champions can afford to simply 'not lose' while early game champions must be proactive. Playing with an extra layer of pressure makes a champion more difficult. (ex.: Kayle gets low rate, Lee Sin gets high)
- Unique factor
A champion may not be that difficult in a vaccum, but he plays so different than everyone else the transition itself from a player picking him up the first time is costly. (ex.: Jinx gets low rate, Singed gets high)
- Tool avaliability
A champion that does only one thing is easier than a champion who does many. At the same time, champions with so many tools they have something for everything thrown at them can play more careless and not get punished for it. Expect onedimentional and overloaded champions to score low while nuanced but not limitless champions get the highest scores. (ex.: Garen and Aphelios get low rate, LeBlanc gets high rate)
- Skill floor
How many games does it take for the average player to take a basic grasp on the champion? (ex.: Veigar scores low, Aurelion Sol scores high)
- Skill ceiling
Once the basics are adquired, how far the player can push the limits of this champion? (ex.: Garen scores low, Lee Sin scores high)
Yeah this guide only seems to be based off of whether a champion has skill shots or not so yours would likely be way more accurate.
@@MrF3L1S Its impossible to be genuinely accurate about a topic that, at the end of the day, will continue to be mostly subjective. I used my criteria, skillcapped used theirs and, honestly, I think their list is fair. I don't agree with it from start to end, of course, but I see nothing too outrageous coming out of it.
@@shacolin6546 I'm put off by the xerath challenger tier. He's way too easy for that. And for resource management his passive makes that obsolete. Sure he has skill shots but they're easy to hit from the crazy amount of range and the 0 travel time most of them have.
@@MrF3L1S I agree, but if we start nitpicking we will find plenty of placements we won't agree with, but for the most part, there's little to no outrageous placements in thier list. They may be weighting skillshots more than you think they should be weighting, but different people will have different criteria.
@@MrF3L1S you struggle dodging xerath QW? E is easier to avoid than anivia egg and has a much shorter range.. and smaller hitbox.
Seeing Xerath and Kled in the Challenger tier has me in strong disagreement😅
I understand kled he could be hard or even medium easily, but Xerath? Who would you even put obove him? very few, or none. And yes I am a Xerath Jayce main, I am more surprised Irelia is above Velkoz and Ziggs
@@oscar95237 irelia has one of if not the highest skill ceiling in the game. Xerath is very easy to play
@@akaliotp6766 I don't find Xerath "hard to play", but he is also has a high skill ceiling but comes more with the class (artillery mage) than Xerath itself, Xerath itself has a high skill floor, irelia is a lot more easy to play than Xerath (skill floor).
Singed in medium too. He is very hard to play.
@@akaliotp6766 Irelia players speaking how their champ is ultra hard lmao
Azir is in Challenger, I'm satisfied.
azir is hard to master.
Coding Azir is challenger
Agreed, the rest of the ranks are pretty f**ked tho tbh.
Azir main here. Agree :D
Azir main. Agree with placement and assesment.
as a kled otp, it's comical how he is somehow placed harder than gangplank
yea like no offense, but kled is really easy to pick up.
Its not even like you can really learn your limits because the remount time is bugged xd
@@reeson it got fixed
@@reeson its already 2022 and people still think kled is easy champion, kled is really hard to play effectively and take long time to master well, maybe easy to do the job (average) but not easy to master, if u master (not talking about stupid M7) u can 2 v 1 early game without being fed, if u are average u barely can do 1 v 1 vs darius for example ;D.
@@themandateofheaven4655 he IS an easy champion and is insanely easy to counter as well, which is the reason he sucks balls on higher elos.
If a champion is worse in high ELO than in low ELO he is always easier to play than to counterplay.
Don't know what delusion you are on.
Ps: don't really like brining up rank, but you're a low gold Kled otp.
You gotta remember the people making this guide are challenger players. They no longer understand the plight of the gold player, and the champs you use to wreck your elo may be 10x harder to use in high elo because the enemies are just that much better at playing against it.
10:09 was that Taric about to attack Zed's shadow?????
Now, on a more serious note, you really value skillshots over many other things. Hitting Morgana q is the same as hitting Blitz q. Kinda slow projectile that can get blocked by anything. Landing skillshots isn't something that you have to re-learn if you know how to play one champ with skillshots, most of them work basically the same way. I can see an argument for more unique skillshots, like Nami q, but landing normal projectiles isn't the problem when learning a new champion (the supports I mention are just examples, you can take the same thing to any role and choose 3 different champions from that role. I play a lot of Elise, and mechanically she's not as hard to play at a basic level as this video suggests. Now, learning how to close games with a lead on Elise because you are worthless otherwise is a completely different beast, but getting an early game lead is easy. Walk into lane, throw Cocoon, mash your head against the rest of your abilities. If enemy not dead, then press r and press q. Boom, you can gank as Elise).
He was about to attack the ward near it
thank u , i was going to write the same thing ... skillshot isnt nessecary the most important thing in league champs !!!
Youd be surprised how many people skilshot zed shadow
@@differentomar9125 I'm not saying it's not important. If you play Blitz and can't land hook, you are useless. I'm saying it's not something you need to learn for every champion with a skillshot. Yes, skillshots have different hitboxes, travel speed, etc, but it's not a hard concept to understand. You aim the skillshot and throw it. If you understand that, you can play any skillshot based champion. You don't need to land every skillshot to play skillshot based champs. You can miss 70% of your Xerath poke, but you land one combo and someone has to base. There's a lot champs with no skillshots that are way harder to play than Xerath or Velkoz (Singed, for example)
@@Pyrrha_Nikos and thats why i agreed with you !!!
it amazes me to hear ezreal's voice actor, feels like ezreal itself is teaching us these lmao
Xerath in challenger is a joke (while Qiyana is medium). I'm sorry but just because a champ has skillshots doesn't make them super hard to play.
I think the paradox with Xerath is he's easy against low elo and hard against higher elos. I would agree that skillshot doesn't necessarily mean skill.
Those 2 were the worst offenders on their list, I agree. Qiyana is crazy hard to be good with, and Xerath is a snore.
@@Archinemi Yone should be in medium and that's being generous
@@eronabcj1693 lost your gold promos to yone?
@@Archinemi the invis can be obnoxious and doesnt take much skill to abuse.
xerath on the other hand.. do you know how easy it is to avoid his W? and Q? only his E is "easy" everything else has a delay. only like a Q pop is a "easy hit" but tickles.
i play sejuani mid... sejuani didnt make the list so she's apparently a minion.. but i have zero problem with plat elo xeraths.. but in diamond 1 im losing early game. question is by how much and can i make it back at lvl 6+.
gold elo qiyana? just go invis before i can 4th proc stun gg.
thats it. my fight snuffed.
i ultimate? np go invis.. i cant break it anymore unless i haev enough CDR for 2nd w to be up in time.
qiyana is mobile, has hard CC and invis. you wont tell me shes hard to play. you just need to have half a brain. (same as sejuani mid.. its not a hard champion. its just not malphite.
Gangplank is one of the hardest champs in the game to be useful, on par with azir. Would definitely NOT put him below irelia lol
GP is hard, he’s not Azir Hard.
They are ranking them off their skill floor. To pilot Azir for a new player is unthinkable. To play Gankplank for a brand new player, yes they may only use Q W R kinda well, but it’s still quite a simple champion with basic Middle of the pack Skill Floor.
But I do agree with the general sentiment they didn’t rank very many things to well. Overall.
They got the easy to rank ones right.
Garen is Easy.
Azir is insane.
Yea good job skill caped well done. I need you to tell me that.
Seems like a rushed, not very well thought out video, you know, if you start a video with “Don’t flame us in the comments, we know the rankings aren’t great” it’s probably a video that needs some more thought out into it.
You phrased that the exact incorrect way. He is top 3 hardest to master because you can hit insane 3 man barrels. But you do realize you can climb to Diamond just point clicking with his Q and 2-3 tapping
Oh yeah thats a big one too. Button masher gangplank compared to irelia....
@@Xci8 yeah you've put it more precisely put still if we talking about skill floor, irelia skill floor is not hard at all.
Gp should be def higher.
Irelia should be in highest level only if we talkin skill ceiling and then gp should be up in the sky
nah gangplank is medium tier MAX, being a garb champion doesn't illicit 'to be useful' to can just play safe farm up and sweep red ward and sit in bush and oneshot a team with barrels and then slow them with ult as they are running away, not difficult at all, definetly much less intensive than irelia or fiora, 100%
I actually thought it was a joke when you put xerath in challenger
Why? There's any other champ who deserved it more? And yes I am a Xerath Jayce main
@@oscar95237 he is easy as fuck
@@PanteraEnjoyer Then name harder champs that were not put in the "challenger" group. Personally I am used to "hard champs" so I don't see them as hard, but when you compare them to other champs you see the difference.
@@oscar95237 riven, learning all of her animation cancels etc. is way harder than playing xerath lol
@@PanteraEnjoyer you can play riven quite well even without cancels, she has quite low floor
Kled is easy to pick up, though. He has a simple kit, just that the confusing part is the passive. Maybe you're referring to the high skill cap needed to play Kled because you need hundreds of games to learn how to deal with his passive. Overall he's easy but also hard.
Yeah that Ezreal ranking sure isn't biased G_G
You watch your ezreal miss every Q then say that
I saw this comment before watching the video and assumed Ezreal was in easy tier. No he def belongs in the harder tiers.
Rumble is near higher, his passive is a big part of his kit and you have to time his abilities and heat or you’re next to useless in team fights
Idk I’ve lost to quite a few poop rumbles in my 10 years.
I think Med is good.
He’s not easy, but if I was helping a new friend to the game I also wouldn’t tell them he’s hard either.
But I agree a lot of the ranked are kinda f**ked.
@@EpicDBagger agreed, the thing about him, is hes a lot like sol, very unititive
Can someone explain how Graves can be ranked hard or even medium? This champ is so ridiculously easy to play as long as you don't suicide 1v4 because you sustain/burst too much
yeah idk, they put some champs in hard and Challenger and they're only a little bit tricky with something, like Taliyah. She's extremely easy, if you're already decent playing jungle You can play Taliyah at a good level
Also they put ryze in hard. He's not hard honestly the champion is so nerfed that if you want to be decent your opponent must be garbage
@@badbunnyfreaky well the thing is although ryze is overnerfed, he's still not easy to play. His combos need quick understanding of the situation since they can be so versatile. Do you need burst, sustained damage, CC, or simply faze rush to run. And his ult is a nightmare in solo queue.
@@badbunnyfreaky ryze is extremely hard to play. Low range mage with no dashes and very limited CC that relies on landing other abilities first isn't easy.... Also mana problems early
@@Crylikeamumu you combo always the same honestly.
You need phase rush? QWQ, QEW, QEQ, QWE, EWQ, EQW, WQE, WEQ. Just press 3 abilities in any order, EW if you want root EQ if you want damage.
You want sustained damage?
QWQEQ then QEQ ∞
You want burst damage?
QWQEQ then QEQ ∞
His ult is thrash but you max it only for its passive, using the active with team mates it's not Game changing like a Malphite+Orianna R. you're always using it for picking up the enemies remaining after a fight.
People is mainly garbage with Ryze because they don't understand that they're playing a overnerfed battle mage. they don't lane properly. Almost always pushing, Bad Tethering and Bad early management. Battle mages like Viktor and Vlad are more forgiving. Vlad has sustain, Viktor has a shield and a space abilite (W) and they don't need like 3 items to work.
Saying ryze is difficult to play it's like saying you have coordination problems it's very easy to wave combos when you have 5-10 games and you played other games that require a sort of coordination (all games). Ryze is not hard is thrash, 46WR on D2+ probably the elite can't play it because it's so difficult no one can
I feel like sometimes you were ranking off of how difficult it is to be usefull on the champ and sometimes how difficult it is to master them.
Thresh for instance is incredibly hard to master and deserves his challenger spot, but is he really that hard to be usefull on? I feel like landing a hook into R is always incredible value and doesnt really require hundreds of games or challenger knowledge
Agreed, hitting q and e can be incredibly useful that anyone can do on their first game
i agree with this statement
enemy champ can dodge to everywhere, can use dash to everywhere, can flash to everywhere... Yes, not that hard lol
I feel like Rell should be higher on the list, that champion is so easy yet so hard at the same time
easy, but unforgiving. Once you go in, you never com back lol
It takes a LOT of time to get her combo to work in a tf sooooooo yeah, as a mono rell i think to be able to play her consistantly you should play lane as a conter engage if your adc is not good at an all inn but if you have your dream to play with a samira just go, and leasing how to tf as rell takes weeks of playing
I think this is the difference between skill floor and skill ceiling. Rell has a medium skill floor (engage is not hard, but choosing when is important), but you can reach a higher ceiling than Alistair who has about the same skill floor
It's also because no one really knows how to build that champ, you can build her tank all the way, but will still be outscaled than other tanks. She isn't an Anti-tank either since most anti tank items are physical damage and the few items that are magic damage doesn't really help for her since she has no damage output.
@@Yusa_Beach there isnt much place for her in the meta rn
8:20 yasuo marksman? hmm
I know he's sometimes played on bot, but that still doesn't change his class. Just pointing it out. Maybe I'm wrong.
i wouldnt say xerath is hard to play, his skills are quite easy to land
You can't make the argument that Ezreal is difficult because all his damage comes from skillshots, then place him in a tier above Zeri, whose auto attacks are skillshots. Her skillshot basics have a lower range than Ezreal Q, she can't build defensive items like Frozen Heart or Crown without losing damage, and she has to be much closer to the action than Ezreal to get her damage off, which naturally implies having to dodge more abilities and space and kite better, where Ezreal can throw abilities from a safe distance while being tankier and doing similar damage.
Also strongly disagree with the Pantheon take. Pantheon needs immaculate decision making to actually snowball and end the game before he falls off and becomes a stun bot, in both mid and support.
Seeing Qiyana in Medium was offensive to my eyes. She took me 50 games to play competently. No other champion has felt so mechanically intensive. I'd take Irelia or Akali as easier than her. Then Xerath in challenger level? I stopped watching. If you sit mid and just farm safely you'll be fine... He has 1 easy combo. And easy wave clear.... I stopped watching after that.
Ive always hated the logic that more skillshots = harder champ. Qiyanna has 2 skillshots and i consider her significantly harder to learn the basics of AND master than xerath
I'm not gonna say anything, just wanna said that Qiyana is hard to play, Irelia and Akali are 2 of the champ i mained and still learning laning with Qiyana
Im a viktor main mid laner.my top 10 most played champs are all assassins except viktor and syndra. Ive played everysingle assassin and mage in mid lane(even khazix mid) not just trying them but climbing with them.
There are 3 champs i cant win a single game out of 10 games which is azir,qiyana,akali(im not very bad at her but i probably go 0/10 in 8 games of 10).
Most people say zed is very hard no one can play zed and such things but i speedrunned climbing on a fresh account with 80% win rate.
And i can confirm that qiyana is the most hardest champ ive ever played(btw i used to be a jungler so i considered jungle champs too)
@@barrywood9183 zed’s laning is extremely straightforward, poke down with w-e-q combo then all in when the kill opportunity presents itself. I tend to just avoid assassins in general now because i personally have a hard time translating getting fed in lane into having a successful mid-late game, at least thats what i think could be why a lot of people say “zed or ______ assassin is hard to master dont play them”
all qiyana has to do is press R in the river or walls to win a team fight basically, akali and irelia is not the same
As an irelia main, and played on the Korean server making it to Plat (won 2k dollars cause it was a bet me and my friend made) I found it surprisingly easy to play irelia until I went against an irelia smurf and I then realized, it might be easy to lane but the rest of the game is something else. This guy/gal mechanics and the they used irelias kit was so perfect. I have high respect
Irelia with Bork is basically full build and will 1v5 if the enemy team doesn’t have anti healing I have no idea how anyone is gonna defend her
@@akiri4484 that so hilariously untrue
I disagree that irelia is easy to lane
@@Andre-ih8rv maybe it was an overstatement but it wasn't as hard as I thought it was
Yeah I made secondary account to learn her and it’s certainly high skill cap and one mistake cost you every fight most of the time also learning from clips how to safely dive more because most just hug tower or coordinate ganks
You should rank them by how hard it is to master them. For example animation cancels,using passive with gankplank,using q with soraka in a teamfight and not dying,parrying skillshots with fiora w, lee sin combos,things like that. That way we can learn new things about the champions too.
I strongly disagree with the notion no skillsshots = easy and skillshots = hard
These guys are challenger. Try landing skillshots against other challenger players then rethink that notion. If you suck, you will literally do 0 damage on Xerath unless you auto attack them lol.
@@Cjd72 it also depends on how much a champ relies on the skillshot and at what point in a fight you would use it. take irelia and xin zhao. if irelia misses her e in many matchups she probably just dies. xin zhao skillshot is harder to hit but i call him one of the easiest jungler ever since you generally knock someone first to make sure you hit both parts of the skillshot.
@@Cjd72 But its skill floor? So it's based on bronze players
sejuani, zac, and skarner must just be in tears i guess ;--;
skill capped: every champion!
sejuani: yes.
Where tf is Sejuani in the jungle? Why does everyone keep forgetting her?
Skarner too
She got deleted back when they reworked her as far as I'm concerned. I'm okay with them leaving her out.
In my opinion Zoe should be in Challenger difficulty Tier, her kit alone (skillshot based champion like Xerath) and how to play teamfight as Zoe do require a lot of practice. She is definitely on the same level of difficulty as Xerath.
As a Zoe main, I think she is ok on hard since her w can make it forgiving to position badly or miss skillshots. Xerath definitely isn't any harder than Zoe though lol
Zoe is really hard now that you mention it... I can't understand how he could be above her in difficulty. I've only even played Xerath in ranked and I have a 50 percent win rate with him that's including games where allies just run it down.
@@iNsOmNiAcAnDrEw Yeah totally agree with you, Xerath has one of the longest range ingame. His R is kinda tricky to hit but everything else is alright.
Zoe is not an easy champ, but she definately is not even near as hard as Xerath, she has a forgiving kit (free summoners, ms, R, bubble) so she has not to worry about positioning that much, If she hits bubble (which can be thrown for no risk) she can chunk or burst kill while enemy cced (land 1 or 2 skillshot, not 4-8 like xerath) she is played optimally with corrupting pots (easy laning) and she has kill pressure in early too (ignite gaming)
@@oscar95237 Zoe definitely has to worry about positioning as much as xerath does. Yeah free summoners and the ms definitely makes it more forgiving but still. R doesn't make positioning easier too. Xerath has a slow and when you hit that, there is almost no way that you are going to miss the other skill shots. Also, Zoe q is way harder to hit than Xerath q + she doesn't have a slow
I didn’t see Zac :( no respect for us Zac mains
We don't exist. If it's skill ceilings zac would be hard because of how reliant he is on enemy jg tracking early but he's easy in skill floor
@@AGuy-0751 Do they have any idea how hard it is to hold E?....
Can Someone explain to me how so many champs are on here twice and are in different tiers? For Example, Xerath is in both Challenger and in Hard Tier @12:05
It's unfortunate that we don't have access to the champion mastery curves that Riot uses. That would be a pretty objective way of doing this.
Do we not? I'm not educated on the topic so I'm not really trying to correct you, but I want to ask for clarification. I recall that one of the well-known stats sites claimed Braum is the least mastered champion, as an example.
@@GTECH6_HABBO Champion mastery curves are a specific tool used by Riot. It's based on winrate by number of games played, not the "mastery" stat player accounts have. Riot has occasionally shared this data, but only in specific forms. It would be the best objective way to determine champion difficulty.
@@rileycorrigan5593 Those datas can easily be wrong based on champion's power and current balance
@@fabdvl You're missing the point. The champion's mastery curve/skill required to play is meant to be independent of current strength in the meta.
This is because we're looking for the relative change in winrate, not the actual absolute value. For instance, a super weak champion with a flat curve will still be easier to learn than a super strong champion with a steep and extended curve. In fact, that already exists; in Amumu and Yasuo respectively.
@@rileycorrigan5593 Does it consider stats from across all elos or can it be divided into high/medium/low singularly?
the amount of skill shots a champion has doesn't dictate how hard they are to play. Xerath being "challanger" is a joke, you have so much mana you can just spam your abilities and stay back, with 2 items you deal so much damage that you can miss 5 spells, hit 1 and still be the most powerful damage dealer on your team
HUGE +++ on the jg challenger tier. Elise, Nidalee, and Lee sin jg are all on my dodgelist. Tbh they are the only champs I dodge. Even if they do get some good kills early by 10-15 theyll have tossed a shutdown and become useless.
If I see a nidalee or elise on my team, I already assume the match is lost lol I feel like they’re too hard to play for low elo players to “master”
@@zombo8615 lol, elise is eazy asf. But in 12.10 oneshoots are harder
I'm glad I know I'm sane with the Miss Fortune being at easy. I'm no-lifing Tristana ADC right now and even if I destroy bot lane against a Miss Fortune, she always comes back with way larger benefits from her miniscule item spikes and will go from 0/5/0 to MVP 15/7/10 because of team fights or just raw damage increase.
heimer is realy underrated in how easy he is. sure putting up turrets isnt hard but he is way harder than people think. he for sure doesnt belong in easy tier
lol he's the king of top lane for a reason.
100% belongs in easy tier. even low elo heimer's are a royal pain in the ass to deal with. This isn't about skill caps, this is about skill floors, and you could teach a bot to play heimer at a bronze level.
Heimerdinger is hard champ i'm not saying it high elo player say it.
@@monsieurbres8062 no?
They're talking about short ranged ADCs while mentioning Vayne. With a 550 range, she´s in the median, meaning that more ADCs have the same range as her than not. You'd be thinking of Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Jhin, Aphelios, Draven, Twitch. Which ADCs have a higher base range than Vayne? You'd be looking at Varus, Senna, Ashe and Caitlyn. Tristana if you'd count her scaling range and Kog'Maw, Twitch and Aphelios if you think of conditional range. She's sitting at a comfortable spot regarding attack range. Her entire kit is focused around her auto attacks though which seperates her from other similarly ranged champions such as Miss Fortune, Ezreal and Jhin.
Nami is ranked harder than Gragas...
damn man... I want what you are having
Let's just say I snowballed my second Xerath game and continued with it through the next ones. Apart from his Ult, I found it easier to play him than Annie tbh.
I can see that with Bard. Had the pleasure of having a Bard in my team that froze me as Irelia mid q so all the enemy players had nice time to surround me and shit everything they had on me the second stasis wore off. My nice team in the meantime left me all alone in stasis to die..... And the Bard even had the nerve to say that he was saving me..... Could have throttled him...
Yeah Bard ult can truly backfire even for allies, everyone has a few seconds to figure out what to do after the stasis wears off, this includes both people who are and are not under stasis, but are in the general area. I played him many times in ARAM and did pretty good since macro was practically non-existent there, but when I played him in draft for the first time, I may have made a couple mistakes, and one of my teammates told me to never play Bard again. Welp lol
I generally save the ulti for very safe targets in the open or to disable turrets when we dive, even then it wasn't an easy champ, especially in low elo where people get pissed off the moment you start roaming and adc die within 60 seconds. Even the mid player that I was ganking question pinging me and said "wtf are you doing here support ?", smh...
I hope you dont hate bard players for that, im sorry for their behalf as a bard main
I was actually really suprised that VeigarV2 put Sona as one of the hardest champions in league. I feel like hes easy to play but there so much you can do with her to distinguish a good Sona from a bad Sona
yeah but even a bad sona is usefull if she presses w
@@rubixx_6924 Barely, Sonas W alone doesnt actually do that much. She only competes with other enchanters if she uses her passive exhaust/slow and ult correctly. Plus a bad Sona gets one shot
@@ggnick1695 yeah but then you could say the same for all the other enchanters, my point is that her kit itself isnt the hardest, its easy to play and maybe hard to master in this case
Few things to Point out:
Xerath in challenger while asol is hard, like is it a joke?
Windshitting brothers are hard. I can understand yas, but yone? No way.
Fiora rated challenger while riven, Camille or GP is hard. Both skill floor and ceiling is lower for Fiora than rest of them lol.
Bro riven and Camille are easy to play
@@zackbauer4562 They can be easy to play, if you have enough mechanical knowledge. They can be easy to play, but Fiora is even easier.
@@michael-s3g I don’t know, Camille and riven can rush head first at the enemy, whereas fiora needs to be focused on positioning so as to hit the vitals to maximise damage
@@zackbauer4562 good luck rushing head on into someone that knows what to do agaisnt it, or even into someone that can do shit even if they know what to do, they will just fall back lol. And you didnt mention GP, when he has much harder positioning problems than fiora, good luck on doing dmg when your barrel is destroyed by one aa from enemy adc.
@@michael-s3g Haven't played as GP before which is why I didn't mention him, the other three on the other hand I have some experience as.
Personally I think Lillia should be in hard tier. You have to time your abilities or you will die. Especially her Q and E. She can fall behind pretty easily especially with her low HP stat. Just my opinion tho
"Soraka is always of use no matter how bad the player is" straight up after a game with a soraka, that refused to heal allies lmao
you ran into a griefer, not a bad player.
i ran a parcifist soraka challenge a few weeks ago where my goal was to deal 0dmg and still win the game lol, early game was very hard to play but lategame i was still very usefull
Warwick and Tryndamere top look easy to play but to be good at them takes a lot of skill
Since we're talking about skill floor, I really think Thresh should be lower. Thresh is pretty easy to play at a decent level. Sure he's got a high skill ceiling, but his kit is really non-committal and safe, and also easy enough to understand and execute at a basic level. Same with Ezreal imo.
I'm also surprised Xerath is higher than both Asol and Qiyana. I'd say Zoe is hard for the same reasons Xerath is, but is still harder too.
I don't play top so no comment there. And I play Taliyah and Elise jungle, so I'll just take the w there
xerath is hard because you are a poke mage u have to farm safe against assassins or other mages also poke the enemy or you are just useless
@@aysel1181 True, but I feel that, at least from my experience, Zoe falling behind is even more useless than Xerath. You can scale on Xerath, but Zoe falls off a lot harder and is worse against tanks. I also think it's a bit harder to land Zoe q than Xer q, but that might just be a personal thing
@@epiccobra1080 no no u got a point
@@epiccobra1080 Zoe E is crazy good even from behind, and her Q will still chunk a squishy hard when behind due to the nature of how it scales. Xerath is literally useless as he got basically 0 utility and alot less damage than zoe when behind
@@Fearzzy A Xerath with Sorc Shoes can do enough of a squishy's healthbar that a team fight is won
You forgot about anivia one of the most beginner friendly units as support and is one of the most deadly burst stunts in the game
yuumi and nami should be one tier lower:
-yuumi can be played better by having some practice one that champ but there isnt really much to learn playing yuumi
-old Nami was quite a hard champ to do well on because you needed to land good bubbles and be careful with positioning, but the new one is more focussed on staying behind the carry and give him E, so positioning is way easdier and can be compared to Lulu in terms of difficulty
Agree with Yuumi but Nami is really hard her Q is really one of the hardest stun.
Nami is miles harder than yuumi
They put k a r m a lower than yuumi- im shocked
Funny how no skill shot champions with a simple kit is classified easy when it's actually difficult as fuck to pull that pick off in high elo vs overloaded kit champions
How is irelia and jayce harder than riven lmao
I think the animation cancels and combos actually aren’t *that* important. Sure, knowing them will make you really really strong but q auto q auto q auto will win you like 90% of duels in most elos.
Still agree with you tho she should be challenger tier
It's skill FLOOR, not skill ceiling. You can't just pick up Jayce and fight, but you can pick Riven and R + right click. Think about a bronze player doing that and youve got your answer
Because as a Riven you usually just have to learn your combos. Granted thats hard but with the others you often have to think about situational stuff and for example as Irelia you have to often think ahead in terms of wave prep
@@kile1343 bro u can find video where irelia miss EVERY facking ability and still kills gp, yea hard combo
@@Cjd72 funny but i suppose irelia is harder for both floor and ceiling. It could be biased because I was only playing vs riven, never on her. But playing irelia vs riven i find that if me and my opponent were medium skilled players then riven would win me
not sure about Xerathn skill shots doesn't mean harder, his range make him use his spells from a safe distance
I don’t think that Zed is hard at at all as Zed is a very very forgiving champ to play and that’s why Zed players/mains/OTPs appear a lot better than they actually are because Zed have this no risk/high reward playstyle, while yes it is true that is hard to use at first BUT once you get to breakdown his kit then you will realize that he is a easy Assassin to master as laning in him is ez because his W and R shadow acts as a safety net if something goes wrong and you won’t get hard punished compared to other Assassins such as Talon or Katarina.
Others will defend and say something like this” try team fighting with Zed or Zed sucks in team fights!” Bro it is not your Job as an Assassin to team fight! Leave that to tanks and bruiser, because your job as an Assassin is to look for skirmishes and pick off low hp enemies.
I know that there will be a lot of Zed mains and OTP that will get butthurt but let’s accept the fact that the reason why Zed mains and OTP looked great is because Zed is a very safe and forgiving champ with rooms for error, you don’t have to be goo at the game to be good with Zed unlike Yasuo,Riven,Leblanc,Akali,Katarina,Irelia etc.
Not a zed main but I feel u r looking at his kit very one dimensionally. His w and r can rarely be used as a “safety net” seeing they are his primary abilities. He cannot all in without them. If you are not capable of landing his combos, you are not capable of playing Zed because you will spend most of the laning phase being passive. Skillshot reliance tends to make champions hard to play. There is nothing in his kit that is forgiving after he spends w or r, which is his main damage output. In saying this I still hate Zed mains he’s just weirdly obnoxious to play against imo.
Zeds skill cap is much higher than you think lol. A 4/0 zed can easily die to a 0/4 akali/yasuo. His W is usually used for damage, not a safety net.
@@adamharrison3961 High skill ceiling but low skill cap, hard to use at first but easy to master, Zed is considered a melee Assassin but his range is absurd to be called a melee assassin, his W is a safety net because it’s like a mini teleport and it still be used backwards! Let’s have scenario and compare him to similar champs like Yone
If Yone decied to follow up his E-Q3 with his R but ended short, and the enemy jungle was at the bush, Yone will be punished because he always returns to his body, then let’s look at Zed, with Zed lands his W-E-Q and proc his electrocute, it only takes another combo to kill his enemy laner so he decided to go in with his R-W-E-Q but the enemy flashes away and their jungle gank you, Zed still have his W and R shadow and unlike Yone he have a option to what shadow he wants to return too and to mention he have 2 options and in enemies eyes they have 3 option, 1 is chase after zed, 2 go for his W shadow, 3 go for his R shadow, and that is the reason why Zed is a very forgiving champ because he isn’t punished for his mistakes, because he always have 2 options
@@pineappleboy248 Go to PH Server bro, Western server doesn’t have many players that abuse Zed because they value champs that have the ability to impact a team fight than champ with single target abilities, that’s why popular Midlaners in western servers are Yone,Yasuo,Kata,Ekko etc champ with abilities that can affect multiple opponents.
Zed’s bread and butter combos W-E-Q have many variations and can be used in multiple ways, for instance his W can be used backwards(effective if you wanna Bait your enemy,effective against Yone/Yasuo or Sett,Viego,Akali and Talon)
If a Zed doesn’t land both of his Q he will miss a lot of damage BUT he won’t get punished because he is far away, and unlike most if not all Assassin, Zed can farm in a distance and also unlike most if not all Assassins his abilities can go through minions, while yes it is true that his Q damage is 40% less after first enemy hit, Zed still have that advantage that he can fire out his combo in his own time not worrying about the wave state and because that he doesn’t need to worry about a minion blocking it, unlike for example Yone, you alway know that he will be looking for a chance to trade because his kit and combos are pretty linear, charge his Q then E,
Zed doesn’t need that, he can fire his W-E-Q right from where he stands. Unlike all assassins that needs great macros and fundamentals such as wave management to have a positive trade,Zed can and will fuck you up even with the wave is pushed or not. And no offense bro I think you are fighting against average Zed players, this average Zed player only use one combo in a match and is very predictable because their approach is very linear, this average Zed players usually knows how Zed works BUT doesn’t master him to the fullest, and that’s the thing with Zed’s kit, anyone that knows how each of Zed’s abilities work can play Zed in a decent level because like I said, you don’t have to be good at the game to be good with Zed.
Both Zed and Akali are disgusting champion but Zed will always have that advantage against Akali because of his Range.
@@pineappleboy248No offense but just to add up, I think you’re the one looking his kit one dimensionally because that fact that you mention that his W and R are rarely use for safety net means the Zed players that you encounter are just average Zed players with a very linear and predictable playstyle.
Bro, his BnB combo: W-E-Q and R-W-E-Q have a lot of variations and can be used both offensively and defensively!
I one tricked him once but dropped him after i realize that my Macro sucked, I’m getting good at Zed but I’m not getting good at the game.
my top 3 combos are
1. The Bermuda Death Triangle
This your typical triple Q combo
2. The Unseen Shadow from KitingZed engage with your R then throw your W shadow before taking Your R shadow
3. The Linear Shadow
Engage with R then throw your W where the opponents is heading usually away from you, other variations of this his throw your W first to the location where the enemy is heading then R( this combo is good for champs like Kassasin and Yasuo)
Judging from your evaluation, I don’t think that you encountered Zed players that used at least one of this combos
As a bard/thresh twotrick, this satisfies me
Guys remeber its skill floor, not ceiling. Some champs have low skill floor but high ceiling like Leesin or Riven
clearying waves from your tower as xerath is challenger skill floor?
why even make a skill floot tier list. The skill floor for each champion is diffrent for each rank. You cant first time Yasuo in silver and do good, since you dont even have the basic mechaniks down, while you can probably do decent on him if you 1st time him in high plat, since your overall gameplay is better. It makes no sense to make a tierlist like that.
maybe my example is dogshit, but you get the point
If it's about skill floor then Qiyana being mid is something stupid, she's not the hardest assassin but it's definitely way harder than for example fizz, who can e out of a bad trade
stuff like ceiling and most importantly how hard it is to climb with were most likely put into consideration tbh... would be weird if not
I find it kinda weird thst sion is medium bc no joke but multiple chmps counter his whole kit but whatever and i think the hardest mechanic with sion to learn is drifting
Nah auto spacing for passive
Rell is bare minimum Hard tier. She may be easy to execute, but her fatal flaw is that if she goes in, she is almost 99% likely to not come back out alive if you don’t win the fight.
While this may be the case with most engage supports, it is even more so true with Rell because you have to have almost perfect understanding of when is a good time to engage and who to engage on. With someone like Thresh, you can throw out a hook and it’s usually a pick. Even if the hook isn’t on a high value target, it’s usually going to convert into a kill which puts you at a numbers advantage. And if it doesn’t, you can choose not to go in. With Rell, it’s all or nothing. You either go in and take the fight or you just die and gain nothing.
Edit: It’s even funnier considering that they put Thresh in Challenger tier and really all you have to do to play him is hit your skill shots and it usually works out favorably.
I would say thresh and bard are definitely the only "challenger" tier support picks just because they are much harder to operate than most. Rell should definitely be in hard but you can defbinitely still have an impact on her even if you havent played her too much. She is more about decision making as a whole rather than on an individual champ level.
In comparison- Thresh has much weaker CC in general, relying on one skillshot for the majority of it and his E is generally just to support to pick or peel. Rell has large AOE abilities and her E/R are near impossible to miss.
I main support in 'ELO hell' and one thing I notice a lot, that landing your hook a lot of the time is little more than just a poke because ADC is AFK farming or whatever and doesn't want to miss that caster minion or whatever...
@@Cindersauruss I’d agree that Bard is 100% in the Challenger tier. Thresh, however, I heavily disagree with being in the Challenger tier. There is nothing hard about Thresh outside of lantern and hitting skillshots. I think the big thing that makes a Thresh player good is their ability to consistently hit hooks to set up plays. But that can be done with practice. I think he has a near-infinite skill ceiling with his ability to get creative with how he predicts flashes and things of that nature, but ultimately a very low barrier of entry.
The thing about Rell is, yes decision-making is a more macro focused concept, and isn’t something exclusive to her, but it’s her entire identity as a champ in a way and what makes her difficult. It can be argued that Rell can’t be played in low elo since no one knows when to go in for a fight. And even if they did know when to go in, players would never be ready to go in anyways. Which would result in Rell just dying for free most of the time. She’s also a champ that requires a lot of coordination, which even in high elo is hard to pull off since the only way to communicate is with pings.
@@MasterSethern yeah I mean engage/hook supports in low elo are just inherently like that. The players aren’t good enough to know that they should posture aggressively so that when their support lands something they can be ready to instantly react. Especially when it’s a favorable matchup or when the enemy is stepping out of line. It can be super frustrating, but a good tip is to ping when you’re about to do something. It makes them pay attention to you, because most low elo ADCs aren’t paying attention to their supports when they should be.
Angry rell main XD fucking noskill as hell
Morde with his more mechanical skills be like: I don't care I missed my Q and E I just need Brazil and passive
Where is Zac?
Yone? Hard? Dude. This man have everything in his kit to help out a braindead kid to be samurai weeb.
I don't think Veigar is easy. Yes, you don't rely on controlling waves as much but there's still plenty of room to improve. 1. You need to play safely early game and get stacks at the same time. 2. Wards are a must-have for a slow long-ranged mage. 3. Two of three abilities that deal damage are skillshots. W and E has a cast time. 4. Vulnerable in team fights. Not so long range of R makes it even worse. Cage will be useful. But if you'll stay in backline it won't be as useful as it could be. Maybe all of it sounds right for me just because I'm at gold ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But that's what I see.
The only saving grace for veigar is that the cage is useful and can be applied from relative safety, but i agree, still not easy but at least medium. And he put xerath in challenger lol
I was expecting somethings more sophisticate out of skillcapped but this tierlist is a fever dream.
I think Riven should be in the Challenger and Kled must be on the Medium Jayce on hard that just my honest opinion
In rivens current state she should move down into the medium tier.
@@nuhardusnytitdigivafflan8511 cap, shes broken as fuck but still extremely hard to pilot vs players with hands.
@@TKO9871 me after my damage is nullified by the very difficult 3s cd 205 + 120% AD shield and then I'm beaten by the insanely difficult aoe no startup stun into her third Q into her ult recast dealing 10 bajillion damage
Gangplank is both an Easy tier champ and a Challenger tier champ at the same time. A lot of his match-ups are just "Spam q and win" but those that arent require insane positioning, timing and spacing. I would say his playstyle becomes more difficult late-game even though that's when he shines since sure, massive AoE damage is great and all when you're not 1v1ing but if you fall behind or decide to go for a "One-shot build" you just evaporate as soon as someone touches you.
a guy who wins only with Q would be challenger , how skilled you have to be to win with 1 Ability
wait im cofnsued on viego but i guess they r speaking base kit only. cause his passive makes him every champion, which means u need to know every champion. I don't main him, but that is his passive. lol it just confused me at first seeing him in medium.
Seeing Yone, Yassuo, and Rengar in the same tier as Gangplank is criminal. A bad gangplank literally just feeds.
Theres a reason why yasuo and yone have 0/10 memes ab them and called the "int brothers" most people cant play them. But I do agree GP is harder than yone and rengar. Yasuo is debateable
I always wanted to start playing botlane but never liked regular marksmans.
I started spamming veigar 3 weeks ago. Wow. Such a simple kit, very good mid-late. He's also really strong early depending support matchup.
Sure it's hard to get lvl2 first, but if you don't, you play back and you have tp advantage so no worry in losing some cs early.
hes fun bot lane since everfrost and pred is so good
Isn't it weird that I personally got consistent success with Xerath mid, who is in Challenger tier; but also got consistently terrible results with Twisted Fate, who is in Medium?
No it isn't TF is a lot harder to be usefull on than Xerath. This is a bad tierlist. I've lost count on how many times someone has glorified xerath's difficulty. Very high skill ceiling but also very low skill floor. Actually one of the easiest Champs to be useful on.
Tf in medium was a hate crime fr
Personally I think Orianna could be a bit higher than just medium difficulty. Her whole kit is based on her ball and it is moving really slow, her Q has not got that big range and her ultimate is one of the hardest to land.
She could be a 1v9 carry in the right hands but this meta is not helping her state aswell. Since she is squishy and has low base stats a player has to work extra hard to survive the laning phase and be reliable in team fights. But there are a lot of assassine who need to buy some lethality and mr and she is done if you are a bit careless.
I just struggle so much to agree with the challenger tier for top lane, irelia and fiora I both picked up in gold elo, completely different playstyles to my normal tank champions, and completely stomped every lane with them, winning 7 or 8 out of my first 10 games with each. There's a good amount to master on these champions sure, but when you're talking about skill floor, they are not hard. Jayce definitely deserves to be there though and kled I'm not 100% sure but I would definitely agree he's at least hard. If you asked me for champions to replace those 2 in challenger tier, I would say riven and maybe gangplank, although gangplank skill floor isn't quite that bad it's more his skill ceiling so maybe just riven, and I'd probably drop both irelia and fiora down to medium
going through the rest of the video though a lot of the basis for what they consider difficult seems to be "skillshots or dashing a lot = hard" so I feel like a lot of this tier list is a bit scuffed on the high end, but the easy to medium tiers are pretty good which is what's important to new players
Where was Zac? If you want to rank every champion then do it but don't leave some out :c
Below easy so they dont even show him....jk he should be medium they really forgot about our blob boy :(
I hate when people say Leblanc is hard when some caster said that to make Faker at that time popular while he was pressing W to erase a champ and pressing againg to run away, or pressing W and R at the same spot just for the exagerated burst, something that is still done today but today at least you need to add the Q as no longer do the damage as before without it.
yuumi is harder than karma moakai and pantheon? thats quite questionable since with yuumi you dont even have to think about ur position
THATS WHAT IM SAYING??? specifically for karma since you have to manage so many things at once-
2:57 I would argue Fiora should not be challenger teir. While her skill ceiling is absurdly high, it is very once you learn basic trading combos it is easy to get a couple of items and AFK split push, which is very strong for her. Q gives escaping and Q and E both help with tower taking. hydra is core and gives wave clear. You this means you may not carry but you can certainly help the team, and he is very strong in 1v1 late even when behind. You don't have to win lane, you can just focus on farm, and then split push for pressure. This makes her have a much lower skill floor compared to the other ones on that list.
I’m sorry, but both Kog and Twitch are harder than Jhin/Lucian, their whole gameplay doesn’t leave anything for mistakes, while Jhin has utility and Lucian has dash with both much stronger early games.
Kog harder than Jhin LMFAO
@@damnmanstopmaldinglol6028 I gave away my reasons, and let me add up on Jhin, you can completely forget about kiting on Jhin, and can play him hit and run. He doesn't need the hardest adc mechanic.
no twitch and kog are much easier than jhin and lucian since they have harder abilities to play around + combos and skillshots. In the case of jhin his reload is a huge weakness and lucian is mostly strong when paired with a good support. Kog and twitch are just kiting adc's, they are just like every other adc in the game. Nothing hard
Twitch is like press r and right click. Jhin has to manage his basics (which isnt that harder, but its something), and knowing how to reset effectively the lucians dash is pretty hard, if we dont say that lucian is almost melee against kog and twitch
To be fair, if you can play Blitz you can play Thresh and still be 'good enough'. Thresh does have a higher potential and maximizing it takes time, but don't be scared of playing Thresh. You don't need to be godlike to be useful on him.
thresh hook is waaaay harder to hit than blitz, its like 3x slower...
I feel like Soraka is medium strictly from how careful she has to play. A lot of other supports can body block among other things that she simply can't do as a very squishy healer. I'll admit, late game is just click W and R so your team literally never dies.
I disagree on malzahar's placement. Hitting the flash-r-get up-go make a sandwich-go do my homework-watch a movie-take a nap-come back to my PC-recall-flash mastery emote-spam dance emote-type "gg ez" "outplayed, outskilled, outflashed, outchampioned" combo is really hard and takes a lot of skill.
Malzahar is not really strong actually
if u think fiora is harder than riven , then what can i say
Fiora main made the video
Please tell me what it's like to play Riven in challenger elo vs fiora in challenger elo and I'll respect your opinion. Nobody gives a shit how the champion plays in gold lol.
@@Cjd72 this is actually the most stupid comment ive seen today. You do realize the video is about how hard champions are to play? XDDDD
Yes Riven that can out trade anyone and after 6 do an all in in few sec
She is.
So what you’re saying is that Polupuff best boi is a beast. Point taken
why qiyana both on medium, idk if its easy to master her entire kit
My guess her Combo is really one dimensional. Although she has advanced combo's there variations of the same one with only an item included or breaking it up into parts to spread your damage if you have an excess of it. You only need 1 combo to do your job and when performed correctly offers only a second of counterplay assuming you have vision of her. Her Q auto-locks on anyone you've dashed too so you don't even need to aim it in the rotation and AOE CC on an assassin makes falling behind not as punishing as any other Assassin.
tl;dr Qiyana played right is like Irelia played right but without the need to aim and you get 2 stuns.
@@singularity1130 Dude she has Like 500000000 different combos in different situations i think Skill capped just hates her
@@singularity1130 as a Qiyana otp I agree about the falling behind part but not about the combos
@@singularity1130 tier list on based on the entire champ? Qiyanas combos on what element to chose in different moments is crucial, and the instant combos u need to pull since a nerf to her q doesnt make it autoaim anymore, her dmg is nerfed in consistent patches. The combos that you need to pull on qiyana is more than leesin, ask qiyana mains about this not too sure. She has high skill floor and celling
@@Qiyana244 as a Qiyana main I can confirm
It feels weird hearing all this from Ezreal.
Gangplank is a lot harder than irelia
Skill FLOOR, not skill ceiling bro
@@Cjd72 skill floor skill ceiling whatever gp has harder mechanics than irelia who just spams q
@@NikPapad Found the bronzie.
@@Cjd72 Kled is way easier than camille
@@shinji136 you play fortnite I’m not taking you serious
wow as a kled main i really didn't expect him to be challenger.
How is Yuumi not an easy tier champion?
you have to hit your q, you have to be careful not to be cc´d and you cant just sit on your teammates the entire game since you have to autoattack the enemies for mana. But to be honest my biggest issue with this champ is that especially in low elo your teammates are retards and just jump into 5enemies when you sit on them and you both die, also warding isnt that easy when you just sit on a teammate and they dont go to the positions you want to ward. But yes if you have a premate playing stuff like jax yuumi is freeelo
Honestly I feel like Yone should be in medium because he does most of his damage from rightclicking and his ult is basically Malphite ult. The most important thing with him is to know how to get the full use out of his E because you can use it to dodge a key ability or cleanse a CC effect.
I feel like ekko, viktor, xayah and senna should be higher. I also feel ryze should be lower for midlane, but I feel he's in the right spot for top.
Kai´sa and xayah are my 1st/3rd most played champions. and from my exprience i have a way easier time playing Kai´sa than playing xayah
(or short, agree)
I played all of these champs (Ekko, Viktor, Xayah and Senna) for a short time, they're easy, between all of them Xayah is the hardest, but from my experience playing them, Viktor has no skillshot (his E isn't one since you can't dodge it if the Viktor places it properly) Senna is broken af, Ekko has a lot of damage but need to tempo a bit and Xayah is about placing yourself well in team fight
@@pyro9745 I guess it's also down to person to person. Because from my experiance, senna is the hardest lol.
@@nathanaelsallhageriksson1719 yh
As an support main I can rank Enchanters
Easy : Sona, Lulu, Yuumi
Medium : Soraka, Janna, Karma, Seraphine
Hard : Renata, Nami, Senna, Taric
I'm very surprised to see Tristana in medium, it's a very easy champion to play as and not that hard to master as well
İt's not because it's hard to play it's simply not in the same class as mf and veigar.
Tristana main here--mechanically she's easy, but there are a lot of nuances in her kit that make the difference between survival and death. She can level an entire team if used properly, but a player who doesn't know how to stack her bomb quickly will be completely useless. A lot of it also comes down to decision making (can I survive a tower dive), resource management (her w is really expensive), and communication with the support. Also, as an adc she is safer than average, but still participates in that horror game known as kill-the-adc.
@@StevenPJames-fl1un Resetting her W by killing or manually blowing her E is great and I managed to make a Quadra (my very first) with her, felt very proud! :D. I do know her huge burst combo to, I leveled up my duelling and team fighting as well
@@Siinory her mobility and burst really turns her into assassin adc, and if fed enough she's scarier than khazix imo.
@@Siinory have you played her mid tho
As a new player, Kled is the first champ that I have some consistency with. I play a lot of Jax but seem to do better on Kled.
lol ezreal is like the easiest adc imo, completely bypasses a lot of adc fundamentals and his q hitbox is nuts
I think these lists were generally accurate, while I disagreed with some picks I agreed with around 80% which considering the content of this list is pretty good.
I think Blitz is Medium, not hard for a new player to pick up.
Easiest Hook champ for sure.
It’s skill floor is kinda low.
How ever Bard and Thresh great placements GJ you passed the easy part.
hi sorry for being late but is a hard tire that u have mastered better than an easy tire?