I was covering Pune Hubli vande Bharat Inauguration journey, and there was seat confusion between the zones SWR and CR, they had allotted same seat numbers from each zone to different. When told it is allotted from SWR, the Pune CPRO started yelling on many of people saying this is CR and we have allotted the seat to our mates, you guys arrange ur things by ur own and other nonsense stuffs and his behaviour was very very bad. Then I spoke to a TTE, he was such polite and humble, that he understood the confusion and made everything sorted, which should have been done by the CPRO.
Bahut badiya❤❤
Thank you so much 😄❤️
Alnavar to dandali one trip show by train
Sad news is, currently no train running towards dandeli 🥲
Why worst CPRO of Pune. What's the reason please
I was covering Pune Hubli vande Bharat Inauguration journey, and there was seat confusion between the zones SWR and CR, they had allotted same seat numbers from each zone to different. When told it is allotted from SWR, the Pune CPRO started yelling on many of people saying this is CR and we have allotted the seat to our mates, you guys arrange ur things by ur own and other nonsense stuffs and his behaviour was very very bad. Then I spoke to a TTE, he was such polite and humble, that he understood the confusion and made everything sorted, which should have been done by the CPRO.
@@sk_yadav_vlogs ohhh got it. 🥲