And working class men had to serve in the trenches of WW1 to get their vote (and I think it was 1918 rather than 1917). Women did ... what exactly to get their vote?
@@oldfella3919 Well they did a whole bunch of bombing and arson to get the vote. The men just got fed up of their whining and gave it to them 10 years after men. 10 years, a whole century narrative of oppression based on waiting 10 years for a vote they didnt pay with their lives for.
@@oldfella3919 civil disobedience, criminal damage, hunger strikes, public demonstrations, jumping in front of the King's horse. Have you really never heard of the suffragettes?
It should still be this way. As a renter I would have zero problem with it. Either that or should have to have children and not on any entitlement programs. Maybe be a net tax payer? You should have some skin in the game. T
@smelltheglove2038 hell no, corporations own the majority of property in most major cities, government owns most of the land due to big agriculture and environmental control. That's not feasible anymore.
@@Couldhavebeensomeone plenty of people own their homes in the cities. My son’s mother owns her home in Philadelphia. The vast majority of people in single family homes own their homes, even condo units have owners in the cities. The people you’re talking about about in cities are also net beneficiaries of entitlements, which should also disqualify them.
Feminism: "we want equal representation in the workforce" Interpretation: "We really mean positions of authority and we don't want the responsibility that comes with it"
I always ask what jobs women are arguing about when it comes to equality. It's always about CEOs, president, chairmans, all positions of power. Why is the conversation not about more female mechanics, plumbers, or bricklayers...? You know, laborious and not authoritarian positions.
I have strengths my husband doesn’t have. None of those strengths include building, or electrical work, or anything like it. My husband is a floor layer…..yet, he can fix anything. He can build. He keeps our car maintained. Men have a natural tendency to build, and to invent, and maintain. This isn’t misogyny. This is biology! To deny this is to lie to yourself. Sorry, but it’s true.
No she is pointing out that both men and women have different natural born skills. But, Have you forgotten the women that were laughed out of the medical profession 250 years ago? Have you forgotten that up until the 20th century women could not get a mortgage, inherit (due to no male heirs) property yes, buy on their own no. And lets talk about the choices women have in other not so liberal countries, do little girls choose to have their private parts cut off? Do they get all get to choose their partners? Are they regarded as anything but property?
@@catthomas5505 Poor men have dealt with all the same thought the entirety of history, still do to this day, and still managed to become great. Says it all doesn’t it? One group fights their way to the top through adversity and the other cries about it and screeches for handouts and special treatment.
But those queens were contested and only got there due to no suitable male heir. If women had in the past the same rights as men I would be A duchess, not working class (my ancestors were Noble Barons) we have come along way, but it's still not equal. You wont find many women working in a construction site. Just like you wont find many men working in a beauty salon. There are exceptions but it's not the norm.
@@catthomas5505Still not equal? 🤣🤣🤣 ,well they are talking about conscription for young people receiving benefits.But low and behold nobody is mentioning that young females are going to be conscripted.Just the males 🤣🤣🤣
@@hamster4618You can't have equal rights/ place if you don't do equal jobs. If I am required to "stay on that sinking boat" or go to war, while women are allowed a choice, then we are not talking about equality, are we.
@@WrongButtonWB enlighten me bud, what jobs or abilities do grant equal rights? Be specific. Does the doctor get equal rights? The CEO? The accountant? The writer? Or does only your specific job type grant rights? As for being required to stay on sinking ships: you aren’t required to stay on a sinking boat. Furthermore research has shown that when push comes to shove men don’t stay on the sinking ship. From research of, I believe 44 shipwrecks, percentage wise most crew survived, than men, women and children being the least likely to survive. It’s great that there’s been one example which stood out, but it’s pretty much the ONLY example. As for war, are you suggesting only people who kill others should have rights? Has any 40 year old man in the USA, UK or whatever country you are from been forced to fight? So, no rights? How about LIFE. People not creating death and destruction, but LIFE. Why wouldn’t they get rights. Do you think so poorly about yourself that you think the person who created you in her body is worthless? That’s sad man.
@@hamster4618 Can you go back and read previous comment once again, sounds to me that you either didn't read it or didn't understand it. You can't demand/ expect equality if you don't "give the society the same effort" as the other half. Stop with that entitlement bs. How come every single feminist, screaming for equal paychecks, only has the most desirable jobs in their minds? What about any infrastructure jobs, how come we don't hear any women screaming about they don't get the same chance as men, to be a bricklayers, for example?! You first have to walk the walk, than talk the talk. It is that simple. Doesn't matter if you are a man or woman.
Most people don't even know it exists. Doesn't that tell you something? Mens didn't need to be validated or celebrated. They just do the work that needs to be done.
he does not want to give his own opinion, (he is not allowed to) because he is scared of being cancelled , are we really living in a men's world here ? , i don't think so .
@@peterlam1635I think he was making a joke He clearly didn’t want to give his opinion on it before listening to the guest so he used the joke as an excuse
I finally found someone that thinks like I do. I’m sorry but I was brought up to be helpful to a woman or a man, and makes no difference what their color is . I hold the door for anyone who is going thru a door after me, I don’t see what the problem is, most of the time I don’t know who is going through the door. I really don’t give it a thought it was the way my father taught me so, I guess I’m sorry for being deceit.
@LateNightRewrites What do you think you deserve for holding a door open that I could easily push open if you didn’t hold it? I’ll always say thank you, and I’m not offended by guys doing it, but seriously, appreciation for holding a door open, what do you think we owe you for that, a hug?
@donaldhensley8328 In real life has any woman ever been offended by you holding open a door? Or are your opinions based on controversial things young girls on TikTok say to get views and make money? Honestly hold it open or don’t hold it open, it really doesn’t make any difference to 99.999% of women.
In Canada we have female engineers doctors and many women in trades including working on road construction etc where do you live? As far as women day I don’t need it who cares your lives must be empty to even be discussing this
I am a heterosexual American women. Whenever I see Douglas Murray I stop and devour every moment of wisdom from this elegant, informative, and highly engaging figure. More DM on TalkTV please!
@CuteCuteCute-02 LOL I already know that is why I made the comment - that is how fabulous he is! Both my gay best friend and I swoon together when we tune in LOL
They are also privileged in sports. The worst men's Olympic soccer team could beat the best Olympic women's team. In other words, Men's records are universal, and women's records are restricted to the privileged class.
Mom, you correct; EVERYDAY!…. Exodus 20:12, “Honor your FATHER AND your MOTHER, (so) that your days may be long in the land that YHWH your Alohim is giving you.”
Douglas has been off on some stuff in my view. I feel like he’s kind of anti American and was also against Trump for things he didn’t do and others were actually guilty of.
How many times do women enter a relationship and their husband have to clear their debt. No concept of consequences! Because a man will sort it all out for them.
@@stephaniefarrantShe’s talking sense and that is why both women talk her down. They didn’t read the histories that she referred to, and wouldn’t admit it.
@@jehanariyaratnam2874yeah unfortunately in the west that’s like every day. Valentines and Mother’s Day and their wedding and probably fifty other occasions all must be treated like grand ballroom events or else you’re an uncaring evil man. She however can do nothing in return for you and that’s fine. You’re a guy, you aren’t supposed to be celebrated.
Douglas is the Reason I subscribed. I admire him a lot for his Work as an Historian,Author and Journalist. Much❤from a Lad with English Descent (Living in West Germany)
"Women didn't have the vote in the United Kingdom until a hundred or so years ago". Let's be more precise than that, it was 96 years ago in 1928. Men got the vote ON THE SAME DAY because several million had recently been conscripted (with almost a million of them dying) by a government they had no part in choosing, it being successfully argued (eventually) that a government that holds such absolute power over the lives and deaths of its citizens should be chosen by those citizens. It's not entirely clear why women got the vote but it seems to have something to do with their constant f*cking whining about it.
Let’s be more precise. Women over 30 got it in 1918. It was then given to those over 21 in 1928. So they have not had it any worse than working class men. Stop bleating ladies.
Pearl is right to a large extent but she knows nothing about the experience of women in 3rd world countries. Many girls in Northern Nigeria for example really do not have much of a choice.
@@MannysTechWorldWhatever the factor may be, the bottomline is that the freedom and privilege enjoyed by women in developed countries is not universal as Pearl claims. What's happening in Europe and America is very different from what's happening in certain parts of Africa for example.
Also displays her total ignorance of cultural differences between African and Western culture. She naively assumes that women in both cultures have the same rights. Which they don't.
It never fails to amaze me, that the very same people who whine on about equality and fairness, are always the very same people who constantly pitch up at segregation rituals. Dividing people is all fair and well, when there is a reward to be had for doing it. Hypocrites.
@@budoshi-f2l I'd say they would promote anything that discriminates against white straight men. That's what's REALLY at the heart of what they do. classic misandry
@@thevoid6818 every day? When men as a sex are expected to just take sexism against them on them chin, literally put up with inequalities under the law and across society whilst being told everything should be equal, being forced to adopt a female thought pattern and behavioural structure in public lest a woman have to hear the truth or know she isn't the centre of the universe?
@@Durram258women need to be told they are not the centre of the universe. Women wanted equality but then decde hey deserve more (same money for 3 sets of tennis vs 5 sets for men at Wimbledonm for example - how is that fair?) It is about time we just respected each other and vive la difference. There are some cultures that repress females which is wrong but that has to change within that country's culture. I am British - I believe in equality and I believe in both sexes being respectful of each other - in everything. If women wanted equality and equal pay why do some divas still insist on men paying for dinner - pay your half girls and ensure no-one expects sex as "afters" a d keep your self respect. Etc etc etc
Ffs.. in the UK, woman had the right to vote as did anyone that met voting requirements before they were specifically barred when UK voting requirements changed in the 1830s. The truth is that Woman couldn't vote for approx 70 yrs in the UK, that is all. Voting was originally something that only rate payers had the right to do, that was then changed from owners to renters no matter the sex. With regard to anyone making claims on social media about anything, we need to make sure that they are in fact not making things up to get attention playing the victim card. Rights couldn't be more equal today!
I agree that rights are mostly equal now. The problem is more to do with how they’re applied. For example men who are victims of crime get a much higher conviction rate than women do. Women are far more likely to be attacked by a man than a man is a woman. High paying jobs are far more likely to be given to a man than a woman. And for all the talk about women having the right to vote, it’s pretty meaningless. Women voted strongly against Johnson and Brexit yet both were installed by the male vote. Same with Trump in the US. Women’s votes really don’t impact things, we tend to vote progressively and men vote conservatively, more men vote the same way to the point we need almost every single woman to vote for the same candidate for it to have any impact. Anyway going off topic but my point is feminism isn’t really about rights anymore so much as it’s about equality and fairness in society. Men need to stop grooming young girls in gangs really before we can ever stop fighting for the rights of women and girls. It’s incredibly sad to me that our British men only ever care about violent offences to young girls when the perpetrator has brown skin.
You probably never left your village or British borders. But do you know roughly speaking, 3/4 of females on this planet don't have same rights as men? Muslim countries, Africa, China, India? Equal right are written in many constitutions, but the reality is totally different...
@@tyali84 That black woman is a living contradiction of her own words. She said girls in her family didn't have a choice in their lives and yet she is on TV in the UK as a news presenter lmao. She clearly chose that very high paying career and nothing stopped her from achieving it.
Everyone brings up one woman Curie and maybe a small handful of others when there are thousands and thousands of men who are equal and better than her. What does that tell you?
@@Patrick-oj8rm I can say the same for women too . The difference is that men get the exposure and women don't. Thus , naturally it seems men have achieved more than women.
When a woman 'winges', "Did you open the door for me because I'm a WOMAN...", I respond, "Not at all. I opened the door for you because of your advanced age."
absolutely, if you have no stake in the system, then you have no say in how it runs. Imagine never playing Monopoly, but everyone who does play it, MUST use your “house rules”.
Spot on. I have a personal connection to the Suffragettes and it was in reality an upper class movement that despised the working class women. They begrudgingly accepted working class women but there was a big class divide in the Suffragettes. They wanted votes for wealthy women. Working class men didn't have the vote either until after WWI.
or mothers that wanted to have a family. I grew up hearing feminists tear into my mom for having a family that she gave up a career in university to raise?
Modern Western Feminism is essentially no different than a toddler acting up. Both often want acknowledgement for doing something Adult Men do without batting an eyelid.
Especially with white women. The least poorly treated of all women throughout all of time complain the most because they live in societies where they have rights and freedoms....yet they complain about the past as if nothing has changed. "We're not the CEOs of a majority of fortune 500 companies! The world is so unfair! Waaaaaah! My daughter has to study and work hard to become a success....this is an outrage!" The entitlement is so strong in this generation of women. The dirtiest they've ever been is while potting up some geraniums or bulbs for the coming season. The most they've sweated is during a 'womens only' gym class or hot yoga session.
How is that a victory? battle versus war - Because, that's forgetting about the real issue = INEQUALITY/JUSTICE... I even saw a comment saying that the poor men earned it with their blood (for fighting in the war), when women got it for "nothing" FOR REAL???!!!... As if women didn't pay the price of wars in many ways including blood and death... I'm tired of this incomplete and circular reasoning...
Equality feminism has focused on being allowed to do what men have traditionally done while traditional activities by women have remained low status with low financial rewards.
@@cosymedia2257 If you're going to compare the price men and women pay in war, and claim them as being anywhere near equal, then I suggest you spend less time on youtube and more time in reality.
The greatest women are those that become mother's. They carry their baby's for nine months and birth them. They nurture and care for them until they're old enough to be on their own. And they still care and worry for them for the rest of their life's. Mother's are the most special of all women.
@@bl4531 the question mark is irrelevant as the question was illogical. They didn't say childless women don't have worth. "Red is the greatest colour." "So you're saying that green counts for nothing?"
@@redpillmickyshe's also hated for other things. Look at her history. She was outed by people on the right too. Something to do with some black guy she was with but looks it up for yourself
Pearl is just not meant to be a woman. Coming from an African country like Esther i agree with what she said the girl maybe 18 but she has no say because it is cultural for her parents to still decide on her marriage and to who. Pearl sees everything from the perspective of what liberalism is doing in the west
Most of those who their parents decide it who they get marry too still have their families together unlike those who like to think they know better and have kids with different man and by coming from an African country doesn’t make your struggles any harder compare to the rest of the world!
@@comparecards5688 I don't disagree with arranged marriage but what happens and how it happens in our society is different from the west standpoint. I will love to arrange my daughter's marriage so she doesn't struggle to find someone who won't take good care of her but the problem that am highlighting here is the fact that there are society that still treat women like they have no say at all like mine and to celebrate those of them who made it is a good thing. If you don't come from one of those places you could not understand what some women are still up against in 2024
@@annalawson6788 I know what you mean and there are extreme cases that has happened here in UK as well and ofcourse the world has changed for worse plus social media is affecting people’s way of thinking unfortunately!
I don’t hate men. I admire their marvellous engineering skills. My brother in law works underground in a mine. He showed me the amazing engineering men have done there. It’s truly incredible.
They have no "rights" because those countries are poverty stricken countries and have boys and men having to do the worst of the work. That's why if those men have any "rights" at all, it's because of the steep price that comes with their responsibilities. I put "rights" in quotes because really, it's just duties / work that they must be do, either compelled or for their families. It's very easy to say from our privileged position that it should be the same in terms of privileges when we have conveniences that allow it to be so while they do not.
@ajax201000 reproductive healthcare, if you still don't know what I'm referring to try googling Izabela T or Savita Halappanavar, both died needlessly in Western countries because they were denied the medical care they needed
Woman "I grew up in northern nigeria. I had a female friend who had to marry at 18 and had 4 kids by 23. I chose to go into education. She wasn't allowed a choice because she was female"
And that female friend I presume married a young man who thus also suddenly had a family with 4 kids and was forced to go off working his butt off every day for the rest of his life to support his family. He "wasn't allowed a choice". Feminists always only sees the miseries of females and turn a blind eye to those of men, and when the cause of limited options is poverty, they confuse it with a supposed "oppression of women" or "discrimination of women".
And if anyone does it for me I will also say thank you regardless of who they are. People are so weird. They're getting Hella bitter and delusional, it's quite disturbing
OK, 2 questions for Pearl... 1. Why do ALL men get the right of vote, while a few of them work on "physically" hard jobs? Should we take away the vote from men who don't work on those jobs? 2. Why raising children isn't considered a physically and mentally hard job? What are the criteria of a hard job? Bonus: 3. Pearl, why do you use your own inability of achieving things to criticize the rest of the women?
Yea. I'm a historian, I can confirm that women were treated fairly in the past, especially in the dark ages. "Malleus Maleficarum" was written purely for entertainment. In the Middle Ages, or the period from the 5th to the 15th century, I can confirm that women were not restricted from owning property. Even latter, in the US, for example, in 1960, women could have a credit card. That young lady in the video is very smart, although these two are also smart. I heard that people in the world don't celebrate March 8, but mark it, luckily she was there to expose their lies.
@@eliotnes6036 I'm also an historian and can tell you females were oppressed. You pointing out that females could have credit cards in the 1960's doesn't take away the fact that many females in the U.S. couldn't be listed as inventors. Unless it was under their husbands name. If you are an historian you have to make clear which area of the world you are referring to because different territories had different rules for the common person. Pearl is wrong for saying that the female from Nigeria contradicted herself. The female told a scenario of two different family situations. Even went so far as to tell the audience that her family situation was very different from her friend and that she was very privileged. Yet Pearl totally disregards that to push this idea that in Nigeria arranged marriages are unheard of. So the other female had to have a choice. Pearl is getting so wrapped up in her masculinity that she doesn't any problems arising for females in the world. She might need to travel a bit more just beside privileged Western countries
@@Opinlinz I was very, very sarcastic. Women could not get a credit card until 1975 in the US. Besides, when they got that right, they would do it as "someone's wife". If you are a historian, I hope you are very young, or you haven't read the text, because the title of the book that I put, is literally a guide to torturing and killing women. Even today in this world about 60% of women do not have fundamental rights. The lady in that video was wrong on every point, literally every point.
There are places where women and girls have choices made for them. FGM, child marriage, no suffrage, little to no say in public life, little access to education, difficulty accessing basic healthcare, such as wellness visits. But in those places, all but the men at the top have say over their lives. Pearl's seems to be a distinctly Western perspective. But an international women's day isn't going to help women and girls in those places.
Welcome to Islam! Which is ALSO against you if yr Jewish, Christian, Black or just not-a-Muslim! ie this is NOT merely a women's issue at all. Women from other cultures in the SAME situation DID have choices. Pearl was right.
Before the 19th century once women married, all their property, money, and earnings were controlled by their husband. Women would even lose their property following divorce. Women also had no legal rights over their children. There was massive inequality with divorce. A husbad could simply make a claim and he would be granted a divorce whereas a wife had to prove what she was saying with evidence. A husband could beat and rape his wife without fear of prosecution. It was also legal to pay women less than men.
@@michaelbrittain7445the women who have actual choices in those countries most likely could afford to, say, flee said countries. Many poor women do not. Note: also switch out “women” with the other groups that are oppressed by Islam and my statement applies there too.
Those women from developing countries who claim they do not have a choice actually switch from charging all their expenses to their dad's account to their husband's account. The reason they do not have a choice is that they do not earn anything, and Dad pushes them out by finding them a husband. Dad has to work hard to find a husband, too, and sometimes he may pay a dowry.
Did she seriously just say "what have women accomplished?" and actually made it about the birth rates falling?! Oh no! Over population may end! How terrible... -_- I'm hoping there are some real people left on here who aren't doing everything in their power to turn back the wheels of time and excuse modern day misogyny. (Let's also take a moment to note how she couldn't help herself to interrupt the other women and then waited patiently for Douglas to finish.)
Pearl makes great points, but she totally missed Esther’s point. Many girls in other parts of the world don’t have a choice but to get circumcised and married off before the age of 16.
Its hard to see being married off as a bad thing as a women. Its a fact that every study on that subject shows that by age 30, 40, and 50+ women who get an arranged marriage they can't escape from are far more happy than the vast majority of western women who have choice. In fact the one group of women who are as happy in the west are the ones that have children very young and that leads to a long term relationship. Modern women from western nations are the least happy group of women in recorded history, clearly that's because they have lost most of their privilege, women used to have a care taker/parental guardian of sorts their entire lives, now they only have that at the start. Life is much harder when you're expected to function as an adult, being a full fledged adult is something that's new to women, for most of human history they were treated like large children, I think its going to take at least a few hundred years for women to properly adapt to the new situation.
Thanks to the women who fought for feminism, that Pearl is able to talk and speak freely as she does. I would love to see her live in the 1800s, be a stay at home mum, raising 7 young kids and living in povish. Let’s see if she thinks it’s not hard then.
What kind of life do you think her husband would've had? Would he have been working 60-70hr weeks for next to nothing? Would he have had any kind of medical benefits scheme for any injuries suffered in his unsafe workplace? Would he have safe working conditions legislated and protected by regular inspections? Not on your life. And, at the outbreak of war he would've heen press ganged into service without question or possibility of disagreement. Any injuries(physical or mental) he may have suffered in that conflict would mean no social welfare or ongoing medical care from the state.....flip the coin, look at the other side before making such a daft comment. Where the hell do you get "seven children"? This isn't a Monty Python skit.
Kenan Basic spent two hours helping a stranger fix her broken car says his life has been destroyed after the woman falsely accused him of sexual assault. Kenan Basic faced serious sexual charges and spent two weeks in Silverwater Prison. Because of the ordeal, he also lost his job and is going through a divorce. On Monday, all charges were dropped after the woman broke down when pressed by detectives in an interview and admitted she'd made up the accusations. 10 May, 2019
Pearl missed the point here with the lady from Ghana or Nigeria, who made a great point. Western world problems are not the same as other nations, where many women are married off and controlled. Pearl was ready to attack and didn’t listen
In non Western countries the burden of a success family is fully on the men. The women are protected and saved from stupid choices with long term consequences. Such as teenage mothership without marriage, ho' ing around, doing sex work and so on ... The FOCUS is on FAMILY and LINEAGE instead of bullshit quests of 'finding yourself'. We all know women choose very bad partners early on - Nice guys finish last is a well known saying for a reason. Its all prevention - just like Pearl said about the early days - women didn't vote because they were PROTECTED from war participation. Freedom comes with responsibility!
@@sharynp3142 she NEVER says any can’t have an opinion or exercise their free speech. She NEVER ignores or insults folks bc of their opinions. She NEVER tries to cancel anyone or demonetize anyone. She is very tolerant.
I normally like some things Pearl says but stating that the young girl's mate had a choice in marriage, as it still goes on today in some families young girls getting married off and have no say in the matter.
And shouldn’t those girls’ mothers be standing up for their daughters? And no, 18 is not a girl. She’s a woman. Some of my classmates had three kids by the time they were 18.
@@VRIceblast So you mean to say that there is no such thing as forced marriages in the West? 🤔 Have you been keeping up with ANY facts at all, or just fake news as this Pearl appears to be going by?
It's really high time people get the facts straight about women's right to vote. In the UK women were granted the vote in 1928. What most people seem to be ignorant of is that the vast majority of MEN could not vote before 1918. It took just ten years from the time men were granted universal suffrage for that right to be extended to women as well. Where's the great injustice?
In 6000 yrs of recorded history was there ever any civilisation or culture that thrived or prospered under a matriarchy? If not, then why? Millions of men lost their lives in wars and poverty over that same period to afford the safety, security and standards of living we see today. No one should ever just front up and simply say i want that too without the sacrifice .. where is the respect because what we see today is a complete lack thereof.
In the UK it took a thousand years for men to get the vote, for women just a hundred because men had paved the way. Some gratitude would be appreciated instead of constant resentment.
@@blah914Highest statistics for domestic violence in both UK and USA are Lesbian relationships.... So yeah. Think you may have to re-evaluate your argument.
This is also why women always hate desperate men the most, they know deep down it's not good for themself to have a puppy dog around and subconsciously want someone with them who thinks logically over emotionally. Us men are subconsciously attracted to well organised, clean and confident women, who won't take our crap because subconsciously we know it's not good for us to be a momma's boy and have one around.
In the UK, all men didn't get the right to vote until 1918. Women received the same right 10 years later in 1928. But voting was still restricted to adults 21 years old and older.
She seems very duplicitous in her takes over time and many YT channels have also debunked her use of statistics as well. She does not present the full story or the ‘why’ behind the data.
@@paj2762 The point is that certain women will claim that women only recently got the right to vote. In the scheme of things 100 years is not that long ago so theu aren't wrong.. But they fail to mention that the overwhelming majority of men couldn't vote either. It wasn't a men versus women issue it was a class issue. Feminists in their feminating leave out that part.
No international women's day for USA until you define what is a WOMAN
Should it be called womens day or birthing peoples day?
A woman is a woman, lol.
I kid. I love asking this question, too, and watching people stumble on it. It literally stops people in their tracks.
And who exactly is " you" ??
@kristiannavanni4932, how is that question relevant?
@@brantayo6507 It wasn't a question for you and it's totally relevant. Bye
Working class men didn't get the vote until 1917 either, it wasn't just women.
Exactly! This is a common flaw with feminist talking points.
And working class men had to serve in the trenches of WW1 to get their vote (and I think it was 1918 rather than 1917). Women did ... what exactly to get their vote?
@@oldfella3919 Thank you for the correction.
@@oldfella3919 Well they did a whole bunch of bombing and arson to get the vote. The men just got fed up of their whining and gave it to them 10 years after men. 10 years, a whole century narrative of oppression based on waiting 10 years for a vote they didnt pay with their lives for.
@@oldfella3919 civil disobedience, criminal damage, hunger strikes, public demonstrations, jumping in front of the King's horse. Have you really never heard of the suffragettes?
Non property owning men didn’t get the vote until 1919 either. Always forgotten.
It should still be this way. As a renter I would have zero problem with it. Either that or should have to have children and not on any entitlement programs. Maybe be a net tax payer? You should have some skin in the game. T
Cool, too bad they do now
The welfare state emerged not long after people could vote for free money…it’s bankrupted our society economically and morally.
@smelltheglove2038 hell no, corporations own the majority of property in most major cities, government owns most of the land due to big agriculture and environmental control. That's not feasible anymore.
@@Couldhavebeensomeone plenty of people own their homes in the cities. My son’s mother owns her home in Philadelphia. The vast majority of people in single family homes own their homes, even condo units have owners in the cities. The people you’re talking about about in cities are also net beneficiaries of entitlements, which should also disqualify them.
Feminism: "we want equal representation in the workforce"
Interpretation: "We really mean positions of authority and we don't want the responsibility that comes with it"
Sad but true. It's embarrassing..
I always ask what jobs women are arguing about when it comes to equality. It's always about CEOs, president, chairmans, all positions of power. Why is the conversation not about more female mechanics, plumbers, or bricklayers...? You know, laborious and not authoritarian positions.
@@IDiggPattyMayonnaiseyes! And quotas are always brought up via % of the population, which is a explicit tell of anti-merit bias.
* Must have air conditioning and pay $100k plus. Otherwise not interested in equality
NO. That is not me. Don't be unkind
I have strengths my husband doesn’t have. None of those strengths include building, or electrical work, or anything like it. My husband is a floor layer…..yet, he can fix anything. He can build. He keeps our car maintained. Men have a natural tendency to build, and to invent, and maintain. This isn’t misogyny. This is biology! To deny this is to lie to yourself. Sorry, but it’s true.
No she is pointing out that both men and women have different natural born skills.
But, Have you forgotten the women that were laughed out of the medical profession 250 years ago? Have you forgotten that up until the 20th century women could not get a mortgage, inherit (due to no male heirs) property yes, buy on their own no. And lets talk about the choices women have in other not so liberal countries, do little girls choose to have their private parts cut off? Do they get all get to choose their partners? Are they regarded as anything but property?
Those women are the exception, not the rule@@catthomas5505
As simple as that.
@@catthomas5505 Poor men have dealt with all the same thought the entirety of history, still do to this day, and still managed to become great. Says it all doesn’t it? One group fights their way to the top through adversity and the other cries about it and screeches for handouts and special treatment.
@@steveo4991ok incel
England had queens as leaders in the 1500’s.
Women owned lands and titles.
Way before that there were African Queens
And the 12th, 17th, 19th, 20th, and 21st
But those queens were contested and only got there due to no suitable male heir. If women had in the past the same rights as men I would be A duchess, not working class (my ancestors were Noble Barons) we have come along way, but it's still not equal. You wont find many women working in a construction site. Just like you wont find many men working in a beauty salon. There are exceptions but it's not the norm.
@@catthomas5505Still not equal? 🤣🤣🤣 ,well they are talking about conscription for young people receiving benefits.But low and behold nobody is mentioning that young females are going to be conscripted.Just the males 🤣🤣🤣
@@freakybeaky1 Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II don't count?
Responsibility without authority is slavery, yet men are forced to pay child support and alimony without having a say.
Were they graped?
@@Amanda-j3y in court- yes!
Yes and often are not the real Father.
@@Amanda-j3y In family court yes.
They are celebrating women's day when they can't even tell you what one is.
I’m pretty sure the Middle East don’t celebrate this day…
They guard & respect their women more than the west does. They don't boy can be girl, girl can be boy either.
So what?
You want us to be like them?
You melt
People always find a way to blame Muslims or cyclists 😂😂
@@TheRadFactorthey don't need to find a way.
Some of them do celebrate Goat Wife Month though.
The working class men in the UK only got the vote in 1918 after WW1, women got it by 1922. Landowners had the vote sequestered!
Always gotta ask these women who they think voted before democracy.
@@goonofhazard2203Affluent men.
@@photostockcanada nobody
And after 1922 less than 5% of men on earth could vote.
Those dates aren't exactly correct: 1921 male suffrage over 21 universal suffrage 1928...
60 years ago, my mother said women will be shocked to find that when they stood up for their "rights" they lost their seat on the bus
That's such a great quote ❤ so true!
Personally I prefer having equal rights and an equal place in society, to having preferential treatment in the bus.
@@hamster4618You can't have equal rights/ place if you don't do equal jobs. If I am required to "stay on that sinking boat" or go to war, while women are allowed a choice, then we are not talking about equality, are we.
@@WrongButtonWB enlighten me bud, what jobs or abilities do grant equal rights? Be specific.
Does the doctor get equal rights? The CEO? The accountant? The writer? Or does only your specific job type grant rights?
As for being required to stay on sinking ships: you aren’t required to stay on a sinking boat. Furthermore research has shown that when push comes to shove men don’t stay on the sinking ship. From research of, I believe 44 shipwrecks, percentage wise most crew survived, than men, women and children being the least likely to survive. It’s great that there’s been one example which stood out, but it’s pretty much the ONLY example.
As for war, are you suggesting only people who kill others should have rights? Has any 40 year old man in the USA, UK or whatever country you are from been forced to fight? So, no rights?
How about LIFE. People not creating death and destruction, but LIFE. Why wouldn’t they get rights. Do you think so poorly about yourself that you think the person who created you in her body is worthless? That’s sad man.
@@hamster4618 Can you go back and read previous comment once again, sounds to me that you either didn't read it or didn't understand it. You can't demand/ expect equality if you don't "give the society the same effort" as the other half. Stop with that entitlement bs. How come every single feminist, screaming for equal paychecks, only has the most desirable jobs in their minds? What about any infrastructure jobs, how come we don't hear any women screaming about they don't get the same chance as men, to be a bricklayers, for example?! You first have to walk the walk, than talk the talk. It is that simple. Doesn't matter if you are a man or woman.
We clearly need an International Men's Day.
There already is one. It is on November 19th.
you are embarrassing
Most people don't even know it exists. Doesn't that tell you something? Mens didn't need to be validated or celebrated. They just do the work that needs to be done.
First time I’ve ever seen Douglas Murray afraid speak his mind. That should tell you who has all the power in modern day western society.
He won’t say anything negative about Israel. That pretty much says who controls him.
@@ASMRyouVEGANyet he's right
Douglas doesn't want the average western female coming after him because they're overly emotional and irrational
@@gugy68so do Hamas control many of those who don’t say anything negative about Hamas/Palestine? By your logic that would be the case…hmmm?
@@feliciab5019 Hardly because Hamas financial power and influence in the West is minimal to none. Try again.
he does not want to give his own opinion, (he is not allowed to) because he is scared of being cancelled , are we really living in a men's world here ? , i don't think so .
Seriously, you think that Douglas Murray is afraid to speak his mind😂😂😂😂😂.
You need to see more of his interviews
@@julieholdcroftbetty8520 he says it himself, i am not allowed to talk .
How more obvious do you want it .
@@peterlam1635I think he was making a joke
He clearly didn’t want to give his opinion on it before listening to the guest so he used the joke as an excuse
@@peterlam1635 he also said "i'm just teasing you" referring to this quote of him.
Did you lesten to the video just for a couple of seconds?
@@brandonpeters1618 He was saying it jokingly but more in an ironic way, knowing full well he is right.
I open doors for anyone. I am gender fluid when it comes to doors. Its called common decency and courtesy.
I only open for other dudes now, they're the only ones that actually seem to appreciate it
I finally found someone that thinks like I do.
I’m sorry but I was brought up to be helpful to a woman or a man, and makes no difference what their color is . I hold the door for anyone who is going thru a door after me, I don’t see what the problem is, most of the time I don’t know who is going through the door. I really don’t give it a thought it was the way my father taught me so, I guess I’m sorry for being deceit.
I'm not gender fluid. I open doors for PEOPLE
@LateNightRewrites What do you think you deserve for holding a door open that I could easily push open if you didn’t hold it? I’ll always say thank you, and I’m not offended by guys doing it, but seriously, appreciation for holding a door open, what do you think we owe you for that, a hug?
@donaldhensley8328 In real life has any woman ever been offended by you holding open a door? Or are your opinions based on controversial things young girls on TikTok say to get views and make money? Honestly hold it open or don’t hold it open, it really doesn’t make any difference to 99.999% of women.
I feel sorry for all those women that cannot get their dream job of bricklaying or road workers.
There are female road workers. What are you talking about?
@@9395gb yeah, one or two. Get serious
@@9395gb Yep, must be brutal standing there holding a sign
In Canada we have female engineers doctors and many women in trades including working on road construction etc where do you live? As far as women day I don’t need it who cares your lives must be empty to even be discussing this
@@9395gb we are talking about 3: 10000000 ratio, what you are talking about?
A international day for something that many in our society cannot define. That's funny !
International people who identify as women's day?😊
Thank you for confirming my point. A true definition has to be in accordance with fact and reality. and not based on delusion.@@TheAustrianPainter87
@@TheAustrianPainter87 identifying as a woman concept exists only in the West. The whole world isn't delusional and crazy.
@@TheAustrianPainter87He said many in society cannot DEFINE. People who "identify as a woman" is not a definition of a woman.
I am a heterosexual American women. Whenever I see Douglas Murray I stop and devour every moment of wisdom from this elegant, informative, and highly engaging figure. More DM on TalkTV please!
he’s the best ❤️
@CuteCuteCute-02 LOL I already know that is why I made the comment - that is how fabulous he is! Both my gay best friend and I swoon together when we tune in LOL
That is not wisdom that's just being plain sexist though
Women with things to do didn't even know it was "International Women's Day." Nor did they care.
The majority of women still aren't required to go to war. I don't think they should be. But, regardless they're still a protected privileged class.
Have you been to war?
We will lose if women go to war
@@9395gb As a man, the country could draft him. It is not like all countries are fighting wars that everyone should be going to war.
They are also privileged in sports. The worst men's Olympic soccer team could beat the best Olympic women's team. In other words, Men's records are universal, and women's records are restricted to the privileged class.
@@9395gbyou pay car insurance . It gives insurance to car ..
Men are forced to insure the country.
Mother’s Day cracks me up. I am a mother every day. Every day is my day.
Brilliant comment!!
And originally it was Mothering Day, you should visit your mother CHURCH, not your mother.
Mom, you correct; EVERYDAY!…. Exodus 20:12, “Honor your FATHER AND your MOTHER, (so) that your days may be long in the land that YHWH your Alohim is giving you.”
@@mikyahalbena-yasharal3387 exactly. Teach your children as you rise up and when you lie down and as you walk along the way. :).
You wanna go to IHOP and get flowers or not???
Seeing douglas asking questions as opposed to constantly defending baseless attacks is refreshing
Because Douglas has class.
Douglas is probably one of the most down to earth people I know.
It's a massive step down. Did you hear him quote a stat from the WEF. He must need the money.
Douglas has been off on some stuff in my view. I feel like he’s kind of anti American and was also against Trump for things he didn’t do and others were actually guilty of.
80% of the worlds debt?
If that's true, that's bonkers!
I mean woman make up 90% of the college student loan debt. So it's not far fetched
Women own the vast majority of consumer debt.
How many times do women enter a relationship and their husband have to clear their debt. No concept of consequences! Because a man will sort it all out for them.
More like 80 percent of USA debt
Don't bail them out.
Make the government does not tax you to subsidize them
The man has a smile on his face when he talks with Pearl. This speaks volumes on what men truly like.
Not really given that Douglas is gay, I think he just feels more akin to her viewpoint.
He's homosexual, and she converted him by sitting there.
Because Douglas she's talking crap and wants to laugh in her face, but he's too polite for that being the presenter so he keeps it to a small smirk.
@@stephaniefarrantShe’s talking sense and that is why both women talk her down. They didn’t read the histories that she referred to, and wouldn’t admit it.
And ends with background mumbling grumbling of both women.
It isn't International Women's day. It's Western day for whinging by women, no differnt to any other day 🤣
Come on give them one day of the year to be made a fuss of 😂
Lol don't they fuss everyday 🤣🤣😂😂@@jehanariyaratnam2874
Yeah they cry at the same time.
@@jehanariyaratnam2874yeah unfortunately in the west that’s like every day. Valentines and Mother’s Day and their wedding and probably fifty other occasions all must be treated like grand ballroom events or else you’re an uncaring evil man. She however can do nothing in return for you and that’s fine. You’re a guy, you aren’t supposed to be celebrated.
@@jehanariyaratnam2874that’s basically every day in the west. Everything is made to be about them.
Misandry is the opposite to Misogyny
People have forgotten about it though
They tried to pass misogyny as a hate crime in the UK yet misandry was not on the bill ,? Odd that isn’t it ?
What do really mean by that? Misogyny means hatred of women, misandry means hatred of men. The only difference of opposite sex hating the opposite sex
@50sense52 that's a TH-cam rule.
@@50sense50 That's because misandry wrote the bill.
Douglas is the Reason I subscribed.
I admire him a lot for his Work as an Historian,Author and Journalist.
Much❤from a Lad with English Descent (Living in West Germany)
In the name of equality, how about an international men's day?
There is actually one in Nov, but you be lucky to hear about it in parliament or on the media etc.
For god sakes Look up the definition of equality. Oh wait, yeah that would be equal. oh crap!
Men don't have time for that nonsense.
If it doesn't come with a paid day off, why would an international mens day matter?
There is one. Celebrate it!
But they can't define what a woman is 🤷♂
Where they asked to define it?
The Simple definition is a person born with a womb.
@@catthomas5505no, the actual definition is adult human female.
Women without a womb are still women
The Patriarchy always wins.
It's In the word wombmen
If women own 80% of the debit, that demonstrates all by itself a weakness to make the most practical decisions.
yes, their short-term hedonism is rather detached from any associated long-term responsibility.
Ask any woman, how many pairs of shoes and handbags do you own? Nuff said.
And the lack of accountability for your actions
More likely it shows that men are willing to provide the funds for women to spend them without a second thought.
did you mean debit or debt?
"Women didn't have the vote in the United Kingdom until a hundred or so years ago".
Let's be more precise than that, it was 96 years ago in 1928. Men got the vote ON THE SAME DAY because several million had recently been conscripted (with almost a million of them dying) by a government they had no part in choosing, it being successfully argued (eventually) that a government that holds such absolute power over the lives and deaths of its citizens should be chosen by those citizens.
It's not entirely clear why women got the vote but it seems to have something to do with their constant f*cking whining about it.
I rabidly concur.
Let’s be more precise. Women over 30 got it in 1918. It was then given to those over 21 in 1928. So they have not had it any worse than working class men. Stop bleating ladies.
Letting women vote was the worst thing ever for the western civilization.
If it's going to stop em ruining the horse racing for Gods sake give em the vote !
I don't know a single woman who celebrates or even acknowledges international woman's day
Then you are very lucky, because the ones that do are so, so obnoxious.
@@studiorisechannel Jealousy 😂😂
Cos they really dont need one.
There's a day dedicated to being a woman? First time I've heard about it. I'm all for it if we get to have a day off with pay.
There are entire countries that celebrate the international women's day.
Pearl is so right. Someone once said that "Opportunity is only invisible to those who have it".
She mock Jews need to be scolded and stand with convicted criminal.
Pearl is right to a large extent but she knows nothing about the experience of women in 3rd world countries. Many girls in Northern Nigeria for example really do not have much of a choice.
Dont you think poverty is a common factor not gender in this 3rd world countries@@commonNigerian
@@MannysTechWorldWhatever the factor may be, the bottomline is that the freedom and privilege enjoyed by women in developed countries is not universal as Pearl claims. What's happening in Europe and America is very different from what's happening in certain parts of Africa for example.
I rewatched that look between Douglas and Esther. That spoke volumes 😊
Also displays her total ignorance of cultural differences between African and Western culture. She naively assumes that women in both cultures have the same rights. Which they don't.
It never fails to amaze me, that the very same people who whine on about equality and fairness, are always the very same people who constantly pitch up at segregation rituals. Dividing people is all fair and well, when there is a reward to be had for doing it. Hypocrites.
"segregation rituals" Sounds very US American, is it?
Double standards, women Excels in this .
@@budoshi-f2l I'd say they would promote anything that discriminates against white straight men. That's what's REALLY at the heart of what they do. classic misandry
@@Thurgosh_OG No it just came to my head as i was typing, I might use it more often, lol.
Women fought with their lives for their rights with their lives
I can’t help but feel the host was loving every minute 😂
He was making a statement to all the women who work around him 😂
That’s gold Bro 😎
They all got their jobs through affirmative action and they know it
Douglas Murray. Look him up.
Now ask her if we should celebrate international men's day
Go for it, you don't have to ask anyone. 19th November.
We'll all be observing Ramadan in the near future if we are not careful...
@@thevoid6818 every day? When men as a sex are expected to just take sexism against them on them chin, literally put up with inequalities under the law and across society whilst being told everything should be equal, being forced to adopt a female thought pattern and behavioural structure in public lest a woman have to hear the truth or know she isn't the centre of the universe?
@@Durram258women need to be told they are not the centre of the universe. Women wanted equality but then decde hey deserve more (same money for 3 sets of tennis vs 5 sets for men at Wimbledonm for example - how is that fair?)
It is about time we just respected each other and vive la difference. There are some cultures that repress females which is wrong but that has to change within that country's culture. I am British - I believe in equality and I believe in both sexes being respectful of each other - in everything. If women wanted equality and equal pay why do some divas still insist on men paying for dinner - pay your half girls and ensure no-one expects sex as "afters" a d keep your self respect. Etc etc etc
these women are the same women that say men in a dress are stunning and brave. They contradict themselves for their ideology.@@kmm62627
Ffs.. in the UK, woman had the right to vote as did anyone that met voting requirements before they were specifically barred when UK voting requirements changed in the 1830s. The truth is that Woman couldn't vote for approx 70 yrs in the UK, that is all.
Voting was originally something that only rate payers had the right to do, that was then changed from owners to renters no matter the sex.
With regard to anyone making claims on social media about anything, we need to make sure that they are in fact not making things up to get attention playing the victim card.
Rights couldn't be more equal today!
women did not even wan the vote.. keen fact ignored
I agree that rights are mostly equal now. The problem is more to do with how they’re applied. For example men who are victims of crime get a much higher conviction rate than women do. Women are far more likely to be attacked by a man than a man is a woman. High paying jobs are far more likely to be given to a man than a woman. And for all the talk about women having the right to vote, it’s pretty meaningless. Women voted strongly against Johnson and Brexit yet both were installed by the male vote. Same with Trump in the US. Women’s votes really don’t impact things, we tend to vote progressively and men vote conservatively, more men vote the same way to the point we need almost every single woman to vote for the same candidate for it to have any impact. Anyway going off topic but my point is feminism isn’t really about rights anymore so much as it’s about equality and fairness in society. Men need to stop grooming young girls in gangs really before we can ever stop fighting for the rights of women and girls. It’s incredibly sad to me that our British men only ever care about violent offences to young girls when the perpetrator has brown skin.
You probably never left your village or British borders. But do you know roughly speaking, 3/4 of females on this planet don't have same rights as men? Muslim countries, Africa, China, India? Equal right are written in many constitutions, but the reality is totally different...
We've got mother's day , father's day, woman's day, we should have men's day as well...
And just look at the mess we are in….😂😂😂
Pearl won that interview.
she didn't win anything 😭
No she didn't win anything. She came across as ignorant and this is me talking as an African woman who is not a feminist.
@@tyali84 That black woman is a living contradiction of her own words. She said girls in her family didn't have a choice in their lives and yet she is on TV in the UK as a news presenter lmao. She clearly chose that very high paying career and nothing stopped her from achieving it.
@@tyali84 She did win, and that has nothing to do with your race. Stop playing your colour like you're a victim of anything.
@@tyali84She's showing what the female mystic is. Jezebel coming to light.
Mary Curie born 1867 - double nobel prize winner in physics and then in chemistry did it without education?
And your point is?
@@egverlanderthe same that you missed
Madam Curie did have to smash the glass ceiling to be nominated. First, jointly with her husband, then by herself.
Everyone brings up one woman Curie and maybe a small handful of others when there are thousands and thousands of men who are equal and better than her. What does that tell you?
@@Patrick-oj8rm I can say the same for women too . The difference is that men get the exposure and women don't. Thus , naturally it seems men have achieved more than women.
When a woman 'winges', "Did you open the door for me because I'm a WOMAN...",
I respond, "Not at all. I opened the door for you because of your advanced age."
😂😂😂😂😂 that’s a keeper! Definitely using that from now on.
I usually reply (and this is the truth) "Not at all, I do this for every single person. It is called courtesy"
Cool story bro. Im sure that really happened...
Has anyone actually gotten mad at you for opening the door? I find that completely absurd and unbelievable. Y'all love to make up stories
In the west, international woman's day is just another excuse to nag men.
Which can be considered a form of psychological assault in and of itself.
They are perpetually oppressed, no matter what.
@@leechurch9488 hardly a form, it is psychological assault
You wish you had a woman who cared enough about you to nag.
Back in the old days in Yugoslavia we didn't call it "International Women's Day", but rather, MOTHER'S DAY. Now that's something to celebrate
We also have that here in the US along with father's day.
"Rights without Responsibility" is the problem of our time
(i.e. entitled brats are too common)
Pearl makes a great point.
No representation without taxation. Non income tax payers should not have voting rights.
So once they retire they lose their rights to vote?? Make it make sense
@younggeezer8232 do you think illegals should be able to vote?
absolutely, if you have no stake in the system, then you have no say in how it runs. Imagine never playing Monopoly, but everyone who does play it, MUST use your “house rules”.
@@younggeezer8232 you may be the reason our country is quickly becoming a third world dump.
Claire states "fighting the fight for woman". Haven't seen her do that when a man says he's a woman & gets woman's rights, status & recognition.
Feminism never gave a toss about working class women.
Spot on. I have a personal connection to the Suffragettes and it was in reality an upper class movement that despised the working class women. They begrudgingly accepted working class women but there was a big class divide in the Suffragettes. They wanted votes for wealthy women. Working class men didn't have the vote either until after WWI.
So true.
I'm happy I had that choice. Worked 35 + years.
or mothers that wanted to have a family. I grew up hearing feminists tear into my mom for having a family that she gave up a career in university to raise?
Hear hear feminists middle class thing mostly.
It’s so patronising to women. How they can’t see this is beyond me
Ego flattering, most women feed on that .
They slow kids in the class need a day to feel validated 😊
Modern Western Feminism is essentially no different than a toddler acting up. Both often want acknowledgement for doing something Adult Men do without batting an eyelid.
International men’s day isn’t patronising to men??
@@bolajiodude3382 99.9% of men don’t know about it, don’t want it and wouldn’t take part in it
Could u imagine Douglas murry and ester running this country.. I’d love it
Love Ester, fiery, beautiful and intelligent as well as being clued up
@@mm3nrx 100%
Ester is slow 🐌
@@mm3nrx Well she wouldn't have her intelligence if it wasn't for European intervention
Douglas has much more important things to do I’m sure.
The victimhood runs deep in women nowadays…
Bruh why you telling
victimhood + entitlement = the shield and spear 💅🏼
It’s actually a wound that’s been inflicted and passed down throughout the generations into both genders. 🎉
Especially with white women. The least poorly treated of all women throughout all of time complain the most because they live in societies where they have rights and freedoms....yet they complain about the past as if nothing has changed. "We're not the CEOs of a majority of fortune 500 companies! The world is so unfair! Waaaaaah! My daughter has to study and work hard to become a success....this is an outrage!" The entitlement is so strong in this generation of women. The dirtiest they've ever been is while potting up some geraniums or bulbs for the coming season. The most they've sweated is during a 'womens only' gym class or hot yoga session.
@@shannonpincombe8485вы из какого мира розовых пони пришли? 😅
Wow, Pearl burned that Brit woman on voting rights tied to property ownership. The poor underclass had no voting rights.
And women were not allowed to own property 🤦♀️ wealthy women couldn't vote either!
How is that a victory? battle versus war - Because, that's forgetting about the real issue = INEQUALITY/JUSTICE... I even saw a comment saying that the poor men earned it with their blood (for fighting in the war), when women got it for "nothing" FOR REAL???!!!... As if women didn't pay the price of wars in many ways including blood and death... I'm tired of this incomplete and circular reasoning...
As for men, no votes for non property owning males could vote, so working class men unable to vote until 1860s
Equality feminism has focused on being allowed to do what men have traditionally done while traditional activities by women have remained low status with low financial rewards.
@@cosymedia2257 If you're going to compare the price men and women pay in war, and claim them as being anywhere near equal, then I suggest you spend less time on youtube and more time in reality.
Men and woman should be together.
No. Men only
@@videochantel6069 Men Only? Great magazine.
No. There was a reason why men and women had their own spaces in Western Culture.
The greatest women are those that become mother's. They carry their baby's for nine months and birth them. They nurture and care for them until they're old enough to be on their own. And they still care and worry for them for the rest of their life's. Mother's are the most special of all women.
And non mothers count for nothing ?now THAT is offensive !
@@bl4531 non sequitur. They didn't say that.
@@adammonks591 You saw the question mark ??? I was asking - not stating. And if that were ( note the subjunctive) the case then it'd be offensive .
@@bl4531 the question mark is irrelevant as the question was illogical. They didn't say childless women don't have worth.
"Red is the greatest colour."
"So you're saying that green counts for nothing?"
@@adammonks591Bravo, I agree 100%. The commenter above is studying for a masters in Whataboutery 😆
I’m still waiting for someone to name a single right or privilege that a man has that a woman doesn’t.
I can, however, name several to the contrary.
@@rse1113 It has nothing to do with equal rights
@ Exactly
I applaud this interview 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽. May humanity start to wake up. Happy great awakening day “ Everyday , never stop searching for the truth”
Pearl is most definitely correct about one very important thing. Men do the hard jobs. This seems to be very conveniently forgotten.
You mean the physically hard jobs. A job doesn’t have to involve heavy lifting to be considered difficult.
Pearl is right about a lot of things and is hated because she goes against the created narrative
@@Sunshineheart124how many ice truckers are female, how many women chefs are there how many female oil rig workers are there? Very very few
@@redpillmickyshe's also hated for other things. Look at her history. She was outed by people on the right too. Something to do with some black guy she was with but looks it up for yourself
@@redpillmicky So? Men aren’t forced to be ice truckers either. If you hate the job, choose something else.
Which rights are they fighting for?
The right to have fun and travel and ending up with cats regretting they don't have family.
@@jasfan8247 The right to visit most of the planets 3rd world countries and not get graped too much.
@@jasfan8247you’re projecting!
@@ai-no3ibHaha, maybe a little boldly but it's true for many. The future will be dim.
@@jasfan8247 your present is already dim! Start buying cats!
Pearl is just not meant to be a woman. Coming from an African country like Esther i agree with what she said the girl maybe 18 but she has no say because it is cultural for her parents to still decide on her marriage and to who. Pearl sees everything from the perspective of what liberalism is doing in the west
Most of those who their parents decide it who they get marry too still have their families together unlike those who like to think they know better and have kids with different man
and by coming from an African country doesn’t make your struggles any harder compare to the rest of the world!
@@comparecards5688 I don't disagree with arranged marriage but what happens and how it happens in our society is different from the west standpoint. I will love to arrange my daughter's marriage so she doesn't struggle to find someone who won't take good care of her but the problem that am highlighting here is the fact that there are society that still treat women like they have no say at all like mine and to celebrate those of them who made it is a good thing. If you don't come from one of those places you could not understand what some women are still up against in 2024
@@annalawson6788 I know what you mean and there are extreme cases that has happened here in UK as well and ofcourse the world has changed for worse plus social media is affecting people’s way of thinking unfortunately!
Men: build civilization, get hated
Women: are born, get praised
I don’t hate men. I admire their marvellous engineering skills. My brother in law works underground in a mine. He showed me the amazing engineering men have done there. It’s truly incredible.
@@sadiesponge7577good to know hon’ but he is not talking about you or are you a feminist because you don’t sound as one.
Where do the men come from?
Where do men come from?
@@starsaber077 No,I’m not a feminist.
@@sadiesponge7577 sadly you are an outlier, but props to you for that! 👏 seems there are still some decent women out there still.
Douglas, you are so right…women fight about the CEO thing….but think of the women who have NO rights…such a world apart
Think of the men who have no rights!!!.. can you name a single right a man has?.. I'll wait.
Jordan Peterson hit the nail on the head a few years ago when he pointed out that feminists are only interested in positions of power.
oh not to mention that head of Marketing lady who succeeded in destroying one of the most famous US brands permanently
Funny how they don't complain about there not being enough female brick-layers.
They have no "rights" because those countries are poverty stricken countries and have boys and men having to do the worst of the work. That's why if those men have any "rights" at all, it's because of the steep price that comes with their responsibilities. I put "rights" in quotes because really, it's just duties / work that they must be do, either compelled or for their families. It's very easy to say from our privileged position that it should be the same in terms of privileges when we have conveniences that allow it to be so while they do not.
"We need to fight for women's rights" What rights? What rights are we supposed to fight for that they dont already have?
In many so called civilised countries women don't have a right to healthcare...
the right for them to have their wacky dreams come true always
@@amberwild-ms4co What healthcare are you referring to? Women in the west have the same access to and right to healthcare.
@ajax201000 reproductive healthcare, if you still don't know what I'm referring to try googling Izabela T or Savita Halappanavar, both died needlessly in Western countries because they were denied the medical care they needed
How about the right to single sex spaces and sports. That one's being eroded steadily.
They don’t celebrate women’s day in Gaza or the Middle East in general
We might as well have a children's day while we're at it. 😄
Peral os absolutely amazing 📈
Woman "I grew up in northern nigeria. I had a female friend who had to marry at 18 and had 4 kids by 23. I chose to go into education. She wasn't allowed a choice because she was female"
And that female friend I presume married a young man who thus also suddenly had a family with 4 kids and was forced to go off working his butt off every day for the rest of his life to support his family. He "wasn't allowed a choice". Feminists always only sees the miseries of females and turn a blind eye to those of men, and when the cause of limited options is poverty, they confuse it with a supposed "oppression of women" or "discrimination of women".
She had no choice=she had to take the consequences of her choices
The strange fact is that I hold doors open all the time, for men and women, and NO ONE has ever objected. They always thank me.
There's certain races that don't thank, on average, but it's not gendered.
Same and I'm a female
And if anyone does it for me I will also say thank you regardless of who they are. People are so weird. They're getting Hella bitter and delusional, it's quite disturbing
OK, 2 questions for Pearl...
1. Why do ALL men get the right of vote, while a few of them work on "physically" hard jobs? Should we take away the vote from men who don't work on those jobs?
2. Why raising children isn't considered a physically and mentally hard job? What are the criteria of a hard job?
3. Pearl, why do you use your own inability of achieving things to criticize the rest of the women?
She humiliated their lack of knowledge and historical knowledge.
Yea. I'm a historian, I can confirm that women were treated fairly in the past, especially in the dark ages. "Malleus Maleficarum" was written purely for entertainment. In the Middle Ages, or the period from the 5th to the 15th century, I can confirm that women were not restricted from owning property. Even latter, in the US, for example, in 1960, women could have a credit card. That young lady in the video is very smart, although these two are also smart. I heard that people in the world don't celebrate March 8, but mark it, luckily she was there to expose their lies.
I'm also an historian and can tell you females were oppressed. You pointing out that females could have credit cards in the 1960's doesn't take away the fact that many females in the U.S. couldn't be listed as inventors. Unless it was under their husbands name.
If you are an historian you have to make clear which area of the world you are referring to because different territories had different rules for the common person.
Pearl is wrong for saying that the female from Nigeria contradicted herself. The female told a scenario of two different family situations. Even went so far as to tell the audience that her family situation was very different from her friend and that she was very privileged.
Yet Pearl totally disregards that to push this idea that in Nigeria arranged marriages are unheard of. So the other female had to have a choice.
Pearl is getting so wrapped up in her masculinity that she doesn't any problems arising for females in the world.
She might need to travel a bit more just beside privileged Western countries
@@Opinlinz I was very, very sarcastic. Women could not get a credit card until 1975 in the US. Besides, when they got that right, they would do it as "someone's wife". If you are a historian, I hope you are very young, or you haven't read the text, because the title of the book that I put, is literally a guide to torturing and killing women. Even today in this world about 60% of women do not have fundamental rights. The lady in that video was wrong on every point, literally every point.
@@Opinlinz anyway, again
There are places where women and girls have choices made for them. FGM, child marriage, no suffrage, little to no say in public life, little access to education, difficulty accessing basic healthcare, such as wellness visits.
But in those places, all but the men at the top have say over their lives.
Pearl's seems to be a distinctly Western perspective.
But an international women's day isn't going to help women and girls in those places.
That's because the women on the planet with the most rights, those from the west, only think about other women from the west for the most part.
Welcome to Islam! Which is ALSO against you if yr Jewish, Christian, Black or just not-a-Muslim!
ie this is NOT merely a women's issue at all. Women from other cultures in the SAME situation DID have choices.
Pearl was right.
So what was the point of a woman and I totally agree with her .We already have Valentines day
Before the 19th century once women married, all their property, money, and earnings were controlled by their husband. Women would even lose their property following divorce. Women also had no legal rights over their children. There was massive inequality with divorce. A husbad could simply make a claim and he would be granted a divorce whereas a wife had to prove what she was saying with evidence. A husband could beat and rape his wife without fear of prosecution. It was also legal to pay women less than men.
@@michaelbrittain7445the women who have actual choices in those countries most likely could afford to, say, flee said countries. Many poor women do not.
Note: also switch out “women” with the other groups that are oppressed by Islam and my statement applies there too.
Any human being who has enough courage absolutely has choice!
That is BS and Pearl really missed the mark there. Girls being sold into marriage by their families have 0 choice.
Those women from developing countries who claim they do not have a choice actually switch from charging all their expenses to their dad's account to their husband's account. The reason they do not have a choice is that they do not earn anything, and Dad pushes them out by finding them a husband. Dad has to work hard to find a husband, too, and sometimes he may pay a dowry.
Did she seriously just say "what have women accomplished?" and actually made it about the birth rates falling?! Oh no! Over population may end! How terrible... -_-
I'm hoping there are some real people left on here who aren't doing everything in their power to turn back the wheels of time and excuse modern day misogyny.
(Let's also take a moment to note how she couldn't help herself to interrupt the other women and then waited patiently for Douglas to finish.)
Pearl makes great points, but she totally missed Esther’s point. Many girls in other parts of the world don’t have a choice but to get circumcised and married off before the age of 16.
But Pearl was trying to understand how 2 classmates were so different. One had a choice & one didn't. Pearl's question of "why?" was never answered.
Its hard to see being married off as a bad thing as a women. Its a fact that every study on that subject shows that by age 30, 40, and 50+ women who get an arranged marriage they can't escape from are far more happy than the vast majority of western women who have choice. In fact the one group of women who are as happy in the west are the ones that have children very young and that leads to a long term relationship.
Modern women from western nations are the least happy group of women in recorded history, clearly that's because they have lost most of their privilege, women used to have a care taker/parental guardian of sorts their entire lives, now they only have that at the start. Life is much harder when you're expected to function as an adult, being a full fledged adult is something that's new to women, for most of human history they were treated like large children, I think its going to take at least a few hundred years for women to properly adapt to the new situation.
None of that was even said. Why make up stuff. No one talked about circumcision, and being married off art 16. Wild
And that's not our problem. Is it.. Sorry not sorry. Remember that when they tell you we're all the same. We're not
That was tragic
Thanks to the women who fought for feminism, that Pearl is able to talk and speak freely as she does. I would love to see her live in the 1800s, be a stay at home mum, raising 7 young kids and living in povish. Let’s see if she thinks it’s not hard then.
What kind of life do you think her husband would've had? Would he have been working 60-70hr weeks for next to nothing? Would he have had any kind of medical benefits scheme for any injuries suffered in his unsafe workplace? Would he have safe working conditions legislated and protected by regular inspections? Not on your life. And, at the outbreak of war he would've heen press ganged into service without question or possibility of disagreement. Any injuries(physical or mental) he may have suffered in that conflict would mean no social welfare or ongoing medical care from the state.....flip the coin, look at the other side before making such a daft comment. Where the hell do you get "seven children"? This isn't a Monty Python skit.
Kenan Basic spent two hours helping a stranger fix her broken car says his life has been destroyed after the woman falsely accused him of sexual assault. Kenan Basic faced serious sexual charges and spent two weeks in Silverwater Prison. Because of the ordeal, he also lost his job and is going through a divorce. On Monday, all charges were dropped after the woman broke down when pressed by detectives in an interview and admitted she'd made up the accusations. 10 May, 2019
Yep. He's in prison for stalking two other women, though.
That entire story was a system script and they're all actors. Wake up!
Go Pearl. The only one who knows what she is talking about.
modern women sure don't like hearing the hard truth
Pearl missed the point here with the lady from Ghana or Nigeria, who made a great point. Western world problems are not the same as other nations, where many women are married off and controlled. Pearl was ready to attack and didn’t listen
Other nations cause their own problems like being poor. Countries could fix their countries but they have too many excuses not to do so.
In non Western countries the burden of a success family is fully on the men. The women are protected and saved from stupid choices with long term consequences. Such as teenage mothership without marriage, ho' ing around, doing sex work and so on ... The FOCUS is on FAMILY and LINEAGE instead of bullshit quests of 'finding yourself'. We all know women choose very bad partners early on - Nice guys finish last is a well known saying for a reason. Its all prevention - just like Pearl said about the early days - women didn't vote because they were PROTECTED from war participation. Freedom comes with responsibility!
Let us all hope the UN does not come out with the utter shite they came out with on women's day last year.
Do you now what a woman is?
Ummmmmmmm no I don't... but International Women's Day should be celebrated.
I like Pearl Davis a new take I’m so sick of only one opinion being allowed, thanks for having her on here.
Must be a smooth brain
Pearl spitting facts!! Let’s see all the triggered feminists lose their minds and just insult showing their hatred and intolerance.
I think Pearl is also quite intolerant as she presents statistics too old or without full context.
@@sharynp3142 she NEVER says any can’t have an opinion or exercise their free speech. She NEVER ignores or insults folks bc of their opinions. She NEVER tries to cancel anyone or demonetize anyone. She is very tolerant.
Pearl is the one being canceled by liberal social media. She is the victim of the lefts hate and intolerance.
I’m so tired of hearing about women’s rights, they’re allowed to do whatever they want they need to get over themselves
Wow she is really delusional ..... Her logic is my stomach is full so no one is hungry.
I normally like some things Pearl says but stating that the young girl's mate had a choice in marriage, as it still goes on today in some families young girls getting married off and have no say in the matter.
And shouldn’t those girls’ mothers be standing up for their daughters?
And no, 18 is not a girl. She’s a woman.
Some of my classmates had three kids by the time they were 18.
Esther was talking Africa, which isn't part of the West, and Pearl wasn't speaking on those countries.
do the men have a say?
The woman in Ghana is honorable, her family has morals. They are blessed with children. The woman in UK is living a lie with her "career".
@@VRIceblast So you mean to say that there is no such thing as forced marriages in the West? 🤔
Have you been keeping up with ANY facts at all, or just fake news as this Pearl appears to be going by?
It's really high time people get the facts straight about women's right to vote. In the UK women were granted the vote in 1928. What most people seem to be ignorant of is that the vast majority of MEN could not vote before 1918. It took just ten years from the time men were granted universal suffrage for that right to be extended to women as well. Where's the great injustice?
IDK but was the policy-makers and lawmakers at the time all men?
In 6000 yrs of recorded history was there ever any civilisation or culture that thrived or prospered under a matriarchy? If not, then why?
Millions of men lost their lives in wars and poverty over that same period to afford the safety, security and standards of living we see today. No one should ever just front up and simply say i want that too without the sacrifice .. where is the respect because what we see today is a complete lack thereof.
Wow! Thats a superb comment. Facts!
Patriarchy is the only stable structure
She had to go to another continent to give a example of oppressed women....Africa
International womens day, should be renamed to, International womens day, for men who feel like women, no women required.
In the UK it took a thousand years for men to get the vote, for women just a hundred because men had paved the way.
Some gratitude would be appreciated instead of constant resentment.
By your logic it took women one thousand one hundred years for women to get the vote.
we'll stop being resentful when the domestic violence rates goes down.
Islam introduced vote for women 1400 years ago.
@Adi-gh9du that's is a bold faced lie
@@blah914Highest statistics for domestic violence in both UK and USA are Lesbian relationships.... So yeah. Think you may have to re-evaluate your argument.
These women consider complaining for free resources "fighting the good fight". What does that say about what they really do for society
Here in Norway the day was mostly co-opted by the Pro-Palestine crowd, yelling and screaming about Intefada etc... So empowering for women...
Ship goes down. We have to stay. Where are our life boats ?. We built the ship paid for your tickets and we have to drown ?
always when you overprotect someone they get spoiled, ungrateful, immature, selfish, entitled, disloyal....
Are you overprotected then?
This is also why women always hate desperate men the most, they know deep down it's not good for themself to have a puppy dog around and subconsciously want someone with them who thinks logically over emotionally.
Us men are subconsciously attracted to well organised, clean and confident women, who won't take our crap because subconsciously we know it's not good for us to be a momma's boy and have one around.
You have just described men.
Too crazy cat lady to realise he didn't specify gender. Yes, momma's boys are the absolute worst, if they have blue hair good luck.
Women’s Day, like the rest of these celebrations, is the dumbest idea. What about Honest People’s Day?
In the UK, all men didn't get the right to vote until 1918. Women received the same right 10 years later in 1928. But voting was still restricted to adults 21 years old and older.
Pearl is not anti-feminist, she is pro common sense . I’m a great admirer of your rational , balanced and fair work . Bravo
She seems very duplicitous in her takes over time and many YT channels have also debunked her use of statistics as well. She does not present the full story or the ‘why’ behind the data.
Pearl will be praised in the afterlife for doing the right thing.
She’s not doing ANYTHING she talks about, what are you ON? 😂
@@manda_musings8459 She's right though, women should listen to men and be good girls!
@@realnature7660hardest yt rage bait 💀💀🙏🙏
Pearl has grown so much as a debater. She’s really holding her own and in many ways out pointing her opponents.
In the UK, women over 30 and men over 21 got the right to vote in 1914. Before that only landowners could vote.
But it is now 2024 and all men and women over the age of 18 can vote, if they can be bothered .
@@paj2762 The point is that certain women will claim that women only recently got the right to vote. In the scheme of things 100 years is not that long ago so theu aren't wrong.. But they fail to mention that the overwhelming majority of men couldn't vote either. It wasn't a men versus women issue it was a class issue. Feminists in their feminating leave out that part.
personally it should go back to house owners only - the west is getting destroyed due to idiots voting
That should be 1918 not 1914.
@@pauljackson2409 you’re right it’s 1918, my bad.