Real test of cold steels newest member of machete family the smatchet. See if it gets Fred and John approved or smashed. We test or break it so you dont have to. THIS SHIT IS FOR REAL SLAPNUTS !!!
Thanks, that looks like a good knife, strong enough for yard work, but with the double edge also a bit of a weapon. I can see why the original was so popular.
This looks like a really decent mountain survival tool...I would say almost comparable to the Cold Steel 14" Barong machete/ I say 'almost' as the Barong has a somewhat different blade shape & configuration...Stay away from the Cold Steel Kukri machetes, by the way, the steel is less than adequate/ softer (different steel, made different forge from the Barong's...) Unfortunately, the Cold steel Barongs are no longer made. This Smatchet is a really nice alternative.
originally used as a trench sword by the British Army in the First World War, in WW2 it was refined and was a useful short sword for the British Army.
I like a belt sander for sharpening the Coldsteel machetes.
It was actually based on the celtic shortsword
Whatever that is
Thanks, that looks like a good knife, strong enough for yard work, but with the double edge also a bit of a weapon. I can see why the original was so popular.
This looks like a really decent mountain survival tool...I would say almost comparable to the Cold Steel 14" Barong machete/ I say 'almost' as the Barong has a somewhat different blade shape & configuration...Stay away from the Cold Steel Kukri machetes, by the way, the steel is less than adequate/ softer (different steel, made different forge from the Barong's...) Unfortunately, the Cold steel Barongs are no longer made. This Smatchet is a really nice alternative.
Is it better than the Gladius? I just want one, not both.
great review. I like your tshirt where did you get it?
Hope you got a back up. Dont make them no mo.
Wish the handle was symmetrical. But im going to get and mod it. It seems to throw great though...:) great review yoi guys sold on the second throw
Wasn't the blade single edged? Having a symmetrical handle wouldn't really have a point
Got mine today without the sticker on it.
It's pronounced "smatch et" not "smash it." Sorry, I had to say something. The mispronunciation was distracting and driving me crazy.
Ok preppy boy. You preppy boys always bitch about the most stupid things. You think all videos supposed to be "exotic"".
can i sharpen Cold steel machetes by sanding the Black stuff of and sharpening them in a Electric knife sharpner?
You can get it razor sharp only if you re-profile the blade, right?
the cross is= Sword = S Machete = smatchet
Good review. Not a bowie design though. It's based on the Filipino barong.
They have a barong machete. A bit longer, no guard, the handle has a sort of hook so u can't slip when swinging, idk about thrusting.