No conversion is needed if the temperature data is in Kelvin and the GCM data (historical and SSPs) are also in Kelvin. However, if the temperature is in Celsius and the GCM data (historical and SSPs) are in Kelvin, you will need to convert the units. The same applies to rainfall data, which should be consistent across datasets. Typically, observation data is in Celsius (rainfall: mm/day), while GCM data is in Kelvin (rainfall as flux). In such cases, you'll need to choose the appropriate conversion in the second tab.
Data in the observation station is in an Excel file, rainfall is millimeters or what unit? Is the temperature in the Excel file Kevin or Celsius?
No conversion is needed if the temperature data is in Kelvin and the GCM data (historical and SSPs) are also in Kelvin. However, if the temperature is in Celsius and the GCM data (historical and SSPs) are in Kelvin, you will need to convert the units. The same applies to rainfall data, which should be consistent across datasets.
Typically, observation data is in Celsius (rainfall: mm/day), while GCM data is in Kelvin (rainfall as flux). In such cases, you'll need to choose the appropriate conversion in the second tab.
Thanks for learning.
You're welcome!
Make the software free! So many researchers are unable to pay for various reasons!
We have not utilized any funds to develop this tool. Our revenue will solely come from the sale of licenses.
There is any license for students? Or trial version?
is it free software?
No you would pay for the license. However you can use unregistered version up to Evaluation tab.