VANUATU WATERFALLS of Eden on the River and Rarru Rentapao River Cascade Tour

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 พ.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 25

  • @AhsanRajeeb
    @AhsanRajeeb ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks...saju bhijan.Dhaka.Bangladesh

  • @jr.rasentertainment4074
    @jr.rasentertainment4074 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yeap. That's my homeland. 😀😁👍🔥🔥🇻🇺🇻🇺🇻🇺

  • @xersamuel
    @xersamuel 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love your videos.
    Vanuatu alot of natural resources ❤️🇻🇺

    • @mckaysondeck
      @mckaysondeck  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, It's so lush and green everywhere you go!

  • @Christina-oq4td
    @Christina-oq4td 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So beautiful and natural….

    • @mckaysondeck
      @mckaysondeck  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Absolutely! I love it so much!

  • @epelijunior1286
    @epelijunior1286 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So beatiful.

  • @sammysofficial3
    @sammysofficial3 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Niceeee 😇😇
    Hope your enjoying your time staying here in port vila

  • @marniemaher2367
    @marniemaher2367 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello! In this video you go to a bakery…. Can you please tell me what it’s called and where it is? Thanks 🙂

  • @charlesarfeurt1020
    @charlesarfeurt1020 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is no God but Jesus Christ and Kacou Philippe is his only prophet on the earth. And every son of God says "Amen!" to this word.

  • @lisettenzi6605
    @lisettenzi6605 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    36 And Joshua reminded Israel of the commandments of the Lamb, saying, "You shall never have sexual intercourse with someone who is not your husband or your wife. You shall never put your mouth on the breast or genitals of your spouse. A man shall never approach his wife from behind like a dog. And in case of adultery with a married woman, you shall go to her husband with a witness to ask for forgiveness. You shall never take a picture or video of a woman's nudity. You shall never download or watch a sex photo or video on your phone, computer or television."
    37 And you who have believed in me, Kacou Philippe, learn to live in holiness on the earth, for one day you will live in holiness before God. My ministry is the spiritual aspect of Moses' ministry. If you think that the Message of Kacou Philippe is hard, tell me what this means: Taking people from Egypt and going and putting them in the Sinai desert for 40 years. During the day, it is emptiness everywhere, it is a scorching sun over their heads and burning sand under their feet. No cry of birds or animals, it is emptiness. And at night, it is freezing cold and deadly silent.

  • @ahibejosephadonisowo8642
    @ahibejosephadonisowo8642 ปีที่แล้ว

    34 Și Dumnezeu nu a trimis acest mesaj pentru a le dezvălui? Biblia nu a spus în Matei 24:24 că falşi hristoşi vor învia din abis? Cum poate cineva să se numească un profet, adică un purtător de cuvânt al lui Dumnezeu atunci când nu are Mesaj și că tot ceea ce el spune este doar recitări din Biblie. Începe să facă minuni pentru a confirma care Mesaj? Cum poate un profet să creeze o biserică, o misiune sau o slujire pe Biblie, în loc să aducă un nou mesaj pe care omenirea nu-l cunoaște? Ei sunt ghicitori și vracii chiar dacă sunt în jachete cu biblia în mână. Nu sunt doi Elisei sau doi Iordan. Toți sunt vracii și posturile pe care ți le cer sunt o imagine a caprelor negre sau a puilor albi.
    35 Pentru cei aleși, adevăratul Naaman, Biblia a spus în Matei 25: 6 și Apocalipsa 12: 14-17 că va veni o Evanghelie și vă va duce departe de seducție... departe de bisericile catolice, protestante, evanghelice și branhamiste, inclusiv islamul și iudaismul, departe de acești falşi profeţi. Vedeƫi voi? Și, ca în vremea lui Noe, în afară de acea voce pe care o auziți astăzi, nicăieri nu există Mântuire. Și în ziua judecății, nu veți spune că nu ați fost avertizați! Și cel ce are urechi de auzit, sa audă! [Kc.7v49]

  • @christelleetiboi3236
    @christelleetiboi3236 ปีที่แล้ว

    45 Thus, when you say that Moses is greater than Jeremiah, that means that you are in the darkness of Satan because both are the manifestation of the same God in different times and dimensions. For example: The little baby in my mother's arms in 1972 was me. The powerful preacher of July 8, 2002 was me. And the weak prisoner in handcuffs in 2016 was still me and you cannot say that one is greater than the other while it is me. That is why the Magi worshipped the little child in Bethlehem. And as a prophet, I was sent to the earth with a Message and the children of God who care about eternal life after death hear my voice and leave religions to come to me while you, sons and daughters of the devil, you reject me and say that there will no more be prophets.
    46 And you in India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and all the Muslims of the earth who say that there must no more be prophets, in the face of Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, should you not cry to Allah for him to send a prophet? In your Islamic nations when there is the slightest problem, why do you cry to the president of the republic instead of asking questions to the Quran? When a Salafist or jihadist takes up arms against his brother in the name of Islam, does Allah approve that? And when a Shia slaughters a Sunni in the name of Allah, does Allah approve that? When a Muslim beheads another Muslim in the name of the Quran, should there no longer come a prophet on behalf of Allah? Is Allah pleased with that? When your presidents, kings, imams, rabbis and pastors die, you replace them, but why shouldn't God, who is alive, send a rassul in replacement of his dead prophets? Neither God nor Mahomet said that there will no more be prophets. You were the ones who made them say that. [Kc.131v22-23]

  • @sounanjoelkone5745
    @sounanjoelkone5745 ปีที่แล้ว

    12 When you say that Jesus Christ or Mahomet is your prophet, it is an abuse of language, just like your presidents who say that it is God who established them, while it is their population who established them by votes. How can a dead man be the prophet of the living? And how can a prophet say that he is the last prophet? If I tell you that after me there will no more be prophets, this will mean that the world will come to an end on the day of my death. But if the world continues, this will mean that I am a false prophet or you misunderstood me. It is as if Donald Trump was saying that he is the last president of the United States. The notion of last prophet is an imbecility. Salvation through a holy book or a dead prophet is an imbecility. But you, if you are a son of God, no matter what leads you out of a religion, you shall never seek another religion or a holy book that would be better than the others but you shall seek the living prophet of your time and he will tell you what you need to do to be saved. Outside of a living prophet, there is no Word of God. All those interpretations of holy books that you consume in your temples, churches, mosques and synagogues are transgenic food, food for pigs. [Kc.110v19]

  • @tonyelcucuyferguson7704
    @tonyelcucuyferguson7704 ปีที่แล้ว

    don't want to come to this country, here crime is everywhere, this is very bad for travel

    • @mckaysondeck
      @mckaysondeck  ปีที่แล้ว

      I haven't fount that to be true in Vanuatu. In fact, went leaving a bag of things in the back of our truck, my husband would wonder if we should hide it, and I'll say to him "It will be fine, It's not like we're in California!" (California's crime is much, much worse)

    • @hekalkal8111
      @hekalkal8111 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @tonyelcucuyferguson7704
      @tonyelcucuyferguson7704 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hekalkal8111 cannibal and poor😮‍💨😮‍💨

    • @hekalkal8111
      @hekalkal8111 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @hekalkal8111
      @hekalkal8111 ปีที่แล้ว