Surprise! Mount Box : Upcoming DN SEA August 2024 Update , New Mount With 600K Atk & 8 % Element
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
- hello today i wanna make video about surprise mount box, upcoming dn sea august 2024 update , how does it works ?? this is the new mount with best stat , 600K atk 1000 FD and 8% element :D
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Hello Tamwara I have a question
Will this New Mount Box the new system for Cash Mounts or the Old mount(Mysterious mount box level 1,2 3) will still stay
edit: I've just read the August Patchnotes and it says on the CASH ITEM(Others)
"The sale of the "Mysterious Mount Box" will be ended."
I guess the new source for Lindsay Token now using cash is this suprise! mount box
maybe old mysterious mount box will be stay , suprise mount box only for new special mount from mysterious sheet music
very good info
Can show preview of all mounts please? Which one can dash/fly/glide?
nine tails , pegasus, hellfire, dark rain cloud can dash
Hello Tamwara, how about the light and dark weapon costume in cash shop? Will it be deleted after upcoming patch tomorrow? Or it will still be available? Thank you.
yes light and dark weapon will be ended tommorow , you can't buy that package again tommorow
Hi there! Are they gonna remove the dream butterfly on that patch?
not yet
How did you get light aura in your body maam?
Stg contest event winner
Maaf c, aku mau nanya, kalo costum armor yang ada set bonusnya itu ada kah? Khususnya buat karakter vandar
Costume armor kan selalu pake conversion armor jadi kalo set bonus dari costume rare ga berguna kalo pake conversion armor
Ok, terima kasih infonya
Can you please give me your costume name? Thanks XD
green arriera costume
@@tamwaraa_ thank you
Mbak.. Buat pembahasan patch baruuuuu.. Apalagi yang WTD box tuuu penasaran aaaaa😢😢😢
kalo patch disini kalo WTD itu nanti tunggu update hari selasa
first mbak
Makasih 😃
Pure Eyedentity Scamming the player literally sipping all your wallet and bank account for this item :3
i even is not interested to get this mount in dn sea 😭
@@tamwaraa_ The stat is really disappointing 😭 and why would a player spend that much of money when it will only boost like 0.5% of your basic stats in-game 😭 such a scam. Help! Someone remastered this game please! 😭
Stat damage baru tpi model mount lama, kayanya mount baru khusus cuma di mount bulanan yg di evo ke lv 3 atau ed yg mager buat design? Haha 😂
Bisa jadi lebih milih yang simple aja 😂
itu yang legend mount mbak kira kira abis brapa?
estimasi di dn sea antara 150K CC - 200K CC
bnyak bgt gold nya mba :(...
sedekah dong mba untuk newbie :( hehe
mba mw nanya itu mountnya bs dilebur kah?
bisa koq
yang warna kuning tukerin disitu kok gk ada ya? yg mirip kursi deng
eh yg love of friends deng yg mysterious longing feeling
Dah ketemu kak, ternyata itu dikumpulin dulu buat buker, beli pake Lindsay token 1biji dapet epic sheet ambil hellfire
We already got it on DN eth 😅 its a scam tbh low chance to get the mount always lindsay coin
yes very'' low chance 😂 need arround 150K - 200K CC estimation maybe in DN SEA if exchange with mysterious longing feeling 😂
Buat mount aja abis banyak duit skrg :v
Estimasi 100K - 200K cc itu di dn sea 😭
gacha lagi gacha lagi :v
Selalu 😂
ED milking SEA again 😂
always 😂
cuci tangan dulu klo mau gacha😂😂😂
Yah emg boxnya bau 😂